
It Appears That Karl Rove Is in Serious Trouble

A complex law, the Intelligence Identities And Protection Act requires that a number of requirements be met. The Rove case seems to fit the bill.


Karl Rove deserves a prize


How to Oppose a War


Karl Rove: Real Issue is the Case for War


Scientists Raise Alarm About Ocean Health


Interconnection between the CODEX & CAFTA issues


IAHF Webmaster: Codex Emergency, Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do, USA & All Countries

IAHF List: Lets keep the ball rolling! Last night I was on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, followed by Dr.Robin Falkov, Jon Rappoport, and Dr.Terry Grossman http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2005/07/13.html to discuss the interconnection between the CODEX & CAFTA issues, and to get more people fighting back by letting their Congressmen know that if they vote for CAFTA, they'll be touching the THIRD RAIL!!

You can hear the archive of the show at the link above if you missed the show last night.


Just as in the early 90s during the campaign to pass the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act in direct response to an FDA rule making effort that would have NUKED the supplement industry, today we ALSO have a large coalition of people from all walks of life, and all sides of the political spectrum involved in the campaign to kill CAFTA & to stop CODEX from blowing DSHEA out of the water.

The New American magazine just quoted me, and I forwarded their article to you a minute ago.

I welcome opportunities to get my message out via any venue, regardless of political leaning. Along these lines, I was recently published in a very liberal California based health food store magazine a few months ago.

Since I realize some of you will take a kneejerk reaction against the organization that publishes New American, and not go to their Capital Advantage site to send their form letter to Congress against CAFTA (even though I realize you oppose CAFTA) I am also providing my own form letter below.

I want you all to know that I am neither a Republican or a Democrat, but that I welcome assistance in this health freedom battle from EVERYONE regardless of country, age, color, ethnicity, religion, income, and political beliefs. If you oppose nanny state efforts to ban your access to the dietary supplements you choose to put in YOUR body which YOU feel like taking, then we're talking the same language.


We don't need any late night massacres in Congress on this issue. Please call your member of Congress via the Capital Switchboard at 202-225-3121 and give them the following message, then send the form letter below:

"I am very concerned that President Bush may attempt to ram CAFTA through during a late night session of Congress when not many members are on the floor and present to vote. Please take pains to make provision to be able to vote even if you can't be present on the floor, and PLEASE VOTE NO!! I heard John Hammell on the George Noory Show on Coast to Coast AM on July 13th and he delineated the interconnection between CAFTA and the CODEX vitamin issue, and I'll be sending you a letter which outlines these concerns.

You should know that in 1994 more Americans wrote to Congress during the Campaign to pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 than any issue in the HISTORY of the US Congress, and if you vote for CAFTA, you WILL be driven out of office because International Advocates for Health Freedom and numerous allied organizations including the National Health Federation, National Coalition for Health Freedom, American Association for Health Freedom, Coalition for Health Freedom, and Alliance for Natural Health will ALL post your names on their websites for the PURPOSE of driving you out of office."

THEN- Send them THIS Form Letter & Forward This Email Massively:

To email this to your congressman, please go to: http://www.house.gov/writerep/


Dear Congressman_______________________________:

In 1994 vitamin consumers generated the largest volume of mail to Congress on any issue in the HISTORY of Congress when we passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. CAFTA threatens DSHEA. On July 13th, John Hammell and several colleagues just discussed the connection between CAFTA and CODEX on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory reaching millions of concerned vitamin vitamin consumers http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2005/07/13.html#recap

Today, CAFTA threatens to undo all of our hard work, and to set the USA up for harmonization to an excessively restrictive global trade guideline for vitamins and minerals just finalized on July 4th 2005 at the 28 General Session of the UN's Codex Alimentarius Commission.

The seeds of our health freedom destruction are sewn inside Section 6 of CAFTA where members are forced to form a Sanitary-Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Committee for the purpose of insuring ONGOING HARMONIZATION of our laws under the terms of the SPS Agreement in the WTO Trade Agreement which CAFTA dovetails with. (See http://www.ustr.gov/Trade_Agreements/Bilateral/CAFTA/CAFTA-DR_Final_Texts/Section_Index.html

If you examine Article 3 of the WTO's SPS Agreement you will read the following words: "To harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as wide a basis as possible, members SHALL base their food safety measures on international standards, guidelines or recommendations."

(Codex sets the international standard for food safety, and they intend to fill in the blanks on allowed potencies at levels even LOWER than RDAs- see http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_145.doc

Vitamin consumers drove many congressmen out of office who failed to vote for DSHEA in '94. Any member of Congress who fails to heed our concerns about CAFTA and votes for this unconstitutional trade agreement anyway, despite how it sets us up for harmonization to Codex, and despite its continuing the failed policies of NAFTA which gave us our present $617 Billion trade deficit risks being driven from office. IAHF and allied groups including The Coalition for Health Freedom http://www.coalitionforhealthfreedom.org will be posting a list of any member of Congress who ignores our concerns. We urge you to watch Kevin Miller's excellent documentary on this issue at http://www.welltv.com





John Hammell will be speaking on CODEX and participating in the Pennsylvania Natural Living Assn Conference August 5, 6,7 in Chambersburg PA See http://www.panla.org for details Donations to IAHF Help Spread Our Health Freedom Mssg and can be sent to IAHF at the address below---->

For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA http://www.iahf.com jham@iahf.com
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World

Informant: DitziSis

Association of criteria pollutants with plasma hemostatic/inflammatory markers

Inflammatory markers re pollutants ....use to challenge re EMR...Note MN...

Roy: This is a very important study re inflammatory markers as result of pollutant exposures!!!

The study states in part "......to elucidate health effects of air pollution."

Hemostatic and inflammatory markers were examined and significant associations were found re white blood counts and several other factors including fibrinogen due to environmentally relevant ambient pollutants.

Note the words "health effects" as opposed to "biological effects."

As you know, over the past decade and more, game-playing has been supported by the clever use of words and the claim that "biological effects" do not mean that "health effects" are an issue.

While "health effects" can, of course, also be beneficial, we know that there are limitations and guidelines that are applied to limit even beneficial exposures. This study makes it clear that the changes confirm "harmful health effects!!!"

As you can see, this study "admits" that white blood count changes, albumin counts, fibrinogen measurements plus more are, in fact, causing health problems which, in this study focus on coronary disease.

This reminds me of a couple of large posters Dave Stetzer gave to me at a meeting several years ago that indicate locations for various homes where heart attacks and strokes occurred due to suspected EMR exposures.

The word "fibrin," and even the phrase "severe subacute epicarditis" appear on one of my guinea pig necropsies. "Fibrin" is related to the development of amyloid. As you know, one of my EMR-exposed (electric meter) guinea pigds died due to Reactive Renal Amyloidosis.

Prior to any deaths in my four guinea pigs, the drastic blood changes (white blood cell counts) I have reported on many times in the past, indicated a collapse of their immune function. Research info re even low levels of ionizing radiation also support such changes due to inflammation. Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Association of criteria pollutants with plasma hemostatic/inflammatory markers: a population-based study

Duanping Liao, Gerardo Heiss, Vernon M Chinchilli, Yinkang Duan, Aaron R Folsom, Hung-Mo Lin and Veikko Salomaa

J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 2005 15: 319-328; advance online publication, November 10, 2004; 10.1038/sj.jea.7500408


Full Text

Omega Links:

Karl Rove's America


Millions hit as EU bans high-dosage health pills


Informant: vinpocetine

Implications of Valerie Plame's outing on national security worse than Watergate?


A Whole Lot Worse
by Former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie

In 2003, former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie had a very telling exchange with MSNBC's Chris Matthews about the implications of Valerie Plame's outing on national security. Worse than Watergate? You betcha.

Source: http://www.tompaine.com/pass/

Election Reform, Civil-Rights Style

It's been 40 years since the struggle for equal rights at the polls. Do we need to fight this battle again?


The Supreme Boardroom

by Lee Drutman, TomPaine.com

Big business is spending a lot of money to influence the president's nomination for the Supreme Court.


Trust, bank fraud


Sea life in peril - plankton vanishing


Informant: Di

Residents furious over phone mast

The Northern Echo 14.07.05

PEOPLE living in Cockerton Green, Darlington, were furious after plans to erect a mobile phone in the area were approved yesterday.

The proposal, by mobile phone company Vodafone, to erect a 14-metre high mast was approved by Darlington Borough Council's planning committee.

Resident Nancy Binks said she was speaking on behalf of many of her neighbours who objected to the plans due to health and safety issues, the negative impact it would have on the landscape and fears it would attract vandals.

She asked the committee: "Are there other sites available? Why not build it on the car park behind the shops? Other residents have asked why can't it be built near to where there is an existing mobile phone mast within the grounds of Cockerton Club?" After the committee announced its decision, Ms Binks said she was not surprised but said many residents would be furious.

Resident John Atkinson said: "We realise companies like this must come up against objections all the time and all of their applications cannot be refused because they have to make money.

"I just think a better location could have been found."

Councillor John Williams said: "As a council, we have Government targets to meet, and although I sympathise with the residents, our hands are tied.

"If we refuse the application we will almost certainly lose the appeal, which would follow and that would be at the expense of the taxpayers in Darlington. We simply cannot justify that."

The mast will be erected in the public highway, in front of the shops.

Phone mast campaigners gear up for second battle

Gazette and Herald Wiltshire 14.07.05

CAMPAIGNERS against a mobile phone mast on a sports ground in Pewsey have been horrified to learn of a new application for an even taller transmitter.

They are pinning their hopes of defeating the mast plans on the parish council that owns the soccer ground between Ball Road and the High Street.

On Tuesday the parish council will be discussing whether it should allow its tenant, Pewsey Vale FC, to let O2 put up a mast at the soccer ground.

The soccer club stands to gain £80,000 over 20 years if it allows the mast. However, objectors say the football club is only a tenant and that the parish council should have the final say.

They also argue that covenants restricting the use of the land to sport and recreation imposed when the parish council acquired the land in 1949 from the former Pewsey Rural District Council still apply.

A previous planning application for an O2 mast on the ground was refused by Kennet District Council and is subject of an appeal.

This week campaigners learned O2 has submitted a new planning application for slightly taller mast.

Petitions have been circulating in Pewsey urging the parish council to stick by the covenants. Campaigners are urging villagers to attend Tuesday's parish council meeting, at 7.30pm in the Bouverie Hall, when O2's plan will be discussed.


Tamworth Herald 14.07.05
10:30 - 14 July 2005

Mobile phone giant O2 says it is looking for an alternative location for the mast at the centre of an alleged health scare in Coleshill.

Concerns over possible negative effects the 11-year-old mast is having on the health of children at St Edward's RC Primary School in Packington Lane prompted urgent talks between O2 and the local education and planning authorities last week.

But parents, who have been withdrawing their children from the school on Fridays in protest against the mast, say they will keep up the pressure by maintaining their presence at the school gates until the mast is removed.

The organisations plan to meet again later this month, at which point a report from the Health Protection Agency - which was called in to investigate a health survey carried out at the school - will be available.

The search for land on which to re-site the mast has been welcomed by the county council and by officials from St Edward's and the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, who all want the mast removed.

In a further report chartered physicist Dr John C Walker alleges that a 'cancer cluster' affecting some houses has been discovered close to the town centre.

His report will also be presented to Government adviser Sir William Stewart who chaired the independent panel investigation into the possible effects of mobile phone masts in 2000.

Speaking about Dr Walker's report, Angela Johnson, community relations manager for O2, said: "There is no evidence that mobile phone masts, including the masts in Coleshill, cause illness.

Omega this statement is plain and simple not true. See further under: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html

"And there is no research to show any difference in the number of cancer sufferers in areas with mobile phone masts and those without.

"Although the figures in Dr Walker's report seem high, we need to wait until the Health Protection Agency have come up with their results before commenting further."


Lincolnshire Echo

10:30 - 14 July 2005

Parents have vowed to fight plans to put a mobile phone mast within 100 metres of a children's playing field.

O2 Ltd wants to install the mast outside Birchwood Shopping Centre, in Lincoln.

The plan means the mast would be within 100 metres of Birchwood Junior School, in Larchwood Crescent.

There is already a T Mobile mast at the back of Birchwood Shopping Centre and an Orange one at the opposite end of Birchwood Avenue, near its junction with Pershore Way.

But parents of Birchwood Junior School pupils say this latest mast is too close for comfort.

The planned mast is also close to a clutch of other schools, including Leslie Manser in Kingsdown Road, the Lancaster School and the Papermoon Day Nursery, both in Jasmin Road.

The Government says there are no proven health risks.

Omega this statement is plain and simple not true. See further under: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html

But parents say they fear that radiation emitted by such masts could lead to infertility or diseases like cancer.

Mum Sam Wakefield (39), of Caistor Road, has Daisy (nine) at Birchwood Junior and Emily (six) at the Lancaster.

"I just don't see the need for it," she said. "Why situate something like that there when you have got so many schools around?"

Her neighbour Angela Fleming agrees.

Mrs Fleming has Lauryn (six) at the Lancaster and Daniel (eight) at Birchwood Junior.

"I wouldn't want any more being put in when there are schools in the area. All you hear about is the health risks," she said.

Birchwood Junior headteacher Carol Smith was due to meet governors to discuss the plans last night. "The safety of our children is our primary concern," she said.

O2 originally applied to install the mast in October 2004. But Lincoln city councillors asked the company to look into the possibility of combining the mast with existing ones in the area.

O2 now says those masts would have to be made unreasonably tall to accommodate it.

It has submitted another plan to the city council to put the mast on the grass verge at the shopping centre.

O2 says its plans are in line with guidelines issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) - a body of independent scientific experts.

"O2 is committed to ensuring all new installations are ICNIRP compliant and on this basis there is no basis for this application to be refused on health and safety grounds," the application says.

Omega see "ICNIRP: A well packaged web of lies" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/752060/

O2 community liaison officer Jim Stevenson added: "It is a very low-level radio transmitter and receiver. There should be no health and safety fears over the emissions."

The application is the latest in a string of mast plans to cause controversy.

These include a row about a placing a mast on St Giles Church, in Lamb Gardens, Lincoln, and worries about extending a mast on the maternity unit at Lincoln County Hospital.

MP calls for action over mobile masts safety and planning issues

Jul 14 2005

Maghull & Aintree Star 14.07.05

GEORGE Howarth MP has called the planning system an unsuitable method of co-ordinating the siting of mobile phone masts.

In a House of Commons speech the Sefton East MP said: "The point is that visual and planning matters are secondary to what I perceive to be the public's main concern, which is uncertainty about public health.

" The Stewart Inquiry was methodical and thorough and it concluded that there is no certainty that there is no health problem. We should therefore proceed cautiously. The collection and analysis of scientific evidence should continue and be properly funded."

He is asking the Government to take a fresh look at the system, in the absence of clear information about heath effects.

Omega there are clear information about heath effects. See under: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html

Shock and Awe: Aerial Bombardment, American Style


Informant: Debi Clark

Calls for tougher stance on masts

Jul 14, 2005, 14:46

Mobile phone masts should be subject to stricter planning laws to stop them being built outside schools and houses, the MP for Dudley North has said.

Ian Austin wants the government to bring in extra safeguards for towers planned near schools, homes and medical centres. He also wants fears over possible health concerns addressed.

Under current planning legislation they can only turned down by local councils if masts are considered to have a detrimental impact, either visually or if they affect an area economically by reducing property prices. Authorities cannot currently turn down applications on health grounds.

Mr Austin launched his campaign after hearing that mobile phone giants T-Mobile and Vodafone had submitted applications to build masts near to houses on Setton Road, in Sedgley, and opposite Bramford Primary School, on Tipton Road, in Dudley.

Mr Austin said he shared residents' concerns over the masts and that he wanted to find a solution to the problem that councils have with planning applications.

The MP said: "Residents in Woodsetton and at Milking Bank are very concerned about the proposed new masts.

"I am on their side, I understand their concerns and have received hundreds of responses to lend weight to my call for the council to sling these applications out.

"But I want to find a permanent solution to the problem too, which is why I'm campaigning in Parliament for stricter planning laws and extra safeguards near schools, homes and medical facilities."

* What do you think? Ring us on 01384 353 211 Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Insurgency Rises from the Rubble of Fallujah

Eight months after the American military killed as many as 1,500 Iraqis in a costly invasion that fanned anti-American passions across Iraq and the Arab world, the rebels have come back stronger than ever.


World Movement for Democracy, More than a Luckless Acronym?

Neoconservatives inside and outside the Bush administration have been central players in an array of government-backed initiatives such as the World Movement for Democracy (WMD) and the Community of Democracies, as well as in the democracy-promotion programs of such neocon-led institutes as Freedom House and the American Enterprise Institute.


General Who 'Gitmoized' Abu Ghraib Briefed Rumsfeld's Top Aides

Gen. Geoffrey Miller told the Senate Armed Services Committee in May 2004 that he did not talk to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld or his top aides about 'a fact-finding trip' to Iraq and his subsequent recommendations. Later, Miller said he briefed then-Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Undersecretary for Intelligence Steve Cambone.


Rove Leak Is Just Part of Larger Scandal

The underlying issue in the Karl Rove controversy is not a leak, but a war, and how the Bush Administration misled America into that war.


Rove Reportedly Confirmed Novak's Story on Valerie Plame

Mr. Bush's top political advisor spoke with columnist Robert D. Novak in July 2003 and confirmed that Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife was an undercover CIA officer, an unnamed official told the New York Times.


Depending on Mugs


Fluoride Follies



Phone mast health worries after plans go unchallenged

by Richard Lyons

Surrey Comet

A 73-year-old Cheam man may sell the house he has lived in all his life after plans to build a mobile phone mast within yards of the property were approved without hearing residents' views.

John Foster, of Fieldsend Road, is among dozens of locals outraged that a plan submitted by T-Mobile to build a 14ft mast close to the junction of St Dunstan's Hill and Lumley Road has been given the go ahead.

Residents said their concerns about the health risks and the devaluation of property have not been heard despite the fact a petition containing 87 signatures was sent to Sutton Council outlining their objections.

Mr Foster said: "Instead of the council working for us, they appear to be working against us they are going to just stick the mast up regardless.

"I have had the house valued and I am actually considering moving out my wife and I feel this is the last straw."

Fellow Fieldsend Road residents, Karen Grant-Bond, 31, and husband Lloyd Bond, 34, were appalled when they learnt a phone mast would be erected next to the house they only bought last August.

Among the concerns Mrs Grant-Bond said were overlooked by planners was the suggestion the antenna would be better sited on the other side of the road where there are much fewer houses.

Mrs Grant-Bond said: "We are not going to stop just because it has been granted. We are going to take this to a judicial review."

The residents of Fieldsend Road have been joined in their campaign to get the mast plans scrapped by MP for Sutton and Cheam, Paul Burstow.

Mr Burstow has backed a bill which would see planning guidelines for mobile phone masts overhauled in favour of tighter regulations.

As the law stands, masts under 15 metres can be installed without the need for full planning permission.

"It cannot be right that residents are subject to more stringent planning controls over their own porches and conservatories than mobile phone companies are over masts that affect the whole area," Mr Burstow said.

A council spokesman said there would be an opportunity for residents to present their petition at the Cheam and Worcester Park area committee on Wednesday, July 20.

3:06pm Thursday 14th July 2005

Third protest against mobile mast

BBC News Website 15.07.05

Pupils in Warwickshire are to hold another demonstration against a mobile phone mast which has been erected next to their school.

Children from St Edward's Primary School in Coleshill are to refuse to go to lessons for the third consecutive Friday.

Their parents are claiming that emissions from the mast are making the children ill.

O2 which owns the mast said it is meeting government safety guidelines.

Omega see under: "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk" http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

Unborn Babies Carry Pollutants


Informant: NHNE

Klares Nein zum Sendemast



HNA online 12-07-05

Klares Nein zum Sendemast

Zierenberg. "Der liebe Gott jedenfalls ist eindeutig auf unserer Seite", kommentierte eine Teilnehmerin des Protestmarsches gegen einen UMTS-Mobilfunksendemast in unmittelbarer Nähe des Zierenberger Wohngebietes Oberer Hundemarkt das strahlende Sommerwetter. 150 Menschen hatten sich dazu vor dem Freibad versammelt.

Nicht nur Bewohner des betroffenen Gebietes, sondern besorgte Einwohner auch aus anderen Wohnbereichen wollten so deutlich machen, dass der geplante Sendemastbau nicht nur als Problem einzelner, sondern als Beeinträchtigung aller Einwohner Zierenbergs erkannt wird. Bedauert wurde von den Organisatoren des Protests, der Bürgerinitiative Bürgerwelle, dass keine politischen Vertreter der Stadt anwesend waren, um dieses Signal besorgter Zierenberger zur Kenntnis zu nehmen.

Als der Protestzug sich mit Spruchbändern und Plakaten in Bewegung setzte und die Teilnehmer skandierten "Gesundheit unser höchstes Gut, das macht uns Vodafone kaputt", wurde ganz nebenbei noch Stadtgeschichte geschrieben: In der Nachkriegszeit hatte es bislang in Zierenberg keine Demonstration gegeben.

Der Protestzug führte zu dem geplanten Standort des UMTS-Mastes und endete am Fuße eines Kranauslegers: Mit dessen Hilfe wurde ein symbolischer Sendemast aus Ballons aufgerichtet, der schließlich 35 Meter hoch über der Stadt aufragte. "Ein erschreckender Eindruck vom vielleicht neuen Wahrzeichen Zierenbergs", so Angelika Haaser von der Bürgerwelle.

Bis gegen 15 Uhr blieben Mitglieder der Bürgerwelle Zierenberg/Habichtswald vor Ort und informierten über den aktuellen Stand ihrer Bemühungen. Dabei ging es auch um die Beschlüsse der Gemeindevertretung von Habichtswald (wir berichteten), die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Bevölkerung Habichtswalds mit allen ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln vor zu großen Immissionen von Mobilfunkanlagen zu schützen.

In Zierenberg sehe man nun gespannt der Stadtverordnetenversammlung am Dienstag, 19. Juli, entgegen, in der unter anderem über den Bauantrag der Firma Vodafone entschieden werden soll. (EDS)

E Infotelefon Bürgerwelle: u 05606/8601 (Zierenberg), u 0606/5610151 (Habichtswald)



House of Commons motion to stop houses being built near powerlines


Mobilfunk-Volksbegehren: Trends verschieden beurteilt

Region - Endspurt beim Mobilfunk-Volksbegehren: Am Montag, 18. Juli, läuft die Eintragungsfrist ab. Bisherige Zwischenergebnisse aus Sicht der Initiatoren: knapp positiv. Die Initiative «Mobilfunk in Bayern», als Aktion von Wirtschaft und Netzbetreibern natürliche Gegnerin des Volksbegehrens, sagt diesem ein Scheitern voraus. Das Volksbegehren will kommunale Mitsprache beim Aufstellen von Sendemasten durchsetzen.

«Noch ist alles drin», meint Christine Mehlo-Plath, Sprecherin der Initiatoren des Mobilfunk-Volksbegehrens «Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk» im Landkreis Rosenheim. «Das bayernweite Zwischenergebnis am Donnerstag lag bei knapp einem Prozent, etwas weniger als beim erfolgreichen Senats-Volksbegehren, trotz des Dauerregens.» Im Landkreis Rosenheim seien die Zwischenergebnisse unterschiedlich: Prien lag in der ersten Woche mit vier Prozent Beteiligung vorn, Rosenheim mit einem Prozent hinten. In Wasserburg waren bereits ein Viertel der nötigen Stimmen erreicht wurden. Die notwendigen zehn Prozent der Wahlberechtigen seien zwar schwer zu erreichen, aber es sei nicht unmöglich, meinte Mehlo-Plath. Prominente Unterstützung erhalten die Befürworter des Volksbegehrens durch die Landtagsabgeordnete und Schauspielerin Barbara Rütting sowie durch den Naturheil-Arzt Dr. Hermann Stellmann aus Bad Aibling.

Die Initiative «Mobilfunk in Bayern» (www.mobilfunk-in-bayern.de) hat nach einer Woche eine positive Halbzeitbilanz gezogen: «Die ÖDP als Initiatorin des Begehrens hat sich ins Abseits manövriert. Es ist ihr nicht gelungen, in nennenswerter Zahl gesellschaftliche Kräfte als Partner für ihr Anti-Mobilfunkbegehren zu gewinnen», sagte der Sprecher der Initiative, Adolf Dinglreiter, auf einer Pressekonferenz in Rosenheim. Keine einzige Landtagspartei habe sich an die Seite der ÖDP gestellt.

Arnold Großegesse 14.07.2005


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Empört über Kampagne der Mobilfunklobby - Behinderung des Volksbegehrens

Waging am See. Das Volksbegehren "Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" war das beherrschende Thema der letzten ödp-Mitgliederversammlung.

ödp-Ortsvorsitzender Georg Huber zeigte sich erfreut, dass bis vergangenen Donnerstag bereits 92.300 Wahlberechtigte für das Volksbegehren unterschrieben haben. Damit liegt der Unterschriftenstand knapp hinter dem Vergleichstag des erfolgreichen Volksbegehrens "Schlanker Staat ohne Senat", für das sich bis zum dritten Tag 96.800 Wahlberechtigte eingetragen haben. "Da die Eintragungszeit noch bis zum 18. Juli läuft, können wir es schaffen, die nötigen Unterschriften zu erreichen", so der Appell von Georg Huber an die Anwesenden, möglichst alle Freunde und Bekannte an die Wichtigkeit des Themas zu erinnern. Georg Huber zeigte sich empört über die derzeit laufende Kampagne der Mobilfunklobby und der Staatsregierung. "Es stimmt einfach nicht", so der ödp-Gemeinderat weiter, "wenn Minister Schnappauf sagt, dass das Volksbegehren für den Gesundheitsschutz nichts bringe. Er soll sich den Gesetzestext nochmal durchlesen, dann wird auch er erkennen, dass neben dem ersten Ziel, die Baugenehmigungsbefreiung für Mobilfunkmasten bis zehn Meter zu streichen, als zweites Ziel der vorsorgende Gesundheitsschutz beim Mobilfunk in das Landesentwicklungsprogramm aufgenommen werden soll. Dadurch können sich Gemeinden auch gegen die Baugenehmigung eines Mobilfunkmastens aussprechen, wenn die medizinisch gebotenen Vorsorgewerte überschritten würden."

Andreas Huber, der Sprecher des überparteilichen Aktionsbündnisses im Landkreis Traunstein, widersprach vor allem der Aussage, dass laut Mobilfunklobby noch kein einziges Gutachten eine Gefährdung durch Mobilfunkstrahlen erkennen lasse. "Was ist dann mit der Naila-Studie, der Reflex-Studie, der Cherry-Studie, den Untersuchungen des ECOLOG-Instituts und wie sie alle heißen?", so der Waginger Biobauer weiter. "Sie alle belegen deutlich gesundheitliche Auswirkungen wie Schlafstörungen, Herzrhythmusbeschwerden, Tinnitus oder auch Leukämie." Andreas Huber merkte hierzu noch an, dass auch Hunderte von Ärzten auf die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen durch Dauerbelastung von Mobilfunkmasten hinweisen und das Volksbegehren unterstützen.

Abschließend betonte ödp-Ortsvorsitzender Georg Huber nochmals die Wichtigkeit jeder Unterschrift, da die Ziele des Volksbegehrens nur erreicht werden können, wenn sich bis zum 18. Juli mindestens zehn Prozent der wahlberechtigten Bürger Bayerns im Rathaus in die Unterschriftenliste eintragen. In Waging kann dies neben den normalen Arbeitszeiten des Rathauses noch zusätzlich am Donnerstag bis 18 Uhr und am Sonntag von 10 bis 12 Uhr erfolgen. Nähere Information bei Georg Huber, Telefon 08681/45180.



Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Text zum Volksbegehren von o2 intrAnet und intErnet

Elektrosmognews INFOLINE

Anbei senden wir Ihnen einen Text aus dem o2 IntrAnet. Hier wird sichtbar wie die Betreiber argumentieren und alle Mitarbeiter falsch unterrichten !

08.07.2005: Volksbegehren gegen Mobilfunk in Bayern

Die ÖDP hat in Bayern ein Volksbegehren gestartet, das die Einführung einer Baugenehmigungspflicht auch für Anlagen unter zehn Metern zum Ziel hat. Dabei kann leicht der Eindruck entstehen, dass die Netzbetreiber willkürlich und ohne Rücksicht auf gesundheitliche Bedenken Mobilfunkstationen aufstellen. Das ist nicht richtig, denn alle Anlagen werden von der Bundesnetzagentur, ehemals Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP), freigegeben. Die Bescheinigung der Bundesnetzagentur stellt den Immissionsschutz sicher: Die Felder einer Mobilfunkantenne liegen dort, wo sich Menschen aufhalten, unterhalb der Grenzwerte. Diese Grenzwerte werden von nationalen und internationalen Institutionen wie der Weltgesundheitsorganisation unterstützt und stellen sicher, dass die Gesundheit der Anwohner nicht beeinträchtigt wird.

Staatsregierung, Bayerischer Gemeindetag, Bayerischer Landkreistag und Netzbetreiber haben den „Mobilfunkpakt“ vereinbart. Darin wird die Mitwirkung der Kommunen bei der Standortauswahl für Handymasten gesichert. Anliegen der Netzbetreiber ist es, eine gute Mobilfunkversorgung bei gleichzeitiger Minimierung der Immissionen zu erreichen. Dieser Weg ist erfolgreich, wie die Bilanz des Jahres 2004 zeigt: Nur sieben Prozent der neuen Anlagen sind im Dissens errichtet worden. Als Netzbetreiber will O2 diese gemeinsame Erfolgsstory fortschreiben. Deshalb lehnt O2 das ÖDP-Begehren ab.

Zusammen mit den Partnern des Mobilfunkpaktes und anderen Gruppen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft hat O2 eine Informationsplattform gegründet, die für jeden Interessierten weitergehende Informationen enthält: http://www.mobilfunk-in-bayern.de

Weitere Informationen zum Thema finden sich im Internet von O2 sowie im Intranet unter Mobilfunk und Umwelt.

IntErnet: http://de.o2.com/ext/standard/index?page_id=863&state=online&style=standard

O2 wird immer wieder gefragt, ob Mobilfunkantennen Einfluss auf die Gesundheit haben. Wir zitieren dann stets die Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Sie beantwortet diese Frage mit einem klaren "Nein". O2 Germany ist sich gleichwohl der Verantwortung gegenüber der Bevölkerung bewusst. Deshalb arbeiten wir beim Aufbau von Mobilfunkstandorten mit den Kommunen zusammen. Darüber hinaus fördert O2 Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der elektromagnetischen Felder. Und wir informieren umfassend zu allen Themenbereichen von Mobilfunk und Umwelt.

Der technische Aspekt: Um Telefongespräche zu vermitteln und Daten zu übertragen, muss das Handy in Funkverbindung zu einer Mobilfunkstation stehen. Für eine gute Verbindung ist ein kurzer Abstand zwischen Handy und Mobilfunkstation wichtig; das minimiert übrigens auch die Sendeleistung des Handys. Aus diesem Grund werden viele Mobilfunkstationen mit kleiner Sendeleistung aufgebaut. Derzeit betreibt O2 Germany 9000 GSM und 1.500 UMTS Sendeanlagen in Deutschland.

O2 bietet Ihnen Broschüren zum Download und Links zu renommierten wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Behörden. Damit möchten wir zur sachlichen Information über das wissenschaftliche Thema Mobilfunk und Umwelt beitragen.

Ihr Karl-Wilhelm Rohrsen Managing Director Networks (CTO) O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG

Kommentar Elektrosmognews:

Man beachte die angebliche Aussage der WHO,die in dieser absoluten Form nirgendwo nachzulesen ist!

Omega siehe dazu "WHO Manipulationsvorschläge für die Öffentlichkeit" unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/832960/

Wenn dem so wäre,warum bekommen die Brüder dann keinen Versicherungsschutz auf gesundheitliche Nachfolgeschäden?

Die Versicherungen müssten doch irre sein, sich so ein Geschäft entgehen zu lassen.




Behinderung des Volksbegehrens!

Dr. Claus Scheingraber 14-07-05

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Wolfgang Beer [mailto:beerwolfgang@gmx.de]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2005 14:05
An: Claus scheingraber
Betreff: Behinderung des Volksbegehrens

Liebe Mitstreiter,

so arbeitet die Ebersberger Stadtverwaltung unter 1. Bgm. Walter Brilmayer (CSU) gegen das Volksbegehren. Wäre nicht zugleich am Marktplatz ein Infostand gehalten worden, hätten wir womöglich nichts davon mitbekommen.

Wolfgang Beer

Pressemitteilung vom 14. Juli 2005

Volksbegehren: Jede Unterschrift zählt

Ebersberg behindert das Volksbegehren Rathaustür „versehentlich“ geschlossen

Ebersberg – „Aber da ist doch schon zu!“ klagte kurz nach 18 Uhr eine alte Ebersbergerin am Infostand des Aktionsbündnisses zum Volksbegehren auf dem Marktplatz. Zuvor hatte sie sich dazu entschlossen, mit ihrer Unterschrift die Gemeindehoheit zu stärken und so mitzuhelfen, daß auch Mobilfunkmasten in Zukunft eine Baugenehmigung brauchen – wie schon jetzt kleine bauliche Veränderungen.

Bisher muß eine Baugenehmigung einholen, wer eine Gaube auf sein Hausdach setzen will, während Mobilfunkmasten genehmigungsfrei sind, wenn sie nicht höher als zehn Meter werden. Das Volksbegehren will diese Ungleichbehandlung abschaffen.

„Die Abendöffnung am Mittwoch ist bei meinen Arbeitszeiten die einzige Möglichkeit, mich einzutragen“, wußte einer derer, die sich einschreiben wollten. Die Stadt Ebersberg hat das Rathaus während der 14 Tage zum Volksbegehren nur ein einziges Mal bis 20 Uhr offen. Im Vertrauen auf die von der Stadtverwaltung selbst festgesetzten Eintragungszeiten hatten die Bürger am Informationsstand allen Interessierten erzählt, am Mittwoch (13. Juli) wäre das Rathaus bis 20 Uhr geöffnet. Aber nichts da: Der Zugang vom Marktplatz her war tatsächlich versperrt. Glücklicherweise war der Eingang zur Heinrich-Vogl-Straße noch offen. Wolfgang Beer vom Aktionsbündnis verlangte im Eintragungsraum, auch die andere Tür sofort aufzuschließen. Es dauerte bis 18 Uhr 20, daß zwei Mitarbeiter der Stadtverwaltung die Tür zum Marktplatz wieder öffneten. Sie sagten, die Sperrung sei nicht absichtlich geschehen. Aber da war die alte Ebersbergerin schon heimgegangen.

Mit 12,3 Prozent bayernweit an der Spitze

15.07.2005 | Netzcode: 10742425

Mit 12,3 Prozent bayernweit an der Spitze

Mobilfunk-Volksbegehren: Ebermannsdorf und Vilseck zur Halbzeit der Eintragungsfrist ganz vorne dabei

Amberg-Sulzbach. "Die hervorragenden Zwischenergebnisse in den Kommunen mit Mobilfunkbrennpunkten zeigen, dass die betroffenen Bürgerinnen und Bürger die Chance des Volksbegehrens nutzen", so Klaus Mrasek, Sprecher des Aktionskreises "Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk". Mit 12,3 Prozent in Ebermannsdorf und 8,9 Prozent in Vilseck lagen diese Kommunen nach der Hälfte der Eintragungszeit bayerneit mit an der Spitze.

Auch die übrige Halbzeitbilanz fiel vorsichtig optimistisch aus. "Die Unterstützerzahlen bewegen sich nach einer Woche in etwa auf dem Niveau des Senats- bzw. Waldvolksbegehrens.

Mit großer Verärgerung reagierten die Mitglieder des Aktionskreises auf "die Desinformationskampagne der Mobilfunklobby". "Ein Erfolg des Volksbegehrens führt auf keinen Fall zur Einschränkung der Möglichkeit, mit dem Handy zu telefonieren. Doch der viel gepriesene Mobilfunkpakt II ist eine reine Propagandaveranstaltung zur Steigerung der Akzeptanz der Technik. Auch nach dem schönsten runden Tisch bleibt die Standortentscheidung ausschließlich beim Mobilfunkbetreiber," so Klaus Mrasek.

Nicht zuletzt deshalb lehne der Bayerische Städtetag diesen Pakt mit den Mobilfunkbetreibern ab. Auch die Behauptung, das Volksbegehren ändere nichts an der Rechtssituation, sei "eine Falschinformation der Mobilfunklobby".

"Die Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk kommt in den Landesentwicklungsplan. Dieser Plan ist die Grundlage für den Netzausbau und die Bauleitplanung. Mit dem Kriterium Gesundheitsvorsorge kann dem Wildwuchs bei Sendemasten Einhalt geboten werden," korrigierte Franz Kohl, Sprecher der Mobilfunkgegner Gittermast Drechselberg, Falschdarstellungen aus seiner Sichtweise.

Auch die Änderung der Bauordnung verbessere die Rechtsposition der betroffenen Bürger. Bisher würden Sendemasten genehmigungsfrei "in Nacht- und Nebelaktionen aufgestellt". Auch diese Masten brauchen nach dem Volksbegehren künftig eine Baugenehmigung. Öffentlichkeit werde hergestellt, die Nachbarn würden angehört und die Kommunen könnten in eine Positivstandortplanung einsteigen, d. h. die Kommune schreibt geeignete Standorte für Sendeanlagen fest, an die die Betreiber gebunden sind.

Die Eintragungsfrist läuft bis Montag, 18. Juli. Die Eintragungszeiten der Kommunen sind unter http://www.mobil-funk-as.de nachzulesen.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Classic Rove

The American Prospect,

Harold Meyerson


Now Karl Rove has become 'fair game.' That was the term that the president's consigliere applied to Valerie Plame, according to Newsweek, in a conversation with MSNBC's Chris Matthews immediately after the publication of Robert D. Novak's column that identified Plame as a CIA operative. And, of course, Plame was fair game: Her identity was a tool to discredit, however obliquely, the report from her husband, Joe Wilson, that the administration's claim that Saddam Hussein's Iraq had sought to purchase uranium from Niger was a bunch of hooey. Rove's lawyer now admits that, in attempting to warn Time's Matt Cooper off the Wilson story, Rove mentioned Wilson's wife, though not by name. Attention is now focused on whether this violated the law that forbids revealing the identity of our undercover intelligence agents. But it's also worth pondering the quintessential Rovishness of his conversation with Cooper, as reported in Newsweek...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Constitutional hypocrisy and the flag desecration amendment

by Robert Greenslade

Sierra Times

"A day after championing passage of the flag desecration amendment in the House of Representatives as a victory for mom, apple pie, and the American way, conservative radio talk show hosts took to the airwaves and chastised the United States Supreme Court for its decision upholding the power of cities to take private property for private development projects. This decision, according to many conservative hosts, is an assault on private property and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States. Apparently, conservative talk show hosts have been blinded by the red, white and blue and cannot distinguish one assault on private property from another. Since the flag desecration amendment, at its core, is nothing but an assault on private property under the guise of patriotism, their commentaries on the relationship between private property and freedom went from historical fact to constitutional hypocrisy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Saving Karl Rove

Tom Paine Paul Waldman


Every administration has its share of scandals to deal with, and every one handles them in a slightly different way (of course, it helps if your party controls both houses of Congress, so there will be no pesky Congressional investigations to deal with). But the Bush administration's furious effort to save Karl Rove and justify the outing of a covert CIA operative is a remarkable case study in misdirection, a campaign whose scaffolding of spin is plain for all to see. Listen to the party hacks and conservative pundits and you can hear an endlessly repeated version of the talking points issued by the Republican National Committee. ( You can see them here, courtesy of Raw Story). When we unpack its elements we can see not only the state of the art in political damage control but the tools that allow the Republicans to come out on top again and again when controversy rears its ugly head...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Are We, the People, the Enemy?


Informant: kaleyadams



Wir basteln uns unseren Wunschkanzler


Letzte Wahl gegen Antennen-Wildwuchs


DAS ! – Streitfall: Life- Sendung zum Thema Mobilfunk

Elektrosmognews INFOLINE

Mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung und Veröffentlichung!

Der NDR Hamburg mit seiner DAS ! - Redaktion veranstaltet ab Donnerstag dieser Woche eine zunächst 20-teilige Sendereihe mit dem Titel „DAS ! – Streitfall“.


Nächste Woche Dienstag, den 19.07.05, wird der NDR im Rahmen dieser Reihe zu Gast in Oldenburg sein und auf dem Rathausplatz eine Life- Sendung zum Thema Mobilfunk veranstalten.

Als Vertreter der Mobilfunkkritischen wird Martin Scheibert, Sprecher der “Interessengemeinschaft Mobilfunk Oldenburg (ImoO)“ mit Dagmar Wiebusch, Geschäftsführerin des IZMF ( dem „Presseorgan“ der Mobilfunkbetreiber), Staatssekretär Christian Eberl aus dem niedersächsischen Umweltministerium sowie Dr. Neitzke vom Ecolog- Institut Hannover in streitige Diskussion treten.

Parallel dazu soll eine TED- Umfrage gestartet werden.

NDR 3 ist wohl zwischenzeitlich nahezu bundesweit zu empfangen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Manni Gödecke

Staatlich geprüfte Volksverdummung


Unter folgender Internetadresse (heute veröffentlicher Pressebericht im Gießener Anzeiger) finden Sie wieder mal einen Pressebericht unter der Kategorie "Staatlich geprüfte Volksverdummung" unter dem Deckmantel scheinbar seriöser Wissenschaftler (z.B. Professor Breckow, der u. a. auch in Vodafone-Informationsveranstaltungen die privaten ICNIRP-Grenzwerte verteidigt - wie in meinem Heimatort Staufenberg-Treis geschehen - SIEHE http://www.omega-news.info/treiser_funkloch.rtf


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Maik Will
(Interessengemeinschaft Mobilfunk in Treis)

Open letter to Edmund Stoiber, Prime Minister, Germany

Dr Edmund Stoiber
State Chancelry
PO Box 220011
80535 Munich

Urgent suspicions of serious health damage from pulsed high frequency electromagnetic fields (mobile phone base stations, DECT phones, W-LAN, Bluetooth etc.) at levels below exposure guidelines.

Dear Prime Minister,

Allow me to represent many doctors personally to you.

For eight months doctors in Oberfranken and another places have been making extremely worrying observations of patients, who live in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations. After initial suspicions at locations in Forchheim, Hirschaid, Walsdorf, Memmelsdorf and Bamberg survey measurements were made of 356 such residents in 40 locations, all in Oberfranken. Meanwhile 64 Hofer doctors, 30 Lichtenfelser, 61 Coburger, 20 from Bayreuth and countrywide, added their names to the Bamberger appeal.

The result all these medical findings is as follows.

Many people have become ill with a characteristic combination of symptoms, which is new to us as doctors, at exposure levels far below the guideline limits, which apply only to thermal effects. Residents in the vicinity of masts have one or more of the following symptoms:

Sleep disturbance, tiredness, headache, restlessness, lethargy, irritability, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, trouble finding words, depressive tendency, noises in the ears, impaired hearing, dizziness, nosebleeds, visual disturbances, frequent infections, sinusitis, joint and muscle pains, feeling deaf, palpitations, increased blood pressure, hormone disturbances, gaining weight, hair loss, nocturnal sweating, nausea.

The following statements strengthened our suspicions:

* Frequently, many residents become sick with these symptoms at the same time, when living near a base station
(e.g. Schweinfurt: Eselshöhe, in Kulmbach: Senioren-Wohnanlage Mainpark, in Hof: Kösseinestraße, in Forchheim: Ortsteil Burk).
* Many patients have reported rapid recovery when removed from exposure (by temporary relocation, removal of the source, screening, disconnection).
* After relocation, doctors have proven during re-examination of the patients, among other things, that blood pressure, heart rhythm, hormone disturbances, visual disturbances, neurological symptoms, and blood profile have returned to normal.
* Many doctors’ families have in the course of the last months removed their DECT phones and were thereafter free among other things from headache, concentration disturbances, dizziness, restlessness, tinnitus, and sleep disturbance.

We therefore requested the responsible authorities (Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Conservation and Nuclear Safety, members of the Radiation Protection Commission and the WHO) to organise local health surveys. Despite the serious, medical concern, all the authorities have refused to investigate the (to some degree) intolerable living conditions of those living locally.

Not one official health survey has been made at any base station in Germany! The SSK and the BfS have thus no level of knowledge concerning the long-term effects on resident living in the vicinity. From a medical viewpoint is this unacceptable.

I therefore turn to you to request your assistance for our patients who have no other recourse. We doctors from Oberfranken are ready to help. We urge you to immediately arrange local health surveys among people in the vicinity of base stations, at locations in Bavaria. Our concern is not that there are 'unfortunate individual cases', but that there is a medical disaster spreading to all parts of the population! To investigate our concerns, it must also be possible to switch transmitters off. From a medical viewpoint, we are seeing an emergency situation, which requires rapid action by all political means.

I implore you to take action to avoid health damage among many children, young people and adults.


Dr. Cornelia Waldmann Selsam
96049 Bamberg
Tel: 0951-12300 Fax:0951-2972506
Mail: peter.selsam @t online.de



Offener Brief an Edmund Stoiber


'ECO-News - die grüne Presseagentur' berichtet:

Rubrik: Gesundheit & Wellness Datum: 10.07.2005

Offener Brief an Edmund Stoiber

An Ministerpräsident Dr. Edmund Stoiber
Postfach 220011
80535 München

Dringendster Verdacht auf schwere Gesundheitsschäden durch gepulste hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder (Mobilfunksendeanlagen, DECT-Telefone, W-LAN, Bluetooth u.a.) weit unterhalb der gültigen Grenzwerte

Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident,

gestatten Sie, dass ich mich im Namen vieler Ärzte persönlich an Sie wende.

Seit acht Monaten machen Ärzte in Oberfranken und andernorts äußerst beunruhigende Beobachtungen bei Patienten, die im Umkreis von Mobilfunksendeanlagen leben. Nach einem Anfangsverdacht an Standorten in Forchheim, Hirschaid, Walsdorf, Memmelsdorf und Bamberg wurden Befragungen und Messungen bei 356 Anwohnern an über 40 Standorten in ganz Oberfranken durchgeführt.

Mittlerweile haben sich 64 Hofer, 30 Lichtenfelser, 61 Coburger, 20 Bayreuther und landesweit viele Ärztinnen und Ärzte dem Bamberger Appell angeschlossen.

Das Ergebnis all dieser ärztlichen Erhebungen lautet:

Weit unterhalb der Grenzwerte, die nur thermische Effekte berücksichtigen, erkranken viele Menschen an einem für uns Ärzte neuen Krankheitsbild mit charakteristischer Symptomenkombination. Die Anwohner leiden an einem, mehreren oder vielen der folgenden Symptome:

Schlafstörungen, Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Unruhe, Benommenheit, Reizbarkeit, Konzentrationsstörungen, Vergesslichkeit, Wortfindungsstörungen, depressive Stimmung, Ohrgeräusche, Hörverlust, Hörsturz, Schwindel, Nasenbluten, Sehstörungen, häufige Infekte, Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, Gelenk- und Gliederschmerzen, Nerven- und Weichteilschmerzen, Taubheitsgefühl, Herzrhythmusstörungen, Blutdruckerhöhung (anfallsweise), Hormonstörungen, Gewichtszunahme, Haarausfall, nächtliches Schwitzen, Übelkeit.

Folgende Feststellungen verstärkten den Verdacht:

Häufig erkrankten viele Anwohner gleichzeitig an diesen Symptomen
(z.B. in Schweinfurt: Eselshöhe, in Kulmbach: Senioren-Wohnanlage Mainpark, in Hof: Kösseinestraße, in Forchheim: Ortsteil Burk).

Viele Patienten berichteten von prompter Besserung nach Beendigung der Exposition (vorübergehender Ortswechsel, Umzug, Abschirmung, Abschaltung).

Nach einem Ortswechsel haben Ärzte bei Wiedervorstellung der Patienten die Normalisierung von Blutdruck, Herzrhythmus, Hormonstörungen, Sehstörungen, neurologischen Symptomen, Blutbild u.a. nachgewiesen.

Viele Arztfamilien haben im Lauf der letzten Monate ihre DECT-Telefone entfernt und waren anschließend frei von Kopfschmerzen, Konzentrationsstörungen, Schwindel, Unruhe, Tinnitus, Schlafstörungen u.a.

Daraufhin baten wir die zuständigen Behörden (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Mitglieder der Strahlenschutzkommission und der WHO) Gesundheitserhebungen direkt an den Standorten zu veranlassen. Trotz des schwerwiegenden, ärztlichen Verdachtes weigern sich alle Behörden, die z. T. unerträgliche Lebenssituation der Betroffenen vor Ort zu überprüfen.

An keinem einzigen Mobilfunkstandort in Deutschland wurden bisher offizielle Gesundheitserhebungen durchgeführt! Die SSK und das BfS haben also keinen Kenntnisstand über die Auswirkungen bei den langzeitbelasteten Anwohnern. Aus ärztlicher Sicht ist dies inakzeptabel.

Daher wende ich mich an Sie mit der Bitte um Hilfe für unsere verzweifelten Patienten. Wir oberfränkischen Ärzte sind bereit mitzuhelfen. Bitte veranlassen Sie, dass an etlichen Standorten in Bayern unverzüglich Erhebungen des Gesundheitszustandes der Anwohner durchgeführt werden.

Es handelt sich hier nicht um "bedauerliche Einzelfälle", sondern um eine sich in allen Teilen der Bevölkerung ausbreitende medizinische Katastrophe! Zum Überprüfen unseres Verdachtes muss auch das Abschalten einzelner Sender möglich sein. Aus ärztlicher Sicht liegt eine Notfallsituation vor, die rasches Handeln aller politischen Kräfte erfordert.

Ich bitte Sie daher, umgehend die notwendigen Schritte einzuleiten, damit gesundheitlicher Schaden von vielen Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen abgewendet wird.


Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam
96049 Bamberg
Mail: peter.selsam@t-online.de

Quelle: http://www.eco-world.de/scripts/basics/econews/basics.prg?a_no=12512

Nachricht von Reinhard Rückemann

Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/5471

Strahlenschäden durch Mobilfunk und Röntgenstrahlen


050715 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Iraq and the Weakness of U.S. Hegemony

There’s little new to say about last week’s London terror bombing. It has proved Bush’s “flypaper” theory – that if we “take the war to the terrorists” in Iraq, then “they” – whoever “they” are – won’t be able to attack “us” – to be nonsense, if we needed any more proof.


Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) News from the Field July 14, 2005

Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) News from the Field July 14, 2005


In This Issue:
* Montana Resumes Plans for Bison Hunt--Public Comments Due 8/15
* Last Words: Revisiting the 1990 Hunt


* Montana Resumes Plans for Bison Hunt--Public Comments Due 8/15


Last winter, the actions of the Buffalo Field Campaign community were instrumental in derailing Montana's ill-advised plans to "hunt" bison when they migrate out of Yellowstone National Park. BFC's campaign to cancel the 2005 hunt generated hundreds of letters, phone calls, and emails to Montana's newly elected governor, resulted in hundreds of buffalo-friendly people applying for hunting permits with the intention of using them to keep buffalo alive; and insured that the hunt would be covered on all the major national news networks. Montana's newly elected Governor Brian Schweitzer, aware of the black eye that a hunt would bring to Montana, acted quickly to cancel the hunt. Unfortunately, the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) has decided to push forward with a hunt during the 2005-2006 winter. We must be even more resolute this year if we are to stop the hunt a second time.

Current Status:

The Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) Commission set tentative regulations for Montana's first buffalo hunt in nearly 15 years at their meeting in early July 2005. The Commission voted to establish a two-part buffalo season beginning November 15, 2005 and continuing until February 15, 2006. 25 either sex permits would be issued for the first two-month period with an additional 25 permits for the last month. Eight of the permits in each hunting period will be given to Montana's native tribes as mandated by state law. According to FWP, the Environmental Assessment (EA) conducted last year is sufficient for the new hunting rules and therefore, no additional analysis will be conducted this year. Instead the agency will issue a revised decision notice that is not subject to public comment. Although comments will be taken by FWP on the tentative season and regulations, the decision to implement the hunt is apparently not subject to public review.

This latest incarnation of a buffalo hunt in Montana is still nothing more than an affirmation that Montana will not tolerate wild buffalo in the state. As the policy is currently laid out, wild buffalo entering Montana will remain under the authority of the Montana Department of Livestock (DOL). The DOL's only "concession" to the buffalo is to refrain from hazing, capturing and killing them for the three months that hunters will shoot any buffalo that wanders out of Yellowstone National Park. Unless more than 25 buffalo are out of the Park in either period or if any buffalo wanders past the allotted area, the DOL may decide to haze or capture the buffalo leading to a temporary suspension of the hunt. In either case, any wild buffalo that enters Montana between November 15 and February 15 will be killed for following their migratory instincts. Beginning February 16 the DOL will implement a massive capture, test and slaughter program with the goal of transporting 100 buffalo calves that test negative for brucellosis antibodies to the quarantine facility near Gardiner, Montana. The DOL, together with the National Park Service, will likely capture well over 500 buffalo throughout the winter and spring to reach their goal of 100 calves for quarantine. The agencies (including the same FWP game wardens that will administer the hunt) will continue to terrorize one of the most sensitive ecosystems in the United States with daily hazing operations that include low-flying helicopters, snowmobiles, ATV's, trucks and horses. Many buffalo will be needlessly killed or injured until the landscape is completely empty of buffalo. Those that do survive the spring will have next year's hunt to look forward to before the hammer of the livestock industry once again falls without impunity in the following spring.

The buffalo hunt is still completely unacceptable for all of the same reasons it was last year. In fact, this year's proposal will lead to more buffalo being killed in the fall than under current operations. In essence, the addition of a buffalo hunt will completely eliminate any and all wild buffalo that enter Montana. The FWP Commission's decision is nothing more than a political whitewash that will not succeed in hiding the ugliness and blatant injustice of the current policies. Three significant criteria highlight problems with the proposed hunt. First, wild buffalo in Montana should be under the sole management authority of FWP. The Dept. of Livestock has no rightful business managing wildlife, particularly the last wild buffalo herd in the United States. Second, buffalo must be given access to sufficient habitat in Montana where they can establish resident herds. In other words, "No Habitat, No Hunt!" Third, Native American tribes throughout the region must be included and involved in the decision making process for the management of wild buffalo that migrate outside of Yellowstone National Park. A long-term comprehensive management plan should be developed that includes all of the interested parties, especially traditional Native Americans who maintain a relationship with the buffalo that transcends modern wildlife management theories and practices.

Take Action for the Buffalo!
* Let the FWP Commission know that a buffalo hunt in Montana is simply not acceptable under the current conditions. Help the Commissioners see that this "hunt" can only lead to a black eye for Montana. Send your comments by Aug. 15 to: Attn. Bison Hunt Regulations, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, 1400 S. 19th Ave., Bozeman, MT 59718, or via Email to: fwpwld@mt.gov.

* Call or write Montana's Governor, Brian Schweitzer. Let Governor Schweitzer know that a buffalo hunt is a big mistake for Montana. Encourage Gov. Schweitzer to develop a long-term comprehensive management plan for the buffalo that includes traditional Native American voices and wisdom. Contact Governor Schweitzer by mail: Office of the Governor, PO Box 200801, State Capitol, Helena MT 59620-0801; phone: 406-444-3111; or fax 406-444-5529
* Apply for a permit to hunt a buffalo and don't use it! According to FWP, permits will likely be offered to the public through a lottery by the end of September. With more permits being offered than before, your chances of getting a permit to save a buffalo are significant. Look for more information about applying for a buffalo permit in future updates and on our website.

Talking Points

* Before a hunt is considered, wild buffalo must be given the respect of being considered a recovered resident native wildlife species in Montana, where they are currently "managed" aggressively by the Department of Livestock as a "nuisance animal in need of disease control."
* Tribal consultation should be sought and treaty rights upheld before any hunt is considered.
* Shooting buffalo is like shooting a parked car. They do not give "fair chase" like deer or elk. Don't forget the last time Montana thought it was a good idea to "hunt" Yellowstone buffalo, the public outcry caused a huge black eye for Montana.
* The plan does not consider the real possibility of a future for wild Montana buffalo in which they are not killed in the gateway communities.
* FWP claims that hunters will be doing a service to the local communities by removing "problem" buffalo that are causing damage to private property and threatening human safety. Almost no property damage is caused by buffalo migrating into Montana with the exception of damage caused when DOL agents haze buffalo through people's fences on private property.
* The preferred alternative sets the dangerous precedent of putting the Department of Livestock in charge of the hunting of a Montana big game species.

It is important that you write an original letter, rather than cut and paste our talking points.
* Last Words: Revisiting the 1990 Hunt "I missed and I got his arm. Then I went for it again and I got him down around his shoulder and then he staggered and walked a little ways and then I shot him in the neck and that killed him off."

A participant in Montana's 1990 bison hunt describing the experience of maiming and killing a bull.

** The Buffalo Field Campaign needs your support in opposing this year's hunt. Take the action outlined above and make a tax-deductible contribution so we can build an effective campaign to derail the hunt like we did last year. Make a secure online contribution by clicking the Donate Now! button at: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

Or send a donation to the following address. Together we are making a difference!


Buffalo Field Campaign PO Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758
(406) 646-0070 bfc-media@wildrockies.org http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

Bushs Schweigen, Roves Verrat





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