
Incidence trends of adult primary intracerebral tumors in four Nordic countries

* Lonn S,
* Klaeboe L,
* Hall P,
* Mathiesen T,
* Auvinen A,
* Christensen HC,
* Johansen C,
* Salminen T,
* Tynes T,
* Feychting M.

Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Stefan.Lonn@imm.ki.se

Brain tumors are some of the most lethal adult cancers and there is a concern that the incidence is increasing. It has been suggested that the reported increased incidence can be explained by improvements in diagnostic procedures, although this has not been totally resolved. The aim of our study was to describe the incidence trends of adult primary intracerebral tumors in four Nordic countries during a period with introduction of new diagnostic procedures and increasing prevalence of mobile phone users. Information about benign and malignant primary intracerebral tumor cases 20-79 years of age was obtained from the national cancer registries in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for the years 1969-98 and estimates of person-years at risk were calculated from the information obtained from national population registries. Annual age standardized incidence rates per 100,000 person-years were calculated and time trends analyses were carried out using Poisson regression. The overall incidence of all intracerebral tumors ranged from 8.4-11.8 for men and 5.8-9.3 for women, corresponding to an average annual increase of 0.6% for men (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.4, 0.7) and 0.9% for women (95% CI = 0.7, 1.0). The increase in the incidence was confined to the late 1970s and early 1980s and coinciding with introduction of improved diagnostic methods. This increase was largely confined to the oldest age group. After 1983 and during the period with increasing prevalence of mobile phone users, the incidence has remained relatively stable for both men and women. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

PMID: 14648713 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


It is interesting to note Klaeboe's former study: during the period with increasing prevalence of mobile phone users, the incidence has remained relatively stable for both men and women.

From Mona Nilsson:
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 5:41 PM
Subject: "No danger using mobile phones"


Translation from the article in Norway:

No danger in using mobile phones

- This is happy news for all mobile phone users, but the result is no surprise for us who work with this says Lars Klaeboe, at the Cancer Society.

He is one of the researchers behind the new study, which is a cooperation between the Cancer Society and the Radiation Protection Bureau and a part of a large research project under the WHO.

Many mobile phone users have been worried over the heat felt on the side of the head where the phone have been held during conversations

- The heat from radiation is so small that it cannot be recognized, this is probably due to the heating of the battery and has no relation to the radiation says Klaeboe.

The study shows that there are no reasons for worry that the heat or the radiation leads to brain tumours.

- The radiation from the phones is not strong enough to damage DNA in the cells says Klaeboe and says that much of the worries among people may be due to the fact that the word radiation is being used in connection with mobile phones.

More from Mona - on the situation in the UK and masts http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=216000&command=newPage

Something I found incidently on the web.... http://www.ecpo.org/activities.htm

Message from Iris Atzmon



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