
America's mess, not Bush's

Democrats and liberals blame George W. Bush for the American mess, but it is worse than that. In sum, the immoral and futile war in Iraq, increasingly disapproved in polls but steadily unopposed by politicians, belongs not just to our feckless president, but to the nation.


From Information Clearing House

Vietnam Vets Protest Against Iraq War

"The only time they care about us is on Memorial Day, when they're putting wreaths on our graves," one veteran said to the crowd. "But if they have to spend a dime to keep us alive or to keep us sane, they don't want it on TV."

From Information Clearing House

Killing Americans With Secrecy

by Walter Brasch

The Pennsylvania Department of Health claims it has a plan to deal with a potential outbreak of H5N1, a lethal strain of the Avian influenza. But it’s a secret plan. So secret that local and county health departments don’t know what it is. Nor do physicians and hospital staffs. “[W]e have to be very careful with how this information is released,” a state official told the Harrisburg Patriot-News, but assured the public that they “can be confident that preparations that we’ve made can be implemented to the fullest without any difficulties caused by information getting into the wrong hands.” In translation, what Troy Thompson said was that the department was worried terrorists could get the plan, and so the public should just trust the government....


Autoimmunkrankheiten: Gen als Auslöser?

München (netdoktor.de) - Australische Wissenschaftler haben ein Gen entdeckt, das in Verdacht steht, Autoimmunkrankheiten zu verursachen. Dabei werden Organe wie Nieren oder Haut vom körpereigenen Immunsystem angegriffen. Bei ihren Untersuchungen... mehr...» http://www.netdoktor.de/nachrichten/index.asp?y=2005&m=5&d=32&id=119211

Genetically engineered (GE) crops contaminate fields and food around the world

*Genetically engineered (GE) crops contaminate fields and food around the world*

Montreal, 30 May 2005 - Greenpeace, farmers' organizations and community representatives today called on delegates to the Biosafety Protocol meeting to urgently introduce strict liability regulations to make companies accountable for the contamination and damage caused by their GE products.

In a written invitation to Canadian Environment Minister Stéphane Dion, the groups called on the minister to join them for the opening of the biosafety protocol meeting, for a Return to Sender activity in order to hand over to him Canadian GE canola found to be growing wild in Japan.

As predicted by environmental, farming and social movements, GE seeds have, since their introduction in 1996, contaminated food crops and the environment right across the globe. Over 50 incidents of illegal or unapproved GE contamination have been documented in 25 countries on 5 continents, and those are only the recorded incidents.

Illegal and unapproved GE contamination of seeds and crops has been recorded in maize in Mexico, rice in China, soya in Brazil, papaya in Thailand, oilseed rape in Europe, cotton in India, canola in Canada, and now, in the latest example, GE canola in Japan. In Chile, where the World Seed Congress starts today, Greenpeace is calling attention to the latest case of illegal maize seed contamination, the first to be found in this country highly dependent on its export seed industry.

"GMOs have been found growing in the fields of farmers who never asked for, nor ever wanted, GE anywhere near their fields. Yet instead of compensation the farmers have found themselves forced by sharp lawyers and intimidation to pay the GE seed companies -- for damage to the company's patent!" Greenpeace GE Campaigner Doreen Stabinsky said.

Potentially allergenic GE maize (Starlink) has contaminated food products on two continents and dangerous GE pharmaceutical crops have been discovered in silos of harvested crops in the USA. In the meantime, field trials or commercial growing of anything from pig vaccines to industrial plastics continues apace in the USA.

"If states don't act now to make producers and exporters accountable, further and more dangerous GMO contamination is around the corner," said Stabinsky.

Greenpeace demands negotiators immediately establish an interim liability regime and compensation fund for harm done to farmers, consumers or the environment.

"The evidence shows that GMOs may cause irreversible harm to ecosystems and biodiversity even far away from their country of origin. As long as no binding international liability regulations have been agreed, importing countries risk that they may have to pay for the damage themselves," said Stabinsky. "Under these conditions, countries should simply refuse to accept imports of GMOs."

Informant: STRIDER

Stuck on Oil


Informant: Scott Munson

EU-Referendum in Frankreich: Die Folgen des Nein

Von Peter Schwarz, 31. Mai 2005

"Die Ablehnung des europäischen Verfassungsvertrags durch die französischen Wähler hat die herrschenden Kreise Frankreichs und Europas in eine tiefe Krise gestürzt. Die vollen Auswirkungen des Schocks werden erst in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten sichtbar werden."


Should there be any limits on human cloning?


Informant: Skews Me

Death and Humiliation: This is the freedom and democracy that America has brought us

Abdul Hamid refused their apology in the Arab media, and stated that he was humiliated when US soldiers held their boots on his head for 20 minutes. It was also stated that he accused American soldiers of removing items from his home, including a computer. This is standard operating procedure with home raids-I can’t tell you how many Iraqis I’ve interviewed after their homes were raided who complained of money, jewelry and other belongings being looted by American soldiers.


The Cost of Freedom

Seeking stories about those who have fought the Bush government over the past several years.

I have a book publisher who is interested. Can you help me to find the folks — the true heroes of this country?

The following regarding a book project entitled: “The Cost of Freedom”.

I am not one of those who “supports the troops”. I do not think they are protecting our freedom. I do not consider them heroes.

To me, the real heroes of our country are the folks who have weathered the storm, with a flimsy poster board sign, on the street corner, in a stiff wind.

Since George W. Bush has been in power in the United States many people have fought for truth and for democracy.

These folks are scattered around the world, from Berkeley to Bismarck to Buffalo — to Berlin. They have held signs in freezing temps on a freeway in Bangor; they have sat alone at a kitchen table to write intrepid letters to the editor in Blacksburg, South Carolina, and they have prayed aloud for peace in Bagdad, Arizona.

All around us are stories of people who have displayed extraordinary courage in these dark times. They personify the image of a candle in the darkness — in the rain — on Main Street — sometimes all alone.

It's not easy, it's often terrifying, and it's absolutely necessary.

Help me to find the stories.

Please contact me:

Mike Palecek
702 6th Ave.
Sheldon, Iowa 51201
website: http://www.iowapeace.com

Crowd Behavior, Crowd Control, and the use of Non-lethal Weapons

CHEMTRAIL TECH: Who to file FOIA, cease & desist, and possible court injunctions.

ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations on the proposed information collection should be sent to Air Force Research Laboratory, Human Effectiveness Directorate Directed Energy Bioeffects Division Radio Frequency Radiation Branch, AFRL/HEDR, 8303 Hawks Road, Bldg. 1162, Brooks City-Base, TX 78235.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request more information on this proposed information collection or to obtain a copy of the proposed and associated collection instruments, please write to above address, or call 1st Lt. Keith White of the Air Force Research Laboratory, HEDR at 210-536-5959.

Title and OMB Number: Control

Force Experiences with Crowds Data

Collection; OMB Number 0701-TBD.

Needs and Uses: The Air Force Research Laboratory Human

Effectiveness Directorate (AFRL/HEDR), under the funding of the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD), is conducting crowd behavior research. The AFRL/HEDR is currently working to collect and assess crowd behavior data in an effort to supply a predictive model of crowd behavior for the assessment and implementation of various Non-Lethal Weapons platforms. This research has, in part, been recommended from Penn State University's Applied Research Laboratory Human Effects Advisory Panel (HEAP). Specifically, the HEAP report entitled "Crowd Behavior, Crowd Control, and the use of Non-lethal Weapons'' offers a crowd behavior research plan that is guided by a need to discover the underlying factors of crowd behavior (Kenny, Farrer, Heal, Ijames, McPhail, Odenthal, Taylor & Waddington, 2001). The AFRL/HEDR crowd behavior research team has acknowledged the value of control force members' experiences in the validation of invalidation of the crowd behavior variables currently under investigation and the research proposed in this protocol is expected to yield a true account of control force members' crowd management experiences. Any information control force members can provide about their experiences managing crowds is instrumental in the development of the aforementioned predictive model of crowd behavior. This model will eventually contribute to a training module that warfighters will utilize to refine their crowd management skills for future missions.

Affected Public: The affected public will be United States military servicemen who have acquired direct experience with crowds outside the continental U.S. and U.S. civilian law enforcement officers from specified metropolitan areas.

Annual Burden Hours: 100-200 hours.
Number of Respondents: 200, personally interviewed or administered a paper survey.
Responses per Respondent: Either one interview or survey administration.
Average Burden per Response: 30 minutes-1 hour.
Frequency: One-time.
Summary of Information Collection
The data collection procedures proposed in this protocol will consist of dyadic interviews and survey administration. Two hundred adult volunteer participant (n = 200) will be recruited from among civilian law enforcement agencies and military personnel who have recently experienced crowd management situations while on deployment.
Interview participants will meet individually with one researcher. Survey participants will complete the questionnaire as administered by available investigators or their respective superior officer(s). The research will be conducted at military installations that serve as crowd management training centers and police departments throughout the U.S. that implement crowd tactics, training, and procedures. Interview transcripts and written survey responses will be sorted and coded according to the content of the responses. This coding process is intended to reveal which features of a crowd situation control forces consistently identify as significant to effective crowd management.

Dated: April 18, 2005.

Patricia L. Toppings,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 05-8149 Filed 4-22-05; 8:45 am]
Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate

Air Force Research Laboratory,
Human Effectiveness Directorate Directed Energy Bioeffects Division
Radio Frequency Radiation Branch
[Federal Register: May 16, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 93)]
[Page 28029-28061]
>From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 28029]]


Department of Defense

Office of the Secretary

Base Closures and Realignments (BRAC); Notice

[[Page 28030]]

Recommendation: Close Brooks City Base, San Antonio, TX. Relocate
the Air Force Audit Agency and 341st Recruiting Squadron to Randolph AFB. Relocate the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, the Air Force Institute of Occupational Health, the Naval Health Research Center Electro-Magnetic Energy Detachment, the Human Systems Development and Acquisition function, and the Human Effectiveness Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH. Consolidate the Human Effectiveness Directorate with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Human Effectiveness Directorate at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH. Relocate the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, the Air Force Medical Support Agency, Air Force Medical Operations Agency, Air Force Element Medical Defense Agency, Air Force Element Medical-DoD, Air Force-Wide Support Element, 710th Information Operations Flight and the 68th Information Operations Squadron to Lackland Air Force Base, TX. Relocate the Army Medical Research Detachment to the Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, TX. Relocate the Non-Medical Chemical Biological Defense Development and Acquisition to Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Disestablish any remaining organizations. Realign Holloman AFB by disestablishing the high-onset gravitational force centrifuge and relocating the physiological training unit (49 ADOS/SGGT) to Wright-Patterson AFB.

Informant: billder

Europa - nicht ohne Bürger: Wie demokratisch ist die EU?

Die taz vom Montag hat eine Beilage von "Mehr Demokratie e.V." mit einer sehr guten Analyse der Demokratiedefizite der EU und der EU-Verfassung. Aus diesen Demokratiedefiziten resultiert auch ein Teil der problematischen wirtschafts-, sozial- und friedenspolitischen Ausrichtung der EU. In einer Langfassung ist der Artkel zu finden unter http://www.mehr-demokratie.de/eu-kritik.html

Europa - nicht ohne Bürger!
Wie demokratisch ist die EU?

Eine kritische Analyse von Mehr Demokratie

Die EU und die Europäische Verfassung werden von vielen als große Errungenschaft gelobt, von anderen als Fehlentwicklung getadelt. Doch welchen Maßstab soll man eigentlich anlegen? Mehr Demokratie http://www.mehr-demokratie.de/eu-kritik.html meint, dass vor aller inhaltlicher Kritik eine Frage Vorrang haben muss: Wie demokratisch ist die EU? Und wie wirkt sie sich auf die Demokratie der Mitgliedsstaaten aus? Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die Ergebnisse unserer kritischen Analyse: (s.o.)

Your help is needed to protect Canada's Heart of the Boreal

Indigenous communities have been living sustainably in Canada's Heart of the Boreal Forest for thousands of years. But, today, their traditional ways of life are threatened by clearcut logging, roadbuilding and industrial hydropower development.

Canada has named part of the Heart of the Boreal Forest as a potential World Heritage Site, which would mean urgently needed protections for this imperiled region. But the Manitoba government is delaying protection against industrial development in the meantime.

Please go to http://www.savebiogems.org/boreal/takeaction.asp and send a message urging Manitoba Premier Gary Doer to grant interim protection to the traditional territories of the Pauingassi First Nation and the Little Grand Rapids First Nation.

Interim protection would enable these communities to proceed with their land use and conservation plans for the future Boreal Forest World Heritage Site.

The boreal forest is home to rare and threatened wildlife species, including woodland caribou, great gray owls and millions of migratory songbirds. The communities with which we work have told us that boreal medicinal plants must be protected so that traditional values and beliefs can be sustained and confirmed.

And without interim protection of these lands and their wildlife, the proposed World Heritage Site may be sacrificed before conservation planning can be completed.

Please go to http://www.savebiogems.org/boreal/takeaction.asp and tell the Manitoba government to grant interim protection to the traditional territories of these First Nations so that they may plan for a future World Heritage Site in this region.

Thank you for taking action.


John H. Adams
Natural Resources Defense Council

Hinter der Theaterbühne

Spätestens seit Mitte 2002 war, wie ein Memo der britischen Regierung und die zunehmende Bombardierung von irakischen Zielen entlang der Flugverbotszonen zeigt, der Einmarsch in den USA eine beschlossene Sache.


Landtagspräsident verklagt SPD-Abgeordnete in VW-Gehaltsaffäre

Nebentätigkeiten: Landtagspräsident verklagt SPD-Abgeordnete in VW-Gehaltsaffäre (31.05.05)

Der niedersächsische Landtagspräsident Jürgen Gansäuer (CDU) hat in der VW-Gehaltsaffäre Klagen gegen die beiden zu Rückzahlungen aufgeforderten SPD-Abgeordneten erhoben. Damit sollen vor dem Verwaltungsgericht Braunschweig die Abführungsansprüche den Landes gegen die Parlamentarier Ingolf Viereck und Hans-Hermann Wendhausen wegen "gesetzlich verbotener Zuwendungen seitens des VW-Konzerns" durchgesetzt werden, teilte der Landtag am Dienstag in Hannover mit. Die Abgeordneten hatten sich bislang den Zahlungen verweigert.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Russland laut Menschenrechtlern weit von Rechtsstaat entfernt

Gelenkte Demokratie: Russland laut Menschenrechtlern weit von Rechtsstaat entfernt (31.05.05)

Die russische Justiz scheint nach Einschätzung der Menschenrechtsorganisation amnesty international (ai) eher interessiert daran, den Willen der politisch mächtigen zu erfüllen, als die Prinzipien des Rechts durchzusetzen. Anlässlich der Verurteilung des "Yukos"-Gründers Miachail Chodorkowksi und eines Geschäftspartners betonte ai am Dienstag, dass dieser Eindruck "immer wieder" entstanden sei und es sich um keinen Einzelfall handele. So werde beispielsweise nicht eingeschritten wenn russische Soldaten in Tschetschenien Verbrechen begingen. So hat laut ai auch erst kürzlich der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte in sechs Fällen zu Tschetschenien festgestellt, dass von einer wirksamen Strafverfolgung nicht die Rede sein kann. ai kam zu der Auffassung, Russland sei "von einem Rechtsstaat weit entfernt".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Militärausgaben verhindern Armutsbekämpfung

"Eine Frage der Prioritätensetzung": Militärausgaben verhindern Armutsbekämpfung (31.05.05)

Die Staats- und Regierungschefs von 179 Ländern der Welt hatten beim Millenniumsgipfel der Vereinten Nationen im September 2000 in New York versprochen: Bis 2015 soll der Anteil der in extremer Armut lebenden Menschen an der Weltbevölkerung halbiert werden. Dieses Ziel sei jetzt in "höchster Gefahr", stellt das Bonner "Internationale Konversionszentrum" (BICC) in seinem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Jahrbuch fest. Grund dafür sei vor allem der weitere Anstieg der Militärausgaben. 2003 ist das letzte Jahr, für das bereits gesicherte Informationen vorliegen. In diesem aktuellsten Jahr lagen die deutschen Ausgaben für Entwicklungshilfe laut BICC bei 6,8 Milliarden US-Dollar, die Ausgaben für Militär dagegen bei 32 Milliarden. Während 2003 weltweit insgesamt 90 Milliarden für die Entwicklung ausgegeben wurden, waren es rund 950 Milliarden für Krieg und Waffen. So würden die USA für ihr Militär so viele Dollars ausgeben wie während der "Hochphasen" des Kalten Krieges. Der Report weist darauf hin, dass mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen von weniger als einem US-Dollar pro Tag und mehr als zwei Milliarden von weniger als zwei Dollar im Tag leben müssen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Fired Ohio Election Board staffer defiant over "retribution"

May 25, 2005
Bob Fitrakis
The Free Press

Sherole Eaton is as defiant as ever and determined to stand up for democracy. Despite recovering from recent carotic artery surgery and scheduled for brain surgery on June 6 for a brain aneurysm, Eaton, perhaps Ohio’s most well-known whistleblower, refuses to resign as Deputy Director of the Hocking County Board of Elections. [...] Read her story at: http://www.freepress.org/columns/display/3/2005/1131 or http://tinyurl.com/d5frs

© Virginia Metze

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence

by Rev. Martin Luther King
4 April 1967

Speech delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on April 4, 1967, at a meeting of Clergy and Laity Concerned at Riverside Church in New York City:

I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join with you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. The recent statement of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal." That time has come for us in relation to Vietnam. [...]

Read the text and hear the beloved voice of our hero, Martin Luther King, assassinated because he inspired us and brought us along with him to make the world better: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article2564.htm or http://tinyurl.com/45hm9

© Virginia Metze

The Rumsfeld Stain: How does Donald Rumsfeld survive as defense secretary?

Op-Ed Columnist
Published: May 23, 2005

How does Donald Rumsfeld survive as defense secretary?

Much of what has happened to the military on his watch has been catastrophic. In Iraq, more than 1,600 American troops have died and many thousands have been maimed in a war that Mr. Rumsfeld mishandled from the beginning and still has no idea how to win. The generals are telling us now that the U.S. is likely to be bogged down in Iraq for years, and there are whispers circulating about the possibility of "defeat."

Potential recruits are staying away from the armed forces in droves. Most Americans want no part of the administration's hapless venture in Iraq. A woman in Connecticut with two college-age sons said to me recently: "My boys should die in Baghdad? For what?" [...] Read it all at http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/23/opinion/23herbert.html or http://tinyurl.com/9ygm8

© Virginia Metze

The religious right’s stealth politics

May 26, 2005

I’d have much more respect -- okay, some respect -- for religious rightists if they would simply start telling the truth about their strategic goals. Ever since their more visible political ascendancy in the 1990s, they have back-doored the public realm. Implicitly through their words and actions they’ve admitted they can’t win fairly and honestly. They know the American public won’t buy what they’re selling, so they get sneaky. [...] Read the article at pm carpenter's commentary

© Virginia Metze

How to lose a country in seven easy steps

May 26, 2005 | 1:38 PM ET |

OK, let’s take this step by step, lest we be accused of sounding shrill, ideological or just plain out of our respective minds.

Point one: The Bush administration is, as this piece in today’s Washington Post puts it, working to “consolidate influence in a small circle of Republicans and to marginalize dissenting voices that would try to impede a conservative agenda.” Here are some of the inescapable details: The campaign to prevent the Senate filibuster of the president's judicial nominations was simply the latest and most public example of similar transformations in Congress and the executive branch stretching back a decade. The common theme is to House Republicans, for instance, discarded the seniority system and limited the independence and prerogatives of committee chairmen. [...] Read it all at MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7954027/#050526 or http://tinyurl.com/cydge

© Virginia Metze

'Monsanto Laws' Would Take Away Right To Ban GMOs


Informant: DitziSis

Update from the Field, May 30, 2005

Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC)
* Special Memorial Day Update
May 30, 2005

* Update from the Field

This update is dedicated to the 98 buffalo slaughtered since October, to the 17 young buffalo currently serving the first of their five-year sentence in a quarantine prison near Gardiner, MT, and to the more than twenty buffalo killed on highway 191 after being repeatedly forced from their birthing grounds across the busy highway. We honor the lessons these buffalo gift us with on patrol.

We would also like to honor three special families in the local community who have made our patrols with the buffalo possible and our lives here easier. Each of these families has suffered difficult losses in the past few years. Sylvia Nottingham, Phil Morton, and Jesse Stovall were all part of the BFC family and their families continue to do everything they can for the buffalo and the BFC.

Take a minute to honor these buffalo supporters with us:

Buffalo Field Campaign
PO Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
(406) 646-0070

The "I" Word

by Ralph Nader and Kevin Zeese, TomPaine.com

The evidence of George W. Bush's high crimes is conclusive. Now we need a court.


Source: http://www.tompaine.com

Bush Guilty of Conspiracy and Felony: Impeachment Urged

--Please distribute widely--


A coalition of veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist groups announced a campaign today to urge that the U.S. Congress launch a formal investigation into whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war. The campaign focuses on evidence that recently emerged in a British memo containing minutes of a secret July 2002 meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top national security officials.

John Bonifaz, a Boston attorney specializing in constitutional litigation, sent a memo to Congressman John Conyers of Michigan, the Ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, urging him to introduce a Resolution of Inquiry directing the House Judiciary Committee to launch a formal investigation into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House to impeach President Bush.

Bonifaz's memo, made available today at http://www.AfterDowningStreet.org , begins: "The recent release of the Downing Street Memo provides new and compelling evidence that the President of the United States has been actively engaged in a conspiracy to deceive and mislead the United States Congress and the American people about the basis for going to war against Iraq. If true, such conduct constitutes a High Crime under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution."

In February and March 2003, John Bonifaz served as lead counsel for a coalition of United States soldiers, parents of U.S. soldiers, and Members of Congress (led by Representatives John Conyers, Jr. and Dennis Kucinich) in a federal lawsuit challenging President George W. Bush’s authority to wage war against Iraq absent a congressional declaration of war or equivalent action. Bonifaz is the author of Warrior-King: The Case for Impeaching George W. Bush (NationBooks-NY, 2004, foreword by Rep. John Conyers, Jr.), which chronicles that case and its meaning for the United States Constitution.

The organizations forming the AfterDowningStreet.org coalition include: Global Exchange, Gold Star Families for Peace, Democrats.com, Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Progressive Democrats of America, and Democracy Rising. These organizations, beginning today, will be urging their members to contact their Representatives to urge support of a Resolution of Inquiry.

For more information, see http://www.AfterDowningStreet.org

Informant: Sash

I Don't Pledge Allegiance


Preserve the Republic -- Scrap Real ID


[An open letter to Congress] "If I understand it correctly, ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, you have voted unanimously to authorize an unelected federal official, the secretary of Homeland Security, to stand above any law or any court. You have turned the departments of motor vehicles into de facto federal agencies that will provide everything necessary for a citizens' tracking system, including the option for biometric markers. You know full well what the result of this will be, and it won't be 'making us safe from terrorists...


from Antiwar.Com, by Elizabth Cameron

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Subject or citizen?


'What can we do? What can be done about our bondage?' These are the kind of queries I have been fielding since I last posted here. In an effort to educate people to the reality of the slavery we endure at the hands of politicians that think it is their job to take care of us, I neglected to offer a map of the political underground railroad that leads to more freedom and greater liberty. So, I will attempt to offer the key that would hopefully remove the shackles that render us helpless before that bloated beast -- Bureaucracy...


from Liberty For All, by R. Lee Wrights

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Unceremonious end to Army career


John Riggs spent 39 years in the Army, earning a Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery during the Vietnam War and working his way up to become a three-star general entrusted with creating a high-tech Army for the 21st century. But on a spring day last year, Riggs was told by senior Army officials that he would be retired at a reduced rank, losing one of his stars because of infractions considered so minor that they were not placed in his official record.

... So what cost Riggs his star? ... some of the general's supporters believe the motivation behind his demotion was politics. Riggs was blunt and outspoken on a number of issues and publicly contradicted Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld by arguing that the Army was overstretched in Iraq and Afghanistan and needed more troops...


from Baltimore Sun

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gitmo prisoners told panel about abuse


One Guantanamo prisoner told a military panel that American troops beat him so badly he wets his pants now. Another detainee claimed U.S. troops stripped prisoners in Afghanistan and intimidated them with dogs so they would admit to militant activity. Tales of alleged abuse and forced confessions are among some 1,000 pages of tribunal transcripts the U.S. government released to The Associated Press under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit -- the second batch of documents the AP has received in 10 days...


from Cincinnati Enquirer

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Big Brother tries to muscle ISPs


The Bush administration asked a federal appeals court Friday to restore its ability to compel Internet service providers to turn over information about their customers or subscribers as part of its fight against terrorism. The legal filing with the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in New York comes amid a debate in Congress over renewal of the Patriot Act and whether to expand the FBI's power to seek records without the approval of a judge or grand jury...


from Wired News

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Schwerster Atom-Unfall seit über zehn Jahren




School fights plan for mobile mast

by Dominic Yeatman

This is local London

WORRIED parents claim drivers outside Snaresbrook Primary School will not be able to see children crossing the road if plans for a mobile phone mast are approved.

Phone company T-Mobile wants to erect a 9.7-metre mast and two base cabinets at the junction of Meadow Walk and Woodford High Road , 200 yards from the gates of the school.

Councillors and parents assembled at the site on Sunday, and conducted their own experiment replicating the impact of the cabinets which they say demonstrated the danger of the proposals.

Parent Nic Shastri, who has two children at the school, said: "We set up a large cardboard box to the size of the proposed cabinet and we had four children waiting to cross the road. If you were a driver waiting to turn in you wouldn't have seen them.

"Parents have to walk to school these days because there is a double yellow line in Meadow Walk patrolled by traffic wardens. We have had three recent deaths in Woodford Road and it's a notorious accident blackspot."

Telecom company Marconi is handling the application for T-Mobile and Wanstead MP Harry Cohen has written to it highlighting the objections.

Headteacher Dennis Murray said he had real concerns. He said: "There are two issues, potential health concerns and where they want to site it because it could obstruct drivers' vision. It's a health and safety issue and I can't believe that any company would consider putting one there."

A T-Mobile spokesman said: "T-Mobile understands there sometimes can be concerns when locating base stations in communities. As part of the pre-consultation process we're considering a number of options in the area and gathering feedback from local concerned parties."

A formal planning application has yet to be submitted to Redbridge Council and Marconi has given residents until May 31 to make comments on the proposals. Write to Jonathan Walton, Marconi APT, Blays House, Wick Road , Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey , TW20 OHJ .


Health fear over rise in new phone mast sites

Technology advances blamed by opponents

By Michael McHugh

Belfast Telegraph

30 May 2005

The number of mobile phone masts in Northern Ireland may increase dramatically following the introduction of new technology, industry representatives have warned.

Some experts anticipate a three or four-fold rise in the number of sites, but the phone companies' trade body insists that sites across the UK will increase by only around a tenth.

There has been widespread opposition across the province to the encroachment of the structures with some reports warning that the so-called Third Generation Technology (3G) which allows photos to be sent via cell phone could endanger health.

Peter Jones from ACTIX, which develops new wireless technology for mobile companies, warned at a recent conference that the number of masts could increase by three or four times their present number and this has sparked concerns about the health impact on people living near the sites.

Newry and Mourne Sinn Fein councillor Pat McGinn, a prominent anti-mobile phone campaigner, said: "These people who are telling me that they need these mobile masts because they have no coverage are now saying they need them to send photos of themselves to their friends.

"There's still a major concern about the whole health issue surrounding these mobile masts among many respected academics and until these are addressed these masts will be met with opposition."

Dutch scientists have found, in a study of 72 volunteers, significant levels of nausea, headaches and tingling sensations when the subjects were exposed to signals which mimicked the third generation mobile networks.

The Mobile Operators' Association estimates that by 2007 there will be 50,000 masts across the UK - a 5,000 increase on present levels - but adds that this complies with the Government licence conditions imposed to ensure that 80% of the population have coverage.

"There are now well over a million mobile phone subscribers in Northern Ireland," a spokeswoman said. "Without a network of base stations in place where people want to use their phones, they simply will not work.

"Any new base stations are subject to full planning in Northern Ireland."

Some mast sharing may help reduce the number of new sites needed but 3G technology is in its infancy and operators anticipate a substantial increase in the number of people using it.

The mobile companies' spokeswoman added that the advice from the National Radiological Protection Board found - drawing on the weight of scientific advice - that mobile technologies operating within the health and safety guidelines didn't cause illness.



Lincolnshire Echo

10:30 - 30 May 2005

Mobile phone mast campaigners say they have been vindicated by an Australian ruling that masts should not be next to schools.

The Australian government has followed New Zealand , Italy , Sweden , Luxembourg and Salzburg in banning masts near schools, child care centres, hospitals and nurseries.

Bishop King Primary School in Kingsway, Lincoln, has a mast just metres away from its building, and the parents and teachers have been campaigning against it.

Headmaster David Tinsley said: "I think this just shows that other governments accept that there may be a risk with these masts, although sadly ours appears not to.

"The point is that nobody knows whether there is a risk or not.

"They may be perfectly safe, but on the other hand they may not, and if they are not then children are the most vulnerable to ill effects.

"We are baffled by this Government's attitude when its own reports have suggested that a precautionary approach should be adopted, and yet nothing is put into practice."

His frustration was echoed by parent Andrew Gill, who is a member of the phone mast committee.

"We would just like to see the Government and the council taking some responsibility for this," he said.

"At the moment all the council has to consider is how it looks, not whether it will affect the health of children.

"The Government's advice in the Stewart report is quite clear, yet nothing is done."

The mast is situated on top of the fire station in South Park, next door to Bishop King School.

It is even closer to the half-built new special school, which is scheduled to open next Easter.

"We don't want the next generation to be picking up the pieces if something does turn out to be wrong with these things," said Mr Gill, who lives in Kingsway.

Green MEP Caroline Jackson is pressuring the Government to follow Australia 's lead and ban mobile phone masts next to schools.

"Without it, the result has been fear and uncertainty as mobile phone masts have sprung up - often requiring no planning permission or even advance warning - on schools, hospitals and in densely populated areas," she said.

However, mobile phone operators insist there is no scientific basis for a ban on masts near schools.

A spokeswoman for the Mobile Operators' Association said: "Since 2000, Ofcom has undertaken more than 360 random audits of base stations near schools and hospitals.

"The measurements from these audits show that emissions levels from base stations are typically small fractions of the international health and safety exposure guidelines."

She said parents should be comforted by a National Radiological Protection Board report in January, which said measurements showed there was no scientific basis for establishing minimal distances between base stations and areas of public occupancy.

Write to Your View at the Lincolnshire Echo, Brayford Wharf East, Lincoln, LN5 7AT.




Real scientist Margaret Cook demolishes pseudo-scientist and GM lobbyist Lord Dick Taverne's new book, The March of Unreason: Science, Democracy and the New Fundamentalism, in a scathing and brilliant review in the Guardian, Cook takes Taverne to task for the hectoring and irksome dogma of his writing.


In spite of his stated commitment to evidence-based science, much of his discussion is rant rather than reason.

There are regrettably a number of howlers. He attributes our health and longevity to modern medicine, whereas it owes much more to public health measures, sanitation, clean water, housing, diet. [GM WATCH comment: Here's a statistic for Taverne: "The results of seven years of research reviewing thousands of studies conducted by the NIA (Nutrition Institute of America) now show that medical errors are the number one cause of death and injury in the United States."


He states, "Food has never been safer or more carefully tested," when we have just had the most troubling food scare involving contamination of many different food products by the dye Sudan 1. He demolishes in scathing terms the fears linking radiation from mobile phones and masts to brain damage. Yet only two months ago, top scientists warned that children under nine should not use mobile phones as their brains absorb more radiation than adults' and the dangers are unclear.

He draws a rigid line between mainstream and alternative medicine, reluctantly admitting that an extract of St John's Wort might help depression, then countering this with a discussion of dire side effects. In fact, in a recent issue the BMJ, hypericum extract from this plant has been shown to be at least as effective as paroxetine for depression and better tolerated. The timing of these reports has not been kind to him, but they underline the hectoring dogma of his writing, which becomes increasingly irksome.



Hockley, Essex




Informant: NHNE

What's Wrong with the Washington Press?

David Sirota makes several salient comments about the current double standard among many Washington "insider" reporters. While the journalists relentlessly attacked Clinton for lying about an affair with an intern, the same journalists barley discuss Bush and his many lies leading to the deaths more than 1,600 U.S. soldiers and as many as 100,000 Iraqis. Where is the courage among the press?


Gimme Some Truth

As the Iraq war grinds on, and it becomes more obvious that the nation is lurching towards disaster, many of us are literally starved for the truth. We hunger for leaders who will be candid about our circumstances, those who believe as Emerson did that truth is the "treasure of all men". Sadly, what we get instead is "uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics."


Military analyst says world can eliminate war

Canadian military analyst and historian, Gwynne Dyer, sets out in his acclaimed history of war how armed conflict has always been part of human society. He writes that it "permeates all our institutions, our cultures, even our mentality". Yet in the recently revised edition of his book, War: the Lethal Custom, he suggests that despite this, it is possible for us now to eradicate war.


Why Do Most Americans Feel the War Is '"Not Worth It'?

The latest poll from Gallup shows that 57% of Americans do not believe the Iraq war is "worth it," yet there is little public protest. No matter where you stand on the war, you've got to wonder: What's going on here at home? Yet few in the press have set out to explore this gap between what appears to be wide public anger and apathy.


Praise Bravery, Seek Forgiveness

Memorial Day Editorial

The superb editorial below should be read by all Americans so our Nation can learn from the terrible mistakes and lies of the Iraq War.


Fortbildungsveranstaltung IZFM für Ärzte

An den
Präsidenten der Bundesärztekammer
Herrn Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoppe
Herbert- Levin-Str. 1

50931 Köln


An den
Präsidenten der Bundesärztekammer
Herrn Prof. Dr. med. Heyo Eckel
Berliner Allee 20 (Ärztehaus)

30175 Hannover

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof..........

bitte sind Sie so freundlich und gestatten mir eine Frage.

Mit großer Besorgnis musste ich zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass gerade das Informationszentrum für Mobilfunk e. V. Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für die Ärzteschaft abhalten darf, die noch dazu von den Landesärztekammern anerkannt werden.

Soweit mir bekannt ist, wurde das IZMF durch den Zusammenschluss aller Mobilfunkbetreiber gegründet, da man sich dadurch eine bessere Akzeptanz auf dem Markt versprach - eine industrielle Vereinigung also.

Es fällt mir sehr schwer daran zu glauben, dass so eine wirtschaftliche Interessengemeinschaft tatsächlich in der Lage ist, unsere Ärzteschaft sachlich und neutral über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der gepulsten elektromagnetischen Felder zu belehren.

Und ich verstehe nicht wie es überhaupt möglich ist, dass ein rein am Verkauf der eigenen Technologie orientiertes Unternehmen, ungebremst und ohne Gegenstimmen bei der Ärztekammer Einzug halten darf. Diese Tatsache beunruhigt mich als Mutter und Patientin wirklich sehr - verhindert diese Vorgehensweise doch, das der Arzt künftig noch frei für die richtige Diagnose ist, weil er interessengebundene und einseitige Einsichten erhielt.

Aus meiner Sicht steht bei Gesundheitsfragen immer die Vorsicht an erster Stelle, daher frage ich mich, warum bei Fortbildungsveranstaltungen nicht über die Ergebnisse der Reflex Studie berichtet wird - immerhin wurde sie in mehreren EU-Ländern durchgeführt und alle Labors erhielten unabhängig von einander übereinstimmende Ergebnisse. Zweifelsfrei stellt sie den Stand des heutigen Wissens dar.

Aber auch die Beobachtungen an den Anwohnern von Sendeanlagen in Naila und die Studien der Professoren Hecht, von Klitzing, Warnke und Varga (Grundlagen des Elektrosmogs in Bildern, ISBN 3-00-009180-7) sind hier nicht zu vergessen.

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof....
ich befürchte, dass diese Aktionen nicht zum Wohle der Menschen führen und bitte Sie sehr herzlich hier regelnd einzugreifen, damit man als Patient weiterhin uneingeschränktes Vertrauen zur Ärzteschaft haben kann.

Über Ihre Antwort würde ich mich wirklich sehr freuen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen!

Manuela Knapp

Ärzte-Fortbildung durch das Informationszentrum Mobilfunk e.V.?

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit: Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Ärzte


HLV Schreiben an Ärzte - betr. IZMF Fortbildungsveranstaltungen

Hohe Dringlichkeitsstufe!

Sehr geehrte Ärzteschaft,

Sie haben sicherlich auch im Deutschen Ärzteblatt vom 19.05.2005 Vermischtes: Mobilfunk und Gesundheit - Kenntnis von den avisierten "IZMF- Fortbildungsveranstaltungen" für Ärzte genommen, welche von den jeweiligen regionalen Landesärztekammern der Veranstaltungsorte unterstützt werden.

Es ist für den HESSISCHEN LANDESVERBAND MOBILFUNKSENDERFREIE WOHNGEBIETE e.V. unverständlich und inakzeptabel, dass die IZMF = Vereinigung aller Mobilfunkbetreiber über ärztliche Institutionen nunmehr deren Mitglieder instrumentalisiert.

U.E. ist es geboten, dass nunmehr verantwortungsvolle Ärzte, wie wir sie in den Gruppierungen Naila, Bamberg, Freiburger Appell usw. sehen, die Verantwortlichen in den medizinischen Kreisen kontakten und auf die Problematik der einseitigen Interessenwahrnehmung durch die IZMF aufmerksam machen. Außerdem sollten auch aus den von uns genannten Kreisen Repräsentanten bzw. Delegierte sozusagen als "Pendant" bei diesen Veranstaltungen ihr Wissen offenbaren dürfen.

Ansonsten verkommt auch diese geplante Aktion zu einer kommerziellen Werbeveranstaltung, wobei die Wahrnehmung Gesundheit in zynischster Weise zur Information "vorgeschoben" wird.

An dieser Stelle muss nicht noch einmal auf die ohnehin vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Hinweise der schwerwiegenden Gefährdungen explizit hingewiesen werden - das Vorhaben der IZMF ist transparent:

Die Ärzteschaft soll manipuliert werden!

Lassen Sie das nicht zu!

Wehren Sie sich!

Machen Sie von Ihrer Einflussnahme Gebrauch und intervenieren Sie!

Es ist schon schlimm genug zu wissen, dass die monetären Interessen der Mobilfunkbetreiber im Schulterschluss mit der Politik zu Verflechtungen geführt hat, die dem demokratischen Auftrag von Transparenz und Unabhängigkeit widersprechen.

Der Freilandversuch am Menschen darf nicht jetzt auch noch mit manipulierten Ärzten fortgesetzt werden.

In einem Schreiben an die Präsidenten der Bundesärztekammer drückt Frau Manuela Knapp ihre große Besorgnis aus, die wir hiermit ebenfalls teilen.

Omega siehe unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/731217/

Alfred Tittmannn


IZMF-"Fortbildungsveranstaltung" Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Ignoranz vorhandener Wissenschaft


Demokratische Politik nach Jean-Claude Juncker: "Wir machen weiter, Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein Zurück mehr gibt"

„Wir beschließen etwas, stellen das dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, was passiert. Wenn es dann kein großes Geschrei
gibt und keine Aufstände, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter – Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein Zurück mehr gibt.“

Premierminister von Luxemburg Jean-Claude Juncker erklärt seinen EU-Kollegen die Demokratie (SPIEGEL 52/1999)


McDonald’s zahlt 10.000 Euro

Der Fast Food-Konzern McDonald’s zahlt wegen verbrauchertäuschender Werbung 10.000 Euro Vertragsstrafe an foodwatch. Außerdem erstattete das Unternehmen Selbstanzeige bei der Münchner Lebensmittelüberwachung.

Ende März hatte McDonald’s eine strafbewehrte Unterlassungsverpflichtung gegenüber foodwatch abgegeben. Der Konzern verpflichtete sich, die Burger-Brötchen nicht mehr damit zu bewerben, dass "natürliche Backhilfsstoffe" zum Einsatz kämen. foodwatch hatte nachgewiesen, dass die werbliche Verwendung des Begriffs "natürlich" im Zusammenhang mit Emulgatoren nach deutschem Lebensmittelrecht verboten ist. Diese setzt McDonald’s in seinen Hamburger-Brötchen als Backhilfsstoffe ein. Das Nachrichtenmagazin "Der Spiegel" verbuchte diesen Vorgang als "Teilsieg" von foodwatch im "Burgerkrieg" mit McDonald's (siehe auch foodwatch-Newsletter vom 06.04.2005 bzw. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/0,1518,349268,00.html).

Wie foodwatch jedoch im weiteren Verlauf entdeckte, verwendete das Unternehmen die beanstandete Formulierung teilweise nach wie vor im Internet. McDonald's unterschrieb deshalb am 28.04.2005 eine weitere Unterlassungsverpflichtung und bestätigte die Zahlung der vereinbarten Vertragsstrafe von 10.000 Euro an foodwatch. Gleichzeitig erstattete der Konzern Selbstanzeige bei der Münchner Lebensmittelüberwachung, um einer Strafanzeige von foodwatch zuvorzukommen.

Der Vorfall beeinflusste auch die Informationspolitik des Unternehmens. Unter "info@mcdonalds.de" kann man per E-Mail eine vollständige Liste aller Zusatzstoffe anfordern, die McDonald’s in den Standardprodukten verwendet. Bislang hatte foodwatch vergeblich Angaben über die bei der Herstellung von Brötchen verwendeten Zusatzstoffe angefordert. Allerdings veröffentlicht der Konzern die Zusatzstoffliste nach wie vor nicht auf seiner Homepage bzw. im Internet. Die Begründung: "Die Informationen sind zu detailliert und umfangreich". Obwohl sich McDonald's in der Werbung gegenüber seinen Kunden besonders offen gibt. Seit kurzem wirbt der Fast Food-Riese mit so genannten "Qualitäts-Scouts", die unter anderem zitiert werden mit: "Es hat mich sehr überzeugt, mit welcher Transparenz McDonald's hier die Besucher in sein Unternehmen einweiht." Konkurrent Burger King veröffentlicht übrigens im Internet unter "Hinweis für Allergiker" die in den Produkten verwendeten Zusatzstoffe, auch die in den Brötchen eingesetzten Emulgatoren.

Dass McDonald's Emulgatoren bei der Herstellung der Hamburger-Brötchen verwendet ist foodwatch seit 2003 bekannt. Die Fast Food-Kette warb damals in einer groß angelegten Werbekampagne damit, dass die Hamburger-Brötchen "aus nichts anderem als Weizen, Hefe, Wasser und einer Spur von Salz und Zucker" gebacken würden. foodwatch konnte nachweisen, dass Emulgatoren wie E471 und E471e eingesetzt werden. Die Werbung kam nach Meinung von foodwatch einer groben Verbrauchertäuschung gleich. Der Konzern antwortete auf diese Kritik hin mit dem lapidaren Hinweis, dass Backmittel beim "Verbraucher bekannt und akzeptiert" seien. Als foodwatch damit in die Medien ging, stoppte McDonald's die millionenschwere Werbekampagne. Und die Lebensmittelüberwachungsbehörde in München stellte dem Konzern wegen dieser unlauteren Werbung am 05. April vergangenen Jahres einen Bußgeldbescheid zu.

What is Depleted Uranium?


Hospital defiant over phone masts

Environmental Health News

Tuesday, May 31 2005

Addenbrooke’s Hospital now has around 30 masts on the roof of its main ward block. Departments in close proximity to the masts include the maternity and breast units and the oncology centre. The masts, or base stations, are used for mobile phones, pagers, and the Tetra police radio system, which has also been linked to ill health.

Campaigners are outraged. Mast Sanity spokesperson Karen Barratt argued that the hospital should be looking to find ways to have masts removed from its premises, especially so given its responsibility to patients.

‘I find it extraordinary at a time when everyone is so worried about MRSA that a hospital should be opting to have all these masts on its roof. It is putting not only patients at risk but the surrounding population too,’ she said.

However an Addenbrooke Hospital spokesperson played down the masts, saying: ‘Like many other hospitals and organisations with high buildings, we accommodate masts for mobile phones and other devices on our roof. There are a total of 30 masts on the roof, four of which are used by the BBC, and the remainder by two mobile phone operators.’

She added: ‘We have seen no evidence to suggest that this practice is unsafe. But to ensure the safety of our patients, staff and visitors, we follow government regulations for health and safety and conform with the International Commission on Non-ionising Radiation Protection public exposure guidelines. ‘This includes,’ she said, ‘compelling any company which uses the space for a mast to have a survey done to demonstrate that it will not be exposing the public to risk as a result. ‘A report by the Radiocommunications Agency has shown that, at most, we are 45,000 times below the ICNIRP limit for radio-frequency emissions at the hospital.’

Tom Long, radio communications and planning officer at Cambridge City Council, who oversaw the phone companies’ applications for planning permission, said: ‘If anyone is concerned about emissions from the masts erected near the hospital we can arrange for an independent specialist to use a radiation monitoring meter there.’

However Dr Grahame Blackwell, an independent scientist who advises Mast Sanity, said: ‘The ICNIRP guidelines take no account of possible long-term non-thermal risks on the grounds that no such risks had at the time been officially “established”. But for how many years had smoking been widely recognised as a risk to health before that risk was officially “established”? Every one of the six studies to date on masts shows serious health effects.’ He added that a four-year seven nation EU-funded Reflex study, published last November, stated categorically that cancer-producing effects, at levels within ICNIRP guidelines, were ‘hard facts’. Dr Blackwell said: ‘It’s no longer true to claim that there are no known mechanisms by which such radiation could cause ill health.’

At Essex University , Prof Elaine Fox is carrying out research into the effects of masts. She said: ‘We simply don’t know at this stage what damage, if any, mobile phone masts cause but a precautionary approach has been recommended. In the meantime I am deeply concerned that a hospital should have not just one mast but 30.’

Dr Stacy Eltiti, senior research officer at the university, is also engaged in the research. She said: ‘Previous research into masts has been poorly conducted and has often resulted in inconsistent findings. Current research aims to correct this by testing a large number of individuals in well controlled studies. ‘However, these findings will not be available for some time. In the meantime, we should aim to minimise the general public’s levels of exposure to the masts.’

Around 45,000 mast sites have already been established around Britain and another 12,000 applications for sites are expected, to accommodate the new 3G technology. As Karen Barratt points out, ‘each site could have up to 20 masts on it’.

End of the line for phone mast row

Warrington News 31st May 2005

THE war of words over a proposal to erect a mobile phone mast on a church tower in Orford Green is finally over after the church council decided to abandon the plans.

After months of heated debate between parishioners of St Margaret and All Hallows Church , residents and ward councillors, the church council agreed to scrap the plans, despite them being approved by the borough council's development control committee.

The community's argument centred upon the safety issues surrounding mobile phone masts in residential areas while the church stood to gain financially from the deal with T Mobile.

But last week, following a meeting with the church council, St Margaret's decided not to proceed with the controversial mast.

Now residents say they are keen to build bridges with the church and particularly the Reverend John Reed, vicar of St Margaret's.

Yoko Warburton, one of the residents who opposed the mast, said: "I feel that our message at last reached the church and the very people who make the decisions.

"I don't feel we 'won' because I don't want to think of it as some kind of battle between the church and residents.

"It was more a matter of getting them to change their viewpoint over ways of raising the church maintenance fund.

"Risking residents' health was definitely not the way forward.

"The way the church handled the issue from start to finish was all wrong and completely inappropriate.

"Nothing was said to the residents in the first place, hardly anyone was aware of what was going on and we weren't publicly notified but we should now move on from this and start working together."

Mike Hannon, ward and borough councillor, who opposed the proposal, said: "I am pleased that the church council has listened to the concerns of the community and taken a decision that will benefit the community at large."

The church declined to comment on the matter.

Zur Rolle von Attac im Bundestagswahlkampf 2005

Über die bevorstehenden Neuwahlen und eine mögliche neue Partei hat es im bundesweiten Attac-Koordinierungskreis in den vergangenen Tagen eine intensive Diskussion gegeben. Eine im Konsens verabschiedete Erklärung zu diesen Fragen schicke ich Ihnen auf diesem Weg zur Kenntnis zu.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Malte Kreutzfeldt
Pressesprecher Attac Deutschland
Post: Münchener Str. 48, 60329 Frankfurt/M
Tel.: 069/900 281-42, Mail: presse@attac.de, Fax: 069/900 281-99

Zur Rolle von Attac im Bundestagswahlkampf 2005

Erklärung des Attac-Koordinierungskreises, 31.5.2005

Attac ist ein außerparlamentarisches Netzwerk – und das aus gutem Grund. Zum einen wird die Dominanz des Neoliberalismus auf Dauer nur zu brechen sein, wenn verschiedene emanzipatorische Strömungen und Gruppen in unserer Gesellschaft ihre Sichtweisen solidarisch zusammentragen und ihre Gemeinsamkeiten entwickeln. Eine kooperative Zusammenarbeit lässt sich aber mit der Konkurrenzlogik von Parteipolitik nur schwer vereinbaren. Zum anderen zeigt die Erfahrung, dass sich gesellschaftlicher Wandel nur über eine Veränderung der herrschenden Diskurse erreichen lässt. Parlamentarische Politik allein kann dies ohne Unterstützung einer breiten sozialen Bewegung nicht leisten.

Dies bedeutet nicht, dass es gleichgültig ist, wie die Parteienlandschaft aussieht, wie die parlamentarische Opposition agiert und wer die Regierung stellt. Parteien und Parlament haben einen großen Einfluss auf das Meinungsklima und die gesellschaftspolitischen Kräfteverhältnisse. Die neoliberale Allparteienkoalition im Bundestag war einer der Hauptgründe dafür, dass die Agenda 2010 bisher rücksichtslos durchgezogen werden konnte. Wenn im Parlament emanzipatorische Positionen artikuliert werden, dann nützt dies auch sozialen Bewegungen.

Das Verhältnis von Attac zur parlamentarischen Politik

Es stellt sich die Frage, wie Attac sich zu einzelnen Personen, Parteien und Fraktionen in den Parlamenten verhält. Insbesondere zu der Frage, ob und was bei der kommenden Bundestagswahl gewählt werden soll, gibt es bei Attac unterschiedliche Auffassungen, die sich teils ergänzen, teils widersprechen. Im Einzelnen sind dies:

* Wir brauchen eine starke parlamentarische Kraft

Um den Einfluss von Parteien und Parlamenten zu nutzen, brauchen wir auch eine starke parlamentarische Kraft, die die Interessen der globalisierungskritischen Bewegung und anderer sozialer Bewegungen vertritt. Wir fordern daher all jene auf, die sich für eine emanzipatorische Politik im Bundestag engagieren, verantwortlich gegenüber den Gesamtinteressen emanzipatorischer Politik zu handeln.

* AnsprechpartnerInnen in Parteien können hilfreich sein

Um den Druck in Richtung des notwendigen Politikwechsels zu erhöhen, können uns zwar parlamentarische AnsprechpartnerInnen, nicht aber die besondere Nähe zu einzelnen Parteien hilfreich sein. Wir begrüßen es daher, wenn in verschiedenen Parteien und Fraktionen Menschen unseren Positionen nahe stehen.

* Die Arbeit in Parteien schwächt die Bewegung

Da aufgrund der Kräfteverhältnisse im öffentlichen Diskurs derzeit die Chancen für eine wirklich emanzipatorische Politik in den Parlamenten minimal sind, halten wir die Arbeit in Parteien und Parlamenten zumindest derzeit für eine schädliche Schwächung der Bewegung. Unter anderem weckt sie möglicherweise Hoffnungen auf eine rasche Änderung der Verhältnisse, die nicht zu erwarten ist.

Attac wird daher weder eine Wahlempfehlung abgeben noch die Kandidatur von Einzelpersonen unterstützen. Wenn Personen, die Attac-Mitglieder sind, für Wahlen zum Bundestag kandidieren, so müssen sie jeden Eindruck vermeiden, dies im Auftrag von Attac zu tun. Erwecken sie hingegen diesen Eindruck, so wird Attac diesem Eindruck öffentlich entgegentreten müssen.

Attac im Wahlkampf 2005

Attac als außerparlamentarisches Netzwerk sieht seine Aufgabe im Wahlkampf darin, durch Aktionen, Expertisen und Bildungsarbeit auf den öffentlichen Diskurs Einfluss zu nehmen. Wir müssen die richtigen, die entscheidenden Fragen stellen. Diese unterscheiden sich grundlegend von dem, was die VertreterInnen neoliberaler Politik als entscheidend ausgeben. Es muss verhindert werden, dass die öffentliche Auseinandersetzung an den wahren Problemen der Welt vorbei geführt wird und ihre tatsächlichen Ursachen nicht thematisiert werden. Nur so können wir erfolgreich Druck auf Politik und Wirtschaft ausüben.

Aus diesem Grund rufen wir alle Attac-Gruppen dazu auf, in den Wahlkampf durch Aktionen und Bildungsarbeit einzugreifen und bohrende Fragen nach sozialen Rechten, Demokratie, Ökologie und globaler Gerechtigkeit, nach Tobin- und Solidarischer Einfachsteuer, Hartz IV und WTO-Verhandlungen zu stellen. Wir wollen den PolitikerInnen deutlich machen, dass sie auch nach der Wahl mit uns rechnen müssen.

Um den Forderungen nach einem dringend notwendigen Politikwechsel Nachdruck zu verleihen, werden wir Initiativen zur Bildung eines Bündnisses für globale Gerechtigkeit und gegen Neoliberalismus unterstützen. Schon im Wahlkampf muss den KandidatInnen Druck gemacht werden, der sich nach der Wahl mit Richtung auf die neue Regierung fortsetzen wird. Das Sozialforum in Erfurt wäre ein geeigneter Ort, über solche Aktivitäten zu diskutieren und im Anschluss mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen, Organisationen und Netzwerken konkrete Aktionen vorzubereiten.

MP welcomes phone mast health risk study

Norwich Evening News

31 May 2005 11:43

A Norwich MP is demanding tighter regulations for the siting of mobile phone masts after new research claimed people living close to them are exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.

Norwich North MP and cancer expert Ian Gibson today welcomed the latest study by Dr Gerd Oberfeld, an Austrian environmental medicine expert from Salzburg.

It found that radiation levels increased dramatically when people were in rooms close to mobile phone masts.

The study was carried out among 12 volunteers, aged 20 to 78.

It recorded brain waves using an electroencephalogram and when the volunteers were unknowingly exposed to mobile phone masts the levels of radiation increased from 26 microwatts to 3,327 microwatts.

The study found this had a dangerous effect on brainwaves and severely damaged health.

Dr Gibson, who has supported the Evening News's campaign to stop siting masts near schools and homes until it is conclusively proved they are safe, said today: "This is dramatic news. We will need to repeat it with a bigger number of individuals. But I do not find it surprising. The net is closing in on this industry which claims complete safety. I am sure the public will welcome this news and will increase the demands for government intervention on the siting of these masts."

He said he wanted the Government to take notice of the study by Sir William Stewart, which expressed the need to adopt a precautionary principle with regards to the siting.

"In two weeks time I will be meeting Yvette Cooper, the minister with responsibility for this industry and I will be urging her to give a public response to this research," Dr Gibson said.

"The Government has got to give the planning authorities the authority to ban these masts on health grounds," he added.

Karen Barratt, spokeswoman for Mast Sanity, the campaign group for more sensitive siting of phone masts, said: "There are many studies like this which indicate people do suffer ill effects when they are living near phone masts.

"The industry and the Government keep pretending that the evidence is anecdotal or people are suffering psychosomatic effects but nothing could be further from the truth. We have lots of evidence of people suffering ill effects when they don't even know there is a mobile phone mast in the area."

She said there was evidence of cancer clusters around mobile phone masts and the Government was ignoring the matter.

"At the moment there is total planning chaos. The mast phone operators can put them up where they like and local authorities are being bullied into submission to put them up in sensitive areas near to school's and people's homes."

Meanwhile, families in North Walsham are trying to bring legal action against mobile phone operator O2 over the siting of a mast on top of the police station in Yarmouth Road , which they say has caused people's health to deteriorate.

The Put Masts on Hold campaign was launched by the Evening News in December 2000 to stop the installation of mobile phone masts close to homes and schools until their safety was proved.

In September 2003 the Evening News published a map showing the location of every mast in Norwich .

The mobile phone industry has dismissed the findings of the latest study, saying an independent body did not certify the experiment.

Castor-Transport aus Angst vor Protesten nicht durch Ahaus


Depleted Uranium Bill Introduced into US Congress



Sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste 2005

Sozialforum in Deutschland vom 21. bis 24. Juli in Erfurt - alle Infos unter http://sozialforum2005.de

Übersicht über regionale Anti-Hartz-&-Co-Bündnisse

Viele werden es gemerkt haben: Seit längerem wurden die widerständischen Nachrichten aus den Regionen immer seltener aktualisiert. Wir haben einsehen müssen, dass wir uns - neben all den anderen Rubriken im LabourNet - zu viel aufgebürdet haben. Ab sofort sammeln wir hier nur noch die Verweise auf Homepages und Kontakte zu den örtlichen/regionalen Initiativen - wir bitten um Verständnis und Ergänzungen!


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 17

Proteste und die Gewerkschaften

Übergabe von zentralen Texten mit Forderungen der Sozialbündnisse und gewerkschaftlichen Erwerbsloseninitiativenan DGB-Chef Michael Sommer am 19.5.2005 in Leipzig

„mit Verwunderung haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen, dass am heutigen Tag ein „2. Runder Tisch in Leipzig“ stattfindet an dem Sie „den Hartz IV-Monitoringprozess diskutieren und Fehlentwicklungen aufzeigen“ wollen. Dabei wollen sie „unterschiedliche Aspekte berücksichtigen“, wobei das „Treffen ... auch den weiteren Gesprächen mit der Politik (u.a. mit dem Bundeskanzler) dienen“ soll. Nach einer Pressemitteilung des DGB hätten Sie zu der von Ihnen anberaumten Gesprächsrunde neben Gewerkschaftern und Kirchenvertretern auch „Mitglieder örtlicher sozialer Initiativen“ eingeladen. Keine der Organisationen der sozialen Bewegung hat eine solche Einladung für den heutigen Tag erhalten. Und ob die Einladung eines Vertreters der gewerkschaftlichen Erwerbsloseninitiativen, eine ausreichende Berücksichtigung der Interessen der Erwerbslosen darstellt, bleibt mehr als fraglich…“ Offener Brief des Aktionsbündnis Leipzig (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 17

Pascal Lamy wird Chef der Welthandelsorganisation WTO: Prophet des Freihandels

„"Stahlblick, Kahlschädel und spitze Ohren": Mit diesen charakteristischen Zügen beschreibt der Wiener ’Standard` den neuen Chef der Welthandelsorganisation WTO, Pascal Lamy. Bei internationalen Verhandlungen in seiner früheren Funktion als EU-Kommissar hat er sich in Brüssel solche, nicht unbedingt schmeichelhaften, Spitznamen wie "Exocet" (die Exocet-Rakete ist ein Produkt der französischen Rüstungsindustrie) oder "der Rottweiler" zugezogen….“

Artikel von Bernard Schmid, erschienen unter dem Titel "Prophet des Freihandels" am 26.05.2005 in telepolis, für das Labournet erweitert am 30.5.05


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 17

Gegen die Überwachung von Arbeitslosen und den Zwang zur Aufnahme "gemeinnütziger" Tätigkeiten

Soziale Konflikte und Bewegungen > Erwerbslose und Sans Papiers

Aktionswoche gegen die Überwachung von Arbeitslosen und den Zwang zur Aufnahme "gemeinnütziger" Tätigkeiten

Aktuelle Meldung von Bernard Schmid vom 29.5.05 - als Beispiel für Aktionsformen in Deutschland…


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 17

NEIN zur EU-Verfassung: Das NON ist die Hoffnung

Frankreich: Das NON ist die Hoffnung. Und jetzt kommt es darauf an, was man daraus macht!

„Sonntag abend, 22 Uhr: In den beiden Großstädten Paris und Lyon schließen endlich auch die Wahllokale, während im übrigen Frankreich schon seit zwei Stunden ausgezählt wird. Im Espace Confluences, einem Programmkino und Veranstaltungsort, ist heute abend das Hauptquartier des linken Flügels der Sozialisten, der zur Ablehnung des EU-Verfassungsvertrags aufgerufen hat. Punkt 22 Uhr flimmert das vorläufige Ergebnis über die Fernsehbildschirme: Über 55 Prozent für das Non. Sofort brechen die oft jugendlichen Anhänger in Sprechchöre aus: "Et maintenant, l`Europe sociale!" - Und jetzt das sozialpolitische Europa. (…) Gefordert werden eine Initiative für eine Neuverhandlung eines europäischen Verfassungsvertrags mit sozialen Rechten und ohne das wirtschaftsliberale Kapitel III, das derzeit 330 der 448 Artikel umfasst; der sofortige Rückzug der Bolkestein-Richtlinie anstatt ihrer bloßen Umformulierung; die Definition unionsweiter Rechte für die in einem EU-Land niedergelassenen Immigranten und die europaweite "Legalisierung" des Aufenthaltsrechts aller Sans papiers ("illegalisierter" Einwanderer)….“

Artikel von Bernard Schmid vom 30.5.05 - aus diesem besonderen Anlaß bedanken wir uns herzlichst bei unserem „Stamm-Autor“ für diesen und alle früheren Beiträge wie Bilder!


Die EU-Grundrechte-Charta und die Verfassungsdebatte

Friedensbewegung "hofft auf ein 'Non' in Frankreich und auf ein 'Nee' in den Niederlanden"

Am 29. Mai und am 1. Juni finden Referenden über die EU-Verfassung in zwei Nachbarländern statt, deren Ergebnisse mit Spannung erwartet werden. Pressemitteilung des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag vom 25.5.05


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 17

Why Not Encourage Your MP to Join the Parliamentary All Party Mobile Group

We are encouraging our MP (Humphrey Malins, Conservative, Woking) to become more active in the Mast debate at Westminster, by asking him to do the following. Why not send a letter to your MP, to ask that he/she does the same:-

· Can you please join the All Party Parliamentary Group on Mobile Communications, a Parliamentary group set up to encourage debate on a range of mobile issues, bringing together relevant stakeholders including consumers, industry, Parliamentarians and pressure groups. ( http://www.apmobile.org.uk)

· Can you please support the Parliamentary Bills, such as the recent/current one by Andrew Stunel MP, Liberal Democrat, Hazel Grove, "Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill", which will tighten planning controls on the siting of mobile masts. This has similar content to the 2004 Bill put forward by Richard Spring MP, Conservative, West Suffolk. Please also actively encourage support for this bill and similar future bills in Parliament.

· Can you please support the Early Day Motions against masts and help engage ‘masts and their health risks & suppressed research’ as urgent topics for discussions and parliamentary action. Currently there is EDM 67, MOBILE PHONE MASTS, 17.05.2005 by Caroline Spelman, Conservative, MP for Meriden and Shadow Secretary of State for Local Government Affairs and Communities ( http://www.carolinespelman.com ):-

"That this House notes that industry sources have recently indicated that 3G technology will require a substantial increase in the number of mobile phone masts, with as many as four times the present number, suggesting up to 200 more masts in every constituency; believes that the current planning process in England is inadequate, failing to consider local, environmental and safety concerns; observes that the Government is reviewing planning regulations for masts and that tougher protection is already in place in Scotland and Northern Ireland; and calls on the Government to introduce full planning permission for all masts, including Network Rail and TETRA masts, and to allow health concerns to be taken into account near homes, schools and hospitals."

Please also actively encourage support for this Early Day Motion and similar Early Day Motions in Parliament.


Harelands Against the Masts

Scientist's violent death shocks cold fusion research network




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