
Oxidation stress and the role of superoxide and nitric oxide in the body


Also you can get problems with low frequency because of the shielding. And shielding reduces the intensity, but not the structure (frequency/cies, pulsation, modulation etc.) of the radiation.

Generally, I think shielding is never successful as it should be, it is only an additive help (e.g. shielding clothes) like using pills like Gaba(pentine) is, to reduce exposure more or less. Even Charles Claessens moved from Rotterdam to Belgium, because shielding had its limits. There are complications (psychologically (always remembering you are in a cage), missing natural background waves, the situation directly outside the cage is worse, on the street, in town, at the job etc. it is still hundreds to thousands of mikroWatt/m2, the earth to which connected may be not clean from frequencies, it is expensive, etc.).

So, should we move? But where? The goal of 3G is to cover 99,9 % of the population.

It is sad that we have to argue technical data while the disaster is the damage to our bodies and minds, that there is no normal life anymore, as if we are environmental refugees and the war around us is still going and growing.


From Mast Sanity


And my 1 pence worth!

I looked into enclosure rather than shielding and came to the conclusion that it has to be total, because if you let some radiation in it can't get out, but will bounce around inside. None of us is going to achieve a total F cage, so there may be risk in getting almost there. And yes, cutting natural radiation frequencies is bad too. Add to that the effect on small air ions of having grounded walls, and we could be asking for trouble that way.

Creating radiation shadows is an improvement and is feasible at more reasonable cost, and sleeping in a microwave bed-canopy is a good 7-hour protection.

Finally, in my research on oxidation stress and the role of superoxide and nitric oxide in the body as potentially affected by EMF (studies have demonstrated this) I also find that this is affected by other stress. If living in a cage gives you peace of mind, that's fine, but for others it will feel like being a prisoner, and itself be a constant reminder of danger, which is stressful and could end up generating the very problems it is designed to alleviate.


From Mast Sanity



I am not so familiar with this very gene. I am afraid the situation is more complex. The SOD1 gene is one out of several dozens of redox-sensitive genes, whose table I am holding now. EMF gene damage is caused by free radicals. All these genes are induced by free radicals, EMF included. Now it depends what damage has been observed in this very gene (A00564), and what is residual activity left if any. You may follow it at the lists of mutants of these genes, and also in pubmed (medline, the NIH library) by relevant key words, or in cancer genetics web at http://www.cancer-genetics.org.


From Mast Sanity


Nitric Oxide and Symptoms

For those who read Andy's files on Nitric Oxide and radiation, this can add more data to the picture.

I noticed the interest and knowledge of Andy (Mast Sanity, TETRAWATCH.NET) on Nitric Oxide and the link to EMR radiation effects:I think it would be interesting for him and others to know about a short but interesting paragraph published in Town Send Letter for Doctors & Patients (August/September 2005). It speaks about how nitric oxide leads to multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and post traumatic stress disorder. Martin L. Pall (School of molecular biosciences, Washington State university, Pullman, Washington) believes that an elevated nitric oxide/ peroxynitrite mechanism underlies these conditions, he says that the evidence shows that short term stress and chemical exposure increases nitric oxide levels in the body. It is an inflammatory response, incited by inflammatory cytokines.

NO reacts with superoxide to form peroxynitrite, a potent oxidant. Peroxynitrite is known to deplete ATP, producing fatigue. It also increases permeability of the Blood brain barrier. NO contributes to the loss of more than one porphyrin biosynthetic enzyme, a condition common among people with MSC. In classical porphyria, only one enzyme in the pathway is low. NO also inhibits cytochrome p450 metabolism, which breaks down hydrophobic molecules such as organic solvents and pesticides implicated in MSC. According to Pall's theory, the chronic nature of MSC and similar conditions results because peroxynitrite can continue to profuce more of its precursors NO and superoxide (and therefore, itself) via six different feedback loop mechanisms. In the case of MSC, an elevated nitric oxide/ peroxynitrite theory correlates with the neural sensitization theory, proposed by Bell et al (1992, 1996, 1998, 1999). In this theory, chemical sensitivity results from long-term potentiation, which involves stimulation of the N-mthyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Several research groups have reported that excessive NMDA stimulation produces increases in nitric oxide and its oxidant product peroxynitrite. Pall suggests that the initial chemical exposure stimulates NMDA activity in the CNS/ brain limbic system, causing increases in nitric oxide and peroxynitrite. Nitric Oxide acts as a messanger that tells the body to release neurotransmitters, including glutamate, which further stimulates NMDA receptors. Peroxynitrite increases the receptor's sensitivity to stimulation. "Nervous system dysfunction is common in MSC" Pall says, "and has been confirmed by SPECT and PET scans of brains of MSC patients as well as changes in EEG patterns." Excessive NMDA activity, leading to high levels of NO and peroxynitrite, has also been implicated in several neurodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, AIDS-related dementia, stroke, epilepsy, Huntington's disease, and Alzheimer disease. Pall hopes that the nitric oxide/ peroxynitrite/NMDA hypothesis will provide a framework for further research. By testing predictions derived from the hypothesis, researchers may develop effective treatments. In the case of MSC, he suggests that antioxidants may help lower peroxynitrite levels. Vitamin B12, administered subcutaneously and in the form of hydroxocoblamin, scavenges unwanted nitric oxide. Other treatments could focus on lowering the activity of NMDA receptors and on improvong mitochondrial function and ATP production.

PAll, ML. Elevated nitric oxide / peryxonitrite theory of MCS: central role of NMDA receptors in the sensitivity mechanism. Environmental Health Perspectives 111:12 (september 2003) Pall, ML NMDA sensitization and stimulation by peroxynitrite, nitric oxide, and and organic solvents as mechanism of chemical sensitivity in multiple chemical sensitivity. FASEBJ. 200216:1507-1417.

Town Send Letter for Doctors and Patients (August/September 2005). page 26. http://www.townsendletter.com

For those interested to read more, there is even a long article in the same Town send letter issue, by Martin L. Pall (Ph.D), which enters into the full details of the mechanisms (page 52-56). Martin Pall's contact details are: Washington State university, Pullman, Washington 99164-4234 USA 509-335-1246 email martin_pall@wsu.edu

Informant: Iris Atzmon.


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