
Nixtun war gestern: ausgestrahlt: Atomkraftwerke stillegen! Umsteigen - auf erneuerbare Energien!

Anfang November soll ein Atommüllzug mit 12 CASTOREN von der Plutoniumfabrik La Hague nach Gorleben rollen. Er wird voraussichtlich am Wochenende 6/7. November die deutsch - französische Grenze bei Lauterbourg/Wörth überqueren, und dann über Karlsruhe in den Norden weiterfahren.

Setzen wir ein Zeichen – nixtun war gestern!

Demonstration | 29.10.05 | 13.00 Uhr | Karlsruhe, Marktplatz

Link zum Artikel: http://www.aku-wiesbaden.de/artikel_92.htm

-- Angelika Shams * Mitglied im Attac-Bundeskoordinierungskreis Egertstraße 12 * 75365 Calw-Stammheim * email: shams@attac.de Fon: 07051 / 935 675 * 0179 / 513 41 59 * Fax: 07051 / 935 677


Mofmars3 wrote:

***SOS***better media email list...Demand truth NOW on all issues

Date: 10/16/2005 12:24:05 PM Eastern Standard Time

Please forward widely...When you send your comments and/or demands to the media, don't forget to include BBC World News and CNN...I just paste in what I send to the others along with all the other network addies visable so they know everyone is being alerted...Please join in this media blitz...We Can make the needed difference if we attack from all fronts simultanious

BBC World News http://tinyurl.com/773rz

To all media...Please start reporting truth about vaccinations and all else.

We The People demand it!

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We The People United Movement
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America...United We Will Stand



There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good. Dr J Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US Food and Drug Administration

The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunisation. Dr R. Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)

In our opinion, there is now sufficient evidence of immune malfunction following current vaccination programmes to anticipate growing public demands for research investigation into alternative methods of prevention of infectious disease. Dr's H. Buttram and J. Hoffman (Vaccinations and Immune Malfunctions)

All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia...Vaccines DO predispose to cancer and leukaemia. Professor L.C. Vincent, Founder of Bioelectronics

Every vaccine carries certain hazards and can produce inward reactions in some people...in general, there are more vaccine complications than is generally appreciated. Professor George Dick, London University

Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection. Dr A. Sabin, developer of the Oral Polio vaccine (lecture to Italian doctors in Piacenza, Italy, December 7th 1985)

In addition to the many obvious cases of mortality from these practises, there are also long-term hazards which are almost impossible to estimate accurately...the inherent danger of of all vaccine procedures should be a deterrent to their unnecessary or unjustifiable use. Sir Graham Wilson (The Hazards of Immunisation)

Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are contaminated with animal viruses and may cause serious illness later in life (multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukaemia, etc) we must consider whether the vaccines really work for their intended purpose. Dr W.C. Douglas (Cutting Edge, May 1990)

The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used Dr James A. Shannon, National Institute of Health, USA

With reference to Smallpox;

Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine...Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practise, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end. Professor Chas Rauta, University of Perguia, Italy , (New York Medical Journal July 1899)

Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing vital power and diminishing natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated. Dr J.W. Hodge (The Vaccination Superstition)

It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus - and it is usually from the pustule end of the dead smallpox victim â?¦ it is unthinkable that you can inject that into a little child and in any way improve its health. What is true of vaccination is exactly as true of all forms of serum immunisation, if we could by any means build up a natural resistance to disease through these artificial means, I would applaud it to the echo, but we can't do it. Dr William Howard Hay (lecture to Medical Freedom Society, June 25th 1937)

Immunisation against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself. Professor Ari Zuckerman, World Health Organisation

With reference to Whooping Cough;

There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence. Professor Gordon Stewart, University of Glasgow

(Here's Health, March 1980)

My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the US each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given to children. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is the most likely villain , but it could also be one or more of the others. Dr R Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)

The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough vaccine...it is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage.. Dr Archie Kalokerinos, Author and Vaccine Researcher (Natural Health Convention, Stanwell Tops, NSW, Australia

With reference to Polio;

Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country. Dr F. Klenner, Polio Researcher, USA

No batch of vaccine can be proved to be safe before it is given to children Surgeon General Leonard Scheele (AMA Convention 1955, USA)

Live virus vaccines against influenza and paralytic polio, for example, may in each instance cause the disease it is intended to prevent... Dr Jonas Salk, developer of first polio vaccine (Science 4/4/77 Abstracts)



As an illustration, the issue of possible simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) contamination of live polio virus vaccines has been suppressed since 1972. On the eve of Nixon's war on cancer, a joint Lederle Corporation/FDA Bureau of Biologics study showed that eleven test monkeys, imported for polio vaccine production, tested positively for SCMV. The reluctance of the FDA to act on this matter was revealed in a corporate memo delivered the following year. Even in 1995, following a report to FDA officials concerning a patient infected with a SCMV-derived virus, no new in-house testing of polio vaccines for SCMV has occurred. Moreover, this author's specific requests for vaccine material to undertake specific testing, were denied on the basis of protecting proprietary interests.

--Dr Martin


How the Abramoff-DeLay Machine Worked

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his team were beginning to panic. An anti-gambling bill had cleared the Senate and appeared on its way to passage by an overwhelming margin in the House of Representatives. If that happened, Jack Abramoff's client, a company that wanted to sell state lottery tickets online, would be out of business. But on July 17, 2000, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act went down to defeat, to the astonishment of supporters who included many anti-gambling groups and Christian conservatives.


The Iraqi Constitution: A Referendum for Disaster

The constitutional process culminating in Saturday's referendum is not a sign of Iraqi sovereignty and democracy taking hold, but rather a consolidation of U.S. influence and control according to Phillis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies. Whether Iraq's draft constitution is approved or rejected, the decision is likely to make the current situation worse.


It's Bush-Cheney, Not Rove-Libby

Asked repeatedly about Mr. Rove's serial appearances before a Washington grand jury, the jittery Mr. Bush, for once bereft of a script, improvised a passable impersonation of Norman Bates being quizzed by the detective in "Psycho." Like Norman he stonewalled.What makes Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation compelling, whatever its outcome, is its illumination of a conspiracy that was not at all petty: the one that took us on false premises into a reckless and wasteful war in Iraq. That conspiracy was instigated by Mr. Rove's boss, George W. Bush, and Mr. Libby's boss, Dick Cheney.


Children and mobile phones

Advice to parents of 10 year olds wanting mobiles strangely no warnings given.

In the Saturday's Telegraph, this question was put to the Parenting Cafe:

My 10-year-old daughter desperately wants a mobile phone, claiming that all her friends have one. I think 10 is too young to need a phone. Am I being old-fashioned?


Here is their answer -

Karen: If the majority of your daughter's friends don't yet have a mobile phone, they soon will. Manh parents accept the move to secondary school as the point at which they can no longer resist their children's pleadings. Don't underestimate how useful you will find it to be able to text or phone your daughter.

There were no mobile phones when I was at school, but I spent hours on my home phone talking to my girlfriends. Today, children (particularly girls) have the same need to talk endlessly about things that we may judge as rubbish, but are desperately important to them.

When you decide to buy a phone for your daughter, ensure you agree with her how much you are prepared to spend on calls and texts, and how she will fund any excess charges.

Strangely enough, right next to this is a report on yobbish behaviour and not letting children have everything they plead for!

In case anyone wants to email regarding the absence of health warnings and other problems associated with kids and phones:



It has been brought to my attention that you have given advice to a parent of a 10 year old child regarding whether to allow her a mobile phone.

It is amazing to me that at no point have you mentioned the official government leaflet "Mobile Phones & Health", produced by the Department of Health, as a result of Sir William Stewart's advice over five years ago. These leaflets contain information for parents of children under 16 years of age, recommending emergency use only - and then keeping calls to a minimum length of time.

These leaflets also draw attention to the fact that mobile phones are given SAR rating - in order for the purchaser to choose a "safer" model.

Sorry - this is my reply

In all of the frenzy of hard sell by the Mobile Phone Companies, these messages have been buried and the leaflets, although recommended for delivery to every house in the country, have been left languishing in back rooms of mobile phone shops. Certainly no leaflet has been seen by anyone I have spoken to in libraries, doctors surgeries, etc., which has been claimed.

I suggest that in any future advice given to parents on this subject, that you point them to this leaflet and suggest that they consider the possible serious health effects that we are probably already experiencing. Also that they are putting children at risk of bullying, "happy slapping" and even mugging - all things we are seeing more and more of in recent times.


Cllr Sylvia Wright


Thank you for your thank you, Jane. I have also e-mailed the BBC this morning, as they have been discussing the very serious attack on the young girl in Sheffield and asking for comments on mobile phone bullying. The following is my contribution. They are accepting comments up to 12 pm tonight.

I will contact Russell.


There is widespread concern at the moment about the rapid increase in the use of mobile phones for bullying, and the recording of "happy" slapping. On BBC Breakfast I have just watched a psychiatrist and a representative from a Parenting Organisation (sorry, but the information strip giving her details was only flashed on the screen) who were giving advice on dealing with this trend.

The psychiatrist briefly mentioned that young people may become depressed if they were bullied and this could then lead to suicide in extreme cases.

The lady from the Parenting Organisation intimated that parents of children who were bullied wanted information on the technology - something they very often knew nothing about - and they were then able to discuss the problem with the child with more confidence.

In all of this absolutely no mention was made of the fact that a leaflet was produced by the DofH, following expert advice to the Government by Sir William Stewart five years ago and reiterated this January, that children under 16 years of age should not use mobile phones for anything other than emergency - and then calls should be kept to a minimum. This leaflet also contains information on the SAR rates on mobile phones - to enable the parent to make an informed choice.

In the marketing frenzy of the mobile phone operators, our children are being exploited and this is being compounded by the fact that press/media do not give a clear message on this. We are ignoring the warnings from many eminent scientists and researchers from around the world who have listed aggression and depression as two of the likely effects of regular mobile phone use by children.

In addition to the mobile phone use, our children are now being exposed within schools by the widespread use of wireless local area networking in the classroom environment. Powerwatch have given a warning on this practice and have recommended that schools take the safer option of alternative networking.

We are hearing more and more of extreme behaviour in our children, but more worrying is the fact that there are more dire warnings - regarding the long term health of our children. Studies have taken place on whether mobile phone use can cause serious health effects - examining the studies to date there is a strong likelihood that it does - but we have allowed the Industry propaganda to push to the fore. We need to give out the message loud and clear - whenever mobile phone use and children are discussed, for whatever reason - that the practice should be avoided if at all possible. Parents should be shown the flip side of the coin - at the moment they have been brainwashed into believing their children are safer for having a phone. We are now seeing that the opposite is true.

Take the lead on this BBC! If this were exploitation of children from any other source you would proudly be the first to blow the whistle.

Cllr Sylvia Wright


I just found the attached study, out of a German university (i'ts in English) about current usage patterns of children and what potential health conclusions might be drawn. Could be really interesting!


More on children can be found here as well

Sarah P


Mobile phone use and exposures in children

Children and Mobile Phones… Is There a Health Risk?

Children & Mobile Phone Use: Is there a risk?

Cell Phones & Children: Hazardous Mix?

Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’

5.5 million mobile phones are owned by children in Britain

Child warning over mobile phones

Children and Mobile Phones: Caution Is Warranted

Get off that mobile, expert tells children

Children's use of Mobile Phones needed urgent Attention

The cellular telephone and children

Ban mobiles in schools

TEACHERS have been ordered to ban their pupils from using their mobile phones amid rising safety fears

WLAN, DECT in Schools and Kindergardens

Hide Cellular Phones From Children

France warns against excessive mobile phone use


Message from the Native Americans - THE TEN INDIAN COMMANDMENTS

This message comes out from all tribes and in many ways, to all the peoples of the World

It is the duty of anyone with Native American blood who follows the 'Old Ways' to pass the word in these times of difficulty for Mother Earth and all who dwell on her. The white, yellow, and black nations have their own messages to impart to us all - instructions to show us how to overcome all that threatens us and our world. These are the instructions handed down by the red nations by word of mouth over all the centuries that have gone by, to show us the way.

In our own ways, we are all fighting what threatens our people, animal life, and our environment. This technology is not the only thing that threatens our world.

It is said by the red nations that a thousand voices raised in prayer are stronger than a million wrongs. Prayers are offered up by groups of people of all nations and of all religions now, specifically about these issues. At significant times, world-wide prayers are organised.

We can all be part of this if we wish to. The message is very simple, perhaps too simple to be easy in our complicated societies, but if we don't like what we see and hear surely we must ask ourselves if anything can be done, and then ask if we have the will to try to change it?


Mitakuye oyasin!

We are all related!

It isn't too late. We still have time to recreate and change the value system of the present. We must! Survival will depend on it. Our Earth is our original mother. She is in deep labor now. There will be a new birth soon! The old value system will suffer and die. It cannot survive as our mother earth strains under the pressure put on her. She will not let man kill her.

The First Nation's Peoples had a value system. There were only four commandments from the Great Spirit:

1.Respect the Great Spirit

2.Respect Mother Earth

3.Respect our fellow man and woman

4.Respect for individual freedom

We must all stand together as a force of love. Be united NOW. There is only one way. Communication. Knowledge. Arm yourself with truth, love and perseverence. Extend your family. Join with others in giving. We are all related. People of the earth take back your heritage. I am not speaking of skin color or religion. Our heritage is this earth... Our heritage is also extended beyond this earth into the heavens where the spirit once lived before our birth into this world. You are bound to both.


Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect!
Remain close to the Great Spirit
Show great respect for your fellow beings
Work together for the benefit of all mankind!
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
Do what you know to be right
Look after the well-being of mind and body
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
Be truthful and honest at all times
Take full responsiblity for your actions.....

From Mast Network

Greenpeace ist schockiert über Friedensnobelpreis an IAEO

Durch IAEO haben 35 bis 40 Länder heute Atomwaffenpotenzial.


Das Himalaya-Eis schmilzt dramatisch

Nicht nur an den Polen schmilzt das Gletschereis, sondern auch auf allen Hochgebirgen - in den Alpen ebenso wie im Himalaya.


POW Abuse: Nothing New Going on Here

by Mickey Z.

As news of a prisoner hunger strike finally begins to trickle out from Guantanamo, rest assured any wrongdoing will be pinned on a few bad apples. However, even a cursory glance at U.S. treatment of enemies captured during military interventions will demonstrate that the goings-on at Gitmo (or Abu Ghraib for that matter) are standard operating procedure for the home of the brave....


Operation Latin American Freedom

by Benjamin Dangl

Preparations for renewed US militarization and intervention in Latin America are underway. To protect its own hegemony and economic interests, the US government is using the threat of terrorism as an excuse for military operations aimed at destabilizing leftist movements and governments and securing natural resources such as oil and gas. By focusing on social programs in education, land reform and healthcare, many of the region’s new leaders have put the needs of the people ahead of the demands of multinational companies. This leftist resurgence makes corporate investors and other harbingers of the free market nervous. Recently, the Bush administration has gone to extreme measures to ensure that this leftist trend is put in check....


Separate and Unequal: The Resegregation of America’s Public Schools

by Sarah Knopp

Sarah Knopp, a high school social studies teacher in Los Angeles, looks at the re-segregation of U.S. public schools -- the subject of a new book, Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America, by author Jonathan Kozol....


The Iraqi Constitution: A Cynical Cover for Partition

by Mike Whitney

Today’s vote on the Iraqi Constitution is the culmination of 15 years of unrelenting aggression against the Iraqi people. Washington has never wavered in its determination to topple Saddam and control Iraqi oil. Saturday’s balloting is just another public relations stunt to disguise the criminal intention of the present occupation. There’s a straight line that runs from Gulf War I, through the genocidal 10-year sanctions, to the present occupation. Are the American people really stupid enough to believe that this policy will change with today’s referendum?


Bush Told Blair of 'Going beyond Iraq'

George Bush told Tony Blair shortly before the invasion of Iraq that he intended to target other countries, including Saudi Arabia, which, he implied, planned to acquire weapons of mass destruction.


Armstrong Williams Case Referred to US Attorney

Investigators at the Education Department have contacted the US attorney's office regarding the Bush administration's hiring of commentator Armstrong Williams to promote its agenda. The Government Accountability Office has concluded that the Education Department engaged in illegal "covert propaganda" by hiring Williams to promote the No Child Left Behind Act without requiring him to disclose that he was being paid.


The Wimp Factor


Iraq Has Descended into Anarchy

says Fisk

Most of Iraq is in a state of anarchy, with insurgents controlling parts of Baghdad just half a mile from the so-called Green Zone, an Independent debate was told last night. Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent for The Independent, painted a picture of deepening chaos and misery in Iraq more than two years after Saddam Hussein was toppled.


Patrick Cockburn analyzes the historical disaster of Iraq


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The dirt is starting to fly against Patrick Fitzgerald


Why Patrick Fitzgerald Gets It

Urgency Push for 'Flu Shots' Connected to Hidden Implant Chip?

Good question depends what you think a "needle" is...there many different kinds of needles like hypodermic needles. We will learn soon..when we will be getting our chips implanted. Then again they may already been implanted. I never wanted to be a sheeple...oh well:) Now have to learn how I have one or not?

The AVID microchip:

The RFID chips:

The VeriChip:

The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday that Applied Digital Solutions of Delray Beach, Fla., could market the VeriChip, an implantable computer chip about the size of a grain of rice, for medical purposes.


FDA Letter Raises Questions about VeriChip Safety, Data Security:

and these are the chips they are letting us know about for now. I imagine they come in all shapes and sizes.

Hm ... interesting. Since flu vaccine is packaged in small vials in liquid form I wonder how a chip in that fluid would go undetected and it would have to be very small indeed to pass through the bore of the needle used to give the shot. ..........

Urgency Push for 'Flu Shots' Connected to Hidden Implant Chip

Informant: beefree

AMERICAN DEBACLE: Brzezinski laments George W. Bush's 'suicidal statecraft'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Téléphonie Mobile et AFSSE: La vérité au grand jour?



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