
Strahlungsschatten unter der Antenne?

Am 15. und 16. Mai 2003 fand in Dublin ein wissenschaftlicher Workshop statt zum Thema 'Mobilfunk-Basisstationen und Gesundheit'. Veranstaltet wurde er von COST 281, einer internationalen Forschungskooperation des Europäischen Rates.

Hier sind die Zusammenfassungen aller Vorträge:

Ein Vortrag des deutschen Forschers Dr. Christian Bornkessel trug den Titel: "Elektromagnetische Felder in NRW, Untersuchungen der Immissionen durch Mobilfunk-Basisstationen".

Fast in einem Nebensatz findet sich in der Zusammenfassung folgende Information: "Als interessantes Ergebnis der Messungen entdeckten wir, dass die Strahlung direkt unterhalb der Antenne der Mobilfunk-Basisstation nicht immer extrem niedrig ist, sondern dass sie durchaus die in der Schweiz angewendeten Vorsorgegrenzwerte für Orte mit empfindlicher Nutzung (ILT) erreichen können. Das scheint dem so genannten 'Schirm-Effekt' zu widersprechen."

Dr. Christian Bornkessel vom renommierten 'Institut für Mobil- und Satellitenfunktechnik GmbH' (www.imst.de) legte bereits am 29. August 2002 diese Studie vor, die im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen erstellt wurde.

An 24 Sendeanlagen in NRW wurden an insgesamt 87 Messpunkten systematische Messungen durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Der 70-seitige Abschlussbericht, der diese Information enthält, kann hier geladen werden:

Hierin wird dieser Punkt auf S. 65 etwas ausführlicher so formuliert: Zitat: "Ein interessantes Ergebnis der Messungen ist die Tatsache, dass auch an Orten direkt unterhalb der Anlage (darunter liegende Wohnungen) die Spannbreite der gemessenen Immissionen sehr groß ist; sie umfasst mehr als drei Zehnerpotenzen bezüglich der Leistungsflussdichte.

Somit kann nicht pauschal davon ausgegangen werden, dass in diesen Wohnungen die Immission grundsätzlich wesentlich geringer ist als bei anderen Punkten im Umfeld der Anlage."

Dr. Christian Bornkessel am 29. August 2002, Institut für Mobil- und Satellitenfunktechnik GmbH, in: Elektromagnetische Felder in NRW, Untersuchungen der Immissionen durch Mobilfunk-Basisstationen, Seite 65, Abschlussbericht erstellt für das Ministerium für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen:


Interessant ist, dass dieser Dr. Christian Bornkessel im letzten Herbst mit auf der 'Tournee' durch diverse Stadthallen in NRW war, um die Mobilfunkstrahlung zu verharmlosen.

Reinhard Rückemann


Den Schatten unter den Mobilfunkmasten, den gibt es nicht. Das ist ein Märchen, das die Mobilfunkbetreiber in die Welt gesetzt haben. Alle die hier verwendeten Antennen haben in ihrer Richtcharakteristik sogenannte Nebenzipfel. Und deren Abstrahlung ist zwar im Vergleich zur Hauptkeule kleiner. Leider nicht genug. So etwa, mehrere Prozent der Hauptkeule kommen da schon noch nach unten heraus. Das ist durch die geringe Distanz sehr viel und auch gefährlich.

Andreas Singer


Der Smog lauert zu Hause. Gerade Menschen, berichten die Profis, die direkt unter Antennenstationen wohnen, machten sich am meisten Sorgen um ihre Gesundheit. Dabei befinden sie sich in einem sogenannten Strahlungsschatten. Das heißt: sie sind tatsächlich der geringsten Belastung ausgesetzt.

Diese Aussage bezweifle ich stark. Im Einzelfall muss immer nachgemessen werden, insbesondere wenn sich in der Nachbarschaft der Antennenanlage metallische oder andere Flächen befinden, die als Reflektor für die Mikrowellen in Frage kommen.

Dipl.- Ing. Wolfgang Priggen

Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/5165

Immissionsuntersuchungen in der Umgebung von GSM und UMTS

Mobilfunk-Anlagen: Starke Strahlung auch direkt unter der Antenne

Gerade unter der Antenne die stärkste Strahlung

Oppose the Execution of Richard Longworth

posted 04/01/05

Urge the Governor of South Carolina not to execute Richard Longworth. Longworth's Sixth Amendment rights were violated through the ineffective assistance of his counsel.


Urge the Media to Cover New Report on 2004 Election Problems

posted 04/04/05

On March 31st, the National Election Data Archive Project released a new scientific paper on the discrepancy between exit polls and official vote tallies in the 2004 presidential election. There is nothing more crucial and fundamental to democracy than the right to vote and to have that vote counted. This report should be covered fully by the mainstream media.


Letter to local MP

From Jenny. Have been ill over the last few weeks and unable to do anything - even typing hurts. Sorry. My body has gone into total anarchy. All the bones and joints are red hot pokers, I have a permanent nose bleed, migraines, insomnia and not surprisingly, depression. Think I’ll put a paper bag over my head and pretend I’m not here. I had a letter from George Young, and have only just managed the following reply:

“….. I read the Hansard Report on the Stunell Bill, and it’s clear it was not Mr Stunell who talked the Bill out. Fortunately it will be heard again on the 22nd April. I appreciate that in your view the situation remains the same. Nevertheless, it is still the opinion of mast campaigners that it is essential to be present on the day to show support. On a related matter, I note that 157 MP’s signed up to Mr Hesford’s Early Day Motion which states:

“That this House notes with considerable concern that communities up and down the UK are becoming bombarded with mobile phone mast applications, often repeatedly so: further notes that the 10 point guidance by the industry to regulate and regularise such applications is more honoured in the breach than the observance; further notes that it is now almost five years since the Stewart Report dealt with health-related issues and, because concerns are increasing and scientific understanding has moved on and the output of such masts have increased, calls upon the Government urgently to look again at planning guidance in relation to mast applications and to recall The Stewart Committee in order that health aspects of mast applications can be reassessed.”

Among those who signed were other Hampshire MP’s, including Andrew Hunter, Michael Mates and Mark Oaten, so there was deep disappointment that you had chosen not to support it. Not unexpectedly, failing to attend both the Spring and Stunell Bills, or sign up to Mr Hesford’s EDM, gives rise to serious doubts as to your ‘wholehearted’ support of these measures. I wonder if you could clarify your position, particularly on health and the need for safer planning guidelines, as this is obviously of major concern to voters in the run up to the election.

Similar Telecom Bills will continue to be put before Parliament until people get meaningful health and safety protection. The present policies, including planning guidelines, are a farce and offer little or no protection, despite the false assurances from the Government and the Industry. Because the Operators ‘influence’ politicians from all parties, they have virtually unlimited power. Unless MP’s fight on behalf of their constituents, they will be seen to be part of a Government / Industry Alliance which puts big business above the democratic rights of the people, and worse, puts the next generation at risk. I have great sympathy for Sir William Stewart, who appears to have no support from the government for his sensible recommendations, particularly regarding children. Our strong hope is that local MP’s will force the implementation of the precautionary measures he suggests. It may be a cliché, but it’s true nonetheless, words are cheap – only actions count.

The lies, misinformation, illegal actions and appalling ethics of the Telecom Industry have no place in a decent society. But their time is running out. With the huge increase in the mast roll-out, more and more communities are finding themselves in the ‘firing line’. Fortunately Mast Sanity provides all the information they need, and that information has spread fast and far. What politicians and Operators are dealing with now, is an unstoppable tide of anger and mistrust from a newly empowered and informed electorate. A very dangerous animal!

If you wish I can give you details of the independent international research that Sir William Stewart alludes to in his latest report. A subject of such national importance must surely be essential reading for MP’s.

You know my position on this, Sir George, and I make no apology. This issue cannot be buried. It doesn’t matter how much money is involved or how powerful the organisations are, the fact is the British public are being deliberately and criminally put at risk for profit. Politicians either acquiesce in this scandal or they oppose it. It is a matter of conscience. Yours etc....

From Mast Network

Kritik an CSU-Politiker Uhl wegen Darlehen

Ausschuss-Postillen: Kritik an CSU-Politiker Uhl wegen Darlehen (06.04.05)

Der Vorsitzende des Visa-Untersuchungsausschusses, Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU), sieht sich nun selbst heftiger Kritik ausgesetzt. Grund ist die Abrechnungspraxis des CSU-Bundestagsabgeordneten in seinem Münchner Wahlkreisbüro. Presseberichten zufolge soll Uhl jahrelang Kosten seines Wahlkreisbüros auf das Parteikonto gebucht haben. Nach Angaben der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" hat er insgesamt mehr als 40.000 Euro der CSU in Rechnung gestellt. Eine Genehmigung dieser als "Darlehen" deklarierten Gelder habe Uhl jedoch weder beim CSU-Bezirksverband noch bei der Landesleitung eingeholt. Uhl sagte dem Blatt, er habe das Geld auch für den Unterhalt des Wahlkreisbüros ausgegeben. Eigentlich ist hierfür jedoch die steuerfreie Kostenpauschale für Bundestagsabgeordnete vorgesehen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


SPD Fraktion möchte Gentechnik-Lobbyismus betreiben

Nach Gen-Mais-Skandal: SPD Fraktion möchte Gentechnik-Lobbyismus betreiben (06.04.05)

Die SPD-Fraktion möchte das Vertrauen der deutschen Verbraucher in die grüne Gentechnik stärken. Das betonte die AG Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion anlässlich des Skandals um illegal in die Nahrungskette gelangten Süßmais (ngo-online berichtete). Demnach seien die Erschütterungen durch BSE- und Nitrofenskandale "noch nicht vergessen". "Wir wollen das nicht noch einmal erleben.", hieß es von der Fraktion. Sie fürchtete: "Die Bemühungen, die Akzeptanz der Verbraucher gegenüber der grünen Gentechnik zu fördern, können durch diesen Vorgang um Jahre zurück geworfen werden." Das Vertrauen der Verbraucher habe durch "die illegalen Geschäftemachereien" von Syngenta Schaden erlitten, so die SPD-Fraktion. Obwohl über zwei Drittel der deutschen VerbraucherInnen Gentechnikprodukte ablehnten, müsse "alles daran gesetzt werden", das "Vertrauen" in diese Produkte zurückzugewinnen. "Wir gehen hierzu von einer breiten Allianz in Politik und Wirtschaft in Deutschland aus.", führte die Fraktion aus. Der illegal in die Nahrungskette gebrachte Gentech-Mais ist gegen ein beim Menschen häufig verwendetes Antibiotikum resistent.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Prescott buries bad news on phone mast blight


Informant: Sylvie


Chichester Observer – 7 April 2005

Prescott accused of ‘burying bad news’ over his decision on masts

By Peter Homer

John Prescott today faces accusations of deliberately ‘burying bad news’ after he announced that the government would not be changing planning rules on mobile phone masts – which are at the centre of a long-running controversy in the Chichester district. The statement was made on the day the date of the general election was announced, and when stories about the Pope’s death and the Royal wedding were also dominating the headlines and TV bulletins.

The government has been under intense pressure to give greater control over where masts should be sited, putting more power in the hands of local authorities. But a spokesman at the deputy prime minister’s office confirmed yesterday that a decision had been taken not to change the rules, and was announced by Mr Prescott on Tuesday. A statement was also issued saying the government planned more research on the future direction of mobile phone technology, and future needs for mast developments.

Chichester MP, Andrew Tyrie, said this was an appalling example of Labour burying bad news. “It was decided to announce the decision on a day Mr Prescott hoped it would get the least coverage,” he added. “He has had many weeks to come to a view on this, and has been made well aware of local concerns on masts by me and by hundreds of thousands of people up and down the country. What he has done is an absolute disgrace, and I am shocked that he should behave like this.” Greater control was needed over masts, bearing in mind the huge concerns about them. “Mr Prescott has ridden roughshod over these concerns, leaving local people powerless and frustrated,” he said.

The government announcement has angered local campaigners in the Chichester area fighting plans for masts near their homes. David Baron, of Sidlesham, a leading figure in the campaign against a Tetra mast in the area, strongly backed Mr Tyrie’s comments, and said he shared his concerns. He received many e-mails about masts from all over the country, but had not had one relating to Mr Prescott’s decision, which appeared to have gone unnoticed, supporting Mr Tyrie’s view. “I was not aware of it myself, either,” he added.

Mr Baron, a member of the national organisation Mast Sanity, which lobbies on public concerns about masts, said the government had deliberately chosen the word ‘research’.

“To go on looking at the problem, when the problems have already been identified, is not helpful, and we want them to act now as a matter of urgency,” he said. “Masts should not be put up near schools, all masts applications should go through the full planning process, the loopholes in planning regulations currently exploited by the operators closed and public health concerns taken into account in the siting of masts. ”The decision to have more research was a delaying tactic associated wit h the forthcoming general Election.”

Government planning minister Yvette Cooper said: “It is important to identify the future direction of mobile phone technology in order to inform policy development and to respond to public interest ion this area.”

Informant: David B

From Mast Network

How to end cruelty to people, animals and nature, and create a world without war and environmental destruction


Democracy Starts At Home

by Joseph Stiglitz, TomPaine.com

How can Bush spread democracy abroad when he undermines it at home?


Die Parteien lassen die Neuregelung von Nebeneinkünften versanden

Dagegen hilft nur öffentlicher Druck! Machen Sie mit!

Zur Jahreswende war das Thema Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten auf den Titelseiten aller Zeitungen. Es hagelte Rücktritte. Politiker aller Fraktionen versprachen den Bürgern schnelles Handeln – doch passiert ist seither nichts. Die Parteien haben eine Neuregelung erst einmal an die Rechtsstellungskommission des Ältestenrates verwiesen. Dort droht der Prozess zu versanden.

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1. Fordern Sie mit der Campact-E-Mail die Mitglieder des Ältestenrates auf, sich endlich auf eine Veröffentlichungspflicht von Nebeneinkünften zu einigen. Machen Sie mit unter: http://www.campact.de

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Nur durch die Veröffentlichung von Nebeneinkünften wissen wir Wähler, welche Abgeordneten unsere Belange und welche vor allem die Interessen von Wirtschaftsunternehmen vertreten.

Rot-Grün hat einen Vorschlag auf den Tisch gelegt, der ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung sein könnte: Nebeneinkünfte und Gehälter von Abgeordneten sollen in Einkommensstufen veröffentlicht werden. Doch jetzt fehlt die Medienaufmerksamkeit, so dass die Bremser wieder die Oberhand bekommen.

Per Internet können Sie öffentlich Druck machen. Nur wenn dieser groß genug ist, wird die Politik handeln.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

Günter Metzges (Campact e.V.)
Campact e.V.
Artilleriestr. 6
27283 Verden

Debatte über Fake News in den USA

In den USA ist eine breite Debatte über "Fake News" im Gange. Dabei geht es um Nachrichtenvideos, die von der US-Regierung produziert werden und von Fernsehsendern übernommen werden, ohne die Quelle zu nennen. Zudem sind mehrere Fälle bekannt geworden, in denen Journalisten von der Regierung bezahlt wurden, um ihre Botschaften zu verbreiten. Inzwischen regt sich breiter Widerstand gegen diese Praxis - sowohl die Regierung Bush als auch die Medien stehen in der Kritik. Eine kurze Einführung in die Debatte bietet ein Artikel der taz von heute unter dem Titel "Infoganda":

Für weitere englische Informationen lohnen sich folgende Seiten


Gekaufte Inhalte - Panorama über PR in den Medien.

Panorama berichtete am 31. März darüber, wie PR-Leute Produkt- und Firmennamen regelmäßig im redaktionellen Teil der Medien unterzubringen. Der Zuschauer denkt, er bekommt ordentlich recherchierte Fakten, während er in Wirklichkeit PR-Aussagen erhält - bezahlt von den Unternehmen.

Aus: info-gd Nachrichtensammlung, Band 4, Eintrag 1

Lobbying in der EU: European Transparency Initiative angekündigt

Die Debatte über Lobby-Regeln in Brüssel gewinnt an Dynamik. Der Vizepräsident der EU-Kommission, Siim Kallas, hat gestern am 3. März eine neue "European Transparency Initiative" angekündigt. Sie soll einerseits die Transparenz in der Verwendung von EU-Mitteln verbessern (z.B. der Strukturfonds) und zum andern die Integrität und Unabhängigkeit der politischen Institutionen und Akteure fördern. Dazu gehören auch verbesserte Regeln für Lobbyisten. Kallas kritisiert, dass die bisherige Registrierung der Lobbygruppen freiwillig und unvollständig ist. Die freiwilligen Selbstverpflichtungen hätten wenig Unterzeichner und keine ernsthaften Sanktionsmöglichkeiten. Auch die Transparenz von NGOs will Kallas verbessern. Geplant sind ein Weißbuch der Kommission, das verschiedene Optionen diskutiert, ein Runder Tisch mit allen relevanten Akteuren und möglicherweise schon im Herbst eine Mitteilung der EU-Kommission mit konkreten, auch rechtlichen Maßnahmen. Das Manuskript der Ankündigungsrede findet sich unter

Die ETI greift auch Kritik von NGOs über den exzessiven Einfluss von Lobbygruppen in Brüssel auf. Im Herbst hatten über 50 NGOs, den EU-Kommissionspräsident aufgefordert, Maßnahmen gegen den großen Einfluss wirtschaftlicher Lobbygruppen zu ergreifen.
Der Brief online: http://www.corporateeurope.org/barroso.html.
Das Corporate Europe Observatory hat zudem das Medienecho zur Lobby-Debatte dokumentiert: http://www.corporateeurope.org/mediacoverage.html

Aus: info-gd Nachrichtensammlung, Band 4, Eintrag 1

McDonald's verliert gegen foodwatch und muss Werbelüge stoppen

foodwatch hat sich juristisch gegen McDonald's durchgesetzt, die Fast Food-Kette muss erneut eine Werbung zurückziehen.

McDonald's hatte damit geworben, dass die Hamburger Brötchen nur mit Mehl, Wasser, Zucker, Öl, Hefe und "natürlichen Backhilfsstoffen" gebacken seien. foodwatch ist aber bekannt, dass zu diesen Backhilfsstoffen auch Zusatzstoffe wie Emulgatoren gehören (häufig bei der Herstellung von Brötchen verwendete Emulgatoren sind zum Beispiel E472e, E471, E481). Nach dem deutschen Lebensmittelgesetz ist es verboten, derartige Zusatzstoffe mit der Eigenschaft "natürlich" zu bewerben. Auf Druck von foodwatch hat McDonald's am 31. März 2005 eine strafbewehrte Unterlassungserklärung unterschrieben und sich verpflichtet, diese Werbung nicht mehr zu verwenden. Aktuell berichtet Der Spiegel (Nr.14/2005, Seite 18) über diesen foodwatch-Erfolg (derzeit auch unter http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/0,1518,349268,00.html).

In der geänderten Werbung der Fast Food-Kette ist nun lediglich die Rede von "Backhilfsstoffen". Dabei weigert sich McDonald's aber offen zu legen, welche spezifischen Emulgatoren für die Herstellung der Hamburger Brötchen verwendet werden. Leider wieder ein "gutes" Beispiel dafür, wie dürftig die Rechte der Verbraucher sind. Denn bei der Angabe von Inhaltsstoffen in Lebensmitteln geht es um das demokratische Verbraucher-Grundrecht aller Bürger auf Transparenz - sei dies nun bei McDonald's, bei Fast Food oder bei irgendeinem anderen Nahrungsmittel.

Es ist bereits das zweite Mal, dass McDonald's eine Niederlage gegen foodwatch beim Thema "pseudoreine" Brötchen erlitten hat. Im Herbst 2003 hatte der Konzern auf medialen Druck von foodwatch ebenfalls eine Werbekampagne einstellen müssen. Darin hatte McDonald's behauptet, dass die Burger-Brötchen ohne Backmittel (Emulgatoren) hergestellt würden, was foodwatch als falsch widerlegen konnte.

Lesen Sie mehr zur Auseinandersetzung mit McDonald's unter http://www.foodwatch.de/showpage.php?pageId=567. Hier finden Sie auch die Originaldokumente der Korrenspondenz als PDF-Dokumente. Übrigens wirbt McDonald's unter anderem mit folgendem Slogan: "Für die optimale Zufriedenheit und das Vertrauen unserer Gäste tun wir alles."

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
das foodwatch-Team


from Lyndon LaRouche

April 3, 2005 (7:13pm) EDT

The delusion is, that the array of pro-Bush religious fruitcake collection, built of a partnership, forged in large part by Billy Graham, between Jonathan Edwards/Darbyite Protestant fruitcakes and dark-age fascist, nominal Catholics, is not a lobby directed to influence government; it is a Bush- government-created state religion, created and deployed to impose a de facto dictatorship on the U.S.A. [...] Read the rest at: http://tinyurl.com/6lsxo Don't worry; I am not going to join LaRouche, but I am amazed at how reality is making prophets of us all.

© Virginia Metze

Tetra Forum - Gillingham (2nd part)

From Vivienne Baron.

Here is the 2nd part of the notes (taken in shorthand). Very bitty, as headache and arthritis had hit in!!

Mike Clarke took the stage and talked about the Sieslo Inquiry - power risks and mentioned that Friends of the Earth "did not question our expertise in that area." He said "we are zapped by our doctors and dentists by x-rays". He also said that many houses in the south west had high doses of radiation.

The Health Protection Agency dealt with chemical, biological and radiological issues. He chortled on that power lines were an issue. He said, "the Stewart report is regarded as a model" and pointed out the anomalies. He was asked about the DRAPER REPORT by Amanda, but we did not get a satisfactory answer from him.

John O' Brien stated that 18 billion pounds goes back to the government in revenue from 02 Airwave. (I am asking John to circulate notes on his talk)

Roger Coghill. He listed reports:-

Lai and Singhs - pulsed microwaves appear to be causing damage. Lymphosites - without these we cannot protect ourselves from diseases, cancer, etc.

1992 Jan Wallacek - unpaired electron........

Keith McLaughlin
Jolante in Poland
2005 Jaijte confirmed the effect.

Melatonin fights cancer.

Cherry uly 1997 p. 119

Experiments are being done with melatonin in Surrey University. Then he mentioned "discontinuance of use afterwards" 1990.

Chris Maile:

Para 16 Schedule 2 lands tribunal for compensation. Para 17 Masts removed.

(Below is more information from Chris, - but all of this was not brought out at the Forum)

Childrens Act

Whilst this could be used, it would be more useful to point to the provisions in the Communication Act and the Regulations, which are more targetted at phone masts than the Childrens Act (horses for courses)

Principle Duty of Ofcom (S3 of the Act)

The Principle Duty of OFCOM in carrying out their functions to "Further the interests of citizens in relation to communications matters" (s3(1)). OFCOM MUST have regard to:- "the vulnerability of children and of others whose circumstances appear to OFCOM to put them in need of special protection" s3(4)(h)). The real nail biter of the Act is Section 132 which gives the Secretary of State the power to order OFCOM to suspend or restrict the service of Electronic Communications in order "to protect the public from any threat to public safety or public health."

Power to preserve court papers and to obtain compensation. Barry Trower referred to some foreign country that allows compensation and Chris pointed out that we have a process in the UK thanks to Asbestos cases that allows a claim to be submitted today where there is reasonable grounds to suppose that a person may at some future date become ill. This enables the protection of all the papers and even preliminary compensation Part 41 of the Civil Procedure Rules. (There is a chain of causation between injury and illness.)


Code 16 of the Electronic Communication Code allows for compensation to be sought from the operators for injurious affection.

Court Cases

The Court of Appeal has not prevented health being taken into account - quite the reverse. They have, as a consequence of Harrogate, set out that in exceptional cases health is relevant and must be taken into account, thus if an LPA fail to look at health concerns they will have failed to consider whether there is a significant effect and therefore acted unlawfully

Fiona said - Aarhus Convention. Participation in decision making - UK law in June of this year. DEFRA is involved. There is a window of opportunity to make our views felt.

Article 10a. In terms of decision making a citizen is entitled to not only procedural, but substantive judicial review. Alan Meyer said "the employer must supply a safe system of work."

Roger Coghill said 3G wavelength - a persons head may act as an aerial and absorb these wavelengths. Within 100m and 300m radius, there is a doubling of childhood leukaemia. Roger has papers on this. The socio-economic development versus the environment. There will be a financial loss somewhere along the line. Resource economics. If you do that, then the folowing circumstances will occur and the following losses will occur. The loss of the value in your property - put that information together as well as the scientific. This is what we LOSE - add in the dosh. One should use the notion of accountability. Conflicts of interest. Professor Crawley - professional scientists (didn't get the rest of this...sorry)

l. Scientists viewed with suspicion
2. Government Scientists viewed with more suspicion
3. NGO Scientists are more respected.

WE NEED WATCHGUARDS. An average rice worker in the paddy fields is more protected than any one in this room.

There are three things to note.
l. LITIGATION. People should get together to do that.
2. Lack of perceived credibility of NRPB
3. Precautionary Principle is not acknowledged.

The Chairman of the Dorset Police Federation spoke of his concerns for the health of his members - using the TETRA system. Police men and women were very worried.

Mike Clarke said that Barry Trower had not been commissioned by the Police Federation to write his report, and there was some disagreement about the word "commissioned". However the Chairman of the Dorset Police Federation backed Barry Trower.



Leukemia in children will continue growing




Move over barcodes, here come the RFIDs


From Marks Mind control page

Alarm Sounded on Panama-Colombia Electrical Project


Informant: Andy Robinson

Home Found to be Saturated with Chlordane and Heptachlor - family poisoned


Informant: Deborah Barrie

Cancer strikes 12 female staffers

by Tony Koch

April 06, 2005

A MONTH ago, ABC television journalist and Brisbane newsreader Jo-Anne Youngleson was on top of the world. The 31-year-old had been happily married for six months and was super-fit, training to run in a half-marathon.

But when a colleague was diagnosed with breast cancer, the 11th at the ABC's Brisbane studios in the past six years, Youngleson decided to have a check-up.

"I am so glad I picked up the phone that day. That call saved my life," she said yesterday.

The check revealed she was the 12th, and the youngest, to be diagnosed with breast cancer at the studios in the inner-city suburb of Toowong, where about 60 women work.

It is not known how many women have worked at the joint TV-radio facility on the Brisbane River in the past six years, so there is no way of knowing how the incidence of breast cancer at the studios compares with the national rate of one in 11 women.

Nevertheless, it is alarming that five of the 12 women share the same newsroom production desk, and at least three are in their 30s.

Youngleson and two of her colleagues - journalist Nadia Farha, 38, and newsreader Lisa Backhouse, 36, both married with two children - have agreed to talk of their plight so hundreds of former female employees of ABC Brisbane will have check-ups.

"I had six months of chemotherapy and then hormonal treatment. I walk around with this black cloud over me, and I hate that," said Farha.

Backhouse returned to work a month ago after surgery and chemotherapy.

"My hair has not grown back yet so I wear this wig, which is fine - at least I am always neat," she said.

"When you are diagnosed you really do lose all sense of future. For a young woman in the prime of her life with a young family, it's extremely difficult."

Michael Evans, an engineer from EMC Technologies, began testing yesterday for electromagnetic radiation and radio frequency emissions on the entire 1.5ha site.

A huge satellite dish and radio antenna are on the roof of the news complex.

ABC state manager Chris Wordsworth said occupational physician Keith Adams had been commissioned to conduct an epidemiological survey of staff to identify any links between the site and breast cancer reports.

State editor Fiona Crawford, who has worked in the Toowong newsroom for 14 years, said that despite the ABC's best endeavours, nothing on the site could be identified as causing the cancers.

"It is understandable people are frightened or searching for answers," she said.

Brisbane breast care specialist Petar Vujovic said the incidence of breast cancer among women in their 30s was dramatically lower than the overall national rate of 1 in 11.

Informant: Don Maisch


U.S. Again Sides with Dictatorship over Democracy


Probe suggests CIA role in Iraqi deaths

CIA interrogations may have played a role in the deaths of several detainees in Iraq, as Bush administration lawyers were advocating an aggressive interrogation policy that critics say led to torture, military documents and officials say.


Muslim Society Does Not Seek U.S. "Freedom"

A U.S. Defense Department study has determined that Muslims in the Middle East do not yearn for U.S. liberation.


U.S. Troops Too Heavy-Handed

U.S. troops in Iraq are provoking civilians and hampering rebuilding with an excessive use of force, British lawmakers said in a report Tuesday.


America is usurping the democratic will in Iraq

To forestall a clerical-driven religious regime, Washington has a plan to arm small militias.


The Great Energy War

US & Allies Neutralized, World War III Ends

by John Stanton

By the 1990’s, securing energy resources and limiting the growth of the economies of China, India, Russia, Brazil and Venezuela became paramount. Even with the US colonization of Iraq in 2005, there was not enough oil & gas to satisfy both US needs and those of the high growth nations. The historical record shows that the resource domination was the real goal of the disingenuous US War on Terror. And with the US removing itself from international diplomacy and treaty, and refusing to share the wealth, world war was just a step away.




(Santa Barbara, CA) In a stunning confession, the ex-superintendent of Channel Islands National Park reveals that the Santa Cruz island pig is innocent of endangering the island fox.

"To help sell the fox restoration program for which we had no money, we came up with the media spin that one of the main reasons golden eagles reside on park islands was because of pigs. This would help vilify the pigs and help support the pig removal project," said Tim Setnicka in a statement voluntarily submitted to the Santa Barbara News-Press.

The Nature Conservancy and National Park Service, co-managers of the island, recently awarded a contract to fence and gun down two to four thousand animals at a cost of over seven million tax-payer dollars. The Santa Cruz Island Restoration Project, known internally as the "mega kill, poison, burn plan," would also involve fire, and aerial spraying of herbicide, to defoliate the island so the victims could not hide.

Channel Islands National Park management recently feted the park's 25th anniversary. Setnicka expresses concern that the park is "now largely known as an area in which systematic biologic genocide has been committed...."

He offers a graphic first-hand account of island pig 'removal': "In thick vegetation, clean kill shots are hard to make...we frequently gut shot and wounded pigs...pigs were caught by their hind legs and then were knifed or beaten to death."

The whistler blower explained that park personnel never allowed the media to view the killing "to avoid images of the ugliness of the hunt." He said they always gave "safety" as the reason for denying media requests.

Channel Islands Animal Protection Association (CHIAPA), the most outspoken opponent of the recent 'restoration' killings, greeted Setnicka's revelation appreciatively.

Says CHIAPA founder Rob Puddicombe, "We're delighted that an insider is finally telling the truth about the cruelty and deceit of so-called restoration. Setnicka confirms CHIAPA's message that there's something for everyone to hate about these projects."

CHIAPA spokesperson Scarlet Newton responds, "This is a miracle. We're immensely grateful that Mr. Setnicka had the courage to speak up. Perhaps now Congress will finally grant our request for an investigation."

Informant: Hopedance

NCADP Death Penalty Update

NCADP Death Penalty Update - April 2005 Issue


Diann Rust-Tierney in Alaska

NCADP Executive Director Diann Rust-Tierney recently delivered the keynote address before a meeting of Alaskans Against the Death Penalty and members of the Alaska Trial Lawyers Association. Diann was asked to discuss how she came to be a lawyer involved in social justice work, the current debate over the death penalty and challenges we face in the immediate future.

"We are advancing on every front," Diann said. "Opposition to the death penalty and abolition is no longer an idea on the margins. It is moving squarely to the middle of American politics. We have advanced in the courts. We have advanced in the state legislatures. We have advanced in the public opinion arena. We hold the upper hand in the cultural expression of society's feelings toward the death penalty ."

To read the entire speech, go here:

And Jotaka Eaddy in Geneva

While Diann traveled west, Jotaka Eaddy, NCADP's Domestic Program Coordinator, traveled east to Geneva to represent NCADP before the United Nations. Each spring for five weeks, the U.N. Human Rights Commission meets in Geneva to discuss and debate human rights issues. This past year, NCADP for the first time in its 29-year history was granted ECOSOC status by the United Nations. This means NCADP is allowed to present testimony before the body with regard to the death penalty as a human rights violation.

During her trip to Geneva last year, Eaddy personally lobbied diplomats from 31 different countries as well as U.N. staff and representatives from nonprofit organizations from around the world. Her efforts contributed to the U.N. Human Rights Commission's decision to issue even stronger language than it had previously against the execution of juvenile offenders. International opposition to the juvenile death penalty was one factor cited by the U.S. Supreme Court when it outlawed the practice last month.

NEWS Catholics launch effort around death penalty

Many of the world's estimated one billion Catholics - and people from all spiritual walks of life - are mourning the passing of Pope John Paul II. During his papacy, the Catholic Church moved away from its 1,500-year history of strongly supporting the right of government to execute its citizens.

Just weeks before the pope's passing, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to announce a renewed campaign at the grassroots level to effectively end capital punishment in the United States.

The Bishops released a poll showing 48 percent of U.S. Catholics in favor of the death penalty -- down sharply from several years ago. In addition, the majority of Catholics who "strongly favor" the death penalty is at 20 percent -- down a whopping 20 points from 2001. And the poll found that younger Catholics are sharply opposed to the death penalty and 30 percent of Catholics who once favored capital punishment now oppose it. To learn more about the "Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty," go here:


Santorum rethinking support for death penalty

U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, one of the leading conservatives in the U.S. Senate, is rethinking his support for the death penalty. The day after the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops announced their campaign, Santorum told a newspaper in his state that he is concerned about who receives the death penalty and whether it is administered fairly.

"I felt very troubled about cases where someone may have been convicted wrongly," Santorum told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "DNA evidence definitely should be used when possible. I agree with the pope that in the civilized world ... the application of the death penalty should be limited. I would definitely agree with that. I would certainly suggest there probably should be some further limits on what we use it for."


The U.S. Supreme Court is again on recess. No opinions will be released until at least Tuesday, April 19.

RESOURCES Courtesy of the Death Penalty Information Center, we learn of a new book that takes a comprehensive look at the conditions that resulted in 12 states not having capital punishment.

"America Without the Death Penalty: States Leading the Way" looks at factors such as economic conditions, public sentiment, mass media, population diversity, murder rates, and the regional history of executions that led to abolition in those states. The book's authors, Professors John F. Galliher, Larry W. Koch, David Patrick Keys, and Teresa J. Guess, provide an in-depth look at the nine jurisdictions that have banned the death penalty through legislative action and the three states that have banned it through court decisions. They also examine Washington, D.C., where residents have battled against Congressional efforts to reinstate capital punishment.

The book may be purchased at www.amazon.com


There's a new, anti-death penalty blog in town. http://www.meetvernon.blogspot.com provides a look at Vernon Evans, a person on Maryland's death row. Vernon was scheduled for execution this month, but received a stay. http://www.meetvernon.blogspot.com offers readers a chance to write Vernon and ask him about life on death row.

To learn more about Vernon's case - including information about rallies that will take place this week in Baltimore and in Takoma Park, Maryland, please visit http://www.stopexecutionsinmaryland.org

Meanwhile, if you or your affiliate has a story you'd like to tell about the death penalty, write David Elliot at delliot@ncadp.org

We'll put your story on http://www.deathpenaltyusa.blogspot.com which is NCADP's blog. Since this blog was launched last June, we've received more than 11,000 visitors!


As of this writing, seven executions are scheduled for the month of April, including a double execution set to take place in Texas on Wednesday, April 20. Go here to protest these executions: http://www.ncadp.org/execution_alerts.html


NCADP's e@bolitionist listserv now contains more than 12,000 email addresses and has doubled in size since last September! But we need to continue to significantly expand our paid membership in order to build a powerful state and national movement. We need YOUR support! If you have never joined NCADP but believe, as we do, that the death penalty violates the most basic principle of human rights, please consider becoming a member today!



NCADP 2005, NCADP's annual conference, will take place in Austin, Texas Oct. 27-30. This year's conference will emphasize grassroots mobilization and training like never before! Please keep an eye on our web site at http://www.ncadp.org, for details as they emerge. The conferece will be at the Hyatt Regendy on Town Lake. For reservations, call 512-477-1234. Tell them you're with NCADP to get the special conference rate!


Have an anti-death penalty event you'd like to publicize? Or do you just want to find out what's going on in the abolition movement? Visit here:

Amnesty International's Annual Death Penalty Report Finds Global Trend Toward Abolition


Number of Executions Around the World Soars

China #1, US #4

Die Behauptung: EU-Verfassung besser für Frieden

CONSTITUTION WATCH: EU-Verfassungsvertrag Nr. 2


Die Behauptung: EU-Verfassung besser für Frieden

Angelika Beer (Grüne) behauptet in der "Frankfurter Rundschau" vom 26. März: "Weltweit werden erstmals in einer Verfassung die zivilen und militärischen Missionen im Rahmen der Europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (ESVP) gleichberechtigt nebeneinander definiert. Damit werden neue Maßstäbe gesetzt."

Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann (PDS) erklärt mit ähnlichem Wortlaut im "Freitag" vom 24. März: "In der jetzigen Rechtslage werden 'friedenschaffende' Maßnahmen ausschließlich militärisch definiert, während die EU-Verfassung von zivilen und militärischen Missionen spricht, also erstmals die zivile Option aufnimmt und dieser sogar den Vorrang erteilt. Sie ist damit eine wichtige Grundlage, um für zivile Konfliktlösungen zu streiten."

Der Verfassungsvertrag

In Artikel I-41 (1) des Verfassungsvertrages heißt es: "Die Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik ist integraler Bestandteil der Gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Sie sichert der Union eine auf zivile und militärische Mittel gestützte Fähigkeit zu Operationen."

Anders als behauptet, stellt dies jedoch keinen Fortschritt dar. Die EU legt sich durch diesen Paragraphen nicht stärker als bisher auf zivile Mittel fest. Bereits jetzt steht Entsprechendes in Artikel 17 des gültigen EU-Vertrages von Nizza. Im Bezug auf die "Gemeinsame Verteidigungspolitik" heißt es hier: "Die Fragen, auf die in diesem Artikel Bezug genommen wird, schließen humanitäre Aufgaben und Rettungseinsätze ..., wie Kampfeinsätze bei der Krisenbewältigung ein." Also ebenso bereits eine Reihung von zivilen und militärischen Maßnahmen. Dass zivilen Operationen jetzt Vorrang erteilt werden soll, findet sich nicht in der EU-Verfassung. Zwar werden zuerst die zivilen Mittel genannt. Aber die militärischen Mittel werden voraussetzungslos als gleichrangige Option offen gehalten und zusätzlich noch mit den zivilen vermischt. Mehr noch: Während die Verfassung keine Strukturen und damit auch Ressourcen für rein zivile Konfliktlösungsansätze bereitstellt, wird dem militärischen Bereich u. A. mit der Einrichtung der Rüstungsagentur ein hoher und gegenüber zivilen Mitteln prioritärer Stellenwert eingeräumt. Charakteristisch für den Verfassungsvertrag sind die Neuerungen im Bezug auf militärische Mittel. So werden die Möglichkeiten, die der Verfassungsvertrag zur Durchführung von Militärinterventionen vorsieht, gegenüber den bestehenden europäischen Verträgen massiv ausgeweitet. Prägnantes Beispiel: In Artikel III-309 wird neu festgeschrieben, dass die Union "auf zivile und militärische Mittel zurückgreifen kann", um "gemeinsame Abrüstungsmaßnahmen" durchzuführen - außerhalb der EU wohlgemerkt. Diese Festlegung auf "Abrüstungsmaßnahmen" mit "militärischen Mitteln" im Verfassungsvertrag, bedeutet die vertragliche Ermöglichung so genannter Abrüstungskriege. Das darf wohl mit Fug und Recht als weltweit einmalig bezeichnet werden.

Büro Tobias Pflüger (MdEP)
Kontakt: http://www.tobias-pflueger.de, mail@tobias-pflueger.de, Tel: 0032 2 284 5555

Greenpeace Activists Look For Single-Hulled Ships in the Gibraltar Strait


Vote for clean energy: HELP STOP CLIMATE CHANGE


Professor Eike Georg Hensch: Funk schwächt Stein

Badische Zeitung vom Samstag, 2. April 2005


Funk schwächt Stein

Auf dem Münsterturm tummeln sich die Steinmetze. Den Winter über haben sie in der Werkstatt die Sandsteinteile der Turmspitze repariert, jetzt werden die Stücke wieder eingesetzt, und im Herbst kann die Pfarrgemeinde feiern, dass der Münsterturm in neuem Glanz erstrahlt. Einen stattlichen Teil der Kosten für die Sanierung wurde durch Spenden und Sammelaktionen zusammengekratzt. Vielleicht sollte man die Spendenaktionen in der Kirche zur Daueraufgabe machen. Denn glaubt man den Aussagen von Biophysikern, wird der frisch geliftete Turm schon in absehbarer Zeit wieder saniert werden müssen. Im Auftrag des bayerischen Umweltministeriums, das sicher nicht im Verdacht steht, allzu "grün" zu denken, wurde eine umfassende Studie über Gesundheitsgefahren durch Mobilfunkanlagen erarbeitet. In diesem Zusammenhang sagt der Nienburger Professor Eike Georg Hensch, dass "langfristig die technisch erzeugten Schwingungen - auch bei geringsten Intensitäten unterhalb der Grenzwerte - das natürliche Gefüge quarzhaltiger Steine (Sandstein) nachhaltig stören" könnten. Quarze gerieten durch die Einwirkung von Sendesystemen in Schwingungen und das mikroskopisch feine Gefüge und damit die Gesamtfestigkeit des Steins leide. 2001 wurden sechs Mobilfunkantennen im Münster montiert, 2003 musste der Haupteingang vor gefährlichem Steinschlag vom Turm gesichert werden. Ein Schelm wer dabei Schlimmes denkt. . . .

Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner


Professor Eike Georg Hensch vom Biophysikalisches Forschungsinstitut in Nienburg: "Langfristig können die technisch erzeugten Schwingungen - auch bei geringsten Intensitäten unterhalb der Grenzwerte - das natürliche Gefüge quarzhaltiger Steine (Sandstein, Granit etc.) nachhaltig stören. Obwohl die Luftverschmutzung in den letzten Jahren stark zurückgegangen ist, zerfallen unsere historischen Kirchenbauten derzeitig rapide. Quarze geraten durch die unharmonische Fremdeinwirkung dieser Sendesysteme in Schwingungen und das mikroskopisch feine Gefüge und damit die Gesamtfestigkeit des Steins leidet."



Biophysikalisches Forschungsinstitut und Verlag
Prof. Eike Georg Hensch
Neue Str. 20
31582 Nienburg
Tel.+Fax: 05021-66236
e-Mail: eike.hensch@hensch-geomantie.de

Suchtgefahr - Panik nach Handy-Entzug


Alarmierend: Unter Jugendlichen grassiert die „Handy-Sucht“.

Abhängig von Klingelton und SMS? Viele Kids können ohne ihr geliebtes Mobiltelefon nicht mehr sein. Immer öfter werden Beratungsstellen mit dem krankhaften Gebrauch von Mobiltelefonen konfrontiert, warnt die Technikerkrankenkasse.

Unruhe, Depressionen, Angstattacken

Verschickt jemand geradezu zwanghaft mehr als 100 Kurznachrichten pro Tag, kann man von einer Sucht ausgehen. Ist das Handy einmal nicht verfügbar, drohen sogar Entzugserscheinungen wie Unruhe, Depressionen und Angstzustände. Quelle: dpa


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Alert Politicians to the current State of our voting and elections Systems

Please write to the US Congress

The most important thing we can all do right now to assure democratic elections, is to alert politicians before November 2006 to the current state of our voting and elections systems, by mailing each of our U.S. Congressional Representatives and Senators a copy of US Count Votes "Analysis of the 2004 Presidential Exit Poll Discrepancies"


Please feel free to copy and modify this sample letter by Bruce O'Dell and send it to your two U.S. Senators and your House Congressman.

The Honorable Martin O. Sabo

250 Marquette Avenue, Suite 225

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

April 1, 2005

Dear Representative Sabo:

I am writing to you as a constituent and on behalf of an organization I work with, the National Election Data Archive Project, along with ten prominent university professors of statistics and mathematics, to urge you to read our enclosed reports on 2004 presidential exit poll discrepancies.

Our final report concludes, “We believe that the absence of any statistically-plausible explanation for the discrepancy between Edison/Mitofsky’s exit poll data and the official presidential vote tally is an unanswered question of vital national importance that needs thorough investigation.”

As you know, 30% of the vote in America is “faith-based”; there is simply no way to independently verify that those votes are counted as cast. Even the 70% of the vote that can be recounted is at risk, since no one audits against the paper ballots if the electronic totals are not particularly close.

Banks know that they face a far greater challenge from embezzlers than they do from any punk with a gun in the lobby. But no state counts its votes as carefully as any bank counts its pennies. Ohio charged the Green and Libertarian Parties a steep fee to conduct its limited recount; would you keep your money in a bank that never audited its books unless you asked them to, and then made you pay dearly for the privilege?

After more than twenty years in financial services and as a computer security professional, to me this is a matter of simple common sense. Would you drive over a bridge that 95% of engineers say will collapse under the weight of your car? Yet a remarkable 95% of computer scientists and software engineers surveyed last year opposed any use of unauditable voting equipment, because the risks of "embezzlement" of the vote are so obvious to us. I find the apparent willingness of state and local governments to ignore an urgent warning so clearly expressed by such a lopsided majority of computer professionals to be totally unconscionable.

I urge you to join with James Oberstar and the other twenty two congressional endorsers of the March 21^st letter to the major voting equipment vendors, demanding they follow common-sense security and audit practices.

I also ask that you endorse our group’s call to fully investigate the still totally-unexplained Presidential exit poll discrepancy, which we’ve noted is comparable to the exit poll discrepancy in the now-overturned election in Ukraine. The reaction here was muted by an unquestioned faith in the accuracy of an official vote count outsourced to a handful of private companies. If that faith is unwarranted, the American Republic itself is at risk. There is no more pressing issue to address.


Bruce O’Dell

National Election Data Archive Project

Vice President, US Count Votes

AIDS and the Man: Electromagnetism and the Immune System


This is a "plenty-to-consider," excellent, long article I just happened to come across today, 4-5-05.

"NO DISEASE was identified in my two grandsons -- a reference only to "hypogammaglobuilinemia" which means "low immune." There are many "rare and unusual immune problems WITH NAMES......!!!!!

The webpage does not give any contact information or the name of the author, etc., but the "access info" indicates the writer is/was most likely Roger Coghill -- http://www.cogreslab.co.uk/aids.htm The article also does not contain a date.

There is a paragraph re "immune under corticol control" -- I made a note to review, so it may be "conjecture rather than fact" although I have very little doubt (our family facts plus guinea pig facts, etc. plus other journal articles, etc.) of the "corticol connection" to all of the health problems related to EMF/EMR and the chronic inflammation that results.

Interestingly, this article also mentions "......guinea pigs....normal blood after two months....." The reference has to do with removing the guinea pigs from EMR exposure/testing. [I wonder whether that statement refers to a UK study or the work referred to by Becker/Marino in their book, "The Body Electric," with a chapter titled "Blood". The statement is consistent with lab reports on my guinea pigs....boys were not tested for 5 mos. however, overall IgG's had gone up by 100 points and 204 points by that time after moving beds away from electric meters. Addl comment in brackets by jcm 4-5-05.]

Also, another paragraph in part, "......demagnitizing or degaussing the blood......the symptoms should disappear......." [Symptoms did begin to disappear in grandsons as well as guinea pigs after moving away from electric meter but questions remain as to whether "harm" is/was caused by multi-directional electromagnetic fields, electric fields or RF/high frequency radiation or a combination thereof ??? Addl comment by jcm 4-5-05.]

Another paragraph, ".....EMF acts as a promoter rather than a neoplastic event." [My research supports that radiation, whether ionizing or nonionizing, stresses the body (human or animal) which in turn leads to chronic inflammation that causes the proliferation of cells -- the beginning of the precancerous process. This is consistent with EMF's acting as a promoter. We were told by immunologist the boys may develop Leukemia/Lymphoma, etc., not that they had cancer "yet." Comment in brackets by jcm 4-5-05].

One theory mentioned is that ".....microwave radiation.....myeloid leukemia....effects on granulocytes........[other EMR exposure I don't recall at moment mentions something like "effects on lymphocytes leading to acute lymphocytic leukemia" (or words to that effect) -- comments in brackets are recall of review of the Coghill article by jcm 4-5-05].

I have not had time to review in detail or in entirety.

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com


I can confirm that Roger Coghill is the author of this article. Jennifer Chapman of cogres.lab told me.


Depleted Uranium: Suppressed Reports and Veterans' Suffering Given Little Coverage


Protest gegen das Robbenschlachten




Face recognition, coming to a cell phone or PDA near you


Spargel löst die Arbeitsmarktprobleme

In Deutschland ist kein Rezept dumm genug, um nicht als vielversprechend zu gelten.


How big a government do you really want?

by Don Newman

Hawaii Reporter


The desire to have government provide ever more services is a dangerous path to tread. In the words of Lawrence Reed, president of the Mackinac Institute, 'A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you've got.' This is precisely the position we find ourselves in today, with an increasing number of groups of people demanding an ever greater number of services to be provided and maintained by government...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A conservative explains the virtue of America

by Jason Pappas



During the 20th century, as we faced the ravages of totalitarianism -- wars, concentration camps, enslavement and death on a vast scale -- we re-examined the principles and practices that kept our country from a similar fate. For many, this led to a reaffirmation of the tradition of individual rights. The concept of individual liberty, born in the soil of Hellenic rationalism and Roman law, reached its maturation in the rigorous and clear exposition of the Anglo-American Enlightenment -- and climaxed with the founding of the United States of America. We, or at least many of our fellow citizens, came to appreciate these principles at work in stable civilized countries, primarily English speaking, where reason and rhetoric were the main tools of social discourse; and we saw the diametrically opposite principles leading vast parts of the world down 'the road to serfdom' where coercion led to an impoverished existence on every level...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Spawn Of Cheney

by Don Kraus

Tom Paine


Sixty years ago, when the United States led in the establishment of the United Nations, we had a vision that attracted others -- a vision of equality, justice and opportunity for all. If we lose sight of this founding principle, a principle fundamental to U.S. values, we will lose the support of other nations when we need it most. John Bolton, the Bush administration's nominee for ambassador to the United Nations, does not believe in this vision, nor in the United Nations itself -- except as an occasional prop for American self-interest. Bolton ... clearly does not understand that working with other nations increases our strength, expands our options, and shares the costs and risks...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Past pessimism

by Matthew Yglesias

The American Prospect


A specter is haunting the Democratic Party: the specter of whiny liberals. A late March poll by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press contained excellent [sic] news on the Social Security front. Support for privatization continues to drop, and opposition continues to correlate strongly with awareness of the issue. ... The bad news, however, was equally important. President George W. Bush's job approval rating has continued to slide down to 45 percent. ... But this erosion of popular support for the GOP has not been accompanied by a rise in the public's esteem of Democrats. ... Such news prompts liberals to do what we do best: complain -- specifically about why Democrats aren't better at winning elections and getting the chance to implement liberal policies...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What about the bad guys?

by Mark Davis

Strike the Root


[T]he state security system has an aggressive tendency to create security risks faster than they are diffused, both foreign and domestic. A free-market system of security would not create a Drug War against its own customers or a War on Terrorism/Global Democracy Crusade or whatever the Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace state policy is called today. The state will create new enemies faster than it deals with old enemies either through incompetence or design...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The grassroots resistance to the Patriot Act

by Dave Lindorff



As Congress begins the critical discussion about renewing the horrendous USA PATRIOT Act, that dangerous assault on the Bill of Rights drawn up by former Attorney General John Ashcroft and now Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, it's a good time to point out how this wretched law is viewed out there in mainstream America. According to records maintained by an organization called the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, as of April of this year, 372 towns, cities and counties, and five of the 50 states, have passed laws in one way or another declaring themselves to be 'Patriot Act free zones...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No politics, please - we're spies

by Jacob Weisberg



The report of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction is a government document well worth reading. With impressive precision, the commission shows how massive ineptitude at every spy agency fostered the Bush administration's mistaken assessment of Iraq's nuclear, biological, and chemical capabilities. The report undermines the popular notion that Ahmad Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress was responsible for feeding all the crappy intelligence to the White House. As it happens, blinkered and uncommunicative bureaucrats at the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and elsewhere were fully capable of delivering junk intelligence without any outside help. ... On one central point, however, the report is utterly, laughably, embarrassingly unpersuasive: that our world-altering intelligence screw-up was not the result of political pressure from the White House...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Stupid airport security

by Walter E. Williams



For most of my professional life, I've traveled frequently sometimes boarding a commercial flight two, three or four times a month for lucrative speaking engagements. Over the past three years, the frequency has fallen to an average of once or twice a year. The reason is simple. I don't want to be arrested or detained for questioning some of the senseless airport security procedures...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush threw us a "Curveball"

by Robert Scheer



Last October, just weeks before the presidential election, I wrote a column stating that the acting director of the CIA was suppressing a report to Congress that was potentially embarrassing to President Bush's campaign. The report had been completed by the CIA's own independent inspector general four months before the election, yet the agency rebuffed Congress' request that it be made public. Now, thanks to last week's release of another report, that of the Bush-appointed Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, we learn that the embargoed CIA report centered on the outrageous case of the now-infamous Iraqi informant known by the code name, 'Curveball.' Unfortunately for the American people, we were to an embarrassing extent persuaded to go to war based on the fantasies of this known liar, the main source of the administration's claim that Saddam Hussein had a functioning biological weapons program...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who would Jesus torture?

by George Phillies

Liberty For All


The Republican Party has sold itself body and soul to its Christian Right supporters. They pretend to be Christians but behold their deeds: (and for those of you speaking to Christians who view themselves as Republicans, I supply a few questions). Once upon a time, it was Americans who were rigorous in obeying the laws of war, and depraved foreign enemies who tortured prisoners. Under Republican leadership, it is Americans who torture...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Who would Jesus torture?

"Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse...."
(1 Peter 3:9).

From: "Sojourners" <sojourners@sojo.net>

»Click here to take action to reject torture, no exceptions.

»Click here to tell 10 friends.

President Bush says, "We don't torture," but his actions speak otherwise. He has threatened to veto bills that contain amendments sponsored by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that would definitively ban torture by U.S. forces [1]. His vice president, Dick Cheney, has repeatedly pushed to exempt the CIA from McCain's bill. Cheney's tune hasn't changed in the four years since he said, "A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies...so it's going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective" (emphasis added) [2].

Fortunately, other leaders are rejecting this administration's "any means" necessary mentality. Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) has said: "I think the administration is making a terrible mistake in opposing John McCain's amendment on detainees and torture." [3]

»Take action to reject torture, no exceptions.

»If you've already taken action, click here to forward this to 10 friends.

We agree with Sen. Hagel, 45 other Republicans, and 44 Democrats who approved Sen. McCain's amendment to ban torture. Yet Vice President Cheney is still trying to convince Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and leaders in the House to oppose this measure. Speaker Hastert has the power to stand up to the Bush administration, but he is currently using a procedural loophole to block a vote on the McCain amendment in the House. As a graduate of evangelical Wheaton College, Speaker Hastert must hear from you that people of faith will not stand by when torture is tolerated. Remind him that the scriptures tell us, "Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse.... " (1 Peter 3:9).

»Tell Speaker Hastert that we must reject torture, no exceptions.

This is not a Left-Right issue. This is not an argument between pacifists and believers in just war. Soldiers in the field are demanding clarity and accountability from their leaders. Captain Ian Fishback of the 82nd Airborne Division has powerfully borne witness to the crisis at hand:

While I served in the Global War on Terror, the actions and statements of my leadership led me to believe that United States policy did not require application of the Geneva Conventions in Afghanistan or Iraq.... Despite my efforts, I have been unable to get clear, consistent answers from my leadership about what constitutes lawful and humane treatment of detainees. I am certain that this confusion contributed to a wide range of abuses including death threats, beatings, broken bones, murder, exposure to elements, extreme forced physical exertion, hostage-taking, stripping, sleep deprivation, and degrading treatment. I and troops under my command witnessed some of these abuses in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

... Some argue that since our actions are not as horrifying as Al Qaeda's, we should not be concerned. When did Al Qaeda become any type of standard by which we measure the morality of the United States? We are America, and our actions should be held to a higher standard, the ideals expressed in documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Others argue that clear standards will limit the President's ability to wage the War on Terror. Since clear standards only limit interrogation techniques, it is reasonable for me to assume that supporters of this argument desire to use coercion to acquire information from detainees. This is morally inconsistent with the Constitution and justice in war. It is unacceptable.[4]

We agree with Captain Fishback that torture is morally unacceptable. Cruel and inhumane treatment of any human being is not justified under any circumstances. As Christians who believe in the fundamental dignity of the human person and as Americans who don't wish to see our image abroad further tarnished, we call on our legislators to pass McCain's measure. As a matter of conscience and national honor, it's time to take action and tell your friends:

»Tell Speaker Hastert that we must reject torture, no exceptions.

»If you've already taken action, click here to forward this to 10 friends.

Thank you for taking action!

The staff at Sojourners

[1] Bush Declares: 'We Do Not Torture'

[2] The Vice President appears on Meet the Press with Tim Russert

[3] GOP Senator Criticizes White House Torture Stance

[4] A Matter of Honor

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