
Colourful opposition to Orange

Wakefield Today

CONCERNED residents will fight plans to boost the power of a mobile phone base station on top of a block of flats in Wakefield.

Operator Orange is proposing to upgrade its facilities on the roof of Gill Syke House, off Thornbury Road, to cater for third-generation services.

But residents and councillors are opposed to the move and fear the health implications of boosting the station’s signal to four times its current strength.

Gill Syke House resident Jean Abbott, 60, said: “It’s ridiculous. These antennas and microwave dishes are only four feet from my bedroom. We opposed this base station when they first proposed it, taking it to the courts, but we didn’t get anywhere.

“There’s already one microwave dish on there but now they are proposing four more.”

Mrs Abbott said she never wanted the base station on the roof, she said it was a “monstrosity”.

Coun Bill Sanders, representing Wakefield West, said: “I have been contacted by various people about this plan all concerned about the possible health risks. There are several schools in the vicinity and Mike Waddington of Cathedral High School has expressed his concerns about the plans.”

He is opposed to the plans along with fellow Wakefield West councillors John Colley and Tory group leader Mike Walker.

Coun Colley said there were already telephone masts dotted around Lupset and Thornes and believed this plan was unnecessary.

Mr Waddington, acting headteacher at Cathedral High School, on Thornes Road , said: “On behalf of all connected with our school, I feel the need to register concern regarding the proposed upgrade to the mobile phone base station.”

23 June 2005


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