
Örjan Hallberg: response to the EU-draft EMF report for 2006

Please, find enclosed my response to the EU-draft EMF report for 2006.


Best regards,

Örjan Hallberg
Hallberg Independent Research
Polkavägen 14B
142 65 Trångsund


Dear Mr. Hallberg:

Are you aware of the situations re my two grandsons? They were diagnosed with rare immune deficiencies (low IgG subclasses 1 and 3) that improved after moving their beds away from electric meters (the meters were mounted on the outside of their bedroom walls).

I conducted guinea pig studies here in my home by placing their cages against "powerwalls" (simulation of boys' exposures) and they developed blood changes/immune decline that are "markers for irradiation." Hypersegmented neutropils, severe neutropenia, lymphocytosis. One out of each set of two died within 30 days of exposure. The remaining one out of each set of two lived on for a couple more years in a reduced magnetic field and well away from electric meter. This correlates with your information regarding "improvement at certain EMF levels.....(not verbatim....."

I have documentation re "my pets" (the guinea pigs) confirming improvement in white blood counts after reducing exposure as well as normal white counts prior to exposure. Also, I have documentation of osteomyelitis occuring in one guinea pig that rapidly disappeared after reducing exposure (even tho still in "ambient field" of 3.5 to 4.5 milligauss).

Your study re the goldfish re immune effects [ http://omega.twoday.net/stories/2891630/ ] does correlate with findings re boys and guinea pigs both as to adverse effects but also to "improvement" in spite of ongoing exposures due to high voltage powerlines less than 300 ft. from all three of our homes.

I happened to discuss my "major concerns" regarding sleeping close to electric meters as well as any electric appliance/device with another passenger on my return flight from London. I attended the First International Children With Leukaemia Conference in 2004 and displayed a poster regarding my grandsons, my guinea pigs and also a poster regarding Michael Boyum. Michael died from AML at the age of 23. He had an electric clock and small fan on the headboard of his waterbed. The passenger was not aware of any humans who were similarly affected, however, he did report that his expensive tropical fish were constantly dying and he then realized that the aquarium is/was opposite the electric meter.

If you would like any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com (11-12-06)


EU draft on EMF on Human Health



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November 2006

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