
Airwave demonstrates a near total impermeability to community concern and feelings throughout the UK in locating their masts

In February 205, North East Fife Council Environment and Development Committee, Cupar, approved an application by Orange PCS for a 13 metre mobile phone (2G) mast at Peacehill Farm, by Wormit, Newport-on-Tay. There had been local objection and in view of continuing health concern in North Fife over 'Tetra' technology, arising from a previous network and experiences of Airwave in England and Wales, the councillors added a condition that there should be no addition of 'Tetra system' equipment at the Peacehill site.

Orange were happy to get their grant and did not seek to contest this. Their installation work is pending.

However, news of this exclusion affecting Tetra has reached Airwave (O2), owners of the high cost privatised emergency services and military radio network, which employs Tetra protocol.

Airwave O2 have at 5 May 05 lodged a new application to the Council, via the same agent, Pentland Chartered Surveyors, seeking to have the Councillors ' "no Tetra" condition removed from the planning approval, although they include no specific application for a Tetra addition, - yet.

Could this be a case of injured feelings from Airwave? Rather unlikely, since they have demonstrated a near total impermeability to community concern and feelings throughout the UK in locating their masts conspicuously inappropriately in residential areas and near sensitive premises, such as schools and hospitals and dismiss the increasing instances of serious ill-effects.

Perhaps they do have additions in mind. As part of Chancellor Gordon Brown's bumper auction of frequencies for 3G mobile phone licences, the police's current uhf frequencies were included and once freed off, by migration to Airwave, they will be available to Operators for more Tetra sites to support private and commercial operation. Such new cash opportunities will be irresistible, especially where they can be integrated with existing sites.

In more basic terms Airwave O2 do n't want any Council Development Committee acting in the interest of communities and pro-actively blocking them out. They certainly don't want to let Fife Councillors create such a dangerous precedent, which might sensibly be followed

Local people who have appreciated the effort made by North East Fife Councillors, now require to act swiftly again to object to Airwave O2's application to undo their protection. The new Planning Reference is - 05 / 01461 / full.

Arthur Jarrett


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Mai 2005

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