
Update from the Field 8/11/05

Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) News from the Field August 11, 2005


In This Issue:
* Update From the Field--BFC Needs Your Help With Firewood!
* BFC Roadshows to Visit West and East Coasts
* Four More Days! Bison Hunt Comments Due 8/15
* Last Words


* Update From the Field--BFC Needs Your Help With Firewood!

The prolonged drought, coupled with the intense heat of July and August, has led to extremely dry conditions in Montana and dozens of wildfires have flared up in the past week. White ash drifts from the sky like snow, leaving mottled grey patterns on every exposed surface. Smoke softens the sunlight, lending a dusk-like appearance to the noonday sun and painting the sunset with surreal rosy shades.

The dry and smokey heat of August doesn't lend itself easily to thoughts of January nights with the earth blanketed beneath feet of snow and the thermometer plunging down to 50 below zero. But we know it's coming. For the ninth straight winter our cabin above Hebgen Lake will be home to dozens of volunteers dedicating their every waking hour to standing with--and defending--the Yellowstone buffalo, America's last wild herd. After all the planning, preparation, and follow-up from our meeting with the governor we switched gears and began, in earnest, getting things ready for the coming season.

One of the more formidable tasks we face each Summer and Fall is the gathering of the innumerable cords of wood necessary to keep our volunteers warm through one of the most frigid climates in the country. Volunteers have spent most of the past two weeks cutting, gathering, and hauling firewood back to our cabin, working long hours under the hot sun. With a hard-working crew things were going extremely well, the pile of wood growing larger by the day.

That all changed on Tuesday, when the engine on our late-model green Dodge Ram pickup, our wood hauling machine, blew. This truck was a godsend, donated years ago by a kind man named Art, who made a special trip to Montana to help us fix a more minor problem a couple summers ago. Now, halfway through our wood-gathering chores, we're in need of a good work truck.

If you have a truck you'd like to donate to a great cause, or if you are able to make a monetary donation to help us purchase one (both are tax-deductible), we could really use the help. With Montana's planned bison hunt scheduled to begin in November on both the north and west boundaries of Yellowstone, we're going to need to run two camps at once. With our focus on raising adequate funds to cover the additional expenses, the need for a new truck couldn't have been more ill-timed.

Please help us if you can. Our ninth season promises to be challenging. We need to keep our focus on protecting the buffalo by developing and implementing a winning strategy for their long-term protection. If you have truck to donate or if you want to help with a monetary donation, please do so today!

Make a secure donation from our web site: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

or send a check through the mail: BFC PO Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758

A hearty thanks goes out to Art and the green Ram. Your generous gift kept us warm and dry for years.

With the Buffalo!



* BFC Gearing up for West and East Coast Roadshows

From mid-August until mid-September Mike and Josh will travel the West Coast, visiting farmer's markets and giving presentations in communities from Los Angeles to Eugene. We've got great events scheduled, including benefits in the Bay Area with Native American musician and activist John Trudell and activist and speaker Julia Butterfly Hill.

Dan and Stephany will take to the road in October, travelling from North Carolina to Vermont, visiting colleges, cafes, and community centers with our video footage, stories, and inspiring message of buffalo protection.

For more information on the West and East Coast tours, click the link below, email bfc-media@wildrockies.org or call (406) 646-0070



* Four More Days! Bison Hunt Comments Due 8/15 For more information on the proposed hunt and talking points for your comments, please check our web site at: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/legislative/bisonhuntingbill.html


* Last Words "For seven years in a row, precipitation remained below normal. The snow that fell on the plowed-up fields of the Dakotas was so light that the ground, bereft of insulation, froze many feet down; the snow evaporated without penetrating and the spring rains, those that came, slid off the frozen ground into the rivers, leaving the land bare. The virgin prairie, grazed well within its carrying capacity by thirty million buffalo, could probably have withstood the wind and drought; ravaged by too many cattle and plowed up to make way for wheat, it could not. If not the worst man-made catastrophe in history, it was, at least, the quickest."

Marc Reisner on the Dust Bowl from Cadillac Desert

Buffalo Field Campaign PO Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758
(406) 646-0070 bfc-media@wildrockies.org http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org


GOP Members Oppose Arctic Oil in Budget

Two dozen House Republicans, including three committee chairmen, have asked Speaker Dennis Hastert not to use a congressional budget procedure to clear the way for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.


9/11 Panel Ignored Facts on Hijacker

The Sept. 11 commission was warned by a uniformed military officer 10 days before issuing its final report that by the summer of 2000 a secret military operation had identified as a potential threat the member of Al Qaeda who would lead the attacks more than a year later.


4 Star General Fired


Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes

Cindy Sheehan of Gold Star Families for Peace - web site: http://www.gsfp.org/

Thursday August 11th, 2005

Story about Cindy Sheehan on the Front Page of today’s LA Times ~ Link below

Cindy and fellow Gold Star Father, Bill Mitchell

Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes

By Edwin Chen and Dana Calvo, Times Staff Writers

CRAWFORD, Texas — For more than a year, a modest bungalow known as "Peace House," located a few miles from President Bush's ranch, has served as a headquarters for antiwar activists. It is lonely work, with little more than a skeleton crew on hand much of the time.

But then Cindy Sheehan hit town.

The 48-year-old mother of Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, who was killed in an ambush in Baghdad last year, is consumed by the kind of grief that turns into a furious determination to do something — in her case, to confront the president and force him to explain why her son died.

Now, in the space of just a few days, what started out as a seemingly quixotic personal mission has become something of a phenomenon — with media swarming around Sheehan, leading liberal and antiwar activists parachuting in to try to make her their long-sought voice, and political experts in both parties working to assess what role she may have in galvanizing the public's gathering unhappiness with the increasing American casualties in Iraq.

Antiwar leaders hope that putting the spotlight on Sheehan will motivate Americans who oppose the war, creating a political force strong enough to compel the Bush administration to change course.

MoveOn.org and other liberal groups have rushed to provide support, offering media expertise and attempting to assemble a corps of others who have lost relatives in Iraq or have family members serving there.

Liberal voices have swung into action on the Internet as well. On Wednesday, Democratic media consultant Joe Trippi organized a conference call with Sheehan for bloggers, aiming to garner more publicity. By Wednesday afternoon, "Cindy Sheehan" was the top-ranked search term on Technorati.com, the search engine for blog postings.

The White House, meanwhile, has sought to cope with Sheehan's vigil without abandoning its strategy for dealing with the families of troops who have died. On a number of occasions, Bush has met with bereaved relatives — including some who have challenged him sharply on the war — but he has done so privately, away from news cameras and reporters.

Sheehan, a Vacaville , Calif. , resident who opposed the war even before her son's death, was a member of one such group in June 2004. She came away from that meeting dissatisfied and angry.

"We wanted [the president] to look at pictures of Casey, we wanted him to hear stories about Casey, and he wouldn't. He changed the subject every time we tried," Sheehan said. "He wouldn't say Casey's name, called him: 'your loved one.' "

Sheehan, a co-founder of the antiwar group Gold Star Families for Peace, has said she would remain in Crawford until she got to see Bush face to face.

Until a cloudburst forced her to move to Peace House early Wednesday morning, Sheehan had been camping in a tent along a road about two miles from Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch. On Saturday, the day she arrived in Crawford, two senior White House aides — national security advisor Stephen Hadley and deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin — left the ranch to meet with her on a dusty road for 45 minutes.

That, she said, was not satisfactory.

By Wednesday night, Sheehan had given so many interviews that she was sucking on lozenges to soothe an inflamed throat. Her ears were sore from cradling a telephone. Her media advisor, newly arrived from San Francisco, said Sheehan had developed a fever.

None of that stopped her. Whether talking to newspaper reporters, People magazine or radio and television interviewers — some from as far away as Japan — she was relentlessly on message.

"I don't believe his phony excuses for the war," she said of Bush in an interview with a CBS reporter for the network's Northern California affiliates. "I want him to tell me why my son died.

"If he gave the real answer, people in this country would be outraged — if he told people it was to make his buddies rich, that it was about oil."

Sheehan is certainly not the first to denounce the president over the war. From the beginning, activists have been outspoken in criticizing Bush's policy and his stated reasons for sending U.S. troops into Iraq .

For the moment however, the personal nature of Sheehan's protest — with its edge of raw emotion — and the concentration of news media staked out in Crawford, where Bush is spending much of August, have combined to raise her voice above the crowd.

"Anything that focuses media and public attention on Iraq war casualties day after day — particularly [something] that is a good visual for television, like a weeping Gold Star mother — is a really bad thing for President Bush and his administration," said independent political analyst Charlie Cook.

"Americans get a little numb by the numbers of war casualties, but when faces, names and families are added, it has a much greater effect," he said.

"Cindy Sheehan has tapped into a latent but fervent feeling among some in this country who would prefer that we not engage our troops in Iraq ," said Republican strategist Kellyanne Conway, president of the Polling Company, based in Washington .

"She can tap into what has been an astonishingly silent minority since the end of last year's presidential contest. It will capture attention."

But other analysts predicted that Sheehan would soon fade from the scene.

"The president has an Iraq problem, but I don't think it's much worsened by Mrs. Sheehan," said professor Stephen Hess of George Washington University . "One Gold Star mother is a sympathetic figure, but collectively — as Gold Star Families for Peace — she is a movement and, as such, can be countered by a countermovement.

"I think the president might have defused the situation if he had invited her in instantly," Hess said, predicting that GOP strategists would soon mount a counterattack.

Already, there were signs of just that.

Some have suggested that Sheehan is disloyal to criticize the president in time of war. Even in Vacaville , Sheehan said, some people say she is shaming her son's memory. Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin disdainfully called the activists promoting Sheehan "grief pimps."

The antiwar activists who have rushed to Sheehan's side are all too well aware of the danger that her moment in the spotlight could become just another partisan shouting match.

Said Tom Matzzie of MoveOn.org: "Cindy reached out to us. We're e-mailing our members about her story today, running a print ad in Waco [ Texas ]. Cindy is a morally pure voice on the war, so we're trying to keep the focus on her and not jump in and turn it into a political fight."

Since Sheehan arrived in Crawford, Peace House has been transformed into a beehive.

On the porch, bottles of water — and a huge box of collapsible pink umbrellas — were waiting Wednesday to be ferried out to "Camp Casey," the muddy staging area along Prairie Chapel Road where Sheehan and about 100 of her supporters were gathered.

On a table in the living room were stacks of white T-shirts that read "BUSH … Talk to Cindy! Moms and Vets Will Stop the War!"

In the tiny kitchen, two women busily chopped carrots and celery as they prepared to feed a growing cadre of activists. Other volunteers talked on their cellphones, coordinating with supporters around the country.

There was much speculation about "other moms" and parents of troops serving in the war coming to join Sheehan, although no one seemed to know for certain. "A busload is coming from Seattle," one woman called out.

Stephanie Frizzell, 30, said she drove from Dallas with her son, Julian, 4, "to provide support for Cindy." They met last weekend at a Dallas convention of veterans for peace.

According to Ann Wright, who identified herself as a former U.S. diplomat who resigned to protest the war, Sheehan seemed to make a spontaneous decision to come to Crawford while she was addressing the convention Friday.

Wright said many hands were raised, offering to join her mission.

As Sheehan put it Wednesday: "I just had the right idea in the right place at the right time."

Times staff writers Ronald Brownstein, Joel Havemann and Johanna Neuman in Washington contributed to this report.


In Peace,

Frank Dorrel
Addicted To War
P.O. Box 3261
Culver City , CA 90231-3261

Cindy Sheehan

Act now to protect the UK's whales and dolphins from harm

Strong laws now


Whales and dolphins are being killed and harmed needlessly every year in UK waters. The UK's laws are not able to properly protect our whales and dolphins. Everyday they face being entangled, poisoned, harassed, starved, or evicted from where they feed, breed and take shelter.

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WDCS is the global voice for the protection of whales, dolphins and their environment



About Cindy Sheehan and the lying media

Here's the fox email addys...Will you speak up and help, Please?

Date: 8/11/2005 11:00:41 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Mofmars3
To: oreilly@foxnews.com CC: Hannity@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, Foxnewsonline@foxnews.com, Afterhours@foxnews.com, Foxreport@foxnews.com, Atlarge@foxnews.com, Bullsandbears@foxnews.com, Colmes@foxnews.com, Cash@foxnews.com, Heartland@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com, Dayside@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, Forbes@foxnews.com, Studiob@foxnews.com, Friends@foxnews.com, Beltway@foxnews.com, Foxmagazine@foxnews.com, Myword@foxnews.com, Oreilly@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, warstories@foxnews.com, FNS@foxnews.com, Newswatch@foxnews.com

Thank God all news reporters won't go along with the lying program when it come to the illegal war.

O'Reilly has been bought and paid for.

Last night O'Reilly said that he didn't say that Cindy Sheehan is bordering on treason. He said the 911 familles did.

Well, I didn't say that Bill has been bought and paid for, the Patriots did

By my repeating it as I did shows my stance, as Bill's comment does.

Who does he think he's fooling?

You news people can't fool the thinking and informed people any more. You can only fool the ignorant of facts and the non thinkers.

Please get with the program. Because here we come, "We The People". And we are armed with "TRUTH".

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Cindy Sheehan

Iran Nukes, Revisited


The Twilight Era of Petroleum

It is official U.S. policy—enshrined in the "Carter Doctrine" of January 23, 1980—to use military force when necessary to resist any hostile effort to impede the flow of Middle Eastern oil.


American Kids Eager To Die For Bush

Army Recruiting Up, Meets July Targets :

The Army National Guard, meanwhile, missed its recruiting goal again, recruiting only 4,712, 80 percent of its July goal of 5,920 new Guard members, spokesman Bryan Whitman said. The Guard has hit its target only once in the last 19 months.


From Information Clearing House

How Building a Saudi City Made a Lefty Out of Dick Underhill


There is a better way: Time to make war personal


From Information Clearing House

Crawford Peace House Calls For Help

Crawford Peace House and Friends of Peace and Justice are calling on nation-wide supporters of Cindy Sheehan to aid her vigil to meet with President Bush in any way possible.

From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

Standing with the Faithful in Crawford, TX

It is one thing when politicians quibble about ending a war. It is quite another to stand beside a mother who has lost a son or daughter. Today we are asking you to do just that.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

Angry Mothers and Trembling Grizzlies

The Sheehan Effect: What, they ask, is the big deal? One soldier killed, one mother grieving – so what?


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

38 Democrats call on Bush to meet mother of fallen soldier

For several days now, she has been waiting outside your ranch, hoping to meet with you about the loss of her son and the failure to discover weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

Bereaved mother camps outside Bush 's private estate

"I want to ask him why did my son die? What was this noble cause you talk about? And if the cause is so noble, when are you going to send your daughters over there and let somebody else's son come home?"


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

The gates of hell are now wide open thanks to U.S. invasion

The gates of hell are now wide open – thanks to U.S. invasion – and their fires have enveloped almost everything in our country. There is no electricity, no water, no fuel, no food rations, no security, no sewage …


From Information Clearing House

Baghdad elite flees Iraq and the daily threat of death

Outside the shelter of the Green Zone, home to the American and Iraqi political leadership, lawlessness has overtaken the capital.


From Information Clearing House

The Origin Of Specious

By Dom Stasi

My god! Are we so insane now that we’re about to allow George W. Bush to influence our children’s thinking and thus the next generation of American scientists – or would alchemists be a more appropriate title? How about sorcerers?


If you don’t love this country, get out

By James Rothenberg

Albert Einstein called racism our national disease. In a similar but narrower vein, I’ll offer what I consider to be our national, political disease: hypocrisy. And for the national hypocrisy, the pledge of allegiance, notably the phrases, “for which it stands”, and “under God”.


It is none of our business what forms of government other countries have

A Childish Theory

by Charley Reese

There is now more terror, not less; the Middle East is less stable, not more stable; and we are not going to end up with a democracy in Iraq. We're going to end up instead with a theocracy aligned with Iran, a civil war or another authoritarian government – or the entire series of bad outcomes, one after another.


Coffins And Empire

By Stan Moore

This war cannot be won by America. For some strange reason, the Iraqis are fighting to win, not to meet American wishes and expectations. Every day that Americans are in Iraq fighting the insurgency is another day that George Bush is losing ground.


Wal-Mart's Woes

The beast of Bentonville is taking hits at the local, state and national levels. Now, a cyber-battle is being waged to stop Wal-Mart's unionbusting campaign.


Nukes Aren't Green

by Mark Hertsgaard, TomPaine.com

For the cost of a nuclear power plant, taxpayers could get seven times the carbon reductions and no radioactive waste.


Auch die Salzburger Landesregierung will eine Steuer für Handymasten einführen


Donnerstag, 11. August 2005


Bei Einführung der neuen Steuer muss Salzburg wie beim Vorsorgewert erneut Vorreiter-Rolle einnehmen.

Strahlungsbelastung muss verringert werden!
Steuer für Forschung und Monitoring zweckwidmen!

Nach dem niederösterreichischen Landtag will auch die Salzburger Landesregierung eine Steuer für Handymasten einführen, um die Betreiber dazu zu zwingen, „site-sharing“ (gemeinsame Nutzung von Standorten) zu betreiben. Zwar gibt es schon eine Bundesregelung zur Förderung von „site-sharing“, die allerdings nicht effizient genug umgesetzt wird.

Das Land rechnet durch die Einführung einer solchen Steuer mit Einnahmen bis zu 10 Millionen Euro. Neben der Finanzierung von unabhängiger Forschung könnte mit den Einnahmen auch ein computergestütztes Monitoring als Kontrolle für die entstehende Strahlenbelastung finanziert werden.

„Selbstverständlich begrüße ich eine Regelung, die die Aufstellung von Handymasten bremst, aber die Landesregierung muss Sorge tragen, dass durch Konzentration von Sendanlagen auf einem Mast die Belastung für die AnrainerInnen nicht erhöht wird.

Dazu müssten auch Aspekte des Gesundheitsschutzes im Gesetz ihren Niederschlag finden und eine Minimierung der Strahlung angestrebt werden.“, so Mag. Bernhard Carl.

Die deutsche Strahlenschutzkommission, der österreichische Oberste Sanitätsrat und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO sprechen sich für eine "Minimierung unvermeidlicher Expositionen" auf das erforderliche Minimum für das Funktionieren der Technologie aus. Auch wird eine Einbeziehung der betroffenen AnrainerInnen bei der Standortwahl empfohlen.

„Ein Teil der Einnahmen der Handymastensteuer muss für Forschung, ein anderer für den Aufbau eines 24-Stunden-Monitorings zur Kontrolle der Strahlungsintensität verwendet werden. LHstv. Raus ist aufgefordert, dafür Sorge zu tragen.

Die Einführung der neuen Steuer, muss zum Anlass genommen werden, die Belastung durch Mobilfunkstrahlung für die Bevölkerung zu verringern!“ so Mag. Bernhard Carl abschließend.

Für Rückfragen:

Mag. Bernhard CARL
Klinischer Psychologe, Gesundheitspsychologe
Gemeinderat der Stadt Salzburg - Bürgerliste
Uferstrasse 118
A-5026 Salzburg

Protooncogenes start to act as oncogenes for they have (known) sequences in the DNA

On point (4), if we are right that EHS is due to disturbance of the body's normal balance of nitric oxide, then in theory there are several mechanisms to either prevent the synthase responding, to reduce the resulting NO, to reduce superoxide (with which it reacts), or to reduce the peroxynitrite this results in etc. It isn't just a free radical issue, so melatonin is an incomplete response, but Vit B12 and selenium might be a good combination, for example. But EHS, if it is dose-respondent, will affect NO to different levels in different places, and the medication in a different combination EMF may end up being harmful.

BUT, why should 5% of the population have to pop pills so the rest can use a harmful technology? Should we have a prophylactic cancer pill so it doesn't matter about passive smoking?


Andy, of course we should not end up popping pills. The disturbance of the nitric oxide is about pH ? Your view is chemical, I am moving to an electromagnetic view, interference as the basic mechanism, resonance and polarisation, resulting in effects, consequences (eventually with co-factors), and in the end symptoms (by the senses - therefore it is called electrohypersensitivity, though we don't have senses for electromagnetic fields, except for the eyes of course). Chemical reactions are slow, electromagnetic communication between cells is fast. And distorted, if the structure of coherent electromagnetic radiation from masts corresponds with the structure (frequency, pulsation a.o.) of the communication within the body - Williams says interference HAS to take place then, otherwise the laws of physics should be reviewed.


I understand exactly what you are saying Frans, and I am not talking about something that happens in one small location of the body and has to be transmitted chemical to chemical along the line. Rather it may even change the electrical lines of communication.

Even molecules resonate, and the NO reactions are very fast and happen in every cell independently and simultaneously. Moreover many people's EHS has a lag effect: they don't feel it straight away, but it continues after the EMF event. Other effects are more immediate, such as my "TETRA lines" phenomenon, but I think that is electromagnetically different as well.

What is particularly intriguing is that NO reactions lie behind every symptom of EHS, and every longer term problem related to EMF as well: thyroid, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, CFS, MND, cancer etc.

I don't know what the EMF-to-molecule mechanism is. But since EMF is already known to affect the activity of the NO synthases, then if EHS is all about something else, it's very odd that NO is nonetheless implicated as potential cause for every symptom. Have you read Martin Pall on the same avalanche effects in MCS and CFS?

What is equally intriguing is why people of all shapes and sizes are affected by microwaves from 300 MHz up to 5GHz in the same way, even though some are square pulsed, some more sinusoidal, and some hardly pulsed at all.




I think that electro-hypersensitive people may be the tip of the iceberg. It may be that people who have immediate and unpleasant effects from EMR, because they can "feel" the emissions, therefore do not hang around too long. However, many other people who can't detect the emissions in this way could, nevertheless, eventually suffer for long term low level exposure. For instance, if cancer cell reproduction is stimulated by the radiation, the "victim" may not necessarily "feel" that this is taking place.

If this is the case, then we would all end up having to take medication just to prevent illness.



Sylvia, You are perfectly right: Radio emissions of all kinds, induce activity in many genes, including protooncogenes that start to act as oncogenes for they have (known)sequences in the DNA, that react to EMFs of all kinds. Othert genes induced are those coding for heat shock proteins: The proteins coded act like little scaffolds helping cell proteins activity continue quite normally, in unfavourable conditions (such as high temerature, infections, pollutants enterd the body etc) and they also break the BBB barrier from blood to the brain, allowing the pollutants (and some medicines) pass from the blood directly into the brain. In addition these proteins help DNA injured cells: They arrest their division, and let them to pull themselves together, and correct the DNA, mutaions included. If DNA has been reasonably corrected, the cell may resume regular life. But, if DNA is uncurable, these proteins lead the cell into a self programmed death (apoptosis). But these proteins may also assist cells that became cancerous to escape the apoptosis, then multiply and develop to full scale cancer.




have you yet come across EMF damage to the SOD1 gene? The reason I ask is that mutation can mean the superoxide dismutatase Zn,Cu SOD loses Zinc and the ability to retain its copper, so the SOD turns into a peroxynitrite producer instead of inhibitor. This is a characteristic common to familial and sporadic ALS (MND to us), and the reduced SOD is known as ALS-SOD. This might explain a lot.


Conservative Group to Oppose John Roberts

A conservative group in Virginia said Tuesday it was withdrawing its support for Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' confirmation Wednesday, August 10, 2005.


The Peaceful Occupation of Camp Crawford (Day 4)

-- a message from Cindy Sheehan, Crawford, TX

Today started at 4am when I had to get up and get ready to be on Good Morning America. It was pouring down rain at Camp Casey. The wind was blowing and there was thunder and lightening. It was pretty exciting. The interview went very well. I haven’t seen it or read a transcript. Since it was taped, I am just wondering if they showed it when I said Bush doesn't want to see me because he likes to surround himself with "sycophants." I also interviewed with Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Greta Van Susteren, and many others, and closed out the day with my pal, Mike Malloy.

The "first meeting" controversy died down a little today when my town's newspaper printed an op-ed that contradicted Matt Drudge’s cherry-picked account of my first meeting with George.

But since they don't have that controversy, they apparently have been lying about other things. Bill O'Reilly said that I am doing this because I have been bought out by, "The Arab Anti-Discrimination League." He was telling his viewers that I am a tool for the liberals and that I am a tool for the anti-war movement. Right now, what we are doing right here in Crawford is the anti-war movement. We have such a strong coalition of groups. GSFP, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out and the Crawford Peace House.

I talked with John Conyers today and he wrote a letter to George signed by about 18 other Congress members to request that he meet with me. I also talked to Maxine Waters tonight and she is probably going to be here tomorrow. I am so overwhelmed by the support.

I did non-stop interviews today. 100 people came through today to visit with us. About 25 people are staying the night. More food, water, flowers, and money came through today. One father brought his 2 and 4 year old sons out to meet me and thank me for trying to save his boys from the same fate Casey suffered.

Celeste and Dante Zappala from Philadelphia and Bill Mitchell from Atascadero, Ca., all members of GSFP, came out today to support me and help me do interviews and greet all of the people who are arriving.

There is a huge action tomorrow in Aurora, Il. George Bush is leaving the ranch tomorrow to go to Aurora, Il to sign a part of the energy bill at the Caterpillar factory. True Majority has raised money to dog George Bush when he leaves the ranch. Every time he leaves, there will be a GSFP member, MFSO members, VFP members, and Code Pink members who will protest him and say "Meet with Cindy." We will not let him have a 5 week nice vacation when there are millions of people in harm's way in Iraq due to his careless policies. The people of Iraq and our soldiers are suffering. Why should George have a nice vacation?

Thank you for all your support and interest.

We are making a difference.

Keep up the good work.


Cindy Sheehan

Mast Sanity National Conference Postponed

The Mast Sanity National Conference is being postponed from 8th October to two days in the Spring of 2006. There has been important developments in recent months in the mobile phone and Tetra mast issue. We therefore want to invite more speakers from outside the UK. We also want to allow more time for debate and discussion between delegates (always enjoyable!). The location will still be Central London. The AGM will also be held next year. We regret the postponement. All attendees who have paid will get their money back and have priority booking for next year.

Best wishes, Yasmin Skelt, Conference Organiser, Mast Sanity


Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts.


Source: http://www.stopumts.nl/english.php

Marlborough Mast Appeal Allowed by Inspector

Well said! So what now!?!?!




I suggest you see if your planning authority will challenge this decision. They can appeal on the grounds this decision wasn't right. Your MPs involvement may help in getting this.

Failing that and possibly anyway residents may want to write to the chief executive at the planning inspectorate in Bristol - Katrine Sporle challenging was the decision fair, transparent, open, consistent and impartial. Was justice done and seen to be done. What criteria was planning inspector instructed to use. what training did the inspector have, how did the decision compare with others - cite Bath where I live - a recent decision where inspector said visually unacceptable so why was mast considered visually acceptable in Malborough. Inconsistent!

Also get a copy of what documents operator submitted. Chances are there is something wrong with something. They shove in a load of technical data assuming it won't be challenged. particularly as regards the coverage data which is usually seriously flawed. eg the same coverage and technical data for a 12.5 meter high 2g mast won't apply to a 3g mast. - Sometimes information the operators provide is verging on being so deliberately false that it is verging on fraud as in a case I am involved with at the moment. So there could be ways forward.



You can always appeal based on article 174 of the European Treaty, precuationary principle, if there is enough evidence (even if scientific proof is not 100%) authorities have to decrease the risk by precautionary measures, this even goes first above existing contracts.

The evidence of real life (cases) and the 8 epidemiologic and 2 provocative research on masts and people in the vicinity (see http://www.stopumts.nl/english.php ) plus half of the laboratory findings is enough evidence.

Of course if you can proove the permit was wrong or the decision making was not democratic or else, it is nice, but don't use too much energy for this, in the end it is an environmental pollution with impact on health (including well-being, according to the WHO-definition). Rio 1992, European Treaty art. 174.



Paragraph 10 of the planning system general principles - a document produced by ODPM - states that local planning authorities must determine planning applications in accordance with the statutory development plan unless material considerations determine otherwise.

I assume the planning authority said the mast was contrary to the local plan and the planning inspector may have said need for the mast was a material planning consideration which overwrites this or words to that effect. I think the planning authority could challenge that. A material consideration must be genuine and the development in the public interest.

Who says the need for a mast is a material planning consideration? on what basis is need a material consideration? Who's need? What need? Need for what? Who needs a 3g mast? You could argue there is no need. They need 80% of population by 2007 - but 80% isn't a 100%.

You may want to read the inspector's report and see if there is anything that you can persuade the local authority (perhaps councillors first) that they can appeal over. But remember time limits on appeals.

In a case in Bath a year ago an inspector overruled the planning committee's refusal and gave 02 permission. The councillors didn't know they could have appealled and residents didn't know planning authority could appeal. Residents were badly advised on their rights to appeal inspector's decision and deadline had then passed.

So I challenged planning inspectorate decision myself with the residents and planning inspectorate admitted their decison was flawed but said they had no legislative powers to change decision. So we went on a media campaign with councillors support as they were so angry and with MPs support on grounds that a) planning committee decision to refuse mast was overruled by planning inspectorate and planning inspector report was terrible. b) planning inspector then admitted decision to overrule was flawed

Councillors were prepared to revoke planning permission as they were so angry about the way the whole thing had been handled and called a meeting to do it. 02 came along to meeting and said they wouldn't build the mast but look for another site so they met councillors and went to look at other sites. They have so far stuck to their word and are expected to submit a planning application soon for another site. They may still try and build the mast although councillors say they wouldn't dare. If your councillors can be persuaded that they must protect their town and their residents they could do the same.



From Karen Barratt

I do not think removing John Prescott would make any difference. Just before the the last election an announcement was promised from the ODPM re: response to Stewart update etc. I was told on very good authority that there would be some "movement" on planning which while not going as far as Mast Sanity would like, would at least be "radical" by ODPM standards. In the event it was delayed amid the calling of the election and all we got was a bland statement from Yvette Cooper promising "research" into the issue. When I asked my source what had happened I was told that the ODPM proposals had been blocked by No.10 and the DTI. Many MPs are concerned about the situation (they're certainly aware of it) but the problem is that govt policy is being driven by vested interests and an obsession with technology as a solution to all our problems.

Close call on mast


Councillor urging people to oppose 02 mast proposal


Call for policy on phone mast bids


Residents urged to voice opposition to phone mast


Telford Council to review mast policy


Report from Camp Casey

11:30 p.m. CT, Wednesday, August 10

By David Swanson

I just spoke by phone from DC with Cindy Sheehan and Ann Wright in Crawford, Texas. Cindy has been doing interviews non-stop for the past few days. Ann and Diane Wilson and others have been doing most of the speaking with the police.

Cindy had hoped to spend the night tonight in the Crawford Peace House, but is heading out to the ditch along the road instead. "If anybody's going to be arrested, I need to be out there," she said.

Ann could not confirm any specific threat of arrest, but she said that she took the rumors seriously. The rumors are that the Sheriff's men will come arrest everyone after midnight.

Cindy said that Will Pitt from Progressive Democrats of America and Scott Galindez from Truthout will be filming anything that happens. Ann said the media have been alerted.

Supporters around the country have been independently arriving at identical proposals, namely that if Cindy is arrested, we should go en masse to our local police stations, inviting the media, and asking to be arrested. I think this makes sense, and that it should happen the day after Cindy is arrested, meaning Friday if she's arrested tonight. Noon. Friday. Everyone.

There are 70 – 80 people on the site at Camp Casey at the moment, Ann said. If they are asked to leave or be arrested, many if not all of them will likely opt for arrest.

Another rumor has it that someone has already purchased the URL freecindy.org or freecindy.com.

I've been managing two sites related to this: http://www.meetwithcindy.org

Having been unable to find a server capable of handling a database-driven site with the traffic being received by meetwithcindy.org (and I've tried some of the best), I've put a simple static page there that will be updated as soon as the server recovers to include a link to this section on the afterdowningstreet site, which contains all the latest news about Camp Casey:


I spoke with Ann Wright for quite a while, and she gave the following report.

It's raining for the third night. There are 70-80 people on site and another 80 out in hotels or houses. Another 50 or 60 stopped by during the day to spend some hours.

The rain let up around noon and they had a very pleasant afternoon. A crew came and filmed an ad to air on local TV in Crawford (I'm trying to get a digital copy).

"There's been an incredible outpouring of donations," Ann said. People are driving for hours and staying a while and driving home, and they're bringing cases of water and other supplies. "We've got people here from Georgia, Montana, California, Alabama, New York, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Pennsylvania….The enthusiasm is amazing. People have driven 12 hours to be here.

Tomorrow, Ann said, they will be putting up 500 crosses "to symbolize the unnecessary deaths of Americans and the unnecessary deaths of Iraqis."

Where will they put them?

They will have to put them in the two slivers of roadside ditch permitted them, each about 12 by 300 feet according to Ann, and the two making up sides of a triangle. The center of the triangle would be better for a demonstration, but the local owner had the police kick everyone off.

"Now," said Ann, "the cops are always coming through to clear out cars with an inch of tread on the road or people with chairs with one leg on the road. It's not the best place if we had planned – but this wasn't planned, and that is why it's so successful."

Ann enthusiastically recounted the power of Cindy's speech on Friday night at the Veterans for Peace Convention in Dallas.

The speech:

"Cindy announced she was going and said 'Who can drive me?' and people looked around and then all the hands in the room went up…. We had a caravan of 15 cars and a bus at 8:30 the next morning. And it had spread like wildfire on the internet, so 40 or 50 activists from Dallas and Austin came out."

Slowly the assemblage has acquired tents and chairs, through purchase or donation. Someone supplies everyone with sub sandwiches every lunchtime. About 50 flower arrangements have arrived and been arranged in a "beautiful flower memorial," Ann said.

Ann expressed ongoing amazement at the energy coming to the site. "People are diverting vacation trips to come here instead. People on business trips in Austin and Houston are staying an extra day to come here. Texans who have never been to Crawford and never wanted to come to Crawford are here. And the military families that are here find it so heartening to be supported by all these people."

Ann described a wife of a soldier preparing to ship out to Iraq, the mother of another who died, and an active-duty Sergeant from Fort Hood who's been to Iraq once and is going back again, but who has been speaking in uniform at Camp Casey about "the need for mothers to speak out to save their sons and daughters."

Ann was interrupted while we were talking, but came back and said, "Yeah, it really is powerful. The rain is letting up, and people are coming out of their tents. People all came here to be together and share ideas. And all because one woman came and said 'I'll sit here until the President of the United States talks to me.'"

Last night in a horrible thunderstorm, Ann said, she shouted over to Cindy's tent and asked "Are you awake?" The answer: "Are you kidding?" Cindy had a fever, a sore throat, and general exhaustion – at least that's what everyone says. She sounds anything but exhausted on the phone and through the media.

All the latest news about Cindy:

John Johnson Change-Links Progressive Newspaper change-links@change-links.org http://www.change-links.org

Cindy Sheehan

050811 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Renewing the police state


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Will the GOP stand by Bush?

by Stephen W. Stromberg


Historically, low presidential approval ratings and waning support among independent swing voters before a midterm election spell disaster for the president's party. According to James Campbell, professor of political science at the State University of New York at Buffalo, the president's party, on average, wins about 1.3 seats in the House of Representatives for every point of presidential approval. Bush's current approval rating is higher only than that of Harry Truman, who lost 55 House seats in 1946; Ronald Reagan, who lost 27 House seats in 1982; and Bill Clinton, who lost 54 House seats in 1994. ... There have been signs recently that some Republicans in Congress are taking a cue from the past and distancing themselves from Bush. ... But, notes Barry Burden, an assistant professor at Harvard who teaches the politics of Congress, 'the last two midterm elections have not followed the historical trend.' From the Civil War to 1994, only once did a president's party add congressional seats in a midterm election. In 1998, however, Clinton gained seats in the House, and Bush won seats in both chambers in 2002... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Homegrown resistance

by Stan Goff

Soldiers and soldiers' families are constantly instructed on something called courage. People can only hear that word so many times before they begin to actually reflect on what it means; and the briefest reflection reveals something much deeper than the pumped-up physical bravado required to engage in gunfights with strangers. This administration knows now that the very training and indoctrination that prepares troops for battle can slip the leash and provide the will to face first the truth, and then themselves, and then even prison. That really sucks for them, for Bush and Rumsfeld, who can never understand anything but the bravado of the rich bully. Because history will be far kinder to Kevin and Monica Benderman than it will be to George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Homeschoolers challenging the education monopoly

Sierra Times
by Nathan Tabor


It is a fundamental tenet of capitalism that free market competition is good for the people and the country. That's why Congress wisely enacted anti-trust legislation a century or so ago -- to prevent big, powerful monopolies from eliminating their competition by stifling the little guy. But today, Americans are threatened by a government-sponsored and taxpayer-funded monopoly, one that is potentially more powerful and dangerous than the old Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel operations. Like a giant octopus with long, deadly tentacles, the socialistic 'Official Public Education Trust' has established a virtual stranglehold on the impressionable minds of our nation's youth...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Taking property and the dream

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


"It was only a month ago that Republicans couldn't raise their hands fast enough in defense of property rights and home ownership. The Supreme Court had decided that the government could take people's homes for private development, and Republicans were outraged. In fact, they were in disbelief. Only a week later, all but 10 of the 230 Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives took to the floor and cast votes expressing their "grave disapproval" of the Supreme Court's bare majority decision. Their colleagues in the Senate were equally aghast and, led by Senator John Cornyn, sponsored a bill that would prohibit federal funding of any project that involves taking private property for economic development. But that was a month ago...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Turning points?

Baltimore Sun
by Jules Witcover


Belatedly but inexorably, the rash of American deaths this month -- more than 30 so far, bringing the total to 1,823 -- has hit the home front as seldom before in this war of President Bush's choice. The concentration of most of the victims in one Marine Reserve unit in Ohio has generated stories and interviews on television and in newspapers that further remind Americans of the price being paid. Likewise featured on the network news shows and front pages is the protest outside the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas, of Cindy Sheehan, whose 24-year-old soldier son, Casey, died in the Sadr City section of Baghdad 16 months ago. Unable to speak with Mr. Bush directly, she told reporters: 'He said my son died in a noble cause, and I want to ask him what that noble cause is.' A 45-minute meeting with Mr. Bush's national security adviser, Stephen J. Hadley, did not assuage her...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

The silver bullet for liberty

by Tom DeWeese


Justice John Paul Stevens. Justice Anthony Kennedy. Justice David Souter. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Stephen Breyer. These four men and one woman have ruled that the United States Constitution truly is a meaningless document. Their ruling in the Kelo case declared that Americans own nothing. After declaring that all property is subject to the whim of a government official, it's just a short trip to declaring that government can now confiscate anything we own; anything we create; anything we believe. They said our purpose in this country is to simply 'serve the greater good.' Our own hopes and dreams mean nothing. The state now decides. Without the right to own and control private property, there are no other rights...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Republicans display the arrogance of power

Cato Institute
by David Boaz


For years, Republicans argued that the Democratic majority in Congress was intruding the federal government into more and more matters best left to the states, the local communities, or the private sector. After 10 years in power, however, the Republicans have seen the Democrats' intrusiveness and raised them. The Republicans have pushed the feds further into the local schools with the No Child Left Behind Act and tried to take marriage law away from the states with the Federal Marriage Amendment. They overruled a series of Florida courts in the Terri Schiavo case, imposing the massive power of the federal government on a tragic family matter. But it's not just these big-ticket items. Republicans have come down with a serious case of Potomac Fever. They believe that their every passing thought is a proper subject for federal legislation. They hold three-ring-circus hearings on steroids in baseball. They sharply increase the fines for alleged indecency on television. They hold hearings on whether college textbooks are too expensive. They threaten to punish Major League Baseball if the owners allow left-wing billionaire George Soros to be a part owner of the new team in Washington. They vote for a federal investigation of the video game 'Grand Theft Auto'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Tyranny's gate

by Scott Horton


Why would the government go to such lengths to persecute Jose Padilla in the first place? Perhaps it's because when Ashcroft announced his detainment as an 'enemy combatant,' -- fittingly from Moscow -- Padilla was described as a terrible al-Qaeda terrorist threat -- a man capable of, and intent on, detonating a 'dirty bomb' which would cause 'cause mass death and injury.' The truth is, Padilla had no money, no experience with bombs, and no access to radioactive material. In short, it was decided that because the criminal case against Padilla was paper thin, his fate could not be left to some irresponsible federal judge or jury to decide, and so they turned him over to the military. If George Bush has his way, the military will have successfully claimed the legal right to do this to you too...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senior judges accuse politicians over terror laws

Independent [UK]


Britain's most eminent judges have warned politicians that they will fight any move to undermine their independence, after being accused of thwarting moves to fight terrorism. In a stark warning, the country's senior legal figures warned of a backlash from the courts -- and declared that diluting the powers of the judiciary will undermine the basis of democracy. Their uncompromising stance comes after a series of clashes with the Government and opposition MPs. Yesterday, Michael Howard, the Tory leader, accused judges of 'aggressive judicial activism' and of blocking the will of MPs over the fight against terrorism. Tony Blair recently warned judges he will renounce part of the European Convention on Human Rights and have 'a lot of battles' with courts if they block the deportation of extremists...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Federal elections turn to permanent campaigning

Fox News

It's no coincidence that Karl Rove, who has orchestrated the strategy behind President Bush's winning campaigns since Bush ran for governor of Texas in 1994, now has a senior White House position orchestrating policy. Political analysts and insiders say Rove's ascendance in the White House is a natural outgrowth of what has become the 'permanent campaign,' in which the day after an election victory becomes the first day of the next campaign cycle. 'Basically, there is no separation between campaigning and governing,' said Kathryn Tenpas, a senior fellow with the Weidenbaum Center at Washington University in St. Louis. The concept of a permanent campaign didn't start with President Bush; it began with Richard Nixon, who was the first president to hire a pollster for the sole purpose of gauging White House policy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dubiose Telefonüberprüfung von Arbeitslosen – Erwerbslosenverbände raten: einfach auflegen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

anliegend übersende ich Ihnen unsere heutige Pressemitteilung zur Telefonüberprüfung von Arbeitslosengeld II Beziehern.

Omega siehe unter:

Für Rückfragen stehen wir unter in der Pressemitteilung genannten Telefonnummern zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Tacheles e.V.
Erwerbslosen und Sozialhilfeverein
Harald Thomé
Luisenstr. 100
42103 Wuppertal

Tel: 0202 - 31 84 41 Fax: 0202 - 30 66 04

E-Mail: info@tacheles-sozialhilfe.de
Internet: http://www.tacheles-sozialhilfe.de

Bombs of Vietnam War Continue to Kill and Maim


Big Tobacco's Toll


Bush Sends John Bolton to the United Nations


Rage Against the Killing of the Light


Cindy Sheehan

Support Our Troops: Call a Truce in America’s Drug War


Get Past Bush's War Rhetoric to See What Has or Has Not Worked


Americans Join Mom in Waiting for Iraq Answers


Cindy Sheehan

Two Key Rights Acts Set to Expire


Environmentalists Concerned about New EPA Appointments

Reshuffling and resignations at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have generated a flurry of nominees that for the most part have avoided media attention. The changes are causing concern among environmental and watchdog organizations.


World Land Use Is Top Environmental Issue

The massive conversion of the world's natural landscapes to agriculture and other human uses may soon begin to undermine the capacity of the planet's ecosystems to sustain a burgeoning human population. A group of leading scientists portrays the escalating transformation of the world's forests, wetlands, savannahs, waterways and other native landscapes as the biggest potential threat to human health and global sustainability.


Warnung vor Handystrahlen



Christine Kind 10-08-05

"Warnung vor Handystrahlen" am 05.08.2005 im ORF, download der Beiträge

Wiener Ärztekammer warnt!

Die digitalisierten Beiträge zum Thema "Warnung vor Handystrahlen" Zeit im Bild 1, 05.08.2005, 19.30 Uhr Zeit im Bild 3, 05.08.2005, 0.00 Uhr können heruntergeladen werden:


Teuflische Enge: Prekäre Arbeits-, Lebens- und Protestwelten im Postfordismus

Artikel von Wolf Wetzel in junge Welt vom 03.08.2005 http://www.jungewelt.de/2005/08-03/004.php

Aus: LabourNet, 11. August 2005

Lüchow: Königsberger 10 zwangsgeräumt

„Am heutigen 9. August 2005 wurde ein Büro der Königsberger Straße 10 in Lüchow (Wendland) zwangsgeräumt. Die Überflüssigen waren wieder mal in Aktion. Unangekündigt kam kurz nach 11 Uhr das Kommando “Die Überflüssigen” in die Königsberger Straße. Rot gekleidete Menschen mit weißen Masken bevölkerten das Kreishaus in Lüchow, wo in der Etage B der Sozialamtsangestellte Martin Riedel sein Büro B 225 hatte. Riedel ist zuständig für die Bearbeitung der Widersprüche, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger gegen Bescheide des Amtes eingelegt hatten. Riedel zeichnet sich durch sehr verzögerte und absurde Begründungen für die Ablehnung der Widersprüche aus. So empfahl er beispielsweise, die Heizkosten durch Abschaltung der Heizung zu senken. Durch Riedels Entscheidungen wurden mehrere Menschen Opfer von Zwangsräumungen. Das schrie nach Rache….“ Bericht von Herrn Wolter vom 09.08.2005 bei indymedia


Aus: LabourNet, 11. August 2005

Leak Investigation: An Oversight Issue?

There are those who claim that Fitzgerald isn't really supervised by this person ...

Leak Investigation: An Oversight Issue?
Newsweek, August 15, 2005 issue

Aug. 15, 2005 issue - The departure this week of Deputy Attorney General James Comey, who has accepted the post of general counsel at Lockheed Martin, leaves a question mark in the probe into who leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. Comey was the only official overseeing special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's leak investigation. With Attorney General Alberto Gonzales recused, department officials say they are still trying to resolve whom Fitzgerald will now report to. Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum is "likely" to be named as acting deputy A.G., a DOJ official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter tells NEWSWEEK. But McCallum may be seen as having his own conflicts: he is an old friend of President Bush's and a member of his Skull and Bones class at Yale. One question: how much authority Comey's successor will have over Fitzgerald. [...] Read the rest at Newsweek:

© Virginia Metze

The Pain Deep Inside

Another great Bob Herbert column:
published in the New York on August 8.
See http://tinyurl.com/924r8

© Virginia Metze

Army Whistleblower Draws Fire

August 7, 2005

WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the world as Bunnatine Greenhouse sees it, people do the right thing. They stand up for the greater good and they speak up when things go wrong. She believes God has a purpose for each life and she prays every day for that purpose to be made evident. These days she is praying her heart out, because she is in a great deal of trouble. [...] She has asked many questions: Why is Halliburton - a giant Texas firm that holds more than 50 percent of all rebuilding efforts in Iraq - getting billions in contracts without competitive bidding? Do the durations of those contracts make sense? Have there been violations of federal laws regulating how the government can spend its money? [...]

Now Bunny Greenhouse may lose her job - and her reputation, which she spent a lifetime building.

She is a black woman in a world of mostly white men; a 60-year-old workaholic who abides neither fools nor frauds. But she is out of her element in this fight, her former boss said. [...] Read it at the Associated Press web site: http://tinyurl.com/bq832

© Virginia Metze

Government Gag Exposed


The feature below shows the danger of giving the government unchecked power to censor speech in the name of national security. The National Security Letter (NSL) section of the USA Patriot Act contains a gag provision that prohibits anyone who receives an NSL from “disclos[ing] to any person that the [FBI] has sought or obtained access to information or records.” The gag provision continues to prevent the ACLU from disclosing to the public a vast amount of innocuous, non-sensitive information about our constitutional challenge to the NSL power. For example, the government has demanded that the ACLU redact a sentence that described its anonymous client's business as " provid[ing] clients with the ability to access the Internet .” The government even insisted that the ACLU black out a direct quote from a Supreme Court case in our brief. ("The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect 'domestic security.' Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent.") The ACLU continues to contest the government's redactions in the case. The documents below highlight speech that the government suppressed in the case, but the Court later allowed us to disclose. Here is what the government didn't want you to see. [...] There follows a list of twelve documents. See it at http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=16275&c=262

© Virginia Metze

Nicolas F. Benton CIA Analyst Roasts Bush

by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press

Ray McGovern, a 27-year analyst for the CIA speaking in Falls Church, Virginia, to a gathering of the Virginia Votes group Sunday, unleashed a scathing indictment of the Bush’s administration’s handling of an array of intelligence, military and human rights matters in the context of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. He said the people that are currently running U.S. foreign and military policy were affectionately known as “The Crazies” during the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations, and were “kept at arm’s length,” never permitted to rise above middle management levels of influence because of their radical proclivities. However, with the election of the current Bush, they took over all the top positions. McGovern and his colleagues in the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity held a press conference in D.C. last Friday to brief the media on the implications for the lives and safety of U.S. anti-terror intelligence assets worldwide of Bush advisor Karl Rove’s blowing the cover of an undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame. Rove’s action was done in order to “get even” with Plame’s husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, for exposing the administration’s lie about Iraq’s nuclear capabilities prior to the invasion. “We wanted to tell the media how many people might get killed,” he said. It was in the context of that briefing that former CIA analyst Larry Johnson was invited to give the Democratic response to the president’s weekly radio address Saturday. [...] Read it all at http://www.fcnp.com/521/benton.htm

© Virginia Metze


It is still unclear about status of grand jury investigations headed up by Patrick Fitzgerald. The statutes which lay out the laws about grand juries are complex and it is hard for people to know whether there is some sort of "cover-up" or whether everyone is simply staying within the applicable law. If you want to read about it, here is a URL to follow up; just keep an open mind, as unless someone violates the law, we don't really know...

Federal grand jury digging deep into Bush crimes
by Greg Szymanski


© Virginia Metze





By Greg Szymanski

A federal whistleblower close to the Chicago federal grand jury probe into perjury and obstruction charges against President Bush and others said indictments of top officials were handed down this week. A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Illinois, however, refused to confirm or deny the source’s account.

“We are not talking about any aspect of this case, and our office is not commenting on anything regarding the investigation at this time,” said Randall Sanborn from the office of U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, the attorney conducting the grand jury probe into whether Bush and others in his administration violated federal law in a number of sensitive areas, including leaking the name of a CIA operative to the media.

In December 2003, Fitzgerald was named special counsel to investigate the alleged disclosure of Valerie Plame’s name to several mainstream columnists, but the present grand jury probe has expanded to include widereaching allegations of criminal activity as new information has surfaced.

Although the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago is staying silent, it is well known that Fitzgerald is digging deep into an assortment of serious improprieties among many Bush administration figures, based, in part, on subpoenaed testimony provided by former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

According to whistleblower Tom Heneghen, who recently reported on truthradio.com, Powell testified before the citizen grand jury that Bush had taken the United States to war based on lies, which is a capital crime involving treason under the U.S. Code. “Regarding the Powell testimony, there is no comment,” said Sanborn.

However, sources close to the federal grade jury probe also allegedly told Heneghen a host of administration figures under Bush were indicted, including Vice President Richard Cheney, Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Cheney advisor Mary Matalin. Heneghen, unavailable for comment, also allegedly told sources White House advisor Karl Rove was indicted for perjury in a major document shredding operation cover-up.

In recent weeks, there has been much controversy over Fitzgerald ’s wide-reaching probe, which is extending far beyond the Bush administration to include what some have called “a wholesale cleansing” of a crimeladen White House and Congress.

Fitzgerald’s investigation is said to be also centered on members of the 9-11 Commission, members on both sides of the aisle in the House and Senate and also select high-powered members of the media.

Needless to say, administration officials are “fighting mad” with Fitzgerald. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts is trying to derail Fitzgerald’s probe by calling him to testify before the Senate regarding his true motives behind the investigation.

Political observers are now wondering whether administration-friendly Republican legislators, some under investigation themselves, are conspiring like President Nixon did in Watergate with Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox in an attempt to shield the Bush administration from prosecution.

In late July, reports about the recent bomb scare in the subway under the congressional offices at the Dirksen Building—coincidently near where Fitzgerald was holding his grand jury hearings—raised questions as to whether government operatives were sending the zealous prosecutor a “warning message” that he was entering dangerous waters with his investigation.

The bomb scare was reported to local police late Monday afternoon, July 18, causing the subway to be evacuated for approximately 45 minutes while bomb sniffing dogs and SWAT team members searched for what was reported to be “a suspicious package” left on one of the subway cars.

Fitzgerald began serving as the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois in September 2001. He was initially appointed on an interim basis by former Attorney General Ashcroft before being nominated by Bush.

The Senate confirmed his nomination by unanimous consent in October 2001. In December 2003, he was named special counsel to investigate the Plame case. Based on the testimony of ABC sources in late July, it appears that at least two close associates of Rove testified before the grand jury. One was Susan Ralston, a longtime associate of Rove and considered to be his right hand.

The other was “Izzy” Hernandez, regarded as Rove’s left hand and now a top official in the Commerce Department.

(Issue #33, August 15, 2005)

Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003

Informant: Milo

Drudge Report takes anti-war mom out of context

RAW STORY web site

An article by Matt Drudge quoting anti-war mother Cindy Sheehan whose son was killed in Iraq grossly took Sheehan out of context, RAW STORY has learned.

The Vacaville, California Reporter told of how Sheehan was invited to meet with Bush and given "VIP treatment" from the military. But even when the article was published, it's clear that Sheehan and her husband had serious questions about Bush -- and were not adulatory as the article by Drudge suggests.

The article by David Henson was acquired by RAW STORY, and has since been reposted online. [...] Read the rest at rawstory web site: http://tinyurl.com/8pxvz

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan

North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition

This surfaced some time ago and it is now going around again:

WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High; Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition

WTC janitor pulls burn victim to safety after basement explosion rocks north tower seconds before jetliner hit top floors. Also, two other men trapped and drowning in a basement elevator shaft, were also pulled to safety from underground explosion.. June 24, 2005 By Greg Szymanski

What happened to William Rodriguez the morning of 9/11 is a miracle. What happened to his story after-the-fact is a tragedy.

But with miracles and tragedies comes truth. And truth is exactly what Rodriguez brings to the whole mystery surrounding 9/11.

Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the jetliner struck the top floors.

He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions.

All these events occurred only seconds before and during the jetliner strike above. And through it all, he now asks a simple question everybody should be asking? How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact? [...] Read it for yourself at Arctic Beacon web site: http://tinyurl.com/daefx

© Virginia Metze

How John Roberts could change your life

On the Supreme Court docket this fall are cases involving assisted suicide, police searches and military recruiting on college campuses

By Tom Curry
National affairs writer
Updated: 12:26 p.m. ET Aug. 8, 2005

Swap John Roberts for Sandra Day O'Connor and what do you get?

The answers will come in hundreds of cases over the next 25 or 30 years, if the Senate confirms his nomination to the Supreme Court.

But the Roberts Effect will begin to emerge in what he says during oral arguments on the cases that are on the court's docket for the term that begins Oct. 3, and in the opinions he writes in those cases.

From the right of doctors to help people commit suicide to the powers of the police to search our homes, Roberts's votes will shape the rules under which Americans live. [...] Read the rest at: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8826595/

© Virginia Metze

TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law

Citizenspook web page: TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law - Big Trouble For The White House Staff. Thursday, July 28, 2005

The controlling law for Treasongate has been greatly ignored by the main stream media and the blogosphere. This article seeks to clarify the controlling law.

To determine the controlling law, all one needs to do is read the non-disclosure agreement Karl Rove and all of the members of the Bush administration with security clearance signed which included the following statement:

"I have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classified information by me may constitute a violation, or violations, of United States criminal laws, including the provisions of Sections 641, 793, 794, 798, 952 and 1924, Title 18, United States Code, the provisions of Section 783(b), Title 50, United States Code, and the provisions of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982." [...] Read it all at CitizenSpook web page: http://tinyurl.com/8surl

Part 2: TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law, Part 2: THE DEATH PENALTY, 18 USC 794 and the shift from GWOT to GSAVE http://tinyurl.com/aw7mb

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan Threatened With Arrest

Monday, August 08, 2005

posted by Jack Dalton on his "Straight-Speak" blogspot

The following breaking news that Cindy Sheehan, co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, is going to be arrested this Thursday as a “threat to national security” only confirms what so many of us already know—democracy, free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to redress our government, freedom to dissent, freedom to demand answers from so-called elected officials is dead in this nation.

To call Cindy Sheehan, the mother of Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq, and whose blood is on Bush/Cheney’s hands, a “threat to national security” because she demands to know from Bush why her son died shows how low this nation has been dragged. [...] For full coverage of the Sheehan journey for truth, see other stories on this site. This particular column is under some others, so you will have to scroll down a bit. There is a lot of news there. http://jack-dalton.blogspot.com/ The Straight-Speak blogspot also has lots on Roberts as well. If you have time and want to browse, you have hit a gusher. Oooppsss we don't want to strike oil, do we? Remember The Lone Star Iconoclast, the Crawford home town paper which supported Kerry for President? Well they are trying to help Cindy Sheehan as well. They have a front page story about her, and have a Cindy Watch going. Their page about her on this past Monday is

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan

George W. Bush is building a big government of the right

In plain sight

With the public distracted, George W. Bush is building a big government -- of the right

Allan Lichtman is a professor of history at American University and author of "The Keys to the White House."
August 7, 2005

Like a master pickpocket, George W. Bush distracts the American people with one hand while reaching into their pockets with the other. The distraction comes through the flash and bombast of explosive social issues like public displays of religion, end-of-life decisions and creationism, on which Bush has delivered little beyond rhetoric. The pilfering comes through initiatives that take from working- and middle-class Americans and give to Bush's corporate backers, to whom he has delivered the goods big time.

This summer, with the public preoccupied over whether Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, Congress passed an energy bill with $14.5 billion in tax breaks, most of which will flow to companies like Exxon, which last year made about $25 billion in after-tax profits, enough to float a small country. [...] Read the rest at Newsday Editorials page: http://tinyurl.com/dbl4y

© Virginia Metze

One Mother in Crawford: Mom vs. Bush

Mom vs. Bush: Sign onto our ad. Von: "Tom Matzzie, MoveOn.org Political Action" <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> Datum: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:28:50 -0700 An: "bob banner" <hopedance@aol.com>

We're taking out an ad in President Bush's local newspaper in support of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq. Cindy is camped outside Bush's ranch in Texas, asking for a meeting with the president. We'll publish the number of signers and the best comments in a full two-page spread in the Sunday newspaper nearest to Crawford. Can you sign and spread the word before the 3:00 PM Friday print deadline?

Tune into Air America's Morning Sedition for Cindy Sheehan updates every morning at 8:10 AM Eastern. Visit AirAmericaRadio.com to listen live or check for a local station. Dear MoveOn member,

On April 4th last year, 24-year-old Army Specialist Casey Sheehan died in Iraq. This week, while President Bush vacations in Texas, Casey's mother, Cindy Sheehan, sits vigil outside the president's ranch. Cindy says that she won't leave until President Bush meets with her to discuss the war—even if it means spending all of August there.

Cindy Sheehan was not an anti-war activist, but the loss of her son and the mounting evidence of deception by the Bush administration pushed her to speak out. While Cindy camps roadside in Texas, dozens of other military moms are flying to Texas to join her. Her story is starting to grab national attention, but Cindy needs our support. We're asking moms (and dads, siblings, spouses and kids) from all across America to help send a message by signing our letter of support to Cindy. Will you sign?


To add to the pressure on President Bush, we'll publish the number of signers and the best comments in a full two-page spread in the newspaper nearest to Crawford. We want to be able to print that at least 200,000 people signed the letter to Cindy before the Friday print deadline.

Cindy simply wants to meet with the president to ask him to tell the truth about why her son died—and to stop using Casey's and other soldiers' deaths to justify continuing the war. But Cindy's reflections on the war are also a reminder to all of us about the importance of getting involved:

I shamefully and regretfully admit that before Casey was killed in Iraq I didn't publicly speak out against the war. I didn't shout out and say, "Stop. Stop this insane rush to an invasion that has no basis in reality. Don't invade a country based on cherry-picked intelligence and despicable scare tactics. You don't use our country's precious lifeblood unless its absolutely necessary to defend America." If I had broken the bonds of my slavery to silence sooner, would Casey still be alive? I don't know.

Cindy's story is starting to grab national and international attention, creating a public relations problem for the White House. If we can help Cindy capture the focus of the country for even a couple of days we will sear into the memory of the public the image of the grieving mother—a morally pure reminder of the ultimate reason to end the war: the lost sons and daughters of moms everywhere.

Cindy has appeared on ABC, CNN, and FOX, and yesterday the lead editorial in The New York Times entitled "One Mother in Crawford" noted that "many Americans are with her, at least figuratively, at that dusty roadside in Crawford, expecting better answers." With the White House press corps camped just a short distance away at Bush's ranch, our newspaper ad will help prod them to pay attention to her.

The more of us who sign on, the more impact we'll have. Please sign on now at:


In her grief and bravery, Cindy has become a symbol for millions of Americans who demand better answers about the Iraq war. Though right-wing pundits have attacked her personally, her honesty is unimpeachable. Now more and more mothers (and fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, sons and daughters) are standing up with Cindy. Please join us, and together, we'll make sure that President Bush can't escape the reality of this war—even in Crawford, Texas.

Thanks for all you do.

–Tom, MoveOn moms Carrie, Marika, and Joan, and the entire MoveOn.org Political Action Team Wednesday, August 10th, 2005

P.S. Help defray the cost of the print ads in Waco by making a contribution.

"One Mother in Crawford" Editorial, The New York Times, August 9, 2005.

Video Testimonial by Cindy Sheehan from our friends at
TrueMajority. http://www.truemajority.org/GoldStar_web.mov

P.P.S. After you add your name to the letter to Cindy the next most important thing you can do is to tell Cindy's story to other people. Please let your friends, family and colleagues know about one mother's brave stand in Texas by forwarding this e-mail.

Cindy Sheehan


From: CODEPINK <codepink@democracyinaction.org>

August 10, 2005

Many thanks to everyone who has so actively supported Cindy Sheehan's call to meet with President Bush in Crawford, Texas. We have been overwhelmed by the great response from CODEPINK Women from all over the country, many have traveled to Camp Casey a few miles from the Bush ranch.

Thank you for your generous donations of miles, food and supplies arriving daily at the Crawford Peace House and for spreading the call that "George W should "Meet with Cindy!" Cindy's story has captured mainstream media attention throughout the country and the world, and the story is spreading far and wide. (CNN and Washington Post stories)

Cindy is putting her body on the line to demand answers to questions all of us are asking about the war in Iraq. Cindy is a tragic victim of this war but at the moment also it's most valiant opponent. She is the grieving mother in all of us who wants to know why her son needed to die. And she is the voice that is finally making our leaders hear the call that the troops need to come back from Iraq now.

We urge you to continue to support Cindy and continue to make the call as loud as possible that Bush meet with her, for all of us.

Here are ways you can help. Join Diane in her hunger strike as she stands with Cindy at Camp Casey Find out if and when BUSH is coming to your town or nearby and make sure he hears our collective demand that he MEET WITH CINDY AND BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW! Organize a protest outside Bush's event and alert the local news media. Also email us at info@codepinkalert.org so we can tell others about your plans. Gather some friends and go to your busiest intersection with a banner that reads, "GEORGE MEET WITH CINDY!". Brainstorm creative ways to pressure Bush to come out of his coward's lair and talk with her. Tell us your ideas.

Cindy's voice is ramping up the call for us to get out of Iraq -- and catapulting the issue into our national consciousness. We are calling for everyone to join her in Crawford and stand with her as she continues to turn the eyes of the nation to Texas and to bear witness to the deep loss of a mother who is demanding answers from the Nation's President.

In Solidarity from Casey's Camp and around the nation,

Alicia, Andrea, Dana, Farida, Gael, Grace, Jodie, Medea, Rae, Tiffany and Whitney

P.S. Check out our new campaign One Million Reasons http://www.onemillionreasons.org and sign up and give us YOUR REASON to end the war now! We will deliver your reason to the White House on September 26th. You can also join us in DC and help us deliver the reasons during 3 days of rallying, marches and outrageous CODEPINK actions with tens of thousands of activists from around the country.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Cindy Sheehan


From: Meria Heller
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 1:28 PM Subject:
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:57 PM


This protest is building momentum rapidly and should be a full blown international event by the end of the week.

51% of Americans feel Bush lied about Iraq and we are all with Cindy as she stakes her claim for answers and the truth.

Allen L Roland

Camp Casey Day 3- The Peaceful Occupation of Camp Crawford

Cindy Sheehan's diary

08/09/05 "Daily Kos" -- -- Where do I begin?

Today was a highly eventful day. This entry won’t be artful, but utilitarian.

I conservatively got 3 to 5 phone calls a minute. I did about 25 phone interviews and several TV interviews. I did several right-wing radio interviews. I was supposed to do: The Today Show, MSNBC live interview, Connected Coast to Coast (MSNBC) and Hardball (MSNBC). The Today Show just never showed up and the other 3 MSNBC shows cancelled for no reason. Could it be because NBC is owned by General Electric, a major defense contractor??

Another big story that was going on today was about my first meeting with Bush in June of 2004. For you all I would like to clarify a few things. First of all, I did meet with George, and that is not a secret. I have written about it and been interviewed about it. I will stand by my recounting of the meeting. His behavior was rude and inappropriate. My behavior in June of 2004 and is irrelevant to what is going on in 2005. I was in deep shock and deep grief. The grief is still there, but the shock has worn off and the deep anger has set in. And to remind everybody, a few things have happened since June of 2004: The 9/11 commission report; the Senate Intelligence report; the Duelfer WMD report; and most damaging and criminal: the Downing Street Memos. The VERY LAST THING I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THIS IS: Why do the right wing media so assiduously scrutinize the words of a grief filled mother and ignore the words of a lying president?

In the early afternoon, we got word that if we were still there by Thursday, we were going to be deemed a "security threat" to the president. Condi and Rummy are coning in on Thursday for a "policy" meeting. Don’t they mean conspiracy to commit crimes meeting? I just don ’t understand why we will be a security threat on Thursday when we aren’ t now? If we don’t leave on Thursday, we will be arrested. Well, I am not leaving. There are only three things that would make me leave: if George comes out and talks to me; if August comes to an end, or if I am arrested.

People are heading here from all over the country. I have some more Gold Star Families for Peace members coming tomorrow. We are amazed by the outpouring of love and support we are getting. If you can come, then come. 62% of the American public are against this war and want our troops home. We need to show the media that we are in the majority. We need to show George Bush and his evil cabal of neocons that when we say "bring the troops home, now" we mean "bring the troops home, now!!!"

In the late afternoon, many of us left to go back to the peace house in Crawford because there was going to be a major lightening storm. While most of us were gone, the Sheriff came and told us that what we were told was county property really was private property and we would have to remove our stuff to a tiny place, or get it confiscated. I find it interesting that the county sheriff did not know that roads in his county that lead up to the presidential vacation home are private roads. I find it very hard to believe. The bastards think that they are pushing us off, but we will not leave there voluntarily or without handcuffs on. My only hope is, there will be tons of media there when they carry me to the squad car.

Today was so bizarre for me. I got phone calls from famous people pledging their support, and phone calls from mothers with sons in Iraq who are overcome with emotion when they talk to me. And it is so brave for them to call me, because I am their worst fear. We had a young man who is in the US Army at Ft. Hood come this morning and spend hours with us. He has been there and his unit is scheduled to go back in October. How much courage did that take for him to come within earshot of his commander in chief’s home and spend time with some old hippy protestors???

We have lawyer working on getting us closer and working on magically turning the private property back into county property again. I have some awesome young ladies for Code Pink answering my phone and taking phone calls. We have Veteran’s for Peace out there putting up banners (our tiny campsite looks real nice). We have concerned citizens from all over America starting to come in. IT IS FREAKIN’ AMAZING, FOLKS!!!

Come and join us and let your voices be joined with ours. AMEN!!!

Allen Roland’s weblog: http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/
Website: http://www.allenroland.com


Informant: Friends

Cindy Sheehan



The real threats to our national security are INSIDE Prairie Chapel Ranch, not the mothers on the outside - Meria


Cindy Sheehan lost her son Army Spc. Casey Sheehan in 2004 via the War in Iraq. On Aug. 3rd, Cindy heard Bush say soldiers killed in Iraq "died for a noble cause". Cindy Sheehan is currently in Crawford Texas, attempting to speak with Bush. She wants to ask Bush a simple question: "WHAT was the 'noble cause' that my son died for?"

But instead of Bush meeting with this grieving mother, Cindy Sheehan and her supporters including other military families, are being threatened with potential "arrest"!?!

The reason given that Cindy Sheehan is considered a threat to 'National Security'.

Say what?! Cindy Sheehan, an American mother who lost her son via the War in Iraq and who is simply seeking answers as to Why? - a threat to 'National Security' and who may be arrested, as a result?

Cindy and her family were certainly not seen as being a threat to 'National Security' when her son was alive and fighting in Iraq! NOW, this grieving American military mother is considered a 'threat'?

An excuse and unjust consequence btw folks, that has been used against fellow Americans and others around the planet, who do not agree with Bush's policies or who protest against Bush, in a peaceful manner.

It is my position that I would have done no less, if it had been my son. Folks, please show Cindy your support, by clicking here:
http://www.meetwithcindy.org/ and here:

P.S. A BIG Kudos to Maureen Dowd for her New York Times article below calling attention to this tragic state of affairs. A MUST READ FOR ALL!!

If not now, WHEN? If not us, then WHO? WE Are the Voices - WE Are the Movement for Bush Regime Change!

VILMA FOX - South Florida Activist

Why No Tea and SYMPATHY?
by Maureen Dowd

Informant: Friends

Cindy Sheehan

You killed my son, George Bush


Informant: Debi Clark

Cindy Sheehan

Crawford is a town located in western McLennan County


Cindy Sheehan

CODEPINK Blogs From Crawford


Cindy Sheehan

An Open Letter from Ralph Nader to Cindy Sheehan


Cindy Sheehan

Dedicated To Iraq Veterans Who Know The Truth


HAARP weapon, HAARP secret, HAARP and terror


Cindy Sheehan is horrified by what she is seeing


Cindy Sheehan

A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis


Informant: exopolitic

A message from the U.S. Brain Tumor Registry


Organizing the Militia


In Defense of the Iranians


Unenumerated Rights


Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism


Hanson Agonistes


Blood sacrifice preserves the nation: The Soldier as Sacrificial Victim


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Locate your child the same way they locate terrorists: Another excuse for masts at any expense?


Sneaky operator tactics in school holidays


Fife council turn down request for larger mast


Councillor calls on Inspector to dismiss Appeal


Don’t Believe the Hype: Howard Dean and the PDA

by Joshua Frank

After all they have been through, they still don’t get it. The Democrats are as inept a political opposition as George W. Bush is at running his daddy’s oil companies. DNC Chairman Howard Dean has just finished a long 30-state trip across the country, during which he met with thousands of enthusiastic Democrats looking for some way to challenge the Republican Party....


Prices and Values: Why Economics Fails as a Sole Foundation of Public Policy

by Ernest Partridge

Immediately upon assuming office in 1981, President Ronald Reagan issued an Executive Order requiring all federal administrative agencies and departments to justify proposed regulations with a cost-benefit analysis. Similarly, on his first day in office, January 20, 2001, George Bush ordered all cabinet officers to withhold implementation of more than fifty federal regulations that had been approved late in the Clinton administration. They were to be kept “on hold” until Bush’s Office of Management and Budget determined that their benefits exceeded their costs. As Amanda Griscom (of grist.com) reported in September 2003: “The frozen rules included more than a dozen significant environmental ones. They called for less arsenic in drinking water, a ban on snowmobiles in national parks, controls for raw sewage overflow, stronger energy-efficiency standards, and protections against commercial logging, mining, and drilling on national lands. Of the environmental regulations that came under scrutiny, only half have since made it past the cost-benefit analysis and into the Federal Register.” Cost-benefit analysis (CBA), an exclusively economic assessment of public policy proposals, is based upon the assumption that the public values that enter into policy decisions can all be quantified in monetary terms. This is a remarkably impoverished concept of “values” to be coming from an administration that proclaims its commitment to “moral values.”....


Impediments to the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

by N.D. Jayaprakash

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the ruthless atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, over 10,000 delegates from Japan and nearly 300 delegates from 29 other countries assembled in Hiroshima to attend the 2005 World Conference Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs. The Conference paid homage to the hapless victims of the nuclear holocaust (including the Hibakusha -- atomic bomb survivors), vowed to strive steadfastly to strengthen world opinion to prevent the recurrence of the horrific event ever again, and demanded the abolition of nuclear weapons. N.D. Jayaprakash, who attended the Conference, recounts the background of the nuclear arms race and about the present dilemma facing humankind....


Revving Up World War III

by Mike Whitney

The facts about Iran’s “alleged” nuclear weapons program have never been in dispute. There is no such program and no one has ever produced a shred of credible evidence to the contrary. That hasn’t stopped the Bush administration from making spurious accusations and threats, nor has it deterred America’s “imbedded” media from implying that Iran is hiding a nuclear weapons program from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). In fact, the media routinely features the unconfirmed claims of members of terrorist organizations, like the Mujahedin-e-Kalq, (which is on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations) to make it appear that Iran is secretively developing nuclear arms. These claims have proved to be entirely baseless and should be dismissed as just another part of Washington’s propaganda war. Sound familiar?


Open Letter to President Bush and Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

Sgt. Kevin Benderman, Conscientious Objector
by Monica Benderman

Dear Sirs:

As I am certain you are all aware, my husband, Sgt. Kevin Benderman, was sentenced to 15 months confinement, loss of rank, forfeiture of pay and a dishonorable discharge last week, the charge being “Missing Movement” or failure to get on a plane. In actuality, the charge was “filing a Conscientious Objector packet against the recommendation of his commander, who had no intention of allowing my husband to follow his conscience, and therefore serving notice to the rest of our military that they should not follow suit.” I need to assure you that I do not make this statement out of anger, but rather by simply pointing to the facts. Not only did my husband’s commander address this in a public comment to the media, the prosecutor used this in his closing statements, and the military representative was adamant about this in his public comments to the media immediately following my husband’s court martial....


Plaming Cindy Sheehan


Cindy Sheehan



Informant: NHNE



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