
March 19 - A global day of protest

***Media Coverage:


***March 19 - A global day of protest

March 19, 2005- Today, tens of thousands of people converged on New York City to oppose an illegal war of aggression against the people of Iraq. People drove from as far away as Florida and Minnesota to demand an immediate end to the occupation.

The day began with a rally in Harlem's Marcus Garvey Park. Speakers included Brenda Stokely, President of DC 1707, Nellie Bailey of the Harlem Tenant's Council, and Carl Webb, a member of the Army National Guard who has refused to deploy to Iraq.

After the opening rally, more than 15,000 marched to join thousands already gathered in Central Park. As they marched through Harlem, they were greeted by cheers and applause from the community. People came out of stores and apartments to join the march. Others hung out of their windows and flashed the peace sign or raised their fists.

Speakers at the Central Park Rally included Representative Charles Rangel, New York City Council Members Margarita Lopez and Charles Barron, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and attorney Lynne Stewart.

After the Central Park Rally, thousands marched to the Upper East Side mansion of billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg with the slogan, "Fund Cities, Not War!"

The turnout for this demonstration confirms that the antiwar movement has entered into a new phase of organizing against the war. It confirms that the greatest attention must be paid to reaching out to communities most impacted by the war and by the policies of the Bush Administration. These communities are the targets of the budget cuts. They are also targeted by military recruiters, who exploit economic hardship with false promises of opportunity. As a result, the children of these communities are dying disproportionately in Iraq, paying the ultimate price for a policy of greed and empire.

Organizers with the Troops Out Now Coalition plan to continue to protest the war and occupation. On May 1, the Troops Out Now Coalition will join the Million Worker March on the streets of New York City in a rally and march to demand, “Jobs, Not War! Bring the Troops Home Now!”

In addition to the Troops Out Now Demonstration in New York City, there were demonstrations in more than 700 cities throughout the U.S., including major regional demonstrations in Fayetteville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago.

This weekend saw protests all over the globe. There were demonstrations in Argentina, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Australia, Vietnam, South Korea, Pakistan, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Cyprus, and many other countries.

Tens of thousands of people marched through central London on Saturday, calling on Prime Minister Tony Blair to get British troops out of Iraq. Protesters marched from Hyde Park Corner past the US embassy to a rally in central London’s Trafalgar Square.

The protesters placed a black cardboard coffin with the slogan “100,000 dead” scrawled across the daffodil-strewn lid against a tree outside the US embassy. As the coffin was laid down, the crowd chanted: “George Bush ... Uncle Sam. Iraq will be your Vietnam.”

In Sweden, protesters filled up Sergel square in downtown Stockholm, chanting: "USA, out of Iraq!"

In Istanbul, an estimated 15,000 people marched, some carrying signs reading "Murderer Bush, get out."

In Poland, which has 1,700 troops in Iraq, more than 1,000 marched to the US Embassy in Warsaw, holding banners reading "Pull out from Iraq now" and "Poles back to Poland."

In Athens, about 3,000 trade unionists, members of peace groups, and students brought the city center to a standstill for about three hours as they marched to the US Embassy.

***Next Step: May 1

May 1: May Day Rally for Jobs, Not War - Bring the Troops Home Now!

On May 1 the Troops Out Now Coalition and the NYC Million Worker March are calling for a JOBS NOT WAR - Bring the Troops Home Now rally in Union Square, NYC.

MAY DAY -- International Workers Day -- grew out of the struggle of working people in this country more than 100 years ago for an 8 work day with a full day's pay. All over the world, working and poor people march on May Day to send the message that workers are united and have the right to a job, a living wage, health care, housing and education. Workers have a right to pensions and social security. Immigrant workers and the unemployed should have the same rights. On May Day 2005, let's bring back that fighting spirit.

Download the May 1 Flyer: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/flyers/maydayleaflet.pdf

Endorse: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

***Help Build a Movement to Stop the War!

1) Endorse May 1: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

2) Download leaflets and help get the word out! http://www.troopsoutnow.org/flyers/maydayleaflet.pdf

3) Organize transportation from your city to NYC on May 1: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/orgcentsignup.html

4) Donate! http://www.troopsoutnow.org/donate.html


Hundreds of Thousands Demonstrate in Cities Across the Country and around the World on 2nd Anniversary of Iraq Invasion


Informant: Hopedance

Sag nein zum Handy


Legal help needed for EMR injured

I have received the followoing from Illa Garcia, who must file by May 1st or be unable to.



March 14, 2005


My name is Illa L. Garcia. I live in Bieber, California. I work for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention. I worked as a Fire Lookout on a Telecommunications Complex. My lookout was 50+ feet in the air. I was surrounded by approximately 80 RF antennas and Microwave Dishes. I worked this position for 3 years. Since coming off the tower in 2002 I have been sick with mysterious illnesses. My partner also worked this same lookout for 11 years and she is also sick along with other members of her family that came to stay with her there. My family members are also sick.

I filed for worker’s compensation in 11- 03 when it was brought to my attention by my partner, who had been doing research on her husbands cancer, that maybe our illness’s may be related. I have since been seeing specialists besides my family doctor to find out what is going on. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, hyperthyroidism, acute nerve degeneration. They have also found that there is brain tissue damage in the frontal lobe and the two temporal lobes. There is also DNA/cell damage. I am still fighting to get worker’s comp.

The both of us have filed claim letters on the behalf of our families and us. This involves 3 Federal agencies, 2 Counties, 2 Major Power companies, 3 Major Phone companies and the State of California (4-5 Agencies). We are still in the process of filing with the Power companies and Phone companies. We have received back from the State of California and the 2 Counties involved the Right To Sue Letters. We have been trying to find a Law Firm that is willing to take our case. Everyone keeps telling us to “Find a Lawyer” but no one is willing to take on the case once they find out that it involves the State and Federal Governments. We need a Firm that is Licensed to Practice in California, have experience of going against the Federal Government, and be experienced in Toxic Torte. I have watched several court cases for Personal Injury get thrown out of court as RF Radiation is considered JUNK SCIENCE. These have been cases with cell phone, and one antenna. We have been exposed to radiation from 80 antennas on the site where we lived and worked 24 hours a day. RF Radiation is classified by the National Library of Medicine as a TOXIC POISON. As I have watched this happen, my partner and I have considered to go for the Laws that were broken by all these agencies as well as Negligence, Gross Negligence, and Present and Future Medical costs instead of going for Personal Injury.

We are looking for and Experienced Firm that is willing to fight for us. You must also have the Courage, Fortitude, and possible the Funding to take this case on. So far we have 27 who are involved and quite a few of them are Minor Children. There are no time limits on them to file as they won’t know exactly how badly they are damaged until they grow up. That is to say if they make it that far. There is proven documentation and medical reports that show that children are the worse affected by this Radiation as their bodies are still in the formation stages.

RF Radiation by the books is classified as non ionizing radiation but our bodies are proving it otherwise by the burns received and the DNA mutations of our blood cells.

If you have the courage and strength and fortitude to help us fight this case we need to know as soon as possible. We have to be in Court by May to make a filing against these agencies. You can contact me at:

P.O. BOX 585
BIEBER, CA 96009
1-530-294-5829 HOME
1-530-294-5829 FAX

Thank you for your help and time.

Illa l. Garcia

Blair was told US 'fixed' Iraq 'facts and intelligence'


Bush 'Apparently Thinks Propaganda's OK'

Editor & Publisher does itself proud again ...

Garry Trudeau: Bush 'Apparently Thinks Propaganda's OK'

by Dave Astor

Published: March 18, 2005 2:30 PM ET

NEW YORK Why is Garry Trudeau doing a "Doonesbury" sequence inspired by disgraced Republican-friendly reporter Jeff Gannon?

"I'm not sure it's commonly understood to what lengths this administration is willing to go to bypass the 'filter,' as Bush calls the media," the cartoonist replied in an e-mail interview. "The president made it official Wednesday -- his Justice Department, fresh from signing off on torture, apparently thinks propaganda's OK too." [...] Read more at: http://tinyurl.com/53v3t Some time ago I decided The New Republic is not really liberal and have ignored it since. In case you differ, here is one that was posted and actually IS good.

© Virginia Metze

Where's the outrage on torture?

by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe Columnist

(First of two columns)

March 17, 2005

IN AUGUST 2003, when he was commander of the military base at Guantanamo Bay, Major General Geoffrey Miller visited Baghdad with some advice for US interrogators at Abu Ghraib prison. As Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, the military police commander in Iraq, later recalled it, Miller's bottom line was blunt: Abu Ghraib should be ''Gitmo-ized" -- Iraqi detainees should be exposed to the same aggressive techniques being used to extract information from prisoners in Guantanamo.

''You have to have full control," Karpinski quoted Miller as saying. There can be ''no mistake about who's in charge. You have to treat these detainees like dogs."

Whether or not Miller actually spoke those words, it is clear that harsh techniques authorized for a time in Guantanamo -- forced nudity, hooding, shackling men in ''stress positions," the use of dogs -- were taken up in Afghanistan and Iraq, where they sometimes degenerated into outright viciousness and even torture. Did the injunction to ''treat these detainees like dogs" give rise to a prison culture that winked at barbarism? Should Miller be held responsible for what Abu Ghraib became? [...] Read more at: http://tinyurl.com/3ow5r The American Progress Action web site has an excellent article on "FCC's Reruns" which gives insight into what is to be expected from President Bush's nominee for FCC chairman. Read it at: http://tinyurl.com/5bo89

© Virginia Metze

Let's Stop the Republican Debt Slavery Act in the House

Bob Fertik, the great Democrat activist who has web site democrats.com says:

Let's Stop the Republican Debt Slavery Act in the House

For some reason, I am unable to copy and paste an excerpt from this page, so if you have time, go to http://democrats.com/debtslavery to find if you are interested in this approach to the fight.

© Virginia Metze

More faux news

Well, the Friday deadline slipped a little, but here it is! Cheers to you all, and hope you are having a good weekend...

More faux news
Salon War Room
Eric Boehlert
March 17, 2005

And the hits keep coming on the fake news front. Today, Friends of the Earth posted two Department of Interior-produced video news releases designed to look like objective newscasts. Both fail to inform viewers that they are government produced, instead opting for "reporters" who end the segments with "In Tampa, Pam Forrester reporting," and "This is Porter Versfelt reporting," respectively.

Critics call the prepackaged newscasts propaganda. And according to guidelines established by the Public Relations Society of America for video news releases, "Organizations that prepare VNRs should not use the word 'reporting' if the narrator is not a reporter." The Government Accountability Office came to the same conclusion in a ruling last year. But the Department of Justice last week overruled the GAO, informing federal agencies that they did not have to identify themselves in scripts for video news releases. [...] Read more at Salon (you may need to get a pass or a subscription) http://tinyurl.com/4tdyo If you can, read the article about "Our delightful commander in chief,' which hurls darts at Time.com's coverage of the president. http://tinyurl.com/6jpzn

© Virginia Metze

Council rejects latest phone mast bid

This is my local one, so the news was great! And another setback for 02!


Council rejects latest phone mast bid

Defiant councillors yesterday rejected the latest attempt to put another mobile phone mast in an Aldwick park. They unanimously refused the joint plans by Hutchison 3G and O2 for the 20.8 metre high monopole in West Park.

The telecom companies want to use the mast with six antennae to replace the current 15m high pole in the Southern Water compound at the park's northern boundary. But Arun District Council's development control committee said the scheme was completely unacceptable.

Full report in March 17 issue of the Bognor Regis Observer
17 March 2005


Zukunftswaffen erobern den Alltag


Greed is Good?


Omega-News 20. März 2005

Schröder plant angeblich Rückzieher vom Klimaschutzziel auf EU-Gipfel

Giftköder in Spanien bedrohen seltene Tierarten europaweit

Jetzt gibt Rot-Grün richtig Gas

Gen-Felder wieder heimlich

Gletscherschmelze im Himalaja bedroht Wasserversorgung von Millionen Menschen

Proteste gegen heimliches Verfüttern von Gen-Futter

Finnische Regierung will letzte Urwälder abholzen

Chinas Holzbedarf steigt und wird zu großen Teilen aus illegalen Quellen gedeckt

Data Retention: Neues Begehren

Hamburger Schüler helfen mit Recyclingpapier Wälder zu schützen

Österreich kritisiert Zulassung von Monsanto-Mais in Brüssel

Die Sibirien-Connection - Die WestLB macht in Öl

Die Ostsee ist zur Wüste mutiert

Länderagrarminister wollen Schutz gentechnikfreier Landwirtschaft aushöhlen

Monsanto verliert in Europa Weizen-Patent auf indische Sorte "Nap Hal"

Vogeljagd: Zugvögel erreichen selten ihre Brutgebiete

Total verbandelt?

Abgase: 65.000 Tote jährlich durch Feinstaub

Klonen: UN empfiehlt totales Verbot

Kriege um Wasser

How Big Oil Bought the Votes to Drill



Posted by Ron Cyr


By Christopher Bollyn

American Free Press

Rather than face the uncomfortable reality that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives, the controlled media and investigators have chosen to ignore the evidence and support a demonstrably false collapse scenario.

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, American Free Press was a lonely voice, as it reported that numerous eyewitnesses had seen and heard explosions in the towers of the World Trade Center before and during their collapses.

AFP reported that Van Romero, an explosives expert at New Mexico Tech, told The Albuquerque Journal on 9/11: "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse."

The collapse was "too methodical to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures," Romero said.

However, for no apparent reason, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) attacked AFP for publishing evidence of explosions at the World Trade Center. Why would an organization ostensibly dedicated to defending Jews find fault with an article about explosions at the WTC?

Three months after 9/11, the ADL accused AFP of using the 9/11 attacks "as grist for its mill."

"Its October 29 [2001] issue," the ADL wrote about AFP, "includes an article by Christopher Bollyn titled, 'Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded Inside WTC,' in which Bollyn suggests that the 'mainstream media' is ignoring 'eyewitness accounts of bombs that exploded inside the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers."

Yet, in spite of overwhelming evidence that explosives and missiles were employed to demolish the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon, to this day the controlled press continues to avoid this subject.


During a September 11 memorial service at St. Paul's Chapel across Church Street from the WTC, the priest described what he heard as the towers collapsed: "Boom, boom, boom," the priest recalled, "the sound of the floors collapsing."

However, the sounds described by the priest and New York City firefighters are more likely to have been the sounds of explosives demolishing the central support columns than those of 110 concrete floors collapsing at the rate of 10 per second.

Photographs and videos provide ample evidence that explosives in the towers caused the collapse of the three WTC buildings owned or leased by Larry Silverstein: the twin towers and WTC 7.


"Cognitive dissonance," described by Walter Chukwu as "the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information," prevents people from accepting "that the U.S. Government carried out the 911 attacks."

Jim Marrs, author of Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies, is not affected by such cognitive dissonance. Compiling information from numerous sources, including American Free Press, Marrs contends that 9/11 was an "inside job."

Inside Job also contains an analysis of the U.S. military's failure to intercept the 4 "hijacked" planes, questions the relatives' group wants President George W. Bush to answer, and a draft of widow Ellen Mariani's RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization) lawsuit against President Bush and other high government officials.

While Marrs' book lacks illustrations, his text is sufficient. His concise presentation of Jim Hoffman's research of explosives causing the collapse of the twin towers is compelling.

Marrs presents six arguments which disprove the official version of a fire-induced gravity collapse and indicate that explosives in the towers' cores snipped the 47 central support columns - bringing the towers down.

First, the towers' cores were obliterated. No gravity collapse scenario can explain how the massive central box columns, with 4 inch thick steel walls, were cut.

The powerful explosives required to demolish these central support columns would explain, however, the pulverization of concrete and enormous pressure thrusting debris and girders hundreds of feet from the towers.

The pulverization of concrete is impossible to explain in the gravity collapse scenario. More than 100 times the towers' gravitational potential energy would be required to pulverize the concrete, Hoffman wrote. So, where did that energy come from?

Steel beams were ejected 500 feet sideways. "The downward forces of a gravity collapse cannot account for the energetic lateral ejection of pieces," Hoffman wrote.

Videos and photographs show explosions occurring well below the level of the collapse. As Hoffman observed, "energetic dust ejections are first seen while the top is only slightly tipping, not falling." There is "no known source of the dense powder in these clouds of ejected dust," Marrs says.

The tops of the towers mushroomed into thick dust clouds much larger than the original volumes of the buildings. "Without the addition of large sources of pressure beyond the collapse itself," Hoffman says, "the falling building and its debris should have occupied about the same volume as the intact building."

That is, after all, what was observed when the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed neatly into its basement, with absolutely no lateral projections, at about 5:20 p.m.

That the towers fell at the rate of free fall defies the laws of physics. The cold and undamaged parts of the towers failed to slow the collapses. This indicates that "nearly all resistance to the downward acceleration of the tops had been eliminated ahead of them," Hoffman says.

Evidence that the central support columns were cut prior to the collapse, which AFP reported in October 2001, is seen in videos where powerful bursts of dust are seen being ejected from the towers well below the level of the collapse.

At the time, AFP reported an eyewitness to the collapse seeing "a number of brief light sources being emitted from inside the building between floors 10 and 15" accompanied by "a crackling sound" before the tower fell.

"Even a layman can see that the free-fall scenario based on fires in the building has almost no plausible explanation at this time," Marrs concludes.

During the recent "Confronting the Evidence" conference held in New York City, a person who worked in the North Tower told AFP that prior to 9/11, elevator shafts were guarded by security guards while being "out-of-service" for "weeks and months."

Because explosive charges would have to have been placed near the elevator shafts in the towers' cores, American Free Press is currently investigating contractors that had access to the towers in the year prior to 9/11.

Two demolition companies, both of which have numerous branch companies, have been engaged at the WTC and Pentagon sites: LVI Services, a New York-based asbestos abatement and demolition company headed by Burton T. Fried, and Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Md., headed by Mark Loizeaux.

LVI Demolition Services and CDI have cooperated on major demolition projects during the past decade: the Sands Hotel Tower (1996), the Aladdin Hotel & Casino (1998), and the Terrecentre (2002), in Denver.

On September 13, 2001, Engineering News-Record (ENR), a national weekly for the construction industry, reported: "LVI Services Inc., New York City, which has done extensive asbestos abatement work on the towers in the past, is involved in similar work now as well as other cleanup efforts."

AFP asked LVI president Burton T. Fried about the work his company did in the towers prior to 9/11.

"We did not do it," Fried said. "It was a company called AASI but they went out of business."

Asked about the evidence that the towers and WTC 7 were destroyed by demolition charges, Fried replied, "No comment."

Requests to ENR and the Port Authority regarding LVI's alleged work in the towers have yet to be answered.

LVI has worked with the Dept. of Energy and uses an asbestos digesting product developed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory and W.R. Grace & Co.

AFP inquired at the Las Vegas office of LVI Environmental of Nevada Inc. and was told, "We don't speak to the press." LVI's Las Vegas office is headed by Joe Catania, political director of the Nevada Republican Party.


Ron Cyr

Informant: Martin Greenhut

A Fallen Soldier's Family


Nonviolent Revolution in Mental Health


On the falsity of much 'Corporate Social Responsibility'

The Ecologist - March 05, Editorial - on the falsity of much 'Corporate Social Responsibility' ..........


.........But that’s hypocritical nonsense. Governments do not operate from a position of neutrality. On the contrary, decades of very intensive lobbying, of infiltrating the regulatory process, of purchasing policy and supporting compliant politicians have reaped enormous benefits for big business. In the US, according to former president Bill Clinton’s labour secretary, ‘there’s no longer any countervailing power in Washington. Business is in complete control of the machinery of government. It’s payback time and every industry and trade association is busily cashing in’.

The regulatory system has been on overdrive for many years. Only it has adopted a dual purpose whereby the operations of big business have been globally deregulated and the operations of small businesses have been regulated to the point at which many cannot hope to survive. If you’re a large GM firm, the world is your laboratory, its inhabitants your guinea pigs. But a small firm selling vitamin supplements is subjected to a regulatory system that demands absolute adherence to the precautionary principle. It’s been said many times that you could render the biosphere non-viable without breaking a single law, but woe-betide you if you want to sell unpasteurised cider.

This isn’t free-market capitalism. The economy has been rigged. And not just through the regulatory system. Goods whose production may have caused untold ecological damage can be sold cheaply – because the economy fails to recognise the real value of the natural world and its resources. Pollution, illness, local economic collapse… These are merely ‘externalities’. But add them to the cost, as would necessarily happen in an unsubsidised economy, and the story is very different.

The economy is shaped and controlled by human decisions. We could just as easily make different decisions. We can demand through effective campaigns an economy in which the ‘externalities’ are internalised. We can demand fairness in the regulatory system. We can insist that corporate crimes are adequately punished.


From Mast Network

Beschränkte Grammatik durch SMS



Beschränkte Grammatik durch SMS

Experten stellen mangelndes Textverständnis bei deutschen Schülern fest

Die wachsende Zahl von Handy-Kurznachrichten hat Sprachexperten zufolge Auswirkungen auf die Sprachfähigkeit. Laut dem Institut der Deutschen Sprache "bleiben junge Menschen, die nur über SMS kommunizieren, in ihrer Grammatik äußerst beschränkt".

Kaum ein Jugendlicher beherrscht es nicht: Das verschicken von Text-Botschaften auf dem Handy. FOTO: epd

25 Milliarden Handy Kurzmitteilungen (SMS oder Short Message System) wurden im Jahr 2003 allein in Deutschland verschickt - ein Großteil davon von Jugendlichen an Jugendliche. Nach Experteneinschätzung beeinträchtigt die Fülle der kurzen Textbotschaften die Sprachfähigkeit von jungen Leuten. Bei einer Fachtagung befassten sich rund 450 Wissenschaftler mit der Frage, warum das Textverständnis gerade bei den deutschen Schülern nachlässt. Ludwig Eichinger vom Institut der Deutschen Sprache in Mannheim stellt dazu fest, dass junge Menschen, die ausschließlich über SMS kommunizieren langfristig in ihrer Grammatik sehr beschränkt bleiben.

Die wachsende Beliebtheit bedeute aber nicht zugleich den Verfall "unserer Kultur". Das Positive der SMS sei, dass nach der Ära des Telefonierens überhaupt wieder mehr geschrieben werde. Früher sei stets die Befürchtung geäußert worden, dass zu wenig geschrieben werde. "In Wirklichkeit schreiben durch den Computer wesentlich mehr Menschen. Wer nie einen Brief verfasste, tippt heute eine Mail oder eine SMS." Dass die SMS-Texte meist kurz sind, spiele dabei keine Rolle. Dies passe einfach zu der Kommunikationssituation. Von einem Verfall der Sprache könne man deshalb nicht sprechen. Wer allerdings nur SMS verfasse, werde vermutlich nie einen längeren Text lesen, sagte Eichinger. "Dagegen sollte die Schule etwas machen."

Bei der Jahrestagung diskutierten mehr als 450 Fachleute aus rund 25 Ländern über das Verstehen von Texten. Nach Darstellung des Sprachexperten Hardarik Blühdorn nimmt die Fähigkeit der Schüler ab, Texte zu verstehen, während die Texte selbst immer komplizierter werden. "Da öffnet sich eine Schere", sagt Blühdorn. "Wir leben in einer Welt, die immer komplexer wird, und wir haben Texte, die das spiegeln." Hinzu komme ein "Ausbildungsproblem": Die Schüler gingen weniger mit Texten um, weil sie viele andere Medien wie das Fernsehen nutzen könnten. AP/dpa


Das Äußere sieht man nun mal zuerst

Kosmetik, Handy, Markenklamotten: Kant-Schüler über Freiheiten und Gruppenzwänge.


Worldwide Protests against Occupation of Iraq


Sinking Globalization


Wal-Mart to Pay U.S. $11 Million in Lawsuit on Illegal Workers


'Preemptive Strikes' Become Policy


Shoot First, Pay Later Culture Pervades Iraq


World Bank Workers Reject Wolfowitz


Iraq War Drains Military


Lying With Pixels


Informant: Anna Webb

Genmanipulierter Reis überflüssig

Greenpeace: Genmanipulierter Reis überflüssig

So genannter "Golden Rice" kann die in ihn gesetzten Erwartungen nicht erfüllen. Der Gen-Reis soll zur Bekämpfung von Vitamin-A-Mangelerkrankungen vor allen in den Ländern des Südens eingesetzt werden. Nun steht zu befürchten, dass aufgrund dieser Wunschvorstellungen andere lebenswichtige Projekte zur Bekämpfung des Vitaminmangels vernachlässigt werden. Diese düstere Aussicht drängt sich auf, wenn man neueste Studien heranzieht, die Greenpeace veröffentlicht hat.


Gentechnik-Standorte sollen nicht mehr öffentlich sein

Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) hat Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder aufgefordert, die Informationsfreiheit über Standorte von gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen in Deutschland zu gewährleisten. Die Absicht von Teilen der SPD, die erst vor kurzem für die Öffentlichkeit eingeführten Zugangsrechte zum Gentechnik-Standortregister wieder einzuschränken, müsse zurückgewiesen werden. Das öffentlich zugängliche Standortregister, im Internet derzeit noch allen zugänglich, ermöglicht bisher die flurstückgenaue Information über Lage von Feldern mit Gentech-Pflanzen.


Kaum noch Schnee am Kilimandscharo

Wegen der Erderwärmung ist der Gipfel des Kilimandscharo nahezu ohne Eis und Schnee - zum ersten Mal seit 11.000 Jahren. Das teilte die Umweltorganisation "Climate Group" anlässlich eines Treffens von Energie- und Umweltministern aus 20 Staaten in London mit.




Protest moves from forest to town


Informant: Andy Robinson

Engineering Democracy through the Ballot Box and Civil Disobedience

Page 1: The new Gladio in action?

Page 2: Who Is Col. Bob Helvey?

Page 3: The Coup Plotters

Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Abrupt Climate Change


Informant: Anna Webb

Protesters around the world mark on 2nd anniversary of invasion

Hundreds of photographs[1] and an initial report[2] on protests and demonstrations that took place around the world on the second anniversary of the Mar. 19, 2003, invasion of Iraq. -- The largest demonstration reported (Reuters: 45,000) took place in London, England. --Mark]




Informant: V


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März 2005

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