
Torture as Due Process

After 9/11, the word of the president was supposedly the only protection that the rights and liberties of the American people needed. After 9/11, President Bush granted himself unlimited, unchecked power over anyone in the world suspected of being a terrorist...


From Information Clearing House

Maltreated children in the torture-prison

"Report Mainz" vom 5. Juli 2004 - [English translation]


German news video

Informant: Global Network

Melting ice: the threat to London's future


Informant: NHNE

Hidden Prisons: U.S. Maintaining Global Network of Secret Detention Facilities


Informant: kevcross5

Stoppt Steuerklau - Stoppt Vodaklau

Es ist ein Skandal: International operierende Konzerne machen Milliardengewinne, zahlen ihren Managern Millionen an Bezügen und Prämien, drücken sich aber durch Tricksereien riesigen Ausmasses ums Steuernzahlen. Und das nicht nur bei uns in Deutschland, sondern weltweit.

Attac hat eine bundesweite Kampagne gegen den dreisten Steuerklau großer Konzerne gestartet. Auf der Vodaklau-Homepage sind Fakten und Hintergründe, Aktionsideen und Pressestimmen, Aktionsberichte und Argumente zum Fall Vodafone zusammengestellt: http://www.attac.de/vodaklau/

Macht alle mit und zeigt dem Konzern die Rote Karte!

1. Aktiviert den Mailomaten und schickt dem Vodafone Vorstand eine Protest-Mail: http://www.attac.de/vodaklau/alle/mail.php

2. Bestellt die Serie von Protestpostkarten und Plakaten, auf denen der Zusammenhang zwischen Steuertricks und leeren öffentlichen Kassen sehr anschaulich dargestellt ist, auch zum Weiterverteilen.

3. Bitte leitet diese E-Mail an FreundInnen und Bekannte weiter.

4. Außerdem suchen wir Menschen, die ihren Vertrag mit Vodafone gekündigt haben für eine öffentlichkeitswirksame Aktion - meldet euch bitte bei handtmann@attac.de.

Der Schneeball des Protests muss ins Rollen kommen - die Menschen müssen es nicht widerstandslos hinnehmen, mit den Folgen der Steuerflucht großer Konzerne zu leben. Breiter öffentlicher Druck ist immer noch das erfolgreichste Mittel um Veränderungen herbeizuführen!

Vielen Dank fürs Mitmachen und Weiterleiten!

Vodafreie Grüße, Stephanie Handtmann


Stephanie Handtmann
Gruppen- und Aktionsunterstützung
Attac Bundesbüro * Münchener Str. 48 * 60329 Frankfurt
Tel. 069 - 900 281 22 * Fax 069 - 900 281 99
E-Mail: handtmann@attac.de

Informationen zum Stand der Dinge

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

Ihr habt entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass die Aktion gegen den Vodaklau eine so große öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit erlangt hatte. Über 33.500 Protestmails sind bei Vodafone eingegangen. Wir haben, wie Ihr sicher wisst, am 13. Oktober 2004 über 10 000 Protestkarten im Bundesfinanzministerium in Berlin überreichen können. Es war die bisher größte Kampagne von Attac. Für diese riesengroße Beteiligung bedanken wir uns sehr herzlich.

Es war zu erwarten, dass das durchaus große Medieninteresse nach und nach erlahmen würde. Von der Übergabe der Protestkarten an das Bundesfinanzministerium wurde noch bundesweit in den Zeitungen berichtet. Seither hat es weitere Protestaktionen in den Regionalgruppen gegeben. So hat beispielsweise Attac - Nürnberg im November 2004 ca. 20 öffentliche und kirchliche Stellen, Parteien und die Gewerkschaften in Nürnberg angeschrieben und aufgefordert, ihre Verträge mit Vodafone zu kündigen.

Vorläufiges Ergebnis:
- PDS und Grüne Stadtratsfraktion kündigen.
- ver.di und die SPD haben keine Verträge.
- Der Zuständige aus dem Hochbauamt (verantwortlich für den Mobilfunk der Stadt Nürnberg) fand die Aktion super und hätte gekündigt, wenn sie Verträge gehabt hätten.
- Die Oberfinanzdirektion hat Vodafone-Verträge und kann sie wegen eines Wettbewerbsgesetz nicht kündigen.

Am 16.12.04 gab Attac-Nürnberg zu dieser Aktion und ihrem Ergebnis eine Presseerklärung heraus. In Bremen wurden Mitte Januar 2005 alle Dienststellen und Behörden angeschrieben mit der Bitte, alle Vodafone-Verträge zu kündigen. Den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern Bremens wurde das in einer Verteilaktion mitgeteilt. Nun warten die Bremer Attaci auf Reaktionen.

Das sind nur zwei von vielen Aktionen in den Regionalgruppen bundesweit. Davon wurde natürlich nur in den Regionalblättern berichtet. Solche Aktionen sind weiterhin sehr sinnvoll. Wir sollten zeigen, dass wir nicht locker lassen, diesen schweren Fall von versuchter Steuervermeidung anzuprangern, und ihn scheitern zu lassen.

Es ist uns auch gelungen, diese unsere Protestaktionen mit einer positiven Forderung zu verbinden: der Einführung einer Solidarischen Einfachsteuer. Dies von Attac und Verdi entwickelte Konzept einer grundlegenden solidarischen Steuervereinfachung, dem auch die IG-Metall beigetreten ist und das im wesentlichen auch von der IG- Bau, Agrar und Umwelt unterstützt wird, würde den Steuerklau von Vodafone und anderen verhindern. Viele Attac Gruppen vor Ort haben dies Konzept mittlerweile in öffentlichen Veranstaltungen vorgestellt und vertreten. Seine wesentlichen Inhalte finden sich inzwischen auch in den steuerpolitischen Vorschlägen von PDS, Bündnis 90 die Grünen und in Papieren der SPD-Linken wieder.

Attac hatte Vodafone für den Public Eye Awards 2005 in der Kategorie „Steuern“ – nominiert. Bereits zum sechsten Mal fand parallel zum Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) in Davos eine „Public Eye“-Veranstaltung statt. Kandidaten sind WEF-Mitglieder und andere Konzerne, welche sozial und ökologisch verantwortliches Verhalten vermissen lassen. Die „Public Eye Awards“ werden in den Kategorien Menschenrechte, Arbeitsrechte, Umwelt und Steuern vergeben. Den Preis gewonnen hat allerdings KPMG International nominiert von: Tax Justice Network. Seit Jahren entwickelt die Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgruppe KPMG ständig neue Steuersparmodelle und ermuntert ihre Kunden zu aggressiven Steuervermeidungspraktiken. 500 Modelle hat KPMC entwickelt. Vier von diesen bringen den USA einen jährlichen Steuerausfall von 85 Mrd. US$. Link:

In einem Buch: Carl Amery (Hrsg.) Briefe an den Reichtum, Luchterhand Literaturverlag, finden wir den Brief des Journalisten Harald Schumann an den seinerzeitigen Vorstandvorsitzenden Gent, in dem es heißt: „Nein, Sie sind eine Berühmtheit, weil Sie sich große Verdienste um diese Republik erworben haben, Herr Gent. Denn Sie haben mehr zur Aufklärung über die Akteure und Methoden des globalisierten Shareholder-Value-Kapitalismus beigetragen als das ganze Heer der Wirtschaftsexperten, das täglich die Zeitungsspalten und Sendeminuten füllt.“ Dieser wirklich lesenswerte Brief wurde im Tagesspiegel vorabgedruckt und kann auch auf folgender Seite online gelesen werden: http://www.attac.de/vodaklau/gentbrief.php

Der Fall Vodafone ist also nicht vergessen, wiewohl es öffentlich um ihn ruhig geworden ist. Das zuständige Finanzamt hat den Fall Vodafone immer noch nicht entschieden. Die Entscheidung fällt ihm wohl schwer, weil der Fall so spektakulär ist – nicht zuletzt wegen unseren Aktionen. An diesen Fall ist ja auch die Grundsatzentscheidung geknüpft, was abgeschrieben werden darf und was nicht.

In der Süddeutschen Zeitung konnten wir am 16. Februar 2005 lesen:
"Wir gehen davon aus, dass es noch mehrere Monate dauert, bis das Finanzamt über unsere Steuererklärung für das Jahr 2001 entscheidet", sagte ein Sprecher von Vodafone auf Anfrage der SZ. Die Betriebsprüfung dauere an. Ein Sprecher der Oberfinanzdirektion Düsseldorf sagte lediglich, den Angaben von Vodafone habe er "nichts hinzuzufügen", und berief sich im Übrigen auf das Steuergeheimnis. Zeitpunkt und Inhalt der Entscheidung unterliegen tatsächlich dem Steuergeheimnis. Wir sind aber sicher, dass irgendetwas durchsickert. Ja nach Entscheidung wird Attac reagieren.

Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner


Members of the Klamath Tribes plan to protest outside a congressional field hearing regarding the Endangered Species Act because their tribal chairman was not included on a list of witnesses," according to the Associated Press, 7/12. The House Resources Committee will hold a hearing on the Endangered Species Act in Klamath Falls, Oregon this Saturday.

"The committee will be considering laws and regulations that profoundly affect tribal resources. We must speak on behalf of the tribal fisheries that have been decimated by reckless resource management in violation of our federal treaty rights, " said Allen Foreman, chairman of the Klamath Tribes. Tribes in the Klamath River basin "have fishing rights for endangered Lost River and shortnose sucker fish and threatened coho salmon.

Informant: Earth First!

Danger in the air: Children are the subjects of an uncontrolled industrial emissions experiment, experts fear

Charlie Fidelman

CanWest News Service

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

MONTREAL - An increase in childhood cancers, diseases, birth defects, lower intelligence, and learning and behavioural problems could be linked to industry emissions of thousands of chemicals in North America, according to a draft report by the Commission for Environmental Co-operation.

But the report on these links -- which have been cited for years -- does not say what specifically puts children at higher risk. After tracking annual industry emissions in Canada, Mexico and the United States, the report by the Montreal-based organization is clear about increased risk of disease from pollution in air, water and soil, but warns that such data are only part of the picture.

The report does not draw a direct cause-and-effect link, but the commission was not trying to protect the industry, said pediatrician Lynn Goldman, lead author of the 90-page draft of A Special Report on Toxic Chemicals and Children's Health in North America. "We just put the facts out there," said Dr. Goldman, a professor of environmental health sciences at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.

It is next to impossible, for example, to determine whether children living next to a hazardous-waste management plant are being exposed to pollutants from that site or other sources, she said. "We have this great [industry emission] data, but they don't have a way of connecting that with levels of exposure in children's bodies," Dr. Goldman said.

For example, an independent study in the United States found pesticide residues in blood and urine of children who did not live in polluted areas. And experts differ on issues such as cancer trends, she said.

"The public should know that although we know children are at risk, we don't really know what's in the environment and what it's doing to them," she said. "The report raises more questions than answers." Lead, mercury, PCBs and dioxins are known carcinogens, developmental toxins and neurotoxins, said Kathy Cooper, senior researcher for the Canadian Environmental Law Association, which contributed to the report.

Although these are now heavily regulated or banned outright, they are still among the top pollutants. And there are many new chemicals -- about 33,000 substances in commercial use -- of unknown toxicity, she said. "Most have not been evaluated for their effect on children," Ms. Cooper said.

The situation is similar for pesticides. About 70% of pesticides that got government approval decades ago are now slated for retesting by looking at exposure and children, she said.

The most troubling "toxic trespassers" are the persistent chemicals that accumulate in the food chain. Persistent chemicals do not easily break down in the environment.Small amounts at the wrong moment can lead to lifelong disorders. Even low levels of lead and mercury can stunt brain development in a fetus or young infant.

Society is conducting a vast, uncontrolled experiment, experts warn, and children are the experimental subjects.

For example, wood decks, fences and playgrounds are often made with wood treated with arsenic -- a known neurotoxin. According to Canadian Institute of Child Health statistics, cancer in Canadian children under age 15 increased by 25% during the past 25 years. And about 12% of children have asthma -- related to air pollution. A further 29% of children under age 11 have learning or behavioural problems.

The commission's draft report tracked public data on pollutants that are released into air, water and soil -- based on industry-provided information required by governments in Canada, the United States and Mexico.

The report suggests the data tends to underestimate the actual load of chemicals in the environment. That is simply the "tip of the iceberg," it warns.

While it only looked at industry sources, children are also exposed to all sorts of things in their own homes. For example, fire-retardant chemicals (which are similar to PCBs) can be found in everything from televisions to baby pyjamas, and are now turning up in breast milk.

Children are particularly sensitive because of their size and activity levels. Their developing kidneys and livers are less capable of breaking down toxins. The report clearly states that exposure to toxic chemicals contributes to increases in such childhood diseases as asthma, leukemia, brain cancer, birth defects and learning, behavioural and developmental disabilities.

The Canadian Chemical Producers' Association -- which represents more than 70 chemical manufacturers accounting for more than 90% of chemical manufacturing operations in Canada -- has said the report is flawed. They did not return calls.

But other groups preparing a response to the draft version are applauding the call for more research, education and better regulatory policies.

The commission is assembling a panel of scientists to polish the report for a year-end release, Vic Shantora, head of the CEC's pollution and health program, said. "We're trying to get best information ... and how it impacts on children's health and bring that to the public's attention," Mr. Shantora said.

(The Gazette)


© National Post 2004

Informant: Deborah Barrie

Sick Gulf Veterans 'Made to Feel Like the Enemy'


Informant: Davey Garland

God Told Me to Strike

Fiery Hell on Earth, Pt. 4

In this series (see Rachel's #792, #793, #794), I am trying to
discover reasons why the U.S. is pursuing contradictory and
seemingly self-destructive nuclear policies, including:

(1) President Bush stresses again and again that the two
greatest dangers facing the U.S. are the spread of nuclear
materials and know-how into the hands of (a) terrorists and (b)
erratic and belligerent countries.

(2) Meanwhile Vice-President Cheney and the Commerce Department
are promoting the sale of nuclear power plants around the world
even though it is widely acknowledged that nuclear power
provides a sure path to nuclear weapons for any country so
inclined. Witness the recent experience of India, Pakistan,
North Korea and Iran.

(3) President Bush has initiated a "second nuclear age,"
ordering up a new generation of small atomic bombs which are
needed because they are "more usable" than older, larger
A-bombs. And Mr. Bush has announced provocative new war
policies, including the threat of pre-emptive nuclear strikes
against America's enemies, even enemies without nuclear arms.

(4) Meanwhile the U.S. is deliberately dragging its feet in
efforts to secure thousands of loose nuclear weapons in
countries of the former Soviet Union, and is failing to
retrieve tons of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that were
given or lent to 40 or more countries under the "atoms for
peace" program begun by President Eisenhower.

It's as if U.S. leaders -- or the political supporters to whom
they are beholden -- believe that the rogue detonation of a
nuclear device in some key city like Jerusalem or even New York
is inevitable and can't be stopped, or perhaps might even be
beneficial in some way and therefore should be enabled.

In Rachel's #794, we examined half a dozen hypotheses that
might explain the deep inconsistencies in U.S. policies toward
rogue nuclear detonations. I don't think we can rule out any of
these hypotheses. To one degree or another, all of them may be
affecting President Bush's nuclear policies.

However, to me the most compelling hypothesis, the one with the
broadest explanatory power, is this: certain fundamentalist
Christian leaders within the U.S. say they believe that World
War III is inevitable (some even say desirable) because it is
part of God's plan, and those same Christian leaders control
the political agenda of the Republican Party, which in turn
controls the Congress and the Executive Branch.

These fundamentalist Christian leaders are, therefore, in the
best position to promote the spread of nuclear technologies
abroad, and to slow U.S. efforts to retrieve and secure
weapons-grade nuclear materials. Many of them also preach that
a fiery conflagration is required to defeat the armies of the
Antichrist and thus usher in Christ's thousand-year reign of
peace. This hypothesis, and its attendant theology, also may
clarify some of President Bush's other policies, such as those
on taxation, science, education, women's issues, Middle East
policy, and the environment.

This is a complicated story and I must emphasize at the outset
that it is not a story about Christianity or about
fundamentalist Christians or about Republicans. This is a story
about a few fundamentalist Christian leaders who decided 20
years ago to take "working control" of the Republican Party,
and a few Republican political strategists who sought the
support of fundamentalist Christians to increase the numerical
strength of the Republican Party.[1]

By 1994, both groups had succeeded -- fundamentalist Christians
had gained working control of the Republican Party, and the
Republican Party had achieved electoral majorities that would
have been impossible without the organized support of Christian
fundamentalists and their evangelical followers.

Christian fundamentalists first appeared on the national
political scene when the Reverend Jerry Falwell and the
Reverend Tim LaHaye organized the Moral Majority in 1979-80.
Ten years later the Reverend Pat Robertson formed the Christian
Coalition for the purpose of influencing state and national
elections. In 1992, he told the Denver Post, "We want as soon
as possible to see a majority of the Republican Party in the
hands of pro-family Christians."[2] By 1994, the Coalition had

The Christian Coalition rates members of Congress according to
their votes on issues, giving us a way to measure the influence
of conservative Christians within the Republican Party. Here
are the ratings of the 10 most powerful Republicans in the U.S.
House of Representatives. (Following each person's Christian
Coalition [CC] rating, I have added the person's rating by the
League of Conservation Voters [LCV] to show how Republican
Christian leaders vote on environmental matters.)

House Speaker Dennis Hastert (Ill.): CC: 100%, LCV: no data;
Majority Leader Tom Delay (Tex.): CC: 100%, LCV: 0%; Majority
Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.): CC: 92%, LCV: 0%; Chief Deputy Whip Eric
Cantor (Va.): CC: 100%, LCV: 0%; Republican Conference Chair
Deborah Price (Ohio) CC: 58%, LCV: 4%; Republican Conference
Vice-Chair Jack Kingston (Ga.): CC: 100%, LCV: 0%; Republican
Conference Secretary John Doolittle (Calif.): CC: 100%, LCV:
0%; Republican Policy Committee Chair Christopher Cox (Calif.):
CC: 100%, LCV: 14%; National Republican Congressional Committee
Tom Reynolds (N.Y.): CC: 92%, LCV: 18%; Chairman of the
Republican National Leadership Rob Portman (Ohio): CC: 100%,
LCV: 18%.

And here are the Christian Coalition (CC) and League of
Conservation Voters (LCV) ratings for the 7 most powerful
Republicans in the U.S. Senate: Majority Leader Bill Frist
(Tenn.): CC: 100%, LCV: 0%; Assistant Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell (Ky.): CC: 100%, LCV: 4%; Republican Conference Chair
Rick Santorum (Pa.): CC: 100%, LCV: 4%; Republican Conference
Vice Chair Kay Hutchinson (Tex.): CC: 100%, LCV: 4%; Republican
Policy Committee Jon Kyl (Ariz.): CC: 100%, LCV: 4%; National
Republican Senatorial Committee George Allen (Va.): CC: 100%,
LCV: 0%.[3]

This tally clearly reveals the power of fundamentalist
Christians to control the agenda of the Republican Party, and
their consistent hostility to environmental protection.

President Bush is now entirely beholden to evangelical
Christian leaders because evangelicals provided about 40% of
the votes cast for Mr. Bush in 2000, according to the New York
Times.[4] As Newsweek said in 2003, evangelical Christians now
"form the core of the Republican Party.... Bible-believing
Christians are Bush's strongest backers and turning them out in
even greater numbers is the top priority of the president's
political adviser Karl Rove."[5]

The Republican Party, and the Bush family, discovered the
importance of the evangelical vote in 1988 when George H.W.
Bush (father of current President Bush) was running for
president. According to Doug Weed, political advisor to both
father and son, in the 1988 presidential election, "We lost as
we always do the Jewish vote, the Hispanic vote and all those
folks. We lost the Catholic vote. We were the first modern
presidency to win an election -- and it was a landslide -- and
not win the Catholic vote." Mr. Weed goes on, "[In 1988] the
message did come home -- by God, you could win the White House
with nothing but evangelicals, if you could get enough of 'em,
if you could get 'em all."[6]

George W. Bush and the Republican Party have been wooing,
relying on, and taking direction from, evangelical leaders ever

The mass media tend to use the label "evangelical" when
referring to all fundamentalist Christians, as if all
evangelicals were fundamentalists. They are not. Furthermore,
the media assume that all evangelicals share one set of
political and theological beliefs. This is another serious
error. There is a very broad spectrum of political and
theological beliefs among evangelicals -- at least 10% are
liberals.[8] An estimated 15% of evangelicals are
African-Americans and, of those, 75% are staunch Democrats.[9]
However, among the fundamentalist Christians who have taken
working control of the Republican Party, the spectrum of
beliefs is much, much narrower and definitely not liberal.

What is fundamentalism?

Religious historian George W. Marsden begins his book,
Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism, this way: "A
fundamentalist is an evangelical who is angry about
something."[10] The Reverend Jerry Falwell has on occasion used
Marsden's definition to describe himself and his millions of
followers. Fundamentalists are pugnacious evangelicals who are
willing to take a stand and fight against liberal theology,
changing cultural values, and secular humanism. Fundamentalists
are very clear about their goals. They see themselves as
Christian soldiers engaged in a "culture war," a crusade
against the dominant liberal culture, which they consider evil.
Their stated goal is to win the culture war and to impose what
they believe are Christian standards of behavior on
everyone, in sum, a theocracy.[11]

In sum, the goal of fundamentalist Christian leaders is to take
dominion over American society -- a goal that the Reverend Pat
Robertson stated explicitly as early as 1984.[12]

Christian fundamentalist leaders are much further along toward
their goal of dominion than most people realize. They control
the Congress and the White House, and they are now working
methodically to take over the courts. Perhaps because religious
beliefs are considered to be a private matter in the U.S., the
mass media have largely ignored this, the most important
political story of our time.

Evangelicals tend to hold a common set of core beliefs,
including these:

(1) the Bible is the infallible ("inerrant") word of God;

(2) the salvation of lost and sinful people (which includes all
humans at birth) is only possible through regeneration by the
Holy Spirit -- a deeply personal experience of being "saved"
that many liken to being "born again" at the moment when they
accept Christ into their hearts;

(3) all who do not accept Christ as their personal savior
(including Muslims, Jews, atheists and agnostics, Hindus,
Buddhists, and all other non-Christians) will be resurrected
into damnation when they die and will spend eternity suffering
unspeakable agonies in the fires of hell;

(4) Because the stakes are so high, those who have been saved
by accepting Christ into their hearts have an obligation to try
to persuade others to accept Christ by spreading the "gospel,"
which is also called the "good news." (The word
"evangelicalism" comes from the Greek word evangelion, meaning
"the good news.")

(5) Christ will eventually return to Earth in power and glory.

Within the group of all evangelicals, there is a somewhat
smaller group called "premillenial dispensationalists" or more
commonly, "rapture Christians." They accept the five basic
tenets described above, and more.

What Do Dispensationalist Leaders Believe?

Dispensationalist leaders believe that before Christ returns to
Earth he will physically transport to heaven ("rapture") all
those who have been saved, whether they be dead or still
living. As the Reverend Billy Graham wrote in 1984, "The day is
fast approaching when Jesus Christ will come back to 'snatch
away' His followers from all the graveyards of the world, and
those of us who are alive and remain will join them in the
great escape!"[13]

The rapture entered U.S. evangelical theology in the 1860s and
has been widely accepted since then.[14] Today
dispensationalist views are taught at over 200 institutions of
higher learning, such as the Dallas Theological Seminary, the
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Moody Bible
Institute. Dispensationalist views are also reflected in the
notes accompanying popular study Bibles, such as the Schofield
Reference Bible and the Ryrie Study Bible.

The vast majority (perhaps all) of the evangelical leaders
visible on the political scene now are dispensationalists. The
Reverend Jerry Falwell boasts that he can mobilize 70 million
dispensationalists (36% of all U.S. adults); others say the
true number of dispensationalists is no more than 40 million
(20% of all adults).[15] Either number is politically
significant because only 50.99 million people voted for Al Gore
in 2000 and even fewer voted for George W. Bush.

Dispensationalist leaders believe the rapture will be followed
by a seven-year period of "tribulation" during which those who
are "left behind" (not raptured) will be afflicted with
terrible calamities including earthquakes, locusts, scorpions
and boils. During the tribulation, everyone left behind will
have another chance to accept Jesus into their hearts.
Dispensational leaders believe the tribulation years will see
mounting chaos, crime, blasphemy, adultery, homosexuality and
other evidence of moral decay. During this period, the
Antichrist, a diabolical dictator, will appear, offering
solutions to all the world's problems. The Antichrist will try
to organize a one-world government something like the United
Nations or perhaps the World Trade Organization.

At the end of the seven-year tribulation, Christ will lead his
armies of compassion against the Antichrist's armies of
evil-doers in the cataclysmic battle of Armageddon, after which
Christ will reign over the Earth during a thousand years of
peace (the millenium).

Based on their reading of the Book of Revelation in the Bible,
dispensationalist leaders believe that the "end times," leading
to the millenium, must unfold in a particular sequence.

First, the Jews must return to, and take control of, the
"covenant lands" -- lands given by God to the children of
Abraham, as recorded in Genesis 15:18. Then a temple must be
built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which happens to be
occupied today by the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a shrine that Muslims
believe is among the two or three most sacred spots on
earth.[16, pg. 109] After the Mosque is removed, the temple
will be built and animals will be sacrificed within it. Then
the rest of the "end times" can unfold -- the rapture, the
tribulation, the Antichrist, Armageddon, and the thousand years
of peace.[17, pgs. 88-116]

Many dispensationalist leaders believe that the end times were
set in motion by the creation of Israel in 1948 and were
accelerated by the six-day Arab-Israeli war of 1967 in which
Israel doubled the territory it controls by occupying
Palestinian lands known as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

However, according to Genesis, the "covenant lands" stretch
from the Euphrates River (in central Iraq) eastward to "The
River of Egypt" which dispensational leaders interpret to mean
the Nile. If you look at a map, you can see that the existing
state of Israel -- even if you include the occupied territories
of the West Bank and Gaza -- does not presently encompass
anywhere near all the "covenant lands." So some Christian
fundamentalist leaders, such as Tom DeLay, the Republican
majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, insist
that Arabs and others should be forcibly removed from those
lands to make way for Christ's return. A year ago, when
President Bush proposed his "road map" plan that could
eventually create an independent Palestinian state on a portion
of the covenant lands, Mr. DeLay made a special trip to Israel
to stir up opposition to the "road map."[18] Mr. Bush
subsequently stopped promoting his peace plan.

Israeli occupation of the "covenant lands" is exceedingly
important to Christian dispensationalist leaders. For example,
the 1967 Arab-Israeli war was a turning point in the life of
the Reverend Jerry Falwell. According to his biographers, prior
to 1967 Mr. Falwell said he believed preachers had no business
in politics. But Mr. Falwell saw the rapid victory of the
Israelis in the "six day war" of 1967 war as clear evidence of
"the intervention of God Almighty."[17, pg. 72] Mr. Falwell
soon visited Israel to meet Menachim Begin, then leader of the
convervative Likud Party, and subsequently energized a powerful
political movement in the U.S. known as "Christian Zionism" --
Christians eager to help Israel take and maintain control over
the convenant lands, as a necessary step toward the second
coming of Christ.

The Reverend Mr. Falwell is on record saying that Israel should
seize portions of present-day Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan, plus all of Lebanon, Jordan and
Kuwait.[17, pg. 141] An effort to forcibly remove tens of
millions of Muslims from their homelands would almost certainly
lead to World War III but there are many in the U.S. who might
say, "Bring it on." Shortly after 9/11, neoconservative
polemicist Ann Coulter wrote in the National Review, "We should
invade their countries, kill their leaders and Christianize
them."[19] The Reverend Mr. Falwell himself asserts that God
favors war: "God is pro-war," he reportedly said earlier this
year.[20] Other fundamentalist Christian leaders agree. The
Reverend Charles Stanley, a former president of the Southern
Baptist Convention -- the largest Christian sect in America,
with 16 million members -- reportedly said last year, "God
favors war for divine reasons and sometimes uses it to
accomplish His will."[20]

For people holding such views, the present U.S. invasion of
Iraq may hold special meaning because it can be seen as an
essential step toward the second coming of Christ. Indeed,
President Bush describes his own role in the Iraq war in deeply
religious terms. When the President visited the Middle East a
year ago, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which is owned by the
New York Times, reported that the President said, "God told me
to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed
me to strike at Saddam, which I did...."[21]

[To be continued.]
--Peter Montague

[1] I am indebted to Joan Bokaer, director of Theocracy Watch
(a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy
(CRESP) at Cornell University) whose work helped me make sense
out of an amazingly large number of threads that make up the
complex tapestry of this story. Her 20-web-page document, The
Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party, is
essential reading for anyone who wants to really understand the
influence of the religious right on American culture and
politics. See http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=411
or http://www.4religious-right.info/ . I am also indebted to
Sr. Miriam McGillis, a member of the Dominican Sisters in
Caldwell, N.J., who introduced me to Ms. Bokaer's work.

[2] Quoted in Joan Bokaer, "The Rise of the Religous Right in
the Republican Party -- Introduction," available at
http://www.4religious-right.info/introduction2.htm .

[3] Data from Joan Bokaer, "The Rise of the Religous Right in
the Republican Party -- Government," available at
http://www.4religious-right.info/govern.htm .

[4] Elizabeth Bumiller, "Evangelicals Sway White House on Human
Rights Issues Abroad," New York Times Oct. 26, 2003.

[5] Howard Fineman, "Bush and God," Newsweek, March 10, 2003.
Available at http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=419

[6] Doug Weed appeared on the Frontline program, "The Jesus
Factor" broadcast nationwide on PBS April 29, 2004. Available
online at
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/jesus/view/ .

[7] See, for example, Alan Cooperman, "Churchgoers Get
Direction from Bush Campaign," Washington Post July 1, 2004.
Available at http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=420
And David D. Kirkpatrick, "Party Appeal to Churches for Help
Raises Doubts," New York Times July 2, 2004. Available at

[8] Don Wagner, "Beyond Armageddon," The Link Vol. 25, No. 4
(Oct.-Nov., 1992). Available at

[9] Stanley B. Greenberg and others, "Evangelicals, Born
Agains, and Fundamentalist Christians in Election 2004," May
26, 2004. Available at
http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=417 and see
"America's Evangelicals; Key Survey Findings," Religion and
Ethics Newsweekly, May, 2004, available at

[10] George M. Marsden, Understanding Fundamentalism and
Evangelicalism (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eeerdmans
Publishing Co., 1992). ISBN 0802805396. And see George M.
Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1980). ISBN 0195030834. And see Nancy Tatom
Ammerman, Bible Believers (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers
University Press, 1987). ISBN 081351231X.

[11] Michelle Cottle, "Team Bush is on a Crusade," New Republic
June 4, 2004. And see David Gates, "Religion: The Pop
Prophets," Newsweek Mar 24, 2004. And, David D. Kirkpatrick,
"The Return of the Warrior Jesus," New York Times April 4,
2004, Week in Review section. See especially Note 19, below.

[12] The Reverend Mr. Robertson quoted in Joan Bokaer, "The
Rise of the Religous Right in the Republican Party --
Introduction," available at
http://www.4religious-right.info/introduction2.htm . And see
Robert Kuttner, "America as a One-Party State," American
Prospect Vol. 15, No. 2 (Feb. 1, 2004). Available at

[13] Billy Graham, Peace with God (Nashville, Tenn.: W
Publishing Group, 1953; revised edition, 1984), pg. 256. ISBN

[14] Larry Eskridge, "Defining Evangelicalism," (undated)
available at
http://www.wheaton.edu/isae/defining_evangelicalism.html .
Accessed June 16, 2004.

[15] Jeremy Leaming, "Religious Right Leaders Press For Passage
Of U.S. Rep. Jones' Church Electioneering Bill," Church and
State magazine Feb. 2004. Available at

[16] Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth (Grand Rapids,
Mich: Zondervan, 1970); ISBN 031027771X.

[17] Grace Halsell, Prophecy and Politics; Militant Evangelists
on the Road to Nuclear War (Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill &
Co., 1986). ISBN 0-88208-210-8.

[18] David Firestone, "DeLay Is to Carry Dissenting Message On
a Mideast Tour," New York Times July 25, 2003. Available at

[19] Ann Coulter, "This is War," National Review Sept. 13,
2001. Available at

[20] John F. Sugg, "America The Theocracy," Weekly Planet
(Tampa, Fla.) March 2004, quoting the Reverend Mr. Falwell and
the Reverend Mr. Stanley. This is a clear explanation of
the goals of Christian fundamentalists in the U.S. It is
available at http://www.weeklyplanet.com/2004-03-25/cover.html
and at http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=418 .

[21] Arnon Regular, "'Road map is a life saver for us,' PM
Abbas tells Hamas," Haaretz June 24, 2003. Original is
available at
?itemNo=310788, and a PDF version is available at
http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=416 .

Bring 'em On

The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism

Bring 'em On!

by Steve Perry


Informant: Ace

Compass point south

This is an interesting article on the shifting of the Earth's magnetic field. I included the google link so you can click on the article link from the search engine. Due to registration reasons, you cannot access the article any other way unless you are registered with the NYT.

Marilyn Farhat.

The collapse of the Earth's magnetic field, which both guards the planet and guides many of its creatures, appears to have started in earnest about 150 years ago. The field's strength has waned 10 to 15 percent, and the deterioration has accelerated of late, increasing debate over whether it portends a reversal of the lines of magnetic force that normally envelop the Earth (read more)........


Only Cowards Cancel Elections


Weather Engineering Tests - Energetics Interferometry Weapons


Informant: Arthur Cottrell

Atmospheric Control

Electromagnetic Energy in a Glowing Spherical Shell

Weird Weather Warfare & "Energetics Weapons"
Letter by T.E. Bearden


Weather Engineering Over North America

The first KGB weather engineering tests over the U.S., using their relatively new interferometers, produced signatures of anomalous perfectly round holes appearing in clouds. These experiments started in 1967 or thereabouts. The Russians gave us that very severe "deep freeze" winter of 1967, as an initial weather-engineering test of their energetics interferometry weapons.

The KGB communists do have a sense of historical dates, and they often do things on certain dates in symbolic fashion. Full-time Soviet weather engineering over North America started in earnest on July 4th, 1976 - our Independence Day and our bicentennial. This was the KGB's "gift" to the United States on such a historic occasion. Full-bore weather engineering over the Americas has continued to this day, and even increased. It was passed into the hands of the Yakuza and the Aum Shinrikyo upon their leasing of those interferometers on site in Russia at the end of 1989. In 1985 I produced a rather crude videotape 42 (40 minutes) with pictures of the giant radial cloud signatures etc, associated with such weather engineering operations since 1976.

The basic weather engineering method is simple. Use an L[ongitudinal] W[ave] interferometer (LWI) to reach through the earth and cool the air in a region and produce a high pressure area, due to the densification of the air. Use another interferometer to heat another area and form a low-pressure area, due to the expansion of the air. Then carefully steer those highs and lows by gradually and slowing rotating the distant antennae and slowly adjusting the interferometry range simultaneously, according to a calculated schedule.

By that means, the LWIs easily catch, entrain, and steer the jet streams largely responsible for our weather. Put sharp loops and twists in that steering, and the huge angular momentum of the jet streams developed in those sharp turns and circles will spawn tornadoes, violent weather, etc.

The first complete weather engineering system over North America in 1976 also used the Woodpecker's normal EM carrier signals with dimensioning and internal assemblage of the composite longitudinal EM wavepairs. A giant "interference grid" was established over much of North America. A great deal of local adjusting of the interferometry in the grid was necessary. These local grid readjustments caused "sudden popouts" of EM energy, creating many atmospheric booms, rumbles, and explosions.

To really stir up big weather trouble, the Russians--and now the Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo--also heat or cool areas of the ocean where El Nine and similar "water engines" form. A dimensioned LW interferometer is required for this operation. By slowly and protractedly heating or cooling the water in one of the "warm water engines" fueling the weather, one causes a very significant, long-term, later effect on perhaps an entire continent.

One can create great droughts in some areas, great floods in others, etc. The KGB has been doing this extensively, since 1976. The great floods in Red China a few years ago are a direct example of KGBNakuza weather engineering, as is much of the extreme heat of 1998. In fact, thanks to the weather operations of the Yakuza under their KGB mentors, 1998 was the overall hottest year on record till then, since records were kept. At least for the summer of 2002, the record may have been broken again, with a significant season of giant forest fires burning away.

One purpose of the excess heating of the atmosphere, of course, is to do damage. An added "benefit" to the KGB is to furnish support to the environmentalists who are concerned about global warming. Understand, there is indeed such a thing as global warming. But by augmenting the atmospheric (and ice sheet) heating just a bit in a single year, the statistical analyses are skewed. The skewed analyses will show that the global warming problem is far more imminent than it really is, if the LWI engineering of it were suspended. Nobody on either side of the global warming debate seems aware of the LWI intervention that is ruining the results of their models and calculations.

In turn, the heightened global warming indications, detected as a result of the LWI interruptions, impel strong activist support for such things as the Kyoto treaty, which is specifically designed to the strategic detriment of the U.S. if and when the U.S. Senate ever approves it. The Kyoto treaty does not even apply to some 160 countries including Russia, China, etc. This focuses a certain proportion of our government time and effort in grappling with an inflated global warming problem, immediately. It directly fits the KGB strategy of "spreading" our government energy and attention all over the map, anywhere but upon the coming strategic energetics strike and upon energetics weaponry.

The die-hard section of the KGB strategists are chess players. They will come at you anyway, anyhow, and anywhen that they can. Everything that can be impressed to serve or support the overall objective, will be impressed and used. That is the overriding principle when analyzing Russian KGB strategy.

Khrushchev meant every word of it when he said to Nixon in their famous Kitchen Debate: " ~Ye will bury you! " Interestingly, to this day Americans and their government officials have continued to be deceived as to exactly what Khrushchev meant. He meant it literally.


The cult of power

by Justin Raimondo



It's widely recognized that we were lied into war by a group of ideologues, but what is this 'idea they have?' What kind of 'utopia' is Iraq? The old Trotskyist idea of internationalism is here preserved, but for the red flags. Some of them even call themselves 'Trotsky-cons.' But this 'outing' of the neocons has caused them considerable embarrassment -- since they are currently masquerading as 'conservatives' -- and they've struck back by seeking to label the outers 'conspiracy theorists' and 'anti-Semites.' Most deny their Trotskyist heritage -- the more strenuous denials coming from the very people who embody it, such as Joshua Muravchik, once a youth leader of the SDUSA and now a rising neocon star over at the American Enterprise Institute...


US may be hiding detainees

Red Cross


Seattle Post-Intelligencer

The international Red Cross said Tuesday it suspects the United States is hiding detainees in lockups across the globe, though the agency has been granted access to thousands of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere. Terror suspects reported by the FBI as captured have never turned up in detention centers, and the United States has failed to reply to agency demands for a list of everyone it's holding, said Antonella Notari, spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush Administration Steps Up Pressure on EU to Weaken Proposed Chemical Laws

July 14, 2004

In its aggressive campaign to water down proposed new toxic chemical regulations in Europe, the Bush administration is now making vague accusations that the European initiative violates World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements governing how nations do business with one another.

At a July 1 meeting of the WTO's Technical Barriers to Trade Committee meeting, the administration submitted general comments that parroted the U.S. chemical industry's objections to the proposed regulations, known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals). However, U.S. officials failed to spell out how REACH would conflict with current WTO agreements -- despite recent demands from two U.S. senators that they do so. [1]

Prior to the July 1 meeting, U.S. Senators Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Jim Jeffords (I-VT) wrote to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, asking that he cite the specific WTO provisions that REACH would allegedly violate.

"We are troubled by reports that the position of this administration on REACH may reflect the interests of a narrow segment of U.S. industry without consideration of the broader ramifications for the U.S. economy, national interest, public health, and the environment," the letter stated. [2]

The REACH initiative -- the most sweeping change in European chemical policy in decades -- would require chemical manufacturers to provide the public with information about the potential harmfulness of their products before placing them on the market. It would also provide stricter regulations for thousands of chemicals already on the market.. Although the proposal would only govern countries in the European Union, U.S. chemical manufacturers would have to comply with the new rules in order to export their products to Europe.

The Bush administration, which has consistently favored policies beneficial to the U.S. chemical industry, has teamed up with American chemical companies to lobby against REACH and has already succeeded in weakening some of the proposed rules. Earlier this year, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell himself stepped up pressure on the EU when he cabled U.S. diplomats with a list of talking points, urging them to voice these objections to European officials. [3]

In its latest attack, the Bush administration is working to rally support among allies outside of Europe, to show that REACH would create barriers to trade among nations. The administration's argument "reflects a lot of industry arguments, such as the new regulations being too 'costly' or 'burdensome,'" Mary Bottari, an analyst for Public Citizen http://www.publiccitizen.org , told BushGreenwatch http://www.bushgreenwatch.org.

"Once again, we have the U.S. position equals the chemical industry position," agreed Joe DiGangi, a scientist with the Environmental Health Fund.

Supporters of REACH say sweeping changes in chemical regulations are urgently needed, both here and abroad. Currently, little is known about the safety of chemicals manufactured in the U.S. or Europe. Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. does not require companies to test chemicals for human exposure risks before placing them on the market.

[1] US comments submitted to WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Committee, July 1, 2004; Letter to US Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick from Sens. Lautenberg and Jeffords, Jun. 22, 2004.
[2] Ibid.
[3] BushGreenwatch, Apr. 9, 2004

Handystrahlen als Ursache für Amokfahrt?

Handystrahlen als Ursache für Amokfahrt?

20:52 Uhr

DÜSSELDORF. Im Prozess um die blutige Amokfahrt in Düsseldorf vor gut einem Jahr soll nun der mögliche Einfluss von Handy-Strahlen auf das Geschehen untersucht werden. Der nach der Fahrt beschlagnahmte Wagen des Angeklagten werde dazu erneut unter die Lupe genommen, kündigte ein Sprecher des Düsseldorfer Landgerichts gestern an. Ein Sachverständiger soll auf Betreiben der Verteidigung klären, ob Handy-Strahlen einen Einfluss auf den Automatik-Wagen gehabt haben könnten. Der Prozess werde dadurch vermutlich länger dauern als zunächst angenommen.
Zudem wollen die Verteidiger des wegen achtfachen Mordversuchs angeklagten Gastwirts auch untersuchen lassen, ob ein epileptischer Anfall Ursache der Zickzack-Fahrt über die Terrassen zweier voll besetzter Straßencafés gewesen sein könnte.

Bei der blutigen Amokfahrt am 21. Juni vergangenen Jahres waren 14 Menschen verletzt worden, als der 64-jährige Gastwirt mit seinem 200 PS starken Sportwagen in die Cafés seiner Konkurrenz gerast war. Der Angeklagte hat beteuert, dass er keine Kontrolle über seinen Wagen gehabt habe und die Fahrt als Unfall bezeichnet.

Mehrere Zeugen hatten in dem Verfahren ausgesagt, dass der Gastwirt Hindernisse gezielt umfahren und seinen Wagen im Zickzack-Kurs absichtlich in die Menschenmenge gelenkt habe. Als Motiv geht die Anklage von einer Mischung aus Beziehungsproblemen, geschäftlichem Misserfolg und Neid auf das besser florierende Geschäft seiner Konkurrenten aus. (dpa)


Dienstag, 13. Juli 2004


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Bamberger Appell

Nach Freiberger Appell jetzt der Bamberger Appell

Appell von Bamberger Ärzten zum Thema Mobilfunk

Kinderärzte warnen vor Schäden durch Mobilfunk

Wortlaut des Appells:

Als Ärztinnen und Ärzte halten wie den weiteren Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes für bedenklich und appellieren an Politiker, Wissenschaftler und Verantwortliche des Gesundheitswesens, dem Schutz von Leben und Gesundheit von uns allen wieder den gebührenden grundgesetzlich garantierten Wert einzuräumen und sofort zu handeln.

Wir fordern nachdrücklich:

· Kein weiterer Ausbau der Mobilfunktechnologie, denn es handelt sich um unfreiwillig eingegangene Risiken mit wahrscheinlich dauerhaften Belastungen.

· Massive Reduzierung der Grenzwerte, Sendeleistungen und Funkbelastungen.

· Aufklärung der Bevölkerung und speziell der Handynutzer über die Gesundheitsrisiken elektromagnetischer Felder.

· Förderung des bewussten Umgangs mit Mobilfunk, Nutzungseinschränkung für Kinder und Jugendliche.

· Überarbeitung des DECT-Standards für Schnurlos-Telefone mit dem Ziel, die Strahlungsintensität zu reduzieren und auf die tatsächliche Nutzungszeit zu begrenzen sowie die biologisch kritische Pulsung zu vermeiden.


Dr. E. Barth-Söder, Allgemeinärztin
Dr. A. Banzer-Leuteritz, Ärztin und Zahnärztin
Prof.Dr. K.H. Deeg, Kinderarzt
Dr. R.Grassmann, Frauenarzt
Dr. Heyn, Allgemeinarzt
Dr. K. Landgraf, Internist
Dr. B. Löffler-Röder, Frauenärztin
Dr. C. Waldmann-Selsam, Prakt. Ärztin
Dr. C. Weigmann-Popp, Kinderärztin
Ende Mai 2004

Als pdf zum Download: Bamberger Appell


Neueste Fassung des Bamberger Appells mit Ansprechpartner unter:

Nachricht von Manuela Knapp


"Bamberger Appell"

Zahlreiche Bamberger Ärztinnen und Ärzte setzen sich in einem Appell dafür ein, dass der weitere Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes gestoppt wird, dass die Bundesregierung die Grenzwerte senkt und die Bevölkerung über die Gefahren der Mobilfunktechnik aufgeklärt wird.

Aktueller Stand der Unterschriften am 30.9.04: 129 Ärzte und Ärztinnen

Hier der "Bamberger Appell" im Wortlaut und mit den Namen der UnterzeichnerInnen (Stand Ende August 2004)


Quelle: http://www.gal.bamberg.de/

Nachricht von Alfred Tittmann


Symposium „Ärzte und Mobilfunk – Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt“

OFFENER BRIEF an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder

Bamberger Appell – Ärzte gegen Mobilfunk

Bamberger Appell Ärzte gegen Elektrosmog

Endlich ein Signal aus Berlin

Strahlendes Bamberg?

Ärzte-Initiative „Bamberger Appell“ gewinnt namhafte Referenten

1. Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium

Nach Freiburger Appell jetzt Bamberger Appell

Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Strahlung sein?

Freiburger Appell

Symposium in Bamberg: Ärzte und Wissenschaftler warnen vor Gesundheitsgefahren

Die Naila-Studie

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Ärztekammern und Mobilfunk

Folgen durch Elektrosmog müssen untersucht werden


2004 Election May Be Suspended



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