
March 19 - A global day of protest

***Media Coverage:


***March 19 - A global day of protest

March 19, 2005- Today, tens of thousands of people converged on New York City to oppose an illegal war of aggression against the people of Iraq. People drove from as far away as Florida and Minnesota to demand an immediate end to the occupation.

The day began with a rally in Harlem's Marcus Garvey Park. Speakers included Brenda Stokely, President of DC 1707, Nellie Bailey of the Harlem Tenant's Council, and Carl Webb, a member of the Army National Guard who has refused to deploy to Iraq.

After the opening rally, more than 15,000 marched to join thousands already gathered in Central Park. As they marched through Harlem, they were greeted by cheers and applause from the community. People came out of stores and apartments to join the march. Others hung out of their windows and flashed the peace sign or raised their fists.

Speakers at the Central Park Rally included Representative Charles Rangel, New York City Council Members Margarita Lopez and Charles Barron, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and attorney Lynne Stewart.

After the Central Park Rally, thousands marched to the Upper East Side mansion of billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg with the slogan, "Fund Cities, Not War!"

The turnout for this demonstration confirms that the antiwar movement has entered into a new phase of organizing against the war. It confirms that the greatest attention must be paid to reaching out to communities most impacted by the war and by the policies of the Bush Administration. These communities are the targets of the budget cuts. They are also targeted by military recruiters, who exploit economic hardship with false promises of opportunity. As a result, the children of these communities are dying disproportionately in Iraq, paying the ultimate price for a policy of greed and empire.

Organizers with the Troops Out Now Coalition plan to continue to protest the war and occupation. On May 1, the Troops Out Now Coalition will join the Million Worker March on the streets of New York City in a rally and march to demand, “Jobs, Not War! Bring the Troops Home Now!”

In addition to the Troops Out Now Demonstration in New York City, there were demonstrations in more than 700 cities throughout the U.S., including major regional demonstrations in Fayetteville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago.

This weekend saw protests all over the globe. There were demonstrations in Argentina, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Australia, Vietnam, South Korea, Pakistan, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Cyprus, and many other countries.

Tens of thousands of people marched through central London on Saturday, calling on Prime Minister Tony Blair to get British troops out of Iraq. Protesters marched from Hyde Park Corner past the US embassy to a rally in central London’s Trafalgar Square.

The protesters placed a black cardboard coffin with the slogan “100,000 dead” scrawled across the daffodil-strewn lid against a tree outside the US embassy. As the coffin was laid down, the crowd chanted: “George Bush ... Uncle Sam. Iraq will be your Vietnam.”

In Sweden, protesters filled up Sergel square in downtown Stockholm, chanting: "USA, out of Iraq!"

In Istanbul, an estimated 15,000 people marched, some carrying signs reading "Murderer Bush, get out."

In Poland, which has 1,700 troops in Iraq, more than 1,000 marched to the US Embassy in Warsaw, holding banners reading "Pull out from Iraq now" and "Poles back to Poland."

In Athens, about 3,000 trade unionists, members of peace groups, and students brought the city center to a standstill for about three hours as they marched to the US Embassy.

***Next Step: May 1

May 1: May Day Rally for Jobs, Not War - Bring the Troops Home Now!

On May 1 the Troops Out Now Coalition and the NYC Million Worker March are calling for a JOBS NOT WAR - Bring the Troops Home Now rally in Union Square, NYC.

MAY DAY -- International Workers Day -- grew out of the struggle of working people in this country more than 100 years ago for an 8 work day with a full day's pay. All over the world, working and poor people march on May Day to send the message that workers are united and have the right to a job, a living wage, health care, housing and education. Workers have a right to pensions and social security. Immigrant workers and the unemployed should have the same rights. On May Day 2005, let's bring back that fighting spirit.

Download the May 1 Flyer: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/flyers/maydayleaflet.pdf

Endorse: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

***Help Build a Movement to Stop the War!

1) Endorse May 1: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

2) Download leaflets and help get the word out! http://www.troopsoutnow.org/flyers/maydayleaflet.pdf

3) Organize transportation from your city to NYC on May 1: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/orgcentsignup.html

4) Donate! http://www.troopsoutnow.org/donate.html



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März 2005

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