
Arrestee Statement: Converge on Camp Casey now

Arrestee Statement; Converge on Camp Casey now; also Sept. 17 event

DAY 16, Tuesday Aug 30, CAMP CASEY - NYC Converge on Camp Casey - NYC Statement from Camp Casey - NYC arrestee: "If you live in the New York Metropolitan Area and stand in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan and our campaign against the unconstitutional and illegal U.S. war on Iraq, please join us at Camp Casey - NYC in the South Plaza of Union Square. Whatever their point of view on Cindy Sheehan's vigil, U.S. North Americans must stand up for the First Amendment. If you support our rights, free speech and assembly, please converge on union square, today, tomorrow and every day as we mobilize for our march on Washington, D.C on Sept 24.

"Union Square, New York City is a national landmark commemorating the first Labor Day, Sept 5, 1882, where citizens fully exercised their rights to free speech and assembly. Union Square today is a convergence point for those who will continue to fully exercise these endangered First Amendment rights.

"Details to come of the arrest as well as date and time of an upcoming press conference and possible suit against the Mayor, Police and Parks Commissioners, NYPD, the arresting Inspector and arresting officers."

-- Paul "zool" Zulkowitz, Green Party Peace Action Committee (affiliation only)

There is a growing 24/7 anti-war vigil at Union Square South Plaza through September 23, 2005. A mass-action has been proposed for Saturday, September 17 as well. Zool was arrested at Camp Casey NYC Monday evening roughly 6:00 pm while exercising First Amendment rights of free speech and association along with numerous others maintaining a 24 hour vigil in support of Cindy Sheehan and Goldstar Moms, demanding, "U.S. Out of Iraq!"

Camp Casey tents were taken by a local PD Inspector. Zool was since released, promptly issued the above statement and meets tomorrow with Arthur Eisenberg of New York Civil Liberties Union to discuss the Parks Permits and First Amendment Rights.

Informant: Debi Clark

Cindy Sheehan


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August 2005

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