
Americans clueless about gene-altered foods

Today, about 75 percent of U.S. processed foods - boxed cereals, other grain products, frozen dinners, cooking oils and more - contain genetically modified, or GM, ingredients, said Stephanie Childs of the Grocery Manufacturers of America.


From Information Clearing House

The Battle for America's Youth

The U.S. Army admits that it expects to miss its recruiting goals this month and next and is working on a revised sales pitch appealing to the patriotism of parents.


From Information Clearing House

Grieving soldier finally granted leave for baby's funeral

He was miles away from home, fighting the war in Iraq, when his baby girl was stillborn. But the army would not let the 278th soldier come back on emergency leave.


From Information Clearing House

The meaning of war

War, specifically US imperialist war, is based on the belief of imperial invincibility – based on mass media imagery of successful US warriors-supermen representing a righteous superpower.


From Information Clearing House

The USA's Tragic Withdrawal From the Rule of Law

Pentagon Confirms Unilateral Pre-emptive Strikes Are Now U.S. Policy

Iraq No Threat

Both Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, and Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's closest adviser, made clear before September 11 2001 that Saddam Hussein was no threat - to America, Europe or the Middle East.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq war: The smoking gun?

Foreign Office official's resignation letter reveals that Attorney General did change his mind on legality of Iraq war.


Was the Attorney General leant on to change his mind?:

Elizabeth Wilmshurst's resignation letter provides the first glimpse from inside Whitehall of the Attorney General's apparent change of heart over the legality of the war.


From Information Clearing House

British legal adviser considered Iraq war 'crime of aggression'

A British government legal adviser resigned on the eve of the US-led invasion of Iraq because she believed such action would be unlawful and amount to a "crime of aggression," the BBC reported Thursday.


From Information Clearing House

Bush administration clears US troops in slaying of Calipari and wounding of Sgrena

The Bush administration took specific legal steps that cleared a U.S. Special Forces assassination team in Iraq from any future criminal proceedings arising from their assassination of Italian SISMI intelligence number two man Nicola Calipari.


A Math Lesson: The Killing of Nicola Calipari:

According to the U.S. military, they fired warning shots within 2.7 seconds of flashing a warning light, and used "deadly force" 2.3 seconds after that.


From Information Clearing House

The World Hates Us More Than Ever - Ahead: Six Decades Of Humiliation


Ahead: Six Decades Of Humiliation

The world hates us more than ever

By Ted Rall

The reason for our declining popularity is no mystery: Bush's unjustified, illegal war against Iraq. But Iraq, Bush's doctrine of preemptive warfare and instances of prisoners being tortured and even murdered aren't completely unprecedented. Cheney's neoconservatives are merely the latest executors of an aggressive foreign policy that has long prompted fear, hatred and resentment among the leaders and citizens of other nations.


Diving Into Falluja

To Hell and Back with Documentary Film Maker - Mark Manning:
‘As an American citizen, I felt personally responsible for what happened to the people of Falluja."


The Bomb or the Euro?

The Iranian Threat: The Bomb or the Euro?

Iran does not pose a threat to the United State because of its nuclear projects, its WMD, or its support to "terrorists organizations" as the American administration is claiming.

By Dr. Elias Akleh

In its attempt to re-shape the global economical system by converting it from a petrodollar to a petroeuro system. Such conversion is looke01tempd upon as a flagrant declaration of economical war against the US that would flatten the revenues of the American corporations and eventually might cause an economic collapse.


People power is the only power there is


Not only have cancer rates risen across the board since the 1940s, this is exactly what you would expect if you understand that the BACKGROUND RADIATION LEVELS WHERE WE LIVE ARE NOW 200%-2,000% HIGHER THAN BEFORE THE 'COLD' WAR - 1945. Millions of new chemical compounds have been introduced to our bodies since then as well. Shampoos and other 'cosmetics' are almost all VERY toxic, for instance - strange that the corporate interests that profit from them don't tell you, is it not? Likewise almost everything you buy.

The ARE solutions to all difficulties facing us - if we begin to enact them now we may still have a chance of thriving (or surviving) in this new millennium.Each individual is in charge of their own destiny, deciding the future by our thoughts, words and deeds in the present. Don't hope for leaders to get us out of this mess - they're responsible for it.

People power is the only power there is - the planet isn't destroying itself, you know. Following the herd is even worse than following the leader. A small number pulling in the same direction is all it takes to change things for the better.

Informant: ram


Oread Daily

The Haida Nation has set up a number of blockades around the Queen Charlotte Islands to protest the transfer of Weyerhaeuser's tree-farm licence to Brascan, complaining it wasn't properly consulted by British Columbia (B.C.) provincial government. Protesters have blocked roads to logging camps and began a convoy Wednesday that was joined by people as it passed through the communities from Old Massett to Queen Charlotte City. The protesters, who have virtually stopped forestry operations, have also tied up barge traffic this week and forced the shutdown of the Ministry of Forests office in Queen Charlotte City.

Brascan announced last month that it would acquire private coastal forest land and Crown timber rights from U.S.-based Weyerhaeuser in a $1.2-billion deal scheduled to be completed in June.

Haida spokesperson Gilbert Parnell says they want to stop logging in environmentally sensitive areas. And he says they want to stop the sale of Weyerhaeuser's operations to Brascan until those concerns are dealt with.

Last November, the Supreme of Canada ruled that the B.C. government must consult more meaningfully with First Nations on land-use issues. Council of the Haida Nations President Guujaaw says the logging company and the province are not just ignoring the Supreme Court ruling, but also community concerns. "There is an opportunity now to…create a sustainable economy on this island, but if it keeps on going the way it is now, we are going to lose that," he says.

Guujaw asked Gov.-Gen. Adrienne Clarkson to personally intervene in the dispute earlier this week. She has yet to respond to the request.

If the government doesn't budge, Port Clement Mayor Dale Lore says there is widespread support amongst the Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal communities for a complete shutdown of all logging on the islands by the weekend. "I've been going to my MLA, Bill Belsey, and saying, 'Please talk to, please consult with the Haida – if you don't at least talk, you are defying a Supreme Court order and my town is going to get caught in the middle.'" He added. "Every day the government doesn't act, it will expand. There's very little left until they've shut everything down here."

Weyerhaeuser spokesperson Sarah Goodman says it's not the company's responsibility to consult with the Haida about the timber license sale to Brascan.

B.C. Forests Minister Mike de Jong says the province doesn't have to consult over the Weyerhaeuser deal, because it involves the transfer of an existing forest license.

B.C. Attorney General Geoff Plant says the B.C. government has little interest in talking to people who block roads.

The Council of the Haida Nations Forest Guardians sums up the struggle this way, "The old forests of Haida Gwaii have sustained and continue to sustain our way of life. In the past fifty years, industrial logging has transformed the landscape of Haida Gwaii from diverse old forest to young, even-aged stands of one or two species. The major river systems that once provided Haida villages with salmon; large cedars for longhouses and monumental art; and, plants for food, medicines, fiber and animal habitat have been eradicated by logging without consideration for these values."

"The Haida Nation is not against logging per se, but believes that logging can be done in a more responsible manner. Our position is that some places must be left intact and that logging be practiced in a way that does not spoil the land or waterways. This applies to every one who is logging. Nobody, including ourselves, has the right to wreck the land." Sources: Council of the Haida Nations Forest Guardians, Vancouver Sun, Globe and Mail, CBC, Peace, Earth and Justice News.

Informant: reg


More on Haida Gwaii

Informant: Deane

Unmasking the theocons

by Sasha F. Chavkin

Common Dreams


The intrusion of America's leading Republican politicians into the tragic dilemma facing Terri Schiavo and her family speaks volumes about how deeply they have become beholden to the religious right. Brushing aside time-honored advocacy for limited government and state sovereignty at the behest of a crass internal memo advertising a 'great political issue' that 'the pro-life base will be excited' about, Congressional Republicans and President Bush instead used the moment to pay Christian conservatives their most dramatic homage to date. ... The face of the theocon power brokers that hold the Republican Party in such thrall has up to the present been carefully shielded from the spotlight. ... Since Bush's re-election, they have openly been claiming their dues...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Stop the Trademark Act from Diluting Free Speech


Spying on citizens

by staff

Florida Today


The American tradition of free speech is under attack across the country, as law enforcement agencies -- under the guise of the war on terror -- intimidate ordinary citizens into silence. The videotaping by Melbourne police of 36 demonstrators outside City Hall protesting President Bush's inauguration is just one more in a series of such intolerable incidents nationwide. ... Boettcher, 57, was near tears as she and five others named in a Brevard County Sheriff's Office report on the Jan. 20 demonstration went to the sheriff's Melbourne office Monday. They were seeking the files deputies had secretly collected on them -- files the department must deliver, completely and promptly. And they wanted to know why the sheriff's report tagged them as 'persons of interest.' Of interest for what? 'Protesting in an anti-government assembly,' says sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Andrew Walters...)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Faith in the FCC

by Jordan J. Ballor

Acton Institute


Christians should certainly be active participants in every facet of society, including politics. But Christian activists need to be wary of falling prey to the temptation to use political power to impose external standards of morality for a number of interconnected reasons. The first concern relates to a sort of Christianity that places heavy emphasis on the importance of public behavior and conduct, to the detriment of private reflection and discipline. There is a disturbing trend among American evangelicals to stress public exhibitions of virtue...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

ID theft inevitable

by Thomas C. Greene

Register [UK]


March 2005 might make history as the apex of identity theft disclosures. Privacy invasion outfit ChoicePoint, payroll handler PayMaxx, Bank of America, Lexis Nexis, several universities, and a large shoe retailer called DSW all lost control of sensitive data concerning millions of people. Credit card and other banking details, names, addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth have fallen into the hands of potential identity thieves. The news could not be worse. ... There is an important observation here that's worth emphasizing: none of these cases involved online transactions. Many people innocently believe that they're safe from credit card fraud and identity theft in the brick and mortar world.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The vast majority of incidents can be traced to skimming, dumpster diving, and just plainstupidity among those who 'own' our personal data...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The costs of war

by Chris Matthew Sciabarra



With bubbling democratic impulses being felt from Lebanon to Iran, some neoconservative commentators have practically declared victory in this war. They are focused on the most recent news as if it demonstrates the Hegelian inevitability of some Brave New Democratic World Order. Whether or not this was the actual reason for going to war in Iraq or a result of that war, the causes of which are open to debate, it is clear that, from the beginning, neoconservative policy-makers have equated this democratic quest with the quest for American security and hegemony. It is the same kind of democratic crusade that served as the ideological motivation for Wilsonians in World War I and the liberal interventionists in World War II, and that led inadvertently to the creation of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Soviet Russia in the first instance, and a half-century of Cold War Communist tyranny in the second instance...


The costs of war, part 2


Some might argue that parents are responsible for children, and that governments who transgress put their own citizens at risk, and are thereby responsible, from a moral standpoint, for what happens to their citizenry. But a bomb doesn't discriminate between those who should and those who should not bear the consequences. Placing the moral responsibility for war on the outlaw government that uses its citizenry as a human shield does nothing to alleviate the suffering of those who are caught up in the conflict through no fault of their own. It is for this reason that even if one is morally committed to one's cause, the decision to go to war, with full knowledge of its devastating effects and long-term unintended consequences, is a grave decision...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Watching America



by Chris Lang. Published in Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst,

February/March 2005.


The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) came to force in 1994. The convention states that its purpose is the "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system". Yet in the decade since 1994, greenhouse gas emissions increased by 11 per cent, according to the World Resources Institute.(1)

When the thousands of participants get together each year to discuss climate change at the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not even on the agenda. In December 2004, the tenth Conference of the Parties (COP-10) took place in Buenos Aires. After two weeks of negotiations, the best that the more than 6,000 participants could achieve was an agreement to hold another meeting. But at this next meeting, which is to be held in Germany in May, participants will not be allowed to discuss anything which might lead to new commitments. The US refused to agree to a meeting focussing on compulsory reduction of emissions.

The US, with about five per cent of the world's population is responsible for more than 20 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions. The USA has not signed the Kyoto Protocol, and has no intention of doing so. But as Michael Zammit Cutajar, the ex-Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Secretariat, explained recently: "The Kyoto Protocol['s] . . . market orientation was largely inspired by the USA [and] largely instigated by the negotiating positions of the USA."(2)

Kyoto's "market orientation" allows Northern countries to meet part of their emissions targets by trading carbon dioxide with each other. Carbon trading "turns the earth's carbon-cycling capacity into property to be bought or sold in a global market," states the Durban Declaration on Carbon Trading, which has been signed by more than 100 NGOs.

Kyoto's "market orientation" also allows increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Through the Kyoto Protocol's clean development mechanism, industrialised countries can invest in projects in the South which are supposed to store carbon, thereby gaining credits allowing further emissions. One example of this is the establishment of tree plantations as carbon sinks.

If a power company in the Netherlands (say) wants to build a new power plant, it can plant an area with trees in Ecuador (say) to absorb the carbon dioxide produced by the new plant, thus making its new power plant "carbon neutral", in the jargon of the carbon traders. In 1994, an official from the US Department of Energy said that "Tree-planting will allow US energy policy to go on with business as usual out to 2015."

On one level, it all sounds perfectly reasonable. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis. Carbon is stored in wood and other tissues until the tree dies.

Logic and fraud

But the logic behind carbon sinks is based on a fraud. In the international climate change negotiations, one ton of carbon released by burning fossil fuels is considered to be the same as one ton of carbon contained in a tree plantation. From the point of view of the impact on the climate, however, these are two different types of carbon which cannot be added to, or subtracted from, each other.

When carbon is stored in the form of fossil fuel under the earth it is stable. Unless it is dug out and burnt, it will not enter the atmosphere. Tree plantations are relatively unstable. They can catch fire, they can be destroyed by pests, they can be damaged or blown down in storms, they might be logged or local communities might try to reclaim the land they lost to the plantations by cutting down the trees. All trees eventually die and decay. In all these cases the carbon temporarily stored in the trees is released to the atmosphere.

In December 2003, at the ninth Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP-9), government representatives agreed the rules under the Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism for tree plantations as carbon sinks. One of the decisions reached at the meeting allows genetically engineered (GE) trees to be used as carbon sinks under the Kyoto’s clean development mechanism.

COP-9 "formulated rules for capturing new subsidies for industrial forestry projects that will accelerate global warming, disempower activists trying to tackle it, promote genetically-modified monoculture tree plantations, reduce biodiversity—and violate local people's rights to land and forests worldwide," as Larry Lohmann of The Corner House, a UK-based solidarity and research group, put it.(3)

Before COP-9 both Norway and Switzerland had publicly argued against the use of GM trees in the Kyoto Protocol. At the meeting, the Norwegian negotiator suggested excluding GM trees entirely from Kyoto. Nevertheless, the end result of the COP-9 meeting was that Kyoto rules now state that countries where plantations of GM trees as carbon sinks are planned should "evaluate, in accordance with their national laws, potential risks associated with the use of genetically modified organisms by afforestation and reforestation project activities".

Even the mention of the word "risks" was too much for Harlan Watson, the US chief climate negotiator. "We felt particularly that this singling out of GMOs was inappropriate in this context," Watson told Agence France-Presse.

In an official submission issued at the end of COP-9, the US government stated: "Genetically modified organisms do not present unique risks that would warrant specific mention in the preamble to a decision on Clean Development Mechanism activities."

Industrial plantations

In order to have a noticeable effect on the climate, immense areas would have to be planted with trees. Industrial tree plantations have caused serious problems for communities living near them in the South. In Brazil, for example, Aracruz Cellulose, the world's largest producer of bleached eucalyptus pulp, established its plantations on the lands of the Tupinikim and Guarani indigenous peoples and other local communities. In April 2004, Brazil's Movement of Landless Peasants protested against the pulp and paper industry's take over of vast tracts of land in Brazil. Landless people occupied areas of industrial tree plantations owned by six pulp and paper companies including Aracruz.

Using GM trees as carbon sinks would bring problems additional to those of large scale industrial tree plantations. In 1993, Japanese car manufacturer Toyota started field trials to test trees which had been genetically modified to absorb more carbon. While carbon absorption increased, Toyota's scientists also noted a dramatic increase in water consumption.

The first open air trial of GM poplars took place sixteen years ago in Belgium. Since then there have been several hundred field trials, most of them in the USA. All of these were experimental plots and the trees were destroyed at the end of the experiment.

The first commercial application

Two years ago, the Chinese government allowed the commercial release of GM trees. Well over one million insect resistant GM poplar trees have now been planted in China. Many of China's GM trees are planted in experimental plots, but it is possible to buy GM trees from Chinese tree nurseries and to plant them anywhere in the country. Neither the Chinese government nor the forestry scientists who produced the trees have records of where the trees have been planted.

Huoran Wang, a forestry scientist at the Chinese Academy of Forestry in Beijing, explained the risks involved at a meeting organised by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation in 2003. "Poplar trees are so widely planted in northern China that pollen and seed dispersal can not be prevented," Wang explained. He added that maintaining "isolation distances" between GM and non-GM poplars is "almost impossible".

Genetically modified trees pose the ultimate threat to the world's forests. Unlike food crops, trees can live for hundreds of years. It is impossible to predict what might happen over the life of a tree, how it will be affected by extremes of heat or cold, for example. If GM trees were to cross with natural trees, invade natural ecosystems and their impacts were to become all too visible, it would be too late. There is no way of recalling them to the laboratory.

No boundaries

GM trees that produce pollen could cross with native trees, irrevocably changing forest ecosystems. Some trees can re-grow from broken twigs and others grow suckers from the roots of living or already fallen trees. Seeds can float down rivers. Trees, whether genetically modified or not, do not respect international boundaries. GM trees (or genes from those trees) planted in one country could spread into neighbouring countries, regardless of international legislation on importing GMOs. Yet forestry scientists argue that the only way to find out whether their new GM tree technology is safe is by trying it out commercially. Steven Strauss, professor at the Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University, wrote in 2002, "As with other forms of novel breeding, the extent of testing needed will be determined empirically – via adaptive management – during early commercial applications."

Silent plantations

Forestry scientists are working on producing GM trees which are sterile, in order to prevent the trees from crossing with natural trees. Plantations of sterile trees would have neither flowers nor would they produce fruit or seeds. They would grow faster but would be silent.

Silent, sterile monocultures might look good from the corporate perspective, but they would be a disaster for insects, birds and wildlife as well as for people living near the plantations.

The US Department of Energy is funding a three year, US$5.1 million research project into the possibility of using plantations of poplar trees to store carbon. Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are collaborating with the Universities of Florida, Oregon State and Minnesota as well as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the US Forest Service to produce GM trees which would store carbon. "We’re talking about millions of acres," ORNL's Stan Wullschleger told the Knoxville News Sentinel in March 2003.

Oregon State University's Steven Strauss is one of the world's biggest proponents of GM trees. Yet he admits that there is "a lack of a pressing need for the technology [of GM trees] at present in the USA". This is "due to a lack of tax incentives for intensive tree-based pulp and bioenergy plantations, low world pulp prices, etc." However, he adds, "This of course could change radically overnight if the world were to get serious about carbon emissions control and sequestration."

The decision reached in December 2003 at COP-9 allowing Northern companies and governments to establish plantations of GM trees in the South might be precisely the subsidy that proponents of GM trees have been looking for to impose their dangerous new technology on the world. The winners would be timber plantation companies, consulting firms and polluting energy companies. The losers would be rural people in the South, who would see their lands converted to monoculture tree plantations and their livelihoods destroyed. If they are ever planted, the resistance to GM tree carbon plantations will be massive.

Related articles

* November 2004 - Emissions trade instead of climate protection
* August 2004 - China: Genetically modified madness
* May 2004 - Genetically modified trees cause memory loss
* March 2004 - Climate change: Hot air, fake science and genetically modified trees
* More articles about GE trees here.
* More articles about climate change here.


1. A list of companies that support World Resources Institute appears on the organisation's web-site. Here is a short selection: Shell International, Shell Foundation, Monsanto, McDonald's Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, BP, Citigroup Foundation, Cargill Dow, General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company Fund.

2. Michael Zammit Cutajar "Reflections on the Kyoto Protocol - looking back to see ahead", 1. Juli 2004, in Memorandum to the Inquiry into the International Challenge of Climate Change: UK Leadership in the G8 and EU, The Corner House, Sinks Watch and Carbon Trade Watch, December 2004.

3. Larry Lohmann, Race to the Bottom at the Climate Talks, Forest Cover: A Global Forest Coalition Newsletter on International Forest Policy, Nr. 11, Februar 2004.


Sündenbock Krähe: Forschungsprojekt setzt auf großangelegte Vögeltötung


In Ostfriesland gibt es seit Anfang 2004 eine groß angelegte Tötungsaktion von Rabenvögeln. Das Institut für Wildtierforschung der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover will damit nach eigener Aussage seltene, am Boden brütende Vogelarten vor dem Aussterben bewahren. Die Rabenvögel seien wegen ihrer Vorliebe für Eier und Jungvögel mit dafür verantwortlich, dass die Bestände an seltenen Wiesenbrütern immer mehr zurückgehen, meint das Institut. Da das Institut wissenschaftliche Gründe für die Aktion angibt, hat es von der zuständigen Jagdbehörde eine Sondererlaubnis bekommen, um Fallen zu verwenden, die eigentlich EU-weit verboten sind. Das Deutsche Tierhilfswerk(DTHW) nannte die Aktion unseriös. Der Verlust an Singvögeleiern und -jungen sei nur zu einem sehr kleinen Teil den Rabenvögeln zuzuschreiben und "falle nicht ins Gewicht". Einig sind sich Tierhilfswerk und Institut, dass zum allergrößten Teil der Mensch für die Zerstörung der Lebensräume verantwortlich ist. Bisher wurden über 5500 Rabenkrähen und Elstern gefangen und erschlagen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Angst vor Sozialdumping: Attac findet Dienstleistungsrichtlinie weiterhin gefährlich


Die geplante EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie soll überarbeitet werden. Das haben die EU-Regierungschefs am Mittwoch beschlossen. Die Entscheidung stößt in Deutschland überwiegend auf ein positives Echo. Es gehe von der Richtlinie immer noch ein erheblicher Privatisierungsdruck aus, sagte Stephan Linder vom Attac-Koordinierungskreis. Die Richtlinie bedrohe damit öffentliche Dienste wie Wasser- und Gesundheitsversorgung. Die EU-Kommission spreche ständig von notwendigen Änderungen, weigere sich aber beharrlich, die dafür notwendige Voraussetzung zu schaffen und den vorliegenden Richtlinienentwurf zurückzuziehen. Er äußerte die Vermutung, es solle im Vorfeld des französischen Referendums über die EU-Verfassung den Kritikern Wind aus den Segeln genommen werden. Deutsche Gewerkschafter und Arbeitgeber betonten, es müsse ein Wettlauf um niedrigere Standards verhindert werden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Erschließung Alaskas: Folgen der Ölkatastrophen interessieren die US-amerikanischen Ölkonzerne nicht


Nach wie vor leidet der 7000 Quadratmeter Küstenstreifen in Alaska an der Ölkatastrophe von 1989. Damals habe der Tanker "Exxon Valdez" gut 40.000 Tonnen Rohöl verloren, berichtet die Umweltorganisation Greenpeace. "Das gesamte Ökosystem hat sich bis heute nicht von der Ölkatastrophe erholt, doch der Ölmulti "ExxonMobil" plant neue Projekte", sagt Karsten Smid, Ölexperte von Greenpeace. Erst im letzten Jahr hätten die Umweltschützer noch "eimerweise" Reste des größten Öltanker-Unfall in der Geschichte der USA gefunden, sagte Smid. Am 16. März sei trotz Protesten über die Ölförderung im Naturschutzreservat "Arctic National Wildlife Refuge" mit einem knappen Ergebnis von 51 zu 49 Stimmen abgestimmt worden. Nun werde in einem der "artenreichsten" Naturschutzgebiet der USA mit Moschusochsen, Karibus (Rentierart) und Bären Öl gefördert. Treibende Kraft für die Öl-Erschliessung sei der Lobbyverband "Arctic Power", hinter dem der "weltweit größste Ölmulti" - ExxonMobil - stecke.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Global Warming Crisis Nears


Informant: Mike Neuman

Das Überwachungsnetz wird dichter

In Großbritannien wird ein flächendeckendes Netz von Kameras eingeführt, mit denen sich die Nummernschilder von Fahrzeugen erkennen lassen...




Wilson's Syndrome (Hypothyroidism Type II*): The Stress Connection & Potential Therapy For Chemical & Emf Sensitivities

Informant: Andy

From Mast Network

Coalition forms to fight Patriot Act

New York Times


Battle lines were drawn Tuesday in the debate over the government's counterterrorism powers, as an unlikely coalition of liberal civil-rights advocates, conservative libertarians, gun-rights supporters and medical privacy advocates voiced their objections to crucial parts of the law that expanded those powers after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Keeping the law intact 'will do great and irreparable harm' to the Constitution by allowing the government to investigate people's reading habits, search their homes without notice and pry into their personal lives, said Bob Barr, a former Republican congressman who is leading the coalition. Mr. Barr voted for the law, known as the USA Patriot Act, in the House just weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks but has become one of its leading critics, a shift that reflects the growing unease among some conservative libertarians over the expansion of the government's powers in fighting terrorism... [Editor's note: see Second Amendment Foundation endorses call to review Patriot Act - MLS]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Once-beautiful Baghdad descends to eyesore



Baghdad, whose name means the 'Garden of God,' has fallen from grace. Known for centuries as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, its landscape has been marred by concrete blast walls, barbed wire, steel barricades, sandbags and crumbling buildings pockmarked by bullet holes or gutted by explosions. Things have gotten so bad that the Iraqi capital has dropped to the bottom of a quality of life survey of 215 cities conducted by the London-based Mercer Human Resource Consulting.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Schreiben "Bürger für Obertshausen" an die Elternbeiräte der Obertshausener Schulen und Kindergärten

von M. Christoph, Obertshausen

aus HLV INFO 43/AT vom 24-03-2005

An die Elternbeiräte der Obertshausener Schulen und Kindergärten, März 2005

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir sind innerhalb des Vereins „Bürger für Obertshausen“ ein Arbeitskreis der sich seit langer Zeit kritisch mit dem Thema Mobilfunk befasst. Wir wollen nicht zurück zur „Buschtrommel“ und wissen, dass die vorhandene moderne Kommunikation auch nutzbringend angewendet werden kann.

Unabhängig davon sehen wir es als unsere staatsbürgerliche Pflicht an auf Gefährdungen durch diese Technologie aufmerksam zu machen. Die Veröffentlichung der sogenannten Reflex-Studie und das Vorgehen der britischen Strahlenschutzkommission hat unseren Brief zur Folge.

Im Dezember konnte man in den Medien verfolgen, dass die Reflex-Studie Hinweise auf DNS Doppelstrangbrüche (Erbgutschäden) liefert.

Zitat: Prof. F. Adlkofer (Reflex-Studie) „Wenn wir dasselbe was wir im Reagenzglas nachgewiesen haben auch bei Mensch und Tier feststellen dann sähe es ziemlich trübe aus für diese Technologie.“

Die britische Strahlenschutzkommission NRPB ( http://www.nrpb.org ) hat am 11.01.2005 eine Warnung für Eltern veröffentlicht, der zufolge Kinder unter acht Jahren keine Handys benutzen sollten. Begründet wird die Warnung mit dem Risiko, dass die Kinder Hirn- und Hörnervtumoren bekommen könnten. Dieses Risiko werde von den meisten Wissenschaftlern noch unterschätzt. Weiter heißt es, Prof. Sir William Stewart, Vorsitzender der NRPB, habe darauf hingewiesen, dass sich in den vergangenen fünf Jahren die Verdachtsmomente für potentiell schädliche Effekte des Mobilfunks weiter verdichtet hätten.

Eine sehr gehaltvolle Informationsbroschüre zum Thema Mobilfunk und Kinder erhalten Sie kostenlos beim Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS). “Mobilfunk: Wie funktioniert das eigentlich?“

Wir haben noch einige Exemplare vorrätig! Ansonsten können Sie online bestellen unter:

Bitte unterstützen Sie, im Interesse Ihrer Kinder, unser Anliegen der Aufklärung und verteilen Sie an die Schüler das Infoheft vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz und/oder starten Sie eine Infoveranstaltung für Ihre Kinder. Sie als Elternbeiräte können das Thema so in die Kindergärten und Schulen tragen, was dem Schulpersonal (vielleicht) aus den verschiedensten Gründen nicht möglich ist.

Omega siehe „Kinder und Mobilfunk“ unter:

Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass der Interessenverein der Mobilfunklobby (IZMF) gerade für Lehrer kostenlos Unterrichtsmaterial zu Thema Mobilfunk zur Verfügung stellt. Dies ist genauso, wie wenn Philip Morris Ihnen Aufklärungsmaterial zum Thema „Rauchen Nein Danke!“ zur Verfügung stellt.

Unsere Kinder wachsen mit der Mobilfunktechnik auf wie unsereins mit dem Fernseher. Die Mobilfunktechnik ist heute nicht mehr aus unserem Leben wegzudenken. Man hört,: Mit Hilfe eines Handys konnten verunglückte Bergwanderer gerettet werden. Oder die Eltern fühlen sich sicherer, wenn sie ihre Kinder jederzeit per Handy erreichen können. So werden schon Grundschulkinder mit dem Handy ausgestattet. Leider werden bei den positiven Optionen die negativen einfach auf die Seite geschoben und nicht beachtet. Der Mobilfunk hat auch seine Schattenseiten:

Omega siehe dazu „Handys können Leben retten“ unter:

1. Gesundheitsgefahren sind nicht ausgeschlossen
2. Kinder und Jugendliche stark verschuldet durch Handynutzung
3. Vernachlässigung der elterlichen Sorgfaltspflicht

Die Strahlenquellen sind heute fast in jedem Haushalt zu finden ob es ein Handy, DECT - Telefon, eine W-LAN Station, das Babyphon oder der Mobilfunksendemast in der Nachbarschaft ist.

Das digitale Fernsehen kommt auch noch dazu. Diese technischen Errungenschaften geben gepulste hochfrequente Strahlung ab. Bis heute ist nicht zweifelsfrei geklärt, dass die Einführung der Mobilfunktechnik keine Langzeitfolgen mit sich bringt. Von Seiten der Behörden heißt es, die Grenzwerte schützen. Dies ist nur bedingt der Fall, da die biologischen Effekte bei der Grenzwert- Festlegung noch nicht ausreichend erforscht waren. Heute holt man dies nach. Erkenntnisse wird es erst in ein paar Jahren geben.

Unsere Kinder repräsentieren die erste Generation die dauerhaft der Mobilfunkstrahlung ausgesetzt ist. Erst wenn diese Generation erwachsen ist, kann man verlässliche Resultate über Langzeitfolgen bestätigen oder entkräften.

Omega Erkenntnisse und Folgen gibt es heute schon in Hülle und Fülle. Siehe „Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/293807/ und „Mobilfunk und Gesundheit“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/303598/

Unserer Meinung nach sollten wir kritisch zu diesem Thema aufklären. Ähnlich wie mit Alkohol, Zigaretten, Drogen und AIDS denn nur wer um die Gefahr weiß, kann sich davor schützen.

Bei Interesse und/oder Rückfragen, Anregungen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Nachricht von Alfred Tittmann

UK Was Warned Iraq Invasion Illegal


The voluntary RFID implant


A New Age of "Fake News"

Aired: Thursday, March 17, 2005 7-8PM ET

The New York Times Sunday announced a new age of "fake news" under President Bush.

Here's how fake news works:

The government pays for fawning coverage of itself. And television stations pass it off as their own unbiased reporting. The government's investigative arm, the GAO, says the administration is propagating "illegal propaganda."

The Justice Department told Federal Agencies in a March 11 memo to ignore the finding.

It's a hard slap in the face for the GAO. Especially with President Bush rushing to the Justice Department's side, saying he will follow the DOJ's lead. Government-paid propaganda and the media that passes it off as news.

Must Listen at:

Totalitarianism, by and of the elite, has been refined into a 'benevolency' that is embraced by the people. Evil has been made to appear good, and good has become evil. Psychological warfare excludes objective reality. There are no options to choose that benefits the individual. All options are funneled toward the benefit of the government and the elite. -- Bob Livingston, Sep 2004

Informant: Friends

Jugend forscht – und findet Geldrolleneffekt


Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten bei 90 sec Handytelefonat oder bei Dauerbelastung durch Mobilfunk-Basisstationen

Geldrollenphänomen: Wenn das Blut verklebt, drohen Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall

Fünf Schüler leisten wichtige Basisforschung


Die Arbeit



On Killing Prisoners

George W. to George W.: On Killing Prisoners

Of all the stories about the abuse of prisoners of war by American soldiers and C.I.A. agents, surely none was more troubling and important than the March 16 report by my Times colleagues Douglas Jehl and Eric Schmitt that at least 26 prisoners have died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002 - in what Army and Navy investigators have concluded or suspect were acts of criminal homicide.







Karen (Green Party) opened the meeting and asked all present to lobby MEPs for EDM – (Early day motion.)

BARRY TROWER (He has 2 degrees, and he has been teaching maths, science, etc.)

He stated that with low level microwave transmission, people developed personality changes, depression, etc. etc.

He said:

“The Government has known this for 50 years. During the 70s, microwaves at very low levels caused these illnesses and could be used to turn them on dissident groups. He debriefed agents on this. The government does know about this. It has been going on for 50 years.

The Home Office rubbished his qualifications and he replied to the Minister and said “if you want to rubbish me, take me to Court,” and the Home Office wrote back “I am unaware of any letters that attack you personally.”

He was taken to London and asked if he would put everything he said in writing. The Police provided typists and he dictated it. To be “commissioned” means “being given authority to act”. Someone in the hierarchy of the police says it was not the case that he was given permission to write the report. This is a lie.

1) The police are witnesses to the fact he was commissioned.
2) Someone released it onto the Web, which was after the Lancashire police complained and it hit the Web.

We have the hierarchy of the police federation and the government who are working together to push Tetra out. The police say, “who do you complain to?”

In the Telegraph, August 2004, a Chief Inspector and 25 people living near a Tetra mast blamed this mast for their illnesses. The police have been told not to talk to people. At the Police Federation Conference, where it was mentioned that 212 officers were sick from Tetra, Dr. Murielle Levy said “I don’t believe they are sick enough to stop this trial and they could always leave the police force.”

The 2002 Police Magazine quotes House of Commons showing concern over this “if the illnesses proved to be genuine there was no system in place to cope with this.” What would happen if these illnesses turn out to be genuine and there is no back up system?

Children are becoming sick around the masts. There is a Judicial Review on this Barry has papers on this.)

List it, or run the risk of losing in Court - anybody remember what this item was as I can’t – sorry VB.

Barry quoted Sir William Stewart’s Precautionary Approach. The police Tetra handset, 3 watt version is often used for 6 minutes. A policeman asked “what about full power for 25 minutes in a shoot out?!”

Olle Johannsen said it could be a matter of weeks or months to promote a tumour being triggered off. Barry has 5 research papers. Low level microwaves can enhance progression in a very short space of time.

In 1999, the European Commission ruled that the Home Office with the police had acted illegally with Tetra. The Home Office said that policemen and women, being young and healthy would make a good subject for an epidemiological study.

Law makers and enforcers with a contract, push it (Tetra) out with non-proof and any officers that would complain are being silenced. In Hansard – 1st March 2005. It criticises hierarchy of police and the government.

Microwaves behave very differently to radio waves. Microwaves are used because they are more penetrative. That is why the military prefer microwaves.


Over 2 years, where the average age is 39, there were 19 cases (of illness) around masts.

Professor Aidie – a study of 1500 homes found people suffering from illnesses. There were a number of cancers and 8 cases of cancer in one area.

Ossifiah (spelling?) 4 years after transmitting, 165 people have died of cancer and they are now taking the industry to court.

There is a European study – it affects the DNA of living people. The non-thermal effect affects the water in the body. There are published reports that have been replicated 3 times.

The main beam should NOT fall on the school grounds.

Dr. Walker – cancer clusters form in the main part of the main beam.

China – 57% of people have biological effects – such as cancer.

There are spiralling cases of cancer of the mouth – teenage children with mobile phones?

Australasian report (before and after transmission)

2 papers say that women are more susceptible than men.

The Fenton reaction – hydrogen peroxide? Energy reaction. Hydroxide ion which is a free radical – you will get premature ageing of the brain. It is after exposure to the phone (mobile), you can get reaction which goes on for 50 days.

(Barry has all the research papers on these)

Safety Levels – based on how warm you feel!

Salzburg 0.1 U.K. 10,000

33 times above those lower levels are the police officers when on standby.

There are lots of illnesses that occur below thermal effects. If the microwaves are pulsed, the symptoms you get are quicker.

3G are more dangerous than the old phone masts.

All electro microwaves build up in our bodies. There is an accumulative effect.

Masts outside houses are wiping value off houses. There is a group of people that Barry knows of that are suing a farmer who has a base station on his land for approximately £5,000,000. (good luck to them!! VB)

In Spain, cellular companies are obliged to compensate for house value loss.


3% of people in other countries are electro sensitive. Some of these are affected by masts.

1989 Part 3, section 17. There is a legal obligation to protect children from a perceived risk. It must be illegal to put these masts near children.

1993 – European Directive for disabled people. “It must be illegal to put a mast near these children” and Alan Meyer says “this is probably correct.”

The landowner is responsible for any activities which he permitted or encouraged on his land.

(Barry mentioned a Planning Appeal – think it was the Beare case)

Childrens Act. The government have given encouragement to mobile technology.

May 2004. The American government will only give contracts if the results are coming back favourably.

This industry is worth ONE HUNDRED BILLION POUNDS11

There are animal studies showing suffering near transmitters. When animals are near transmitters, their growth slows down. We are affecting our food chain.

People will complain about not sleeping, but probably not be off sick and cancers will be up about three fold.

Many police officers are suffering some ill effects. You get the senior police officers standing up and saying it is a brilliant system and the police want it. This is not the truth. The policemen say “it is a piece of junk!”

The NRPB are not living up to their reputation in representing us with the mobile phone industry.

Salzburg say – you will operate at this level. The mobiles won’t work in your house and use landline in the home and if you exceed this level, we will pull the plug on your transmission and you will explain why it went over the level and if you don’t convince us, it will go off.

Take the power from OFCOM and look into the independent research that can give out the results.

Mike Bell – RRT (Radiation Research Trust)

What Board will regulate industry? There are 6 players and 5 members. 56,000 mobile users and 2 billion world wide users.

Saying, “oh, dear me – don’t do this”. That is useless when regulating the industry.

The Courts take a very narrow view re planning.


From Mast Network

Offener Brief gegen Paul Wolfowitz als Weltbank-Präsident

Gegen die Nominierung des ehemaligen US-Vize-Verteidigungsminister Paul Wolfowitz als Weltbank-Präsidenten hat Attac zusammen mit 14 weiteren entwicklungs- und umweltpolitischen Organisationen protestiert. In einen offenen Brief wurde Gerhard Schröder aufgefordert, die Berufung des Architekten den Irak-Kriegs auf diesen Posten zu verhindern. "Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Weltbank unter Wolfowitz verstärkt als Instrument der hoch umstrittenen US-Außenpolitik genutzt und der Zugang zu Geldern für Entwicklung von der Übereinstimmung mit den Prioritäten der derzeitigen US-Administration abhängen wird", schreiben Attac, Weed, Blue21, Greenpeace, BUND, DNR u.a. Der komplette Brief kann unter http://www.attac.de/neuigkeiten/brief_an_bundeskanzler.pdf nachgelesen werden. Nachdem Schröder erklärt hat, an ihm werde die Berufung von Wolfowitz nicht scheitern, wären weitere Briefe von Einzelpersonen sicher sinnvoll, um ihn zum Umdenken zu bewegen... Er ist zu erreichen unter Bundeskanzleramt, Willy-Brandt Str. 1, 10557 Berlin oder per Mail unter internetpost@bundeskanzler.de

Aus: Attac-d-info Nachrichtensammlung, Band 36, Eintrag 3

Aktionswoche für globale Gerechtigkeit: Protestmails an EU-Kommissare

Aktionswoche für globale Gerechtigkeit: Protestmails an EU-Kommissare und Infos für lokale Aktionen

Auf einfachem Wege können jetzt Protestmails gegen die derzeitige EU-Handelspolitik und insbesondere die Verhandlungsposition der EU beim GATS an Kommissionspräsident Barroso, Handelskommissar Mandelson und Industriekommissar Verheugen geschickt werden. Einfach Name und eigene Email-Adresse eintragen, ggf. Mailtext verändern und per Mausklick gleich an alle drei versenden: http://www.attac.de/wto/april05/protestmails

Als Anregung für lokale Aktivitäten während der globalen Aktionswoche für gerechten Welthandel vom 8.-16.4. wurde eine Sammlung von Aktionsideen, Tipps und Hintergrundinfos zu einem Aktivbrief zusammengestellt. Dieser kann unter http://www.attac.de/wto/april05 heruntergeladen werden. Dort gibt es auch viele weitere Infos zur Aktionswoche.

Aus: Attac-d-info Nachrichtensammlung, Band 36, Eintrag 3

70.000 demonstrieren in Brüssel gegen Bolkestein, EU-Verfassung und Militarisierung

Mit mehr als 70.000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern war die europaweite Demonstration in Brüssel am 19. März ein großer Erfolg. Mitglieder von Gewerkschaften und sozialen Bewegungen aus ganz Europa sind direkt vor dem Frühjahrsgipfel des Europäischen Rats zusammengekommen, um von den Vertreterinnen von Regierungen und Kommission eine Abkehr von der neoliberalen Politik zu fordern. Im Mittelpunkt der Kritik stand die "Bolkestein-Richtlinie" zur Liberalisierung des Dienstleistungsmarktes, die durch die Demonstration wirklich breite Aufmerksamkeit in den Medien erfahren hat. Für Entwarnung gibt es bei diesem Thema jedoch trotz kritischer Äußerungen beim Gipfel keinen Anlass (siehe unten).

Unter den zehntausenden Demonstrierenden waren mehrere tausend Attac-Mitglieder aus ganz Europa. Neben der Bolkestein-Richtlinie kritisierten sie die neoliberale EU-Wirtschaftspolitik, die in der Strategie von Lissabon festgeschrieben ist und jetzt Verfassungsrang erhalten soll, sowie die zunehmende Militarisierung der EU-Politk, die durch den Verfassungsentwurf ebenfalls vorangetrieben wird. Neben der Demo in Brüssel gab es in vielen Städten lokale Aktionen, mit denen die Auswirkungen der europäischen Politik verdeutlich wurde. Wir danken allen, die dazu beigetragen haben, den europaweiten Aktionstag zu einem Erfolg zu machen!

Die nächste Gelegenheit zum Protest gegen die zunehmende Miliarisierung der EU steht übrigens unmittelbar bevor: Auf vielen Ostermärschen soll in diesem Jahr die Verfassung und die europäische Kriegsbeteiligung thematisiert werden. Infos zu Orten und Zeiten der Ostermärsche finden sich im Netz unter http://www.ostermarsch.info

Keine Entwarnung bei der Bolkestein-Richtlinie

Noch unter dem Eindruck der Großdemonstration gab es auch beim Frühjahrstreffen des Europäischen Rates viel Kritik an der Dienstleistungsrichtlinie. Bei den angekündigten Änderungen handelt es jedoch bisher um völlig unverbindliche Aussagen; den Rückzug des vorliegenden Entwurfs lehnt die Kommission weiterhin ab. Zudem konzentriert sich die öffentliche Debatte bisher nur auf das "Herkunftslandprinzip"; doch neben dieser umstrittenen Regelung übt die Richtlinie einen massiven Privatisierungsdruck auf öffentliche Dienste und gemeinnützige Träger aus.

Darum ist es wichtig, den Druck aufrecht zu erhalten, um den Rückzug des Entwurfs zu erzwingen. Unter http://www.attac.de/bolkestein gibt es weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit, sich mit einem Brief an den örtlichen EU-Abgeordneten zu wenden. Eine Petition gegen die Richtlinie kann unter
unterzeichnet werden

Aus: Attac-d-info Nachrichtensammlung, Band 36, Eintrag 3

Großkonzerne steigern Gewinne und Arbeitslosigkeit

Datum: 24.03.2005
© www.sozialisten.de


Großkonzerne steigern Gewinne und Arbeitslosigkeit

Zur Verdopplung der Gewinne der Dax-Konzerne auf 35,7 Milliarden Euro und den gleichzeitigen Abbau von 35 000 Arbeitsplätzen im vergangenen Jahr im Inland erklärt Bundesgeschäftsführer Rolf Kutzmutz:

Diese Zahlen machen deutlich, dass das zentrale Ergebnis des Job-Gipfels, die Senkung der Körperschaftssteuer von 25 auf 19 Prozent, in die falsche Richtung weist. Denn die Gewinnverdopplung der im Dax vertretenen Konzerne hat eben gerade nicht zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen geführt, sondern war im Gegenteil mit deren zehntausendfachem Stellenabbau verbunden. Es ist also eine Milchmädchenrechnung, wenn Bundesregierung und Union darauf setzen, dass die annoncierte Unternehmenssteuersenkung, ganz zu schweigen von der weiteren Beschränkung des Kündigungsschutzes, wie ihn die Union will, dem Kampf gegen die Massenarbeitslosigkeit dienlich wäre. Die Appelle des Bundeskanzlers an die patriotische Verantwortung der Unternehmen verhallen ungehört in ihrem shareholder value-Wahn. So, wie vornehmlich die Aktionäre jetzt vom Gewinnsprung der Konzerne profitieren, würden sie dies auch von gesenkten Unternehmenssteuern tun.

Die von Bundesregierung und konservativ-liberaler Opposition willfährig bedienten Jammereien der Unternehmerverbände über den angeblich schlechten Standort Deutschland haben sich als Zwecklügen erwiesen, die vor allem eines zur Folge hatten: eine Gewinnexplosion bei den Konzernen. Die Politik sollte sich nun darauf konzentrieren, Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen, die endlich auch wieder die Binnenkaufkraft steigen lassen. Ein gesetzlicher Mindestlohn gehört dafür ebenso auf die Tagesordnung wie die Anhebung des Arbeitslosengeldes II auf mindestens 400 Euro in Ost und West.

(Noch) Weniger sollten Sie nicht verdienen

Aktueller Tarifspiegel: Unterste Tarifvergütungen nach Branchen als Orientierungshilfe zu Arbeitslosengeld II. Aktueller Tarifspiegel im WSI-Tarifarchiv der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung mit einem Überblick über die untersten Tarifvergütungen für ArbeiterInnen und Angestellte in über 30 Branchen mit über 250 regionalen Tarifbereichen.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 15


Garantierte Mindesteinkommen. Modelle von Grundsicherungen und
Grundeinkommen im Vergleich" Synopse von Ronald Blaschke

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 15

Arbeitsamt und Arbeitszwang - Alltägliche Schikanen

"Verkaufen Sie sich nicht unter Wert - sagen Sie lieber gleich ab".

Die Absageagentur geht an den Start.

Ein neues Projekt lockt resignierte Arbeitssuchende, frustrierte Lohnabhängige und bewerbungsgestresste ALG II-Empfänger/innen aus der Defensive: die Absageagentur. Als Persiflage auf die Arbeitsagenturen fordert sie ihre "Kund/innen" auf, Absagen auf aktuelle Stellenangebote zu schreiben. Die Absageagentur stellt eine kostenlose Dienstleistung für alle zur Verfügung, die der Fetischisierung von Arbeit einen symbolischen Akt entgegen setzen wollen. Wer keine Lust hat auf Lohnarbeit, bewerbungsmüde ist oder unzufrieden mit dem eigenen Job, kann ab sofort dem herrschenden Diskurs eine Absage erteilen: Nicht die Bewerbung um einen Arbeitsplatz, der den eigenen Interessen zuwiderläuft und weit unter den eigenen Qualifikationen liegt, steht im Mittelpunkt. Stattdessen suchen sich die "Kunden" und "Kundinnen" der Absageagentur ein Stellenangebot aus, das sie etwa wegen schlechter Bezahlung oder miserablen Arbeitsbedingungen nicht annehmen wollen. Sie schreiben eine persönliche Absage oder nutzen einen von der Agentur vorformulierten Absagetext.

Siehe den Flyer (pdf)

Und die Aktionspage

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 15

Bericht vom Ein-Euro-Job-Spaziergang

Aktionen bei der AWO, Caritas… Gegen 1-Euro-Job-Anbieter

Wiederbelebte Aktionsform: Spaziergänge, nun gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs siehe Konzept aus Berlin mit fortlaufenden Berichten - nun mit dem Bericht vom Ein-Euro-Job-Spaziergang am 08.03.2005 in Berlin / Prenzlauer Berg


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 15

WORKFARE IS NOT FAIR - Gegen Lohndumping und Zwangsdienste - Ein-Euro-Jobs stoppen

Aufruf zur bundesweiten Aktion gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs am 20.5.2005 in überarbeiteter, layouteter Form (pdf)

Plakat zur Aktion (pdf, A4-Version kann ohne Qualitätsverlust vergrößert werden)

schickt Eure Plakatwünsche an agentur_schluss@yahoo.com

Anonyme Umfrage zum Arbeitsamt und zu Ein-Euro-Jobs

Die Dokumentationsstelle Hartz IV ist ein unabhängiges Projekt von LabourNet Germany, Tacheles e.V., der Initiative Agenturschluss, und der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. (BAG-SHI).

Wir arbeiten nicht mit der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zusammen! Im Gegenteil Wir wollen die Praxis von Hartz IV kritisch begleiten. Wir wollen wissen, was auf den Ämtern läuft, wie die Leute bei den Ein Euro Jobs behandelt werden. Wir wollen alles wissen! Alle Arbeitsämter, ihre "Fallmanager", die "Ein-Euro-Job"-Einsatzstellen und deren Verantwortliche werden wir einem kritischen "Kundencheck" unterziehen. Denn wie heißt es so schön: der "Kunde" ist König. Bitte helfen Sie mit - Ihre anonymen Angaben werden vertraulich behandelt!!

Wir haben hierzu einen Fragebogen entwickelt, der von den lokalen/regionalen Gruppen benutzt werden kann und bundesweite Auswertung ermöglicht! Der Fragebogen (pdf) befindet sich unter

Bitte sendet den ausgefüllten Fragebogen OHNE ABSENDER per Post an:

Dokumentationsstelle Hartz IV
c/o Wuppertaler Sozialforum
Markomannenstr. 3
42105 Wuppertal
oder per Fax an: LabourNet Germany 0234-3254143

Auf der Aktionsseite zur Umfrage der Dokumentationsstelle Hartz IV
wird nach Ostern die Online-Umfrage verlinkt!

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 15

EMF call for a national Debate



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