
Libby was a driving force behind Iraq war

In high-level policy meetings at the White House, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was often in the background, a deputy listening to the views of principals such as his boss, Vice President Dick Cheney.


From Information Clearing House

Open Letter To The "honorable" Dick Cheney

I am against torturing prisoners for any reason – for the simple reason that I have no interest in being considered as barbaric as those we label as terrorists.


Bush calls Iran and Syria 'outlaw regimes'

President George W. Bush on Friday called Iran and Syria "outlaw regimes" and said countries that support terrorism are just as guilty of murder as those who commit the violence.


Scooter Meet José Padilla

Suddenly, Bush Embraces Right of Fair Trials


When President Bush was confronted by reporters as he left the White House for Camp David following the announcement of the five indictments of, and the resignation of Vice President Dick Cheney chief of state I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, he offered up a lame comment, which at the same time exposed him as a grotesque hypocrite.


Indicting America

by Scott Ritter

The indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby by Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald provides the most cogent and visible evidence to date of the criminal mindset that exists inside the Bush administration regarding the decision to invade Iraq.


Forging the Case for War

Who was behind the Niger uranium documents?

by Philip Giraldi

Information developed by Italian investigators indicates that the documents were produced in Italy with the connivance of the Italian intelligence service. It also reveals that the introduction of the documents into the American intelligence stream was facilitated by Undersecretary of Defense Doug Feith’s Office of Special Plans (OSP), a parallel intelligence center set up in the Pentagon to develop alternative sources of information in support of war against Iraq.


Forging the case for war

The American Conservative
by Philip Giraldi

In January 2001, there was a break-in at the Niger Embassy in Rome. Documents were stolen but no valuables. The break-in was subsequently connected to, among others, Rocco Martino, who later provided the dossier to Panorama. Italian investigators now believe that Martino, with SISMI acquiescence, originally created a Niger dossier in an attempt to sell it to the French, who were managing the uranium concession in Niger and were concerned about unauthorized mining. Martino has since admitted to the Financial Times that both the Italian and American governments were behind the eventual forgery of the full Niger dossier as part of a disinformation operation... (for publication 11/21/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mexico Ratifies War Crimes Tribunal Treaty

Mexico became the 100th country to ratify the treaty founding the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal, which the United States has opposed.


At Least 7 in Cabinet Knew of Plame's ID

At least seven Bush administration officials outside the CIA knew Valerie Plame was a CIA employee before the disclosure of her name in a column by Robert Novak in July 2003, according to the indictment Friday of I. Lewis ''Scooter'' Libby.


Our 27 Months of Hell

Joseph Wilson, the diplomat whose wife's name was leaked by Bush administration officials, makes his case for feeling vindicated by Friday's indictment of the vice president's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Wilson goes on to describe the, "two-year smear campaign orchestrated by senior officials in the Bush White House against my wife and me."


Who's on First? The fight over who lied us into war

Maureen Dowd reveals the back story of this indictment, which is about the ongoing Tong wars of the CIA, the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon: the fight over who lied us into war.


For full coverage of the CIA leak investigation, go to our Special Coverage Page.

Mr. Fitzgerald Calling

War-Like or Liking War?

Outside of the United States and his fundamentalist Christian base, who doesn't now have complete contempt for George W. Bush? What foreign leader can feel the same way about America it once did? Why does the rest of the world fear us? And they do fear us. Once, not long ago, America was admired. Because of George Bush, they do not like or trust us. By proclaiming they are either for us or against us has now put them all firmly against us.

"He's poisoned alliances; he's torn up treaties. He has convinced foes they had better get nuclear weapons, and get them quick. He's made America the global enemy of law and order. No enemy of human rights, or of the environment, or of a realistic approach to dealing with the problems of living sanely on this planet is friendless as long as George W. Bush is in the White House." 1

"George Bush has destroyed belief in America's goodness and America's wisdom among hundreds of millions of people. Gratuitously, with his trademark smirk, he's turned a friendly world into a hostile world. Nations and people who once saw America as a global protector now see the United States as the greatest threat to civilized human values currently at large in the world."


Hunger in America rises by 43 percent over last five years

More than 38 million Americans go hungry, including nearly 14 million children.

Waltham, MA, Oct. 28, 2005 Hunger in American households has risen by 43 percent over the last five years, according to an analysis of US Department of Agriculture (USDA) data released today. The analysis, completed by the Center on Hunger and Poverty at Brandeis University, shows that more than 7 million people have joined the ranks of the hungry since 1999.

The USDA report, Household Food Security in the United States, 2004, says that 38.2 million Americans live in households that suffer directly from hunger and food insecurity, including nearly 14 million children. That figure is up from 31 million Americans in 1999.

For full article see:

To address this and other hunger related issues Valley residents and their friends are invited to attend a forum focusing on the crisis of hunger in the San Fernando Valley. The event is co-sponsored by Valley Interfaith Council (VIC) and other anti-hunger organizations and hosted by the Northridge United Methodist Church, 9650 Reseda Blvd. from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 30th. Featured speaker, Congresswoman Hilda Solis (32nd District), a member of the Congressional Hunger Caucus, will consider the problem, and possible solutions to it. For more information contact Rhetta Alexander by phone at VIC, 818/718-6460, ext. 3007 or by email at ralexander@vic-la.org.

Informant: Bob Nienhuis


The analysis, completed by the Center on Hunger and Poverty at Brandeis University, shows that more than 7 million people have joined the ranks of the hungry since 1999.


Localized Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens in Culture Conditions

I attach the study.


Iris Atzmon.

From: Robert Riedlinger
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:10 PM

From FEB Sweden July 2 1998


Aftonbladet (evening newspaper) reports that two men, one Anders Olsson aged 38, and another Krister Nyberg, both fom the northern town of Sundsvall in Sweden, became blind in the eye positioned closest to the cell phone. Both have used their phones extensiveley for many years. Krister Nyberg's problem started after eight years of extensive usage. He had intense pain in the one eye and had to stay in dark rooms. Doctors informed him that he had ulcers on the cornea, but could not explain why. Then his vision became blurred suddenly. It was discovered that he had a blood clot in the eye which could not be saved. He is now blind in one eye.

Nyberg later came in contact with Anders Olsson, who also had a blood clot in the eye due to extensive cell phone usage. Both men are convinced, according to the article that their partial blindness is due to the use of cell phones. Why else would only the eye closest to the cell phone be affected they say. In the same town, there are another two individuals who also supposedly have lost an eye due to cell phone usage.

(Reporter: Caroline Hougner, Aftonbladet, Stockholm).

Comment: We must be observant on the possible effects from microwaves from cellphones. It is in Sweden Norway and Finland one should be most observant. That is where we have most cellphones per person int he world and where they have been in use over a longer period than elsewhere. We in Scandinavia are apparently only too happy to be guineapigs for the rest of the world! We shall keep you informed! July 2, 1998

Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists
By Peter Zimonjic

(Filed: 07/08/2005)

Prolonged use of mobile phones can lead to permanent eye damage including cataracts, scientists believe.

Medical researchers have found that microwave radiation of the type emitted by mobile phones causes eye tissue to "bubble" - a precursor to the formation of cataracts - and can also interfere with the ability to focus. The risk of permanent eye damage from mobile phone use has been revealed by radiation tests on calves' eyes

Professor Levi Schächter, who led the Israeli team which conducted the study, warned: "Our results show that microwaves can cause irreparable damage. Our advice to people with mobile phones is not to use them if they have the option of using a land line until we can conduct more research."

The new findings will reignite the debate into the safety of mobile phones, after warnings from a Government minister earlier this year that parents should be "very careful" about how much time children spend talking on their handsets. More than 50 million mobiles are in use in Britain.

The new study, conducted by the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, found clear risk to eyesight.

Scientists exposed lenses taken from male calves - whose eyes, until they are two years old, have close similarities to humans' - to mild heat, comparable to the raised temperature caused by extended mobile phone use, and to microwave radiation no greater than emissions from mobile phones. After two weeks the lenses, kept in a culture medium, were compared with others which had not been similarly exposed, to identify biological changes.

Prof Schächter's team found that the exposed lenses were less able to focus clearly on a beam of light, which would cause an eye to record a blurred image - but found that over time, when exposure stopped, the damage healed. However the exposure also caused bubbles to form within the tissue of the lens, which did not disappear over time - an indication of development of cataracts, or permanent eye damage.

Prof Schächter said: "There has been much research to determine whether mobile phones cause cancer or brain damage, but until now very little on their effects on vision."

Shortly after the study was published in the Journal of Bioelectromagnetics the authors were invited to present their findings to the Israeli parliamentary health committee. The country's health advisory body subsequently urged the Israeli government to fund more such studies.

Last year a major review by the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation of all published research concluded that there was "no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relation" between mobile phone use and any adverse health effects.

However, the new findings have provoked consternation in Britain. Dr Michael Clark, a spokesman for the Health Protection Agency, said British researchers should broaden the range of possible dangers being investigated.

"This is a good piece of work that is properly published and we are looking at it carefully," he said. "If future research delivers the same or similar results then public health practices may need to be re-examined."

Publishers wishing to reproduce photographs on this page should phone 44 (0) 207 538 7505 or e-mail syndication@telegraph.co.uk


Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists

Die Bush-Regierung stürzt in ihre bislang schwerste Krise

"Fitzmas in October"

Sonderermittler Fitzgerald erhebt erste Anklage gegen den Stabschef des US-Vizepräsidenten Lewis Libby, der bereits zurückgetreten ist - Die Bush-Regierung stürzt damit in die bislang schwerste Krise.


The Libby Indictment Beginning of the End? Watergate 2005?

Gotterdammerung for the Bushies?


Scooter Libby was the lawyer who got the charges dropped against billionaire scamster Marc Rich back in Clintontime. But that had more to do with Rich's billions than with any legal talents Libby may have. On the evidence of the indictment brought by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald on Friday, October 28, one fact stands out: SCOOTER LIBBY IS INCREDIBLY STUPID.

And this is what CounterPunch gets from the Fitzgerald indictment as a whole.

Special prosecutor Fitzgerald could have suggested that there is a cancer growing on the presidency, metastasizing out of Dick Cheney's suite. He could have stated, or even hinted that yesterday's indictment of Libby is the first drum roll in a mighty symphony of prosecutorial onslaughts on felonious conduct in high places.

But special prosecutor Fitzgerald did none of these things. He trailed his coat plenty of times. In his indictment of Libby he opens a couple of doors a few inches, so that the attentive reader can see footprints that head off towards the vice president's office. But then the door shuts and there's no evidence that special prosecutor has an appetite to prise it open again.

Despite all the enormous hopes vested in the Plame affair, that it is playing the same role in the downfall of the Bush administration as did the "third-rate rate burglary" that kicked off Watergate, this could be the end of the story, even if Fitzgerald has said there might have to be further investigation of Karl Rove, identified in the Indictments as Official A.

Back to Libby and his stupidity. Put yourself in his shoes. You are about to go before a grand jury and testify under oath. You know that the special prosecutor has successfully subpoenaed White House and CIA logs. Your lawyer whispers in your ear that the three most beautiful words in the English language are "I don't recall". He claps you on the back and, alone and unarmed, you enter the grand jury room. You raise your right hand and swear solemnly that you will testify to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God.

And here's nice Mr Fitzgerald asking you questions and you tell one staggering lie after another. Not sneaky little half truths. Not mincing little evasions. No, Sir! Not this Scooter! I work for Dick Cheney and I can really, really tell a lie. And you do! You fire off volley after volley of brazen falsehoods, stretchers so ripe with willful and considered mendacity that it's a marvel the words don't explode in the jury room like methane in an overheated pile of manure.

Fitzgerald: If you did not understand the information about Wilson's wife to have been classified and didn't understand it when you heard it from Mr. Russert, why was it that you were so deliberate to make sure that you told other reporters that reporters were saying it and not assert it as something you knew?

Libby: I want --I didn't want to --I didn't know if it was true and I didn't want people --I didn't want the reporters to think it was true because I said it. I --all I had was that reporters are telling us that, and by that I wanted them to understand it wasn't coming from me and that it might not be true. Reporters write things that aren't true sometimes, or get things that aren't true. So I wanted to be clear they didn't, they didn't think it was me saying it. I didn't know it was true and I wanted them to understand that. Also, it was important to me to let them know that because what I was telling them was that I don't know Mr. Wilson. We didn't ask for his mission. That I didn't see his report.

Basically, we didn't know anything about him until this stuff came out in June. And among the other things, I didn't know he had a wife. That was one of the things I said to Mr. Cooper. I don't know if he's married. And so I wanted to be very clear about all this stuff that I didn't, I didn't know about him. And the only thing I had, I thought at the time, was what reporters are telling us.

And of course there in the investigative dossier on the table in front of nice Mr Fitzgerald are all the records of Libby's urgent probes into Wilson and Plames' relationship and activities weeks and months before he talked to Russert or to Cooper. The grand jurors must have looked at Libby, thinking, This idiot spouting perjuries at us is Vice President Cheney's chief of staff? Our taxpayer money is paying this moron's salary.

This is what CounterPunch gets from Plamegate, and what we always got from Plamegate. The people in charge of the nation's destinies these last five years are very, very stupid. Only really stupid people could have thought that outing Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA employee was a good way of undercutting her husband, Joe Wilson. Cheney is stupid. Rose is stupid. Bush is stupid. Libby, about whom we now have a heap of useful material, is very, very stupid.

It's only because we have a lazy and venal press that this hasn't been conclusively rammed into the public's mind years ago. But the press is lazy, venal and complicit.

Tim Russert wasn't calling on Libby to probe for secrets. He was there, according to Fitzgerald's indictment, to listen to Libby's complaint that a staffer of MSNBC had been rude about him, Libby. Cooper of Time wasn't there to disinter the dark mysteries of the yellow cake scam. He was there to have a good gossip.

Now it could be that Scooter Libby's next lawyer will sit down with his client and tell him that he's going to the joint for a lot longer that Judy Miller's 85 days in prison unless he opens up for special prosecutor Fitzgerald some investigative avenues so promising, so sensational, that Mr Fitzgerald begins to see himself as a major star in the political firmament. Maybe.

Or he may say, Scooter, cop a plea asap, do some time and then let the President pardon you on his way out of Dodge, same way as Clinton pardoned your former client Marc Rich, and the same way Bush's Dad, as one of his last acts in power, on December 4, 1992, pardoned Caspar Weinberger, Duane R. Clarridge, Clair E. George, Robert C. McFarlane, Elliott Abrams, and Alan G. Fiers Jr., all of whom had been indicted and/or convicted of charges by Independent Counsel Walsh in the Contragate affair.

In fact Bush Sr pardoned Weinberger, though he was scheduled to stand trial two weeks later, so maybe Scooter will hang tough and just try to run out the clock.

So we somehow doubt that the Plame Affair still has legs, but even so, we have to go back to the early 1970s to find rubble so satisfactorily piled up around our imperial government.

In Nixon's case, top officials and aides forced into resignation and in many cases prison, included the vice president, the head of the FBI, two attorneys general and four senior White House staffers.

On March 1, 1974, a grand jury named President Nixon, among others, as an unindicted coconspirator, for obstruction of justice concerning suppression of evidence such as the White House tapes. In August of that year Nixon resigned.

Yes, it was quite a holocaust at the top executive level. But many imperial institutions sailed through the crisis supposedly ennobled. Kissinger's stature was not dented and indeed his sway over State Department and Empire was consolidated. President Ford had no option but to maintain him as the arbiter of America 's policies around the world.

The US Supreme Court sailed on, led by Nixon's chosen instrument, Warren Burger. Both the US Senate and House of Representatives gained an heroic aura as the tv cameras turned Sam Ervin and even Howard Baker into saviors of the Republic. The Democratic Party emerged with credit and huge majorities in November '74.

Most of all, the Fourth Estate was anointed (mostly by itself) as the vanquisher of despotism.

Contrast this to the inferno that now threatens the Imperial Establishment on every front. Since Nixon-time the Republic has had 31 years to run to seed, fatter and more corrupt.

Already the most powerful politician in Washington , House majority leader Tom DeLay, is under indictment and in consequence stripped of his official position. The future looks grim for Senator Bill Frist, who faces SEC and Justice Department probes for insider trading.

On Capitol Hill there's open warfare between various factions of the Republican Party, which this week climaxed with the conservative faction successfully rejecting Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the US Supreme Court, an incredible humiliation for the President. With midterm elections looming and Bush's public approval ratings tumbling, the collapse of discipline will only accelerate amid the general panic.

The Bush high command is in utter disrepute, openly attacked by Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson, as a dictatorial cabal.

Bush's deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove, has been distracted and -- so the Miers fiasco showed, offered poor counsel his boss, whose presidency hangs over the precipice of ruin.

Consider the gloomy vista from Bush the Unlucky's Oval Office, where even the birds in the Rose Garden are omens of yet another national crisis (which is scheduled to provide a bonanza to the drug companies, which a US Senate subcommitee just voted to hold free of any liability if their flu vaccines have the same lethal potential as they did in the swine flu panic a generation ago.)

In Iraq the war is faring disastrously and here in the Homeland it's increasingly unpopular. The hurricanes have blown away all remaining public illusions about the venality and incompetence of the President and his cronies. The economy is rickety and a long-feared end to the housing boom may be upon us. Symbolizing the sense that the jig is up, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is heading into retirement just before the roof falls in.

Internationally, the US has rarely been more despised. The armed forces are demoralized and the reserve system in ruins.

Is there any institution not compromised, not held in popular contempt? This crisis has no Woodward or Bernstein to lend it luster. There is no doughty popular hero at hand. The journalist's name on every lip is that of Judith Miller, named coconspirator in the fomentation of a war that has seen the deaths of 2000 Americans thus far. The New York Times is in a state of civil war, just like the Republican Party.

There's no sign that the Democratic Party is gaining any traction from the Republican collapse. With good reason. Never has a party been offered so many opportunities and taken so little advantage from them. So far as the war is concerned, powerful Democrats like Joseph Biden and Hillary Clinton are calling for more troops. Greenspan's long and pock-marked tenure as the bankers' bulwark draws tearful cries of gratitude from Democrats like Senator Paul Sarbanes.

In 2005 it is impossible to link the Democrats with a single courageous stand or even constructive idea. This week the party's top strategists -- mesmerized by the twenty-first century's answer to the Framers, Dr George Lakoff's childish nostrums -- were wrangling over two possible slogans, "Together, we can do better," or "Together, America can do better."

Meanwhile over 100,000 older Americans lined up in mid October to file bankruptcy before the old wipe-the-slate-clean Chapter 7 law expired. More than half of these bankrupts have been ruined by health costs. The new bankruptcy law, written by the banks and credit card companies, made it through the Congress only with the help of Democratic votes in the senate, which were duly forthcoming as they always are.

If a Democrat, John Kerry, had captured the White House in 2004, would this have made a difference? Yes. The imperial machine would be probably be running more smoothly. The war in Iraq would have been given a new infusion of malign energy. You doubt this? It's hard to keep up with his somersaults, but listen to Professor Juan Cole, liberal Democratic guru on Iraq . He now says (in an interview with the Nation Institute's Tom Engelhardt) that for the US to "up and leave" Iraq would be to become an accomplice in genocide. He counsels the heightened use in Iraq of "special forces and air power". In other words, assassinations and saturation bombing. Come home Robert McNamara, all is -- yet again -- forgiven.

It's not the role of radicals to call for the election of a more efficient strategist and engineer of a bloodthirsty and rapacious empire, Kerry's only claim on the voters' attention anyone remembers. So let us give thanks that Bush is in the White House, and holding the Imperial fleet on a steady course to the rocks.

Footnote: Portions of the second half of his column ran in the edition of the Nation that went to press last week.


Informant: Dave Silver

From ufpj-news

Vaccine Ingredients - Be VERY Aware

Subj: Press Release*Send your own demands in truth on this one*Media addies at the end

Date: 10/29/2005 11:30:40 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mofmars3

Most of you already know not to take vaccines, but here is another grim reminder. Forward to everyone you love.

Please forward everywhere for the sake of children everywhere.

Two email lists posted here...some are repeats...no time to combine yet...Send to both with two separate email addies if you have them.

Or both for that matter with your one.

Just don't forget to add>>>

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

From: Herb McKirgan
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:12 AM
To: abovethefog
Subject: IN - SIGHTS! - Vaccine Ingredients - Be VERY Aware!

Hello Everyone,

During this time of the year, especially, the fascist U.S. government and its pharmaceutical puppeteers work overtime in scaring the crap out of everyone so they mindlessly line up for their vaccinations so they don't "get sick." Yeah, RIGHT! Most people who get the Frankenstein flu shots GET the flu ... get Alzheimers disease from them ... or worse yet ... even DIE from them.

I wouldn't even wish this evil quackery on someone I didn't like. Would you WANT one of your loved-ones to be injected with these ingredients? If you care about someone, make sure you get this information to them immediately, BEFORE they follow the rest of the sheep over the cliff.

All we need is love,


-----Original Message-----
From: PLANETNEWS@aol.com
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 7:29 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccine Ingredients -
Mercury, Etc

11-11-4 This following list of common vaccines and their ingredients should shock anyone. The numbers of microbes, antibiotics, chemicals, heavy metals and animal byproducts is staggering. Would you knowingly inject these materials into your children? Acel-Immune DTaP - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556 * diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) gelatin Act HIB Haemophilus - Influenza B Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463 * Haemophilus influenza Type B, polyribosylribitol phosphate ammonium sulfate, formalin, and sucrose Attenuvax - Measles Merck & Co., Inc. 800-672-6372 * measles live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, chick embryo Biavax - Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800-672-6372 * rubella live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue BioThrax - Anthrax Adsorbed BioPort Corporation 517.327.1500 * nonencapsulated strain of Bacillus anthracis aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, and formaldehyde DPT - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231 * diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, and thimerosal, washed sheep RBCs Dryvax - Smallpox (not licensed d/t expiration) Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556 * live vaccinia virus, with "some microbial contaminants," according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins Engerix-B Recombinant Hepatitis B GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231 * genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal Fluvirin Medeva Pharmaceuticals 888.MEDEVA 716.274.5300 * influenza virus, neomycin, polymyxin, beta-propiolactone, chick embryonic fluid FluShield Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556 * trivalent influenza virus, types A&B gentamicin sulphate formadehyde, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) chick embryonic fluid Havrix - Hepatitis A GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231 * hepatitis A virus, formalin, aluminum hydroxide, 2-phenoxyethanol, and polysorbate 20 residual MRC5 proteins -human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue HiB Titer - Haemophilus Influenza B Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556 * haemophilus influenza B, polyribosylribitol phosphate, yeast, ammonium sulfate, thimerosal, and chemically defined yeast-based medium Imovax Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463 * rabies virus adsorbed, neomycin sulfate, phenol, red indicator human albumin, human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue IPOL Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463 * 3 types of polio viruses neomycin, streptomycin, and polymyxin B formaldehyde, and 2-phenoxyethenol continuous line of monkey kidney cells JE-VAX - Japanese Ancephalitis Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE * Nakayama-NIH strain of Japanese encephalitis virus, inactivated formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), and thimerosal mouse serum proteins, and gelatin LYMErix - Lyme GlaxoSmithKline 888-825-5249 * recombinant protein (OspA) from the outer surface of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi kanamycin aluminum hydroxide, 2-phenoxyethenol, phosphate buffered saline MMR - Measles-Mumps-Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372 * measles, mumps, rubella live virus, neomycin sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue M-R-Vax - Measles-Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372 * measles, rubella live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue Menomune - Meningococcal Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463 * freeze-dried polysaccharide antigens from Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, thimerosal, and lactose Meruvax I - Mumps Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372 * mumps live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin NYVAC - (new smallpox batch, not licensed) Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE * highly-attenuated vaccinia virus, polymyxcin B, sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins Orimune - Oral Polio Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556 * 3 types of polio viruses, attenuated neomycin, streptomycin sorbitol monkey kidney cells and calf serum Pneumovax - Streptococcus Pneumoniae Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372 * capsular polysaccharides from polyvalent (23 types), pneumococcal bacteria, phenol, Prevnar Pneumococcal - 7-Valent Conjugate Vaccine Wyeth Lederle 800.934.5556 * saccharides from capsular Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens (7 serotypes) individually conjugated to diphtheria CRM 197 protein aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, soy protein, yeast RabAvert - Rabies Chiron Behring GmbH & Company 510.655.8729 * fixed-virus strain, Flury LEP neomycin, chlortetracycline, and amphotericin B, potassium glutamate, and sucrose human albumin, bovine gelatin and serum "from source countries known to be free of bovine spongioform encephalopathy," and chicken protein Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231 *rabies virus adsorbed, beta-propiolactone, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal, and phenol, red rhesus monkey fetal lung cells Recombivax - Recombinant Hepatitis B Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372 * genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal RotaShield - Oral Tetravalent Rotavirus (recalled) Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556 * 1 rhesus monkey rotavirus, 3 rhesus-human reassortant live viruses neomycin sulfate, amphotericin B potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) rhesus monkey fetal diploid cells, and bovine fetal serum smallpox (not licensed due to expiration) 40-yr old stuff "found" in Swiftwater, PA freezer Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE * live vaccinia virus, with "some microbial contaminants," according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins Smallpox (new, not licensed) Acambis, Inc. 617.494.1339 in partnership with Baxter BioScience * highly-attenuated vaccinia virus, polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins TheraCys BCG (intravesicle -not licensed in US for tuberculosis) Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE * live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis monosodium glutamate (MSG), and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) Tripedia - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE *Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Clostridium tetani toxoids and acellular Bordetella pertussis adsorbed aluminum potassium sulfate, formaldehyde, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) gelatin, bovine extract US-sourced Typhim Vi - Typhoid Aventis Pasteur USA SA 800.VACCINE * cell surface Vi polysaccharide from Salmonella typhi Ty2 strain, aspartame, phenol, and polydimethylsiloxane (silicone) Varivax - Chickenpox Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372 * varicella live virus neomycin phosphate, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) processed gelatin, fetal bovine serum, guinea pig embryo cells, albumin from human blood, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue YF-VAX - Yellow Fever Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE * 17D strain of yellow fever virus sorbitol chick embryo, and gelatin http://www.informedchoice.info/cocktail.html Vaccine Liberation Information http://www.vaclib.org/pdf/exemption.htm
Maureen Dowd dowd@nytimes.com
Frank Rich frrich@nytimes.com, action.news@organizerweb.com, 19tips@woio.com, bfinnell@raycommedia.com, takingaction@abcactionnews.com, Today@NBC.com,
warstories@foxnews.com, abramsreport@msnbc.com, 19Latest@daily.misleader.org, pjnyden@wvgazette.com, ellengoodman@globe.com, shadowland@newsweek.com, news@reedbusiness.com, REvans@mercurynews.com, JHubner@Mercurynews.com, Malibunews@malibutimes.com, Margolis@foreigncorrespondent.com, jim.mills@foxnews.com, latenight@nbc.com, tdp@nt.net, letters@nypost.com, Moneyline@CNN.com, cushman@nytimes.com, evening@cbsnews.com, weekends@cbsnews.com, tonightshow@nbc.com, Questions@MSNBC.com, Joe@msnbc.com, Question@msnbc.com, MTP@NBC.com, Crossfire@cnn.com, Wolf@CNN.com, CapReport@cnbc.com, Reliable@cnn.com, newsroom@bergen.com, Jeff.newsstand@cnn.com, Rwallace@herald.com, Arobinson@herald.com, babingtonc@washpost.com, newhnews@ncia.net, Letters@prospect.org, letters@cmonitor.com, inquirer.letters@phillynews.com, letters@detnews.com, dheidt@citynet.net, DYJackson@tribune.com, SKuczka@tribune.com, pbriant@globeandmail.ca, ddefenoyl@globeandmail.ca, op-weblog@guardianunlimited.co.uk, features@independent.co.uk, valley@latimes.com, business@latimes.com, ventura@latimes.com, metrodesk@latimes.com, news-tips@nytimes. com, the-arts@nytimes.com, bizday@nytimes.com, metro@nytimes.com, national@nytimes.com, washington@nytimes.com, online.editor@thetimes.co.uk, rcribb@thestar.ca, foreign.news@thetimes.co.uk, dbrazao@thestar.ca, ldiebel@thestar.ca, 2020@abc.com, thisweek@abc.com, mike@mikemalloy.com, rrhodes@airamericaradio.com, info@alternativeradio.org, info@alternet.org, talk2us@americasblackforum.com, feedback@ap.org, newsonline@bbc.co.uk, BTBTALK@aol.com, anita@mindgallery.com, jfetzer@d.umn.edu, hprzybyla@bloomberg.net, hrosenkrantz@bloomberg.net, ombud@globe.com, kcooper@globe.com, oliphant@globe.com, brelis@globe.com, lettersbwol@businessweek.com, richard_dunham@businessweek.com, buzzflash@buzzflash.com, query@cambridgeforum.org, 48hours@cbsnews.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, bpc@cbsnews.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, sundays@cbsnews.com, grain@cbsnews.com, David@TheDavidAllenShow.com, GaynorMike@aol.com, greta@foxnews.com, Rush@EIBNet.com, Oreilly@foxnews.com, info@fox16.com, nytimesreporter@nytimes.com, buchananandpress@msnbc.com, chronfeedback@sfchronicle.com, CNN@cnn.com, comments@foxnews.com, contact@altermedia.info, countdown@msnbc.com, dan.abrams@msnbc.com, Dateline@nbc.com, ed@latimes.com, editor@globe.com, editor@nytimes.com, editor.reuters@reuters.com, editor@usatoday.com, feedback@nytimes.com, frontline@pbs.org, gazette.emailsrv@wvgazette.com, general@hbo.com, greg@gregpalast.com, hardball@msnbc.com, headliners@msnbc.com, imc-news@lists.indymedia.org, letters@latimes.com, letters@MSNBC.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, Imus@msnbc.com, media@gregpalast.com, moveon-help@list.moveon.org, MSNBC_BreakingNews_NewsMail@MSNBC.COM, msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com, msnbcreports@msnbc.com, nachman@msnbc.com, news@globe.com, newswatch@foxnews.com, newshour@pbs.org, newsroom@herald-coaster.com, news@worldnetdaily.com, newsroom@4bypass.com, news-tips@nytimes.com, Nightly@NBC.com, niteline@abc.com, oliver@gregpalast.com, Press@moveon.org, rsanders@journal-spectator.com, speakout@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, staff@nytimes.com, starnews@fortbendstar.com, Studiob@foxnews.com, TheNews@msnbc.com, webnews@washingtonpost.com, World@MSNBC.com, world@washingtonpost.com, Hannity@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, Foxnewsonline@foxnews.com, Afterhours@foxnews.com, Foxreport@foxnews.com, Atlarge@foxnews.com, Bullsandbears@foxnews.com, Colmes@foxnews.com, Cash@foxnews.com, Heartland@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com, Dayside@foxnews.com, Forbes@foxnews.com, Friends@foxnews.com, Beltway@foxnews.com, Foxmagazine@foxnews.com, Myword@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, FNS@foxnews.com, Newswatch@foxnews.com


Scooter Libby's role in the US national security state


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The Case Against Scooter Libby

The indictment says Scooter Libby learned about Mrs. Wilson first from a senior State Department official, then from a CIA officer, and then from Mr. Cheney himself. Diplomat, Joseph Wilson, went to Niger in 2002 at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency to investigate allegations that Iraq tried to buy uranium to make a nuclear bomb. Mr. Wilson reported back that the uranium story was unfounded. But Mr. Cheney's team kept on pushing the claim.


051029 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051028 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Omega-News Collection 29. October 2005


EMF-Omega-News 29. October 2005


Architecs of Torture

To: Media Email addies at the end
Hide all addies but O'Reilly's if you will.


Click here: Architecs of Torture (Abu Ghraib) (Guantanamo) 'Nuremburg Reborn'


Wednesday, October 26th, 2005
Col. Janis Karpinski, the Former Head of Abu Ghraib, Admits She Broke the Geneva Conventions But Says the Blame "Goes All the Way to The Top”

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

There's a second media list someone sent after the first..Some repeated emails...If someone had the time to combine and alphabetize so we know there's no repeats that would be great

Other wise if you have two screen names...Please send to both lists as they are for now

Let's blitz them into outer space...It's imperative we all use our "WeThe People United" Phrase...That's how they'll know we "are" many

Maureen Dowd dowd@nytimes.com
Frank Rich frrich@nytimes.com, action.news@organizerweb.com, 19tips@woio.com, bfinnell@raycommedia.com, takingaction@abcactionnews.com, Today@NBC.com,
warstories@foxnews.com, abramsreport@msnbc.com, 19Latest@daily.misleader.org, pjnyden@wvgazette.com, ellengoodman@globe.com, shadowland@newsweek.com, news@reedbusiness.com, REvans@mercurynews.com, JHubner@Mercurynews.com, Malibunews@malibutimes.com,
pkrugman@Princeton.EDU Margolis@foreigncorrespondent.com, jim.mills@foxnews.com, latenight@nbc.com, tdp@nt.net, letters@nypost.com, Moneyline@CNN.com, cushman@nytimes.com, evening@cbsnews.com, weekends@cbsnews.com, tonightshow@nbc.com, Questions@MSNBC.com, Joe@msnbc.com, Question@msnbc.com, MTP@NBC.com, Crossfire@cnn.com, Wolf@CNN.com, CapReport@cnbc.com, Reliable@cnn.com, newsroom@bergen.com, Jeff.newsstand@cnn.com, Rwallace@herald.com, Arobinson@herald.com, babingtonc@washpost.com, newhnews@ncia.net, Letters@prospect.org, letters@cmonitor.com, inquirer.letters@phillynews.com, letters@detnews.com, dheidt@citynet.net, DYJackson@tribune.com, SKuczka@tribune.com, pbriant@globeandmail.ca, ddefenoyl@globeandmail.ca, op-weblog@guardianunlimited.co.uk, features@independent.co.uk, valley@latimes.com, business@latimes.com, ventura@latimes.com, metrodesk@latimes.com, news-tips@nytimes. com, the-arts@nytimes.com, bizday@nytimes.com, metro@nytimes.com, national@nytimes.com, washington@nytimes.com, online.editor@thetimes.co.uk, rcribb@thestar.ca, foreign.news@thetimes.co.uk, dbrazao@thestar.ca, ldiebel@thestar.ca, 2020@abc.com, thisweek@abc.com, mike@mikemalloy.com, rrhodes@airamericaradio.com, info@alternativeradio.org, info@alternet.org, talk2us@americasblackforum.com, feedback@ap.org, newsonline@bbc.co.uk, BTBTALK@aol.com, anita@mindgallery.com, jfetzer@d.umn.edu, hprzybyla@bloomberg.net, hrosenkrantz@bloomberg.net, ombud@globe.com, kcooper@globe.com, oliphant@globe.com, brelis@globe.com, lettersbwol@businessweek.com, richard_dunham@businessweek.com, buzzflash@buzzflash.com, query@cambridgeforum.org, 48hours@cbsnews.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, bpc@cbsnews.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, sundays@cbsnews.com, grain@cbsnews.com, David@TheDavidAllenShow.com, GaynorMike@aol.com, greta@foxnews.com, Rush@EIBNet.com, info@fox16.com, nytimesreporter@nytimes.com, buchananandpress@msnbc.com, chronfeedback@sfchronicle.com, CNN@cnn.com, comments@foxnews.com, contact@altermedia.info, countdown@msnbc.com, dan.abrams@msnbc.com, Dateline@nbc.com, ed@latimes.com, editor@globe.com, editor@nytimes.com, editor.reuters@reuters.com, editor@usatoday.com, feedback@nytimes.com, frontline@pbs.org, gazette.emailsrv@wvgazette.com, general@hbo.com, greg@gregpalast.com, hardball@msnbc.com, headliners@msnbc.com, imc-news@lists.indymedia.org, letters@latimes.com, letters@MSNBC.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, Imus@msnbc.com, media@gregpalast.com, moveon-help@list.moveon.org, MSNBC_BreakingNews_NewsMail@MSNBC.COM, msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com, msnbcreports@msnbc.com, nachman@msnbc.com, news@globe.com, newswatch@foxnews.com, newshour@pbs.org, newsroom@herald-coaster.com, news@worldnetdaily.com, newsroom@4bypass.com, news-tips@nytimes.com, Nightly@NBC.com, niteline@abc.com, oliver@gregpalast.com, Press@moveon.org, rsanders@journal-spectator.com, speakout@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, staff@nytimes.com, starnews@fortbendstar.com, Studiob@foxnews.com, TheNews@msnbc.com, webnews@washingtonpost.com, World@MSNBC.com, world@washingtonpost.com, Hannity@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, Foxnewsonline@foxnews.com, Afterhours@foxnews.com, Foxreport@foxnews.com, Atlarge@foxnews.com, Bullsandbears@foxnews.com, Colmes@foxnews.com, Cash@foxnews.com, Heartland@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com, Dayside@foxnews.com, Forbes@foxnews.com, Friends@foxnews.com, Beltway@foxnews.com, Foxmagazine@foxnews.com, Myword@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, FNS@foxnews.com, Newswatch@foxnews.com





by Robert Higgs

A book that practically wrote itself and that will carry you at light speed through its impassioned pages.

Soon after the 9/11 terrorist assault, editors began ringing up Robert Higgs—world-famous for his insights into how the state exploits crises to expand its resources and reach—to solicit commentary on the attacks and the U.S. government's response. Higgs did not realize that the early post-mortems "would be only the opening chapter of a continuing engagement that has now stretched more than three-and-a-half years—and seems likely to go on indefinitely."

These concise, wide-ranging pieces, sometimes calm and musing, sometimes sardonic and satirical, offer a long-view perspective that is all too rare among pundits. They're nothing if not informative—and provocative.

* The moral status of the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

* "Nothing works as well as a crisis, real or perceived, for bringing discredited, seemingly moribund ideas back to life." Case in point: the draft, now pitched as a means of social leveling.

* Has President Bush been reading the wrong book?

* The good-old-boy fraternity at the TSA: "80 contracts worth some $54 million without normal competitive bidding." The accounting mess at the Pentagon.

* Myths of U.S. national security. Myth #1: "That the Defense Department protects the American people in America."

* The new free-for-all in federal spending. "In the immortal words of Boeing vice president Kerry Stonecipher, 'the purse is now open.'"

* One author arrested for reading the Bill of Rights. Another for reading the Constitution. Who were they? During which war were they hauled away?

* Why the defense budget is almost twice as fat as officially reported.

* "Before I explain why it is imperative that President Bush nuke France, I should make clear that I harbor no ill will whatsoever toward the French."

* The power to make war: "[I]n our system the president has come to hold power of war and peace exclusively in his hands, notwithstanding anything to the contrary written in the Constitution or the laws. He might as well be Caesar."

Robert Higgs is a formidable foe if you differ with him, a formidable ally if he's on your side. Read these essays and be prepared to duck if need be... but read them!

Click this link to read an excerpt from the book:

Informant: KeyzerSzoze

Do Not Work At Wal-Mart

A new confidential Wal-Mart memo provides a fascinating glimpse into the minds of those crafting its "benefits" policy.


Faith In Fitzgerald

by TomPaine.com Readers

Suburban reality, Fitzgerald's chance and the justice of giving: Readers react in this week's letters.


With the first indictments filed, what can we expect from the Fitzgerald investigation?

What To Expect Next

by Elizabeth de la Vega, TomPaine.com

With the first indictments filed, what can we expect from the Fitzgerald investigation? A former federal prosecutor explains.


Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal that sold America an unjust war

Dick And Don's Cabal

by the TomPaine.com Editors

With Libby indicted, that's one down, 28 to go. Here's our official guide to the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal that sold America an unjust war.


Keep Investigating, Fitz

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

After two years, Fitzgerald must have the evidence to roll up the entire Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal. And he should do so.


How Workers Are Treated in Each State

Delaware, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Vermont, Iowa rank highest; Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Utah, South Carolina rank lowest. States that rate poorly in job opportunities, job quality and workplace fairness do not provide better economic climates.


White House Spin Doctor Is Ill

While indictment fever gripped the Washington press corps this month, the president's spin doctor was incapacitated. According to Norman Solomon, an ailing Karl Rove could not help the Republican search for a media cure.


Speak Out, You Are Not Alone

"I believe the greater good for Justin and for all others in our Armed Forces is served by persistently and prominently placing the human, environmental and economic costs of this illegal war in the public eye. By all means, speak out. You are not alone." - Deborah Regal.


Smoking Guns and Red Herrings

The grand jury, supervised by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, has returned an indictment charging Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide and reputed "alter-ego" I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby with perjury, obstruction of justice and false statements to the grand jury. But this indictment does not end the story; rather, a close reading suggests that these charges are most likely merely a chapter in a long and tragic story.


Deconstructing the Indictment

Stirling Newberry analyzes the Libby indictment. Stirling deconstructs the indictment and raises the questions that need to be asked.


Congressman Dennis Kucinich: The Buck Does Not Stop With Libby

Congressman Dennis Kucinich On CIA Leak Indictments: Not About A Single Aide, But Effort To Sell The War; The Buck Does Not Stop With Libby.


The Responsibility for Lying to the American People and Targeting Critics Needs to Go All the Way Up the Chain of Command

Cindy Sheehan: Lewis 'Scooter' Libby's Indictment is a Welcome Development but, the Responsibility for Lying to the American People and Targeting Critics Needs to Go All the Way Up the Chain of Command.


Cindy Sheehan

Conyers asks: What Did the President and Vice President Know and When Did They Know It?


Comrades in Disarming


Rove Unmasked


Dems Can Revitalize Party


The Criminalization of Criminals


Katrina Survivors are Losing the Battle


For Now: U.S. Congress Says No to Ground-Penetrating Nukes


Humiliated Bush Forced to Retreat as Moral Right Turns its Guns on Him


Is the United States Becoming Hostile to Science?


Big Rise in Profit Puts Oil Giants on Defensive


VP Chief of Staff Libby Indicted on 5 Felony Counts, Resigns


Indictment of Cheney’s top aide ‘plunges Bush administration into turmoil’


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

PROFILE: Irving Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Health damage to citizens in Israel from broadcast radiation


From Martin Weatherall:

There is quite a lot of information here about the health damage to citizens in Israel from broadcast radiation.







A Prosecutor Considers Libby's Indictment


What’s Happening in the Dugout?


Mass Execution as Public Policy


Malevolent Hegemony


Organic Food Standard Ruined By Congress

Congress Rams Through OTA Sneak Attack On Organic Standards Despite Massive Consumer Opposition

From Organic Consumers Association

Changes Were Sought by Large-Scale Food Process ors to Cut Costs of Meeting Current Law. Congress voted yesterday to weaken the nation's organic food standards in response to pressure from large-scale food manufacturers.

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) and food process ors have been pressing Congress to change the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) to allow for the use of numerous synthetic substances in products labeled "organic" and to weaken organic dairy standards.

A recent court decision ruled that the OFPA does not allow synthetic (non-natural) ingredients to be used in foods labeled "organic" and that the act must ensure a strong standard under which dairy cows are converted to organic milk production. After rejecting eff orts by members of the public interest and environmental community to reach an agreement on these issues, major food process ors in the organic food industry, including Smucker's, Dean Foods, and Kraft, pushed Congress to "quietly" change the law to allow the use of such synthetic ingredients and potentially weaken the organic dairy standards.

"Congress voted last night to weaken the national organic standards that consumers count on to preserve the integrity of the organic label," said Ronnie Cummins, National Direct or of the Organic Consumers Association. "The process was profoundly undemocratic and the end result is a serious setback for the multi billion dollar alternative food and farming system that the organic community has so painstakingly built up over the past 35 years. The rider will take away the traditional role of the organic community and the National Organic Standards Board in monitoring and controlling organic standards. Industry's stealth attack has unnecessarily damaged the standards that helped organic foods become the fastest growing sector in the food industry."

As passed, the amendment sponsored by the Organic Trade Association allows:

Numerous synthetic food additives and processing aids, including over 500 food contact substances, to be used in organic foods without public review. · Young dairy cows to continue to be treated with antibiotics and fed genetically engineered feed prior to being converted to organic production. Loopholes under which non- organic ingredients could be substituted for organic ingredients without any notification of the public based on "emergency decrees." The amendment was vigorously opposed by consumer, retail and growers groups, as well as public health and environmental groups, including National Cooperative Grocers Association, National Organic Coalition and Rural Advancement Foundation International - USA, Beyond Pesticides, National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Consumers Association, and Consumers Union. Consumers sent m ore than 300,000 letters to Congress imploring members to stand up against industry's efforts to weaken the organic standards.

In October 2002, just days after the rules governing organic under NOP were implemented, Maine blueberry farmer Arthur Harvey filed suit against USDA claiming that the USDA regulations governing foods labeled "organic" contravened several principles of the OFPA. Having initially lost on all counts, Harvey prevailed in January 2005 when the Court of Appeals ruled in his favor on the three counts finding:

1. Synthetic substances are not permitted in processing of items labeled as "organic," and only allowed in the "made with organic" labeling categ ory.

2. Provisions allowing up to 20-percent non-organic feed in the first nine months of a dairy herd's one-year conversion to organic production are not permitted.

3. All exemptions for the use of non- organic products "not commercially available in organic f orm" must be reviewed by National Organic Standards Board, and certifiers must review the operator's attempt to source organic.

Informant: beefree

Scientists aim to beat flu with genetically modified chickens

Bird flu

The Times
October 29, 2005

Scientists aim to beat flu with genetically modified chickens

by Mark Henderson,
Science Correspondent

THE long-term threat of an avian flu pandemic could be greatly reduced by a project to produce genetically modified chickens that can resist lethal strains of the virus.

British scientists are genetically engineering chickens to protect them against the H5N1 virus that has devastated poultry farms in the Far East, with a view to replacing stocks with birds that are not susceptible to influenza.

The technique should also offer protection against many other strains of flu with the potential to start a human pandemic, such as the H7 subgroup that was responsible for an outbreak in Dutch poultry in 2003.

If chicken populations were to be replaced with transgenic birds that were resistant to flu, it would remove a reservoir of the virus and make it much harder for it to spread to humans and trigger a pandemic.

The team, led by Laurence Tiley, Professor of Molecular Virology at Cambridge University, and Helen Sang, of the Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh, has already shown that chicken cells can be protected against flu by inserting small pieces of genetic material.

The researchers are now ready to begin a similar procedure with eggs and the first experiments are expected within weeks. Any breakthrough, however, will come too late to have an impact on the present outbreak of H5N1.

Even if the technique works, it will be several years before it can be used to stock farms and it also faces important regulatory hurdles and a battle to win over public opinion. If these obstacles are overcome and farmers are willing to adopt GM chickens, the entire world stock could be replaced fairly quickly.

"Once we have regulatory approval, we believe it will only take between four and five years to breed enough chickens to replace the entire world population," Professor Tiley said. "Developing flu-resistant chickens has clear benefits for human health and animal welfare, as we wouldn't have to slaughter chickens around the world. Chickens provide a link between the wild bird population, where avian influenza thrives, and humans, where new pandemic strains can emerge. Removing that bridge will dramatically reduce the risk posed by avian viruses."

The research team is following three parallel approaches. One involves inserting a working copy of a gene that makes an antiviral protein called Mx, which is defective in many chicken breeds, and should improve their ability to fight off H5N1 and other strains.

The second approach is to harness a technique called RNA interference, in which small fragments of the genetic signalling chemical RNA are used to disrupt the workings of the flu virus.

By engineering chicken cells to make small RNA molecules that confuse the flu virus, the scientists hope to confer resistance to a wide variety of strains. The third strategy is similar to the second, but involves using RNA molecules as decoys, which trick the flu virus into copying them rather than itself. All three could potentially be incorporated in the same GM chickens.


Informant: beefree


Now we finally see the bottom line regarding the bird flu and either the greed emerging OR the intended agenda....eliminate all natural chickens, and replace them with genetically engineered chickens. And, if THIS works - then what's to prevent scientists and governments from replacing everything natural with synthetic versions....including humans.

It's a stretch - but not really. How many of you out there ever thought you'd be reading an article of this nature? Remember, Monsanto owns over 60% of the world's seed...and there are other companies that own other percentages. Realistically, there is only about 5% of natural heirloom seed left in the world...and in some countries like Iraq, it's against the law possess natural seed.

Remain aware! Educate others! Post solutions and ideas. We are sitting back and watching this unfold. How can we offset the impact of this? This is about our food source - our basic sustenance. The studies are not conclusive that synthetic/GE/GM foods are healthy for us - and in fact point to them being harmful to us.


Begin forwarded message:

“Once we have regulatory approval, we believe it will only take between four and five years to breed enough chickens to replace the entire world population,” Professor Tiley said. “Developing flu-resistant chickens has clear benefits for human health and animal welfare, as we wouldn’t have to slaughter chickens around the world. Chickens provide a link between the wild bird population, where avian influenza thrives, and humans, where new pandemic strains can emerge. Removing that bridge will dramatically reduce the risk posed by avian viruses.”


Congress Rams Through OTA Sneak Attack on Organic Standards Despite Massive Consumer Opposition


Informant: NHNE

Mobilfunk: Ärzteappell


Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz und Mobilfunk

Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz -ein nützlicher Mobilfunk - Informant !

Mobilfunk-Kritiker erkennen verharmloste Fakten zwischen den Zeilen

Obwohl die Angestellten des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz sicherlich weisungsbedingt Rücksicht auf ihren Auftraggeber nehmen müssen, wagen sich dennoch einige ihrer Mitarbeiter in ihrer Meinungsäußerung weit hinaus, zwar mit nur vage umschriebenen Warnungen. Dies tun sie aber öffentlich z. B. im Internet oder durch Vorträge an Universitäten. Mobilfunk-Kritiker mit umfangreichen Kenntnissen der Materie, verstehen aber nicht nur die direkt ausgesprochenen Warnungen des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz, sondern sie sind auch in der Lage die indirekten Warnhinweise zwischen den Zeilen zu erkennen und richtig zu deuten!

In mehreren von mir veröffentlichten Artikel hatte ich auf den wissenschaftlichen Fakt des „MIKROWELLEN – HÖRENS“ hingewiesen, mit dem Vermerk, dass man dies im Internet beim Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz sehr gut nachlesen könne. Daraufhin verschwand dieser Hinweis über das MIKROWELLEN - HÖREN innerhalb von wenigen Tagen von der Internetseite des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz, und ich musste auf Grund dieser Tatsache mehreren Mobilfunk-Kritikern tagelang am Telefon Rede und Antwort stehen, wegen dem nicht mehr auffindbaren Hinweis.

Omega siehe BRUMMTON und TINNITUS durch MOBILFUNK-STRAHLEN unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/193948/

Sollte einmal ein endgültiger Nachweis der schweren Schädlichkeit der Mobilfunkstrahlen erbracht werden, so kann man dem Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz nicht vorwerfen, mit der Mobilfunk-Industrie gemeinsame Sache gemacht zu haben, denn man hat in vielen Artikeln und Vorträgen immer wieder im Umgang mit den Mobilfunkstrahlen zur Vorsicht gemahnt und darauf hingewiesen, Mobilfunk möglichst mäßig zu nutzen, bis bessere Erkenntnisse vorhanden sind, die die Unbedenklichkeit der verwendeten Technik beweisen. Damit hat dieses Amt seine Schuldigkeit getan und es kann niemand zur Verantwortung gezogen werden!

Leider hat das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz aber nicht an die Masse der Menschen gedacht, die rund um die Uhr bestrahlt werden, ohne ein Handy zu nutzen. Das Argument einer verminderten Strahlenbelastung durch einen Sendeturm gegenüber einem Handy zieht hier überhaupt nicht.

Dosis und Dauer sind die wissenschaftlichen Fakten! Eine kleine Dosis über Jahre summiert sich zu einem belastenden Faktor in der Zukunft! Wir leben inzwischen in einem Wellensalat von Strahlungen, der unvorstellbar ist und wissen bereits heute, dass man Strahlenbelastungen nicht nur einzeln betrachten darf, es erfolgt eine kumulative belastende Wirkung sämtlicher Strahleneinwirkungen über die Lebensjahre hinweg!Bildlich ausgedrückt werden Strahleneinwirkungen beim Menschen wie auf der Festplatte eines Computers gespeichert, bis die Platte gefüllt ist.

Eine Sonnenbrand-Schädigung im Kindesalter durch UV-Strahlen kann bereits die Zellschädigung für einen 25 Jahre später im Alter auftretenden Hautkrebs gelegt haben. Auf Grund der bisher bereits eindeutig vorhandenen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse fragt man sich jetzt mit Recht, welche Schäden uns die gepulsten Mobilfunkstrahlen heute schon setzen, die die Menschheit in Zukunft aber erst ausbaden muss !

Ein homöopathisches Heilmittel in einer kaum vorstellbar kleinen Menge, ja es ist wissenschaftlich kein Atom des Wirkstoffes mehr nachweisbar, wirkt evtl. nur noch durch die Information des Ausgangsstoffes, aber es kann wirken! Aus dieser Sichtweise sollte man auch die Mobilfunkstrahlen vorsichtig betrachten.

Wissenschaftlich fundierte Schriften sind beim Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz für jedermann oftmals sogar kostenlos erhältlich. Leider halten einige Mobilfunk-Kritiker solche grundlegenden Vorausinformationen für unnötig.

Im Umgang mit vorhandenen Messwerten und den gesetzlichen Grenzwerten ordnen Mobilfunk-Kritiker oft die Begriffe und Größen W/ qm oder W/ qcm,Picowatt - Nanowatt - Mikrowattoder Milliwatt falsch ein oder können mit den Werten nur wenig anfangen.

Damit die Menschen, die nicht täglich mit diesen Daten umgehen, aber entsprechende Infos weiterreichen, sich nicht unwissentlich peinlich blamieren, wenn sie ihren fachlich berechtigten Protest an weniger Informierte weiterleiten, sollten sie sich entsprechende technische Aufklärung doch vorab beschaffen, wobei das Strahlenschutzamt die richtige Adresse ist.

Vorsichtig spricht man beim Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz inzwischen bei der Hochfrequenzstrahlung von bekannten Effekten, die nicht oder nur schwer nachvollziehbar sind, und die daher noch der weiteren wissenschaftlichen Erforschung harren.

Dazu kann man aber dagegen halten, welches Medikament ist denn heute voll erforscht? Bei dem überwiegenden Anteil der Medikamente tappt man im Wissen über die Wirkungsweise oft im Dunkeln, daher spricht man ja auch heute von jährlich mindestens 20 000 Toten im Krankenhausbereich durch fehlerhafte Dosierung bzw. „unvorhergesehene“ Nebenwirkungen der Medikamente, die Dunkelziffer liegt noch viel höher, laut einer dänischen Studie sollen es fast 50 000 Tote sein.

Ein alter Mensch braucht eine andere Dosierung als ein junger Mensch, ein aufs Gewicht bezogene Dosierung wäre notwendig, wird aber nur bei wenigen Krankheiten in einem Krankenhaus oder einer Arztpraxis berücksichtigt. Eine 50 kg-Person wird behandelt wie eine 100 kg-Person, wobei sicherlich einer unterdosiert und der andere überdosiert werden kann! Im Beipack der Medikamente spricht man immer nur vom Jugendlichen oder Erwachsenen, als ob das Alter alleine die entscheidende Rolle bei der Medikamentenwirkung spielen würde! Hier besteht bei unserer pharmazeutischen Industrie ein erheblicher Nachholbedarf in der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung einer gewichtsbezogenen Medikamenten-Dosierung mit Hinweisen für die ärztliche Praxis.

Ähnlich ist es bei der Mobilfunkstrahlung. Die von den Mobilfunk-Antennen ausgestrahlte Energie wird von einem kleinen Körper anders aufgenommen und verarbeitet als von einem größeren Körper, nicht zu sprechen über die wissenschaftlichen Fakten der auftretenden Resonanz-Probleme!

Die Risiken niedriger ionisierender Strahlendosen hat man Jahrzehnte als kaum bedenklich eingestuft. Nach dem heutigen Kenntnisstand und den im Laufe der Jahre gemachten Erfahrungen weiß man inzwischen, dass geringere Strahlenmengen, die man vorher für kaum bedenklich hielt, vor allen Dingen genetische Schäden verursachen und Leukämie sowie Krebs induzieren können. Diese Defekte treten dann oftmals spontan auf und die Gefahr und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass diese niedrigen Strahlendosen Krebs erzeugen,ist wesentlich größer als man bisher angenommen hatte.

Die Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse darüber kamen nach 50 Jahren andauernder Beobachtung von über 100 000 Überlebenden der Atombomben-Katastrophe in Nagasaki und Hiroshima zustande.

In unserer Gesundheits-Politik werden statistische Erfassungen oftmals überbewertet, die Probleme des Einzelnen als Minderheit geht in der Masse der Statistik so lange unter, bis die Schäden ein Ausmaß angenommen haben, die sichtbar fatal sind.

Ein elektrosensibler Mensch zahlt bereits heute die Zeche an Krankheit und Leid, die bei vielen Unsensibleren erst in der nächsten Generation deren Kinder zu spüren bekommen!

In der Wirtschaft gibt es Vergleiche. Eine fehlerhafte Produktion wird aus Kostengründen so lange fortgesetzt, bis die Reklamationskosten an den Gewinn-Kosten fressen und aus diesem Grunde die Umstellung der Produktion erforderlich machen. Bedenken muss man hier, dass die gesamte Produktion mit diesem Fehler behaftet war, aber nur ein geringer Prozentsatz der Menschen aus Bequemlichkeit den Schaden monierte, so dass der Produktionsfehler dadurch erst verspätet zwangsläufig korrigiert wurde!

Öfters haben mir Menschen eingestanden, dass sie seit Inbetriebnahme des Sendeturmes nach einiger Zeit bestimmte Beschwerden bekommen haben, die evtl. mit dem Mobilfunk zusammenhängen könnten. Unternommen haben diese Leute nichts, sie akzeptieren was ihr Hausarzt sagt, nehmen sinnlos die verordneten teueren Medikamente, die nicht wirken können, da die Ursache der Erkrankung nicht abgestellt wird, der Funkturm bestrahlt sie Tag und Nacht rund um die Uhr weiter !

Nun können wir uns alle vorstellen, dass ein Unschädlichkeitsnachweis der Mobilfunkstrahlen in nächster Zeit kaum erfolgen wird. Es geht hier einzig um Profit. Die DM 100 Milliarden Gebühren - Ausgaben sollen sich um ein vielfaches an Gebühren - Einkünften für die Industrie vermehren, da müssen noch viele Handy-Gespräche geführt werden, bis alleine die Unkosten der Betreiber wieder eingespielt sind !

Dieter Keim <> Ilbenstadt


Ärzte-Appelle gegen ungezügelten Mobilfunk

Neue Filzvorwürfe gegen Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

Schützt der Staat vor Mobilfunk-Strahlen?

Die Taktik von BfS ist zu benennen

Verursacherprinzip und Mobilfunk

Skandal: betreibt das BMU illegale Werbung für die Handybetreiber?

Getarnte Lobby: Wie Wirtschaftsverbände die öffentliche Meinung beeinflussen http://omega.twoday.net/stories/939891/

Kampf gegen Verdummungspolitik aussichtslos

Sie wollen das Ding, und wenn’s krank macht, macht’s das halt


Professor Dr. Jürgen Bernhardt

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernhardt, (emeritierter Leiter) Institut für Strahlenhygiene, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz: „Die Forschungen berücksichtigen nur die Wärmewirkung durch elektromagnetische Strahlung.“ Und: „Wenn man die Grenzwerte reduziert, dann macht man die Wirtschaft kaputt, dann wird der Standort Deutschland gefährdet.“

"Ich halte den Grenzwert für ausreichend", sagt SSK-Mitglied Professor Jürgen Bernhardt. "Wir verdächtigen Magnetfelder zwar, Krebs zu erzeugen, aber wir kennen keinen biologischen Auslösemechanismus." (Focus 48-2001)


Quelle: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_newsletter_120404.html

Judge Rules on Guantanamo Strike

A District Court judge ruled that lawyers for the scores of terror suspects on hunger strike at the Guantanamo Bay jail must be told before detainees are force-fed, an act which has been described as deliberately harmful to detainees. Judge Gladys Kessler also ordered the US government to release all necessary medical records one week prior to such force-feedings taking place.


2,000 Dead: How Many Is Too Many?

Lance Corporal Mike Hoffman, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, discusses his combat with under-equipped Iraqi soldiers. Fueled by military justifications that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction, had been assisting al Qaeda, was partly responsible for 9/11, and was an imminent threat to the United States and Iraq's neighbors, Corporal Hoffman went to war. Now he poses the question: How many more US troops are we willing to lose for such an unsuccessful war?


Stain on the White House

The Center for Victims of Torture called upon the Bush Administration to take an active roll in an international commission formed to investigate all acts of torturous, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. As the US publicly denounces torture, American soldiers continue to engage in such acts.


Fitzgerald: "Investigation Is Not Over"

The CIA leak investigation is "not over," special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Friday after announcing charges against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff.


'It's not over': Fitzgerald's probe into the cabal continues

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

GOP donor charged with illegal campaign contributions surrenders

A major GOP donor surrendered to authorities Friday in Orlando, Fla., on charges that he gave thousands of dollars to other people to contribute to President Bush's re-election campaign in an attempt to skirt a $2,000 limit on individual contributions.


From Information Clearing House

Bribe Inquiry Looks at Sale of Field Gear to Military

In a widening scandal at the United States Special Operations Command, federal investigators are looking into a bribery scheme as well as accusations of improper influence involving millions of dollars in battlefield equipment used by Navy Seals and Army Green Berets and Rangers.


Defend Antiwar Veteran at Kent State

The administration’s blatant attack against the antiwar movement will not be tolerated. We can clearly see that the administration does not want its students and veterans practicing free speech on this campus.


From Information Clearing House

Culture of Collusion

Yes, we too would like to see the Democrats regain majorities in Congress and hope that becomes possible. But they--and the media as well--are partly responsible for the sorry state of affairs.


From Information Clearing House

Forgeries, Lies and Cover-ups

The Scandal isn't the Leak, But the Illegal War.

F.B.I. Is Still Seeking Source of Forged Uranium Reports

A counterespionage official said that the inquiry into the documents, had yielded some intriguing but unproved theories. One is the possibility that associates of Ahmad Chalabi, the former Iraqi exile who was a leading champion of the American campaign to topple Saddam Hussein, had a hand in the forgery.


I cannot live freely in a country where people are allowed to commit murder

by Cindy Sheehan

I cannot live freely in a country where bereaved family members aren't allowed to carry pictures of their murdered loved ones into a national cemetery.


Cindy Sheehan

Together, we made a statement for peace

From: "Peter Lems, American Friends Service Committee" actioncenter@afsc.org

On Wednesday, tens of thousands of people in hundreds of communities across the country gathered and showed the vitality and commitment of this nation’s pro-peace majority. Some of us stood silently as a quiet witness to the human cost of war. Some of us protested outside the offices of our U.S. Congressional representatives. Together, we commemorated the dead and wounded military service members and the Iraqi lives lost, while calling on Congress to stop funding the war, bring the troops home, and close U.S. military bases in Iraq.

And together, we made a powerful statement. Hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations covered “Not One More Death, Not One More Dollar” events. Most passersby showed that they, too, want the destruction to stop. We’re building up the momentum to end this war. You can help keep that momentum growing by supporting a bill about to be introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The 2000th U.S. military death in Iraq prompted Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts) to announce that he would introduce legislation to defund the war in Iraq. Between now and November 3rd, those of you represented by a Democratic or moderate Republican representative are urged to contact your elected official and ask that he/she join McGovern as an original co-sponsor of this new legislative initiative.

The new bill would end all funding for the deployment of U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq. It does not prohibit or restrict non-Defense funding for social and economic reconstruction in Iraq. Department of Defense funds could be provided for the safe withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq, and consultations with other governments, NATO and the UN regarding international forces to ensure Iraqi security, as well as financial assistance and equipment but not personnel to Iraqi security forces and/or international forces.

Please visit our online Action Center to email your Congressional representatives, asking them to co-sponsor McGovern’s bill.

You might also be interested to read some of the reports we’ve received from “Not One More Death, Not One More Dollar” events across the U.S. Reading through the short reports, from big events and small ones, has been moving. You can review them on http://www.afsc.org/2000/. Below is a quick sampling.

Clarksville, Tennessee Pictures of our vigil were on the FRONT PAGE of our local newspaper. …That's a miracle in this conservative army town. The spirit of Rosa Parks is still inspiring all of us to take a stand for our rights.

Debbie Boen

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Over one hundred people gathered for our vigil. …The tide seems to have turned in this basically red state...not one more death, not one more dollar is the basic feeling of the majority.

Darla Shelden

Albuquerque, New Mexico There were only 7 of us, but we read aloud the names of both Americans and Iraqis who have been killed so far. We asked God that we not find reason to return and hold vigil for the 3,000th American death.


Read more than 100 reports on our events and post your own at http://www.afsc.org/2000.

Thank you.


Peter Lems, for The Wage Peace Campaign team

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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Oktober 2005

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