

New Orleans is CLOSED, ALL water is contaminated-- folks dying in hospitals-no ox

Monday, August 29, 2005 10:11:38 PM
From: BioGerminator
To: apfn@apfn.org

Ken, (@ apfn)

The following IM was sent to me by my aunt, she lives near New Orleans and has electricity. She typed IM to me as the Mayor of New Orleans was speaking. It is absolutely horrible--people dying in hospitals from no oxygen, bodies floating in the water--all water is contaminated. Feel free to read and forward, perhaps others will add to the notes. Sorry the mailing is not organized--, I had to "come down" to get the news---there is no electricity where we are presently located. Hope you guys are ok--talk to you soon and GOD help us.........

BuildMeaRainbow: Morgan City didn't have major damage, just some downed trees and heavy rain

BuildMeaRainbow: all the New Orleans tv channels are gone - watching film from BTR

BuildMeaRainbow: its terrible here, and there is no Verizon working phones

BuildMeaRainbow: you wouldn't believe new orleans, 40,000 homes in St. Bernard parish are under water

BuildMeaRainbow: yes,

Cingular BioGerminator: cannot believe I am talking to you

BuildMeaRainbow: all of the big hotels windows blew

BuildMeaRainbow: the superdome's dome was damaged from flying debris

BuildMeaRainbow: All of St. Charles Parish had to evacuate

BuildMeaRainbow: Dee, you wouldn't believe new orleans, the large malls are destroyed, the highways, like Williams, Veterans, etc, are under 3 ft of water

BuildMeaRainbow: the mayor said "New Orleans is Closed" - no one can get back - state police are turning them around

BuildMeaRainbow: the yachts and sailboats are on top of each other at the lakefront - and the yacht club is on file - from gas leak they think - seems strange to see fire coming up from a flood

BuildMeaRainbow: all water in New Orleans is contaminated - hazmat warnings are up - there is an article on here but it doesn't give all the details

BioGerminator: trying to call you guys and all the numbers

BioGerminator: is there anything we can do

BioGerminator: that idiot in the white house was on the radio this morning talking about the rising oil prices as soon as the hurricane hit---

BuildMeaRainbow: school there is closed until she hears from the parish

BuildMeaRainbow: she got a call this morning not to try to enter the parish

BuildMeaRainbow: I10 has major problems, they have to test them for structural damage before opening them

BuildMeaRainbow: It came in at a 4, some gusts up to 190 though

BioGerminator: I heard it was big

BuildMeaRainbow: they said it went from Texas to S. Carolina

BuildMeaRainbow: that big BioGerminator: geeeeeeeeees

BuildMeaRainbow: I don't know what will happen to new orleans, it won't ever be the same I'm sure BuildMeaRainbow: too much has been lost

BuildMeaRainbow: 750,000 out of power

BuildMeaRainbow: the mayor is on now, from NO, said New Orleans is 80% under water, some as deep as 20 ft

BuildMeaRainbow: Search and rescue are only ones allowed, the twin span at NO east is gone - totally destroyed

BuildMeaRainbow: a large tanker is underwater, leaking oil into the water

BuildMeaRainbow: water is continuing to rise because of a break in the levee

BuildMeaRainbow: not sure of the soundness of the high rises - a barge hit one of them

BuildMeaRainbow: all of Slidell and most of Metairie are under water

BuildMeaRainbow: there is no clear path in and out of the city - expressway is still full of water

BuildMeaRainbow: geeze, its worse than the Tsunami

BuildMeaRainbow: they have to rebuild new orleans - its just horrible

BuildMeaRainbow: bodies floating in the water, significant loss of lives

BioGerminator: My God

BuildMeaRainbow: its unbelieveable - only roofs of buildings are viewable - winds were consistent at over 50 mph for hours

BuildMeaRainbow: they just did, the mayor is on a lead to the BTR tv channel, said its a nightmare

BuildMeaRainbow: all the n.o. channels are closed - no one can come in to get pictures

BuildMeaRainbow: I wish the world could see what has happened there

BuildMeaRainbow: blew a 2 block break in the levee system at the Industrial Canal

BuildMeaRainbow: and water is still coming through it

BioGerminator: we are trying now

BuildMeaRainbow: okay, phone is right here BioGerminator: no way--message........... due to the hurricane your call cannot be completed

BuildMeaRainbow: there are still 20,000 people in the superdome, no a/c

BuildMeaRainbow: I thought that would be the case, I'm sorry

BuildMeaRainbow: people are being pulled from the water, dead bodies into the boats

BuildMeaRainbow: We can only pray, and be thankful we're on a local utility company

BuildMeaRainbow: 20,000 boats are in search and rescue operations

BuildMeaRainbow: sure

BuildMeaRainbow: God, they are pumping from the levee break and its going in a circle from the pumps back to the levee - they don't even think the old Slidell bridge is operable

BuildMeaRainbow: FEMA said its absolutely the worse ever disaster

BuildMeaRainbow: looters are breaking into drug stores

BuildMeaRainbow: druggies stocking up

BuildMeaRainbow: highest casualities ever noted

BuildMeaRainbow: their power went off when the transformer blew at 3 a.m.

BuildMeaRainbow: not yet, but they do have many floating bodies

BioGerminator: be prepared for your lights to come and go Aunt Donna--

BuildMeaRainbow: I will be

BioGerminator: the folks in the superdome will go nuts with no AC

BuildMeaRainbow: the mayor just finished

BuildMeaRainbow: they are letting them outside for air

BioGerminator: was he shook up that you could see??

BuildMeaRainbow: hotels are running out of diesel - no food or fresh water available in NO

BioGerminator: oh my God--what a test

BuildMeaRainbow: yes, he says he's right in the middle of it, people are mad because they can't get to their homes - but what else can they do?

BuildMeaRainbow: he said all efforts now have to be search and rescue

BioGerminator: I am flipping speechless

BuildMeaRainbow: right, and I can understand that, so many used all their money on gas to get out of new orleans, can't afford hotel bills

BuildMeaRainbow: well, God watched out for us

BuildMeaRainbow: there is a good article on here, and about the only news people can get from New Orleans

BuildMeaRainbow: sorry bastard, if we were producing so much, why do we need Saudi oil?

BioGerminator: right

BuildMeaRainbow: he said in March $4 a gallon, guess he planned it well

BioGerminator: they gave the update on the hurricane and then the idiot came on and said if I could snap my fingers and make the prices go down I would...right!!!!!!

BioGerminator: 50 death toll BioGerminator: they just said on weather channel

BuildMeaRainbow: well, he said he would take crude from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, but the refineries are breaking down

BuildMeaRainbow: 50 so far?

BuildMeaRainbow: there are still people trapped in their attics

BioGerminator: that us what they just said-FEMA dir

BuildMeaRainbow: it will be thousands

BuildMeaRainbow: they just said that the Hyatt looked like Beirut

BioGerminator: they are showing East sider now

BuildMeaRainbow: if the storm hadn't turned to the east at the last moment, NO would be history

BuildMeaRainbow: I wish you could see the news on here

BuildMeaRainbow: maybe, but we would have been in Lafayette

BuildMeaRainbow: btr looks like it did when Andrew hit

BuildMeaRainbow: huge trees uprooted and fallen over houses, power is out, main power lines down

BuildMeaRainbow: one of the buildings in downtown NO blew apart, bricks are 3 and 4 deep across the streets

BuildMeaRainbow: The quarter wasn't destroyed - hows that for irony?

BuildMeaRainbow: do you know how big Charity hospital is?

BuildMeaRainbow: windows blown out, water on each floor, people are dying because they can't be sent by ems to other hospitals, no power

BuildMeaRainbow: they don't know when EMS can get them out, no oxygen, no power - its horrible

BioGerminator: oh my God

BuildMeaRainbow: the National Guard is there patrolling

BioGerminator: who is reporting

BuildMeaRainbow: and more are coming

BuildMeaRainbow: a channel 4 newscaster, CBS local NO, feeding through Baton Rouge station

BuildMeaRainbow: we ought to have our National Guard here in our nation for things like this, not fighting Bush's war

Informant: Be Kind Whenever Possible


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August 2005

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