

* please forward widely! *

A call for a COLLEGE NOT COMBAT contingent in the Sept 24 protests in Washington D.C. and San Francisco

COUNTER-RECRUITMENT...COMING SOON TO A CITY NEAR YOU! Across the country a new movement has sprung up of students, parents, teachers and community members opposing military recruiters in their schools and neighborhoods. From students kicking recruiters off campus, from Seattle to the Bay Area to New Haven to New York; to parents and teachers' unions opposing the military targeting their children; to the growing unwillingness of young people to kill and die in an an unjust war, our message is simple:

Military recruiters out of our schools, U.S. troops out of Iraq!

On September 24, join us from D.C. to San Francisco to say: COLLEGE, NOT COMBAT!

SPONSORED BY: Brooklyn Parents for Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, College Not Combat, Coney Island Avenue Project, Educators to Stop the War, Left Hook, Louisiana Activist Network, Prospect-Lefferts Voices for Peace, Rochester Against War, Traprock Peace Center, United Federation of Teachers to Stop the War, Voices in the Wilderness and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - Monterey Branch, Youth Leadership Support Network, Washington, D.C.

ENDORSED BY: ORGANIZATIONS: 100 Year March; ANSWER - New Hampshire; Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice; Bay Area United Against War; Bronx Greens; Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors; Chapter 60 Veterans for Peace; Chapter 93 Veterans For Peace (Washtenaw County Michigan), Citizens for Legitimate Government; Coalition Against War & Injustice of Baton Rouge; DC Anti-War Network; International Socialist Organization; March for Justice; Mid-South Peace & Justice Center (Memphis); Middle East Children's Alliance; National Lawyers Guild - San Francisco/Bay Area; Oregon PeaceWorks, Peaceful Vocations; People Against the Draft; Political Action Committee for Peace and Justice at Pace University; Radio Free Eirean; San Juan Peace Net; Santa Cruz Peace Coalition; Suffolk Peace Network's Counter Military Recruiting Committee; Texans for Peace (Austin); Vets Speak Out NYC; INDIVIDUALS*: · Kevin and Monica Benderman - Kevin is a conscientious objector who refused re-deployment to Iraq and was sentenced to 15 months for missing movement; Natylie Baldwin, organizer and writer for Mt. Diablo Peace Center, associate editor for Newtopia Magazine; Amy Hagopian, parent and co-chair of Garfield High School PTSA that voted to ban recruiters from their school; Kathy Kelly, Voices in the Wilderness; Dennis Kyne, Gulf War veteran and activist; Michael Letwin, Co-Convener, New York City Labor Against the War; Former President, UAW Local 2325; Rania Masri, writer and researcher; Gloria Mattera, Green Party candidate for Brooklyn Borough President; Camilo Mejia, the first soldier to go public with his refusal to redeploy. He spent seven months in military confinement for his decision, and was released in mid-February, 2005; Sunny Miller and Charles Jenks, Executive Director and President of Advisory Boards, respectively, Traprock Peace Center; David Mitchell, Vietnam draft resister active in Rockland Coalition for Peace and Justice; Wafaa' Al-Natheema, writer, editor & translator; Victor Paredes, brother of war resister Pablo Paredes; Ward Reilly, Louisiana Activist Network and South East Contact for Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace; Justino Rodriguez, Hadas Thier and Nick Bergreen of the City College 4 - who were arrested for opposing the military at their school; avid Rovics, singer/ songwriter; Cindy Sheehan, founding member of Gold Star Families for Peace; Norman Solomon, author of "War Made Easy"; Annie and Buddy Spell, activists; Carl Webb, war resister; Brian Willson, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans For Peace; Katrina Yeaw, Michael Hoffman, and Pardis Esmaeili- the SFSU 3, who were targeted by their school administration for opposing recruiters; Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove, co-editors of "Voices of a People's History of the United States."

*Organizational affiliations for identification purposes only.
(ALL sponsors/endorsers welcome; email recruitersout@yahoo.com)

* For information on the MILITARY OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS buses from NYC to DC, contact: recruitersout@yahoo.comrecruitersout@yahoo.com

* For information on the PEACE TRAIN to D.C. from across the South, contact the Louisiana Activist Network: http://www.newdemocracyrising.com/

Rally time and location TBA. Contact recruitersout@yahoo.com for more info. Campus Antiwar Network http://www.campusantiwar.net College Not Combat http://www.collegenotcombat.org/

Informant: Ashley Smith


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August 2005

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