
We started the war based on a lie, and we’ll finish it based on a lie

War based on a lie:

We started the war based on a lie, and we’ll finish it based on a lie. I say this because I am currently serving with a logistics headquarters in the Anbar province, between the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. I am not fooled by the constant fabrication of “democracy” and “freedom” touted by our leadership at home and overseas.


From Information Clearing House

How Presidents Use the Term "Democracy" as a Marketing Tool

It would be hard to find a U.S. war or expansionist enterprise that was not accompanied by enthusiastic rhetoric about supporting democracy.


From Information Clearing House

Halliburton subsidiary KBR workers in Iraq paid 50 cents an hour

While the United States spends billions on troop support in Iraq, the people serving the meals, scooping the ice cream, and washing the dishes make as little as 50 cents an hour.


From Information Clearing House

How Bush Created a Theocracy in Iraq

The hawks in the Bush administration had initially hoped that a conquered Iraq would form the launching pad for a further American war on Iran. The Shiites of Iraq foiled that plan.


From Information Clearing House

Embedded TIME Reporter: Bush Lied In Speech About Iraqi Security Forces

TIME Magazine reporter Michael Ware, who is embedded with the U.S. troops in Iraq who participated in the Tal Afar battle, appeared on Anderson Cooper yesterday. He said Bush’s description was completely untrue.


From Information Clearing House

Key nations leaving coalition, others may withdraw from Iraq

Washington's ragtag coalition in Iraq continues to crumble, diluting the U.S.-led effort to secure the country amid mounting pressure to start bringing American troops home next year.


From Information Clearing House

Iraqi insurgency strong and could get stronger

Despite US claims of progress in quelling the insurgency in Iraq, it remains as robust as ever and could grow a good deal stronger, according to a new study released Thursday.


A Cabal of Criminality


Beware Iraqization

By Mike Ferner

Nixon decided to change the color of the corpses in Viet Nam by replacing U.S. ground troops with U.S. bombers…that in just six months of 1972, U.S. warplanes dropped 702,000 500-pound bombs on Viet Nam…or that 15 giant B-52’s would be shot down during the “Christmas Bombings” that year, with nearly 100 crewmembers killed or captured.


Blair Faces Allegations of Complicity in Torture

Pressure is mounting on the White House to answer claims that the CIA is using UK airports to fly terrorist suspects to secret prisons in Europe for torture.


2 More US Allies Departing Crumbling Coalition

Two of America's allies in Iraq are withdrawing forces this month and a half-dozen others are debating possible pullouts or reductions, increasing pressure on Washington as calls mount to bring home US troops.


Fitzgerald CIA Leak Investigation Centers In on Rove

A conversation between Karl Rove's lawyer and a journalist for Time magazine led Mr. Rove to change his testimony last year to the grand jury in the CIA leak case, people knowledgeable about the sequence of events said Thursday.


Abramoff Corruption Scandal Grows

Many forces are bearing down on Mr. Abramoff. Last week, his closest business partner, Michael Scanlon, pleaded guilty to conspiracy in exchange for cooperating in the inquiry, being run by an interagency group, into whether money and gifts were used in an influence-peddling scandal that involved lawmakers.


Unternehmensverantwortung im Globalisierungsprozess


Kids Being Conditioned To Big Brother and Police State

Kids Being Conditioned To Big Brother and Police State

Apocalyptic Video Game Features Global Government Takeover

Empire In Descent: The Deliberate Destruction Of America


„Ich will nicht noch einmal Krebs bekommen“

Sendemast in der Bahnhofstraße wurde mit „vodafone“-Antenne erweitert – wie hoch sind die Risiken?

BAD STAFFELSTEIN. Helle Aufregung in der Adam-Riese-Stadt: Still und heimlich soll der Sendemast in der Bahnhofstraße auf dem Gelände der Deutschen Post aufgerüstet worden sein. Entsetzte Mienen bei den umliegenden Anwohnern: Wird die Strahlenbelastung nun noch höher, die gesundheitlichen Risiken noch mehr?

von Markus Drossel

„Den ganzen Vormittag haben die am Mast gearbeitet. Doch keiner kann und will uns sagen, was da gemacht wurde. Keiner ist zuständig. Ich hatte schon einmal Krebs, ich will nicht schon wieder einen durch die Strahlung“: Die Angst steht Margarethe Bessner, Josephine Bachinger und Elisabeth Porzelt ins Gesicht geschrieben. Sorgenfalten prägen die Mienen. Alle drei wohnen in der Bahnhofstraße im „Betreuten Wohnen“. Nur 30 Meter Luftlinie vom Sendemasten entfernt.

„Auge in Auge“

Wenn sie sich auf ihren Balkon begeben, stehen sie quasi „Auge in Auge“ mit dem Sendemast: Margarethe Bessner dachte, sie treffe der Schlag, als am Donnerstag Arbeiten am Funkmast begannen. Noch weitere Elemente wurden angebracht. Gesagt hatte keiner was. Man stellte die Anwohner vor vollendete Tatsachen. Die Rentnerin griff zum Telefon, rief Stadtverwaltung, Landratsamt, die Deutsche Post und schließlich die Telekom an. Immer erhielt sie die gleiche Antwort: „Immer kam: ‚Tut mir leid, wir sind nicht zuständig’. Und bei der Beschwerde-Hotline der Telekom ging niemand ans Telefon“, klagt sie.

Sorgen um die Gesundheit

Die Sorgen um ihre Gesundheit nehmen zu. Und sie haben einen konkreten Anlass: „Ich bin ja erst im Juni hierher gezogen. Seitdem konnte ich sehr schlecht schlafen. Erst dachte ich, dass die Umstellung und der Umzug schuld sind. Doch das wurde nicht besser. Und dann hörte ich davon, dass sehr viele Leute, die direkt am Sendemast wohnen, extrem schlecht schlafen“, erläutert sie. Elisabeth Porzelt und Josephine Bachinger nicken: Ja, auch sie haben Schlafprobleme. Hart trifft es Josephine Bachinger: „Der Sendemast steht direkt vor meinem Schlafzimmer. Aber eigentlich betrifft es alle. Jeder klagt. Aber auf uns alte Leute wird ja nicht gehört.“ Die Rentner sind erzürnt, wie wenig Beachtung ihnen geschenkt wird. Und wie leichtsinnig ein Konzern mit ihrer Gesundheit spielt: „Wir dachten, wir würden in einer Demokratie leben. Doch uns fragt keiner, die machen, was sie wollen. Und nun gab es wieder etwas Neues am Sendemast als Zugabe“, macht Josephine Bachinger ihrem Unmut Luft.

Dafür, dass der Mobilfunkmast mitten in einem Wohngebiet steht, hat keiner im „Betreuten Wohnen“ oder in der Umgebung des Turms Verständnis: „Es gibt so viele Freiflächen außerhalb der Stadt. Und trotzdem steht das Ding vor unserer Nase. In Nedensdorf hatte ich immer wie eine Ratz geschlafen. Seit Juni schlafe ich schlecht“, betont Margarethe Bessner. Die Rentner fordern: „Wir wollen eine erneute Messung der Strahlung. Auch hier bei uns im ‚Betreuten Wohnen’. Wir wollen wissen, wie hoch die Belastung ist.“ Und dafür wollen sie kämpfen: „Wir fühlen uns schutzlos ausgeliefert! Keiner will uns helfen.“ Margarethe Bessner macht keinen Hehl daraus, dass das Thema Mobilfunkmast und Strahlenbelastung für sie auch ein Thema im Bürgermeisterwahlkampf ist.

Der „Fränkische Tag“ klemmte sich hinter das Telefon und versuchte herauszufinden, was denn genau am Sendemast in der Bahnhofstraße gemacht wurde. Erste Adresse: Die Deutsche Post, der das Gelände gehört. Ergebnis: Die Stelle, auf der der Mast steht, gehört der Telekom. Dort verweist man nach stundenlangem Hin und Her schließlich auf „t-mobile“ in München, einen Mobilfunkanbieter. Ja, man sei an dem Mast beteiligt, heißt es dort. Vermieter sei die DSMG. Doch etwas Neues angebracht habe man nicht. Das sei „vodafone“ gewesen, ein anderer Mobilfunkanbieter und Mitnutzer der Anlage.

„Reine Panikmache“

Ernst Andersch, der Pressesprecher von „vodafone“, sieht keine gesundheitlichen Risiken für die Anwohner gegeben: „Alles reine Panikmache. Vor allem von den Medien. Auch Angst kann krank machen“, beschwichtigt Ernst Andersch, der Pressesprecher des Mobilfunkbetreibers.

Gerade durch unsachgemäße Berichterstattung trage man dazu bei. „Es besteht definitiv keine Gefahr durch die Radiowellen“, fügt er hinzu.

Omega fragt sich nur, wer hier unsachgemäße Berichterstattung betreibt: gepulste Mikrowellen sind definitiv eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit und die kritischen Berichte darüber kein Angst- oder Panikmache. Siehe „Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunk“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1223449/

Die Firma „vodafone“ habe ihre UMTS-Antennen übrigens schon im Sommer auf diesem Mast installiert. Die derzeitigen Arbeiten würden von der Deutschen Funkturm-GmbH durchgeführt, die dort wohl Steigleitern anbaue. Wie lange der Mietvertrag gehe, konnte er aus dem Stegreif nicht beantworten. „Eines noch: Der Sender steht nicht in einem Wohngebiet, sondern in einer Art Gewerbegebiet“, stellt er klar.

Das allerdings dürften die Anwohner etwas anders sehen. Margarethe Bessner hat sich mittlerweile an Gabriele Richter vom Bund Naturschutz gewandt, die sie an Michael Kolb aus Seubelsdorf verwies. Er wird wohl in Kürze in Bad Staffelstein die Strahlung messen. Auf das Ergebnis darf man dann gespannt sein.

Omega auf das Ergebnis braucht man nicht gespannt sein. Das Ergebnis wird lauten: die Grenzwerte werden eingehalten bzw. deutlich unterschritten, was auf die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen jedoch überhaupt keinen Einfluss hat. Die in Deutschland gültigen Grenzwerte sind technische Grenzwerte, bei denen die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen vor deren Einführung niemals an Menschen über einen langen Zeitraum gestestet wurden. Siehe „Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk“ http://omega.twoday.net/stories/242821/


Risiko Mobilfunk


Risiko Mobilfunk: Gefahr für die Gesundheit


Mobilfunk und Gesundheit


Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunk

Gesundheitliche Schäden durch Mobilfunk sind nicht nachgewiesen?

Schädlichkeit von Mobilfunk

Krank durch Mobilfunk - Elektrosmog - Die Opfer


Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Ärztekammern und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Gesundheitsgefährdung durch Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk und Krebs

Le CRIIREM veille sur les ondes

Le Dauphiné Libéré 2 Décembre 2005

Keine Dauerbeschattung des Autobahnverkehrs


Bürgerrechtsorganisationen: Straßen-Totalüberwachungs-Vertrag mit TollCollect kündigen http://www.ccc.de/press/releases/2003/CCC20031104?language=de

Zentrale Speicherung biometrischer Daten gefährdet Grundrechte


Diplomatisches Theater

Die EU verlangt von der US-Regierung Aufklärung über die Verschleppung von Menschen und etwaige CIA-Geheimgefängnisse, aber an einer wirklichen Aufklärung ist man wohl auch hier nicht interessiert.


SCHÜLER filmen Misshandlung mit Handy


Update from the Field- 12/1/05


Bush in Iraq, Slouching toward Genocide

Robert Parry: Despite pretty words about democracy and freedom, George W. Bush's "victory" plan in Iraq is starting to look increasingly like an invitation to genocide, the systematic destruction of the Sunni minority for resisting its US-induced transformation from the nation's ruling elite into second-class citizenship.


HAARP: «Herrschaft über das Wetter» für militärische Zwecke


Traitors in the Media


Informant: Milo

Polluter Playtime

by Frank O'Donnell, TomPaine.com

Sure, the Bush administration enforces clear air laws -- when they don't trouble big polluters.


The Insurgencies Are Winning

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

The Bush administration's distaste for reality is fueling its enemies in Iraq and in Congress.





The goal of this new Research Questionnaire is to garner for 2005 and 2006 the maximum amount of new data and statistics in the face of the unprecedented growth of mobile relay antennas for Mobile Telephones (MT) resulting from the operators bringing into operation in the last few months new technologies (EDGE, 3G /UMTS, etc. . .).

This increased density of the network of relay stations for MT generates a very strong increase in “Electrosmog” (the whole set of ambient ElectroMagnetic Fields). This latest development is now taking the proportion of masts to an even more worrying level for our health, notably by the generalization of hyper frequency radiation from microwaves. The absence of objective information generates a total lack of understanding of the risks incurred by people who live near the relay antennas. Many studies show changes in electroencephalograms, associated with cerebral malfunction and put into question the role of ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMF) from the MT relay antennas in the outbreak of neurovegitative troubles such as headaches, abnormal fatigue, disturbance of sleep etc. . . from where comes the all new expression of recent years: “People Are Tired”.

This anonymous questionnaire if you want to complete it, is easy to complete. It is essential that it is widely broadcast in France and in Europe so that it might be credible. After data processing of the responses to the questionnaire, we will put the statistics back in the hands of the scientists for final analysis.

Read further under:


(by electronic translator)

Thank you for your message and your interrogations. People of Associations "Let us save Leon" (l’Associations Sauvons Léon) decided to in general undertake a national and international combat on the electrosmog. The strategy which is to develop wants innovative and media, because we think that to gain it is necessary to inform the mass of the population. It is necessary still that during a few months that we inform to arrive at the goal which a great part of the population includes/understands the problem. For a few days, televisions in their television news in France have started to make reports on the brain tumours in the schools, that had never existed front. We recorded a considerable number of new connections, more than 200 instantaneous by each waiter this Friday, there are eight waiters!

To type on Google for example: next up telephonie mobile http://www.google.fr/search?q=next+up+telephonie+mobile&hl=fr&lr=&start=0&sa=N

We think that we are on the good way, it is necessary to continue, we strongly progressed, but that is not yet sufficient. All together we must arrive there, it is a combat of public health international.

The answers to your questions are all in the site. - Which are we? http://www.next-up.org/intro2.php#1

- and which are our goals?

and http://www.next-up.org/main.php?param=problem

With regard to the European Parliament, if you can have contacts, that would be very positive! On the site we have a heading direct on Europe. http://www.next-up.org/synthese_parlement_europeen.php

Yours sincerely
Better Cordialities Next-up


En Francais !

Merci de votre message et de vos interrogations.

Des personnes de l’Associations Sauvons Léon ont décidé d’entreprendre un combat national et international sur l’électrosmog en général.

La stratégie qui est mise en œuvre se veut novatrice et médiatique, car nous pensons que pour gagner il faut informer la masse de la population.

Il faut encore que pendant quelques mois que nous informions pour arriver au but qu’une partie importante de la population comprenne le problème.

Depuis quelques jours, les télévisions dans leurs journaux télévisés en France commencent à faire des reportages sur les tumeurs au cerveau dans les écoles, cela n’avait jamais existé avant. Nous avons enregistré un nombre considérable de nouvelles connexions, plus de 200 instantanées par chaque serveur ce vendredi, il y a huit serveurs!

Taper sur Google par exemple: next up telephonie mobile

Nous pensons que nous sommes sur la bonne voie, il faut continuer, nous avons fortement progressé, mais cela n’est pas encore suffisant.

Tous ensemble nous devons y arriver, c’est un combat de salubrité publique international.

Les réponses à vos questions sont toutes dans le site.

- Qui sommes-nous ?



Quels sont nos buts ?

En ce qui concerne le Parlement Européen, si vous pouvez avoir des contacts, cela serait très positif !

Sur le site nous avons une rubrique direct sur l'Europe.

Bien à vous
Meilleures Cordialités


Enquête Nationale Riverains Antennes Relais


Dossier l’école de RUITZ et de Saint-Cyr-l’École

Dossier Antennes Relais de Téléphonie Mobile RUITZ 1ère Partie:


Outrage over mobile phone mast plan

Outrage has greeted continued plans by a mobile phone company to put up equipment on a Bognor Regis building.

O2 intends to install three antennae above 85 Aldwick Road in spite of the scheme being rejected by councillors last month.

The company has followed its refusal by Arun District Council's development control committee by submitting a notice of intent about its latest proposals.

The notice is a planning mechanism for telecoms firms which gives a council prior warning of a scheme.

O2 wants to put up the 14.1 metre high antennae on poles mounted on two chimneys on the eastern end of the property. It also wants to install an equipment cabinet, some 2m wide and 1.65m high, behind the building.

The council has about a month from receiving the notice to decide if the work is permitted development which does not need formal planning approval.

But Aldwick Road resident, and Arun district councillor, Paul Wells said: "I am livid about this. Once again, one of the mobile phone companies are basically getting their way and putting two fingers up to the planning authority.

Full report in the December 1 issue of the Bognor Regis Observer
02 December 2005


Environment, health, jobs and justice: who gets to decide?


Delphi Workers Protest "Wreck of American Values"

"Miller Wrecks American Values," said signs held by auto workers picketing Delphi Chief Executive Officer Steve Miller. United Auto Workers Local 2195 in Tanner, Alabama, was among 23 Delphi unions nationwide to hold an informal picket to protest Miller's plans for the company.


Ralph Reed's Involvement with Abramoff under Scrutiny

Three Texas watchdog groups asked a Texas county official Thursday to investigate former Christian Coalition founder Ralph Reed, who worked with lobbyist Jack Abramoff to press state officials to shut down two Texas tribal casinos.


Where People Cannot Afford Their Country

Despite the allocation of billions of dollars of US government money for "reconstruction," Iraqis are struggling to exist amidst soaring prices, unemployment, a devastated infrastructure and cuts in services.


Prosecutors Urged to Investigate Ralph Reed's Covert Lobbying


Amnesty International USA Activists Travel to Raleigh, N.C. to Protest 1,000th U.S. Execution


War Profiteer Knows How to Party


Bush: The Unpopular in Pursuit of the Unwinnable?


Fears of Big Freeze as Scientists Detect Slower Gulf Stream


Flight Logs Reveal Hundreds of CIA Flights to Europe


The Bush Administration war on the independent media: lies and manipulation of news


A host of recent developments have made it clear that the Bush White House is doing battle against the journalistic standards and practices that underpin of our democracy. With its unprecedented campaign to undermine and stifle independent journalism, Bush & Co. have demonstrated brazen contempt for the Constitution and considerable fear of an informed public.

Free Press has launched a campaign to chronicle and combat Bush's war on the press. Today, we published a new report
http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?key=59353558&url_num=2&url=http://www.freepress.net/presswar showing the scope and intensity of the administration's assault on press freedoms. The growing list of attacks on the press is truly astonishing:

Infiltrating Public Broadcasting

White House loyalists inside the Corporation for Public Broadcasting have launched a crusade to remake PBS, NPR and other public media into official mouthpieces. Kenneth Tomlinson's tenure at the CPB was characterized by targeting journalists like Bill Moyers who dared to air dissenting voices or prepare investigative reports on the administration.

Tomlinson's goal was clearly to fire a shot across the bow of all public stations so managers would shy away from the sort of investigative journalism that might expose Bush administration malfeasance. Tomlinson resigned in disgrace but left behind a cast of cronies to carry out his partisan crusade. And we still don't know the extent to which Karl Rove and others at the White House orchestrated his efforts.

Manufacturing Fake News

Under Bush administration directives, at least 20 federal agencies have produced and distributed scores of "video news releases" out of a $254 million slush fund set up to manufacture taxpayer-funded propaganda. These bogus and deceptive stories have been broadcast on TV stations nationwide without any acknowledgment that they were prepared by the government rather than local journalists.

The segments - which trumpeted administration "successes," promoted its controversial line on issues like overhauling Medicare, and featured Americans "thanking" Bush - have been repeatedly labeled "covert propaganda" by investigators at the Government Accountability Office.

Bribing Journalists

The administration has paid pundits to sing its praises. Earlier this year, TV commentator Armstrong Williams pocketed $240,000 in taxpayer money to laud Bush's education policies. Three other journalists have since been discovered on the government dole; and Williams admits that he has "no doubt" that other paid Bush shills are still on the loose.

The administration has even exported these tactics. According to the Los Angeles Times, the U.S. military is now secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to publish stories written by American troops.

Lying about the Iraq War

The White House saw the battle for domestic popular opinion as one of the main fronts in the war in Iraq. With the help of a compliant media, truth became the first casualty in their campaign to whip up support. But rather than admit to their lies and misinformation, the administration continues to attack those reporting the truth.

As Frank Rich recently wrote in the New York Times, the administration's "web of half-truths and falsehoods used to sell the war did not happen by accident; it was woven by design and then foisted on the public by a P.R. operation built expressly for that purpose in the White House."

Eliminating Dissent in the Mainstream Media

Bush has all but avoided traditional press conferences, closing down a prime venue for holding the executive accountable. On those rare occasions when he deigned to meet reporters, presidential aides turned the press conferences into parodies by seating a friendly right-wing "journalist," former male escort Jeff Gannon, amid the reporters and then steering questions to him when tough issues arose.

They have effectively silenced serious questioners, like veteran journalist Helen Thomas, by refusing to have the president or his aides call on reporters who challenge them. And they have established a hierarchy for journalists seeking interviews with administration officials, which favors networks that give the White House favorable coverage.

Gutting the Freedom of Information Act

The administration has scrapped enforcement of the Freedom of Information Act and has made it harder for reporters to do their jobs by refusing to cooperate with even the most basic requests for comment and data from government agencies. This is part of a broader clampdown on access to information that has made it virtually impossible for journalists to cover vast areas of government activity.

Consolidating Media Control

The administration continues to make common cause with the most powerful broadcast corporations in an effort to rewrite ownership laws in a manner that favors monopoly control of information. The Federal Communications Commission will announce plans to rewrite the ownership rules soon - it could happen as early as February - with aims of unleashing a new wave of media consolidation. The administration's desired rules changes would strike a mortal blow to local reporting and further squeeze journalists.

In a famous 1945 opinion, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black said that "the First Amendment rests on the assumption that the widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources is essential to the welfare of the public, that a free press is a condition of a free society." In other words, a free press is the sine qua non of the entire American Constitution and republican experiment.

We started Free Press because our democracy demands a diverse and independent media. The Bush administration's attack on the foundations of self-government requires a response of similar caliber. I hope you'll join me in the year ahead as Free Press works to hold the administration accountable for all its attacks on journalism and see that such abuses will not be repeated in the future.

Please take a moment to visit our online campaign

http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?key=59353558&url_num=3&url=http://www.freepress.net/presswar to defend democracy from the White House assault on the media.


Robert W. McChesney
President Free Press

P.S. Know more people who would like to keep updated on this and other media reform issues? Urge them to join our e-activist list. The more people you enlist in the movement for media reform, the better our chances of success.

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America's leadership is waging a war against the journalistic standards and practices that underpin not only a free press but our democracy. The Fourth Estate is withering under an unprecedented White House assault designed to intimidate, smear and discredit investigative journalism - and allow the president and his political cronies to lie with impunity. If left unchecked, this and future administrations will continue to:

a.. manipulate the media "message" by producing propaganda, putting journalists on the government payroll and tightly scripting all public events;

b.. dismiss all dissenting views in the media as biased and politically motivated;

c.. undermine public trust in journalism using the right-wing "echo chamber" to sow hostility toward reporters who challenge the official line; and

d.. eliminate access to information making it nearly impossible for journalists to investigate vast swathes of the federal government.

Bush's Media Agenda

The current administration is more inhospitable to truth and an informed citizenry than any before it. In fact, the administration seeks the opposite: a public that buys a carefully constructed myth over reality. This deception has manifest in seven lines of attack:

a.. Infiltrating public broadcasting with party loyalists b.. Manufacturing fake news and propaganda c.. Bribing journalists to flack for the administration d.. Gutting the Freedom of Information Act e.. Deceiving media (and the U.S. public) about Iraq f.. Stifling dissent within mainstream media g.. Consolidating media control into the hands of the elite

Defending Our Press

The damage already done is reflected in plummeting public faith in reporters and the unrelenting stream of lies flowing from the White House into mainstream news. This crisis can be attributed in part to the failure of big media corporations and some journalists to meet the basic responsibilities of the press in a democratic society. But the Bush administration's wholesale assault on a free press is also to blame. This White House has gone well beyond the cynical maneuvers of past administrations and implemented a scheme to tear down journalism and erode civil liberties.

Free Press has launched a nonpartisan campaign to defend democracy from the war on diverse and independent media. The campaign will exert grassroots and lobbying pressure to implement policies that hold our leadership accountable and ensure that abuses of press freedom are not repeated by this and future administrations.

Join the fight for a free press

Join our campaign for free and independent media.

Stop the White House from using hundreds of millions of tax dollars to manipulate news.

From InfoNature.Org

Bring the troops home: a majority of Americans want troops home in 2006

In a speech today, President Bush tried to answer the majority of Americans who believe we need to change course in Iraq. But he offered no plans to bring troops home—just flashy public relations.

Bush's public relations push comes at a tipping point in the Iraq debate. A majority of Americans want troops home in 2006 and former supporters of the war in Congress like Rep. John P. Murtha (D-PA) agree.

Members of Congress are changing and examining their position on Iraq right now. It is critical that they hear from all of us. For the next two weeks we're circulating a petition calling on Congress to insist on an exit strategy to bring the troops home in 2006. Will you sign? Click below.


We’re planning a nation-wide round of deliveries two weeks from now, when MoveOn members will deliver local petition signatures to Congresspeople across the country. The more people who sign, the more clear the message will be: we expect Congress to act.

Members of Congress are trying to figure out whether the national concern about the war is reflected in their home district. And things are changing fast: just in the last weeks, Senators Obama, Clinton, and Biden have indicated that they're more open to a quicker exit strategy. A strong showing of support for a plan to bring the troops home will send an important message that our representatives need to do their job.

It hasn't always been clear over the last two years when Congressional leaders might come around on Iraq. But this might be that moment. Two thirds of Americans want a plan to bring the troops home and, as Congressman John Murtha and a growing group of military generals argue, that is the best course we have. That is why signing the petition is so important.

Two weeks ago Congressman Murtha, a long-time supporter of the war, kick-started a debate on Iraq by proposing a plan to bring our troops home from Iraq starting immediately and taking about six months. Rep. Murtha's case is simple.

* U.S. troop presence is driving the insurgency, making things worse. Iraq can't stabilize with U.S. troops there.

* Iraqis want us to leave—more than 80% of Iraqis in one survey.

* The war in Iraq is making America less safe—hurting our preparedness and global alliances.

* The challenges that remain in Iraq can only be resolved politically—not with the military.

We need to push our elected leaders to stand firm and insist on a real plan to bring the troops home—a responsible exit strategy with a timeline that starts now and brings the troops home in 2006.

Please sign our petition so we can deliver it to representatives before they leave for the holiday break.



Informant: R Hubble

We, the People


Signs of Empire


Murtha Defeats Bush


Artificial Sweetener Causes Cancer in Rats at Levels Currently Approved for Humans

Best friend had breast cancer...drinks 3 diet soda's a day...wont listen....... oh well?



November 17, 2005

CONTACT: Jim Tobin

New Study Suggests Artificial Sweetener Causes Cancer in Rats at Levels Currently Approved for Humans

Report in Environmental Health Perspectives calls for reevaluation of acceptable limits of aspartame consumption

[Research Triangle Park, NC] ] A statistically significant increase in the incidence of malignant tumors, lymphomas and leukemias in rats exposed to varying doses of aspartame appears to link the artificial sweetener to a high carcinogenicity rate, according to a study accepted for publication today by the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). The authors of the study, the first to demonstrate multipotential carcinogenic effects of aspartame administered to rats in feed, called for an "urgent reevaluation" of the current guidelines for the use and consumption of this compound.

"Our study has shown that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogenic compound whose carcinogenic effects are also evident at a daily dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg), notably less than the current acceptable daily intake for humans," the authors write. Currently, the acceptable daily intake for humans is set at 50 mg/kg in the United States and 40 mg/kg in Europe.

Aspartame is the second most widely used artificial sweetener in the world. It is found in more than 6,000 products including carbonated and powdered soft drinks, hot chocolate, chewing gum, candy, desserts, yogurt, and tabletop sweeteners, as well as some pharmaceutical products like vitamins and sugar-free cough drops. More than 200 million people worldwide consume it. The sweetener has been used for more than 30 years, having first been approved by the FDA in 1974. Studies of the carcinogenicity of aspartame performed by its producers have been negative.


Bullet Points over Baghdad

Paul Krugman writes: The National Security Council document released this week under the grandiose title "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" is neither an analytical report nor a policy statement. It's simply the same old talking points - "victory in Iraq is a vital US interest;" "failure is not an option" - repackaged in the style of a slide presentation for a business meeting.


Fällt Europas Fernheizung bald aus?

Klimawandel: Fällt Europas Fernheizung bald aus? Forscher wissen, was dann passieren würde . . .. Krüppelbirken statt Apfelbäume, Rentiere statt Milchkühe - nur fünf Grad weniger hätten dramatische Auswirkungen. Hamburger Abendblatt:

Nach wie vor befindet sich der öffentliche Diskurs / das Bewusstsein der Bevölkerung in einer immer gefährlicheren Trance und Indifferenz gegenüber den anliegenden Klimarisiken: möglicherweise verbleibt uns nun noch wenig Zeit, bis Mittel- und Nordeuropa in die Kältestarre verfallen.

Nach dem Spiegel hat nun auch Springers Abendblatt das Thema aufgegriffen, das durch die Veröffentlichung des Berichts einer ozeanografischen Untersuchung im Wissenschaftsmagazin Nature angestoßen worden war - beide Blätter zeigten sich noch bis vor kurzem ökologischen Fragen nicht sonderlich zugeneigt.

Ein aktueller Artikel im Abendblatt versucht - wenn auch abwiegelnd - ein Bild von den Konsequenzen zu vermitteln, wenn es zu einem Ende der Heizung durch den Golfstrom bei uns kommt:

statt Äpfelbäumen gibt es dann noch Krüppelbirken, Tundrasteppen breiten sich aus, Kühe würden ersetzt werden müssen durch Rentiere. Vor ca. 100.000 Jahren, als hier vergleichbare Temperaturen herrschten, reichten die Gletscher Skandinaviens bis an die Elbe. Landwirtschaft in der bekannten Form wäre nahezu ausgeschlossen.


Dass es hierzu kommt ist leider recht wahrscheinlich in Anbetracht der Trance, aus der heraus die Mehrzahl der Buerger mit dem Problem umgeht: der erforderliche Druck auf die politische Elite, die sich ansonsten darauf beschränkt, die Bedürfnisse der großen Konzerne zu bedienen, hält sich in überschaubaren Grenzen und Eigeninitiativen, die dem Problem begegnen könnten, bleiben die Ausnahme.

Viele werden das Thema vermutlich erst reflektieren, sobald sie der ökonomische Schock ereilt: z.B. mit der Heizkostenendabrechnung des kommenden Jahres. Und viele werden vermutlich zu spät verstehen, dass ökologische Vernunft auch ökonomisch sehr viel besser überleben lässt, als Ignoranz: der flächendeckende Einsatz verfügbarer Technologien: der Wärmedämmung, von Pkws, die mit 3 Liter / 100km auskommen, statt heute mit 8, das konsequente Umschwenken auf regenerative Energien wären Mittel, die

a) den Energieeinsatz optimieren und damit auch ökonomisch weiterhin bezahlbar machen, die

b) viele neue Arbeitsplätze schaffen würden anstatt Unsummen abfließen zu lassen in die Kassen der Ölkonzerne (die in Deutschland keine Steuern zahlen) und die

c) das ökologische Klimaproblem lösen könnten, wenn sich eine zunehmende Zahl von Menschen in den Industrieländern dieser Erkenntnis anschließen und ihre politische Elite motivieren, dies entsprechend umzusetzen.

Wir befinden uns heute in einer Situation, in der nahezu alle anderen Schritte ins unausweichliche Desaster führen: in die zu erwartende Kältestarre Mittel- und Nordeuropas sowie gleichzeitig in die Schuldknechtschaft der großen Öl und Energiemonopole, deren Rechnungen für uns bald unbezahlbar sein werden.

Nachricht von Gerhard Wendebourg

What Bush didn't say about the war

Boston Globe
by Thomas Oliphant


Had President Bush chosen to be candid and honest yesterday at the Naval Academy, he could have added a simple sentence to his oration on how marvelously things are going in Iraq. That sentence would read: Representative Jack Murtha is correct. In fact, if anything, the pro-military Democrat from Pennsylvania probably understated his case that the United States can and should withdraw its troops from Iraq over the next six months, leaving only a rapid response force in one of the Persian Gulf emirates. Had Bush chosen candor and honesty, he could have said flat-out that Hillary Clinton was correct this week in calling for a plan to withdraw troops next year in the aftermath of December's parliamentary elections. The president didn't do either because he was not being candid or honest about the situation in a place where he insists on an open-ended military commitment...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A Zbig deal

The American Prospect
by Tara McKelvey


On a rainy November afternoon, Zbigniew Brzezinski, author, most recently, of The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership,


outlines a new Democratic strategy from his Center for Strategic and International Studies office on K Street. Some Democrats, such as Senator Joseph Biden, say they regret their decision to support the Iraq war. What do you think Democrats overall should be saying and doing? The Democrats have a responsibility vis à vis the American people: to act as an alternative and to provide a vision of a strategy that avoids the pitfalls of what the Bush administration has created. The fact of the matter is that Democrats failed to do that during the grand debate over whether or not to go to war in Iraq. To be sure, some Democrats can rationalize their decisions by saying they gave the president contingent authority, and he pushed much further and acted unilaterally. Nonetheless, the fact is Democrats, tacitly at the very least, and explicitly in some cases, went along with a presidential decision based on a case that was dubious at best and mendacious at worst. Some leading Democrats have even acted as if they wanted to be part of the Bush cabinet, helping him prosecute the war in Iraq. L’outrance, as the French would say...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A third way on global warming

Tom Paine
by Michael Shellenberger & Ted Nordhaus


Last January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that one of his top priorities as chairman of the Group of Eight industrialized countries would be to rally the G8 to action on global warming. Unspoken in that announcement, but obvious to all, was Blair's intention to target President Bush, who in 2001 withdrew the United States from the Kyoto protocol regulating greenhouse gas emissions. As world leaders convened last July, there was much anticipation over what kind of agreement the G8 would reach. By the end of the summit, it was clear that Blair's hopes had been dashed. The White House succeeded in so watering down the G8's communique on global warming that it ended up being weaker than the statement President Bush's father had signed 13 years before...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Trashing every principle of constitutional law

by Elaine Cassel


In these two cases, our government has violated every principle of constitutional law and criminal procedure that at one time made our criminal justice system something to be proud of. The Bill of Rights held no hope for these men. Only the right of habeas corpus -- that last hope for the hopeless that holds the President to account for imprisoning someone -- got then in the court house door. But the government taught them a civics lesson they didn't learn in school: the President, at least this President, thinks he can walk all over the Bill of Rights -- your rights -- and get away with it. When one maneuver fails, they have another up their sleeves...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Big brother is watching you work

by Arthur Goldstuck


More and more, however, corporate bosses are being turned on to the idea of employee surveillance. In certain kinds of business it makes sense. Where productivity is measured by the minute, or where a large workforce has to be paid based on time spent on the job, the age-old concept of the punch-clock was the answer for more than a century. In the 21st century, we have 'smart buildings' that can do anything from automatically switching on the light when you walk into a room to giving your boss a printout of your precise movements throughout the working day. A building that responds to your needs sounds great. A building that serves your boss's needs for micromanagement is a recipe for human resource disaster...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America on its own in Iraq war

Cato Institute
by Ted Galen Carpenter


There always has been a dearth of evidence to support the 'international rescue' thesis. Contrary to the wishful thinking of both the Bush administration and its liberal opponents, other countries are not eager to spend their money on transforming Iraq. They are even less willing to sacrifice the lives of their military personnel on the altar of nation-building. Russian President Vladimir Putin succinctly expressed the attitude of most governments on the eve of the invasion when he responded to a reporter's question about whether Russia would join in the venture. 'Yeah, like we're really that stupid,' he replied. The brutal reality is that the Bush administration has conducted the Iraq intervention in the only way it could have proceeded -- as an overwhelmingly U.S.-British venture with a handful of good wishes and token contributions from the so-called coalition of the willing. The hope for a truly international mission always was a non-starter -- and it remains so to this day...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Does government protect us?

by Anthony Gregory


The state is a protection racket, not much different in kind from any organized crime syndicate. Just as the state fails in its ancillary functions, such as schooling and caring for the poor, so does it fail in its advertised primary function as an institution of protection. That’s why it's a racket. That's why it's a fraud. Even if one thinks the state can be set up so as to protect people's rights more than it abuses them, a libertarian should probably look at the current situation and conclude that the state does not, in fact, protect us on balance...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's "Great Leap Forward"

by Justin Raimondo


In the mind of an ideologue, words have the power to transform reality, to defy the laws of nature and overcome all earthly powers. Are we losing the war? Well, then, let us have more words -- a presidential speech, preferably delivered before an audience of adoring Praetorians, is enough to turn the tide. Are the insurgents gaining popular support, to the point where even the elected Iraqi government our soldiers are dying to protect has declared that Iraqis have the 'right of resistance?' Well, then, the answer is to re-name them 'rejectionists,' denounce them as 'terrorists,' and insist that we will henceforth describe them as 'enemies of the legitimate Iraqi government' instead of insurgents. As Arianna Huffington wittily put it, it's 'victory through vocabulary.' This sums up not only Bush's 'victory plan' but also the radical subjectivist mindset of the War Party. This is the essence of Bushevism -- the same radical subjectivism that worships 'revolutionary will' and led Mao to decree the creation of backyard steel furnaces during China's 'Great Leap Forward'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Analysis casts doubt on Vietnam War claims

Tampa Tribune


A spy-agency analysis released Thursday contends a second attack on U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin never happened, casting further doubt on the leading rationale for escalation of the Vietnam War. Much as faulty U.S. intelligence preceded the invasion of Iraq, the mishandling of intercepted communications 40 years earlier is blamed in the National Security Agency paper for giving President Johnson carte blanche in the conflict. The agency put out more than 140 long-secret documents in response to requests from researchers trying to get to the bottom of an episode that unfolded in the South China Sea on Aug. 4, 1964, and has been disputed since...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Two US allies pulling out of Iraq

Las Vegas Review-Journal


Two of America's allies in Iraq are withdrawing forces this month and a half-dozen others are debating possible pullouts or reductions, increasing pressure on Washington as calls mount to bring home U.S. troops. Bulgaria and Ukraine will begin withdrawing their combined 1,250 troops by mid-December. If Australia, Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland and South Korea reduce or recall their personnel, more than half of the non-American forces in Iraq could be gone by next summer...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Phone firm set to win mast battle

A CAMPAIGNER has given up hope of stopping a mast being built on his road.

Carpenter James Guckian thinks T-Mobile has won the fight to build a mast on the corner of Mead Way and Pickhurst Lane, Hayes.

The 47-year-old Mead Way resident was part of a group of protesters who sat in front of diggers and wrote to MP Eric Forth when work began in October.

He said: "There weren't enough of us to fight the battle. There's nothing more I can do."

The campaigners fought because they believed the mast was being illegally built on private land.

But T-Mobile is allowed to put up the mast because it is being built on land classified as a highway.

It won planning permission for the mast in August 2002.

10:01am Thursday 1st December 2005


Health fears for children from Orange phone mast scheme for Castle Acre

Fearsthat children's health could be put at risk by a new police communications system proposed for Castle Acre will be considered by planners on Monday. A 150-signature petition and 65 letters have been sent to West Norfolk Council objecting to Orange's plan to put a Tetra system on its present 30m mobile phone mast north of Orchard Lane.

Despite concerns, the council's development control board is recommended to approve the plans.

A report says the plan is part of a programme to supply essential radio coverage for Norfolk Police, and installing new equipment on the existing mast will not significantly alter its appearance or height.

It says health risks from mobile phone communications, and particularly the Tetra system, were researched for the Stewart Report. This acknowledged transmissions at certain frequencies might affect brain function, but there was no evidence it was a health hazard.

Castle Acre Parish Council objected, saying: "No evidence of safety exists for the proposed Tetra system – on the contrary, it is a development of a transmission system originally intended for use as an anti-personnel weapon.

"A large body of evidence exists which points to symptoms such as dizziness, nosebleeds, migraines and sleeplessness occurring in previously healthy individuals in proximity to Tetra. Heart pacemakers can be adversely affected by Tetra."

Castle Acre Primary School has objected, saying its proposed new school in Back Lane would be close to the mast and if a Tetra system was installed, and there would be "serious concerns and ultimately long-term health consequences" for the children.

"As we have recently become one of Norfolk's Healthy Schools, it would be ironic to see the future health of the pupils put under greater risk by this mast," it says.

The village's district councillor, Gwyneth Thorneywork, says: "Children are far more at risk from radiation that these masts generate, as their skulls are thinner and so absorb far more radiation.

"We have a right to protect our children which is why I feel so strongly against these Tetra systems."

02 December 2005



Phone mast protesters ‘sold down the river’

02 December 2005

Caroline McClatchey and Susanna Wilkey

CHALK Farm residents have failed to prevent a mobile phone mast going up on their roof.

Despite a concerted campaign by leaseholders and tenants, mobile phone giant T-Mobile has been granted permission to put a 4.7metre antenna and equipment on the flat roof of mansion block Eton Rise in Eton College Road.

Eton Rise is part of a much sought-after private estate which also includes Eton Place and Eton Hall. The six-storey building has 124 flats and the occupants are angered by landlord Shellpoint Trustees Limited's decision to allow the mast.

Julia Walker from Eton Rise said: "We, the leaseholders, have been sold down the river. The landlord has displayed a total disregard for the well-being and quality of life of the residents in favour of their own avarice.

"This is another situation where the little people are trodden on by those who have the power to run rough-shod over others' lives."

Roberta Dale, 20, said: "I don't think it's a very good idea, it's very dangerous for the residents. I am worried about radiation."

Steve Bennett, 41, added: "I suggest all the residents get a petition together as I certainly don't want to live anywhere near a mobile phone mast."

Residents opposed to the application were concerned about the health risks, especially with Haverstock School just down the road, and the constant hum.

As the building is curved, many residents also complained they would have a good view of the mast from their window.

Sol Unsdorfer, director of managing agents Parkgate-Aspen, said: "Several mobile phone operators have applied to us over the years for a base station lease.

"The latest applicant is the only one to have submitted a planning application. We expected it to fail under fierce resistance from the residents' association.

"Possibly those objections did not qualify on planning grounds or were not sufficiently robust.

"However, the planning application was submitted at the cellular company's own initiative and risk without any prior commitment, help or support from ourselves or the landlord."

T-Mobile wants the mast to improve reception in the Primrose Hill area. Camden Council approved the application on November 11.



By 2008, $8 trillion of U.S. debt will be owned by foreigners

Better start preparing...does anyone have any idea what will happen durring the next great depression?


THE ECONOMIC, MILITARY and cultural reach of the U.S. may be unrivaled, but as an empire it's no strapping young buck. Those days are over, say Addison Wiggin and Bill Bonner in their new book, "Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis." The authors describe with sardonic humor — and no small amount of name calling — how America has become an overfed, imperial has-been and economic basket case.

Ostensibly, America is the most prosperous nation on the planet. But it's also the world's largest debtor and biggest consumer, the "world's mouth," according to Wiggin and Bonner, who are respectively the founder and editorial director of Agora Financial, a Baltimore-based publisher of financial newsletters and web sites1.

Meanwhile, as the country inches toward bankruptcy, Americans buy houses as investments, drain their homes of equity and spend what they don't have, say Wiggin and Bonner. Folks are living well above their means, yet drowning in an ever-rising sea of debt. A recession is imminent, predict the authors, and American hegemony will wane.


Empire of Debt

Book Link:

The effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on skin and thyroid amine- and peptide-containing cells in rats


The story continues...with yet a new paper:

Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, "The effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on skin and thyroid amine- and peptide-containing cells in rats: An immunohistochemical and morphometrical study", Environ Res 2005; 99: 369-377

This paper is the continuation of a very fruitful collaboration between the Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, and my own research group at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Again, this paper goes back to early observations in persons with the impairment electrohypersensitivity where large increases in the cutaneous mast cell count could be demonstrated as compared to normal healthy volunteers. A corresponding effect on cutaneous mast cells from normal healthy volunteers placed in front of ordinary TVs/PCs could also be shown. As pointed out in one of my most recent mail-outs, my working hypothesis since then is that electrohypersensitivity is a kind of irradiation damage, since the observed cellular changes are very much the same as the ones you would find in tissue subjected to UV-light or ionizing radiation.

One very fierce criticism from certain 'opponents' has been that such mast cell alterations in persons with electrohypersensitivity (or in normal healthy volunteers!) can not be due to the action of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and/or airborn chemicals, but must be due to psychological or psychiatric personality disturbances, cognitive malfunction, or likewise.

The aim of this latest study was therefore to investigate the influence of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) on mast cells, parafollicular cells, and nerve fibers in rat skin and thyroid gland. The experiment was performed on 2-month-old Wistar male rats exposed for 4h a day, 7 days a week for 1 month to power-frequent (50 Hz) EMFs. After sacrifice, samples of skin and thyroid were processed for indirect immunohistochemistry or toluidine blue staining and then were analyzed using the methods of stereology. Antibody markers to serotonin, substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and protein gene product 9.5 (PGP) were applied to skin sections and PGP, CGRP, and neuropeptide Y (NPY) markers to the thyroid. A significantly increased number of serotonin-positive mast cells in the skin (p<0.05) and NPY-containing nerve fibers in the thyroid (p<0.01) of rats exposed to ELF-EMF was found compared to controls, indicating a direct EMF effect on skin and thyroid vasculature.

Again, please note that the obtained animal results can not be understood by psychological or psychiatric theories, but are claimed to be due only to the EMF exposure.

[If you want to have a reprint, please, send me an A4/C4-envelope with your name and address on]

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


Your Own Health and Fitness


TROTZ PROTESTEN: Wieder Handymasten errichtet


Das Problem des Wildwuchses von Handymasten verschärft sich in Kärnten weiter. In Villach-Völkendorf wurde trotz Protesten von Stadt und Bürgern ein neuer Masten errichtet.

Pfeiler: "Gemeinde ist machtlos" Bürgerproteste und Widerstand der Stadt - nichts hat etwas gebracht, in Villach Völkendorf.

Die Gemeinde ist, solange sich die Betreiber an die Bauordnung halten, faktisch machtlos, sagt Baureferent Richard Pfeiler (SPÖ). Zweckmäßig wäre eine Regulation über eine Handymastensteuer, meint der Baureferent. Das Beispiel Niederösterreich zeige, dass die Handybetreiber nur dann reagieren.

kaernten.ORF.at; 6.8.05

Auch in Kärnten gibt es einen Wildwuchs an Handymasten, jüngstes Beispiel ist die Völkendorferstraße in Villach. Dort sorgt der Plan für einen weiteren Masten für Unmut in der Bevölkerung.

Protest gegen Handymasten

Weigerung gegen Standort-Konzentration

In Kärnten sehen die Handybetreiber aber weiter keinen Grund, ihre Standorte zu konzentrieren. Auch der Villacher Masten ist kein Gemeinschaftsmasten geworden, wie sich das Pfeiler gewünscht hätte.

In Villach-Völkendorf hätte es im Wirtschaftshof sogar einen entsprechenden Masten gegeben, dort hätten mehrere Anbieter Platz gefunden. Aber, die Handyfirmen wollen das nicht, sagt Pfeiler: "Es gibt dahingehend einen umfangreichen Schriftverkehr zwischen Stadt und Betreibern, das Echo ist gleich Null."


Ein Mobilfunksender bestrahlt die Bevölkerung 24 Stunden am Tag

"Bei einem kurzen Telefonat mit dem Handy am Ohr bekommt jeder mehr Strahlung ab, als wenn er den ganzen Tag vor dem Mast steht."

Das ist auch wieder so eine Halbwahrheit, die im Ergebnis zu einer überflüssigen Verharmlosung der Sendeanlagen führt und damit den Netzbetreibern in die Hände spielt. Natürlich „führt das Handy am Kopf zu einer deutlich höheren Strahlenbelastung als eine Anlage in der Umgebung“, das ist doch eine Binsenweisheit, aber es ist doch sicher auch klar, dass im Unterschied zum Handy der Sendemast die Anwohner 24 Stunden mit gepulster, gesundheitsschädlicher Mikrowellenstrahlung bestrahlt und damit wesentlich intensiver am Tag und in der Nacht auf die Anwohner einwirkt. Außerdem ist die Handybenutzung eine freiwillig eingegangene Gefahr, während die Anlieger von Mobilfunkantennen zwangsweise 24 Stunden am Tag bestrahlt werden.

Es ist immer die gleiche Masche: auf der einen Seite räumt man mögliche Gefahren der gepulsten Strahlung auf die menschliche Gesundheit ein, auf der anderen Seite verharmlost man diese Tatsache aber sofort wieder. Damit wiegt man die Handynutzer und die Anwohner von Mobilfunkanlagen in einer falschen Sicherheit, genauso wie bei der höchst überflüssigen Messung der Grenzwerte, die, wie nun überaus hinreichend bekannt gemacht worden ist, überall deutlich unterschritten werden. Hier übersieht man bewusst und vorsätzlich, dass man technische Werte misst, die mit den biologischen Wirkungen der Strahlung auf die Gesundheit der Menschen absolut nichts zu tun haben. Das nennen wir eine bewusste Verdummung der Menschen.


Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk


Um sich bei der Abfassung des Beitrags "Handys: Gefahr oder Segen" einigermaßen aus der Affäre zu ziehen, wird zwar von der übermäßigen Benutzung des Handys gewarnt, auch vor nutzlosen Abschirmprodukten, jedoch vergessen, dass die ganze Bevölkerung ja 24 Stunden am Tag und dies Jahr für Jahr unfreiwillig durch die Antennen bestrahlt wird und als Versuchskaninchen in einem Freilandversuch, in der bisherigen Geschichte nie dagewesenen großen Stils, ausgesetzt ist.



Richtigstellungen von Unwahrheiten der Mobilfunk-Betreiberfirmen

Ja zum Handy – Nein zu den Sendemasten ?


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