
Rain Forest Jekyll and Hyde?

Bob Herbert writes, "Please welcome the latest entry to the Chutzpah Hall of Fame: the mighty Chevron Corporation."


Specter and Leahy Fault Miers's Responses

The Supreme Court nomination of Harriet E. Miers suffered another setback on Wednesday when the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee asked her to resubmit parts of her judicial questionnaire, saying various members had found her responses "inadequate," "insufficient" and "insulting."


Rove Told Jury Libby May Have Been His Source in Leak Case

White House adviser Karl Rove told the grand jury in the CIA leak case that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, may have told him that CIA operative Valerie Plame worked for the intelligence agency before her identity was revealed, a source familiar with Rove's account said yesterday.


Cheney 'Cabal' Hijacked Foreign Policy

In a scathing attack on the record of President George W. Bush, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Mr. Powell until last January, said: “What I saw was a cabal between the vice-president of the United States, Richard Cheney, and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made.


Be part of the historic Bush trial

Beginning Friday at 6:00 pm, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and a number of other administration officials will be put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The first Session will be October 21 and 22 (for details see http://www.bushcommission.org ).

This extraordinary event, harkening back to the famous Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal of 1967, is one that you will not want to miss. By being present you will be a part of making history. Every person attending makes the statement that in these times none of us can stand aside from moral responsibility for what is being done in our name. (To register to go
http://www.bushcommission.org/dateplace.htm .)

For the first time, the 2005 International Commission of Inquiry is pulling together the full scope of what the Bush administration is doing to the people of the world. The issues to be investigated include:

1) Wars of Aggression, particularly Iraq and Afghanistan.

2) Torture and Indefinite Detention;

3) Destruction of the Global Environment, in particular systematic policies contributing to the catastrophic effects of global warming.

4) Attacks on Global Public Health and Reproductive Rights, in particular the genocidal effects of forcing international agencies to promote "abstinence only" in the midst of a global AIDS epidemic.

In addition, there will be a special Saturday afternoon session on Bush's response to hurricane Katrina, featuring both experts and survivors telling their own vivid stories.

Even the most avid readers of the news will come away from these sessions "shocked and awed" at what they have learned. Never before has the whole story been pulled together in one place by the experts and eye-witnesses who can tell the story. For example, in the Friday evening opening session you will hear the shocking details of how the military is currently force-feeding detainees on hunger strike in the U.S. concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay.

Seats are still available. Register on-line at
http://www.bushcommission.org/dateplace.htm , by calling 212-941-8086, or register at the door.

Opening speakers include Marcus Raskin from the Institute for Policy Studies, Michael Ratner from the Center for Constitutional Rights, and a special message from historian Howard Zinn. The first evidentiary session on torture and detention will feature Barbara Olshansky who is coordinating the defense attorneys representing the detainees at Guantanamo.

The Commission is sponsored by the Not In Our Name statement of conscience (see http://www.nion.us ) and is endorsed by the country's most prominent voices of conscience, including Sen. James Abourezk, Edward Asner, Russell Banks, Michael Eric Dyson, Richard Falk, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Rabbi Michael Lerner, the National Lawyers Guild, Michael Ratner, Gore Vidal, Cornel West, and Howard Zinn.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 21, 6PM, AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 10AM GRAND BALLROOM OF THE MANHATTAN CENTER, 311 W. 34TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY (on 34th Street just west of 8th Ave, two blocks from Penn Station)

Be there!

Suggested admission, $30 for two-day session. Sliding scale for low income.


Informant: C. Clark Kissinger

From ufpj-news


TO: KLAUS TOEPFER, UN-Undersecretary and Executive Director, UNEP

October 20, 2005


To Eric Falt, Director, UNEP Division of Communications and Public Information

Theodore Oben, Head, UNEP Children and Youth Unit

Dear Mr. Falt and Mr. Oben,

We read about the gathering of Young Environmental Leaders in Bangalore, organized by UNEP and sponsored by Bayer. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the environment and the implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

In our opinion your partnership with Bayer thwarts these aims.

This corporation has fought, through its lobbyists, against most agreements on environmental issues, be it the Kyoto Protocol for the protection of the climate, the new EU laws on chemicals, the phasing out of CFCs or efforts to reduce the use of pesticides. At the same time Bayer produces a great number of highly dangerous substances like insecticides, plasticisers, Bisphenol A and phosgene. In the past Bayer was even engaged in the production of PCBs, poison gas, and HIV-tainted blood clotting medication.

Bayer, like any other multinational company, is primarily interested in profits. Bayer´s former CEO, Manfred Schneider, put it this way: “We´re out for profits. This is our job”. And Bayer has a long tradition in trying to “greenwash” its image. The company started dozens of partnerships and sponsorships with medical, environmental or educational organizations. In particular Bayer chooses cooperations in fields where the company is criticized. Bayer has been using these partnerships to deflect criticism by watchdog groups or the media and to use the good image of their partners to present a corporate humanitarian image.

It`s a set-back for efforts to assure environmental protection if corporations like Bayer are allowed to associate themselves with the UN or the United Nations Environmental Programme. Bayer widely uses its involvement with the UN and UNEP to bolster its integrity, for example on the company`s homepage and in numerous advertising brochures. This is an easy and informal way of achieving a positive company image without real-world consequences. To Bayer, supporting UNEP is nothing more than a sheer publicity campaign.

Our group Coalition against BAYER-dangers, based in Germany, has been monitoring the company for 25 years. During this period we have documented hundreds of cases when Bayer´s products or factories harmed people or the environment. For decades we have experienced that Bayer only stopped the production of hazardous products when pressured from the public (for more examples please visit the English part of our website or read our article Bayer and the UN Global Compact).

Big corporations are responsible for many environmental and social problems. Big companies reduce costs and increase profits on the public´s expense. Multinationals push for voluntary agreements that hinder the ratification of binding rules to ensure social and environmental standards. Therefore we believe it is not a good idea to partner with multinational companies when pursuing environmental goals.

Accepting money leads to dependency. We fear that UNEP and the Young Environmental Leaders will be less open to make the role of corporations a subject of discussion when receiving support from Bayer. We urge you to stop this cooperation.

Awaiting your answer,

Philipp Mimkes, Hubert Ostendorf, Axel Koehler-Schnura, Jan Pehrke, Uwe Friedrich

Board of the Coalition against BAYER-dangers, Germany

Coalition against BAYER-dangers (Germany)
http://www.CBGnetwork.org CBGnetwork@aol.com Fax: (+49) 211-333 940 Tel: (+49) 211-333 911

Advisory Board
Prof. Juergen Junginger, designer, Krefeld,
Prof. Dr. Juergen Rochlitz, chemist, former member of the Bundestag, Burgwald
Wolfram Esche, attorney-at-law, Cologne
Dr. Sigrid Müller, pharmacologist, Bremen
Eva Bulling-Schroeter, former member of the Bundestag, Ingolstadt Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, construction biologist, Neubeuern Dorothee Sölle, theologian, Hamburg (died 2003)
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, historian, Berlin
Dr. Erika Abczynski, pediatrician, Dormagen


Ende der "Jagd auf Hartz-IV-Empfänger" gefordert

"Parasiten": Ende der "Jagd auf Hartz-IV-Empfänger" gefordert (20.10.05)

Der Präsident des Sozialverbandes VdK, Walter Hirrlinger, fordert ein Ende der "Jagd auf die Hartz-IV-Empfänger". Die Bundesregierung versuche zusammen mit der Nürnberger Arbeitsagentur die eigenen Unzulänglichkeiten "bei der Umsetzung" der "Hartz"-Reformen zu vertuschen, sagte Hirrlinger der Chemnitzer "Freien Presse". Wenn von Anfang richtig gerechnet worden wäre, gäbe es jetzt kein Milliardenloch in der Staatskasse, meint der Verbandschef.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Greenpeace präsentiert Studie über Mängel bei Zulassung von Gen-Mais

Grüne Gentechnik: Greenpeace präsentiert Studie über Mängel bei Zulassung von Gen-Mais (20.10.05)

Aus einer aktuellen Studie, die Greenpeace am Donnerstag veröffentlicht, geht hervor, dass die Untersuchungen zum gentechnisch veränderten Mais MON863 grobe Mängel aufwiesen und nicht geeignet seien, um die Gesundheitsrisiken dieser Maissorte zu beurteilen. Die Untersuchungen hatte die Firma Monsanto vorgelegt, um die Marktzulassung für die Europäische Union zu erlangen. MON863 ist bereits zur Fütterung von Tieren zugelassen. Über die Zulassung des Gen-Mais' für Lebensmittel soll am nächsten Montag von den EU-Agrarministern entschieden werden. Greenpeace lehnt die Zulassung ab.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Union und SPD wollen offenbar alle Atomkraftwerke weiterbetreiben

Scharfe Kritik: Union und SPD wollen offenbar alle Atomkraftwerke weiterbetreiben (20.10.05)

In den Koalitionsverhandlungen zwischen Union und SPD zeichnet sich ab, dass in der kommenden Legislaturperiode keines der deutschen Atomkraftwerke stillgelegt werden soll. Nach einem Bericht der "Financial Times Deutschland" erwägen CDU und CSU, eine spezielle Übertragungsklausel aus dem "Atomkonsens" vom Juni 2000 zu nutzen, damit die Atomkraftwerke Biblis A und Neckarwestheim 1 nicht wie im Atomkonsens vorgesehen in der laufenden Legislaturperiode stillgelegt werden müssen. Danach könnten bis 2009 alle Atomkraftwerke in Betrieb bleiben, ohne das so genannte "Atomausstiegsgesetz" ändern zu müssen. Für die atomkritische Ärzteorganisation IPPNW zeigt dies in aller Deutlichkeit, dass der so genannte Atomausstieg von der rot-grünen Bundesregierung "vollkommen fehlkonstruiert worden ist". Obwohl der Bevölkerung der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie als beschlossene Sache "verkauft" worden sei, könnten jetzt CDU/CSU und SPD elegant die im Atomgesetz vorgesehene Möglichkeit der "Strommengenübertragung" von einem Atomkraftwerk auf ein anderes nutzen, um für "gefährliche Anlagen" wie Biblis A und Neckarwestheim-1 den Weiterbetrieb zu ermöglichen. "Der Atomausstieg macht's möglich" schreiben die Atomkritiker sarkastisch.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Chickens Come Home to Roost on Cheney

Indictments are expected to come down shortly as special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald completes the investigation originally precipitated by the outing of a CIA officer under deep cover. According to Ray McGovern, in 21-plus months of digging and interviewing, Fitzpatrick and his able staff have been able to negotiate the intelligence/policy/politics labyrinth with considerable sophistication. In the process, they seem to have learned considerably more than they had bargained for.


When was the President Told?

Democrats asked the White House on Wednesday for details of President George W. Bush's private conversations in 2003 with top political adviser Karl Rove after conflicting reports about whether Bush was aware of any role by Rove in the outing of a covert CIA operative.



Sehr geehrte Frau Rado,

Sie haben mein Schreiben vom 17.9.2005 an Frau Dr. Merkel beantwortet, leider aber nur mit Standardargumenten.

Das Vorgehen der für die Mobilfunkmisere verantwortlichen deutschen Politiker ist wie die Argumentation von George Bush, der Irak hätte gefährliche Waffen, vor dem Irakkrieg, nur umgekehrt, d.h. beim Mobilfunk wird die gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit behauptet. Es wurden und werden angebliche Tatsachen vorgebracht und die Feststellungen der Gegenseite als irrelevant vom Tisch gewischt.

Um Licht in den Mobilfunkdschungel zu bringen, muss man die nackten Tatsachen ansehen!

Der erste entscheidende Fehler bei der Festlegung der Mobilfunkgrenzwerte war, die gepulste Mobilfunkstrahlung wie eine analog modulierte elektromagnetische Funkstrahlung zu behandeln, obwohl diese Strahlung, ähnlich wie die Sferics in der Meteorologie, schon bei sehr kleinen Feldstärken die körpereigenen elektrischen Signale stört (unser Organismus wird nämlich von elektrischen Impulsen gesteuert, die der gepulsten Mobilfunkstrahlung ähnlich sind) und damit zu Krankheiten führt! Dieser Fehler führte dazu, daß nur die Wärmestrahlung bei der Grenzwertfixierung berücksichtigt wurde und nicht auch die biologisch (athermischen) gesundheitsschädlichen Wirkungen des Mobilfunks!

Nach meinen Informationen wurde ein Dummy, eine torsoähnliche Plastikhülle, gefüllt mit einer gallertartigen Flüssigkeit und versehen mit eingebauten Temperaturfühlern, kurzfristig mit gepulster Mobilfunkstrahlung bestrahlt und die Erwärmung festgestellt. Die wichtigsten gesundheitsrelevanten Effekte dieser elektromagnetischen Mobilfunkstrahlung wurden nicht berücksichtigt!! An genauen Informationen über den verwendeten Dummy und die Messungen zur Festlegung der Grenzwerte bin ich sehr interessiert.

Die Grenzwerte wurden von der ICNIRP, einem in München eingetragenen Verein, vorgeschlagen und dann von der Bundesregierung genehmigt!

Ihre Behauptung: "Nach heutigem Wissensstand geht von Mobilfunkantennen außerhalb des festgelegten Sicherheitsabstandes keine gesundheitsbeeinträchtigende Wirkung aus" hat keine wissenschaftliche Grundlage, da an keinem Mobilfunkstandort in Deutschland der Gesundheitszustand der Menschen untersucht worden ist!! Die von Ärzten - auf Eigeninitiative - durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen u.a. Krebscluster im näheren Umkreis von Mobilfunksendern!

In der Sowjetunion war die Gefährlichkeit des Mobilfunks schon lange vor der Genehmigung der Grenzwerte bekannt! Professor Dr. Karl Hecht hat in über 1000 wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten von russischen Forschern recherchiert. Die Untersuchungen haben ergeben, daß elektromagnetische Felder zu teils erheblichen Gesundheitsschädigungen führten. Diese Erkenntnisse haben zu wesentlich niedrigeren Grenzwerten in der UDSSR geführt!

Beim Mobilfunk müssen die gleichen Maßstäbe wie bei Medikamenten angewandt werden, d.h. krankmachende Wirkungen, die von Ärzten und Patienten festgestellt werden, müssen zu entsprechenden Reaktionen der verantwortlichen Behörden führen! Leider werden beim Mobilfunk die Erkrankungen und der Tod vieler Menschen mit fadenscheinigen Argumenten vom Tisch gewischt!

Probleme, um es dezent auszudrücken, die durch die gepulste Mobilfunkstrahlung entstehen bzw. bereits enststanden sind:

1. In der Nailaer Arztstudie, vorgestellt auf dem 54. Deutschen Ärztekongress in Berlin am 9.5.2005, wurde dokumentiert, daß sich im Bereich bis zu 400 m um eine Mobilfunkanlage die Krebsfälle von 1994 - 1999 verdoppelt und von 1999 - 2004 verdreifacht haben im Vergleich zu dem über 400 m entfernten Bereich! Die Patienten sind im Durchschnitt 8 Jahre jünger erkrankt. Ähnliche Beobachtungen gibt es aus Müllendorf (Österreich), Netanya (Israel) und West Midlands (England).

Die Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell hat von einem bisher unbekannten Krankheitsbild mit charakeristischem Symptomenkomplex berichtet, an dem Menschen schon ab 10 µW/m² und darunter erkranken.

Wenn die Krankenversicherungen nicht total aus dem Ruder laufen sollen, ist ein sofortiges Handeln der neuen Bundesregierung erforderlich!!

2. Tierquälerei und finanzielle Schädigung u.a. der Familie Hartmann in Wildpoldsried (Oberallgäu) durch Mobilfunkstrahlung. Innerhalb von 17 Monaten: 13 verendete Kälber, 1 Missbildung, 4 verendete Kühe, 6 Schlachtungen usw. Auch die Familie ist erkrankt.

3. Eine Familie, die seit mehreren Generationen in Icking lebt, muß - wegen starker gesundheitlicher Probleme - einen strahlenmäßig begünstigten Wohnort suchen.

Menschen, die aus beruflichen oder finanziellen Gründen den Wohnort nicht wechseln können, sind hilflose Opfer ihrer Krankheiten!

4. Entschädigungslose Enteignung! In der Nähe von Mobilfunksendern sind Immobilien nur mit großen Verlusten zu verkaufen bzw. unverkäuflich!

Als Zusammenfassung kann man sagen, daß beim Mobilfunk die Lügen nicht kurze sondern lange Beine haben. Durch die oft aufopferungsvolle Arbeit der Ärzte und Bürgerinitiativen werden die Beine hoffentlich immer kürzer. Die Misere würde wesentlich verkürzt, wenn die überregionale Presse und die sonstigen Medien objektiv berichten würden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Bürgerinitiative Icking zum Schutz vor Strahlenbelastung
G. Pischeltsrieder

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rado, Miriam" <Miriam.Rado@cducsu.de> To: <gpisch@gmx.de> Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 4:10 PM Subject: Mobilfunkgrenzwerte

Sehr geehrter Herr Pischeltsrieder,

bitte finden Sie die Antwort auf Ihre Mail in der Anlage:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Miriam Rado
Referentin der Beauftragten für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1 - 11011 Berlin Büro: Jakob-Kaiser-Haus 1.721 - Eingang: Dorotheenstr.101 Telefon (030) 227-57015 Telefax (030) 227-56679 miriam.rado@cducsu.de

Gefährliches Wachstum

China will seine Wirtschaft auch weiterhin jährlich um bis zu neun Prozent ausbauen. Für die globale Umwelt drohen dadurch verheerende Folgen.


U-turn for church in mast outrage

20 October 2005
RELIGIOUS leaders have bowed to pressure over the construction of a phone mast on church grounds.

An agreement had been reached between the Welling Methodist Church, in Bellegrove Road, and T-Mobile over putting up the antenna. But residents raised safety concerns and were angry over how consultation has been carried out. Now church leaders made a u-turn on their decision.

Church council spokesman Alan Turner-Smith said: "In view of the enormous disquiet about this (the proposed antenna), we decided not to go ahead with it. There was no safety issue here."

Mr Turner-Smith claims the church did consult with the community.

He added: "We went far, far beyond what would normally happen in a case like this.

"We let all the residents know and we also held a consultation day where we listened to people's comments."

Resident Alan Bannister, of Montrose Close, Welling, told the Times he felt the church has acted badly.

He said: "With the potential health fears regarding mobile phone masts, it beggars belief that a Christian organisation is content for a phone mast to be erected on premises used frequently by family groups with young children, and in a residential area.

"I am appalled about this quite honestly.

"All they did was put a notice up on the door of the church to announce this.

"I think they are guilty of poor distribution and circulation, and I think that has upset people more than the fact that they were going to allow one of these things to be put up in the first place."

A T-Mobile spokesman said: "As I understand it, T-Mobile is not proceeding with that site at the moment."



The Great American Jobs Scam

Climate change needed
In These Times
by David Moberg


What's the heart of the Bush plan to revive the hurricane-shattered Gulf Coast? Cutting business taxes and workers' wages -- with dollops of federal contract money to a favored few corporate cronies. But that shouldn't be surprising. Whatever the domestic problem, his solution is similar. Bush may be especially single-minded in pursuit of this strategy, but it has a long history that helps to explain why inequality has grown in the United States over the past several decades and why the quality of public life and institutions has suffered. In 'The Great American Jobs Scam: Corporate Tax Dodging and the Myth of Job Creation,' Greg LeRoy tells an important part of that history -- how corporations use the promise of jobs (or the threat of their loss) to avoid state and local taxes, win public subsidies and fatten their bottom lines at the expense of ordinary taxpayers and crucial public services, like educating children and maintaining an efficient physical infrastructure on which businesses and everyone else rely...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Miller motive press censorship?

Free Market News Network
by Anthony Wile


Disclosures about 'Plamegate' Judy Miller's journalistic career continue -- along with increased puzzlement over its longevity given her apparent incompetence and disappointment. But as FMNN pointed out yesterday, the recent introduction of the Press Shield bill has changed everything. Importantly, it put into context why Miller may have gone to jail. It allowed her to serve as a 'martyr' -- and therefore provide a real-life, suffering individual to create a wave of public sympathy that would sweep the Shield bill along. If the above analysis is correct, then Senator Richard Lugar, Miller, the New York Times and those in the Bush administration and the State Department are orchestrating the passage of legislation that will impose on America for the first time in history the structure for out-and-out press censorship...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Big Brother lurking in WiFi, mobile services

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
by Mike Langberg


Google's high-profile proposal to provide free wireless Internet access throughout San Francisco is all about the three rules of real estate: Location, location, location. Google wants to create a new kind of online advertising where its network knows your precise location and displays ads for businesses within just a few blocks of wherever you are. That's OK with me. Letting Google tout a deli around the corner seems like a fair trade for getting free WiFi service. But there's a Big Brother risk in the emerging category of 'location-based services' that isn't getting enough attention. Municipal WiFi networks, such as the one Google is proposing, could easily keep records on where users are connecting, and it's easy to imagine ways that information could be misused...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The fathers' war

The American Conservative
by Stephen Baskerville

While our country focuses on the war abroad, many of our soldiers fight personal battles here at home -- or more accurately, can't fight. They are losing their families and getting little help from an administration that claims to 'support the troops' while doing nothing to protect the parental rights of the fathers it sent into combat. All the services are facing a severe drop in recruitment, and additional recruiters, stepped-up advertising, and bigger bonuses have not reversed the trend. The media points to the war itself, but the shortfall also coincides with a dramatic rise in military divorces, which the Army reports have nearly doubled since 2001... (for publication 10/24/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The conservative revolt

The Weekly Standard
by Fred Barnes


Why have so many conservatives suddenly revolted against President Bush, nearly five years into his presidency? I think their split with Bush is ill advised, counterproductive, and in some ways childish. But there's no doubt it's happening and it's serious. And there's more to it than disappointment with his nomination of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. So why exactly has this revolt broken out now? I've come up with six reasons, and there may be more...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The real third way

Question Earthority!
by Thomas L. Knapp


I believe that human freedom and environmental sanity are not opposites but rather corollaries. I believe that the apparent contradictions between them need to be resolved, regardless of how discomfiting the implications of such a resolution may be. And, finally, I believe that it is absolutely essential to the survival of humankind, and of the planet (and eventually planets) we live on, that libertarian ideas accomodate environmental realities and that environmental policies fit within the framework of a libertarian philosophy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Grandma arrested for trying to enlist

San Francisco Chronicle


Betty Brassell, 75, is placed in a police wagon after her arrest during an antiwar rally in Times Square, New York. Brassell was among 17 members of Grandmothers For Peace arrested when they attempted to enter the U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Station and enlist in place of soldiers deployed in Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

AP: Rove, Libby discussed reporter info

Cincinnati Enquirer


Top White House aides Karl Rove and I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby discussed their contacts with reporters about an undercover CIA officer in the days before her identity was published, the first known intersection between two central figures in the criminal leak investigation. Rove told grand jurors it was possible he first heard in the White House that Valerie Plame, wife of Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson, worked for the CIA from Libby's recounting of a conversation with a journalist, according to people familiar with his testimony...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senators say Miers' answers inadequate

Tampa Tribune


The senators in charge of Harriet Miers' confirmation are demanding more information from her before hearings begin, with one lawmaker describing the Supreme Court nominee's answers so far as 'incomplete to insulting.' The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Arlen Specter, and the top Democrat, Sen. Patrick Leahy, agreed on Wednesday to begin Miers' hearings on Nov. 7. Specter, R-Pa., and Leahy, D-Vt., also sent a letter to the White House counsel asking her to more fully answer a questionnaire she submitted Tuesday...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

051020 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051019 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Take action against illegal logging

Write to the European Commission

Read about recent Greenpeace actions against illegal timber imports

Learn more about illegal logging



Informant: NHNE

Democrats Most Certainly Will Get Fooled Again


Informant: Our bill of rights

Sen. Boxer grills Rice at hearing - Bush credibility haunts Rice testimony

"The administration created false expectations not just for the American people, but also for the Iraqi people," Boxer said. "Madame Secretary, our country is sick at heart of the spin and the false expectations."

Boxer charged that Rice, last weekend, added a new layer of subterfuge to the debate over Iraq when she said on NBC's Meet the Press that the reason the United States invaded Iraq was because of the attack on September 11. Rice said rather than just going after the Afghanistan-based al Qaida, the Bush administration decided to go against the root cause of extremism, which meant building a democratic Middle East.

"Let me tell you, if the people of the United States of America knew at the time that our mission was to rebuild the entire Middle East, which you have several times called a malignancy ... if that was what the war was about -- the first war and even the second war -- they would have walked away from this administration long before they've walked away. And they are gone," Boxer said.

Bush credibility haunts Rice testimony


WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 (UPI) -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice faced a skeptical and at times combative Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday in her first hearing on Iraq before the panel since she assumed office.


Informant: John Calvert

Turning Up the Heat on Bush

A majority of Americans oppose the war and want its planners held accountable. We've won the public debate, despite the media's best efforts. We may be able to frame our messages to increase our majority further, but doing so is not needed and could move us away from the strength and passion we so badly need. What we require is increased activism and sacrifice.

More than one in four U.S. soldiers return from Iraq in need of medical or mental health treatment. Their stories are gut wrenching and tragic.

But they have been spared the fate of 1,982 of their brothers and sisters, who have died in Iraq for Bush's lies.

The day is coming soon when the 2,000th U.S. soldier will have died in Iraq. After Downing Street supports United for Peace and Justice, American Friends Service Committee, Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, CODEPINK, and Global Exchange in calling for actions on that day.

Find an event in your area here:


If there’s no event near you, we encourage you to organize one.

Not one more US service member or Iraqi should have to give their life before our government finally admits that the war against Iraq was wrong and it's time to bring our troops home.

Cindy Plans to Set Example

Cindy Sheehan has commited to getting arrested again at the White House to mark the announcement of the 2,000th U.S. soldier's death in Iraq.

"Hundreds of thousands of people were in D.C. on September 24 and the leaders still are not leading us," Cindy told the Village Voice. "They’re still spouting the Republican talking points even if they’re Democrats. So what are we going to do? It’s going to have to be massive non-violent civil disobedience I believe."


Turning the Heat Up Through November

The World Can't Wait!
Drive Out the Bush Regime!
On November 2, the first anniversary of Bush's "re-election", World Can't Wait will organize a truly massive day of resistance all over this country. People everywhere will walk out of school, they will take off work, they will come to the downtowns and town squares and set out from there, going through the streets and calling on many more to JOIN US. They will repudiate this criminal regime, making a powerful statement: "NO! THIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT!"


End The Iraq War - Demonstrations and Nonviolent Resistance at Recruiting Stations Across the Country



The Media Begins Reporting on Bush Lies

Niger Uranium Forgery Mystery Solved?
By Justin Raimondo, AntiWar.com

Bush's Rove Lies:

Bush Whacked Rove on CIA Leak
By the Daily News

Second Cheney Aide Cooperating in Leak Probe
RAW STORY, Jason Leopold and Larisa Alexandrovna

Chickens Come Home to Roost on Cheney
By Ray McGovern

Democrats Question Bush-Rove Meeting on CIA Leak
By Reuters

Prez Iraq Team Fought to Squelch War Critics
By the Daily News

Rove, Libby Discussed Reporter Info
By Associated Press

Republican WMD Cover-Up Continues
By American Prospect

The Fitz List
By Hotline

Indicting a Sitting President
By Richard M. Matthews

Dick Cheney's Covert Action
By Larry C. Johnson, TomPaine.com

Iraq and the Laws of War
By Francis A. Boyle

CIA Leak Prosecutor Focuses On Libby
By National Journal

Case Against Cheney
By the Nation

Update on Plame
By Larry C. Johnson

CIA Leak Probe 'Widening to Include Use of Intelligence'
By the Financial Times UK

Millions of Workers to Lose Pay, Protections under Minimum Wage Proposal


Bush Panel Set to Propose Permanent Huge Deficits & Major Tax Shift onto Wage-Earners


What’s WHIG all About? An Open Letter to Karen Hughes


What America Needs Now: A Prophetic Social Movement that Speaks Moral Truth to Amoral Power


Hard Questions About the Big Easy


Miller Time


Another Bush Disaster Nominee Assailed


US Firms Accused of Exploiting Workers in Post-Hurricane Recovery Effort


Stiffed by U.S., UN Asks Groups to Report on U.S. Rights Violations


The Fate of 'Made in the USA'

The question posed by the bankruptcy filing of Delphi Corp. - the largest US auto parts company - is whether manufacturing in America has a future. Or, is it sliding toward extinction? Viewed historically, the question is misleading, but Robert J. Samuelson explains.


Study Ranks Homeland Security Department Lowest in Morale

At the Department of Homeland Security only 12 percent of the more than 10,000 employees who returned a government questionnaire said they felt strongly that they were "encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things." Only 3 percent said they were confident that in their department, personnel decisions were "based on merit."


China's Economic Growth Signals Environmental Disaster

There is another side to China's exploding, double-digit-growth miracle economy - it is turning into one of the greatest environmental threats the earth has ever faced.


Rice Won't Rule Out Force on Syria, Iran

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday refused to rule out US troops still serving in Iraq in 10 years or the possibility that the United States could use military force against neighboring Syria and Iran.


They knew they were misleading America



by Dorothy Seese

Don't be a Big Pharma Victim - Use Common Sense

by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD

Mobilfunk auf Sparflamme, das geht auch


Kommentar zum Artikel:

Mobilfunk auf Sparflamme, das geht auch

vom 17.10.2005


Dem unbedachten Leser wird suggeriert, dass Thomas Schaller und die Grünen hier eine tolle Leistung erbringen, wenn sie die Grenzwertausschöpfung von max. 5% als Ziel definieren. Sie machen aber keine Angaben zur Bezugsgröße. Dabei ist eine zutreffende Bewertung erst möglich, wenn die Bezugsgröße genannt wird.

Fakt ist, dass 5% des Grenzwertes bei GSM 900 einer Leistungsflussdichte von 225 mW/m² entspricht, bei UMTS sogar 500 mW/m².

In Erbach ist die momentan höchste Ausschöpfung laut Auskunft der Bundesnetzagentur gerade mal bei 0,00461%. Auch hier keine Nennung der Bezugsgröße. Beziehen wir aber die Daten der Bundesnetzagentur auf die Bezugsgröße vom Grenzwert GSM entspricht der Wert 0,00461% einer Leistungsflussdichte von 0,207 mW/m2 (oder 207µW/qm). So gesehen können noch jede Menge Mobilfunkantennen in Erbach errichtet werden, bis die Ausschöpfung von 5% des Grenzwerte GSM (225 mW/m2) erreicht ist.

Das vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz anerkannte Ecolog-Institut kommt anhand einer Literaturstudie zu der Empfehlung von 10 mW/m². Der Zumutbare Wert (5%) von Thomas Schaller und den Grünen überschreitet den Empfehlungswert vom Ecolog-Institut bei weitem. Dies wird aber erst anhand der Nennung einer Bezugsgröße deutlich.

Für die Betreiber bedeutet dies, sie können ungehindert weiter ihr Netz ausbauen und für die Bürger bedeutet es, eine Steigerung der Strahlenbelastung bezogen auf die Leistungsflussdichte (GSM) von 225 mW/m² bis zu (UMTS) 500 mW/m². Relativ wenig, vergleichsweise am zulässigen Grenzwert für GSM 4500 mW/m², relativ viel vergleichsweise am Empfehlungswert vom Ecolog-Institut 10mW/m².

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Informationszentrum gegen Mobilfunk (www.izgmf.de)
Heidrun Schall
Zinnienstraße 12
80939 München
089 - 3231575

Omega: auch die 10 mW/m² (Empfehlungswert vom Ecolog-Institut) = 10000 µW/m² sind noch viel zu hoch. Empfehlungswert der Landessanitätsdirektion Salzburg Februar 2002 (neuer Salzburger Vorsorgewert: Summe GSM außen 10 µW/m², Summe GSM innen 1 µW/m². Zum vorbeugenden Schutz der öffentlichen Gesundheit wird für die Summe der niederfrequent-pulsmodulierten hochfrequenten Immissionen von Mobilfunksendeanlagen, wie z.B. GSM-Basisstationen, ein vorläufiger Vorsorgewert von 1 µW/m² für den Innenbereich empfohlen. Siehe weiter unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/293851/

Aus der Erfahrungsmedizin ist bekannt, dass viele Menschen inzwischen schon ab 10 Mikrowatt/m² erkranken.

Aufgrund des aktuellen Wissensstandes dürfte die Bevölkerung maximal nur mit 0,001 Milliwatt/m² (=1 MikroWatt/m²) bestrahlt werden. Dieser Wert wurde bereits im Oktober 1999 anlässlich des Elektrosmog-Forums in Bonn durch medizinische Ärzteverbände, Wissenschaftlern usw. von Umweltminister Trittin gefordert.

Rumsfeld To Profit From Avian Flu Hoax


Informant: JHW369

The Flu Panic - Who Profits?

'None of Us Have the Right To Avert Our Gaze'


Save the Army's Reputation: Get out


Informant: Lew Rockwell

A Little Too Much Commander in the Chief


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Wrecking Civilization and your financial future


Tragedy sister in phone mast fear

This is Blackburn

MOBILE phone chiefs want to put a mast just yards away from the shop of a woman who claims her brother died from a brain tumour caused by mobiles.

Elaine Lishman, who owns Flower Occasions, East Park Road, Blackburn, is fighting plans by Vodafone to erect a mast on land belonging to Ibbotsons Joiners, behind the Hole I'th Wall pub, Shear Brow.

Mrs Lishman, who last year successfully opposed plans by the company to erect a mast across the road from her shop, is supporting a petition started by residents in nearby St James Road.

Her brother Michael Fox, son of former Rovers chairman Bill Fox, died aged 40 in Manchester's Hope Hospital in 1999 after developing a brain tumour.

The hospital's neurologist said the tumour may have been caused by Michael's mobile phone use after Mrs Lishman told how he had been using them since they were first went on sale in the 1980s.

She said: "The original mast was going to be on the pavement just over the road from my shop but we stopped that one and we will oppose this. If Vodafone tell me there is no health issue then so be it, but I watched my brother die of a brain tumour which doctors said could have been caused by using a mobile phone and makes me wonder how safe this mast will be.

"We have thousands of college children in this area and they are the brains of the future and their health should not be put at any risk."

Kevin McMahon, principal of St Mary's College, Shear Brow, said: "It is not appropriate to have these things placed in areas that are so full of young people because there is so much unresolved when it comes to the health issues.

"They want to put this mast next to an over-subscribed college that also has a nursery for very small children."

Martin Gregson, of St James Road, who started the petition, said: "It seems ridiculous to me that we are going to have a 12m-high mast at the back of residential property, so close to a college full of young people."

Jane Frapwell, of Vodafone, said: "We are about to write to local residents about the proposal and we won't apply for planning permission until all those letters have gone out and we have allowed time for responses to those letters."

She said the mast was necessary to improve the quality of services Vodafone offers in the area.

She added: "The formal guidelines that we comply with have the formal backing of the World Health Organisation. They say there is no evidence of any effects on people's health (from mobile phone masts)."

Omega this is not true. See under:

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

Mark Tomlinson, of Ibbotson's Joiners, declined to comment.

From Mobile Phone Mast Network (Mast Sanity)

Senate Bill 1873: The Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005 - Forced drugging of Masses, ZERO Liability


FW FYI & Action if you can..... SunToads Health News

----- Original Message -----
From: Ingri Cassel
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:43 PM Subject: ALERT! Code

RED: Forced drugging of Masses, ZERO Liability

This is incredibly serious. So serious that the National Vaccine Information Center has also realized that we must UNITE and FOCUS on the repeal of the compulsory vaccination laws nationwide. (See bottom of press release below.) We must stop our out-of-control Congress critters by stimulating a nationwide fax, phone, email campaign letting them know that we have had enough of their treasonous, unconstitutional actions. Please call in to talk radio stations. I, for one, will be calling a couple radio show hosts tonight to see if I can have 10 minutes of emergency air time. We hope you will do the same. ~Ingri

NVIC Note: Yesterday we witnessed the Senate HELP Committee pass this bill out of sub-committee. It is critical that you take action today--immediately. This bill will go back to the committee for a final review on Thursday, October 20, 2005 and then go to the full Senate for a vote. Being led by Republican Richard Burr (R-NC) and being spurred by fears of avian flu, this bill was written and passed out of committee in a 24-hour period. Most members did not even have the final language in front of them.

The version that passed will broadly eliminate liability for vaccines and drugs. Please read the press release, write to the members of the HELP committee, write to your own Senator and your own member of Congress. Pass this alert to your family, friends and other organizations you are involved with. Go to our website and take action right now! www.NVIC.org Don't wait for someone else to do it. This is a CODE RED alert to anyone who is concerned about forced vaccination and holding drug companies responsible for the products they create. Following is a press release from the National Vaccine Information Center http://www.NVIC.org

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 /PRNewswire/ --

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is calling the "Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005"(S. 1873), which passed out of the U.S. Senate HELP Committee one day after it was introduced "a drug company stockholder's dream and a consumer's worst nightmare." The proposed legislation will strip Americans of the right to a trial by jury if harmed by an experimental or licensed drug or vaccine that they are forced by government to take whenever federal health officials declare a public health emergency. The legislation's architect, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), Chairman of the HELP Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness, told the full HELP Committee yesterday that the legislation " creates a true partnership" between the federal government, the pharmaceutical industry and academia to walk the drug companies "through the Valley of Death" in bringing a new vaccine or drug to market. Burr said it will give the Department of Health and Human Services "additional authority and resources to partner with the private sector to rapidly develop drugs and vaccines." The Burr bill gives the Secretary of DHHS the sole authority to decide whether a manufacturer violated laws mandating drug safety and bans citizens from challenging his decision in the civil court system. The bill establishes the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), as the single point of authority within the government for the advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines in response to bioterrorism and natural disease outbreaks such as the flu. BARDA will operate in secret, exempt from the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, insuring that no evidence of injuries or deaths caused by drugs and vaccines labeled as "countermeasures" will become public. Nicknamed "Bioshield Two," the legislation is being pushed rapidly through Congress without time for voters to make their voices heard by their elected representatives . Co-sponsored by Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg (R-NH), the legislation will eliminate both regulatory and legal safeguards applied to vaccines as well as take away the right of children and adults harmed by vaccines and drugs to present their case in front of a jury in a civil court of law. "It is a sad day for this nation when Congress is frightened and bullied into allowing one profit making industry to destroy the seventh Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing citizens their day in court in front of a jury of their peers," said Barbara Loe Fisher, president of NVIC. "This proposed legislation, like the power and money grab by federal health officials and industry in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the Project Bioshield Act of 2004, is an unconstitutional attempt by some in Congress to give a taxpayer-funded handout to pharmaceutical companies for drugs and vaccines the government can force all citizens to use while absolving everyone connected from any responsibility for injuries and deaths which occur. It means that, if an American is injured by an experimental flu or anthrax vaccine he or she is mandated to take, that citizen will be banned from exercising the Constitutional right to a jury trial even if it is revealed that the vaccine maker engaged in criminal fraud and negligence in the manufacture of the vaccine." The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is legally responsible for regulating the pharmaceutical industry and ensuring that drugs and vaccines released to the public are safe and effective. Drug companies marketing painkillers, like Vioxx, and anti-depressants, which have resulted in the deaths and injuries of thousands of children and adults, are being held accountable in civil court while the FDA has come under intense criticism for withholding information about the drugs' dangers from the public. Since 1986, vaccine makers have been protected from most liability in civil court through the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in which Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) that offers vaccine victims an alternative to the court system. Even though the program has awarded nearly $2 billion to victims of mandated vaccines, two out of three plaintiffs are turned away. "The drug companies and doctors got all the liability protection they needed in 1986 but they are greedy and want more," said Fisher. "And the federal health agencies want more power to force citizens to use vaccines without having to worry about properly regulating them. If the Burr bill passes, all economic incentives to insure mandated vaccines are safe will be removed and the American people are facing a future where government can force them to take poorly regulated experimental drugs and vaccines labeled as "countermeasures" or go to jail. The only recourse for citizens will be to strike down mandatory vaccination laws so vaccines will be subject to the law of supply and demand in the marketplace . The health care consumer's cry MUST be: No liability? No mandates ."

Go to the following link and take action TODAY -- Like as SOON as you read this.....



Ingri Cassel,
director Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457 Spirit Lake,
Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307 / (888) 249-1421


Free Your Mind..... From the Vaccine Paradigm

"When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies." ~U.S.Representative Ron Paul, MD

Informant: JHW369



Informant: NHNE

Electrosmog: an environmental pollution - Électrosmog: une pollution environnementale


Électrosmog: une pollution environnementale

Nelle technologie: vous pouvez directement ECOUTER (sur AgoraVox) des infos de next-up en mp3.



Informant: NHNE



Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS


In mid-August, a FRONTLINE documentary crew made the perilous journey to the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Entering the 280-acre compound in the middle of the night, escorted by helicopters and a convoy of armed Humvees, the crew was following 50 detainees fresh from the battlefield. As they were ordered to kneel in formation on the concrete floor, one detainee nervously asked the FRONTLINE cameraman, "Is this Abu Ghraib?" The answer brought a shudder.

Abu Ghraib has always been a terrifying place to Iraqis -- Saddam Hussein used it as his primary torture chamber -- but in 2004, when graphic photographs of American soldiers abusing prisoners surfaced, Abu Ghraib took on deeper meaning.

"The detai! ls of what happened in those cellblocks between the American soldiers and Iraqi detainees are well known," says producer/director Michael Kirk, "but how and why it happened is what took us into the heart of Abu Ghraib that night."

In The Torture Question, airing Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS (check local listings), FRONTLINE traces the history of how decisions made in Washington in the immediate aftermath of September 11 led to a robust interrogation policy that laid the groundwork for prisoner abuse in Afghanistan; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and Iraq.

The FRONTLINE producers interviewed more than 30 direct participants in the story, pored over thousands of pages of documents, examined hundreds of pictures and videotapes, and traveled to the American prisons at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.

The political firestorm ignited by the Abu Ghraib photos and the shocking revelations that followed resulted in 12 Department of Defense investigations! . One of them, a commission of ex-defense secretaries, found that there were lapses in oversight in the Pentagon, but that the practices had not been condoned. So far there have been arrests and convictions of some low-level soldiers and reprimands for the colonel in charge of Abu Ghraib, Thomas Pappas, as well as for Army Reserve Gen. Janis Karpinski.

"They can do whatever they want; they could make it appear any way they want -- I will not be silenced," Karpinski tells FRONTLINE. "I will continue to ask how they can continue to blame seven rogue soldiers on the nightshift when there is a preponderance of information right now, hard information from a variety of sources, that says otherwise."

The Torture Question traces the aggressive development of the administration's interrogation policy in the aftermath of 9/11, where the push for "actionable intelligence" led to authorization for interrogators to strip detainees, degrade prisoners with sexual humiliation techniques and use dogs for intimidation.

Former White House legal advisers and the Department of Justice -- author of many of the administration's boldest proposals -- agreed to talk to FRONTLINE. "There was a powerful set of shared assumptions we had in the wake of 9/11, and one of the most powerful was the assumption that we would never be forgiven if we failed to do something that was within the power of our government lawfully to protect the public from a further attack," says Associate White House Counsel Bradford Berenson.

The legal framework developed by administration lawyers like Berenson, Alberto Gonzales and John Yoo provided the impetus for unprecedented rules for interrogating detainees, rules authorized by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld -- rules officials insist never condoned torture.

FRONTLINE follows the implementation of the Rumsfeld rules from the battlefields of Afghanistan to the detention facilities! at Guantanamo Bay, where eventually the FBI began to document a trail of abuses by interrogators.

In one e-mail, an agent reports on conditions in an interrogation room: "[T]he A/C had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room probably well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his own hair out throughout the night."

The Torture Question follows the migration of such practices to the horrific scene photographed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in the fall of 2003. "Guantanamo Bay people were implanted in the prison around October, and they showed up and changed everything," a person with intimate knowledge of the events at Abu Ghraib tells FRONTLINE. "Things got more harsh."

The Torture Question is a FRONTLINE co-production with the Kirk Documentary Group. The producer, writer, and director for FRONTLINE is Mic! hael Kirk. The co-producer is Jim Gilmore. FRONTLINE is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided by the Park Foundation and through the support of PBS viewers. FRONTLINE is closed-captioned for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. The executive producer for FRONTLINE is David Fanning.

pbs.org/pressroom Promotional photography can be downloaded from the PBS pressroom.

Press contacts Diane Buxton (617) 300-5375 Andrew Ott (617) 300-5314



"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." - F.D.R.

Informant: Andrea Ball

Note in a Bottle

Tuesday, October 14, 2005

If my regular readers will excuse me for a moment, I don't want to preach to the choir today. No offense intended, please. I just think it's the right time to re-open a dialog with the folks who supported George W. Bush. At least the Bush voters I know are fine, decent folk I find in them no ill-will, no evil intent and they are no smarter or dumber than the rest of us. But we stopped talking a long time ago and when we interact now we tend to just sneer and jab at one another. We call their guy "dumb" and "a liar." And they reply by reminding us that the last guy we sent to the Oval Office was adulterer and a liar.

It's all so tiresome, not to mention unproductive. So let's just clear the air – we're both right.

But Bill Clinton is long gone and Hillary has about as much chance of becoming President as I do of becoming the next Pope. So talking about them is a waste of both our times. But George W. Bush is with us for another three years. That's why I believe it's time we started talking again, talking about what we can do, together. [...] Read it all at http://newsforreal.blogspot.com/ You will have to scroll down to the piece, which is under October 18.

© Virginia Metze

Miers Could Tip the Scales


© Virginia Metze

Eat The Press


© Virginia Metze

FEC: Luskin, Rove's Lawyer, $2750 to Dems, $750 to GOP Pol


© Virginia Metze

Bush's Proxy Vote?


© Virginia Metze

The Stark Reality of America's Financial Meltdown

Part 2 of 2
by Devvy
October 10, 2005

"The bell tolls for the US Dollar because it is doomed. Like the Dodo bird, the US Dollar will, within the foreseeable future, disappear into the history books in the chapter on "Extinct Species." --Alf Field, Le Metropole Cafe

Here are a few items you may have missed due to a busy schedule.

August 12, 2005 Bush acknowledges the collapsing US economy The US administration aims to spend $286 billion on the development of the American transport system

"US President George W. Bush released a remarkable statement a short time ago. The remark has not been highlighted in the world media yet, although there is every reason to do so. Bush virtually acknowledged that the USA was experiencing a serious economic crisis. Moreover, the US government was taking immense efforts to avoid a massive outbreak of social uneasiness, the American president believes...the White House is desperately looking for measures to find employment for crowds of unemployed American citizens and hungry migrants, which threaten to enrage the rest of the States." [...] Read more at

Part 1 of 2 is at http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd129.htm

© Virginia Metze

Journey back to Hope

During a visit to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library, I wondered: How could things have changed so far, so fast, in only five years? How had all of those accomplishments simply vanished under George W. Bush?

By Archbishop Bruce J. Simpson
An Advocate.com exclusive posted, September 16, 2005

Recently I had to fly to Little Rock, Ark., for business and also paid a visit to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library. It was a bright, sunny, warm day in Little Rock as I drove down President Clinton Street and parked. My first impression was that it was a very modern architectural design: in the form of a bridge, representing a bridge to the future.

As I entered the library, there sat one of the limousines from the presidential fleet that Clinton used. I paid my $7 and entered this monument to the history of a man who ran this country for eight years. As I wandered through the exhibits, I was overwhelmed not by the number of exhibits but what they represented. I read many letters to the president from a wide diverse section of humanity and noted that many of them were signed “Love...” That’s how people felt about Clinton. I personally met the man a couple of times, and I was struck by his smile and warmness.

We forget actually what Bill Clinton did accomplish while president because of the impeachment episode, Whitewater, and other distractions from his job that Clinton went through—all organized and ran by the Republican Party and the far right.

We forget about things like the Camp David peace accords; six million jobs created in just the first two years of his presidency; the lowest combination of inflation and unemployment in 25 years; a $600 billion deficit reduction in three years, the first time since Harry Truman that the deficit went down three years in a row. [...] Read the long list of his accomplishments here, and I wonder if you will weep, as I nearly did, for our country. I wish we would eliminate the amendment that keeps him from running for President again. http://www.advocate.com/exclusive_detail_ektid20750.asp

© Virginia Metze

Rove Scandal: New Mysteries, New Props, New Legal Theories

Capital Games
David Corn
The Nation
BLOG | Posted 10/10/2005 @ 1:55pm

The Plame/CIA leak case is getting what all good scandals need: props.

We now have the "missing notebook" and the "missing email." The "missing notebook," as several news reports noted at the end of last week, belongs to New York Times reporter Judith Miller and reportedly contains notes of a conversation regarding former Ambassador Joseph Wilson that she had with Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's chief of staff, on June 25, 2003. The date is intriguing, for this is weeks before Wilson published his now famous New York Times op-ed piece (in which he revealed that after traveling to Niger for the CIA he had concluded that the allegation that Iraq had been uranium shopping there was dubious). And, of course, this was weeks before Robert Novak wrote a column outing Wilson's wife as an undercover CIA officer. So why were the two discussing Wilson at that point? Why did this notebook go missing within the paper's Washington bureau? Who found it? Miller or someone else? Why won't the Times explain to its readers how it came to be discovered? What do the notes in this notebook say? [...] Read on to speculate about the props and what they say about the leak ... http://www.thenation.com/blogs/capitalgames?pid=28125

© Virginia Metze

Most Americans say oil companies are price gouging

October 10, 2005
Fairfield County Business Journal

Four out of five Americans would support "a tax on the windfall profits of oil companies" if the resulting revenues were devoted to alternative energy research, according to an Opinion Research Corp. (ORC) poll conducted for 40mpg.org and the Boston-based nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute (CSI).

CSI is a think tank and the 40mpg.org campaign is a project of CSI.

Other key survey findings include: 87 percent of Americans think that oil companies are gouging gasoline consumers today; 81 percent say the federal government is not doing enough about high energy prices and America's overreliance on Middle Eastern oil; 73 percent believe that recent gasoline price hikes now make it more important that the federal government impose higher fuel-efficiency standards; and four out of five adults say that U.S. automakers should follow the same path as Toyota, which intends that "all of its new cars going forward will use fuel-saving hybrid technology." [...] Read it all at: http://tinyurl.com/avuo2

© Virginia Metze

Plans to hide mobile masts

by Jolene Hill
This is Local London

PHONE masts could be hidden in more than 100 of the borough's lampposts if mobile phone company plans are approved.

Various firms have approached Bromley Council offering financial deals for the new masts, which could see the borough scooping £50,000.

The proposed 10m-tall lampposts, which have already been installed by 20 other councils including Westminster, will feature tiny phone masts and advertising hoardings.

The tiny masts will only be visible thanks to a small aerial from the outside and under Government rules will not require planning permission, meaning firms can put them up wherever they wish.

Fearful residents fighting the controversial spread of masts throughout the borough have condemned the plans.

Orpington Residents Against Masts (ORAM) member Susan Green said: "This could be right outside your child's bedroom and you wouldn't know.

"We won't discover problems until way down the line when the damage has been done."

The council says it is obliged to consider plans because there is no existing policy to cover the proposals and says nothing has been decided yet.

Portfolio holder Councillor George Taylor will make a decision on the plans tomorrow.

The environment policy development and scrutiny committee has recommended he reject the mast proposals.

Cllr Taylor would not be drawn on what his decision will be but said: "This is the first opportunity for the council to decide on this matter.

"But my personal views are clear given my history of opposing every mast in my ward."

He added: "I also supported the council's motion calling on the Government to allow us to take health risks into account when granting planning permission for masts."

ORAM member James Malone says the council has already let residents down by granting planning permission for many masts already in the borough.

He said: "We have tried to go through the democratic process and we would have reached the same point if we had done nothing at all."

A Bromley Council spokesman says the portfolio holder, rather than a committee, is responsible for taking decisions affecting the street scene because of Government changes.

The spokesman said applications are considered in line with local and national policies and the portfolio holder's decision can be challenged by other councillors.

9:53am Wednesday 19th October 2005

Mobile phone mast still in place despite permission being denied

Aberystwyth Today

MOBILE phones company Hutchison 3G is resisting increasing pressure to dismantle an unauthorised base-station close to three schools and an Aberystwyth housing estate. A week after county councillors delighted worried teachers and residents by refusing retrospective planning permission for the Parc-y-llyn mast the tower remains in place in the yard of agricultural suppliers Country Stores. Despite new evidence that base-station radiation can seriously damage health the company continued to insist there was no risk and said the mast would stay while they decided whether to appeal against the council’s decision. In a move likely to worsen antagonism over the development, Hutchison refused to reveal the line of the base-station’s beam of greatest radiation intensity, but denied it fell on any of the area’s schools. Spokesman Mike Dobson told the Cambrian News: “We don’t want to say where it falls, we don’t see that it’s relevant. “It has never been actually defined or clarified in terms of meaning.” According to a government report, the beam’s greatest intensity is likely to fall to the ground at between 50 metres and 200 metres from the base of a mast, which would encompass homes and shops at Parc-y-llyn. Hutchison say “all areas of public access” near the base-station - which has yet to be switched on - would be well below international radiation guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

Residents who witnessed the planning committee’s refusal of planning permission were jubilant. One, Ifor Jones, of 2 Clos Deiniol, said: “It’s brilliant. “I’m really pleased that it’s gone our way. “I didn’t think the decision would be so decisive.” Paul James, the Llanbadarn Fawr Plaid Cymru councillor who has led opposition, told the committee: “These telecoms companies find that site-sharing is expensive - that’s why they have put it in the Country Stores yard. “This is a victory for the residents of the area.” A second Plaid councillor, Alun Williams, of Aberystwyth, said: “The abuse of the consultation process, or playing fast and loose on the consultation process, is what these companies do. “To approve this would set a precedent for other gangs of men to turn up and erect a mast wherever they want. “We’ve had a great many applications for masts. “This committee has struggled to find ways to turn them down. “I propose that we turn down this application on the basis that they should be site-sharing.”

Supporting the fight against more masts

Redditch advertiser 19.10.05

TOWN councillors have agreed to join the fight against four more mobile phone masts at Oversley Green.

At a recent planning meeting, councillors discussed the application to add four 12-metre masts to the current three already in place at Lower Oversley Lodge Farm.

Nina Knapman said she was concerned over health and safety effects of the masts, and also the visual impact they would have on the site. Councillors recommended refusal as they did not know enough about the effects of the masts.

We don't want your illegal masts

Tivy-Side news 19.10.05

A hard-hitting message has gone out to mobile 'phone companies - don't put your masts up in Ceredigion without planning permission.

County planners last week threw out a scheme for a temporary mobile mast at Parcyllyn, Aberystwyth.

The mast had been erected without permission four months ago and sparked massive local protests. "These companies come into Ceredigion and erect these things without consulting the local community," Beulah member Lyndon Lloyd told fellow planners.

"We need to refuse more and a strong message should go out from this committee saying no more of this. "I've heard of a local woman who went to bed one night and when she pulled her curtains back in the morning a mast had been erected while she slept."

And he added: "If we agree to this we will have even more masts coming here." He was backed by Cabinet member Cllr Ray Quant. "There comes a time when we have to hold our hands up and say we can't allow people to come and put masts up," he said.

And Cllr Alan Williams was even more blunt.

"This is an abuse. They are playing fast and loose with the consultation process. It would be better for all the people in Ceredigion who are concerned about these masts if we turned this one down.

And Cllr Lloyd concluded: "We are putting a clamp on these masts from today and I hope that message goes out."

Govts should plan for disasters


Informant: NHNE

Antarctic 'threatened' by warming seas


Informant: NHNE

Nailaer Ärztestudie


Electricity pylons and EMR

I lived 6 years under an electricity pylon, in the UK, early 70's jus when rumours started........infertilty....personality changes.......cancer.

Moved away, 1984. 1999 Cancer of thyroid. Usually atributited to over exposure to radaition.

Am to this day convinced that living 12 mtrs from pylon did this to me, and jus for the record my husband died in 1998 from a stroke.

I am just 47, but convinced that living under electro magnetic radiation caused both me and my husband harm. In the middle 70@s we bought our new bungalow from a PLOT plan........u know before it was even built

I applaud all efforts being made to reduce radiation. Masts, pylons, transformers.........

Hoping my Thyca stays away..........



With regard to thyroid, in Israel there is a cluster of 30 women who got enlarged thyroid gland about 2 years since the cellular antennas were erected, all the women live near the anttennas.

A friend of mine used to complain on pains in the thyroid gland while talking on her cell phone. Now she does not complain about it anymore- she has no thyroid gland anymore. She got thyroid cancer. I attach something I found on thyroid hormones and cellular technology. The Medline reference is:

Effects of 900MHz electromagnetic field on TSH and thyroid hormones in rats

Ahmet Koyu a,., Gokhan Cesur a, Fehmi Ozguner a, Mehmet Akdoganb, Hakan Mollaoglu a, Sukru Ozenc

a Department of Physiology, Suleyman Demirel University, School of Medicine, 32260 Isparta, Turkey

b Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, 32260 Isparta, Turkey

c Academy of Vocational Sciences, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey

Received 28 December 2004; received in revised form 1 March 2005; accepted 1 March 2005

Available online 11 April 2005

Omega see under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/859052/

Iris Atzmon.

BCTC VITR Project-EMFs and Health Hazards

Please find interesting submission into a transmission line hearing. I am intervening as well. Please note, Kyong H. Nam's e-mail was sent October 7 and appeared only today, October 19, just a bit less than 2 days before a pre-hearing! Why....you guess....so other intervenors don't find out about and give more support to that!!!

Cheers, and best, worth to read, takes a bit time to open:

Hans Karow


I think this is one of the best documents ever produced on this subject. As good as Hyland. It's brilliant.

John Elliott

From Mobile Phone Mast Network (Mast Sanity)

US Troops Burning Taliban Bodies

Film rolls as troops burn dead

US soldiers in Afghanistan burnt the bodies of dead Taliban and taunted their opponents about the corpses, in an act deeply offensive to Muslims and in breach of the Geneva conventions.


Video Shows US Troops Burning Taliban Bodies

SBS has broadcast footage of what it says is United States soldiers burning two dead Taliban fighters as they faced Mecca and using the charred and smoking corpses in a propaganda campaign in southern Afghanistan.


Psych War in Afghanistan

Photojournalist Stephen Dupont, who, while he was embedded with the Americans, managed to record some of the grotesque tactics being used by Australia's allies in that part of the world. Dateline should warn you that this report does include some pretty disturbing scenes, particularly for any Muslim viewers.


It was the manipulation of dud intelligence for political purposes that led us into Iraq

UK: Hazel Blears made a claim to MPs I know to be false

Ministers' justification for the banning of an alleged terrorist group is based on propaganda and an outright untruth. - It was the manipulation of dud intelligence for political purposes that led us into Iraq. And was that not a factor in the present wave of terrorism that we face in London?


From Information Clearing House

Former law lord attacks 'folly' of Iraq war

The war with Iraq has made the world a more dangerous place and London a target for terrorist attack, according to one of Britain's most senior judges.


From Information Clearing House

How can a “civilised society” tolerate the inhumane treatment endured by the people in Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo Bay and other American prisons?

Why torture is OK

Imagine that you are on your way to work, coffee in hand, one December morning when three men in United States military uniforms, armed with guns, approach you. They say your name; you acknowledge it. - The men throw a heavy plastic black hood over your head.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq: The Unseen Dead

When Robert Fisk was in London in October, 2005, he said, “"My view is the people who are dead would want us to record what happened to them."


From Information Clearing House

CNN's Hatchet Job on Scott Ritter

Media smear ex-Marine for seeking answers on Iraq.

Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics

So determined was the ring of top officials to win its argument that it morphed into a virtual hit squad that took aim at critics who questioned its claims, sources told the Daily News.


From Information Clearing House

Case Against Cheney

While Cheney may not have done the deed directly, it is comic to suggest that the vice president -- who was in constant contact with both Libby and Rove around the time of the leak -- could have been unaware of any serious effort to discredit Wilson by "outing" his wife as a CIA agent.


The Iraq War Runs Through It


Bush's illegal war based on lies must be ended now

Those who are stating that U.S. troops need to pull out slowly, in a year, or two (or more) in order to "save Iraq" from itself insult the dignity and intelligence of the Arab and Muslim world, which does not need our interference in their affairs and can determine their futures on their own.


1 in 4 Iraq vets ailing on return

More than one in four U.S. troops have come home from the Iraq war with health problems that require medical or mental health treatment, according to the Pentagon's first detailed screening of servicemembers leaving a war zone.


From Information Clearing House

Spanish judge issues arrest warrant for US troops

A Spanish High Court judge issued international arrest warrants on Wednesday for three U.S. soldiers in connection with the death of a Spanish cameraman during the war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Sleuths Crack Tracking Code Discovered in Color Printers

by Mike Musgrove
Washington Post Staff Writer

It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it isn't. The pages coming out of your color printer may contain hidden information that could be used to track you down if you ever cross the U.S. government.


Good Night, and Good Luck": Joe McCarthy Rides Again

by Bernard Weiner

In our own time, an arrogant bullying Administration is ruining the country, running roughshod over the Constitution, and questioning the patriotism of any who oppose them, much as Senator Joe McCarthy did with anyone who raised questions about his methods of hunting down suspected Communists. Except these days, of course, one substitutes "terrorists" for "communists."


The occupiers' trial: The trial of Saddam Hussein a running soap opera

by Pepe Escobar

The court, the training and the whole proceedings cost US$75 million - courtesy of US taxpayers (the budget was allocated in May 2004). About 300 people - paid by the Americans - work on the trial machinery. The five "secret" Iraqi judges - Shi'ites and Kurds, no Sunnis - are paid by the Americans, live inside the Green Zone and are protected by the Americans from being kidnapped or killed.


A chance for justice, but will it be seized?

"We have grave concerns that the tribunal will not provide the fair trial guarantees required by international law," said Richard Dicker of Human Rights Watch.


Federal Government to Rebuild Parochial Schools

The federal government will help rebuild parochial schools, nursing homes and similar religious institutions but will not pay for reconstruction of churches or other houses of worship destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, administration officials said yesterday.


$ for Katrina Aid from Cutting Welfare

Harold Meyerson: A revolt of House conservatives has persuaded that body's Republican leadership to offset the Hurricane Katrina-related federal spending by reducing Medicaid, food stamps and other programs for the indigent. If things go according to plan, this week the House will begin to cut $50 billion from those efforts. What we have here is an ideologically-driven dereliction of duty.


Bunny Greenhouse: A Web of Truth

Bunny Greenhouse was once the perfect bureaucrat, an insider, the top procurement official at the US Army Corps of Engineers. In late August, she was demoted, her pay cut and her authority stripped. She and her lawyer say it's payback for her revelations about a politically connected company. Now Bunnatine Hayes Greenhouse is becoming one of the most unusual things known in the upper echelons of government and industry - a top-shelf bureaucrat who is telling all she knows.


Lawyering without a License

Maureen Dowd: I was just coming to grips with the idea that a Supreme Court nominee doesn't need to have any experience for the job. Now it turns out that a Supreme Court nominee doesn't even need to always be a lawyer in good standing.


Bush Knew about Rove's Involvment in CIA Leak

An angry President Bush rebuked chief political guru Karl Rove two years ago for his role in the Valerie Plame affair, sources told the Daily News.


7th installment of the Canadian SWEEP Initiative e-bulletin

This is the 7th installment of the Canadian SWEEP Initiative e-bulletin (Safe Wireless, Electric and Electromagnetic Policy). SWEEP is assisted by the Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund: we couldn't do this without their foresight and generous support.

This newsletter serves as a roundup of what has been occuring on the EMF/EMR awareness and advocacy front in Canada. Please send me Canadian links and stories. Thanks to a collaboration with GotEMF Canada we are now beginning to build a broad national news-sharing alliance.

TODAY: a report on our recent meeting in St Catharines, Ontario.

Last Saturday Magda Havas of Trent University presented to an interested group, some of whom had driven 6 hours to be present, on issues around electromagnetic fields, radio frequency radiation, dirty electricity, and ground current. A number of individuals living with electromagnetic injuries were present, as were representatives from STP-EMF from Markham, and also from a group looking at safety of wireless in schools around Kingston. Thanks for driving so far Sue, friend of Sue, and Janice!

A number of concrete plans came out of a meeting which followed the presentation:

1. Thanks to funding from a variety of sources (the breast Cancer Research and Education Fund, Dave Stetzer and Cammie Jackay's generous donation of $1000 worth of filters to our silent auction, and individual donations) we now have sufficient funds to begin our website. To date people from the SWEEP list have committed to writing short (1000-1500) articles for the website in the following areas: -Radio Frequency Radiation focussing on cell towers and wireless -Wireless and Computers in Schools -Rural and Agricultural Energy Issues -Ground Current -Electromagnetic Injury or EHS

We need writers for the following topics (even if you are not a scientist, please give it a go, we can get scientists to help back up and reference your texts): -Electromagnetic Pollution and the Medical Industry -Dirty Electricity -Alternative Healing Modalities for Electromagnetic Injury -EMF (I've asked two folks and hope they will say yes!) -Electromagnetic Pollution in the Home (Don Maisch has a great article on this: maybe he would let us use it and we could adapt it to the Canadian context?)

There are obviosuly many more topics: please let me know what you would like to contribute. Deadline mid-december -- we want to launch in January, although obviously we can always add material.

If you are an international observer, please send remarks as well, this is a global issue.

2. Anna Jonsson has submitted an excellent survey for EM Injured and EHS folks. Madga, myself, and most likely a medical researcher, will be circulating this survery (with some adaptations) as soon as it has gone through my university's ethics boards (necessary for research when you are colelcting data from people).

The material from this survery will be used as the basis for scientific papers as well as the basis of a book of testimonials on EM Injury and EHS similar to the 'Black on White' doc put out by the Swedes (see http://www.feb.se ). Anna has a Swedish background and has close connections with the EHS community in Sweden, and is the perfect person to help head up this project. We were approached by an environmental org on Saturday who may be able to help fund the publishing of this book. If we time the release properly, we could make real inroads with this. We would like to have this done within the next year.

We will need 100 completed surveys, so get ready to help circulating this. It shouldn't be hard, every day we hear of someone new living with this.

3. Magda plans on working with Dave Stetzer to set up training sessions for electricians that will certify them to test for various types of EM pollution and provide various solutions in corporate and household situations. We need some electricians to help organize this, please let me kwow if you are anyone you know may be interested. We would like to do this within the the next few months.

4. We have begun planning for a comprehensive map of all radio frequency towers, including cell towers, in Canada that you will be able to zoom in to from the comfort of your own home. This map will contain all available information about each tower and each frequency they emit. We have the individuals and sources necessary to do this, and will begin fundraising for the staffing of this project shortly.

More newsletters soon: there are many interesting posts sent in by the SWEEP list members that I will be sending out shortly.

Don't forget to check out our past newsletters at




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