
What Noble Cause Did Casey Sheehan Die For? - Resolution of Inquiry into Bush Lies Gains Momentum

"Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation. No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam." - Iraqi Constitution supported by Iran-backed Shiites and the Bush Administration (but opposed by Sunni leaders)

"Fortunately, after years of effort and expectations in Iraq, an Islamic state has come to power and the constitution has been established on the basis of Islamic precepts. We must congratulate the Iraqi people and authorities for this victory." - Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, head of Iran's powerful ultra-conservative Guardian Council

"This is the future of the new Iraqi government - it will be in the hands of the clerics. I wanted Iraqi women to be free, to be able to talk freely and to able to move around. I am not going to stay here." - Dr. Raja Kuzai, an obstetrician and secular Shiite member of the Assembly who met President Bush in the White House in November 2003.

Resolution of Inquiry into Bush Lies Gains Momentum

There are now 53 co-sponsors on Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry into the Downing Street Memos, including one Republican member of the International Relations Committee, Jim Leach. If your Representative isn't on this list yet, please call their D.C. office (202-224-3121) and ask to speak to the Legislative Director. Ask why they haven't cosponsored HRes375, and then report back to us. A vote in committee will come between Sept. 6 and Sept. 16.


"Bring the Troops Home Now" Bus Tour Begins August 31 On August 31st, the last day of the encampment, the Bring Them Home Now Tour will launch three buses from Crawford, Texas, each carrying military and Gold Star families, veterans of the Iraq War and veterans of previous wars. These buses will travel different routes across the country, converging in Washington, DC on September 21, for the United for Peace and Justice Mobilization September 24th-26th. From George Bush's doorstep to communities along the way, we demand that:

* Elected Representatives Decide Now to Bring the Troops Home

* We Take Care of Them When They Get Here

* We Never Again Send Our Loved Ones to War Based on Lies!

http://www.bringthemhomenowtour.org/ Why Aren't Congress's Kids

Fighting in Iraq?

Dear Senator/Representative, If you support the War in Iraq, why aren't you or your children or your grandchildren fighting there? The Army is short of soldiers because of the Iraq War disaster. This shortage has put our national security in danger throughout the world. Your family can help fix the problem that you created by supporting the Iraq War disaster. As your constituent, I will continue to ask this question until you call for the withdrawal of America's children from Iraq. http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/57

Pass Local Resolutions

The Backbone Campaign is helping grassroots activists organize their Town Councils and Democratic Committees to pass resolutions on:

* Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry (H. Res. 375)

* Rep. Rush Holt's Resolution of Inquiry (H.Res 363) into the Valerie Plame outing

* Letter to Senate Intelligence Committee chair Pat Roberts (R-KS) for Phase II of the Investigation Into Pre-War Intelligence Show your Representatives that you have backbones - and they should too!


Out of Iraq Rally in D.C. on September 15

The peace movement will rally against the war in front of the White House following Democrat-led hearings on an exit strategy hosted by Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). Learn more:


September 24-26 - Mark Your Calendar!

September 24-26: End the War on Iraq !

Three Days of Peace & Justice Actions in Washington , D.C.


PDA Events Sept. 24-26 to Include Focus on Downing Street

Workshops and trainings in DC on Sept 25th organized by Progressive Democrats of America will include a focus on Downing Street, including remarks by AfterDowningStreet.org Co-Founder John Bonifaz.


Demand More Polls on Impeaching Bush

On June 30, a Zogby poll found 42% of Americans said "if it is found that President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should hold him accountable through impeachment." At the time, Bush's approval rating was just 43%. Since then, Bush's approval has dropped even lower - down to 36%. It's time for other pollsters to follow up on the Zogby Poll and to ask about impeaching George Bush. We've collected all the e-mail addresses you need to contact them.


C-SPAN to Broadcast McKinney Congressional Briefing on 9/11 On July 22, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) organized a day-long briefing on the 9/11 Commission's Final Report one year later. The event included leading victims' family members, former government and intelligence workers, academics and authors speaking on the flaws and weaknesses of the 9/11 Commission's investigation, assumptions, omissions, conclusions and recommendations. It was filmed in entirety by C-SPAN and will be broadcast:
* Wednesday August 31 from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm
* Friday, September 2 from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am


BS Protector - Don't Leave Home Without It!

Veteran Bill Moyer didn't take any risks when he watched Bush speak. You shouldn't either!

Make your own BS Protector - it's easy and fun for the whole family!




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August 2005

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