
Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk"


Mobilfunk: Politik, Pressearbeit und Medienadressen für Salzburg

Weiterleiten erwünscht !

Da ich in der letzten Zeit in Gesprächen mit Medienvertretern einige Male gehört habe, dass sich viele Initiativen oder Betroffene nicht mit den Medien in Kontakt setzen bzw. sie nicht über ihre Aktivitäten und Probleme informieren, anbei eine Liste der wichtigsten Medien-Adressen für den Salzburger Raum.

Bitte wer kann, die Anregung aufgreifen und wenn möglich ähnliche Medienlisten für andere Bundesländer erstellen und weitermailen.

Da überregionale Medien nicht über lokale Senderproteste berichten, ist diese Art der Vernetzung sehr hilfreich. Damit kann sichtbar werden, wie groß der Unmut der betroffenen BürgerInnen im ganzen Land bereits ist.

So würde es den EntscheidungsträgerInnen in "Wien" möglicherweise schwerer fallen, die mehr und mehr besorgten BürgerInnen zu überhören.

Man wird ja auch von allen Seiten immer auf den Mangel an Möglichkeiten der Handhabe der lokalen PolitikerInnen in Stadt und Land erinnert und auf die Gesetzgebung und die Ministerien verwiesen. Da wäre es auch möglich eine neue Argumentationsrichtung zu wählen und LokalpolitikerInnen zu bitten sich erstens selbst zu positionieren und ähnlich wie in Bischofshofen, Murau, Bad Aussee, etc. Resolutionen oder Petitionen (mit)zumachen, und zweitens ihre jeweiligen parteizugehörigen Parlamentarier und Spitzenpolitiker anzufragen sich in Sachen Mobilfunk zu positionieren und entsprechende Anträge bei den gesetzgebenden Gremien einzubringen.

Für unsere Bemühungen um vorsorgenden Gesundheitsschutz und Aufklärung über mögliche Risiken, ist es äusserst wichtig, öffentlich auf die Probleme, auch auf die eigene Situation hinzuweisen, weil nur dann mit Nachdruck ein nötiges Bewusstsein der Verantwortlichen aus Politik und Wirtschaft auf die Situation gelenkt wird.

Es empfiehlt sich auch originelle Aktionen zu machen, weil damit die Aufmerksamkeit und das Interesse der Medien am ehesten zu wecken ist. Transparente mit einer klaren Botschaft, Beteiligung von Groß und Klein, etc.

Bei einer Meldung an die Medien ist nach meiner Erfahrung vorteilhaft zu beachten:

WER macht WANN WARUM und WIE WAS, kurz und bündig!

Medieninformationen vor einer Aktion sollten nie zu viele Details enthalten, da sonst die Gefahr besteht, dass einige schon vorher kurz berichten und dadurch die anderen Medien weniger Interesse haben, da die "Story" schon veröffentlicht wurde.

Immer auch telefonisch Kontakt mit den zuständigen Medienvertretern aufnehmen, und nach gesendeten Ankündigungen nachtelefonieren, ob sie diese bekommen haben usw.

Bei einer Aktion am besten selbst Digitalfotos machen.

Nach der Aktion wenn möglich gleich selbst einen prägnanten, sachlichen Bericht über die Aktion schreiben, an die Medien senden und die FOTOS dazu anbieten.

Diese Vorschläge sind nicht als Belehrung, sondern als Anregung gedacht.

Würde mich über weitere Anregungen freuen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Meyer
Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich
Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A - 5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4
Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

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We are Killing the Planet: That is Not an Exaggeration


The Chauffeur's Dilemma

Bush used his war policies to create votes, so he converted an economic program aimed at strip-mining America into a program for winning blue-collar hearts and minds.


From Information Clearing House

The reign of corporations and the fight for democracy

Consent of the Governed: The reign of corporations and the fight for democracy

Having achieved extensive control over so many facets of our lives -- from food and clothing production to information, transportation, and other necessities -- corporate institutions have become more powerful than the sovereign people who originally granted them existence.


From Information Clearing House

Blix: Iran Years Away From Nuke Weapons

Former chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix said Thursday it would take many years for Iran to achieve the capability to produce highly enriched uranium needed for an atomic bomb.


From Information Clearing House

Top Commander Says Insurgency Still Strong

The top American commander in the Persian Gulf told Congress on Thursday that the Iraqi insurgency has not grown weaker over the past six months, despite a claim by Vice President Dick Cheney that it was in its "last throes."


It's virtually impossible for US President George W Bush's Iraq to be "on its way to democracy"

Iraq, the new Afghanistan:

It's virtually impossible for US President George W Bush's Iraq to be "on its way to democracy" when real unemployment reaches a staggering 50% (a scarier prospect for most people than car bombs or snipers), 25% of children under five years old are malnourished, 78% of the households in the country (and 92% in Baghdad) have electricity only a few hours a day, only 37% of urban households (and a mere 4% in the countryside) have sewage-disposal systems, only 61% have access to drinking water.


The Bill of Rights: The Rights of the Accused

Is the Sixth Amendment relevant today? You bet it is
by Jacob G. Hornberger

Make no mistake about it: If the feds treat foreigners accused of terrorism in this way, they’ll do the same to Americans. Just ask Jose Padilla, an American whom the Pentagon has held in a military dungeon for over three years and whom they have denied all the rights enumerated in the Sixth Amendment.


The Howling




Help save B.C.'s Great Bear Rainforest


"REACH": Neue EU-Chemikalienpolitik genügt Verbraucherschützern nicht


Die geplante neue europäische Chemikalienpolitik REACH bringt nach Ansicht von Verbraucherschützern kaum Verbesserungen für Konsumenten. "Die neue Chemikalienpolitik wird nicht dazu führen, dass gefährliche Chemikalien etwa in Spielzeug auch nur gekennzeichnet werden", kritisierte Edda Müller, Vorstand des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverbands (vzbv). "Die mit REACH für die Wirtschaft verbundenen Kosten sind dann fragwürdig, wenn es nicht gelingt, den Bezug zu Verbraucherprodukten herzustellen", sagte die vzbv-Chefin anlässlich eines Forums der Bundesanstalt für Risikobewertung (BfR) zum Verbraucherschutz.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Über 150 Organisationen üben scharfe Kritik an Dienstleistungsabkommen GATS

Internationaler Widerstand: Über 150 Organisationen üben scharfe Kritik an Dienstleistungsabkommen GATS (24.06.05)

Im Vorfeld der Sitzung der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) über den Handel mit Dienstleistungen am Freitag haben 153 Organisationen in einem gemeinsamen Brief an die Verhandlungsdelegationen und das WTO-Sekretariat scharfe Kritik geäußert. Das Dienstleistungsabkommen (GATS) sei "in erster Linie gestaltet, um Investorenrechte zu schützen". So stünden "essentielle Dienste und das Leben von Millionen von Menschen" auf dem Spiel. Die Organisationen befürchten, dass Bereiche wie Wasserversorgung und Gesundheitssysteme kommerzialisiert werden und nur noch Menschen mit genügend Geld zur Verfügung stehen. Unter den Unterzeichnern befinden sich neben diversen nationalen Attac-Gruppen auch die Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) und Greenpeace International. Die Unterzeichner schrieben, unter den derzeitigen Bedingungen sollten die Entwicklungsländer ihre weitere Beteiligung an den Verhandlungen in Frage stellen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

UNO hat "verlässliche Informationen" über Folter auf Guantánamo

"Krieg gegen Terror": UNO hat "verlässliche Informationen" über Folter auf Guantánamo (24.06.05)

Im US-Gefangenenlager Guantánamo Bay wird gefoltert. Dafür hat die UNO nach eigenen Angaben verlässliche Informationen. UN-Menschenrechtsexperten kritisierten, sie hätten seit über drei Jahren trotz mehrfacher Anfragen keinen Zugang zu dem Gefangenenlager erhalten. Auch die internationale Menschenrechtsorganisation amnesty international (ai) sieht die Folter jetzt als erwiesen an, teilte sie am Freitag mit. Die US-Regierung müsse jetzt offen legen, wie viele Menschen sie an welchen Orten der Welt unter Missachtung der Menschenrechte festhalte, forderte amnesty. "Wir wissen, dass Guantánamo nur die Spitze des Eisbergs ist", erklärte die Organisation. Es gebe "ein ganzes Archipel" von US-kontrollierten Gefangenenlagern. Sie seien "aller rechtsstaalichen Kontrolle und völkerrechtlichen Normen entzogen." In ihnen herrschten Bedingungen wie auf Guantánamo.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Guantanamo the new-world icon

Guantanamo is emblematic of a militarized world stripped of humanity or justice. It looms as the salient icon of the new world order.

by Mike Whitney

To fully appreciate the depravity of the Bush claque, we only need to visit the Rush Limbaugh web site, where the drug-addicted spokesman for the administration is currently hawking T-shirts (Orange; "I got my free Koran and Prayer Rug at G'itmo" or, orange baseball cap reading "Camp G'itmo") and baseball caps in an public relations scheme to trivialize the horrors of systematic torture of detainees in US custody.


We can add a new chapter to the Bush Administration's war on free speech as it was revealed yesterday that an Al Jazeera cameraman has been in custody for three years at Guantanamo Bay. Al-Hajj a Sudanese national was arrested in Afghanistan in 2001 and has remained in prison without being charged for 4 years. Is this what Rumsfeld breezily refers to as the "worst of the worst"? If so, independent journalists around the world should take note.


Bush War On Terror? More like Bush's War Creates Terror

The Evidence File

By LynnTheDem

You've made us all less safe now, while killing tens of thousands of innocent people, including Americans.

Read the evidence file.

We shelter behind the myth that progress is being made

The reality - unimaginable for the Americans and their self-deluding allies, tragic for the Iraqis themselves - is that Iraq is a hell-disaster

By Robert Fisk

So we are going to support the myth. As the headless bodies are found along the Tigris, as the mortuaries fill up, as the American dead grow far beyond 1,700 - and, let us remember, the Iraqi dead go into the tens of thousands - Europe and the rest of the world still support the American project.


Tongass Subsidy Amendment Needs Support of Your Senators


Reid Calls on Bush to Repudiate Rove's Remarks


Informant: Diana Davies

Shut Down Guantanamo

"The best thing Washington can now do about this national shame is to shut it down." Editorial in The New York Times, Sunday, June 5, 2005

No, they're not talking about the White House.

The national shame they were referring to is the U.S. run prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo has become a symbol around the world of the Bush Administration’s arrogant disregard for the most basic of human rights.

As part of their so-called war on terror, the Bush Administration has shipped prisoners to Guantanamo in order to keep them out of the reach of law. Prisoners are being held there indefinitely, without access to lawyers (even though the Center for Constitutional Rights won a Supreme Court decision a year ago that allows lawyers access to detainees at the camp). Abuse and even torture are routine, and the Koran has even been desecrated.

In the past few weeks there has been a growing call to close this prison camp. United for Peace and Justice supports that call: Guantanamo must be shut down. Abu Ghraib must be shut down. All of the illegal detention centers and prisons the U.S. is running in places around the world must be shut down. And the practice of sending prisoners to other countries where torture is routinely used (they called this the rendition policy) must end!

Now is the time for action. Here are some ideas of things you can do:

** Activities During the July 4th Holiday
United for Peace and Justice is supporting the call from an ad hoc coalition of individuals and organizations (including playwright Eve Ensler, Gloria Steinem, The Center for Constitutional Rights, Code Pink, Not In Our Name, the ACLU, The Culture Project, WEDO and others) for people around the United States to use July 4th activities as an opportunity to raise this issue. In cities and towns around the country people are planning to stage rallies, do dramatic readings, hold vigils and do other public events that highlight the need to shut down Guantanamo. This group has produced designs of American flags that say "Torture Is Immoral and Unpatriotic, Shut down Guantanamo". Go to the UFPJ web site to see the designs and to download copies for your local use: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=2901

United for Peace and Justice is producing a special leaflet for distribution during July 4th activities; it will be ready early next week. We will send you a notice when it is available for downloading.

Be sure to add your activities to the calendar on the UFPJ web site: http://unitedforpeace.org/modinput4.php?modin=50

** July 5th Calls to Congress
Around the country people will be calling and emailing their members of Congress on Tuesday, July 5th. We urge you to organize a massive telephone and email effort for that day. Let your elected officials know that we want Guantanamo shut down, and that we want torture and abuse of prisoners stopped in all detention facilities.

** Keep the Story in the Media
The media's attention to this issue could easily fade away. Make sure your local papers and broadcast outlets keep this story alive. Let them know about your activities; organize people to write letters to the editor; ask for a meeting with the editorial boards of your papers and push them to take an editorial position on this issue.

** Share This Message
Circulate this message to the members of your group or organization and send it along to other groups that might be interested. Help us spread the word: Torture is wrong. Guantanamo must be shut down. It's time to end the war in Iraq!

** Build for September 24-26
To bring about a dramatic change in U.S. foreign policy, including closing down Guantanamo, we need to broaden and strengthen the movement for peace and justice. In all of your organizing activities this summer, we urge you to promote the massive three-day mobilization against the war in Washington, D.C. being planned for September 24-26. This major outpouring of anti-war sentiment has the potential to definitively shift the political momentum away from the present policies of war and occupation, and to build and energize the anti-war movement in a major and decisive way. As you speak to people over the July 4th weekend, and in the weeks and months to come, around the issues of torture, human rights, and war, be sure to tell them about the fall mobilization and encourage their participation.

Be sure to let us know if there is any way the UFPJ national office can help your organizing efforts.

Leslie Cagan
National Coordinator
United for Peace and Justice

A Bipartisan Plan to End the War


Informant: Martin Greenhut

The G8 Summit: A Fraud and a Circus


Policy of Deceit

by Ken Sanders

When Amnesty International described the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay as "the gulag of our times," the Bush administration and its supporters took extreme offense. They decried Amnesty for daring to compare Guantanamo to Stalin's camps where political prisoners were either summarily executed or slowly starved and worked to death. Guantanamo, the Bush administration claimed, was a bastion of human rights and necessary for the protection of the U.S. Regardless of whether Amnesty abused its creative license in describing Guantanamo as a gulag, it is interesting how literally Bush and his apologists took the remark. Applying an interpretive standard of strict construction, Bush & Co. were aghast that a heretofore respectable human rights organization would relegate itself to the dust bin of irrelevance by leveling such incendiary and unwarranted criticism at Bush and his stalwart defense of these United States. If, however, one applies that same standard of strict construction to Bush's remarks leading up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, an unfortunate picture emerges. It is a picture of the President of the United States employing the tools of deception and exaggeration to trick a wounded nation into embarking upon an unnecessary, unwarranted, and unwinnable war against a nation that had not done us any demonstrable harm and was incapable of doing so...


Why the People Must Judge Bush



007OEC's This-week-in-Trees




Informant: STRIDER

Revolution on Haida Gwaii


Informant: STRIDER

The last of Canada's rainforests are at risk

Yesterday's guilty plea by the B.C. Ministry of Forests to charges of damaging fish habitat represents only one violation among potentially hundreds in an out-of-control industry, says the David Suzuki Foundation. "This prosecution should be the first of many by Fisheries and Oceans Canada," says Bill Wareham, acting director of marine conservation with the David Suzuki Foundation. "Destructive logging and disregard for fish habitat continues to be the norm throughout B.C., and DFO must continue to hold the province accountable."

David Suzuki Foundation's third Coastal Status Report, at http://www.canadianrainforests.org

Informant: STRIDER

Staring at Extinction: Mountain Caribou in British Columbia

Documents approved logging of more than 54,000 hectares of old-growth forest caribou habitat in BC. Mountain caribou are completely dependent on large tracts of intact old-growth forest in southeast BC and parts of three US states for their survival. The BC, Canadian, and US governments consider mountain caribou to be in danger of extinction. The number of mountain caribou has fallen from 2,400 in 1997 to 1,670 today.


Informant: STRIDER

Rove Tries To Change The Subject

The White House is feeling the heat over Iraq and Guantanamo, so Karl Rove starts blabbing about 9/11, liberals and our chronic wimpiness. He must never have expected a 9/11 widow to come to our defense.


Voting For Reform


by Jeff Fleischer, Mother Jones

For progressive Democrats, fixing the United States' tarnished electoral system is job number one.


The War Before The War

by John Prados, TomPaine.com

The Downing Street memos confirm that Bush initiated the war with Iraq in May 2002, seeking to provoke Saddam Hussein.



Colourful opposition to Orange

Wakefield Today

CONCERNED residents will fight plans to boost the power of a mobile phone base station on top of a block of flats in Wakefield.

Operator Orange is proposing to upgrade its facilities on the roof of Gill Syke House, off Thornbury Road, to cater for third-generation services.

But residents and councillors are opposed to the move and fear the health implications of boosting the station’s signal to four times its current strength.

Gill Syke House resident Jean Abbott, 60, said: “It’s ridiculous. These antennas and microwave dishes are only four feet from my bedroom. We opposed this base station when they first proposed it, taking it to the courts, but we didn’t get anywhere.

“There’s already one microwave dish on there but now they are proposing four more.”

Mrs Abbott said she never wanted the base station on the roof, she said it was a “monstrosity”.

Coun Bill Sanders, representing Wakefield West, said: “I have been contacted by various people about this plan all concerned about the possible health risks. There are several schools in the vicinity and Mike Waddington of Cathedral High School has expressed his concerns about the plans.”

He is opposed to the plans along with fellow Wakefield West councillors John Colley and Tory group leader Mike Walker.

Coun Colley said there were already telephone masts dotted around Lupset and Thornes and believed this plan was unnecessary.

Mr Waddington, acting headteacher at Cathedral High School, on Thornes Road , said: “On behalf of all connected with our school, I feel the need to register concern regarding the proposed upgrade to the mobile phone base station.”

23 June 2005

Joy as mast plan is scrapped

Jun 22 2005

Ellesmere Port Pioneer

RESIDENTS are delighted plans for a mobile phone mast have been withdrawn.

More than 200 people in the Stanney Lane area of Ellesmere Port expressed opposition to the scheme.

But when it came to be discussed by borough planners, they were told it had been formally withdrawn.

Jonathan Edwards, for Vodafone, said: 'It may be we have to resubmit it at this location but, before this becomes the case, we will consider the alternatives with you.'

Eric Bowler, who helped organise a public meeting last month against the proposal, welcomed the withdrawal of the scheme.

But he said: 'Vodafone are looking for alternative sites so we've got to be vigilant and, if they come back here, we will oppose it again.'

Vodafone had wanted a 13.5m column with three antenna, an equipment cabinet and associated works near Underwood Drive.

But residents, worried about the health effects of having the mast near their homes and Stanney High, campaigned vigorously against it.

As well as the public meeting, they gathered a 103-name petition and a letter signed by 83 people. These were all sent to the council, with letters on behalf of 17 other homes.

A planning report, compiled before the application was withdrawn, said: 'Given the visual impact on the residential area, a refusal would be justified.'

It suggested Vodafone look at alternative sites, such as near Cheshire Oaks.

The council has refused a separate mast scheme. O2 wanted to put a 12.5m mast at Vauxhall Motors Boxing Club on Station Road, Little Sutton.

Mast plans defeated after parents voice safety fears

Waltham Forest Guardian

PLANS for a phone mast were rejected by councillors after long discussions of the potential health risks.

The mast would have stood 50ft above the ground on Sutherland House, Sutherland Road, Walthamstow, a 1950s commercial building bordering on an industrial area.

However the site is surrounded by residential properties and towers above both Willowfield School and Hillyfield Primary School.

When residents heard of Vodafone's plans during the Easter holidays, they mounted a campaign to fight it, fearing the possible health impact on schoolchildren and women attending a nearby antenatal clinic.

Residents Against the Mast (RAM) collected signatures on a petition and several residents sent individual letters of objection.

Helen Schafer, of Sutherland Road, spoke at the planning committee meeting and said: "I realise I am by no means alone in feeling sceptical about probable health risks.

"Two schools were not informed by the council and one made its objection to Vodafone clear.

"Many parents of both schools have not been informed and have no clue their children's health is in danger."

Higham Hill councillors Peter Woollcott and Sean Meiszner spoke out against the mast, highlighting the 200 homes planned for the site of the old mill, only yards away from the proposed mast.

A spokesman for Vodafone claimed the radiation towards nearby schools and homes would be only "a small amount" and complied with Government guidelines, so the planning committee could not reject the mast on health grounds and rejected it on the basis of adverse visual impact on the area.

Seven councillors rejected the plans and only two voted in favour of the mast.

10:19am Thursday 23rd June 2005

Emergency Congressional Oversight Urged to Prevent Illegal Action by US CODEX Delegation


Federal Supremacy trumps Private Property Rights


Congress berates Pentagon over Halliburton


Attacking U.S. with EMP



Preventing an Electronic 9/11: EMP in Special Tonight CSPAN
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett

Ex-CIA chief warns of EMP nuke threat
Joseph Farah

Informant: eaotan

Anger as mast gets green light

23 June 2005 Norwich Evening News

Campaigners have been dealt a blow after a planning inspector agreed to allow a mobile phone mast to be installed in Norwich - once it has been painted light green.

Planners at Norwich City Council initially threw out proposals from 3, formerly Hutchinson 3G, to build a 12.5 metre slim-line mast at the junction of Gipsy Lane and Farrow Road, Norwich, because they deemed it an eyesore.

In July 2004 the Evening News reported how concerned families fired off more than 20 letters of objection about the application, which they felt they were not consulted about.

But the communications giant 3, formerly Hutchinson 3G, has had its appeal against the decision upheld by a Government planning inspector who visited the site last month.

“No development shall take place until after the development has been painted in accordance with a colour scheme to be approved in writing by the local planning authority,” said the inspector responsible for the report.

Householders claimed they only heard about the application after they got a letter from the Green Party asking them to object.

“I'm very disappointed,” said Helen Smith, a mum-of-one from Gipsy Lane, who was one of a number of people in the area to have opposed the application.

“We do walk down that road quite a bit just past it to walk the dog. I'm concerned that it's near to the electricity sub-station and what the cumulative effects might be.”

Mike Wensley, 69, who lives on Earlham Road near to the mast, was another person to have campaigned against the mast.

His wife, Eileen, 66, said: “We've just come back from holiday and didn't know all this was happening.

“We're both against it because it can make a lot of difference to us - both of us are not happy about it to put it mildly, it can cause a lot of problems.”

Rupert Read, a city councillor for Wensum ward where the mast will be sited, was influential in helping form the campaign against the mast in the first place.

“I feel furious and I think it's absolutely disgraceful,” said Mr Read. “One of the things that it shows is that the powers we have as local councillors and residents to stop these masts being put up are far too limited.”

Mr Read said the laws needed to be changed to give local authorities the power to stop masts springing up.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near to homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

“We're pleased that the planning inspector has made that decision,” said Mike Davies, community affairs manager for 3.

Lowhill mast is a high talking point

Bromsgrove Standard 23 June 05

A TOTAL of 363 South Birmingham residents have signed a petition to protest at the controversial proposal to build a mobile phone mast in Rednal.

And, in addition to the signatures, more than 50 people turned up to a special meeting on Tuesday (June 21) at St Stephen's Church to voice their concerns.

The action relates to an application by T-Mobile to build an 18.7metre mobile phone mast on the corner of Lowhill Lane and Lickey Road which residents feel be a blot on the landscape.

Joanne Davey, a member of the group, said: "There has been an awful lot of concern from residents who think it will spoil the appearance of the local area.

"There are schools, nurseries and around 400 houses in the surrounding area and everyone will be forced to look at it on a daily basis.

"And we are also concerned that it will become another area for kids to hang out in and graffitti."

MP Richard Burden was unable to make the meeting due to parliamentary business in London, but sent a representative on his behalf.

"I am also pleased that local councillors were there - it is very important that the council takes into consideration what residents have to say on matters such as these, and listen to their views,” he added.

The deadline for letters against the proposal was June 22, but this has now been extended to Wednesday (June 29).

A T-Mobile spokesperson said it recognised that one of its biggest challenges was minimising the impact on the environment.

"When a new mast is needed, we try to reduce the impact on the local environment with sensitive siting, innovative design, and where appropriate landscaping.

"We are always conscious of local wildlife and conversation," he added.

A Birmingham City Council spokesperson said the application was being considered and if it was going to committee it would probably be on July 7.

Residents want more communication from phone giant

The Bromsgrove Standard 23 June 05

RESIDENTS living near a proposed mobile phone mast site are seeking an urgent meeting with the company after fears the development could be hazardous to their health.

The issue was discussed at a meeting of the town's planning committee on Monday (June 20) and it was decided no decision should be taken until all interested parties had met.

Members of the planning committee resolved not to give approval to the development. But if a public meeting is not held before July 18, the last day on which the council can make a decision, the application will automatically be granted.

T-Mobile want to build a station and 12-metre 3G mast at the Texaco garage on Old Birmingham Road, Lickey, close to Lickey Hills nursery school.

Officers said 163 letters of objection had been received from irate residents opposed to the plans and a petition with 14 signatures from the nursery.

Committee members expressed concerns that as it was classed as a permitted development, the only reason they could refuse the application would be an objection to where it was situated.

Coun Jean Luck said local people had very deep concerns over the proposals and all members agreed to delegate powers to officers to arrange a meeting.

Coun Roger Hollingworth said: "We should stand with the people of Bromsgrove and reject this application and let the Government decide."

T-Mobile spokesman John Shaughnessy said they had looked at alternatives but regarded the option with a replica telegraph pole as a suitable solution.

"The weight of world-wide scientific evidence is that there is no link between these base stations and the health of the community," he said.

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and


Pentagon Developing Massive Database on Millions of U.S. Students


Informant: Kev Hall

Block Rep. Ney's brazen effort to undo campaign finance reform


Rove Under Intense Fire for 9/11 Smear


Mast joy soured

by Neil Elkes, Evening Mail Birmingham

Jun 23 2005

FAMILIES' delight at the removal of a mobile phone mast next to a primary school was short lived after another sprung up in its place just hours later.

Campaigners and parents have battled to get the mast on the roof of AAP Consulting of Union Drive, Boldmere, taken down.

They thought they had won the fight when planning chiefs ordered its removal.

But after pulling down the offending mast, AAP director Stephen Alexander simply put another up and started the whole application process again.

And there was nothing the residents could do because he was exploiting a loophole in planning regulations.

The AAP building is next to the St Nicholas RC Primary School in Jockey Road and parents fear that masts so close could harm children.

Government watchdogs have advised caution against siting masts next to schools.

AAP has repeatedly ignored the pleas and petitions and has previously tried to place masts on the roof of his building by telling planners they are mounting poles for security cameras.


Do we need tighter controls on the placing of mobile phone masts? Let us know YOUR views.



Street Name:

City Name:


Your words may be used by the Evening Mail.

If you want your comment considered for publication please give us address information. We reserve the right to edit your emails.

He has instead sidestepped a costly legal action and enforcement by removing the offending masts and putting temporary ones on a trailer next door.

Sandra O'Keefe said: "This means we have to start the legal battle all over again and in the meantime Mr Alexander is lining his pockets for the next few months."

Sutton Coldfield Labour activist and local resident Dr Rob Pocock said: "It's simply no good relying on planning law to restrict masts.

"We have a total merry-go-round with the Union Drive case, the condemned mast is replaced by a temporary affair and we have to go right back to step one again.

"There needs to be a firm and clear legal exclusion zone for masts in the wide vicinity of sensitive areas such as schools, not on planning grounds but on the potential risk to children's health," he added.

Mr Alexander did not reply to calls from the Evening Mail.

Seeing red over Orange

Barry and District News 23 June 05

THE principal of Barry Technical College is to arrange a meeting with the college's governing body to discuss the long-term future of a mobile-phone mast in the grounds.

Orange, which owns the mast, is proposing to share it with telecommunication rivals Vodafone and 02.

This would mean adding six additional antennae to the structure.

A drop-in session, organised by Orange, was held at Barry College on Thursday, June 16, to enable local residents to express their concerns about the mast to company representatives.

Barry College principal Paul Halstead, who was at the drop-in session, said: "When I first heard about the mast share proposal, I wrote to Orange to object on the basis of the uncertain risk to health - and I still think there is an uncertain risk to health.

"What I intend doing now, is take this to Barry College 's governing body and discuss it, and the long-term future of the mast."

Most of the people who attended the meeting were residents of nearby estate The Heathers, who have been campaigning for several weeks against the Orange mast-share proposal.

After the meeting, one campaigner, Bill Homer, said: "I'm glad that we have been able to give our point of view.

"They listened politely to what we had to say but I'm sure their attitude is that they will get the planning permission anyway."

A spokesman for Orange said: "Following on from the discussions at the meeting, a number of points have been raised.

"Orange will, wherever possible, endeavour to resolve these outstanding concerns."

"While Orange does still intend to submit an application for the proposed site share, we will only do so after we have responded to the residents' main concerns."

Don't ignore mast concerns

Edgeware and Mill Hill Times 23 June 04

As an East Finchley resident who lives within 100 yards of Holy Trinity Church and the site of the proposed telephone mast, I am disappointed with your report (June 16) that there has been no response from the vicar, the Rev Laurence Hill, to protests. I have known him for over 20 years and have previously found him to be very responsive to community concerns.

In the meantime, remarks attributed to Mr John Horsley, QS4 project manager, are only inflaming the situation by trying to belittle the cause of those who are opposed to a potential health hazard that will further encourage the deployment of already over-used mobile phones.

Mr Horsley has also queried the motives of our MP, Rudi Vis.

Dr Vis's conscientious attention to issues such as this which affect his constituents was a major reason why he was returned to Parliament for Finchley and Golders Green in May of this year.

John Davies,
Manor Park Road, East Finchley

Human-tracking Goes Mainstream


Informant: Mark Marks

Call to halt mobile mast plan

Derbyshire Times

Furious campaigners are waging a David-and-Goliath-style battle to stop a mobile phone giant building a 17.5m mast on their doorstep.

Furious campaigners are waging a David-and-Goliath-style battle to stop a mobile phone giant building a 17.5m mast on their doorstep.
Around 40 residents have joined forces after operator O2 lodged a planning application for the roadside mast, which would be erected on the pavement between GKN Sheepridge Social Club and West View Road on Newbold Road.

They have vowed to bombard Chesterfield Borough Council planning chiefs with letters of objection and have set about collecting hundreds of signatures on an anti-mast petition.

Kaz Undrell, whose West View Road home is 40m from the propsed site, said: "O2 have already applied for a few sites in Newbold – and have been turned down for every one.

"The mast they are tallking about here will be twice the height of the surrounding trees and over 40 residents have already held a meeting to voice their opposition.

"Most people are worried about the health implications of putting a mast close to their homes; others are worried about the aesthetic appearance of the mast; and some fear its roadside location will prove dangerous if there is an accident."

Mrs Undrell, spokeswoman for the campign group, said mobile phone operators should look at upgrading and sharing existing masts before building new ones in residential locations.

She added: "We are very hopeful that the borough council will listen to public opinion. Nobody knows how safe these masts are and in our book unsure is unsafe."

A Chesterfield Borough Council spokesman said no date had yet been fixed for the application to be heard.

He added: "All representations will be considered by planning commitee in the determination of the application along with local and national planning policies on the location of telecom equipment."

23 June 2005

A court beneath contempt


Freedom From Compression


The Agony Of Occupation: 'The Flies Have Conquered the Fly Paper'


Let Steve Come Home


Neoconservatives Speechless


Inflation Is Theft



This is Somerset

23 June 2005

Fears over potential health risks of mobile phone masts have split town councillors. Norton Radstock Town Council has been asked to consider an application for a radio base station with three antennae in First Avenue, Westfield. It has been recommended for rejection by the majority of the councillors on the grounds that the risks remain uncertain.

Cllr Chris Cray (Ind, Westfield) said: "Although there is no residential housing near, there are quite a few people who work on the estate who are very concerned regarding their welfare and health, because nothing has been proved.

"I have always been against them in principle because I think they do cause and can cause harm to anyone, which was proved when they said don't let children under eight use them. We have continually objected in this council chamber when they want to put them around here. This is in the middle of a huge estate, but there are people working there."

The application from Hutchinson 3G UK has also met with opposition because councillors believe there are already enough antennae to supply the companies.

However, some disputed Cllr Cray's fears as mere speculation.

Cllr Flyff McLaren (Lab, Redfield) said: "People have looked for risks and haven't found them. It is silly to say they should go where no-one else is: if you put them where no-one is, it is not going to be any good for the phones."

Cllr Rob Appleyard (Lab, Westfield ) pointed out that an industrial estate like Westfield was full of radio transmitting equipment, and lent itself to a site where a mast would not need to be within a building.

He said: "As residents, we can readily choose to put a satellite dish on the side of our house to receive satellite signals from broadcasts, which are more focused into a house than a telephone mast, which is very much higher and from which the signal is dissipated."

The most recent official report on mobile phones and health was published in January by the National Radiological Protection Board, updating an early report published in 200 by the UK Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones and Health, chaired by Professor Sir William Stewart.

The main conclusion was that there is no hard evidence at present that the health of the public, in general, is being affected adversely by the use of mobile phone technologies.

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and

But uncertainties remain and a continued precautionary approach to their use is recommended until the situation is further clarified.

The report recommended that the planning process associated with erection of mobile phone base stations be subject to independent review, and that monitoring of potential exposures from 3G base stations be carried out with the rollout of the network.

Qld. Planning & Environmental Court sets 4 mG level


Phone mast site options thrown out

Looks like my email bombardment of B & H Councillors with MS messages over the last 2 yrs is paying off.

Burgess is a real s... . In emails to me he's questionned all the evidence on masts and water fluoridation I've sent him. When I mention the precautionary principle I get stonewalled.

Council Leader Bodfish - well known and unpopular supporter of water fluoridation and cynical about mast campaigners. Has failed to vote for anti fluoridation and mast democratisation Motions which thankfully were passed by the Council anyway.

Hawkes and Elgood are I think on our side,.

Recently appointed Brighton Mayor Bob Carden was recently promoted from Chair of the Planning Committee where he always waved masts through whenever he had the casting vote and voted against the phone mast Motion. And the same paper which published this arerticle has done nothing but kiss his b... since he took office.


Phone mast site options thrown out

by Andy Tate

The Argus Brighton

Moves to offer council-owned sites for new mobile phone masts have been thrown out.

Brighton and Hove City Council's Labour leadership had hoped to authorise six sites in the city for use by mobile operators in an attempt to control the location of the masts.

The suggested sites, all on council-owned property, were in Norton Road car park, Dyke Road Avenue, Goldstone Crescent, Mile Oak Road, Hollingdean Depot and Saunders Hill.

Finance councillor Simon Burgess said: "If we oppose all masts on our land we must accept the consequences which could be inappropriately-placed masts elsewhere in the city, closer to schools and residential properties.

"It's a terribly difficult issue but sometimes we have to be responsible."

If accepted, the move would have represented a change of policy for the council, which until now has chosen to deal with each mast on a case by case basis in planning committee.

But at yesterday's meeting of the policy and resources committee, opposition councillors joined together to reject every suggested site, despite having been warned by a council lawyer that their decision would leave mobile companies with the option of appealing by county court application or judicial review.

Liberal Democrat leader Paul Elgood said: "If we were to support them it would send out the wrong message to residents.

"I will be voting against all of them. We as the landlords have no obligation to take the masts."

Coun Elgood added that while he had received several letters and petitions against phone masts, he was yet to receive a letter complaining about a weak phone signal.

He said later: "This is a warning to the telecommunications industry that the city doesn't want a forest of mobile phone masts close to homes and schools and we will continue the fight against every application."

Labour's education councillor Pat Hawkes rebelled by voting against proposed mast sites in Saunders Hill and Hollingdean, both of which are in her own ward of Hollingbury and Stanmer.

After all six mast sites were rejected, council leader Ken Bodfish accused members of hypocrisy for using mobile technology while refusing to offer sites for masts.

He said: "It's a chaotic situation and the cost to the council could be quite considerable."

EU treibt mit allen Tricks die Liberalisierung im Interesse der Konzerne voran: Stoppt das GATS-Machtspiel

Attac Deutschland
Frankfurt, 24. Juni 2004

* Industriestaaten wollen bei GATS-Verhandlungen Druck auf Entwicklungsländer erhöhen

* Gemeinsamer Brief von 153 Organisationen übt Kritik: "Stoppt das GATS-Machtspiel"

Im Vorfeld der heutigen Sitzung des WTO-Rates für den Handel mit Dienstleistungen haben 153 Organisationen aus der Zivilgesellschaft in einem gemeinsamen Brief an die Verhandlungsdelegationen und das WTO-Sekretariat scharfe Kritik an den Verhandlungen zum Dienstleistungsabkommen (GATS) geübt. "Das GATS ist in erster Linie gestaltet, um Investorenrechte zu schützen und die Liberalisierung der Dienstleistungsmärkte zugunsten ausländischer Dienstleistungskonzerne festzuschreiben", so die Analyse der unterzeichnenden Initiativen, zu denen neben Attac-Sektionen aus 16 Ländern auch Gewerkschaften (z.B. GEW) und Umweltorganisationen (z.B. Greenpeace International) gehören.

Unter den derzeitigen Bedingungen sollten die Entwicklungsländer ihre weitere Beteiligung an den Verhandlungen in Frage stellen, so die Organisationen: "Essentielle Dienste und das Leben von Millionen Menschen stehen auf dem Spiel."

Für den 24. Juni ist in Genf am Rande des WTO-Rates auf Initiative der EU ein Treffen hochrangiger Repräsentanten der einflussreichsten WTO-Länder geplant. Fernab öffentlicher Diskussionen soll aus einem exklusiven Zirkel eine "Core-Group" für den raschen Fortgang der GATS-Verhandlungen gebildet werden. Nach internen Informationen sollen dabei Änderungen des Verhandlungsmodus durchgesetzt werden. Statt wie bisher auf freiwillige Angebote zur Marktöffnung zu setzen, sollen die Mitgliedsstaaten nun gezwungen werden, ihre Angebote mit einem Liberalisierungs-Mindestniveau abzugeben. "Dieses exklusive Treffen zeigt wieder, dass die EU mit allen Tricks die Liberalisierung im Interesse der Konzerne vorantreibt - gegen die Interessen der eigenen Bevölkerung und auf Kosten der Entwicklungsländer", sagte Johannes Lauterbach von der Attac-WTO-AG.

Das WTO-Dienstleistungsabkommen GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) hat die Liberalisierung aller Dienstleistungen zum Ziel. Durch massiven Druck aus der Zivilgesellschaft hat die EU vorerst kaum Angebote bei der öffentlichen Daseinsvorsorge (Wasserversorgung, Gesundheit, Bildung, Kultur) gemacht, übt jedoch massiven Druck auf Länder des Südens aus, ihre Märkte zu öffnen. Was das für die Menschen bedeuten kann, zeigen Erfahrungen in Lateinamerika und Afrika: Privatisierte Trinkwasserversorgung führte zu steigenden Preisen und sinkender Qualität.

Aber auch innerhalb Europas sind Dienstleistungen und öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge durch die GATS-Verhandlungen gefährdet. Ziel der laufenden Verhandlungen ist es auch die Möglichkeiten zur staatlichen Regulierung von Dienstleistungen einzuschränken.

Attac fordert den sofortigen Stopp der GATS-Verhandlungen und eine unabhängige Untersuchung ihrer Auswirkungen.

Weitere Informationen:

* Brief der 153 Organisationen: http://www.attac.de/gats/Gats-Brief.pdf

* Hintergründe zum GATS: http://www.attac.de/gats

Für Rückfragen:
* Johannes Lauterbach, Tel. (07071) 52 517
* Oliver Moldenhauer, Tel. (0163) 307 1523

Malte Kreutzfeldt
Pressesprecher Attac Deutschland
Post: Münchener Str. 48, 60329 Frankfurt/M
Tel.: 069/900 281-42, Mail: presse@attac.de, Fax: 069/900 281-99

Cheney says Iraq 'will be an enormous success story'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Critics Blast Anthrax Vaccine Test

"I don't understand how they can do efficacy tests [using an experimental anthrax vaccine] with children at the same time that we are discovering more and more U.S. soldiers who have been harmed by the vaccine," said Steve Robinson, executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Center for service members and veterans.


Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel

There is a diminishing return for each attempt the current administration makes to stir up public fear and thereby garner support for the Iraq War: "Bush's light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel vision can only accelerate the cycle of disillusionment. His instinctive triumphalism inevitably has a counter-productive effect. His refusal to insist on responsibility for blunders - indeed, rewarding and honouring their perpetrators - enshrines impunity and hubris."


U.S. House puts 'Doomsday' bill on fast track

While the House votes on diversionary bills to proect the U.S. Flag, there was a quiet vote that could undermine our freedom. Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin, called the measure "an invitation to one man-rule and dictatorship" because at least seven weeks could elapse before the House would be reconstituted, leaving major decisions to the president.


Repercussions of America's 'war on terror'

The spasm of protest and violence that swept through the Islamic world from Afghanistan to Pakistan, the Palestinian territories, and Indonesia in reaction to the Newsweek Koran abuse piece reveals something critical: the Muslim world is a powder-keg of anti-American sentiment. But rather than improve relations, the Bush administration continues to play with fire.


Saddam Interrogation Screened in Silence: The Question Is Why?

There he was, just as his victims looked on his own television screens, his words censored, his arguments unknown, his case as undemocratic as the "judicial" courts in which Saddam destroyed his own enemies. The Iraqis - or, let us speak frankly, the Americans who tried to censor the old reprobate's previous court appearance - decided yesterday that his words would also be censored. That is Saddamism. This is how Saddam ran Iraq. The words were obliterated. And now the Americans and their obedient, Shia-led government, are acting out the same Saddamite line.


Iraq is now a terrorist training ground, CIA says

The CIA believes the Iraq insurgency poses an international threat and may produce better-trained Islamic terrorists than the 1980s Afghanistan war that gave rise to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, a U.S. counterterrorism official said on Wednesday


The Real News in the Downing Street Memos


Informant: Kev Hall


Endocrine Disruptors & Precautionary Principle - Research Scientists' Statement


Informant: Teresa Binstock


Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit und die Produktion „marktfähiger“ Individuen


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 15

Mödling (NÖ): Keine neuen Handymasten

Beiliegend möchte ich Ihnen die heutige Presseaussendung der Firma TriCoTel Telekom GmbH zur gestrigen Informationsveranstaltung in der Stadt Mödling / NÖ betreffend "Keine neuen Handymasten" schicken.

Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung in Mödling (NÖ) zum Thema: Keine neuen Handymasten

Mödling, 23. Juni 2005: Veranstalter ÖVP Mödling sieht Handlungsbedarf / Zur Aufklärung über das Thema wurden 3 Experten eingeladen / Informationen über die Physik der Mikrowellen und österr. Verwaltungsrecht im Zusammenhang mit der Errichtung von Sendeanlagen / Anzahl der Mobilfunksendeanlagen in Mödling derzeit unbekannt; Messwerte aus der Stadt Mödling wurden präsentiert / höchster von der Landesregierung gemessener Summenwert mit 110.000 µW/m² fraglich / Es gibt keine gesetzlichen Grenzwerte und deshalb wurden auch keine gesetzlichen Grenzwerte überschritten / Publikum wollte wissen, ab welchem Messwert welche gesundheitlichen Beschwerden und Krankheiten zu erwarten sind und warum die Grenz- und Vorsorgewerte sich in verschiedenen Ländern so stark unterscheiden.


Über die Angabe des LINKS http://www.tricotel.at/schutz-vor-elektrosmog.htm sowie http://www.tricotel.at/Top-Termine.htm in ihrem Artikel würden wir uns sehr freuen.

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Mag. Robert Marschall
Geschäftsführer / CEO
TriCoTel Telekom GmbH
Anton Haglgasse 14-16
A-3003 Gablitz; Austria
Festnetz + Fax: 02231/68 3 67
E-Mail: marschall@tricotel.at
Homepage: http://www.telefonrechnung.at

Ziviler Ungehorsam gegen Atom-Scheindemokratie in Frankreich

„Die freiwilligen AbreißerInnen“

Am 6. Juni startete in Golfech eine Aktion des zivilen Ungehorsams gegen Atomkraft. Das AKW Golfech liegt im Süd Westen Frankreich (60Km entfernt von Toulouse, 500 000 Einwohner). Die Aktion richtet sich gegen die Erneuerung verschiedener Genehmigungen für den Weiterbetrieb vom AKW Golfech. Es geht in dem Fall um die kontinuierliche Verseuchung von Wasser und Luft durch AKWs.

Weiter lesen, siehe: http://germany.indymedia.org/2005/06/121496.shtml


Handys zielgruppenspezifischer vermarkten: Senioren rücken in den Fokus der Mobilfunkbetreiber


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Handy-Andacht: Für den geistlichen Hunger zwischendurch


Orgelrettung mit frommen Klingeltönen

Nachrichten von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Bauhöhe gilt auch für Anlagen

Stadtrat will die rechtlichen Möglichkeiten der Gemeinde beim Entscheid über Mobilfunk-Antennen ausschöpfen

Der Stadtrat will das Wiler Baureglement so abändern, dass künftig die maximale Höhe nicht nur für Bauten, sondern auch für Anlagen vorgeschrieben ist. Unter «Anlagen» fallen auch Antennen.

Der Stadtrat will diesen Spielraum ausschöpfen, indem er das Baureglement so ergänzt, dass die «Anlagen» (Antennen gehören zu diesen) analog zu den Bauten ebenfalls durch die Firsthöhe beschränkt werden. Da Anlagen oft auf dem Gebäudedach vorgesehen sind, wird eine zusätzliche Bestimmung aufgenommen, so dass auch Dachaufbauten die zulässige Firsthöhe nicht überschreiten dürfen. Mit solchen Höhenbeschränkungen sollen Mobilfunk-Antennen in Wohnzonen weitgehend faktisch ausgeschlossen sein.

Um zu verhindern, dass trotz der eingeleiteten Reglementsänderung - die 30-tägige Auflagefrist beginnt am Montag - noch weitere Baugesuche nach den bisherigen Vorschriften beurteilt werden, hat der Stadtrat über das ganze Gemeindegebiet eine so genannte «Planungszone» erlassen. Dies bedeutet, dass während des politischen und rechtlichen Verfahrens für die Reglementsänderung Baugesuche für Mobilfunk-Antennen nur dann bewilligt werden, wenn sie der Neuregelung bereits entsprechen.

http://www.tagblatt.ch/index.jsp?artikel_id=1057935&ressort=regionen (Auszug)


Prof. Dr. Werner Wiesbeck

Die Verwaltung hat gehandelt und Vertreter von Vodafon sowie den vereidigten Gutachter Prof. Dr. Werner Wiesbeck zur Sitzung am 11. Juli eingeladen, um über alternative Standorte und technische Fragen zu informieren, Barbara Kowollik-Schneider verwies darauf, dass Werner Wiesbeck zwar ein anerkannter Techniker sei, er aber nicht zu Fragen nach möglichen gesundheitlichen Risiken Stellung beziehen kann, sie schlug wie Ursula Koch vor, einen medizinischen Sachverständigen hinzuzuziehen : »Ist es nicht suspekt, wenn Gutachter kein Honorar nehmen, für wen spricht er?«, wollte Barbara Kowollik-Schneider wissen

http://www.baden-online.de/art_0_71_3927_arz (Auszug)

Die Bürgerinitiative erklärte sich nicht mit der von der Verwaltung vorgesehenen Zusammensetzung mit Vertretern von Vodafon und dem Sachverständigen, Werner Wiesbeck vom Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), einverstanden: »Professor Wiesbeck ist zwar vereidigter Sachverständiger, aber nicht neutral, da er Gutachten für Betreiberfirmen erstellt und somit betreiberfreundlich Stellung nimmt und argumentiert«, so das Schreiben der Bürgerinitiative

http://www.baden-online.de/art_0_71_3928_arz (Auszug)




Volker Hartenstein


Info Herr Seifermann, Baden-Baden

Professor Wiesbeck irrt sich öffentlich!

Doch keine Entwarnung für Mobilfunkstrahlung!

Prof. Wiesbeck ist Professor für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik an der Universität Karlsruhe. Außerdem ist er ein öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger der Industrie- und Handelskammer Pforzheim auf dem Fachgebiet "Hoch- und Höchstfrequenztechnik". In einer öffentlichen Sitzung des Gemeinderats der Gemeinde Sinzheim hat Wiesbeck auf Einladung durch den Bürgermeister die Anwesenden über die gegenwärtig heftig diskutierte Beeinflussung der Gesundheit durch Mobilfunkstrahlung informiert.

Er behauptete, dass Mobilfunkstrahlung überhaupt nicht gesundheitlich schaden könne. Jede Studie, die dies behaupten würde, könne er aus dem Stand widerlegen. Die Eindringtiefe der Hochfrequenz in den Menschen wäre nämlich viel zu gering. Sie würde nur 3 mm betragen.

Die Gemeinderäte nahmen dies erfreut zur Kenntnis. Wegen der Äußerungen Wiesbecks bestand kein Grund mehr, sich irgendwelche Gedanken zu machen über einen vorsichtigeren Umgang mit der Aufstellung von Mobilfunksendern. Man konnte den Mobilfunkbetreibern hierbei getrost freien Lauf lassen. Entsprechende Entscheidungen des Gemeinderats folgten umgehend, nämlich keine Hinzuziehung eines medizinischen Sachverständigen und Abbruch der bereits begonnenen Standortplanung für Mobilfunksender. Zuvor hatte der Gemeinderat beschlossen, eine Bauleitplanung für Mobilfunksender zu erstellen. Eine Veränderungssperre war erlassen worden.

Die Bürgerinitiative Risiko Mobilfunk Sinzheim machte darauf aufmerksam, dass die Äußerungen Wiesbecks nicht dem aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand entsprechen würden. Wiesbeck sah sich daraufhin gezwungen, eine schriftliche Richtigstellung durchzuführen.

Er erhöhte die von ihm genannte Eindringtiefe auf 6 mm und fügte seinem Schreiben an den Bürgermeister eine äußerst anspruchsvolle Veröffentlichung aus dem Ärzteblatt bei, aus der entnommen werden kann, dass die Eindringtiefe gewebeabhängig ist und tatsächlich bis zu 30 cm betragen kann. Wiesbecks Äußerungen im Gemeinderat entbehrten jeglicher Grundlage. Trotzdem tritt er weiterhin als Sachverständiger für Mobilfunk auf. Pikanterweise oft zusammen mit Vertretern der Firma Vodafone.

Mitteilung der Bürgerinitiative Risiko Mobilfunk Sinzheim



Harsche Kritik an Werner Wiesbeck

Aussagen des Professors unter die Lupe genommen

Siegfried Zwerenz von der »Bürgerwelle«, Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog, kritisierte im Gemeinderat Sasbach die Aussagen von Prof. Dr. Werner Wiesbeck vom Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) aus der Sitzung vom 11. Juli.

Sasbach (sp). »Niemand hat sich vor einer Entscheidung gedrückt, die Beschlüsse für das Vorgehen wurden im Gemeinderat einvernehmlich gefasst.« Mit dieser Feststellung und sichtlich erregt antwortete Bürgermeister Wolfgang Reinholz dem Bürger Siegfried Ratzel, der sich beim Tagesordnungspunkt »Fragen an den Gemeinderat und die Verwaltung« zum Thema Funkmast zu Wort meldete. Sein Anliegen war, auf das Grundproblem der ganzen Diskussion hinzuweisen, dass sich die Menschen Angst um ihre Gesundheit machen und in diesem Punkt klare Antworten haben wollen.

Angemerkt wurde, dass sich die Gemeinde bislang um dieses Kernproblem »gedrückt« hat und noch keinen unabhängigen medizinischen Experten hörte, der zu dieser Frage Stellung nimmt. »Wir werden uns wieder sprechen, wenn der nächste Betreiber kommt und einen Standort sucht«, meinte Siegfried Ratzel.

Keine weitere Anfrage

Das Argument »gedrückt« wollte der Bürgermeister nicht im Raum stehen lassen und verwies auf die Beschlusslage und das Vorgehen, das die Verwaltung mit den Gemeinderäten einvernehmlich abstimmte. Von Siegfried Beppler wurde aus dem Zuhörerkreis nachgefragt, wie Obersasbach versorgt wird. Offensichtlich ist es so, dass die Gemarkung von Standorten aus Lauf und Sasbachwalden versorgt wird, wie aus verschiedenen Äußerungen deutlich wurde. Ein klares »Nein« kam vom Bürgermeister, als er nach aktuellen Standortanfragen von anderen Betreibern gefragt wurde.

Wie am 11. Juli angekündigt, hat Siegfried Zwerenz von der »Bürgerwelle«, Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog, eine umfassende schriftliche Stellungnahme vorgelegt, in der er den Aussagen von Werner Wiesbeck vom Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) aus der Sitzung vom 11. Juli widersprach. So hatte er ausgeführt, dass ein Hauptteil der Sendeleistung aus Radio- und TV-Sendern komme und die Mobilfunksender nur einen ganz geringen Teil ausmachen. »Dies ist zwar richtig für die Sendeleistung, diese ist aber überhaupt nicht maßgebend für das, was insgesamt beim Menschen ankommt«, so Siegfried Zwerenz.

Untersuchungen in Österreich ergaben, dass 70 Prozent der Immissionen vom Mobilfunk kommen, der Rest stammt aus TV, Radio und anderen Funkdiensten. Als »unwahr« dargelegt und begründet wurden auch die Aussagen von Werner Wiesbeck, dass der Sender Hornisgrinde mit 360 kW stärker ist als alle Mobilfunksender in Deutschland beziehungsweise eines Betreibers. Kritisiert wurde ferner, dass Werner Wiesbeck den alten Vorsorgewert des Landes Salzburg (1000 Mikrowatt/ Quadratmeter) in einer Grafik als Grundlage hatte, der seit dem Februar 2002 nicht mehr gültig ist, der neue beträgt 10 Mikrowatt/Quadratmeter. »Damit waren die errechneten Belastungen aller möglichen Sendestandorte, die an diesem Abend (11. Juli) diskutiert wurden, unterhalb dieses Wertes.

»Völlig unseriös«

Als »völlig unseriös« bezeichnet es Siegfried Zwerenz, dass Werner Wiesbeck von einer Eindringtiefe der Hochfrequenz in den Menschen von drei Millimetern spricht und damit eine gesundheitliche Schädigung ausschließt. Nach Auffassung von Siegfried Zwerenz sind die drei Millimeter »völlig falsch«, denn Untersuchungen gehen von bis zu 30 Zentimetern aus. »Selbst wenn die drei Millimeter stimmen würden, dann haben wir sehr wohl innerhalb dieser drei Millimeter unzählige Nervenzellen und Nervenbahnen. Schneiden Sie sich mal drei Millimeter in die Haut oder gar ins Auge.«

Dass sich Werner Wiesbeck auch in Sachen kostenloser Amtshilfe »zu Gunsten der Betreiber irrte«, ist ein weiterer Kritikpunkt von Siegfried Zwerenz. So führt er an, dass Werner Wiesbeck für Gutachten »gut belohnt« wird. Der letzte Punkt betrifft den Pachtvertrag, der nach Meinung von Siegfried Zwerenz »gekündigt beziehungsweise aufgelöst« ist. »Deshalb kann hier kein Sender mehr gebaut werden.«


Dazu auch:

Mobilfunkmast: Unabhängiges Institut beauftragt

Unklar ist derzeit noch, ob der Vertrag für den ersten Standort »Mergelbuckel« noch rechtsgültig ist, nachdem ihn der Grundstücksbesitzer gekündigt hat. Hierzu hatten die Verwaltung und die Gemeinderäte ein Schreiben von Siegfried Zwerenz von der »Bürgerwelle«, Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog, vorliegen. Darin wird festgestellt, dass der Eigentümer bereits Anfang April 2005 den Vertrag kündigte, so dass dieser nicht mehr rechtskräftig zustande kam. »Fakt ist, dass Vodafone rechtlich keine Chance mehr hat, auf das Grundstück zuzugreifen«.

http://www.baden-online.de/art_0_71_4207_arz (Auszug)


US regime blames Syria for fighters sent to Iraq from Saudi Arabia


UN investigation uncovers US torture at Guantanamo Bay


Super Senate sweep? Graft runs rampant on Capitol Hill


As that great American, Deep Throat, never said, 'Follow the money.' (The line is by William Goldman, who wrote the movie, 'All the President's Men'). Keeping your eye on the shell with the pea under it is not easy when the right-wing echo chamber continually takes up new chapters in the culture wars -- the dread case of the senator who didn't, in fact, say the United States is as bad as the late Soviet Union and the equally grave perennial constitutional amendment to prevent the menace of flag desecration. Meanwhile, largely unnoticed and unreported, the drumbeat of giveaways to big corporations continues: unnecessary tax breaks for the undeserving, more green lights for the rampant exploitation of the environment, and all manner of theft and skullduggery...


from Working for Change, by Molly Ivins -- Hat Tip to Tom Paine

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's empathy squeeze


Suppose a chauffeur drives a sleek limousine through the streets of New York, a millionaire in the back seat. Through the window, the millionaire spots a homeless woman and her two children huddling in the cold, sharing a loaf of bread. He orders the chauffeur to stop the car. The chauffeur opens the passenger door for the millionaire, who walks over to the mother and snatches the loaf. He slips back into the car and they drive on, leaving behind an even poorer family and a baffled crowd of sidewalk witnesses. For his part, the chauffeur feels real qualms about what his master has done, because unlike his employer, he has recently known hard times himself. But he drives on nonetheless. Let's call this the Chauffeur's Dilemma. Absurd as it seems, we are actually witnessing this scene right now. ... [L]et us take a moment to count the loaves of bread that have recently changed hands and those that soon will. Then, let's ask why so many people are letting this happen...


from Tom Paine, by Arlie Hochschild

No one to demonize


In the absence of an antiwar movement, the American people have turned against the war in Iraq. Those two facts, I suspect, are connected. There was a very real antiwar movement early on. In the months before, during, and immediately after our invasion, hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets to oppose the intervention. Then chaos, followed by insurgency, enveloped Iraq, and the need for a constable to restore some order became indisputable. Those who had opposed the war ... argued that the occupation would be less of a lightning rod if conducted by an international force under U.N. aegis. ... Confronted with a choice between U.S. occupation and chaos, millions of Americans -- chiefly liberals and Democrats -- who'd been against the war decided to give occupation a chance... [editor's note: While the libertarians among us continued to remind folks of the folly in these claims? - SAT]


from The American Prospect, by Harold Meyerson

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The simplest way to win is to just do nothing


Everywhere I go today people are upset, depressed, frustrated, or just plain mad at something. Most are ready to fight but don't know where to swing the first punch. It covers the spectrum from code enforcement on their property to parolees' issues to be able to reintegrate themselves into the society that pays massive tax dollars to rehabilitate them to do just that. It is in the work force in the shape of using and discarding the human resources as easily and more quickly than it does the equipment it owns. In short, there is no humanity left in our society...


from Liberty For All, by Juanita Ramirez

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Scoundrel City


Okay, get this and get this straight. Criticizing our government is not the same as criticizing our armed forces. Okay? The same way that criticizing our government is not the same as criticizing our postal workers. Or criticizing our zoo keepers or our ceramic mosaic tile grout installers. And let me make this clear, I am not in anyway suggesting that any of these groups be criticized. Especially the postal workers. Furthermore, telling the press that you are disgusted by reports of torture does not endanger our troops. You're all so fired-up desperate to know what endangers our troops; I'll tell you what endangers our troops. Greedy cretinous toad leaders who send them 12,000 miles away to a desert to fight a war based on lies. Lies about the threat and lies about a phantom desire to negotiate. That is what is responsible for putting our troops in harm's way...


from AlterNet, by Will Durst

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Desecrating the Bill of Rights


Every few years in recent memory, Congress gets together and passes a Constitutional amendment to outlaw flag desecration. The Senate ritually rejects it. Who knows how the state legislatures would vote if asked. I've burned an American flag. I helped retire one in an official ceremony at Boy Scout camp. When a flag is old and tired, this is the proper method of disposing of it. It is not considered unpatriotic, I suppose because those who solemnly retire the flag are not doing it because they hate America. Do protestors, the very, very few among them who burn the American flag, hate America? Is that why they do it? Who knows? I don't believe in hate crime legislation, and certainly not when the 'victim' is a piece of cloth. That the protected victim status would go to 'America' -- an abstraction with no readily stipulated definition -- only complicates the matter further...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Anthony Gregory

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq: What price "victory?"


As the battle-hardened veterans of the Iraq war gather in the shadows, piercing our pathetically porous borders and seeping into the multicultural fabric of American society, your tax dollars will have paid for their training. The sheer irony of it could prove lethal. As new 9/11s confirm the CIA's warning -- will it be New York again, San Francisco, Chicago, or some suburban mall? -- a renewed American militarism will be unleashed to wreak havoc on the world. So the cycle of new wars and new provocations continues unabated, and the future is a vista of mass murder and retaliation as far as the eye can see. Like some giant death machine, pumping and expelling its poisonous breath, breathing in human lives and spitting out fire. That murderous contraption, as libertarians are well aware, is the State: fueled by looted wealth and the illusions of its citizens, it runs over lives and crushes all that dare stand in its way. Yet it needs constant infusions of legitimacy as it wreaks havoc and devastation, and that is the role of the War Party and its intellectual spokesmen, laptop bombardiers of the Brooks-Boots persuasion...


from AntiWar.Com, by Justin Raimondo

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The setting sun of America


In one very significant sense, Stevens is entirely correct, although he of course reaches the wrong and damnable conclusion. Once you grant the premise -- that the state should have the power to seize private property for 'the public good,' then there is no 'principled way' of distinguishing this case from others, where the court has recognized 'public purposes.' But that is precisely the premise that must be questioned, and rejected. And in fact, there is no such thing as the 'public good' at all: it is a noxious, destructive and dangerous notion, which can only mean that the 'rights' of some people are more 'important' than the rights of others -- and that the lives of the latter may be destroyed by the state for the alleged benefit of the former. If the facts of this case prove nothing else, they surely prove the truth of that proposition...


from The Light of Reason, by Arthur Silber

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Working around leviathan


Here is what strikes me as a profound political paradox. The US government is larger, more consolidated, more powerful, and more intrusive than it has ever been in its history -- indeed our sweet land of liberty is now host to the most powerful leviathan state that has ever existed. Never before has a government in human history owned more weapons of mass destruction, looted as much wealth from a country, or assumed unto itself the power to regulate the minutiae of daily life as much as this one. By comparison to the overgrown behemoth in Washington, with its printing press to crank out money for the world and its annual 2.2 trillion dollars in largess to toss at adoring crowds, even communist states were powerless paupers...


from Ludwig von Mises Institute, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Parents outraged at high school military recruitment


A little-known provision in the No Child Left Behind Act that compels public high schools to open their doors and pupil records to military recruiters has some parents, students and anti-war groups up in arms. 'We think most people were unaware of it,' Amy Hagopian, co-president of the Garfield High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association in Seattle and an active counter-recruiter in the school, said of the provision. Hagopian said parents are just becoming aware of the policy, which gives recruiters the same access to high school campuses and students' phone numbers and addresses as colleges and businesses have. Districts that don't comply could risk annual federal funding... [editor's note: And the next time you hear, "It's for the CHILL-DRENNN!" remind the speaker of this "unintended" atrocity - SAT]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


from Fox News

Tsunami aid helps US image, but resentment lingers


The outpouring of aid for tsunami victims in Asia and President Bush's push for democracy in the Middle East have helped abate anti-Americanism around the world, a survey of public opinion in 16 nations found. Those gains have been largely offset, however, by opposition to the Iraq war and antagonism toward Bush personally, according to a study released Thursday by the non-partisan Pew Research Center. Views of the United States remain dismal in the five predominantly Muslim countries surveyed and negative in much of Europe...


from USA Today

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

General says Iraq insurgency not on the ropes


The Iraqi insurgency is as active as six months ago and more foreign fighters are flowing in all the time, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East said Thursday, despite Vice President Dick Cheney's insistence that the insurgency was 'in its last throes.' Gen. John Abizaid, testifying at a contentious Senate hearing alongside Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, gave his view of the war in response to lawmakers who expressed concern about progress in Iraq and support at home...


from Las Vegas Review-Journal

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dems: Rove should apologize or resign


Democrats said Thursday that White House adviser Karl Rove should either apologize or resign for accusing liberals of wanting 'therapy and understanding' for the Sept. 11 attackers, escalating partisan rancor that threatens to consume Washington. Rove's comments -- and the response from the political opposition -- mirrored earlier flaps over Democratic chairman Howard Dean's criticism of Republicans, a House Republican's statement that Democrats demonize Christians and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin's comparison of the Guantanamo prison to Nazi camps and Soviet gulags...


from Tampa Tribune

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rumsfeld rejects timetable for cleaning up his Iraq mess


American officials running the war in Iraq told skeptical lawmakers Thursday that the conflict is not turning into a quagmire despite an unabating insurgency, and they rejected calls to impose limits on how long U.S. troops should stay there. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and three top generals faced tough questioning in a Senate hearing, including a renewed call by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., for Rumsfeld's resignation. Rumsfeld said President Bush has twice rejected offers by him to resign...


from USA Today

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

UN experts say accounts of Guantanamo torture reliable


U.N. human rights investigators said today they had reliable accounts of detainees being tortured at the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but the United States had not responded to repeated requests to check conditions there. 'The time is up,' one investigator said. The four independent specialists told reporters that U.N. experts had made numerous requests since early 2002 to check on the conditions of terror suspects at the U.S. Naval base in Cuba, as well as at U.S. facilities in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere...


from Houston Chronicle

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Supreme Court writes corporate welfare into Constitution


The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development. It was a decision fraught with huge implications for a country with many areas, particularly the rapidly growing urban and suburban areas, facing countervailing pressures of development and property ownership rights...


from CNN

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mobilfunkstrahlung als schwerwiegendes Risiko für biologische Systeme und Gesundheit

Unter dem Link www.bfs.de/bfs/druck/infoblatt/Schnurlos_DECT.html wird wieder mal gebetsmühlenartig behauptet:

"Nach dem Stand der Wissenschaft auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene gibt es zwar Hinweise auf biologische Wirkungen, aber keine Nachweise, dass hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder – die Grundlage der Funktionsweise der DECT-Telefone – gesundheitliche Risiken verursachen. Dies gilt unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Grenzwerte eingehalten werden. Auch eine besondere Gefährdung durch gepulste Signale, die immer wieder angeführt wird, konnte bisher auf wissenschaftlicher Basis nicht belegt werden. "

Eine Auflistung von Studien mit gegenteiligen Ergebnissen, geordnet nach Schadwirkungen, findet sich z.B. unter:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Karl Kraft

http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/5412 (Auszug)


Secret data on reactor inspections leaked to Internet

The Japan Times Printer Friendly Articles

Confidential information on nuclear power plant inspections was posted on the Internet recently by a virus in the computer of an employee contracted to do the inspections, Mitsubishi Electric Co. said Thursday.

The leak was on data on seven nuclear power plants and 13 thermal and hydroelectric power plants, according to Mitsubishi Electric, which named subsidiary Mitsubishi Electric Plant Engineering Corp. as the contractor in question.

The 20 facilities are run by 12 companies.

The seven nuclear power plants are located in Hokkaido, Fukui, Kagoshima and Saga prefectures and are run by the Hokkaido, Kansai and Kyushu electric power companies and Japan Atomic Power Co.

The leaked data do not contain any information that compromises the security of nuclear material, including details on reactors or how the facilities are guarded, Mitsubishi said.

The computer was apparently infected by a virus that propagates through Winny, a Japanese peer-to-peer file-sharing program, Mitsubishi said.

The leak was about 40 to 50 megabytes -- the equivalent of 30 floppy disks.

The data included several years' worth of inspection reports and manuals, as well as photos from the inspections and health data on workers at the power plants, it said.

A Mitsubishi Electric spokesman said the incident is "truly regrettable" and noted the company is investigating.

"Our company is stepping up management of confidential information and will take steps to prevent a similar incident at the company as well as affiliated concerns," he said.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda acknowledged the data leak and said the government has launched its own investigation.

It has not been determined whether "a leak of critical, important information concerning protection of nuclear materials" occurred, the government's top spokesman said. But nuclear plants are important facilities subject to antiterrorism measures, and the government will strengthen management of nuclear information and publicize how the information was leaked once the probe is concluded.

The data are believed to have leaked from the computer of a maintenance management engineer at the Mitsubishi subsidiary, according to the Mitsubishi Electric spokesman.

The engineer used his own computer when inspecting the power plants, and the data are thought to have been leaked through Winny, which was installed in his computer. A virus can apparently cause Winny to send data to other computers on the Internet.

Much of the data is categorized as "industrial secret" or "classified for business purposes," and includes e-mail to the engineer's boss detailing progress on the inspections, according to the spokesman.

A Kepco spokesman said information on regular inspections of the No. 3 reactor at Mihama and the No. 4 reactor at Oi was leaked, including a list of reactor components supplied by Mitsubishi Electric for the Mihama plant.

"Given the nature of his duties, he is not supposed to have information on nuclear materials, so there was no leak of information that would cause problems for protection of nuclear materials," he said.

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said it will summon officials of the utilities to report on details on the leak and whether it could compromise safety.

The Japan Times: June 24, 2005
(C) All rights reserved

Informant: Paul Lion

Whale Burger on Menu at Japanese Fast Food Chain


Bush Set to Shun G8 Allies on Global Warming


Group Rejects Japanese Plans for Coastal Whale Hunt


US Biotech Firm sees FDA Approving Cloned Meat


Drifting Toward The Apocalypse


Ordenan la retirada de la antena de telefonía móvil del Parador



Ordenan the retirement of the antenna of Movable movable telephony of the Telephone Inn will have to retire and to stop of immediate form the activity of the telephony antenna that is located in the tile roofs of the Inn of Tourism of Ferrol. Thus the Concello de Ferrol has ordered it and concretely the council of Urbanism and Infrastructures, that have opened a sanctioning espediente to the company. Writing/Ferrol the antenna is installed in the tile roofs of the hotel establishment/Luis Pole the presence of the antenna had generated the denunciation of some thirty neighbors of the Real Street since the structure was to less than 100 meters of the school of the Disciples as well as of the gardens of Herrera. Indeed the Municipal ordinance of telecommunications of the Concello de Ferrol establishes that the distance must be superior. The denouncers have expressed their joy by the measurement although now they say that they will have left the hardest part, the fight so that the telephone company fulfills happiness distant. In relation to the antennas of movable telephony, the ocal Federation Roi Xordo de Ferrol has informed into which it will comprise of a state coordinator who will group the organizations whom they have in common the defense of the health of the affected ones by this type of facilities. Roi Xordo met the last week in Madrid with other associations of all Spain that demand the revision of the state and autonomic regulation in this land as well as the accomplishment of scientific researches on the electromagnetic contamination and, mainly, studies epidemiologists who can determine if some type of relation between certain diseases exists and the electromagnetic emissions. A new meeting in September is anticipated to put the name to the coordinator, who will count on people of Ferrol, besides to define its functions.


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