
Nanotech Health Risk




Sperm counts have dropped by a almost third in 10 years

LONDON (AFP) - Male sperm counts have fallen by almost a third since 1989, with factors such as drinking and obesity possibly to blame, according to a British study.

A survey of 7,500 men who attended the Aberdeen Fertility Centre in northern Scotland between 1989 and 2002 brought alarming findings, researchers said Monday.

Analysis of sperm samples showed that in men with what is considered a "normal" concentration of sperm -- defined as over 20 million sperm per millilitre of semen -- the average sperm count fell by 29 percent.

This "must cause some concern and needs to be explained", said Dr Siladitya Bhattacharya, who led the research project.

"There could be a number of lifestyle factors which could play a role in this," he said.

"It just highlights the need for research to discover what these reasons might be, as well as the need for further studies elsewhere in the country to see if they support our results."

Drug use, alcohol, smoking and obesity have all been linked to a decline in sperm counts, as well as pesticides and other chemicals in the environment.

In 1986, Scotland was affected by the fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, but Bhattacharya said it was "almost impossible" to say for certain whether this or any other individual factor was to blame.

It could also not be concluded that there had been a fall in male fertility, as factors other than just sperm count played a part, he added.

"There has been an increase in men seeking treatment for male infertility, but whether this is due to a significant increase in this condition or because men are more aware of new techniques which have been developed to help them, we cannot say."


Super-Radar, Done Dirt Cheap

A radar system that uses ubiquitous cell-phone signals is on its way.

Bio-electrical effects start at very low levels

It is now fairly well established that the IEEE/WHO/ICNIR standards for SAR and other exposure "standards" so called based on "heating effect" do not tell the whole story on the effects of exposure of humans of all ages, both genders and the range of physical sizes to RF at HF and above.

It has been known and shown repeatedly that there are bio-electrical effects that start at very low levels. Between 1/1000 and 1/10000 of the current "standard'. Further it is the type of modulation or intelligence placed on the RF that is significant; with pulsed signals being far worse then radio (AM or FM) and TV signals (that contain vestige sideband "sync pulses”) some where in the middle as far as effects are concerned.

Basicly the mechanism is beloved to be the cells and certain organs such as the middle ear, acting as a demodulator or detector resolving the envelope pattern of the RF signal. Where the demodulated signal has components at the various bio-active frequencies that are used for internal signals by the human body, they may be swamped by this "false" RF demodulated signal. These "false" signals interfere with the body's regulation at all levels from inside cells up to major sense organ inputs to the brain.

The results are to be seen at the cell level as calcium efflux, at the near level as false sensation, tingling, vertigo, sweating, cold sweating, tremors, flushes and other well known symptoms of RF exposure. In the limit, caused by the effects of direct RF exposure of the brain, hearing noise, seeing flashes, headaches, dizziness to the point of falling over, can be the result.

All the effects appear to be worse as the frequency is raised. A serious side effect of exposure at frequencies above 150 Mhz, (that is VHF and above), is that body parts can become resonant absorbers, which raises the amount of energy taken in, and reduces the threshold exposure level at which effects are seen.

The range of variation of human "size" of hand, arm, leg etc within gender and age groups explains in part why some people are more affected than others.

All the above has been widely known for some 40 years, as these effects were first documented by Russian scientists from the late 1950s onward.

When it first became known in the "West" the US/NATO (yes the Yanks), dismissed it as black propaganda. Since 1990 the IEEE have repeatedly attempted to "harmonize" the Russian standards by raising the "safe" levels in Russia upwards by 1000 times. The answer is still NO.

The driving force behind maintaining the high unsafe standard in the West (UK/EU/USA/Can/Aus/NZ) is the financial implication for the cold war warriors.

If the lower standard were adopted the MILITARY would need to purchase many square miles of land around their high power radar and radio sites to remove the public from areas where the lower standard said was unsafe.

The MILITARY could also expect to pay out vast sums in successful death and injury claims to ex-military and civilian persons who have been affected by exposure to previously consider "safe" RF levels.

Eventually common sense, and the case against the current RF exposure standards will prevail, as it did in the case of tobacco.

In the mean time we are all subject to passive RF exposed while the "cell-idiots" deafen everyone with their conversations and spread the risk of pain or death to all around them.

Message from dja.

PS I spent most of my working life involved with radio safety and radio propagation involving high power sites from VLF to millimeter waves.


Medical report from EMF victims in the Netherlands


The electromagnetic fields of cellular phones and the health of children and of teenagers

1: Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2005 Jul-Aug;45(4):442-50.

Related Articles


[The electromagnetic fields of cellular phones and the health of children and of teenagers (the situation requiring to take an urgent measure)]

[Article in Russian]

Grigor'ev IuG


The problem of the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of cellular phones (CP) on the health of children and teenagers is considered in this article. The results of the researchs indicate the increased sensitivity of the children and of the teenagers to this kind of radiation. Direct indicators of electromagnetic influence can be infringement of sleep, decrease of the memory, fatigue, breach of a blood-brain barrier permeability, changes in nervous cells of a brain. As the remote consequences the development of tumors of a brain and acoustic nerve are predicted. However all these results require the realization of independent repeated researches. WHO (World Health Organization) recommends to use "Precautionary principle" with the purposes of decreasing of the risk. Russian National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection recommended to limit the use of CP by children and teenagers under 16 years old (2002, February 2004). The corresponding recommendations were included into SunPin H2.1.8/

Informant: Lawrence A. Plumlee

New hope for phone mast campaigners

From David Baron for info.

New hope for phone mast campaigners


19 January 2006 11:39

Norwich Evening News

A city MP today told how he would be fighting for new laws to allow planning councillors to health fears into account when deciding if phone masts should be allowed in their community.

Dr Ian Gibson, who represents Norwich North, said he would be backing the Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill, when it is debated in the House of Commons on February 24.

Worried families from across Norfolk have been calling for years for health fears to be taken into account for years when local councils decide phone mast applications.

"I'm supporting the bill avidly," said Dr Ian Gibson, who is a prominent supporter of the Evening News's Put Masts on Hold campaign which has called for a halt on masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

"We've got to keep pushing on until we get there. I know it's not a highlight in the Government programme at the moment, but we've got to get it much higher up the agenda."

The Bill has also won the support of David Shailer, 52, from Montcalm Road, Thorpe Hamlet, who has campaigned against the addition of masts to the Mousehold Water Tower.

"Absolutely 100 per cent — that's what we've been asking for all along," said Mr Shailer, who has a son who suffers from severe cerebral palsy.

"The main thing is people feel that they've been railroaded and that their views weren't being considered whatsoever. I think people that are affected need some sort of Parliamentary law to help them.

"We just don't know about the health issues. I think we've got to err on the side of caution until it can be proved 100 per cent one way or the other."

MPs Richard Spring and Andrew Stunnell have previously forwarded the Bill, but it will get its second reading in the House of Commons by MP David Curry on February 24.

If the Bill wins enough support among MPs it could go forward to the committee and support stage, before being heard a third time.

If successful the Bill would go before the House of Lords, and then would have to be given the Royal Assent before it became an Act.

Chris Maile, author of the bill and director of pressure group Planning Sanity, said: "This Bill will do much to even the playing field in order that local residents forced to live with the consequences of telecommunications developments will have a better say in the permission process.

"That can only be for the general good of the country. The primary concern for any Government must be the protection of its citizens. If communities are fearful that their health will be at risk then the Government has a legal and moral obligation to act to positively protect the wider community.

David Baron, a spokesman for Mast Sanity, said the pressure group was also supporting the Bill.

"It has long been our view that a marked imbalance exists in planning law between the commercial interests of the mobile phone operators and the public's genuinely held fear of health risks associated with emissions from masts," he said.

"The Bill presented by David Curry does much to redress this imbalance and return a modicum of local democracy to the community."

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TRAHVOL: hopeful powerline fears heard

Daniel Pi photo

Cecil Dunn, chair of TRAHVOL, speaks about the powerline project during the BCUC town hall meeting Saturday at South Delta Secondary.

By Philip Raphael
South Delta Leader
praphael@southdeltaleader Jan 20 2006

They came. They listened. But did it do any good? “We hope it did,” said Cecil Dunn, chair of TRAHVOL (Tsawwassen Residents Against High Voltage Overhead Lines), referring to Saturday’s (Jan. 14) town hall meeting hosted by the B.C. Utilities Commission. The topic of discussion was the plan to upgrade powerlines that run along a 50-year-old BC Hydro right-of-way that cuts through parts of residential Tsawwassen. The residents fear the health affects of the current lines and oppose changes that could see more powerful lines buried along the route which delivers electricity to consumers on Vancouver Island via an undersea cable from Tsawwassen Beach. Around 50 people, mostly local homeowners who have the lines running through their backyards, got up to address three members of the utilities commission who presided over the meeting held at South Delta Secondary. Many residents made impassioned pleas to abandon the proposal made by the B.C. Transmission Corporation to use the existing right-of-way. Some had their young children by their side as they spoke. Others fought back the tears as they related the illnesses they fear were the result of living near the lines which give off electromagnetic fields (EMF) that some critics believe is linked to incidences of cancer. “It’s hard to believe that someone could not be moved by what people were saying,” Dunn said, adding the three commissioners present remained stone-faced throughout the proceedings. “They certainly were aloof. But there appeared to be plenty note-taking,” Dunn said. “And I suppose that’s better than them sitting there staring at the ceiling.” Dunn said he has been told that in the past similar town hall meetings have not had an appreciative affect on the commission’s final decision. But he remains optimistic the commissioners got the overriding message that high voltage lines are not welcome through residential Tsawwassen. “If it risks the health of just one child, that’s one child too many for the sake of some powerlines,” Dunn said. Also optimistic was fellow TRAHVOL member Maureen Broadfoot who said she felt the town hall meeting sent a “strong message that a route through this area is not workable for this community.” At Saturday’s town hall meeting, Tsawwassen resident Doug Adams made a tearful public apology to his wife and four children, who joined him on the stage, for deciding to live in their current home which has powerlines crossing their backyard. The family moved to South Delta three and a half years ago from Maple Ridge and Adams said his children are constantly exposed to the EMF from the lines. With his voice breaking, Adams said they play under the lines in their backyard, walk to school under the lines, and he even kisses them good night with the fear of being under the powerlines. “I want to publicly apologize to my family for putting them through this and try to make things right and better,” Adams said, and then pleaded for the commission’s understanding and compassion when it comes to deciding on the route. Other speakers were also concerned about the damage that would result from putting the lines underground Shannon Lane resident Glen Page said he doesn’t dispute the need to provide power to Vancouver Island residents, but opting to use the existing right-of-way would cut a path of destruction through his neighbourhood. He added that the $36,000 estimate he received from a professional landscaping firm to restore his property if a cable was buried in his backyard far exceeds the $5,000 BCTC has estimated. Page’s wife Mimi, an avid gardener, added that it takes many years for a garden to mature and attain character like the one she enjoys. “And I don’t think I have enough time left to see that again.” Agnes Jackson, a 25-year Tsawwassen resident was more blunt. “One sick child is one too many,” she told he commission panel. Joedi Timmins said she and her husband moved to Tsawwassen from Campbell River because they felt it was the ideal place in the Lower Mainland to raise their two young daughters. And a home with a large backyard was perfect for that. “Ironically, that one thing has now become our gravest concern,” she said, adding “Please remember that your decision is irreversible.” Public hearings on the powerline project are set to commence Feb. 6 in downtown Vancouver. A lengthy list of interveners, including several residents, have signed up to participate in the process. In addition to BCTC’s proposal for the route, a second option from wind farm company Sea Breeze Pacific will be considered. That firm is advocating an underground cable that would bypass Tsawwassen and run from North Surrey to White Rock then by undersea cable to Vancouver Island. A decision on which route will chosen is expected sometime this spring.

© Copyright 2005 South Delta Leader


Omega-News Collection 21. January 2006


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EMF-Omega-News 21. January 2006

EMF-Omega-News 21. January 2006

Health effects of cellular phone base stations on people living in vicinity of antennas

4 Neuroblastoma cases to investigate

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Science for Media

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Israeli Army removes antennas

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Cell phone hazards: they speak only about cancer to ignore other damages

Dr. Chiyoji Ohkubo answers an EHS person

A step closer to going wireless

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Village in uproar over phone mast

Vehicles immobilised by Telecommunication Masts

Open letter & Calls German Doctors

Protest against phone mast

Phone mast plan sparks fears

Digital TV comments

New spectrum auctions

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Orange, SFR et Bouygues: amende record de 534 millions d'euros

BRETAGNE Antennes relais: Mobilisation et Désinformation

News from Mast Sanity

Omega-News Collection 21. January 2006

Challenge & Ohio Precinct-level 2004 election vote counts now available

The Ohio vote count data that the DNC and Kerry should have obtained and studied, along with Ohio's precinct-level exit poll data, before making any conclusions about the validity of Ohio's vote counts, is now partially available. (It is impossible to make reasonable conclusions about the accuracy of vote miscounts without first obtaining and analyzing detailed vote count data - &/or doing independent audits of vote counts.) These files were uploaded to ElectionArchive.org yesterday from Rady Ananda in Ohio. Each file is one county, including all races in the 11/02/04 election. The data is still missing a crucial breakdown by vote type (absentee, overseas, military, early, provisional, and Election Day).


It may only be possible to restore democracy if candidates begin demanding to obtain and analyze their own detailed election data prior to conceding any election. Americans don't want a quick outcome. We want an accurate outcome.

Please Help us Restore U.S. Democracy in the following two ways.

1. Send copies of NEDA's Ohio exit poll analysis to your own representatives, candidates, and party leaders (of any party from city to national leaders) and ask them to stop conceding elections without first conducting independent audits and performing detailed election data analysis:

National Election Data Archive's Mathematical Analysis

2. Help Us Challenge the U.S. mainstream media to the "2004 Presidential Election Math Challenge: NEDA versus ESI - Who is Correct?"

media contacts: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/dbq/media/

Ask the media to take the following two analyses of the 2004 precinct-level Ohio exit poll discrepancies to any mathematics department and ask them to determine which analysis is mathematically correct.


1. National Election Data Archive's Mathematical Analysis which claims that there is evidence of vote miscounts in Ohio's exit poll discrepancies


2. Mitofsky and Election Science Institute's Mathematical Analysis which claims that its analysis dismisses vote fraud as a cause for the exit poll discrepancies

This is not a "He-said/She-said" story. There is mathematically provable truth that is discernable by ANY mathematics department. The future of civilization depends on the U.S. press reporting the REAL state of vote-count integrity in America.

Please ask press to accept this "Math Challenge: Who is Correct About the 2004 Presidential Exit Poll Discrepancies?"

Thank you. If anyone would like to help write a brief press release for this math challenge, I would greatly appreciate it.


Kathy Dopp

How Can We Ensure that Votes are Counted Accurately?


The Ohio vote count data that the DNC and Kerry should have obtained and studied. To get the precinct-level data used in the DNC Ohio 2004 report, see


Or download the file described there directly from


I posted that on June 23, 2005.

Walter Mebane

POWER lines plan worries residents

Southern New Castle County community asks, 'How safe is this?'


George Kilbride of Wheatland questions the safety of power lines Delmarva Power may put near his development at a community meeting Thursday.


The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences defines electric and magnetic fields (EMF) as invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device, including power lines, wiring, and electrical equipment. Magnetic fields are measured in gauss (G) or milligauss (mG).

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection's guideline for the public's exposure to magnetic fields is 833 mG.

According to Delmarva Power's EMF models, magnetic field exposure on the south side of Wheatland could increase from 0.7 mG to 3.9 mG with the new lines. The west side of the subdivision could go from 21 mG to 25 mG. The projections are calculations based on a peak 2008 summer load.

By ALISON KEPNER The News Journal

MIDDLETOWN -- George Kilbride has a 6-year-old grandson, so if power lines planned near his Wheatland home could put the boy at risk of developing childhood leukemia, he wants to know.

"We asked for someone to come out here and make sure our kids aren't going to get sick," he told Delmarva Power officials at a neighborhood meeting Thursday. "All we are asking is: 'How safe is this?' "

Fears, anxiety and emotions have escalated in southern New Castle County since residents in the Wheatland and Villages at Fairview Farm neighborhoods learned about Delmarva's plans to run 138,000-volt lines behind their homes.

The proposed lines are part of an 8-mile transmission link needed to provide electricity to the growing area south of the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal.

The lines would be on poles about 300 feet apart on a 60-foot right of way through the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Wildlife Area, which is owned by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Many residents have done their own research, finding dozens of articles and studies claiming exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) from the power lines could increase the risk of cancer, seizures and other health problems.

They also found papers disputing those claims and concluding that despite two decades of research, no study has found a credible link.

No definitive link has been found in years of research, but the scientific community is divided about whether more research is needed.

Kilbridge and some residents of the two subdivisions want answers from power officials. Others want the lines moved, whether or not health threats have been confirmed.

"I don't want to have my little sister put at an extra risk," said Meagan Hanifee, 19, whose Wheatland home is near two existing lines.

Mother Stacey Hanifee said they already have a history of cancer in the family.

"Why increase the risk of potential harm by having these things in my yard?" she asked. "I'm deathly afraid."

Most government agencies, medical societies and health experts don't think the studies that claim an EMF-cancer link definitively proved anything.

According to the American Cancer Society, studies of electric utility workers showed a minimal increase in the risk of brain tumors and leukemia. But the increase may have been due to chance. Studies have not been conclusive, the society said.

An eight-year, $4.5 million study by the National Cancer Institute found no association between electric power lines and childhood leukemia. The study was published in July 1997 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

In an editorial accompanying the study, Dr. Edward Campion called for an end to wasteful spending on EMF research. He wrote, "The many inconclusive and inconsistent studies have generated worry and fear and have given peace to no one."

Yet, some experts advocate for more research. The studies suggest something might be there, they argue.

Dr. David Carpenter is director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the State University of New York at Albany.

"I think they are pretty conclusive to childhood cancer," he said. "Nobody has been able to determine the mechanism by which these very low fields cause cancer."

From a public health standpoint, "I am more concerned about the evidence that there is a relationship between exposure and cancer than necessarily understanding totally what the mechanism may be," Carpenter said.

Others believe more research will conclude what previous studies found: there is no link.

"The problem that I would have is that it is very hard to prove a universal negative," said John W. Farley, a physics professor at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. "What you can prove is that the preponderance of studies have not found a real effect."

Farley, author of the paper "Power Lines and Cancer: Nothing to Fear," believes the health scare is perpetuated by researchers who want to keep their jobs.

'We need more information'

So if there is no real risk, why has the debate continued for more than 20 years?

"People don't believe the experts," Farley said, citing the tobacco industry representatives who testified for years about the safety of smoking.

"People have been burned enough by experts who have a stake in it," said Farley, who said he has never been employed by the electric power industry or by its research organization, EPRI.

But those who believe there is a possible EMF-cancer link think caution is warranted.

"I am not an advocate of generating panic," Carpenter said, but "it's stupid for people to be oblivious to issues like these where there almost certainly is increased risk.

"We need more information," he said.

Delmarva officials are considering altering the route slightly to move the poles farther away from the neighborhoods. Company managers hope to make a decision by the end of the month.

Contact Alison Kepner at 324-2965 or akepner@delawareonline.com


Electronic surveillance: Sec. 1809 Criminal sanctions


Water as a Weapon



Mounting evidence proves White House lied about relationship with corrupt lobbyist



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Informant: NHNE

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Informant: Lew Rockwell

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The War on Terror as an Indian War


Iran's Bomb


Nuclear Showdown With Iran


Department of Computer Security: it's a joke






Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent


Informant: bee free

Gentechnik in Lebensmitteln: ein Großversuch mit Verbrauchern und Umwelt

„Gentechnik in Lebensmitteln - Ein Großversuch mit Verbrauchern und Umwelt“ Referent: Klaus Müller, Greepeace Gruppe München

Do., 9. Feb. 2006, 19.30 Uhr in der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung in der Brienner Str. 46, U 1/7 und Tram 20/21 Stiglmaierplatz (3 min zu Fuß) U 2/8 Königsplatz (5 min zu Fuß)

Genmanipulierte Lebensmittel drängen auf den Markt, obwohl sie von der überwältigenden Mehrheit der Verbraucher abgelehnt werden. Besonders über Fleisch-, Milch- und Eierprodukte von mit Gen-Pflanzen gefütterten Tieren landet Gentechnik derzeit auf unseren Tellern. Nach dem Willen der Agro-Industrie sollen nach Gen-Soja, -Mais und -Raps weitere Gen-Pflanzen folgen.

Nun hat der neue Bundesverbraucherminister Horst Seehofer angekündigt, den Anbau von Gen-Pflanzen in Deutschland erleichtern zu wollen. Seehofer verrät damit nicht nur die Verbraucher, er verrät auch alle Bauern, die ohne Gentechnik arbeiten wollen, egal ob sie konventionell oder biologisch produzieren. Eine Koexistenz zwischen dem Anbau von Gen-Pflanzen und von gentechikfreier Landwirtschaft kann es längerfristig nicht geben.

Die gesundheitlichen und die ökologischen Risiken von Gen-Pflanzen sind nicht abschätzbar. Ein grundsätzliches Problem ist die Nicht-Rückholbarkeit der einmal in die Umwelt entlassenen genmanipulierten Organismen. Die Herstellung von genmanipulierten Lebensmitteln ist vor diesem Hintergrund nicht zu verantworten.

Der Referent Klaus Müller berichtet unter anderem über - die Methoden der Genmanipulation und den daraus resultierenden Unwägbarkeiten, - die Kennzeichung von genmanipulierten Lebensmitteln und deren Lücken, - die Risiken der Gentechnik für Verbraucher, Landwirtschaft und Natur und - die aktuelle Debatte um die Aushöhlung des bestehenden Gentechnik-Gesetzes.

Klaus Müller, studierter Mathematiker, arbeitet ehrenmatlich seit fast 20 Jahren bei der Greenpeace Gruppe München. Er ist anerkannter "Gentechnik-Experte", hält Referate und beteiligt sich an Podiumsdiskussionen zu den Themen "Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelherstellung" und "Patente auf Leben".

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Hollemann Regionalbeauftragter

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp) Stadtverband München Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397 E-Mail m.hollemann@oedp-muenchen.de


Alle Vorträge finden jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag im Monat in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung statt: Brienner Str. 46, zwischen U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 09. März 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Die gar nicht so schlechte rot-grüne ökologische Steuerreform - Rückblick und Ausblick" Referent: Dr. Anselm Görres, Förderverein Ökologische Steuerreform

Do., 13. April 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Biokraftstoffe in der Praxis - vom Pflanzenöl zum solaren Wasserstoff" Referent: Marcus Reichenberg, mobil ohne fossil

Do., 11. Mai 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Die 12 Salze des Lebens - Mit Schüßlersalzen gesund durch das Jahr" Referentin: Angelika Gräfin Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Heilpraktikerin und Buchautorin

Do., 08. Juni 2006, 19.30 Uhr "EU-Feinstaubrichtlinie - zahnloser Papiertiger?" Referent: Dr. Stefan Taschner, Mobilitätsexperte, Green City

Do., 13. Juli 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Die Welt vor einer neuen Energiekrise? - Solare Zukunft ohne Erdöl und Atomenergie?" Referent: Dr. Herbert Kuhn, Ingenieur, Energieberater

Do., 10. Aug. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Limbische Wahrheiten – Gehirnforschung, Marketing und Ökologie" Referent: Günther Hartmann, Berater im Stadt- und Regionalmarketing

Do., 14. Sep. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Pflegenotstand - Keine Perspektive im Alter?" Referentin: Christiane Lüst, Dipl.-Soz. Päd., Initiatorin des Münchner Pflegestammtischs

Do., 12. Okt. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Ein Jahr nach der Bundestagswahl - Wo steht Deutschland heute?" Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

Do., 09. Nov. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Das 1,5-Liter-Auto ist machbar - Entwickler berichten" Referent: Uli Sommer, Chefentwickler Loremo-Projekt


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