
No Empire

Kick the imperialists out of power and get rid of the lobbyists representing foreign governments.

By Charley Reese

The urge to destroy resides in every human heart. Violence is all too often the problem-solving method of choice. The 20th century differed from the preceding ones only in the scale of the violence unleashed. Between wars and dictators, well over 200 million people died before their natural time.


Four bloody lies of war, from Havana 1898 to Baghdad 2003

The Bush Administration's lies about its rationales for attacking Iraq fit a pattern of deceit that has dragged America into at least three other unjust and catastrophic wars.

By Harvey Wasserman

Nixon's "dirty trickster" disciples Karl Rove and Dick Cheney have now poisoned this nation with yet another ghastly lie of war. Their hopeless Iraqi slaughter has become the modern definition of cynical deceit, human butchery and economic ruin.


Help Protect Whales from Deadly Sonar

International Fund for Animal Welfare May 10, 2005

Help Protect Whales from Deadly Sonar

Highly acoustic by nature, whales use their sensitive hearing and unique vocalizations to communicate with each other, find mates, locate food, avoid predators, and navigate. Imagine the devastating impact loud noise can have on the lives of whales and other marine mammals.

Tell NATO to Protect Whales from Military Sonar

We’re taking our campaign to protect whales from deadly naval sonar to the doorstep of NATO — and we need your help.

Please go to the IFAW Action Center now and send a message to the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), urging member countries to stop deploying high-powered sonar systems in sensitive whale habitats around the world.

Last month we began making our case directly to NATO officials. Now it’s critically important that they hear a worldwide outcry from concerned citizens in support of our cause.

The dangers of military sonar to whales

As the military alliance of 26 nations — including the United States — NATO includes the world’s biggest users of lethal military sonar. In fact, several mass strandings of whales have been linked directly to joint NATO exercises, including strandings in the Canary Islands and along the coast of Greece.

There is no dispute that intense bursts of high-powered sonar can and do kill whales. The scientists of the International Whaling Commission have stated that the evidence linking such naval sonar to whale strandings appears “overwhelming.”

The scientific journal “Nature” has reported that intense, active sonar may kill marine mammals by causing their internal organs to hemorrhage. Other harmful effects of intense sonar to marine mammals include avoidance of and displacement from habitats, permanent tissue damage, and temporary hearing loss.

In the face of this alarming evidence, it’s simply cruel and wrong to use high-powered sonar in routine training exercises without taking common-sense steps to protect whales, dolphins and other marine life. That’s why a worldwide coalition of environmental groups, including IFAW, is pressuring NATO and its member countries to stop inflicting this needless suffering on marine mammals.

Please make your own voice heard in defense of whales right now. Speak out here and call on NATO to take immediate steps to protect marine mammals from deadly sonar.

Thank you for taking action.


Fred O’Regan
President and CEO

Thousands Denied Right To Vote


Things Americans Believe


US Policy Continues to Fan the Embers of Terrorism


Bush's Economics: The Final Insult


America's Shame, Two Years on from "Mission Accomplished"


Home from Iraq


US Tourism ‘Losing Billions Because of Image’


Knast für Elektrosmog

Montag, 9. Mai 2005

Radio Vatikan hat Ärger

Knast für Elektrosmog

Zwei Verantwortliche von Radio Vatikan sind wegen Umweltverschmutzung durch elektromagnetische Strahlen zu zehn Tagen Haft verurteilt worden. Das Gericht in Rom setzte die Strafen am Montag allerdings zur Bewährung aus. Verurteilt wurden der Generaldirektor des Senders, Pater Pasquale Borgomeo, sowie der zuständige Kardinal Roberto Tucci.

Um die riesigen Antennenfelder für Kurzwellensendungen von Radio Vatikan vor den Toren Roms waren bis vor einigen Jahren Elektrosmog-Werte gemessen worden, die deutlich über dem gesetzlichen Limit lagen. Immer wieder hatte es Berichte über häufige Krebserkrankungen in der Gegend um die Stadt Cesano gegeben.

Erst nach Protesten und politischem Druck gab Radio Vatikan nach und reduzierte die Strahlenbelastung. Zeitweise hatte es sogar Drohungen gegeben, dem Sender den Strom abzuschalten. Auch die italienischen Medien nahmen sich vor einigen Jahren der Sache an. Darauf entschied sich Radio Vatikan, einige Programme nicht mehr über Kurzwelle, sondern über Satellit auszustrahlen.

Für erhebliches Aufsehen sorgten seinerzeit allerdings auch Berichte, wonach die elektromagnetischen Strahlen allerlei "Übernatürliches" in der Region bewirkten. Manche Anwohner schworen, dass die Stimme von Radio Vatikan ertöne, wenn sie ihren Kühlschrank öffneten. Andere berichteten, sie könnten Sphärengesänge hören, wenn sie ihr Ohr an die Heizungsrohre hielten. Im kleinen Vorortzug gingen plötzlich die Lichter in den Abteilen an, sobald er den Ort der mächtigen Sendeanlagen passiere. Über die Antennen in Cesano sendet Radio Vatikan Dutzende religiöse Programme in die ganze Welt.

Adresse: http://www.n-tv.de/529401.html

Quelle: http://elektrosmoghalle.twoday.net/stories/679641/


Rätselraten über Handy-Gefahr hält an


Den folgende erstaunlich informative Artikel (im Gegensatz zu den "die Grenzwerte werden eingehalten"-Hymnen) fand ich am 3.5.05 in der WN.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Karl Kraft

Rätselraten über Handy-Gefahr hält an

(Hier könnte man den Artikel noch für einen der üblichen Verharmlosungstexte halten...)

Omega siehe Text unter:

Handy-Strahlung verändert die DNA: Schon geringere Dosen können schädlich sein!


Sozialverbände kritisieren medizinische Versorgung für Ärmere als "inhuman"

Kein Geld für die Zuzahlungen: Sozialverbände kritisieren medizinische Versorgung für Ärmere als "inhuman" (09.05.05)

Führende Sozialverbände fordern die rot-grüne Bundesregierung auf, die medizinische Versorgung sozial Schwacher deutlich zu verbessern. "Die gegenwärtige medizinische Versorgung von chronisch Kranken, älteren Menschen und Behinderten ist oftmals zutiefst inhuman", sagte der Präsident des Sozialverbandes VdK, Walter Hirrlinger, der "Berliner Zeitung". Er betonte: "Die Gesellschaft darf nicht zulassen, dass Sozialsysteme auf dem Rücken von Menschen saniert werden, die sich selbst nicht wehren können."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Erwerbsloseninitiativen rufen zu Widerspruch gegen ALG-II-Bescheide auf

"Eheähnliche Gemeinschaft": Erwerbsloseninitiativen rufen zu Widerspruch gegen ALG-II-Bescheide auf (09.05.05)

Langzeitarbeitslose sollen massenhaft Widerspruch gegen die Anrechnung von Einkommen eines "Partners" aus "eheähnlicher Gemeinschaft" einlegen. Das Bundesstreffen der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen (BAG-SHI) forderte die von der Anrechnung betroffenen ALG-II-Antragsteller zu Widerspruch und zu Klage gegen die bisherigen Ablehnungsbescheide der Behörden auf. Wirtschaftsminister Clement wird aufgefordert, nach diversen Gerichtsurteilen nun von Amts wegen zu handeln und den Betroffenen "endlose und unsinnige Widerspruchs- und Gerichtsverfahren" zu ersparen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Ein Volk von Demenzkranken?


Die Verblödung schreitet voran


Verblödung durch Mobilfunkfrequenzen

Handystrahlung beschädigt Erbgut - Neue Schock-Studie der EU

Mobilfunk macht senil?

Hirnschäden bei Ratten durch Handystrahlung

Wollen Sie Ihren Job verlieren?


Parteipolitik und Lobbyismus behindern Umweltschutz

Hirnschäden bei Ratten durch Handystrahlung


Ein Volk von Demenzkranken?

These Are The Crimes That Try Men's Souls

Eighty-eight members of Congress have signed a letter asking the president to confirm or deny the Downing Street Memo.


The Perfect Economic Storm

by Daniel Gross, The New York Times

Having a hard time keeping track of just how unstable our economy is? Here's a handy summary.


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/

Must-Flee TV: The G.O.P. on PBS

by Joe Conason, New York Observer

Forget liberal bias. The Republicans appear eager to spread still more of their own subsidized propaganda.


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/

"Show Me Your Papers"

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

The GOP's effort to pass national ID card legislation begs the question: Who really hates our freedoms?



Please Forward Widely -- Please Forward Widely


Picket May 10th @ 5:00 Support GI Resisters!

On Tuesday, May 10th at 5:00 Vermont Military Families Speak Out and other anti-war organizations will be holding a picket in Burlington in front of the Federal Building (corner of Elmwood and Pearl Streets).

We are picketing to support Pablo Paredes and Kevin Benderman, two GIs standing trial beginning May 11th for refusing deployments to Iraq. Their applications for conscientious objector status have not been accepted.

Please join us at this picket. Bring signs, banners, friends, co-workers! We ask everyone who is against this war to join us in supporting these men who are refusing to take part in this unjustified and brutal war.

If you haven't signed the petition for Pablo Paredes, you can do it now at http://www.defendpablo.org. In just the last 5 days the number of signers has increased from less than 200 to over 4,000! --background information below--

Vermont Military Families Speak Out

864-5587--Paul Fleckenstein

Endorsed by: American Friends Service Committee, Burlington Anti-War Coalition, International Socialist Organization, Vermont Peace and Justice Center, Students Against War (UVM), U.S. Labor Against the War, Vermont Nonviolent Student Activism Coalition, Vermont Green Party, Enosburg Area Candlelight Peace Vigil, Johnson Anti-War Coalition

Letter of Solidarity from Vermont Military Families Speak Out to Pablo Paredes and Kevin Benderman

May 5, 2005

As members of the Vermont chapter of Military Families Speak Out we stand in solidarity with Pablo Paredes and Kevin Benderman. Each man will stand trial on May 11th for refusing deployment to Iraq to fight the unjustified war that tears that country apart today. Their applications for conscientious objector status have not been accepted.

Petty Officer Third Class Pablo Paredes refused deployment on December 6, 2004. He stated at the time, “I don't want to be a part of a ship that's taking 3,000 Marines over there, knowing a hundred or more of them won't come back. I can't sleep at night knowing that's what I do for a living." Since then he has actively opposed the war appearing at many rallies.

Sgt. Kevin Benderman refused redeployment after having served a year in Iraq. A! fter seeing first hand the carnage that the war wrought on the Iraqi people he stated, “I was there for six months and I did not see the first weapon of mass destruction. I did receive orders from the company commander to shoot children if they threw small rocks at us and that was when I figured out that the entire thing was way over the line.”

These two men have become powerful voices in the opposition to the illegal and immoral war in Iraq. Their refusal to take part in the war machine has given credence to the demand for immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq. Because of this the military is trying to make an example of these men by imprisoning them. We believe that the war itself should be put on trial not the soldiers who refuse to fight it. Join us in demanding the freedom of Pablo Paredes and Kevin Benderman.

--Vermont Military Families Speak Out


Please circulate widely:

Call for a National Day of Action for GI Resisters on May 10, 2005

May 1, 2005

We urge you to join us in a "National Day of Action for GI Resisters" on Tuesday May 10, 2005. This is the day before the US military is planning to bring sailor Pablo Paredes and soldier Kevin Benderman before military court martial tribunals for their opposition to the Iraq War. They face forfeiture of pay and benefits, and military jail time.

On December 6, 2004, Navy Petty Officer Pablo Paredes refused to board his ship as it left the San Diego Naval Station in support of the Iraq War and occupation. At the time of his refusal, Pablo said he hoped his protest might inspire other GI's to refuse to take part in the war.

On January 5, 2005, Kevin Benderman refused to deploy for a second tour of duty in Iraq with the Army's Third Infantry Division. At the same time seventeen other soldiers from his unit went AWOL, two tried to kill themselves and one had a relative shoot him in the leg to avoid deploying.

Both men applied for discharge from the US military as conscientious objectors. The military has wrongly rejected both claims.

It's time for us to escalate public pressure and action in support of Pablo, Kevin and the thousands of other courageous men and women who have followed their conscience to uphold international law and to take a principled stand against the unjust, illegal war and occupation of Iraq. It's time we had their backs.

Objection and resistance by military servicepersons is a healthy and important assertion of Democracy in a country where the decisions to invade Iraq, to maintain an occupation, and engage in widespread human right violations and torture were made undemocratically in violation of international law and based on continuing lies and disinformation.

Please join us by organizing a public demonstration, vigil or rally of support on May 10. Every action, no matter how large or small is important.


* Send letters of support and donations to cover legal fees to Pablo and Kevin via their websites listed below.

* Come to San Diego, California (Pablo) or Fort Stewart, Georgia (Kevin) to show your support during their trials.

* Write letters to the editor, and help educate your organization, church, union, school, co-workers and community.

Resisting illegal occupation and war is not a crime! The right to conscientious objection is being systematically violated by the military. Those objectors who are publicly asserting their rights are being singled out for punishment. We demand that military personnel retain their right to follow their conscience, publicly dissent and that their basic democratic rights be respected.

A better world is possible.

Initial signatures

* Monica Benderman - spouse of Kevin Benderman
* Victor Paredes - brother of Pablo Paredes
* Aimee Allison - Gulf War CO; Oakland City Council Candidate
* Medea Benjamin - CodePink, co-founder; Global Exchange, founding Director
* Leslie Cagan - United for Peace and Justice, Nat'l Steering Cmte
* Stephen Funk - former Marine and first public Iraq War resister
* Susan Galleymore - MotherSpeak; military mother; Courage to Resist
* Lynn Gonzalez - San Diego Military Counseling Project
* Jack Heyman - Int'l Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10, Exec Board member
* George Johnson - Veterans for Peace, Nat'l Exec Board member
* Ragina Johnson - College Not Combat
* Naomi Klein - activist; writer
* Sharon Lee Kufeldt - Veterans for Peace, Nat'l Exec Board VP
* Barbara Lubin - Middle East Children's Alliance, Director; ANSWER, Nat'l Steering Cmte member
* Efia Nwangaza - Afrikan Am Institute for Policy Studies
* Siri Margerin - United for Peace and Justice, Nat'l Steering Cmte; Iraq Peace Panel Project
* Steve Morse - GI Rights Program Coor, Central Cmte for Conscientious Objectors
* Jeff Paterson - Not in Our Name; former Marine and 1991 Gulf War resister
* David Solnit - People Powered Strategy Project; Courage to Resist
* Vida Shahamat and Brain Barry - South Bay Mobilization Against the War
* Aryeh Shell - Courage to Resist; Popular Education and Action Collective
* Samina Faheem Sundas - American Muslim Voice
* Fernando Suarez del Solar - father of Marine Jesus Suarez killed in Iraq
* Fr. Louie Vitale, O.F.M., St Boniface Church; Korea War veteran
* Bob Wing - War Times
* Howard Zinn - historian; author

(organizations listed for identification purposes only)

More info about Pablo Paredes:

Sign online petition to support Pablo Paredes:

More info about Kevin Benderman:

For May 10 actions, leaflets, and more:
Contact: courage@riseup.net

Informant: Ashley Smith

Clusters in England


The largest cancer cluster in the U.K.


Inquiry into cancer cluster fears at 'tower of doom'


Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Constant Use of Mobiles for sometimes trivial Purposes is pushing up the Demand for more and more Base Stations http://omega.twoday.net/stories/692981/

Aufruf von Intellektuellen gegen die EU-Verfassung

Attac Deutschland
Berlin, 9. Mai 2005

* Aufruf von Intellektuellen gegen die EU-Verfassung

* Pressekonferenz von Attac Deutschland und Frankreich zur Bundestagsabstimmung am Donnerstag, 12. Mai, in Berlin

"Nein zu diesem EU-Verfassungsvertrag - Ja zu einem sozialen, demokratischen und friedlichen Europa": Unter diesem Motto haben sich auf Initiative von Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats von Attac 188 Intellektuelle und politisch Aktive aus Deutschland öffentlich gegen den EU-Verfassungsvertrag ausgesprochen. Der Aufruf, der morgen (10. Mai) als Anzeige in der Frankfurter Rundschau und im Neuen Deutschland erscheinen und parallel im Internet publiziert wird, liefert konkrete Belege dafür, dass der Vertragsentwurf die EU auf eine neoliberale Politik festlegt, die Militarisierung vorantreibt, die sozialen Grundrechte nicht stärkt und das Demokratiedefizit nicht abbaut.

Zu den ErstunterzeichnerInnen gehören u.a. die ProfessorInnen Elmar Altvater, Christoph Butterwegge, Hans-Peter Dürr, Ulrich Duchrow, Heide Gerstenberger, Joachim Hirsch, Jörg Huffschmid, Ingrid Lohmann, Birgit Mahnkopf, Mohssen Massarrat, Wolf-Dieter Narr, Noman Peach, Herbert Schui und Bodo Zeuner. Sie kommen zu dem Schluss: "Es wäre für die demokratische Entwicklung in Europa fatal, wenn diese Verfassung angenommen würde. Sie ist weder zukunftsoffen noch zukunftsfähig." Der Text des Aufrufs und die Liste der ErstunterzeicherInnen findet sich unter
http://www.attac.de/eu-verfassung/anzeige . Ab morgen besteht
unter http://www.attac.de die Möglichkeit, den Aufruf online zu unterzeichnen.

Bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz am Tag der Bundestagsentscheidung über den Vertrag stellen Mitglieder von Attac Deutschland und Attac Frankreich ihre Kritik am Verfassungsentwurf sowie die Alternativen für den Fall eines NON in Frankreich vor. Die Pressekonferenz findet statt

- am Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2005, um 11 Uhr im Hotel Albrechtshof, Albrechtstraße 8, Berlin-Mitte (direkt nördlich vom S-Bahnhof Friedrichstraße)

- TeilnehmerInnen:
* Jean-Pierre Beauvais, Mitglied im Verwaltungsrat von Attac Frankreich und aktiv in der Kampagne zum NON;

* Prof. Jörg Huffschmid, Mitglied im Wiss. Beirat von Attac Deutschland, Universität Bremen, Memo-Gruppe, Erstunterzeichner des Aufrufs;

* Peter Wahl und Stephan Lindner, Mitglieder im Koordinierungskreis von Attac Deutschland und in Deutschland und Frankreich gegen die Verfassung aktiv.

Zudem sind für den 12. Mai in bundestagsnahe Aktionen geplant, die deutlich machen, dass die erwartete 99-prozentige Zustimmung im Bundestag keineswegs der Meinung der Bevölkerung entspricht, die über die Verfassung weder korrekt informiert noch befragt wurde.

Für Rückfragen:
* Peter Wahl, Tel. (0160) 823 4377
* Stephan Lindner, Tel. (0176) 2434 2789
* Angelika Shams, Tel. (0179) 513 4159

Weitere Informationen:
* Aufruf: http://www.attac.de/eu-verfassung/anzeige

Malte Kreutzfeldt
Pressesprecher Attac Deutschland
Post: Münchener Str. 48, 60329 Frankfurt/M
Tel.: 069/900 281-42, Mail: presse@attac.de, Fax: 069/900 281-99


Armies Massing for Filibuster Battle


Billions Wasted on Ineffective Anti-Terrorism Hardware


Citizens in the Rain


Laura Bush's Mission Accomplished


Britain faces big chill as ocean current slows


Informant: Anna Webb



Grahame Blackwell's contribution.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Grahame Blackwell
To: david baron
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Michael Dolan at his best ?? Poor best then!


See below my reply to Bath Chronicle, sent this morning


So Mike Dolan would have us believe that international guidelines support the claim that the mobile phone industry, which he represents, is squeaky-clean as to health effects (Letters, 5th May). Rather than bandy words, let's look at what those ICNIRP Guidelines actually say. I quote:

"these guidelines are based on short-term immediate effects such as ... shocks and burns ... elevated tissue temperatures ... In the case of potential long-term effects of exposure, such as increased risk of cancer, ICNIRP concluded that available data are insufficient for setting exposure restrictions"

Note that the guidelines don't say 'No evidence of long-term non-thermal health effects', but 'Insufficient data on which to base a safety threshold for such effects - so these guidelines don't cover them'. Exactly what the phone & mast health lobby keeps saying, and the Government keeps ignoring.

Of the six studies to date on phone masts, EVERY ONE has shown significant ill-health effects. A recent 4-year EU-backed study by twelve partners in seven countries repeatedly showed irrefutable evidence of phone emissions, at levels within ICNIRP guidelines, causing double-strand DNA breaks of the sort that lead to cancer. Details of these studies, and many more, can be seen on my website http://www.starweave.com.

Mr Dolan would also have us believe that the NRPB, advisers to Government that he claims support his view, are independent. We've heard from Government advisers before - on asbestos, BSE and the like. Anyone who dares to publicly advise the Government that this particular multi-billion pound cash cow is a health hazard may well find their services no longer required.

Mr Dolan is either singularly ill-informed on this subject, central to the industry he serves, or out to mislead the public. Either way his fitness to represent that industry to the public must surely be questioned.

Dr Grahame Blackwell


There is a fundamental flaw in thinking here, pervasive throughout the whole of WHO, NRPB/HPA, ICNIRP, AGNIR, etc. It is that the only ELF bio-effect is in the magnetic field. Hence they all separate out the bioeffects into magnetic fields at ELF, and electric fields at RF.

What they fail consistently to recognise is that RF modulated at ELF can have multiple effects. They also ignore anything except energetic effects, so they only account for the electric and magnetic field vectors. The vector potentials or scalar components are not treated as having any impact on living systems at all, yet this may be the one area where most is happening. Scalar waves are extremely difficult to detect by their nature, but their presence may be part of the reason why the creation of standing waves may be particularly crucial as well.

ICNIRP guidelines separate the magnetic and electric ELF / RF components out, so when ICNIRP was adopted early in 2004 it was for the magnetic field ELF levels in relation to power lines, and not in any way in (overt) response to RF at all. But RF levels came as a bundle.

Anyone else care to add to this? The argument is not that ICNIRP is too low, but that there is too little research into these aspects of EMR, so ICNIRP was unable to include any guidance on them.



ICNIRP Guideline Critique

Gerade erwachsen und schon verschuldet


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

A Force of Darkness

John Bolton, a Force of Darkness

Two Years Out


On Nightmares


The Warmonger’s Beatitudes


Lesson From a Total Defeat for the US










Informant: NHNE

Was Franz Müntefering seiner wortreichen Kapitalismus-Kritik an konkreten politischen Konsequenzen folgen lassen will, ist jämmerlich

Datum: 09.05.2005
© www.sozialisten.de


Den Kapitalismus in seinem Lauf ...

Zu den vom Bundeskabinett beschlossenen Steuersenkungen für Unternehmen und den vom SPD-Vorsitzenden im Zusammenhang mit seiner Kapitalismus-Kritik angekündigten Maßnahmen erklärt Bundesgeschäftsführer Rolf Kutzmutz:

Ganz unabhängig, ob man das Ganze nun Maßnahmenkatalog oder Vier-Punkte-Programm oder nur Vorschläge nennt das, was Franz Müntefering seiner wortreichen Kapitalismus-Kritik an konkreten politischen Konsequenzen folgen lassen will, ist jämmerlich. Vor dem Hintergrund der vom Bundeskabinett beschlossenen Steuersenkungen für Unternehmen wirkt es mehr als hilflos, wenn der SPD-Chef die soziale Marktwirtschaft durch die Veröffentlichung der Managergehälter retten will.

So richtig jeder einzelne Müntefering-Vorschlag auch ist, wer verhindern will, dass Deutschland in die Marktwirtschaft pur abrutscht, der muss dem Kapital ernsthaft Grenzen setzen und den Sozialstaat auf solidarischer Grundlage reformieren statt ihn zu zerstören. Dazu gehört aus Sicht der PDS u.a.:

* Hartz IV sofort zurücknehmen oder grundlegend korrigieren, zum Beispiel indem Ein-Euro-Jobs in sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigungsverhältnisse durch Umwidmung der ohnehin bereit stehenden Mittel umgewandelt werden, der Regelsatz auf bedarfssichernde 412 Euro in Ost und West erhöht wird, armutsvermeidende Altersvorsorge gewährleistet sowie Vertrauensschutz für ältere Arbeitslose gesichert und niemand aus Vermittlung und Sozialversicherung herausgedrängt wird

* Einführung eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohnes von 1400 Euro

* Gerechte Reform des Steuersystems, zum Beispiel indem die Erbschaftsteuer so gestaltet wird, dass Vergünstigungen für Betriebsübergänge durch die Besteuerung großer Erbschaften finanziert werden, Streichung der Steuerfreiheit für Veräußerungsgewinne und der Steuerbegünstigung der Verlagerung von Arbeitsplätzen ins Ausland, Wiedereinführung der Vermögensteuer und Anhebung des Spitzensteuersatzes auf 50%, statt Senkung der Körperschaftssteuer eine progressive Gestaltung von 25% bis 35%, so dass Großkonzerne mit Großgewinnen angemessen Steuern zahlen

* auf EU-Ebene Einführung einer internationalen Devisenspekulationssteuer (Tobin-Tax) und Schließung der Off-Shore-Zentren

Den Kapitalismus in seinem Lauf hält Franz Müntefering jedenfalls so nicht auf. Aber das will der SPD-Vorsitzende ja ohnehin nicht.

Extreme right veering away from American values


The United States lately has moved away from some valued American principles such as: support for the common good, international cooperation, some willingness to compromise, belief in a better future, fairness for the minority and family matters left to family without government interference. Recently, however, some encouraging signs renew this New Deal liberal's hope. In early March, Former three-term Sen. John Danforth [R-MO] ... wrote an essay ... in which he bemoaned the takeover of the Republican Party. ... Then, I read an speech delivered April 6 in Washington by Texas Republican/Libertarian Rep. Ron Paul. It was a devastating attack on the Bush administration's Iraq War." [editor's note: How nice that a "New deal liberal" can appreciate a libertarian POV; if only the alleged GOPers could see as straight! - SAT]


from Tennessean, by Charles J. Bussey

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ten steps to better elections


The U.S. electoral system is our nation's crazy aunt in the attic. Every few years she pops out and creates a scene, and everyone swears that something must be done. But as soon as election day passes, we're happy to ignore her again -- at least until the next time she frustrates the will of the people. Under a fair, equitable, and democratic system of voting, Al Gore would have been elected president in 2000, and George W. Bush would still be whacking weeds in Crawford. In 2004, even though Bush won the popular vote by some 3 million ballots, the election was still tarnished. Florida replayed its 2000 debacle with attempts to purge African-American voters from the rolls, and voters who requested absentee ballots but never received them were barred from voting in person...


from FairVote.Com, by Steven Hill

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Global tax almost a reality


At the spring meeting of the IMF/World Bank in Washington, D. C. it was announced that a number of countries will be used to test a $1 tax on airline tickets. This global tax idea has been around for the last twenty years and is now back as a tax that would be relatively easy to put in place. Furthermore, an 'International Financing Facility' for immunization will also be set up on a test basis. How could we be this far?


from News with Views, by Joan Veon

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What's so scary about a National ID


'The simple answer is that it gives the government greater ability to control the actions of private individuals,' says Electronic Privacy Information Center executive director Marc Rotenberg. 'It has generally been the view in this country that one of the core aspects of personal freedom is to be free of government control.'


from Village Voice, by Jarrett Murphy

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why there is a Second Amendment


I submit to you that the actions taken by the federal and local governments have gone far beyond what was necessary to precipitate the American Revolution. I submit to you that the government of this country has actually become what we fought so long against in Soviet Russia...


from The Libertarian Enterprise, by Ron Beatty

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Citizens in the rain


My fantasy of the mainstream media actually doing their job, and living up to the words they carve in marble to describe their own importance, is an 80-point (Terri Schiavo- or even Pope John Paul II-sized) headline running across the top of tomorrow's paper: ELECTION RESULTS IN DOUBT. That would stop a few hearts. But the nation's major newspapers, even as they struggle with declining readership, have no intention of being quite that relevant to their readers -- no intention, it appears, even to begin the process of looking into the hornets' nest of vote fraud allegations abuzz in meticulously researched reports on electronic voting (see uscountvotes.org) or the voluminous Conyers Report on what happened in Ohio on Nov. 2 (see truthout.org/Conyersreport.pdf). Isn't our democracy at stake? Doesn't that matter?


from Tribune Media Services, by Robert C. Koehler -- Hat Tip to TruthOut

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Against rendition

There is ... a contradiction in the president's stated objective to use torture-free rendition as an effective counterterrorist weapon, to wit: Some of the countries to which prisoners have been rendered do use torture. Morally, operationally, and politically, then, the United States has got itself into a muddle through its embrace of rendition -- that is, the transfer of American-held terrorists and terrorist suspects into the hands of foreign security and intelligence services...(for publication 05/16/05)


from The Weekly Standard, by Reuel Marc Gerecht

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Call my cell


These 'Global Positioning System' (GPS) monitors are the latest rage in crime-fighting. Jurisdictions in half the states are reportedly using them. The Journal of Offender Monitoring (yes, that's its name) estimates the monitored population at 120,000. Lawmakers promote GPS as high-tech medievalism, a way to get tough on perverts who can't be kept in jail. But the economics of the 'offender-monitoring industry' tell a different story. Most jurisdictions are buying GPS not to confine criminals, but to release them...


from Slate, by William Saletan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Exiting Iraq


It is time to ponder the strategic impact of the casualty figures. Those that are relevant to this analysis are widely familiar. The U.S. has lost approximately 1,500 dead in military action and 10,000 wounded, and we continue to lose, dead, about 50 soldiers every month. The Iraqis (using loose counts) die and are wounded at about ten times the U.S. rate. Moreover, the Iraqi deaths have increased substantially since the national election in January...


from National Review, by William F. Buckley, Jr.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Make Congress read the laws it passes


If your attorney represented you this way even once it would be malpractice. But this is how Congress 'represents' you every day. Most members of the House and Senate just don't read hardly a portion of bills they pass, let alone every word of every bill. But that minimum should be required...


from Free Market News Network, by Jim Babka

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Commemorating a World War (and starting another one)


If Bush really wanted to repent for a U.S. policy that essentially created the postwar Soviet empire, he would have commemorated the end of World War II by forthrightly ruing the day we got into it. Instead, the very itinerary of his trip -- his arrival in Moscow bookended by stops in Riga and Tbilisi -- is a provocation designed to underscore Russia's encirclement. Gloating in Riga at the success of U.S.-funded-and-directed color-coded revolutions from Ukraine to Kyrgyzstan, Bush disingenuously declared: 'All the nations that border Russia will benefit from the spread of democratic values, and so will Russia itself. Stable, prosperous democracies are good neighbors, trading in freedom and posing no threat to anyone.' If that's true, then why is Ukraine clamoring to enter NATO -- or, better yet, why is NATO still in existence over a decade after the demise of Communism? If the prospect of NATO troops stationed minutes from Moscow is 'no threat to anyone,' then one has to wonder when Putin is supposed to start worrying. Presumably, when they reach the gates of the Kremlin...


from AntiWar.Com, by Justin Raimondo

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Misunderstanding" in church ouster


Calling it a 'great misunderstanding,' the pastor of a small church who led the charge to remove nine members for their political beliefs tried to welcome them back Sunday, but some insisted he must leave for the wounds to heal. ... Nine members said they were ousted during a church gathering last week by about 40 others because they refused to support President Bush. They attended Sunday's service with their lawyer and many supporters. ... The ousted members have said Chandler told them during last year's presidential campaign that anyone who planned to vote for Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry needed to leave the church in the mountain town about 125 miles northwest of Charlotte...


from MSNBC News

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Push to replace voting machines spurs confusion


Election officials across the nation are scrambling to meet a Jan. 1 deadline to replace outmoded voting machines with equipment that is supposed to be more accurate. But a controversy over the reliability of computerized voting machines continues to cloud their decisions. 'The people who are trying to get this done at the local level are just running blind,' said Keith Cunningham, president of the Ohio Association of Election Officials. 'I hope there's not a 'train wreck,' but that term is being used quietly in conversations among election officials...


from USA Today

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The authorities decide to move away the new school from three antennas


Informant: Sylvie

Rechenmodell weist auf nicht-thermischen elektromagnetischen Interaktionsmechanismus mit lebenden Zellen hin

Aus dem Abstract: Die Ergebnisse der Studie weisen darauf hin, dass der Natriumionenkanal der Zelle bei Mikrowellenfrequenzen eine elektrische Nichtlinearität zeigt, die ein Intermodulationsspektrum erzeugt, sofern sie durch ein amplitudenmodelliertes elektrisches Feld beeinflusst wird. Intermodulationsprodukte mit Frequenzen von nur 50 MHz und sehr wahrscheinlich auch weit unter 50 MHz erscheinen möglich. Dies ist ein neuer nicht-thermischer Interaktionsmechanismus mit lebendem Gewebe, der – falls er unter 0,1 MHz beobachtet wird – eine Stimulation von reizbarem biologischem Gewebe hervorrufen und dadurch signifikante Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und Sicherheit haben kann.

Bibliographische Angaben: Stoykov, N.S., Jerome, J.W., Pierce, L.C., Taflove, A.; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Band 52, Ausgabe: 8 Study Abstract.

Study Abstract:

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 06.05.2005

Omega voller Text (Englisch) unter:

Graßdorf erhält 28 Meter hohe UMTS-Antenne

© Leipziger Volkszeitung vom Sonntag, 8. Mai 2005

Taucha. Die Bewohner rund um die Graßdorfer Straße machen sich Sorgen. Eine weitere Mobilfunkantenne soll am dortigen Fußballplatz errichtet werden. Stattliche 28 Meter hoch und mit drei so genannten Sektorantennen ausgerüstet. Skepsis herrscht vor allem wegen nicht geklärter gesundheitlicher Aspekte. Betreiber und kritische Betrachter trafen sich unlängst im Gut Graßdorf zu einer Informationsveranstaltung.

"Mobilfunk ist Infrastruktur" verteidigte Helmut Zeitz, Referent für Mobilfunk und Umwelt der Vodafone D2 GmbH das Vorhaben. Zwar sei Taucha in Sachen Netzabdeckung ganz gut bestückt. Die neue Technik UMTS müsse aber weiter ausgebaut werden. In enger Abstimmung mit der Stadt wäre der Standort gewählt worden.

Kritiker: "Strahlung schädigt Immunsystem"

Als "völligen Unsinn" bezeichnet der Tauchaer Stefan Spaarmann, der sich seit Jahren mit diesem Thema beschäftigt und Mitglied der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei ist, diese Entscheidung. "Das Signal der UMTS-Antenne auf dem Rathaus kommt hier so stark rein, da bedarf es keiner weiteren Antenne", so der Physiker. Er sorge sich vor allem um die Gesundheit der Tauchaer: "Die Strahlung merkt man nur sekundär, sie schädigt das Immunsystem. Menschen erkranken also nicht direkt wegen der Strahlung, sondern wegen fehlender Hormone wie Melatonin."

"Im Prinzip hängt da oben eine Taschenlampe", erwiderte Zeitz. Mit einer Sendeleistung von zwei bis 15 Watt würde die UMTS-Technik deutlich weniger strahlen als beim herkömmlichen Verfahren. Zudem entspreche das seit 1997 betriebene Netz den Vorgaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO.

Omega siehe dazu "Die Irreführung mit den Watt-Leistungen" unter:

Die etwa 45 Bürger spendeten vor allem Evelyn Voss von der Verbraucherzentrale Leipzig Applaus, als diese der Politik ein Versagen bescheinigte. Die Grenzwerte in Deutschland wären sehr vorsichtig gewählt und würden nur die Wärmewirkung berücksichtigen.

Bürgermeister: "Wir haben uns an Baurecht zu halten"

Christine Deumer, Leiterin des nahe gelegenen Kindergartens "Sonnenkäfer" sagte: "Es ist erschreckend, wie sehr wir uns mit der Technik, die wir eigentlich brauchen, kaputt machen." Privat nutze sie nur selten ein Handy, weil die Wirkung auf den Organismus nicht komplett geklärt wäre. In der Stadtverwaltung wird die Problematik pragmatisch gesehen. "Es ist nicht Aufgabe der Kommune, festzustellen, inwieweit die Besorgnisse aus medizinischen Gründen gerechtfertigt sind. Wir haben uns an Baurecht und Emissionsschutz zu halten", so Bürgermeister Holger Schirmbeck. Zudem sei die Stadt verpflichtet, den Versorgungsauftrag der Betreiber zu unterstützen.

Die Antenne wird 2006 errichtet. Sie ist die dritte nach den Standorten auf dem Rathaus und dem Dach der Baumit-Bayosan-Werke. Und die vierte ist bereits in Planung - in der Nähe der Sommerfelder Straße. "Um Taucha wird ein Käfig gebaut", versinnbildlicht Grünen-Stadtrat Mario Glaetzer die Situation.

Daniel Grosse


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


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