
Stop Japan From Ending the Humpback’s Song Forever: Save Humpback Whales

Next Steps

Please Spread the Word About Japan’s Hunt for Humpbacks.

Several weeks ago, you sent more than 10,000 letters to several key countries asking them to vote against Japan’s proposal to reopen the hunt for humpbacks in international waters.

Your heartfelt activism has already made an impact: In South Korea, the city of Ulsan (where this year’s International Whaling Commission meeting is being held) has declared they will abandon plans to build a proposed whale and dolphin meat processing factory.

We are also encouraged by the early voting of the Government of China, which is asserting its leadership for whale conservation instead of just following Japan as it has done in past years.

The fate of humpback whales hangs in the balance

But the most important whaling votes are yet to come, including a resolution criticizing Japan’s humpback whaling proposal. We need to keep the pressure on to make sure the songsters of the sea never have to face the cruelty and suffering of explosive harpoons ever again.

So far, Japan’s efforts to push forward their pro-whaling agenda have been thwarted at this year’s whale meeting, but Japan is working furiously to fly in other registered pro-whaling countries to shift the balance before the end of the week.

We can’t come close to matching the millions of yen Japan’s government is spending to push through their whaling agenda, but with your help, we may be able to ensure conservation-minded countries carry the day at this year’s meeting, protecting whales and the commission set up to protect them.

Please Tell As Many As You Can

In response to Japan’s horrific proposal to slaughter humpback whales in international waters, we’ve created a Stop Whaling Action Center to collect as many signatures as we can from around the world.

But we need your help to let others know about it.

Can you help us reach 50,000 signatures?

Once you’ve signed the petition, please pass it along to friends, family and neighbors who care about making sure we don’t lose the songs of the sea forever.

Simply click here to tell your friends.
It’s not too late to stop the killing of humpbacks in the open ocean. But we must act now. The crucial vote could come at any day during this week’s IWC meeting.

It’s also very expensive to send our team to Korea to fight to make sure the result of the IWC is whale conservation, not killing more whales. If you can make a contribution to support IFAW right now, it would be greatly appreciated.

If we tell as many others as we can about the unfolding tragedy about to occur in our oceans, we can win this fight.


Fred O’Regan
President and CEO

IFAW © 2005

Sibel Edmonds asks again: Where is Congressional oversight?


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Support the Freedom to Read: Bring the Patriot Act in line with the Constitution


Congress is hearing your message. Last week the House of Representatives passed important legislation that will limit the FBI’s power under the Patriot Act to get a secret court to demand your library and bookstore records without any reason to believe you were involved in a crime. This exciting development offers another clear example that many representatives now understand that the Patriot Act went too far and needs to be brought in line with the Constitution.

This is an important first step in reform of the Patriot Act and will help us achieve broader, comprehensive reforms of the secret searches and other intrusive Patriot Act powers in the days ahead. This positive step would not have been possible without your actions.

Now we need your help to ensure this important legislation passes the Senate!

The Patriot Act’s infamous Section 215 grants the FBI the power to seize a vast array of sensitive personal information and belongings including medical, library and business records using a secret intelligence court that does not require any suspicion of individual criminal activity. Although a court order is required to obtain these records, judges are compelled to issue them, making judicial review in this process nothing more than a rubber stamp.

Take action now to urge your senators to support proper checks and balances on overreaching government surveillance.

The FBI can use this new power to spy on innocent people. Those people forced by the FBI to provide this information -- whether a newspaper editor, librarian or website publisher -- could go to jail if they tell anybody anything about it.

The government has gone to great lengths to keep secret even the most basic information about the FBI's spying. For example, in answering questions posed by the House Judiciary Committee, then-Attorney General Ashcroft classified information that should not have been classified, including information that would have shown how often the FBI is spying on people based on their exercise of First Amendment rights.

Giving our government this kind of power to spy on innocent people is un-American. We need to build on our latest success and continue to push for much-needed reforms of the Patriot Act.

Click here to urge your senators to support important legislation to help bring the Patriot Act in line with the Constitution.


Civil Liberties Groups Fight Expansion of PATRIOT Act Powers


Amnesty International Applauds Waxman Bill to Establish Independent Commission to Investigate Detainee Abuses


Will the US Anti-War Movement Impeach Bush?



Iraqi Justice Minister: US has 'Lots of Secrets to Hide' Regarding Saddam


ACLU Says Bush Is Restricting Science


U.S. Moral Authority in 'Free Fall', Senators Warn


The blood of the Uzbeks, the hypocrisy of the West, and the last great oil grab

The current policy amounts to trading the human rights of 25 million Uzbeks for access to oil supplies.


From Information Clearing House

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: Something Evil This Way is Coming!

Bush told the world that, “I am a war president…I make all my decisions with war in mind…” For Bush, his road to immortality and greatness was, and still is, thru war; and not just one war, but continuous war.


UN Nuclear Team: US Sabotaged Inspections

Some inspectors are "scandalized'' at the way President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell, among others, have "politicized'' the inspection process, said a source close to the inspectors.


US invasion of Iraq 'inevitable'

The United States says American forces will enter Iraq to search for weapons of mass destruction even if President Saddam Hussein complies with an ultimatum to leave.


From Information Clearing House

Bush and Blair made secret pact for Iraq war

Decision came nine days after 9/11: Ex-ambassador reveals discussion.


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the White House

The Bush administration is coming under increasing criticism for its handling of so-called "illegal combatants." The president may soon be forced to find the key he threw away so long ago.


From Information Clearing House

Bush administration is basing its Middle East policy on newspaper articles

The United States is, once again, depending on news reports leaked by its own intelligence, to justify its policies.


From Information Clearing House

Aid agencies call for access to Karabila

"The situation is critical in the village of Karabila. Hundreds of injured people are inside the town requiring urgent medical treatment but have been prohibited to leave the village by US forces and we are not authorised to enter there," Dr Hamed al-Alousi, director at the nearby al-Qaim general hospital, said.


From Information Clearing House

Dust off the Nuremberg Files


Where were the doctors at Abu Ghraib?

Medical workers from other nations have been complicitous in torture before, he said, but this is something new for the United States.

Maura Lerner

Doctors had falsified the death certificates of some of the detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wrote that they had written off suspicious deaths as natural ones -- in one case, attributing a man's death to a heart attack, even though he died in a coma with skull fractures and burns on his feet.


Huge, growing scandals threaten Republicans in Ohio


Tell the Castle Mountain Ski Resort to conduct a full environmental review and support the creation of a wildlands park in the region

The owners of the Castle Mountain Ski Resort in southern Alberta are forging ahead with plans to turn their small ski area in the heart of the Castle Wilderness into a year-round complex of hotels, restaurants, parking lots, roads and more than 200 private homes. Provincial officials have raised concerns about the far-reaching impacts of the expansion on the region's abundant fish and wildlife. Lynx, wolverines, sheep, elk and moose roam the Castle's windswept grasslands and old-growth pine, fir and spruce forests, which provide expansive ranges for grizzly bears, wolves and other imperiled Rocky Mountain wildlife. Yet the resort has ignored its obligation to assess the impacts of its proposal on sensitive habitat, including a protected wetlands area that sustains endangered bull trout.

Tell the Castle Mountain Ski Resort to conduct a full environmental review and support the creation of a wildlands park in the region.


UPDATE: Downing Street Minutes

From: Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

Tue, 21 Jun 2005 15:15:46 -0400

Thank you for signing the Downing Street Minutes letter to the president. I personally delivered your letter to the White House last Thursday.

Your participation in this issue has made a difference. The mainstream media has been very slow to report on this British Intelligence document claiming that evidence was being "fixed" to support the lead up to war against Iraq.

Yet, the neither the media nor President Bush could ignore the massive groundswell of interest demonstrated by the more than 560,000 individuals who joined you in signing this letter.

On Thursday, I led a hearing about the Downing Street Minutes to receive testimony from former Ambassador Joe Wilson, 27-year CIA veteran Ray McGovern, constitutional lawyer John Bonifaz, and Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son in Iraq.

Despite desperate attempts by Republicans to disrupt the proceedings, 32 Members of Congress attended this hearing. We were forced to use a cramped room in the basement of the Capitol little bigger than a closet, even though plenty of larger hearing rooms were available. The Republican Leadership also scheduled votes for nearly two straight hours in an unprecedented attempt to limit the ability of Democratic Members of Congress to participate in this hearing.

Thanks to your help, and the more than 560,000 individuals who signed this letter, the mainstream media felt compelled to cover this event. The room was packed with television cameras and there was significant coverage in national newspapers and radio networks. After the hearing I hand delivered the list of signatures along with a letter to the president signed by 122 Members of Congress demanding answers, and led a rally outside the White House.

We still have much more to do to make President Bush answer the questions raised by the Downing Street Minutes. Much work remains for us to bring this issue to the attention of all Americans.

Visit my website at http://johnconyers.com to find out what additional steps we are taking and how you can help on this issue of vital constitutional importance.

Please forward this email to friends who want to sign the letter to the president and help get the truth out.


Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

Informant: Diana Davies


At this very moment, the Senate is considering legislation that will shape the future of our nation's most cherished wild places. In April, the House signed off on an energy bill that would loosen controls on oil and gas development from the southern reaches of the Rocky Mountains to Alaska, while prolonging our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels and failing to address the urgent threat of global warming.

Thanks to those of you who have already told your senators to keep the energy bill free of environmental rollbacks and subsidies that would damage our last wildlands. If you haven't, please take a moment to do so now.


Global Warming Vote Nears

Environmental Defense: take action for the environment...online

Forward It On!

*Global Warming Vote This Week - Get Friends Involved*

The U.S. Senate is set for a historic vote this week on the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act - the best tool we have in America to tackle the problem of global warming.

You and over 450,000 people have signed the Emissions Petition, becoming citizen cosponsors of this historic bill.

With the impending vote, now is the time to spike our petition signatures, and you can help reach new citizen cosponsors.

Check out this silly global warming cartoon with a serious message. Then, forward this email or the cartoon page to friends. Ask them to help by sending an email to their senators to undo global warming:


Thanks for your help!


June 21, 2005

This Fourth of July, while President Bush and his cronies are out reveling at patriotic parades and fireworks while ignoring the global impact of their "shock and awe" policies, we the people won't be blinded by the dazzling lights of cheap firecrackers and White House photo-ops.

Show your patriotism by observing the 4th in the spirit of our founding mothers and fathers-- by standing up for independence . Today that means independence not from King George's empire, but from George W's empire-building that drags us into imperial wars, wreaks havoc on foreign lands, callously takes the lives of our soldiers, and treats the prisoners of these wars as subhumans.

This July 4, there are many ways you can stand up for liberty and justice for all!

* Dress as pink statues of liberty and march in your city's parade with signs calling for the troops to come home;

* Have an " Independence from Empire " picnic where you have a dramatic reading of messages from our nation's founders about the dangers of foreign interventions, or on a more humorous note, turn your barbeque into a Bush Weenie Roast ;

* Go to the local festivities dressed in a black cape and hood, " Abu Graib-style ", or in an orange jumpsuit and shackles, with a sign around your neck saying " Liberty and Justice for All " or " Close Guantanamo "

* Join us in declaring your independence from oil - here are some ideas.

Check out the special July 4 page on the CODEPINK website for these and other awesome action ideas.

Be sure to send us your ideas and events so we can add them to the page. And remember to send out a press release (scroll down to see sample) so the media can cover your actions.

Let's take back July 4 as we work to take back our country!

patriotically yours,

Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tiffany

Public Or Pravda?

What North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan revealed yesterday on the Senate floor will offend anyone who values a free press.


Let's Make A Trade Deal

by Lori Wallach, TomPaine.com

The White House is trying to sell CAFTA to Congress by making promises all evidence shows it won't keep.


The Golden Door Closes

by Tram Nguyen, TomPaine.com

Thirty years ago, America was a refuge for people fleeing persecution. Not anymore.


National Council of Churches urges grassroots campaign To call on Congress to pass bi-partisan ‘end the war’ resolution


Informant: Carol Wolman

US Snatch Squads and Torture Flights Anger Allies


Clinton Adds Voice to Criticism of Guantanamo


Fight looms over state biomonitoring efforts: Industry opposes measuring contaminants in humans

Is the word "enemy" appropriate for business individuals who want to continue polluting human bodies and do so w/o testing for toxin levels in human bodies? Vioxx killed far more people than did the WTC collapse. FDA response, silence David Graham, M.D. The country has been hijacked by people and corporations who profit from toxins and from the injuries and symptoms caused by toxins.

Teresa Binstock

Fight looms over state biomonitoring efforts
Industry opposes measuring contaminants in humans

By Douglas Fischer, STAFF WRITER


SACRAMENTO -- Dr. Richard J. Jackson, the state's top medical officer, has a pretty good idea how much lead contaminates you and your family. Even though he's never tested you.

He knows this because he and other scientists have spent the past 50 years measuring and studying lead in the United States. They know the typical blood-lead level in children and adults.

But when it comes to flame retardants, plasticizers, pesticides or any of the dozens of chemicals found as often as lead in our bodies, Jackson has scant idea of what's normal.

He cannot, for instance, say whether the amount of a ubiquitous flame retardant -- polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs -- tainting your daughter is typical, let alone what it means for her health.

And that, Jackson said, is a problem.

"It's so much easier to make public policy and make decisions when you have real data from real people," Jackson said as he spoke to a group of about 40 industry and government representatives at a human exposure workshop last week.

California needs a statewide biomonitoring program to track our exposure to various chemicals, from trans fat to PBDEs and organophosphate pesticides, Jackson said.

Such a program would be neither cheap nor small, he warned. It would require testing hundreds of Californians of every stripe for a suite of contaminants. But without the information, Jackson said, state health officials face increasing difficulty making decisions about our health and environment.

"Biomonitoring is the future," Jackson said. "We've got to do it, but we've got to do it right."

A bill planting the seeds for such a program has cleared the state Senate but faces long odds in the Assembly, where the California Chamber of Commerce has labeled it a "job killer," and moderate Democrats -- many who represent Central Valley agriculture interests -- have successfully killed past efforts.

The obstacles are many. At that workshop last week organized by the International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, a largely industry-backed group, participants questioned the need for biomonitoring data, particularly given substantial gaps in the ability of scientists and regulators to interpret the numbers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for instance, have found in urine plentiful evidence of plastic additives called phthalates, common in makeup, shampoo, soft plastic and vinyl floors. The CDC knows that women tend to have higher levels than men, and that children are even higher than women.

But they don't know whether those levels are dangerous or not.

"We're getting a bunch of levels without a statement -- a clear statement -- of their meaning," said Robert Kreiger, a toxicologist with the Personal Chemical Exposure Program at the University of California, Riverside. "That's half a loaf."

And are measurements of a particular contaminant in one population -- say, PBDEs in the breast milk of nursing moms -- representative for other people -- say, older women or men?

"We don't know," said Judy LaKind, adjunct associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. "Frankly, we do a pretty lousy job when we have chemicals that interact in non-simplistic ways. We're really just beginning to scratch the surface."

To the bill's sponsor, Sen. Deborah Ortiz, D-Sacramento, such ignorance offers more evidence of the program's need. She sees biomonitoring as a basic right to know: for individuals, to know what's in their bodies; for the state, to know exposure levels of potential carcinogens and synthetic toxins in Californians.

"The fear of the unknown is a legitimate concern," Ortiz said. "But it's ridiculous to stick our heads in the sand."

"We ought to tread very carefully in this new area. We ought not make assumptions from the data," she added. "But the first step is to gather information."

Biomonitoring programs in other countries have had a big impact on public health. Data from Sweden's breast milk monitoring program first alerted the world to PBDEs -- a very effective flame retardant common in foams, textiles and plastics -- after researchers watched levels rise exponentially in nursing moms in the'90s.

Two common commercial mixtures have since been banned in Europe, California, Maine, Hawaii and other states, though a third version remains unrestricted.

Closer to home, Jackson, the medical officer, needed human exposure information when he was a physician with the Department of Health Services during the 1981 medfly scare in Santa Clara County. With such information, he said, he could have told residents whether their chemical "body burden" of the malathion used to control the pest was normal.

But he didn't have it. So instead, scared residents fired rifles at helicopters spraying the pesticide.

Jackson sees myriad uses for such a program. Studies suggest, for instance, that African Americans have lower vitamin C levels than whites, particularly African Americans who smoke. Is that true in California?

What about efforts to push healthy diets and publish more nutrition information on food labels. Are trans-fat levels decreasing here?

A biomonitoring program could answer both questions. "It's a very powerful data set," Jackson said.

But to look at biomonitoring's true worth, Jackson again turns to lead.

Twenty five years ago, data showed levels of lead -- a potent neurotoxin -- dropped in blood as the metal was phased out of gasoline. That sealed its fate as an additive to paint, gasoline and other products. Researchers believe the average IQ has risen by 5 points in the United States as a result of lower blood-lead levels, with one IQ point worth an estimated $15,000 in lifetime income.

"That's a $75,000 gift for every child born in the U.S. compared to when I was born," Jackson said.

Contact Douglas Fischer at dfischer@angnewspapers.com

Nine Out of 30 Dow Jones Industrial Index Companies Convicted of Crimes


The Coming World Realignment

Since the U.S. intervention in Iraq revealed the limits of Washington's ability to implement its security strategy of becoming the unquestioned political and military arbiter of the globalizing world economy, the underlying tendencies towards a multipolar configuration of world politics have crystallized into hard and obvious fact.


From Information Clearing House

We've seen enough to impeach Bush

Is America brave enough to confront this reality?

From Information Clearing House


Springtime for Dictators?


Iraq Tony And The Truth

This is the story of what Mr. Blair did not tell us before sending British troops into battle.


The Great Awakening to the Iraq Deception


Fifty House Democrats form 'Out of Iraq caucus'

The group of progressives, led by California Reps. Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee, has been urging a withdrawal for some time but formalized its effort last week as part of its push to become a more forceful voice on the issue within the broader party Caucus.


From Information Clearing House

US 'losing in Iraq' - Republican Senator Hagel

Republican Senator Chuck Hagel slammed the George W. Bush administration's Iraq policy as "disconnected from reality" in some of the harshest comments to date about the war from a member of the president's own party.


83 Iraqi legislators seek U.S. pullout

A memorandum signed by 83 MPs in the 275-seat National Assembly was submitted to the House speaker Sunday in which they blasted the Iraqi government's request to the U.N. Security Council to extend the presence of the foreign forces in the country.


The World Watches As U.S. Avoids The Shameful Glare

The idea that torture is A-OK so long as it ceases short of "organ failure" -- is that what America has come to?


From Information Clearing House

US refuses to allow evacuation of wounded reporter

Television channel Al-Arabiya said US military authorities had refused to authorize the evacuation from Iraq of reporter Jawad Kazem, who was wounded by armed men Saturday in Baghdad.


From Information Clearing House

Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era

Many detainees face beatings and some are killed. U.S. officials are troubled by the reports.


UK had advance alert of jail abuse

A report on torture on Iraqis at Abu Ghraib was circulated within the army.


Iraqi official accuses US of 'indiscriminate killing' in western Iraq

An Iraqi official has accused the US forces of "indiscriminate killing" and destruction in the Iraqi town of Al-Qa'im, on the Syrian border.


From Information Clearing House

Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice

The following is a transcript rather than the original document in order to protect the source.

This is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice appended as Annex A to the Cabinet Office briefing paper on Iraq of July 21, 2002. This advice was originally written in March 2002.


WMD claims were ' totally implausible'

A key Foreign Office diplomat responsible for liaising with UN inspectors says today that claims the government made about Iraq's weapons programme were "totally implausible".

Richard Norton-Taylor

"I'd read the intelligence on WMD for four and a half years, and there's no way that it could sustain the case that the government was presenting. All of my colleagues knew that, too".


Bush and Hawks Try Preemptive Strike vs. Iran Vote


Autism and Mercury


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Smoking Signposts to Nowhere


Gitmo appalling


Collateral Damage


Two Top Guns Shoot Blanks


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Patriotic Posters


Fatal shooting of teacher illustrates why Iraqis fear U.S. convoys

Farqad Mohammed Khinaisar was driving to work in her dark green Kia Sephia at 8 a.m. on May 29 when she came up behind three American Humvees that were about to enter a traffic circle in Baghdad's Sadiya neighborhood.


Iraqis struggle to make ends meet as food rations shrink

After his American employers left and monthly food rations began to shrink, Hussein Hadi started selling his furniture. His bed was the last thing to go. Now Hadi, his wife, sister, mother, two brothers, three children and a nephew sleep on his living- room floor in Baghdad, their blankets sewn from flour sacks. Some nights they fall asleep hungry.


Pentagon to release new abuse photos

The Pentagon is preparing to release another batch of photos showing prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, a step that is likely to renew criticism of U.S. handling of detainees there.


Secret British government memos show Blair hand wringing over Bush's Iraq war plans

When Prime Minister Tony Blair's chief foreign policy adviser dined with Condoleezza Rice six months after Sept. 11, the then-U.S. national security adviser didn't want to discuss Osama bin Laden or al-Qaida. She wanted to talk about ``regime change'' in Iraq, setting the stage for the U.S.-led invasion more than a year later.


Cheney exposed: "If we didn't have that facility at Guantánamo we'd have to have it someplace else"

Given the growing chorus urging the Bush administration to shutter the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, it's hardly surprising that Vice President Dick Cheney would suggest, as he did at the National Press Club this week, that critics of the camp simply want its approximately 520 inmates to go free "to complete their original mission of trying to kill Americans." But give Cheney credit. Beneath the demagoguery, he made an important point: Guantánamo is little more than the by-product of a need to detain suspected terrorists captured abroad and question them--a need that will endure beyond Gitmo's Camp Delta. "If we didn't have that facility at Guantánamo," Cheney contended, "we'd have to have it someplace else."


ASL: European ENQUIRY - Présentation Enquête Nationale

Relay Antennas have been increasing very quickly for several months.

Because of these new mobile phone antennas (EDGE, 3G / UTMS) the Electromagnetic (EMF) fields also called Electrosmog are spreading everywhere very quickly.

Unfortunately no enquiry has yet been made about the relay antennas' effects on the people and on the environment, that is to say the effects on the human being and on the weather.

To cope with the laxness from health authorities and from the OMS, it seems to be necessary that independent Scientists should be given data and information on the problem very soon in order to be able to analyse it in the proper way.

Consequently, we ask you to help us to broadcast information concerning the National and European QUESTIONNAIRE-ENQUIRY about the biological effects on the neighbourhood who is affected by the Relay Antennas in order to make it credible: http://tinyurl.com/c7n46

We thank you in advance.

The ASL Manager,
Michel Point


Madame, Monsieur,

Depuis quelques mois, face à l’accroissement sans précédent des antennes relais, nouvelles technologies de Téléphonie Mobile obligent (EDGE, 3G/UTMS), les Champs ÉlectroMagnétiques (CEM) ambiants, appelés aussi Électrosmog, sont actuellement en très forte augmentation.

Cette soudaine densification du réseau des stations relais ne s’est malheureusement pas accompagné d’étude d’impact sur la population et l’environnement (le vivant & la climatologie).

Face au laxisme des autorités sanitaires, de l’OMS, etc . . . il est nécessaire que les Scientifiques indépendants disposent au plus tôt d’une vaste nouvelle base de données a fin d’analyses, et malheureusement ce sont encore les Associations qui ouvrent la voie.

C’est dans cet esprit que nous vous demandons de bien vouloir nous aider à diffuser l’information relative à la vulgarisation du QUESTIONNAIRE-ENQUÊTE National et Européen sur les Symptômes Biologiques ressentis par les Riverains des antennes relais de téléphonie mobile, ceci afin qu’il soit crédible: http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/3g_gsm_asl.pdf

Par avance merci.

Le Président d’ASL
Michel POINT

Protestors’ delight at mast fight win

by Nic Brunetti

Enfield Independant

OBJECTORS to a controversial phone mast have won their battle against the planning decision that allowed it to go up just metres from their homes.

Residents felt so strongly about the T-Mobile mast in Wycombe Road that they submitted their case for judicial review by the High Court in an attempt to get the decision quashed.

Homeowner Jennifer Redman, 67, who lives near the mast, was told in February that the value of her home had plummeted by £45,000 since its arrival.

The mast was approved under delegated powers by Wycombe District Council back in November last year.

But the Free Press can now reveal that the matter has been dealt with outside court, and that both parties have agreed to a consent order, which will reverse the planning decision.

The case was submitted by leader of the residents, David Reynolds, whose legal team challenged the council decision directly.

He said: "I'll just be happy when they take the mast away. I'm very grateful for the neighbours' support.

"We were right in our position and it took a lot of detective work to actually find the mistakes that should have been exposed by Wycombe."

The decision, which will become official once it is read out in the High Court, means that unless a new planning application by T-Mobile is successful, the mast will have to be taken down altogether.

T-Mobile refused to comment at this stage or say whether they were planning to resubmit their application.

Lawyers acting for Mr Reynolds claimed that the approval given by the council was flawed, because it failed to take into account other sites in the area that could have accommodated the mast.

This includes a site at Bencombe Farm which, they claimed, was not sufficiently considered because T-Mobile had looked at incorrect grid references of the location.

Lawyers were also unhappy that Great Marlow School , in Bobmore Lane , which is just 150 metres from the mast, was not consulted by the council despite a government report saying that radiation beams of the "greatest intensity" strike the ground between 50 and 200 metres.

In legal arguments, the council said it did take objections into account, including suggestions of other possible sites for the mast.

It also said that in terms of policy, it was not its responsibility to question the need for the mast. Through their own "standard procedure", they had decided not to contact the school over the application.

Dan Rosenberg, of Public Interest Lawyers, acting for Mr Reynolds, added: "The council did not consult the school, the application contained inaccuracies and the operator even got grid references of neighbouring masts wrong.

"It is correct that such a decision affecting so many people should be looked at again."

The council has been ordered to pay Mr Reynolds' legal costs as part of the consent order, which he claims could reach around £18,000.

A council spokesman added: "In this instance it was deemed that a speedy and effective resolution should be sought and as such the council entered into negotiations with all parties to successfully produce the Consent Order."

3:35pm Monday 20th June 2005

The US war with Iran has already begun


Protect our Marine Mammals: Reject Seismic Testing



Families of dead soldiers demand truth from Bush


The one reservation I had last week when I wrote about the Downing Street Memo was this: How will the loved ones of the soldiers who've died in Iraq feel when they read this? How much more pain will it cause them to know we now have strong evidence that George Bush knew all along there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? That he made the 'facts' fit his personal plan for war? How does your mind accept what surely breaks your heart? And how much harder to know that your child, your spouse, your parent died in a war that a growing number of Americans are questioning? Since that column ran, the loved ones of two soldiers, dead in Iraq, have told me. Their words are far more meaningful than anything I could say, so I will turn this column over to them...


from Times Herald-Record, by Beth Quinn

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Still ticking?


John Bolton was shot down in flames this evening -- or was he? Republicans in the Senate today moved to proceed with an up-or-down vote on John Bolton's nomination to become ambassador to the United Nations. Such a motion would require 60 votes. It attracted only 54—two fewer than last month, when a similar cloture vote was held. (On May 26, the vote was 56-42. Today's was 54-38.) So that's the end, right? After three and a half months of heated debate over the most controversial nominee to this slot in history (just two other nominees have failed to win unanimous confirmation), is Bolton's bid dead in the water? Under ordinary circumstances, it would be. But there has never been anything ordinary about this drama. Rumblings from the White House suggest that President George W. Bush may push Bolton in anyway, through a procedure known as 'recess appointment'...


from Slate, by Fred Kaplan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Amerikanische Unternehmenskultur trifft auf deutsche Mitbestimmung

„Amerikanische Unternehmenskultur trifft auf deutsche Mitbestimmung: Das Arbeitsgericht Wuppertal hat dem Handelskonzern Wal-Mart die Anwendung großer Teile seines Verhaltenskodexes für Mitarbeiter in Deutschland untersagt…“ Artikel von Thomas Reinhold in FAZ vom 16.06.2005.


weitere Informationen auf der Homepage des Wal-Mart-Betriebsrates http://www.wal-mart-betriebsrat.de/

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 12

Klappe halten: Trauer um Otto Schily

Jetzt wird einmal bemitleidet, quintessenziell natürlich, namentlich Otto Schily. So eine bescheuerte Karriere, die dieser arme Mensch erlebt hat, muss man sich erst mal einfallen lassen. Jetzt soll er auch noch die Klappe halten, wird ihm ausgerichtet. Dem Armen, der das Schimpflichste aller deutschen Schicksale erlitten hat: vom Establishment/Rebellen zum prototypischen Poliz/ei/staatsmini/ster Europas geworden zu sein.

post/scrypt: An die Herren Schaar und Weichert. Wennn es leicht geht, pls semmeln sie dem Herrn noch mindestens eine rein, um das Einsetzen der Trauer/arbeit zu akkzelerieren.

Die jüngsten Versuche von Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily, den Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz (BfD) Peter Schaar zu maßregeln, werden von Dr. Thilo Weichert, Leiter des Unabhängigen Landeszentrums für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein und derzeit Vorsitzender der Konferenz der Datenschutzbeauftragten des Bundes und der Länder, zurückgewiesen. Schily hatte behauptet, der BfD überschreite seine Kompetenzen und betreibe Amtsmißbrauch, wenn er Zeitplan und Technik bezüglich der Einführung biometrischer Pässe in Frage stellt.

Weichert: "Nicht nur der BfD, die gesamte Konferenz der Datenschutzbeauftragten des Bundes und der Länder hat jüngst die völlig unnötige Eile bei der Einführung elektronischer Pässe kritisiert, weil zentrale grundrechtliche, technische und organisatorische Fragen bis heute nicht geklärt sind. Hätte der BfD Schilys Ausweisplanungen unkommentiert gelassen, so könnte man ihm eher vorwerfen, seine gesetzlichen Aufgaben zu unterschreiten. Schilys Biometriepolitik wähnt sich modern, stammt aber aus der Requisitenkammer des letzten Jahrhunderts, als Datenschutz von Vielen noch als ein Widerspruch zu einer modernen Sicherheits- und Technologiepolitik angesehen wurde. Inzwischen ist es Common Sense, dass Technologieförderung und Grundrechtsschutz zusammengehören und zusammenpassen. Herr Schily tut außerdem so, als habe er keine Ahnung von den gesetzlichen Aufgaben der Datenschutzbeauftragten und deren verfassungs- und europarechtlich geforderter Unabhängigkeit. Schily sollte schweigen und seine Hausaufgaben machen."

Den Wortlaut der Entschließung der Konferenz der Datenschutzbeauftragten des Bundes und der Länder vom 1. Juni 2005 finden Sie unter


Weitere Informationen über die Arbeit des ULD unter

Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein
Holstenstraße 98 / 24103 Kiel
Telefon: 0431 988-1200
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E-Mail: mail@datenschutzzentrum.de
Homepage: http://www.datenschutzzentrum.de

relayed by Harkank

Aus: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 27, Issue 8

Civil disobedience: A Christian virtue


In 1940, at Dunkirk, on the northern coast of France, a British military officer sent a telegram to London consisting of the following three words: 'But if not.' The person in London who read the telegram recognized this as a reference to the Old Testament (Daniel 3:17-18, KJV): 'If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.' When faced with the choice of serving God or serving man, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would sooner be incinerated than worship a graven image. No fiery furnace awaits American Christians who defy civil authority in the service of God. At least not yet...


from The Price of Liberty, by Doug Newman

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Criminalization out of control


Drug warriors in Congress are considering a bill that would send parents to jail for at least three years if they learn of drug activity near their children and fail to report it to authorities within 24 hours. One wonders if this a good idea, especially in areas such as Baltimore, where intimidation and murder of government witnesses are common. But when it comes to the criminal law, Congress rarely pauses for reflection anymore...


from Cato Institute, by Gene Healy

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What is Bush's agenda in Iraq?


For what purpose has President Bush sent 1,741 U.S. soldiers to be killed in action in Iraq (as of June 19, 2005)? For what purpose have 15,000-38,000 U.S. troops been wounded, many so seriously that they are maimed for life? Why has the U.S. government thrown away $300 billion in an illegal and pointless war that cannot be won? These questions are beginning to penetrate the consciousness of Americans, a majority of whom no longer support Bush's war. Bush's Iraq war is the first war for which Americans have not known the reason...


from AntiWar.Com, by Paul Craig Roberts

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senate silent on "biggest junket there is"


Sen. Ted Stevens, the powerful Alaska Republican who led the congressional delegation to the posh Paris Air Show -- which has been called 'the biggest junket there is' -- refuses to disclose how many members came along, how much it cost taxpayers, and offered few details about the event. 'We don't talk about other members. They don't talk about us,' Stevens spokeswoman Courtney Boone said, explaining that the secrecy surrounding the trip ... is due to 'security reasons' because as the president pro tempore of the Senate, Stevens is third in line for the presidency. ... The trip to Paris came on the heels of the ethics complaints filed against House Majority Leader Tom Delay, Texas Republican, for taking trips to Scotland and other exotic locales that were paid for by a lobbyist, which is against House rules... [editor's note: Like Senate, like House; the scams continue! - SAT]


from Washington Times

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Your ISP as Net watchdog


The U.S. Department of Justice is quietly shopping around the explosive idea of requiring Internet service providers to retain records of their customers' online activities. Data retention rules could permit police to obtain records of e-mail chatter, Web browsing or chat-room activity months after Internet providers ordinarily would have deleted the logs -- that is, if logs were ever kept in the first place. No U.S. law currently mandates that such logs be kept. In theory, at least, data retention could permit successful criminal and terrorism prosecutions that otherwise would have failed because of insufficient evidence. But privacy worries and questions about the practicality of assembling massive databases of customer behavior have caused a similar proposal to stall in Europe and could engender stiff opposition domestically...


from CNet News

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Feds collect data on air travelers again


The federal agency in charge of aviation security collected extensive personal information about airline passengers even though Congress forbade it and officials said they wouldn't do it, according to documents obtained Monday by The Associated Press. The Transportation Security Administration bought and is storing details about U.S. citizens who flew on commercial airlines in June 2004 as part of a test of a terrorist screening program called Secure Flight, the documents indicate...


from MSNBC

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senate blocks Bolton confirmation


Senate Democrats blocked John Bolton's confirmation as U.N. ambassador for the second time Monday and President Bush left open the possibility of bypassing lawmakers and appointing the tough-talking former State Department official on his own. The vote was 54-38, six shy of the total needed to force a final vote on Bolton, and represented an erosion in support from last month's failed Republican effort. Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, who voted in May to advance the nomination, switched positions and urged Bush to consider another candidate, while only three Democrats crossed party lines...


from Cincinnati Enquirer

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



Informant: NHNE

Coltan Mining: No Blood On My Mobile

18 June 2005 18:22

I had thought of asking Geldof whether he'd consider fronting the national campaign! Seemed like a good idea at the time ... those 3G masts affecting my judgement, no doubt! Still - it might be worth a shot? Sue Green, ORAM

Amanda Wesley


If he's more concerned about Africa, maybe we should send him stuff on the devastating consequences cobalt mining for mobiles has had in the Congo. I don't have the info myself though.



Dear Gary,

I have references for Congo and Coltan. I shall dig out tomorrow. The media just do not cover it. Think South Africans should learn from UKs mistakes.

Best Yasmin


Sent: 20 June 2005 15:32

Or the shit that's going down in SA, where schools are the preferred site for masts and Vodacom have described the Transvaal as a land of milk and honey!


Dear Sue.

Do ask him.

He might come round when things are explained.

He has not got a 3G in his backyard, like us, but if he understands and feels so strongly that it is not fair for African people to be tortured, the why would he not want to help his neighbors when they are.

If he only has a passion for far away people and places, he´ll say plain NO.

Best regards.



The info I got is from Project Censored 2003 Page 93. Dena Montague writes "nearly four million people dead in four years of ware in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the world remains silent in the fact of an abominable atrocity."

The area is beginning to be reported now in 2005, but hardly any reference to the mineral tantalum (also known as coltan). The price has got up because it is used to make mobile phones. DRC has 80% of world's coltan reserves. She suggests web reports of http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm ; Washington Post reporter Karl Vick did one of the first reports on story of coltan mining ; http://www.allafrica.com/ . Also magazines New African Magazine and Africa Confidential. I believe there has been two documentaries on British television in recent years but I missed them both. In Europe I believe there has been a campaign "No Blood On My Mobile" to stop people mindlessly buying the latest mobile and so keeping the demand for coltan high.

It would be interesting to hear Geldof's comments on Congo and coltan, if he knows there is a link. And all the other stars who help promote mobile phone companies.

Best wishes, Yasmin Skelt Chorleywood, England.


Google about "Coltan mining" under:


George Monbiot: Bards of the powerful:

Far from challenging the G8's role in Africa's poverty, Geldof and Bono are giving legitimacy to those responsible.



To: geldofinfo@msn.com
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 4:43 PM
Subject: African Governments inflict radiation poisoning on helpless population

Bob Geldof

We urgently request your attention to an appalling social experiment being conducted on the people of Africa by their corrupt Governments, whereby they are being continually bombarded with radiation in their own homes and schools. Thousands of people are already showing the effects of radiation sickness - headaches, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disturbance, nose bleeds etc - at what their Governments profess to be 'safe' levels of exposure, and the long-term consequences for the population will be increased miscarriage/foetal abnormalities, increased incidents of childhood leukaemia, increases in all types of cancer etc. But their Governments have taken huge bribes by way of taxes and licencing fees worth billions and billions of pounds from the multinational companies that are behind this experiment, and the influence of these companies is all-pervading - they sponsor every major public event and subscribe heavily to all media. Their monstrous, hideous transmitters are breeding randomly and prolifically throughout this once beautiful country, and those who are brave enough to attempt to fight their onslaught - to protect their children - are ridiculed or ignored, and find that they have no voice and there is no justice for them.

We are sure, Mr Geldof, that you would not knowingly or willingly sanction such an abuse of power, and that you and your friends and colleagues will undoubtedly rage against this sickening corporate assault and vandalism. And with your formidable charisma and commitment, we have little doubt that you would succeed in shaming the African Governments into reigning in the activities of these corporate monsters.

But such is the power and influence of these vast companies, they have even managed to infiltrate Live8. They ensured maximum profit and publicity by controlling the voting for tickets to this event, and now we learn that one of their number is a major sponsor.

You see, this is not happening in Africa, Mr Geldof, it is happening right here in your own country. The companies involved are the multinational telecommunications giants to whom Live8 have awarded the contract for ticket sales and with whom you have agreed the said sponsorship deal. The victims of their social experiment are my family, and many, many other families like ours who find themselves living within the shadows of their monstrous masts, and dealing with the devastating impact upon their health caused by the radiation these masts emit. And our Government - despite their own scientific advisers urging them to take a precautionary approach to the siting of these masts - refuse to listen to our fears, and seem hellbent on supporting these companies with the roll out of their deadly technology. Seems to us that - like the tobacco and drinks industries that preceded it - the mobile telecommunications industry is this Government's cash cow, and they are milking it for all it is worth. Thanks to Live8's actions, the cow just got considerably fatter.

And there I was a few weeks ago - when I first heard about Live8 - fantasising that, with your vision, you would be the ideal person to support our cause. Still, I find it very hard to believe that you, of all people, have knowingly 'sold out' to this industry.

Susan Green
Orpington Residents Against Masts
7 Cabul Cottages
New Road


Sat, 25 Jun 2005 22:56:25 +0100 (BST)
From: fergusson sue
Subject: cobalt mining in Africa To: geldofinfo@msn.com

Dear Sir Bob Geldorf,

to add to emails sent to you by members of Mast Sanity I would like to add that one of the worst examples of human exploitation is in Africa where the mobile phone company corporates use slave labour to mine cobalt used in the micro chips in mobile phones. The people are very ill and dying in their droves from the very hard taskmasters who are employed to oversee the mining. I would beg you to take close look at these issues before tying yourself to the mobile phone corporations.

Regards Sue Fergusson, member of Mast Sanity.


Tell famous people to behave ethically where mobile phones and masts are concerned http://omega.twoday.net/stories/774731/



Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news



Informant: PEACE 25

Global Warming Gains Higher Profile in Senate


World Tribunal on War Crimes in Iraq


US and British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office


The Smartest Guys in the Room




Chronology of Enron's Influence, Rise and Fall


Creating a Progressive Values Movement


Informant: Bob Nienhuis

They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate


Informant: Diana Davies

Development Threatens Malaysia's Mangroves


Shrimp Farms Threaten Mangroves near Kuala Lumpur

Long-Tailed Macaque and Baby Sit on a Tree Trunk in Threatened Mangrove Forest

Pro-Whaling Nations Eye Taking Control of IWC


Confessions of an Economic Hit Man


Confessions Of A Hit Man

John Perkins' book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" explains American foreign policy better than any of the academic tomes you might read on the subject.

By Charley Reese

The foreign country hires American contractors to build the systems, and they make big profits. Then, mired in debt, the head of state will do what the United States government tells him to do. If he proves too independent or too honest to accept bribes, then he will be removed from power, either in a coup or in an accident.



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