
Case Filed in Geneva against US State Department

Since it has long been obvious that I have been targeted for delay and abuse by the US State Department and the US Embassy in Bangkok and Consul in Chiangmai I have filed a petition 'Retaliation Against A Human Rights Defender' with the UNOHCHR in Geneva stating that it was due to my whistle blowing activities in Thailand that I was singled out for persecution by the State Department and Embassy personnel.

An update on the 1503 form siting abuses of the Akha.

In a visit with the UNOHCHR today here in Geneva they stated that the UN has taken this case very seriously, and that Thailand has been asked for a response which they have sent in. The details of the murders were so accurate and exacting from years of work in the mountains there that there was no way for the Thai government to side step the issue.

This is very encouraging.

And we will be filing more cases.

The experience in Geneva to find out how to best help the cause of the Akha has also been rewarding.

On the family note, the Embassy and Consul are not very helpful with many delays.

I encourage you to contact them on the matter of my wife and children getting out of Thailand.


Matthew McDaniel

Blind Loyalty to an Empire of Greed: The Corruptions of Patriotism


Profits of war

Halliburton has become a byword for the cosy links between the White House and Texan big business. But how did the company run in the 90s by Dick Cheney secure a deal that guaranteed it millions in profit every time the US military saw action? In this exclusive extract from his new book, Dan Briody reveals how the firm made a killing on the battleground...


From Information Clearing House

Professor Thomas Naylor on Iran - AlQaeda Red Herring

This is certainly not the first time these tales about Iran cooperating with al-Qa'idah have surfaced. About two years ago U.S. spooks floated via the Washington Post and other outlets some silly stories about al-Qa'idah involved in the underground traffic in gold...


From Information Clearing House

Why Do They Hate Us?

The Oft-Asked Question: Why Do They Hate Us?:

Never in their wildest dream did Americans imagine that a calamity of such magnitude would take place on their soil. Americans lost their sense of security and, for the first time, experienced feelings of fear and vulnerability, long known to many in Africa, Asia and the Middle East...


From Information Clearing House

Annan Rejects Bush Claim That World Is Safer Now

The world is no safer than it was three years ago, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said on Wednesday, countering President Bush's claims he had made the world a safer place...


From Information Clearing House

Accused torturers claim Pentagon support

The ringleader of three Americans on trial for torturing Afghans at a private jail in a freelance counter-terror mission denies any wrongdoing and claims they had active support from the US Defence Department...


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Reports 94 Cases of Prisoner Abuse

The U.S. military has found 94 cases of confirmed or alleged abuse of prisoners by U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan...



Number of countries with troops in Iraq dwindles

The group of countries once known as the "Coalition of the Willing" is shrinking, with two more nations slipping out of the multinational force in July and 11 others facing the end of their deployments during the next eight months...


From Information Clearing House

Bamberger Appell – Ärzte gegen Mobilfunk

An die Vertreter und Vertreterinnen der bayerischen Presse

Einladung zur Pressekonferenz am Freitag, 23. Juli 2004

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit möchten wir Sie herzlich zur Pressekonferenz anlässlich der öffentlichen Vorstellung des "Bamberger Appells – Ärzte gegen Mobilfunk" einladen.

Sie findet am Freitag, 23. Juli 2004 um 14 Uhr in der Praxis von Dr. Helmut Heyn, Geschwister-Scholl-Ring 12 statt.

Insgesamt 70 Ärzte und Ärztinnen aus Stadt und Landkreis Bamberg haben diese Appell bislang unterstützt. Der Appell richtet sich gegen den bedenkenlosen Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes und will auf die möglichen Gefahren dieser Technologie für die Gesundheit der Menschen aufmerksam machen, die bisher noch nicht abschließend erforscht wurden. Der Appell ruft dazu auf, Grenzwerte, Sendeleistungen und Funkbelastungen zu reduzieren, alle Nutzer und Nutzerinnen über mögliche Gefahren aufzuklären und vor allem Kinder und Jugendliche vor einem sorglosen Umgang mit Handys zu warnen.

Der "Bamberger Appell" hat bereits jetzt überregional Furore gemacht und stößt vielerorts auf großes Interesse.

Bei der Pressekonferenz wollen mehrere Ärzte und Ärztinnen aus dem Unterstützerkreis die Hintergründe erläutern und ihre Initiative begründen.

Wir freuen uns sehr über Ihr Interesse.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

i.V. Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam

Quelle: Elektrosmognews vom 22.07.2004

Omega Links:

Symposium „Ärzte und Mobilfunk – Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt“

OFFENER BRIEF an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder

Bamberger Appell

Bamberger Appell Ärzte gegen Elektrosmog

Endlich ein Signal aus Berlin

Strahlendes Bamberg?

Ärzte-Initiative „Bamberger Appell“ gewinnt namhafte Referenten

1. Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium

Nach Freiburger Appell jetzt Bamberger Appell

Symposium in Bamberg: Ärzte und Wissenschaftler warnen vor Gesundheitsgefahren

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Ärztekammern und Mobilfunk

Die Naila-Studie

"Freiburger Appell" - Umweltmediziner fordern Senkung der Grenzwerte

Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Strahlung sein?

Folgen durch Elektrosmog müssen untersucht werden


Hartz IV bedroht Millionen und Clement verhöhnt die Menschen noch?

MBI - Wählergemeinschaft Mülheimer Bürger Initiativen
Geschäftsstelle: Kohlenkamp 1, 45468 Mülheim
Tel.: 0208-3899810, Fax: 3899811, e-mail: mbi@mbi-mh.de

Hartz IV bedroht Millionen und Clement verhöhnt die Menschen noch?
Wo leben wir hier eigentlich? Hartz IV ist bereits Zynismus (Zitat H. Geißler), doch Clements Ausfälle sind blanker Sadismus! Gerade er sollte bei seinem riesigen Sündenregister den Mund halten: NRW als Scherbenhaufen ist genug!

Es reicht! Herr Clement, nehmen Sie Ihren Hut!

Mülheim, den 22.7.04

Arbeits- und Sozialminister Wolgang Clement (W.C.), irgendwie Sozialdemokrat und ehemaliger NRW-Ministerpräsident, findet die Schnüffelformulare für Hartz IV hervorragend und erdreistet sich gar noch, die von massiver Verarmung durch seine unausgegorene "Re-(besser De-)form" bedrohten und verunsicherten Menschen zu verhöhnen, indem er behauptet: "Die Kritik zeige, dass sich viele Betroffene offenbar nicht rechtzeitig um die notwendigen Informationen gekümmert hätten" und in seiner Arroganz bietet er ihnen an, sie könnten ihn anrufen, wenn sie bei den "hervorragenden und wenig bürokratischen" 16 Seiten Fragebögen nicht zurecht kämen.

Selbst Spezialisten wie Steuerberater bezweifeln, ob sie die Bögen richtig ausfüllen könnten. Für die zukünftigen Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger aber kann davon abhängen, ob sie den Hungerlohn des ALG II überhaupt bekommen, ob sie ihr Vermögen, ihre Altersversicherung oder ihre Wohnung wechseln oder verhökern müssen.

Da ist es menschenverachtend, wie W.C. sich verhält.

Nicht nur, dass Hartz IV für Millionen Menschen brutale Lebensverschlechterung bedeutet, es ist ein böser Bestrafungsakt für alle, die länger arbeitslos sind und es macht sie zu Menschen 2. Klasse, zu einer Form moderner Leibabhängiger ohne Achtung und Respekt für ihr bisheriges Leben und die grundgesetzlich verbrieften Menschenrechte.

Hartz IV hat aber bereits jetzt schon eine sinnvolle Kommunalfinanzreform zerstört und damit die Kommunen als Grundlage unserer Republik weiter einer ungewissen Zukunft überlassen. Auch dabei verspottete W.C. noch zu Beginn des Jahres die Kommunalvertreter, die seinem Ministerium massive Rechenfehler vorwarfen. Es dauerte 6 Monate, bis W.C. zu Nachbesserungen bereit war, so dass die Kommunen nun 3,5 Mrd. erhalten, um das von Hartz auf sie abgewälzte soziale Desaster abfangen zu müssen!

W.C. hat aber auch in NRW nur Schaden angerichtet von vielen verschwundenen Millionen für seine Spezis (von Langer und der pompösen Stadtkanzlei über HDO, Planet of Vision, Projekt Ruhr, Babcock, Vox u.v.m.). über die Leuchtturmprojekte wie den Metrorapid und das Milliardenfiasko der WestLB, das nun von den Stadtsparkassen und den Landschaftsverbänden (damit auch den Sozialverbänden!) abbezahlt werden muss.

W.C. hat den Strukturwandel des Ruhrgebiets mit seinem autokratischen Handeln durch die Gründung der landeseigenen Projekt Ruhr von oben gegen die Kommunen und den KVR zum Erliegen gebracht und um Jahre verzögert.

Auch bei den verplemperten zig Millionen Arbeitslosenbeiträgen für Gutachter und Berater hätte nicht nur Gerster, sondern auch sein Chef Clement bereits den Hut nehmen müssen.

W.C.`s Angriffe auf die Pressefreiheit, sein rabbiates Vorgehen beim Klimaschutz im Interesse der Subventionsgräberindustrien, seine Angriffe auf den Föderalismus, und, und, und, ......

Kein Politiker in dieser Republik hat eine solche Endlosliste von Verschwendung, Versagen und Versuchen, die Verfassung außer Kraft zu setzen, vorzuweisen.

In Wirklichkeit steht Clement nicht für Reformen, sondern für Neoliberalismus im negativsten Sinne, für Lobbyismus im Interesse veralteter Industriezweige und Energiekonzernen wie RWE. Er behindert also die überfälligen wirklichen Reformen, die unser Land in der Globalisierung braucht!

Hemdsärmelig, rücksichtslos und unsensibel tritt er dabei seit Jahren auf wie der große Zuchtmeister der Nation.

Jetzt aber ist das Fass endgültig übergelaufen. Auch Langzeitarbeitslose sind Menschen, für die die Menschenwürde gilt. Und Clement hat mit seinem Zynismus diese eindeutig verletzt. Das sollte man keinem Minister in Mitteleuropa durchgehen lassen.

Für uns ist der "Super"minister nicht mehr tragbar!

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

für die MBI: H.G. Hötger, Vorsitzender
L. Reinhard, Ratsvertreter

Musterfragebögen unter http://www.arbeitsagentur.de/vam

Alarmierende Mobilfunk-Studie

Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Mobilfunk und Krebserkrankungen? Eine Ärzte-Gruppe aus Naila im Frankenwald will das nicht mehr ausschließen. Seit 1993 steht in Naila ein Mobilfunk-Mast. Die örtlichen Hausärzte haben die Daten von 1.000 Patienten in den letzten zehn Jahren genauer angeschaut und sie mit ihren Krebs-Daten verglichen. Dabei glauben sie einen Zusammenhang zwischen der wachsenden Zahl von Krebserkrankungen und der Mobilfunkstrahlung erkennen zu können. Die Ärzte unterscheiden zwei Patientengruppen: Jene, die im Umkreis von bis zu 400 Meter von der Anlage entfernt leben und jene, die weiter weg wohnen. Die Mediziner haben nun festgestellt, dass in den zehn Jahren der Untersuchung im Innenbereich das relative Risiko neu an Krebs zu erkranken, doppelt so hoch und zwischen 1999 und 2004 sogar dreifach so hoch war. Außerdem seien die Krebspatienten im Innenbereich wesentlich jünger - im Durchschnitt um achteinhalb Jahre.

Erste Reaktionen auf die beunruhigende Studie

Das "Zentrum für Umweltforschung und -technik" der Universität Bremen, das den Ärzten von Naila solide Forschungsarbeit bescheinigt, empfiehlt angesichts der Werte eine sofortige Abschaltung der Mobilfunk-Anlage. Der Leiter des Zentrums, Rainer Frenzel-Beyme, gibt jedoch zu Bedenken, dass die Datenlage verbessert werden müsse: "Das Ganze muss enorm ausgeweitet werden, wenn man wirklich verlässliche und belastbare Daten haben möchte. Trotzdem ist die Studie ein Anfang, weil sie ein Ergebnis zeigt, dass zunächst plausibel erscheint und auch keine sofortige Erklärung anderer Art zulässt." Der Stadtrat von Naila will über eine Abschaltung der Sendeanlage abstimmen. Bürgermeister Frank Stumpf lehnte bereits eine geplante Erweiterung ab. Der Hofer Landrat Bernd Hering hat den Mobilfunk-Betreibern mitgeteilt, dass er künftig keine neuen Mobilfunk-Masten in Wohngebieten genehmigen werde.

Moderation: Rudi Küfner



dazu auch

Stadtratsbeschluss auf Grund der Nailaer Studie

Der Stadtrat Naila hat in seiner Sitzung am 08.06.2004 beschlossen, eine Petition an den Deutschen Bundestag zu richten mit dem Ziel, eine Absenkung der Grenzwerte für Mobilfunkanlagen zu erreichen.

Weiterhin wurde beschlossen:

1. Der Stadtrat beschließt, aus den Gründen, die sich aus den Ausführungen von Dr. Eger ergeben haben, wegen schwer wiegender gesundheitlicher Bedenken seinen Beschluss vom 29.03.2004 zur Erteilung des gemeindlichen Einvernehmens aufzuheben und statt dessen das gemeindliche Einvernehmen zum Bauantrag der Firma Vodafone zu verweigern.

2. Der Stadtrat beschließt, sich mit den Bedenken der Bürgerinitiative zu solidarisieren.

3. Der Stadtrat beschließt, die am 29.03.23004 verabschiedete Eingabe zur drastischen Senkung der Grenzwerte an die Abgeordneten und die zuständigen Stellen weiterzuleiten, wobei die Stellungnahme der Bürgerinitiative mit den erbrachten Unterschriften ebenso wie das Ergebnis der Ärztestudie der Eingabe als Anlage beigefügt werden soll.

4. Die Studie der Nailaer Ärztegruppe soll laut Auskunft der Ärztegruppe zunächst noch mit dem Zentrum für Umweltforschung und Umwelttechnologie an der Universität Bremen, Herrn Prof. Dr. Frentzel-Beyme, abgestimmt werden. Sobald der abgestimmte Bericht vorliegt, wird der Stadtrat über die weitergehende Vorgehensweise beraten und der Bericht in einer öffentlichen Veranstaltung durch die Bürgerinitiative in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Naila vorgestellt.

Quelle: Elektrosmognews vom 22.07.2004

9/11 Report Attacks Patriot Act, Government Secrecy



Dokumentarfilm über die Machenschaften von Fox News stürmt die amerikanischen DVD-Charts; Internet als Vertriebskanal für Filmemacher gewinnt an Bedeutung...



Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.

Geißler nennt Hartz IV blanken Zynismus

Der CDU-Sozialpolitiker Geißler hat das Gesetz zur Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe scharf kritisiert. Hartz IV verletze den Grundsatz der Solidarität, sagte er.

Quelle: Netzeitung vom 15. Juli 2004



Die Groß-Reform Hartz IV droht sich zu einem bürokratischen Monster auszuwachsen: 42 000 Mitarbeiter sind nötig, um das Gesetzespaket umzusetzen. Der Erfolg bleibt ungewiss

Quelle: Die Welt vom 19. Juli 2004, nachzulesen unter


Clement - Tremens und die Hartzokratie

Merkblatt und Antrag ALG II (22.07.2004) Wichtige Hinweise zur Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende (Arbeitslosengeld II /Sozialgeld) [...] unter http://www.arbeitsagentur.de/vam rechte Spalte
01888/6150 "Wer nicht zurechtkommt, soll mich anrufen" -
Bundesminister Clement findet Aufregung um Hartz-Formulare übertrieben.


Die Groß-Reform Hartz IV droht sich zu einem bürokratischen Monster auszuwachsen: 42 000 Mitarbeiter sind nötig, um das Gesetzespaket umzusetzen. Der Erfolg bleibt ungewiss

Quelle: Die Welt vom 19. Juli 2004, nachzulesen unter


Geißler nennt Hartz IV blanken Zynismus
Der CDU-Sozialpolitiker Geißler hat das Gesetz zur Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe scharf kritisiert. Hartz IV verletze den Grundsatz der Solidarität, sagte er.

Quelle: Netzeitung vom 15. Juli 2004


Bund einigt sich mit NRW bei HDO - "Es riecht nach Kungelei"
Quelle: Rheinische Post vom 09. Juli 2004

HDO: NRW zahlt Bund 13 Mio Euro: Rückgabe von Fördermitteln - Außergerichtlicher Vergleich
Quelle: WAZ vom 09. Juli 2004 unter

Düsseldorf. NRW zahlt dem Bund 13 Millionen Euro an Fördermitteln für das gescheiterte Oberhausener Filmtrickzentrum HDO zurück.
Bundesrat gegen Änderung des Pressekartellrechts.

Quelle: Die Welt vom 10. Juli 2004


Clement und die Oligarchen

Von Matthias Urbach

Quelle: taz vom 13. Juli 2004


Clement und die Oligarchen


Von Matthias Urbach

Quelle: taz vom 13. Juli 2004


Internationale Walfang-Konferenz in Italien

WWF zieht Bilanz: Internationale Walfang-Konferenz in Italien


Mit großer Sorge sieht der WWF die Entwicklung der IWC, deren 56. Tagung am Donnerstag im süditalienischen Sorrent zu Ende geht. "Die IWC-Tagungen sind längst ein Drahtseilakt für den Walschutz.“, erklärt Volker Homes, WWF-Artenschützer. Doch die aggressive Politik Japans könnte schon 2005 auf der IWC in Korea den Ausverkauf des Walschutzes einleiten. Die Zahl der Pro-Walfang-Länder in der Kommission ist seit dem Jahr 2000 von neun auf über 20 gestiegen - und Japan wird weiter mit allen Mitteln Verbündete werben. Angesichts dieser Entwicklung urteilt Homes: "Wenn die internationale Staatengemeinschaft nicht entschlossen handelt, droht in naher Zukunft die feindliche Übernahme der Kommission durch die Walfänger."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


The Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry

The main principles governing the pharmaceutical “business with disease.” It is not in the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent common diseases – the maintenance and expansion of diseases is a precondition for the financial growth of this industry.

1 The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry driven by the profits of its shareholders. Improving human health is not the driving force of this industry.

2 The pharmaceutical investment industry was artificially created and strategically developed over an entire century by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries.

3 The huge profits of the pharmaceutical industry are based on the patenting of new drugs. These patents essentially allow drug manufacturers to arbitrarily define the profits for their products.

4 The marketplace for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body – but only for as long as the body hosts diseases. Thus, maintaining and expanding diseases is a precondition for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry.

5 A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases.

This explains why most prescription drugs marketed today have no proven efficacy and merely target symptoms.

6 To further expand their pharmaceutical market, the drug companies are continuously looking for new applications (indications) for the use of drugs they already market. For example, Bayer’s pain pill Aspirin is now taken by 50 million healthy US citizens under the illusion it will prevent heart attacks.

7 Another key strategy to expand pharmaceutical markets is to cause new diseases with drugs. While merely masking symptoms short term, most of the prescription drugs taken by millions of patients today cause a multitude of new diseases as a result of their known long-term side effects. For example, all cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market are known to increase the risk of developing cancer – but only after the patient has been taking
the drug for several years.

8 The known deadly side effects of prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world, surpassed only by the number of deaths from heart attacks, cancer and strokes (Journal of the American Medical Association,April 15, 1998). This fact is no surprise either, because drug patents are primarily issued for new synthetic molecules.

All synthetic molecules need to be detoxified and eliminated from the body, a system that frequently fails and results in an epidemic of severe and deadly side effects.

9 While the promotion and expansion of diseases increase the market of the pharmaceutical investment industry - prevention and root cause treatment of diseases decrease long-term profitability; therefore, they are avoided or even obstructed by this industry.

10 Worst of all, the eradication of diseases is by its very nature incompatible with and diametrically opposed to the interests of the pharmaceutical investment industry. The eradication of diseases now considered as potential drug markets will destroy billions of investment dollars and eventually will eliminate this entire industry.

11 Vitamins and other effective natural health therapies that optimize cellular metabolism threaten the pharmaceutical “business with disease” because they target the cellular cause of today’s most common diseases - and these natural substances cannot be patented.

12 Throughout the more than one hundred year existence of the pharmaceutical industry, vitamins and other essential nutrients, with defined functions as cofactors in cellular metabolism, have been the fiercest competition and the greatest threat to the long-term success of the pharmaceutical investment business.

13 Vitamins and other effective natural health therapies that effectively prevent diseases are incompatible with the very nature of the pharmaceutical “business with disease.”

14 To protect the strategic development of its investment business against the threat from effective, natural and non-patentable therapies, the pharmaceutical industry has – over an entire century - used the most unscrupulous methods, such as:

(1) Withholding life-saving health information from millions of people.

It is simply unacceptable that today so few know that the human body cannot produce vitamin C and lysine, two key molecules for connective tissue stability and disease prevention.

(2) Discrediting natural health therapies. The most common way is through global PR campaigns organized by the Pharma-Cartel that spread lies about the alleged side effects of natural substances – molecules that have been used by Nature for millennia.

(3) Banning by law the dissemination of information about natural health therapies. To that end, the pharmaceutical industry has placed its lobbyists in key political positions in key markets and leading drug export nations.

15 The pharmaceutical “business with disease” is the largest deception and fraud business in human history. The product “health” promised by drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, the “products” most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death.

16) The survival of the pharmaceutical industry is dependent on the elimination by any means of effective natural health therapies. These natural and non-patentable therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world’s largest investment industry.

I would have given a link, or credit for this piece, but I have no idea where I got it from-- sorry.



Following link contains 3 more video clip reports on Mercury & Autism

CBS Evening News report "Mercury Rising" (June 12, 2004)

Dr. Leonard Horowitz - RENSE Radio - CBS News - Rep. Dan Burton R-Ind.
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27130&f=SLKJET&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

Mercury dangers, loss of rights through CODEX, a video about mercury

Rep. Dan Burton - Joyce Railey (Gulf War Vets) - Dr. Ann Blake Tracy
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27134&f=FSNHAO&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

More Evidence of Reported Ill Health in UK Gulf War Veterans


(click on each of 6 pictures to view)



Mercury dangers, loss of rights through CODEX, a video about mercury

I present this as the only explanations I can come up with as to why our children are being placed at risk by certain groups. Most may not accept or understand this...yet

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27135&f=LSRPBE&ps=7&p=1 (9 min)

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27137&f=ALGSPI&ps=7&p=1 (9 min)

http://www.drday.com/tumor.htm & www.drday.com
I placed her site here to make sure you click on the link that shows the tumor Dr. Day endured ... and dissolved.

"The Burzynski Breakthrough" -THOMAS D. ELIAS
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27144&f=MZXHOY&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

PATIENT'S TESTIMONIALS: http://www.burzynskipatientgroup.org/

Link to book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0938530666/ref=sib_int_redir/102-5985997-8661722?v=look-inside&s=books

Dr. Burzynski Clinic we site http://www.cancermed.com/ & http://www.cancermed.com/diseasestreated.htm &

Dr. JOSEPH GOLD - Head of Cancer Research @ Syracuse Unv.
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27140&f=KXZECK&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

Web site: http://scri.ngen.com/ & http://www.hydrazinesulfate.org/

Link to article: DEATH BY MEDICINE!

Informant: Jack Topel

Great Hoaxes and Conspiracies


Informant: Harry Mobley

Eliminate the Useless Eaters


Informant: Harry Mobley

Tap water can make you FAT


"Fluoride toxins can cause hypothyroidism, a disorder affecting the thyroid gland controlling weight" ...Dr B Durrant-Peatfield leading UK Thyroid specialist.

Yesterday's Daily Express (UK national) picked-up on Birmingham's Sunday Mercury article and published the artcle below.

Tap Water in Obesity Scare, pg 6

Tap water can make people fat and could be fueling obesity levels, a medicalexpert claimed yesterday.

Fluoride has been added in areas of England for 40 years to keep teeth healthy. But Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield said fluoride toxins can cause hypothyroidism, a disorder affecting the thyroid gland controlling weight.

He thinks children suffer if their mothers drank fluoridated water while pregnant and it could be to blame for obesity in the "fat zone" - the West Midlands.

Tap water can make you FAT, say experts - Jul 11 2004
By Caroline Wheeler, Sunday Mercury


Jane Jones Campaign Director National Pure Water Association

Informant: Planttrees

Iraq vets face increased trauma chance



Informant: Dian Davies

The Church of Bush


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Are you and your children guinea pigs?

GUINEA PIGS "R" US website now online

CHECK IT OUT -- Are you and your children guinea pigs???

Guinea pigs are adorable little animals. They can live relatively healthy lives between 5 and 8 years in "safe environmental conditions." Much of a guinea pig's biology is identical to that of a human.

The term "guinea pig" applies to humans in circumstances whereby they are exposed to toxic substances and/or unhealthy environmental situations that lead to health problems particularly when government and industry know that health effects may occur as result of chronic, prolonged exposures and knowledge in regard to possible harm is not shared with the people/public.

My family's story is long -- two grandsons with rare immune deficiencies who suffered for years with asthma, sinus and ear infections -- my husband has Alzheimers -- I have Type II diabetes --cumulatively, our family's list of health problems is 3 pages long!!!

We live only 50 ft. from two high voltage powerlines -- one 69kv transmission line and one 230kv transmission line plus local powerline of about 8kv. We provided daycare for our sick grandsons. Over many years, I have measured EMF's (electromagnetic fields) from about 2.0 milligauss to as high as 8.0 milligauss in our front entry and masterbedroom.

When our grandsons were diagnosed with "hypogammaglobulinemia" -- a description which means "low immune" -- there is no name for their 'disease' AND we were asked if children had died in our family PLUS being informed they may develop Leukemia, Lymphoma, stomach or colon cancers, we stopped caring for them in our home. The boys were deficient in IgG subclasses 1 and 3. We were also told that those particular deficiencies were not seen in children under age 10 whereas the boys were sick from infancy. I have research that indicates chronic, prolonged exposure to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) appears to be related to "aging."

As I said, the story is long, so I will just say that I later learned both boys were sleeping adjacent to "powerwalls" (walls opposite electric meters) in their respective homes. Bottom line: they were moved out of waterbeds and provided new beds with standard mattresses which were then placed against different walls in their bedrooms. Overall IgG testing confirmed significant improvement -- one boy was up 100 points and the other 204 points within five months of the bed changes!!!

Due to knowledge I acquired over many years that includes deliberate "minimizing of studies," "withholding of information," plus more on the part of government and industry, I decided to place a cage with pet guinea pigs against the "powerwall" in our own home -- the "exact spot" where our daughter (she has several rare and unusual health problems) slept from the age of five to about 18 years of age.

The whole story about the guinea pigs is very involved and long. They developed "asthma" soon after exposure and CBC's (complete blood counts including differentials) yielded results such as "hypersegmented neutrophils" (slowed DNA synthesis), neutropenia and lymphocytosis!!!! The symptoms confirmed their bone marrow had been affected and their blood tests indicated "pre-leukemic changes." I have a whole lot more very important information regarding those tests and necropsies but, for the sake of brevity, will add only that some four years later, I have one remaining guinea pig whose blood has improved to normal levels after being moved to the basement where milligauss readings have been in the range of 3.5mg to 4.5 mg lately. I do not advocate that those levels are "safe," however...........

The "1994 Minnesota Herd Study" (cows) by Dr. Duane Dahlberg, et al, found that cows subjected to various conditions frequently referred to as "stray voltage" developed neutropenia and lymphocytosis that was described as possibly "precancerous blood changes." While I was not aware of the "cow study" until after researching lab reports of CBC's from my guinea pigs, I also discovered "after-the-fact" that Dr. Andrew Marino of Louisiana State University had done a study on guinea pigs with identical results as that of the "cow study" and my guinea pig studies.

In addition to findings by the 1999 EMF RAPID Report that there is a connection between Leukemia in children and low levels of EMR (they also refer to "a weaker connection to adults and Leukemia in the workplace), the 2002 California EMF Report finds connections between brain cancer, Leukemia, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage to levels as low as 4.0 milligauss. There are ongoing studies particularly throughout the world while the U.S. Government continues to "keep the lid on the most important information!!!!"

I have a copy of a flyer that is no longer available from the American Cancer Society as well as a booklet put out by power companies themselves that recommends caution regarding chronic EMR exposure plus important information to share regarding personal contacts (they have given permission to use the information and/or their names) that is very, very important!!! Anyone who is experiencing any health effect whatsoever (from just poor sleep all the way to cancer) that might possibly be related to chronic electrical exposures should contact me for additional information.

I am compiling data that will soon be convincing enough to compel the Minnesota Environmental Health Department to take specific action in regard to informing the public of possible concerns regarding chronic EMR exposure. Because of the facts that exist regarding my family as well as my guinea pig studies, it is important to gather similar information and/or for those who are concerned, to "sort out" just which particular exposure might be the actual cause of health problems in question.

While I am "not an expert," I am nevertheless willing to help you decide whether or not you have a reason to be concerned and if so, am asking for your help in order to help others -- the providing of information and follow-up when you and/or your family find certain health problems disappear ......or continue, whichever the case may be. If it is determined that the high voltage powerlines rather than an electrical problem in the bedroom might be the cause of health problems, I can recommend steps to take as well as provide access to websites with more information, etc. Doctors are not researchers and they are not being told they should be advising their patients to be aware of certain circumstances re EMR that may be harmful.

Recently I was advised that the City of Andover (Minnesota) has five new Leukemia cases. The informant was concerned about the "corridor of high voltage powerlines" that run parallel to each other down Hanson Boulevard. Someone else told me there are two cases of Leukemia (in Andover) that are not close to those powerlines. It is vital that this information be presented to the Minnesota Department of Environmental Health in a certain way and NOT by individuals acting alone on behalf of their families!!!! That is what has allowed this situation to continue -- each person is told "sorry, but not enough evidence, etc........."

Best wishes for good health for you and your family!!!

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com



EMF/EMR and homeopathic remedies

Autism, Alzheimers are "literally exploding



Sarah: Thank you!!! My webmaster, Joe, has natural artistic talent and computer graphics training. He spent a lot of time searching various art/photographs available on the net.

Joe's selected a picture that to me, does an excellent job of representing all of the "unknown" -- the innocent children who should be growing up with their brains intact and not having to deal with chronic and serious health problems that occur because those in society with the political influence as well as those working in mainstream media, also industry, some charities, etc. who have the ability to promote widespread changes re EMF/EMR "toxic pollution" -- especially "chronic, prolonged bedroom exposures," are not doing their jobs.

Your own concern, dedication and efforts are yet another valuable contribution......all of this in spite of your electrosensitivity!!! Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com (7-23-07)

"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity....." --Mahatma Gandhi

NEW WEBSITE: http://guineapigsrus.org

Letter 7-22-04 by Joanne Mueller http://omega.twoday.net/stories/282050/

Schopenhauer: All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, finally it is accepted as self evident



You are most kind. What a ringing endorsement! Where can I hire this guy? You make me blush.

Thanks for all your tireless work in spreading the word on the dangers of EMFs and thanks for letting people know of the many ways to reduce exposure to EMFs in all their insidious forms. We need to learn how to use this technology more safely.

By the way, you might be interested in seeing some of the new postings I have put on my website on the two pages, "EMF Research Citations," and "Cell Phone and Radio Frequency Risks."

Take care.


Environmental Design and Inspection Services Creating Healthy New Homes and Providing Environmental Home Inspections, based upon Bau-biologie.

Oram Miller, BBEI Certified Building Biology Environmental Inspector PO Box 8063 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 Phone 952-412-0781 http://www.createhealthyhomes.com


EMF Issue.....


Usurping the Voters

by Peter M. Shane/

Monday, July 19, 2004; Page A17

We seem to be devoting a lot of time and energy in this summer of our discontent to thinking about things that could go wrong with the conduct of the November elections. Here's one you probably hadn't thought of.

Suppose that some of the electors -- the people who under our constitutional system conduct the /real/ presidential election some weeks after voters go to the polls -- aren't actually selected by the voters.

Impossible? Not if you give a close reading to the Supreme Court's decision in the case of /Bush v. Gore/, which finally settled the presidential election of 2000, if not to everyone's satisfaction. Under that decision, there is no guarantee that the electors who are decisive in choosing the next president of the United States will themselves be selected by the people of the United States. That's because the justices ruled in that case that state legislatures have unlimited authority to determine whether citizens in their respective states shall be allowed to vote for president at all.

"The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States," the court said, "unless and until the state legislature chooses a statewide election as the means to implement its power to appoint members of the Electoral College."

Imagine, now, a state in which the same party controls both houses of the legislature and the governor's office. There would presumably be no partisan impediment to the state legislature, with the governor's approval, deciding that the majority party in state government shall control the state's electoral vote, regardless of any popular vote in the state. If the Supreme Court's declaration is an accurate statement of the law, there would not be any legal impediment either.

The ordinary protection against this sort of usurpation is presumably the "outrage factor" -- the idea that no legislature would risk the wrath of the citizenry by usurping their right to vote. But in 2000, unfortunately, Florida demonstrated that legislators might well be willing to risk the outrage if they have a case, no matter how contestable, that the electors they are choosing actually do represent majority sentiment in the state.

In a similar spirit, it doesn't seem all that great a stretch to imagine that the legislature in one state would likewise risk provoking outrage if it thought it could justify its decision as retaliation against shenanigans in another state. For example, even if Republicans narrowly won New Mexico, the Democrat-controlled state government could decide to cast New Mexico's electoral votes for the Democratic candidate in retaliation against what might appear to be Republican election "irregularities" in another state.

This hardly seems less plausible than other breaches of conventional political behavior we have witnessed over the past quarter-century -- impeaching a president for lying about sex, for example.

What are the potential practical implications in 2004? One-party rule exists in 19 states, including four of the 10 states that the independent and well-respected political analyst Charlie Cook rates as "dead even." Republican state governments in Florida, New Hampshire and Ohio, and Democrats in New Mexico, could spare us all some electoral suspense and simply decide their respective states' electoral votes on their own. Such a move would give Democrats five of these contested votes and Republicans 51.

It ought to be unthinkable that a state legislature is authorized to usurp the people's role in choosing presidential electors. But unless the Supreme Court repudiates its dictum in /Bush v. Gore/, there is an entirely serious prospect that a capricious state government, Republican or Democratic, might seek to decide the presidential election by removing the choice from the voters. And there is probably not much that can be done to remedy this situation before the 2004 elections.

One hopes, of course, that for the time being, the outrage factor and common sense will still any move in state governments toward such hyper-partisanship. What's disquieting is the number of recent occasions on which neither common sense nor the prospect of citizen outrage was sufficient to elicit responsible leadership from those who govern us.

/The writer is a professor of law at Ohio State University./

© 2004 The Washington Post Company


Arthur Schopenhauer "In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell."

Justice Black. NYT v. US. 403 US 713 Warning: Pursuant to the USA/Patriot Act, passed by our congress in 2002 which is in effect until 2007, all electronic transmissions can now be read by federal and state law enforcement agencies. Remember the Miranda warnings "anything you say..." when sending email as NONE ARE PRIVATE since the passage of the USA/Patriot Anti-Free Speech/Anti-Civil Liberties Act.

Informant: Ken DeBusk

'Fahrenheit 9/11' Making GOP Nervous


The Tracker that means Big Mother is Watching


An error of supreme dimensions

by William Greider

The Nation


George W. Bush has confided to Bob Woodward that in shaping his plans for invading Iraq he relied on advice from a 'higher father,' not on Poppy Bush in Texas, the former President. Now we learn from advance news leaks that the 9/11 Commission has concluded from its investigation that it was Iran, not Iraq, that collaborated with Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorists before their attack on America. Oops. Have we gone to war against the wrong country? One assumes it was not the Almighty who confused the two nations. Maybe Bush suffered from a fuzzy connection in his prayer circuitry. So close to God, yet so distant from the truth. His mistake is not a joking matter, of course. It may be the most egregious example of how Bush's pious self-assurance led the United States into an ill-fated war with colossal misrepresentation of the facts...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fears of an electronic voting disaster

by Kareem Fahim

Village Voice


In the dank back room of an East Village bar, Teresa Hommel, assisted by a laptop and projector, fervently warned a gathering of Democrats last week that the Republican Party could steal the November election. Then she demonstrated how. Using a computer simulation she herself programmed, called the 'Fraudulent Voting Machine,' Hommel tried to show how the software in electronic voting machines, which will be used by as many as a third of American voters in the November election, could be manipulated to produce phony results. The program, which is available on Hommel's website, http://wheresthepaper.org , is simple enough ...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Spreading democracy

by Mary Lynn F. Jones

The American Prospect


It's a sad state of affairs when a lawmaker has to introduce a bill prohibiting other lawmakers from hacking into one another's computer files, bribing other members on the House floor, or calling the Capitol police to have another member removed from a room. But that's exactly what legislation being introduced this week by Rep. Carolyn Maloney does ... Rep. Martin Meehan is proposing legislation -- the Democracy in Congress Act of 2004 -- to allow votes to stay open for a maximum of 30 minutes. ... Republicans have abused this rule repeatedly, most recently on July 8, when they held open a vote for 38 minutes. That was enough time for GOP leaders to convince nine lawmakers to withdraw their support for the bipartisan amendment limiting Patriot Act invasions of Americans' reading habits, ensuring its defeat even as Democrats chanted, 'Shame, shame, shame...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It can happen here

by Jonathan David Morris

Strike the Root


Thank God Congress is there to protect us by renewing the Patriot Act. Thank God they have the guts to pass the WELOVEOURCOUNTRY and VOTEFORUS Acts as well. Soon the Department of Homeland Security issues a call for National ID cards, in compliance with WELOVEOURCOUNTRY. An 11-year-old submits the winning design. It's yellow and shaped like a star, and it weighs your thoughts like a mood ring. It turns orange and red if you're a threat to America. You wear it like a badge on your chest. Americans say, 'Let's give up some civil liberties, so we can live to enjoy the ones we keep....


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush may lose, but his war will go on and on

by John Ross



The war hangs like Coleridge's albatross around the President's neck, weighting him down, hunching him over. 'We did the right thing,' he repeats at every campaign stop but he keeps having this sinking feeling. ... Now the parents of dead G.I.s are beginning to attend his rallies to ask what it was their kids died for? John Kerry concurs wholeheartedly that 'we did the right thing' in Iraq -- both he and his running mate voted to allow Bush to invade that evil empire. ... John Kerry has no intention of tamping down the bloodshed in Iraq. What he wants instead is a better, cleaner, wider (a real multilateral coalition) war, a 'victory' to be followed by 'peace with honor.' Oops, sorry! Another Vietnam flashback...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Armed and dangerous

by James K. Galbraith



Yes, Bush is down, and he's behind in head-to-head matchups. But there is still time for an attack on our soil, a crisis overseas, or victory in the 'war on terror' to put him back in positive territory, at least for a while. Is this why we see administration pressure on Pakistan ... to deliver a 'high-value target' in the days immediately ahead? Is this why we see the vague but threatening terror warnings of recent weeks, including the absurd suggestion that November's voting might have to be postponed? I'm only asking. But these maneuvers do resemble the Republicans' tactics in 2002, when they rolled out the run-up to the Iraq War (White House chief of staff Andrew Card called it 'new product') before the election. If you haven't figured it out, abuse of power isn't something these people do. It's who they are... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush signs bill to prepare for chemical, germ weapons

Detroit Free Press


Warning that terrorists are seeking deadly technology, President Bush on Wednesday signed legislation to develop and stockpile vaccines and antidotes for chemical and germ weapons. The law, called Project BioShield, provides the drug industry with incentives to research and develop bioterrorism countermeasures...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US Underestimated War Costs by $12.3 Billion - GAO


Gray whale faces extinction over oil development, warns IWC


From Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 15, Issue 7

Women working for the environment

Feature: Women working for the environment

by K.L. Capozza
United Press International
Published 7/20/2004 11:57 AM


From Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 15, Issue 7

Fires pollute Amazon rainforest


Burning of the Amazon rainforest has made Brazil one of the world's top 10 polluters, raising pressure on the Government to curb destruction of the jungles.

The Government should publish within months a long-delayed inventory of Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions, which is expected to challenge the view that the Amazon serves as the "lungs of the world" by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Instead, it will show that a majority of Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming, come from smoke linked to deforestation, and not fossil fuels.


From Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 15, Issue 7

Strategy In Case Of Stolen Elections


Probe this cancer cluster in kids

by Robert Merrick, Daily Post

Jul 22 2004


FORMER UK environment minister Michael Meacher has demanded an independent probe into claims of a "cancer cluster" in North Wales children linked to nuclear power. The highly-respected Labour MP claimed controversial research, suggesting child leukaemia in the Menai Strait area is 28 times the UK average, had not been properly investigated.

The nuclear industry and the Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit have dismissed the findings. But Mr Meacher said two existing watchdogs did not have the muscle to do the job because they were not fully independent and should therefore be scrapped. Instead, he demanded a powerful committee with sufficient funds to launch independent inquiries and full-time civil service back-up.

The former minister's campaign is a big boost to research, published in February, which blamed the cancer cluster on the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria. Radiation expert Chris Busby, of Aberystwyth, said there were three cases of child leukaemia in Caernarfon in 2000-03, when in fact only 0.1 should have been expected. He also found at least five cases of brain and spinal tumours in the town since 1996 in children aged up to 14 - 18 times
the UK average. He concluded the "link between Sell-afield and excess childhood cancer is indisputable" after studying 34 wards around the Menai Strait.

When the research was released, by the environmental group Green Audit, it was dismissed by the nuclear industry as the latest attempt to discredit it. But, in a Commons motion, Mr Meacher insisted Dr Busby's research echoed other studies of cancer clusters dating back to 1983. A 1984 advisory group recommendation for centralised monitoring of health data to give "early warning" had never been adopted, Mr Meacher said.

Furthermore, the Small Area Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU) had "no power of independent investigation and did not find the excess leukaemia and cancer on the Menai Strait".

The same was true of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) which, Mr Meacher said, should also be axed.

Mr Meacher is a lifelong member of Friends of the Earth and a fierce opponent of nuclear power. In government, he fought to block the building of more nuclear power stations. Mr Meacher said COMARE acknowledged there were cancer clusters but refused to accept the
explanation "staring it in the face" - that they were caused by nuclear reprocessing.

British Nuclear Fuels spokesman Mark Longbottom said: "Our stance has always been the same as far as Dr Busby's claims are concerned which we view as being part of a long line of attempts by Green Audit to attack the nuclear industry."

Meanwhile Dr John Steward, director of the Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit in Cardiff, said the unit's findings had not found anything supporting Dr Busby's claims. "Nothing unusual has been found and there is nothing for the public to worry about," he said.

Email circular from the Low Level Radiation Campaign
22 July 2004


Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll
Montpellier Park
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44 (0)1597 824771

Warum werden die Grenzwerte nicht gesenkt?

Morgen- und Abendgebet unseres Kommunikationsministers, Bundesrat Leuenberger:

"Der Herr bewahre uns vor wissenschaftlichen Beweisen"

Brennende Fragen

Warum werden die Grenzwerte nicht gesenkt?

Warum werden vorhandene wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum Thema Mobilfunk nicht beachtet?

Warum sträuben sich die Politiker verschiedener Länder, endlich zuzugeben, was die elektromagnetische Strahlung dem Volk antut?

Antworten von Evi Gaigg, Vorstandsmitglied Gigaherz.ch vom 24.5.04

Verhängnisvolle Vereinbarungen

41 Staaten, darunter die Schweiz, haben mehrere zwischenstaatliche Abkommen unterschrieben und sich verpflichtet, die CEPT-Normen einzuführen, die unter Anderem auch die Regelungen und Grenzwerte über die Mobilfunkstrahlung enthalten, denen wir nun unterworfen sind.

Es sind dies:
Das Wiesbadener Abkommen
Das Chesseler Abkommen
Das Wiener Abkommen
Das Berliner Abkommen

Die Unterschriften wurden vom diplomatischen Corps völlig blauäugig geleistet, ohne zu hinterfragen, welch weitreichende Folgen, speziell gesundheitlicher Natur, auf Mensch und Tier zukommen werden. Denn in den Regierungen, im Bundesrat sitzen weder Physiker, noch Ärzte, noch Biologen.

Jetzt ist es auch erklärlich, warum unser Kommunikationsminister, Bundesrat Leuenberger, alle Briefe von Betroffenen dahingehend beantwortet, die Grenzwerte würden die Menschen genügend schützen, (obwohl sie eben das gerade nicht tun). Und es gebe noch keine wissenschaftlichen Beweise für die Schädlichkeit (obwohl es diese und genug Erfahrungen natürlich längst gibt).

Beweise sind absolut unerwünscht

Es dürfen um Himmels Willen ja keine Beweise auf den Tisch gelegt werden. Denn ein Ausstieg aus dem Mobilfunkwahnsinn, bzw. das Verlangen nach einer wirksamen Änderung der Grenzwerte, zöge für die Schweiz eine vertraglich geregelte Konventionalstrafe in mehrstelliger Milliardenhöhe nach sich und würde ausserdem für die Schweizer Mobilfunkbetreiber und alle damit verlinkten Industrien ein wirtschaftliches Desaster bedeuten.

Das erklärt,

warum die Grenzwerte ja nicht angetastet werden dürfen,

warum wissenschaftliche Beweise auf den St. Nimmerleinstag hinaus gezögert werden,

warum in der META-Studie des Instituts für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der UNI Basel von über 20 Studien die 13 beweiskräftigsten schlicht unterschlagen wurden. Ihr Inhalt ist so brisant, dass damit höchste Alarmstufe 3 ausgelöst würde. Dies allein schon darf als veritabler Skandal bezeichnet werden, zumal der Chef des Instituts, Prof. Felix Gutzwiller als Arzt, gemäss seines einmal abgelegten Ärztegelöbnisses, die Interessen der Gesundheit von Menschen wahrnehmen müsste und nicht jene der Industrie und der Politik. Die Politik, das wissen wir, ist in vielen Dingen ein dreckiges Geschäft, aber die Medizin müsste ein sauberes und ehrliches sein. Müsste jedenfalls.

warum Gerichte im Sinne des Bundesrates entscheiden (müssen) und dieser sich wiederum auf den Schiedsspruch der Gerichte beruft. Hier beisst sich die Katze buchstäblich in den Schwanz.

warum Bundesämter, z.B. das BUWAL und das BAG angewiesen werden, das Volk mit Broschüren, die in Zusammenarbeit mit den Mobilfunkbetreibern erstellt wurden, zu versorgen und zu beruhigen.

warum renommierte Wissenschafter, kurzerhand abgesetzt werden, wenn sie mit ihren Erkenntnissen den unterschriebenen Abkommen für die CEPT-Normen gefährlich werden. Beispiele aus verschiedenen Ländern liegen vor.

Jeder wissenschaftliche Beweis wäre für Bundesrat Leuenberger äusserst hinderlich, daher wird jede neue Studie von vornherein vorsorglich als nicht relevant erklärt und auf die Notwendigkeit immer neuer Studien verwiesen, deren Resultate irgendwann einmal vorliegen und selbstverständlich eben als nicht relevant in der Schublade verschwinden, sobald sie nicht genehme Ergebnisse bringen. Leuenberger ist Gefangener seiner eigenen Handlung, seiner Arglosigkeit, um es mal vorsichtig auszudrücken.

Wer jetzt von den Verantwortlichen die Konsequenzen ahnt, zappelt schon längst im Netz von wirtschaftlichen und finanziellen Verstrickungen und es ist ihm der Rückzug abgeschnitten.

Wie lange noch lässt sich das ganze Desaster verheimlichen?

Wir schätzen, nicht mehr lange. Denn wenn Menschen einem noch niemals auf diesem Planeten dagewesenen Feldversuch ausgesetzt werden, dann werden sogar Versuchskaninchen eines Tages zu wütenden Tigern. Alles, was auf unserer Erde lebt, wehrt sich: mit Klauen und Zähnen, mit Gift, mit Dornen und Stacheln. Glaubt jemand, der Mensch werde das einzige Lebewesen sein, das alles mit sich geschehen lässt? Der Mensch besitzt zum Glück die Intelligenz und beherrscht die Sprache und wird sich, solange es geht mit dem Verstand, dem Wort und mit legalen Mitteln wehren. Wohl gemerkt: solange es geht! Aber den Verantwortlichen, die mit dieser verhängnisvollen Vereinbarung dem Volk eine Zeitbombe gelegt haben, muss früher oder später klar werden: Das Mass ist voll, die Uhr tickt und die Lunte brennt.

Quelle: http://www.gigaherz.ch/775/

Omega siehe hierzu auch:
Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

Schweizer Anlagewerte

Schweizer Grenzwertlüge eindrücklich bestätigt

Die Schweizer Grenzwerte - Eine Mogelpackung erster Güte

Die Wende ist eingeläutet

Rig My Election, Please

Just how far will desperate Republicans go to trick America into another BushCo victory?...


Informant: Friends



Herr Weise hat auf seiner Website http://www.baubiologie-regional.de einen lesenswerten Bericht zur Vorstellung der "Naila-Mobilfunkstudie" am 21.7.04 veröffentlicht:

Vorweg gesagt, es war für Mobilfunkkritiker in der Frankenhalle des 8.500 Einwohner zählenden Städtchens in der Nähe von Hof eine Topveranstaltung !

Die vom ersten Bürgermeister Frank Stumpf unterstützte und moderierte Vortrags- und Diskussionsrunde hatte Interessengruppen aus ganz Bayern angezogen. Neben Vertretern von bayerischen Ministerien waren Kommunalvertreter, zahlreiche Bürgerinitiativen und mit Siegfried Zwerenz und Prof. Bucher auch prominente Mobilfunkkritiker mit von der Partie.

Einen arroganten und fast peinlichen Auftritt hatte Dr. Krenzer als Vertreter des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz in Augsburg. Krenzer begleitet gewöhnlich als offizieller Beschwichtiger Mobilfunkveranstaltungen von T-Mobile. Er versuchte hartnäckig alle Hinweise auf ein gesundheitliches Risiko von Mobilfunkbasisstationen im Keim zu ersticken.

Das Hauptreferat hielt der Sprecher der Nailaer Ärztegruppe Dr. med. Horst Eger. In einem optisch und inhaltlich beeindruckenden Vortrag führte er unter Einbindung von technischen Grundlagen und aktueller anderer Studien auf die Ergebnispräsentation hin.

Wissenschaftlich unterstützt wurde diese epidemiologische Studie von Prof. Frentzel-Beyme aus Bremen.

Wichtigstes Unterscheidungsmerkmal ist die Einteilung der ausgewählten Personen in einen Bereich innerhalb von 400 Meter um die Basisstation und einem Bereich außerhalb (ca. 400 bis 1000 m).

Die Ergebnisse und die studienbegleitenden Informationen sind der offiziellen Pressemitteilung der Ärztegruppe um Dr. Eger zu entnehmen:

"Im Anschluss an die Aufforderung des Präsidenten des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz, Wolfram König, an alle Ärzte aktiv an der Abschätzung des Risikos durch Mobilfunkstrahlung mitzuarbeiten, war das Ziel dieser Untersuchung zu prüfen, ob die Anwohner von Mobilfunkbasisstationen einem erhöhten Risiko für Neuerkrankungen an bösartigen Tumoren ausgesetzt sind.

Datengrundlage waren PC-gespeicherte und mit den Krankenkassen abgerechnete Patientenunterlagen der Jahre 1994 bis 2004. In die ohne Fremdmittel erstellte Studie wurden Angaben von 967 Patienten unter Wahrung des Datenschutzes aufgenommen. Die Fortführung in Form eines Register ist geplant.

Als Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass der Anteil von neu aufgetretenen Krebsfällen bei den Patienten, die während der letzten zehn Jahre in einem Abstand bis zu 400 Meter um die seit 1993 betriebene Mobilfunkbasisstation gewohnt hatten, gegenüber weiter entfernt lebenden Patienten signifikant höher war und die Patienten waren in durchschnittlich acht Jahre jüngerem Alter erkrankt.

Für die Jahre 1999 bis 2004 - also nach fünf Jahren Betriebszeit des Senders - hatte sich das relative Risiko an Krebs neu zu erkranken, für die näher an Sendestation lebende Bevölkerung im Vergleich zu der Gruppe im Nailaer Außenbereich verdreifacht.

Das Konzept dieser Pilotstudie ist einfach und jederzeit an all den Orten wiederholt werden, die jahrelang relativ isoliert von einer Sendeanlage bestrahlt werden.

Die Ärztegruppe vertraut auf die Handlungsfähigkeit der Behörden, mit Hilfe großer epidemiologischer Studien - nicht nur in Naila – das Risiko für die Gesamtbevölkerung sicherer abzuschätzen.

An der Studie beteiligt waren folgende Ärzte in alphabetischer Reihenfolgen: Horst Eger, Klaus Uwe Hagen, Birgitt Lukas, Peter Vogel, Helmut Voit."

Der Vortrag kann als CD-Rom von der Stadt Naila zum Preis von 10 Euro bezogen werden.

Autor: Joachim Weise, Baubiologe (IBN)

Quelle: http://www.baubiologie-regional.de/eine_news.php3?nNewsID=243

Nachricht von Reinhard Rückemann



Omega: dazu der TV-Bericht in "quer" vom 22.7.04

Die Naila-Mobilfunkstudie

Die Naila-Studie

Die Naila-Studie

Präsentation zur Naila Studie

Eger H, Hagen KU, Lucas B, Vogel P, Voit H.
„Einfluß der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz“
Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 2004(4):326-332
Herausgeber: IGUMED (Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Umweltmedizin), ÖAB (Ökologischer Ärztebund), DBU (Deutscher Berufsverband der Umweltmediziner), DGHUT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Humantoxikologie).

Pilotstudie aus Naila

Alarmierende Mobilfunk-Studie

Naila-Studie erhärtet Krebsverdacht von Mobilfunk

Krebs-Risiko doppelt so hoch?

Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz

Petition von Naila

’Naila-Studie’ sollte an anderen Orten wiederholt werden

Die Belastung die bei uns ankommt ist wichtig

US states open legal front in battle on global warming


Informant: NHNE

Whalers trying to silence IFAW


If we don't act right now to make sure the International Whaling Commission (IWC) continues to protect whales, oceans will turn red with the blood of these gentle giants.

As I write to you from the front lines of the IWC meeting in Italy, the IFAW team is fighting a fierce battle for the future of whales.

By offering multi-million dollar fisheries grants to economically weak countries in exchange for pro-whaling votes, Japan is attempting to undo more than thirty years of whale conservation. But thanks to you, we've blown the Japanese vote-buying scandal wide open.

Last week you sent more than 8,000 faxes and emails to new IWC member country Tuvalu, letting the Prime Minister know that the living beauty of whales has a much higher value than their meat.

Our efforts are making headlines, but Japan is fighting back. This morning they asked the IWC to remove IFAW from the IWC meeting - instead of apologizing for their behavior, they are trying to silence the truth.

IFAW is pushing for a full and open discussion of the vote buying issue at the IWC, but we need your help . Japan is spending millions and this will be a long fight. We need to continue collecting evidence and keep IFAW staff on the front lines.

Who can ever forget the magnificent sight of a whale bursting through the air, or its soulful underwater glide? Whales symbolize our connection to the mysteries of nature - and each whale we lose is irreplaceable.

As of today .... the IWC vote remains perilously close. And if Japan gains a majority of IWC votes, it means certain disaster for the world's whales. That's why we need your help right now .

So please give what you can TODAY , before more whale songs are silenced.

For the Whales,

Fred O'Regan
President and CEO

P.S. If you think we already saved the whale ... think again. Over 25,000 whales have been killed since the 1986 worldwide moratorium (ban) on whaling. Please help us stop the unnecessary killing of endangered whale:




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