
Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients


Informant: Alfonso Balmori


Study: Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000-2003

A new case-control study on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for brain tumors by Hardell et al. has been published online. In the multivariate analysis, analogue phones represented a significant risk factor for acoustic neuroma.
Bibliographic Information: Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Kjell Hansson Mild; Neuroepidemology Vol. 25, No. 3, 2005.

Abstract http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowAbstract&ProduktNr=224263&Ausgabe=231180&ArtikelNr=86354

From FGF-Infoline 17.06.2005

UMTS Gegenkundgebung

Einladung zur Teilnahme an unserer Schweigekundgebung.

Wer sein Anliegen auch kundtun möchte, bitte Transparente und Flugzettel mitbringen.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Meyer

Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich
Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A - 5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4
Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

Elternvertretung der Rudolf - Steiner Schule Salzburg


Einladung zum Lokalaugenschein

Kundgebung gegen den geplanten UMTS Ausbau der - und unermüdlich gegen die - neben der Schule immer noch befindlichen Mobilfunksendeanlagen.

Ort: Mirabellplatz vor dem Schloss Mirabell

am: Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2005

Zeit: 11 Uhr 45

Anlässlich der zeitgleich stattfindenden UMTS- Verhandlungen der Stadt Salzburg mit den Betreiberfirmen.

mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Michael Meyer
A - 5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4
Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

More Evidence Intel Was Fixed



Investitionen verzögert: Troge warnt vor längeren Laufzeiten für Atomkraftwerke


Der Präsident des Umweltbundesamtes, Andreas Troge, warnt vor einer Verlängerung der Laufzeiten von Atomkraftwerken. Ein späteres Abschalten dieser Kraftwerke helfe dem Klimaschutz nicht, sagte er der "Frankfurter Rundschau". Es würden dann weniger neue Kraftwerke gebaut. "Damit würde der aus Klimaschutzgründen notwendige Trend zu einer stärker dezentralisierten Energieversorgung, bei der Strom und Wärme in Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung erzeugt werden, und in der mehr erneuerbare Energien Platz finden, erheblich verzögert", argumentierte er.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Kriegsdienstverweigernde Polizisten? Kritik an Plan für weltweite Bundesgrenzschutz-Einsätze


Verteidigungsminister Peter Struck und Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily wollen die aus dem Bundesgrenzschutz hervorgegangene Bundespolizei in weltweite Einsätze schicken. Das sagte Struck am Sonntag im Deutschlandfunk. Die Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft DFG-VK kritisierte die Pläne als "deutliches Indiz für die rasch zunehmende Militarisierung der Innen- und Außenpolitik" der Bundesregierung. Die DFG-VK warnte vor einer weiteren Verstärkung dieser Entwicklung. Sie kritisierte das "Umdeuten" von Militäreinsätzen zu "Polizeiaktionen" und erwartet kriegsdienstverweigernde BGS-Beamte, sollten Struck und Schily ihre Pläne umsetzen können.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bessere Chemikalienpolitik gefordert: Über 300 Chemikalien in Muttermilch nachweisbar


In der Muttermilch lassen sich nach einer Studie des Bundes für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) über 300 synthetische Chemikalien nachweisen. Zwar seien die Belastungen mit giftigem PCB, DDT und Dioxinen aufgrund weit reichender Verbote rückläufig. Jedoch würden immer mehr neue gefährliche Stoffgruppen wie Weichmacher, Flammschutzmittel und Duftstoffe gefunden. Synthetische Chemikalien seien besonders für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder extrem gefährlich, da wichtige Entwicklungsphasen gestört werden können, so die am Dienstag veröffentlichte Studie. Schädigungen des Immunsystems, Krebserkrankungen und sogar Beeinträchtigungen der Gehirnentwicklung könnten die Folge sein. Der BUND forderte die Bundesregierung auf, sich für eine Reform der Europäischen Chemikalien-Verordnung einzusetzen, die einen konsequenten Schutz der Gesundheit vor giftigen Chemikalien gewährleiste. Das seit längerem diskutierte europäische Chemikalienrecht mit dem Kürzel REACH (Registrierung, Evaluierung und Autorisierung von Chemikalien) eröffne erstmals die Chance, die Belastung der Muttermilch tatsächlich zu reduzieren.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

USA nehmen Abstand von biometrischen Pässen als Einreisebedingung

Im Unterschied zu anderen EU-Ländern ist die deutsche Regierung mit den Plänen zur Einführung von biometrischen Ausweisen trotz Kritik vorgeprescht.


Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse?

The government’s collapse theory is highly vulnerable on its own terms, but its blinkered narrowness and lack of breadth is the paramount defect unshared by its principal scientific rival – controlled demolition.


From Information Clearing House

Pattern of Deception Persists in Tillman's Death

Army's latest statement just doesn't wash.

What Are You Going To Do Now America?


State Dems: Impeach Bush Cheney, Rumsfeld too

Wisconsin Democrats are calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.


From Information Clearing House


John Conyers and Deep Throat

Conyers and his colleagues have evidence of numerous impeachable offenses against George W. Bush, but they are unable to make themselves heard when their leaders won’t buck the system and the media focus on missing person cases and celebrity criminal trials.


Hearing On Downing Street Minutes Set For Thursday

Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, and other Congress Members will hold a hearing on the Downing Street Minutes and related evidence of efforts to cook the books on pre-war intelligence.


From Information Clearing House


Impeachment Resolution Against President George W. Bush

Impeaching George Walker Bush, President of the United States, of high crimes and misdemeanors.



Silence in the Face of Truth: The Downing Street Memo

My brother died scouring the Iraqi countryside not to protect his country, but to satisfy the Bush administration’s public relations agenda.


From Information Clearing House


Mother of dead soldier vilifies Bush over war

"We're watching you very carefully and we're going to do everything in our power to have you impeached for misleading the American people," she said, quoting a letter she sent to the White House. "Beating a political stake in your black heart will be the fulfillment of my life ... ," she said, as the audience of 200 people cheered.



New 'Downing Street Memo' says Bush, Blair agreed on 'regime change' in 2002

Iraq seen to 'slide into civil war'; and more.

From Information Clearing House


War critics have come up with seven more memos, verified by NBC News

Current and former diplomats tell NBC News they understood from the beginning the Bush policy to be that Saddam had to be removed — one way or the other. The only question was when and how.


From Information Clearing House


Evidence of false statements made by Tony Blair to Parliament and the media

The documents show that when the Prime Minister took the decision to support military regime change in March 2002, his officials warned him precisely that “none has satisfactorily answered how that regime change is to be secured”, and that “Bush has yet to find the answers to the big questions …[of] what happens on the morning after”.



Saving Species, Saving Ourselves


Downing Street Memo Activists "Wing Nuts", "Paranoid"



$300 million Psy-Ops contract


Informant: Diana Davies

Journalists are letting our leaders get away


From Information Clearing House

More Life on 'Downing Street' with Leak of New Documents on Iraq

The complaints of media self-censorship have been backed up by the ombudsmen of The Washington Post, The New York Times and National Public Radio, who have questioned the lack of attention the minutes have received from their organizations."


From Information Clearing House

Public Citizen Urges U.S. Conference of Mayorsto Oppose Water Privatization


Hypocritical U.S. Fight for 'Freedom'


US Nuclear Plants Vulnerable to Big Attack


Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action


Informant: Diana Davies


Defeat the Energy Bill


US Suspects 'Face Torture Overseas'


New Gitmo abuse furor

The humiliating tactics were so harsh that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had to green-light them - and they continued even after the suspect, who was never charged, was rushed to the hospital.


Magazine Reports Details Of A Guantanamo Interrogation

Time reported, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved 16 additional interrogation techniques for use on certain detainees.


Extracts from an Interrogation Log

The detainee began to pray loudly but this did not stop me from finishing informing the detainee about the Al Qaeda member, Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi aka Abu Ali, that was killed by the CIA.

From Information Clearing House

Six More Secret British Documents Leaked

Six new secret British documents have been leaked and are provided below. These were retyped from the originals to protect the source.

Full Text

Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action


Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein and creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action.


The Fix is In: Why the Downing Street Memo Matters

Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski and Daniel Ellsberg on the deceptions of the Bush administration.

Real Video - 4 minutes
CNN change facts into fiction :

The point of the Downing Street Memo is not that the Bush regime "saw the war as inevitable." The point is that it wanted the war and had decided that military action was going to happen—and then figure out the justification.


Mr. President, Explain The Downing Street Memo

We come together, as concerned Americans, irrespective of political affiliation, to seek the truth from our government. As citizens, we deserve no less.


Proof is in the memo

Soldiers died for a lie: All the world – except America – is buzzing about the fact that George Bush created the WMD threat to justify his war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House



The Yellowstone Buffalo Preservation Act, Bill H.R. 2428, was just introduced to Congress, and Referred to the Forests and Forest Health Subcommitee, To Preserve The Last Remaining, and Genetically Pure, American Buffalo, by allowing herd to freely roam defined Federal land outside of the Park.


Informant: DitziSis

The debate's over: Globe is warming


Informant: NHNE

Climate change is costing us, says BT boss


Informant: NHNE

Tower protests increasing in Australia


We must ALSO Demand Congress Investigate Downing Street


The initiative to sign a letter to the president demanding an investigation of the Downing Street minutes and its disclosure of the plan to fix the intelligence on Iraq is really taking off. But it is just as or even MORE IMPORTANT for us to ALSO speak out directly to our members Congress as well. John Conyers needs every member of Congress with integrity to sign on to his letter of inquiry, and your pressure on them can make that a reality.


What we now know is our president was determined to have his war with Iraq, justified or not, legal or not, and whether it would actually INCREASE TERRORISM and the threat to America or not. He conspired with the British government to try to provoke a military response from Iraq with massive bombings in 2002, and even though Iraq did not strike back he invaded anyway. He was gambling Iraq would not cooperate with the weapons inspectors, and in spite of the fact that they were fully cooperating he invaded anyway. The truth has finally come out that Iraq had no weapons threatening us with any kind of destruction, and he had every reason to know that all along.

It's time for us to demand that Congress fulfill its constitutional duty to hold the president to account. It's time to investigate why WE WERE LIED TO, who was involved in manufacturing and promoting those lies, and who should now be held responsible for running our military, our budget, and our respect in the world into the ground for this illegal, horrific and endless disaster.

The action page below will send your personal message directly to all your members of Congress at once.


Please take action NOW on this and post and forward this message everywhere you can to you know.

Informant: thepen_ab


Santa brings 3G to New Zealand


Republicans Criticize PATRIOT Act


Informant: Frank J. Gonzalez

Gen-Mais in Deutschland: Freisetzungsanträge zurückgezogen

Aus: Umweltinstitut München e.V. - Newsletter vom 14. Juni 2005

Gen-Mais in Deutschland: Freisetzungsanträge zurückgezogen

Der breite Protest gegen Gentechnik verzeichnet Erfolge. In Deutschland kann dieses Jahr etwa die Hälfte der beantragten Tausend Hektar nicht mit Gen-Mais bepflanzt werden. Die entsprechenden Anträge wurden zurückgezogen. In Bayern sind von den mehr als 40 geplanten Standorten sind nur noch 15 übriggeblieben.
Lesen Sie weiter in unserer Pressemitteilung vom 17. Mai:

Syngenta, der größte Agrochemie- und Gentechnikkonzern der Welt musste sein Multigenompatent auf Reis auf öffentlichen Druck hin zurückziehen. Das Patent wäre in 115 Ländern gültig gewesen und hätte dem Unternehmen einen Monopolanspruch auf das Genom von mindestens 40 verschiedenen Pflanzenarten verschafft.

Lesen Sie weiter unter:

Im Irak zeigen die USA, wie Sie die Landwirtschaft der Zukunft sehen: Mit der Nahrungsmittelhilfe wurde patentgeschütztes und genmanipuliertes Saatgut ins Land gebracht – bei dessen Wiederaussaat muss der Bauer Lizenzgebühr zahlen, nach Gerichtsbeschluss können sogar die Erntewerkzeuge konfisziert werden und die Ernte vernichten. So wird aus bäuerlicher Tradition eine Konzernleistung.


Mad Cow Disease Confirmed in US


More Young Children Going Hungry in US


Kyoto and Beyond


Military draft back on US agenda


Informant: Gritzle70



Shipbreaking investigation

Thanks to your pressure the Indian government launched an investigation into plans for shipbreaking at Kakinada. The investigation recommended that the plans for shipbreaking do not go ahead. This is great news for the environment and local people of the area. The future of Kakinada is not totally secure so we'll keep you updated if the situation changes.

Take action against shipbreaking

Save the Great Bear Rainforest

The Great Bear Rainforest is tucked amongst majestic mountain fjords creating a cool, misty world of soaring eagles, towering cedar trees, grizzly bears and the globally unique Spirit Bear. Despite being the largest intact coastal temperate rainforest left on Earth it remains unprotected. Over the last decade, blockades and marketplace actions brought world attention to this region, but a solution, agreed to by industry, environmental groups, communities and workers, does exist. Now is the time for the Government of British Columbia to protect one third of the region from logging and create a new approach to forest management.

Tell the Premier of British Columbia to seize this moment in time for the future of the Great Bear Rainforest.


Coral scandal

Greenpeace crew from the Rainbow Warrior captured images of endangered black and red corals being hauled aboard a New Zealand bottom trawler in international waters in the Tasman sea. The images provide yet more evidence of the massive damage bottom trawling does to the sea floor. Greenpeace is calling for a UN moratorium on bottom trawling in international waters.

Find out more about the coral scandal

Visit the Deep Sea web log

Take action! Write to the Seafood Industry Council

Follow the rainbow

July 10, 2005 marks the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior. We've set up a website where you can read the story of how French secret agents placed two mines on the hull of the ship below the waterline, killing Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira. Their aim was to foil Greenpeace's campaign against nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific: they failed utterly. Their actions galvanized resistance to the testing programme in the Pacific, and the government was forced to pay damages which allowed us to build a second Rainbow Warrior -- which still sails to this day. The Rainbow Warrior's original mission to oppose nuclear weapons continues as well, and you can be a part of it. Follow the Rainbow.

Visit the Rainbow Warrior website

Take action! Take action against nuclear weapons

Iceland: Stop Whaling

Tell Iceland to stop whaling

The Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise is on its way to Iceland and should arrive soon. Thanks to your support, we've made major advances in the campaign against Icelandic whaling, including forcing a sharp cut to Iceland's so-called "scientific" whaling program. But we still need your help. Please send a letter to the Prime Minister of Iceland. You can also show the Icelandic government that whales are worth more alive than dead and join the more than 65 thousand people who have pledged to seriously consider visiting Iceland if Iceland stops whaling.

Take action! Write the Icelandic prime minister

Take action! Take the pledge

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeldt, Rice, Gonzales must go



Germans Gave CIA Data on 911 Hijackers 18 Months Before Attack


US Blocks Probe of Uzbekistan Slaughter


USA Patriot Act: The Broad Brush Debate

by Patricia Goldsmith

Remember, in those first fragile days and weeks after September 11, 2001, when we told each other again and again that we had to go on with life as usual -- or else they win? We were afraid to go back into the city and face all the flyers on the walls, the National Guardsman in Penn Station; no one wanted to get caught on the subway; some people couldn’t get on an airplane. But we got through it. We may have developed a few quirks, like keeping the gas tank full and always having plenty of duct tape around, but for the most part we’ve gone back to normal life. Or have we? I believe that on the most fundamental level, we have not gone on as usual. With very little public debate of any kind, and with virtually no informed debate, we have abandoned many of our most cherished democratic principles. In the truest sense, and to our increasing national grief, they have won...


Autism + Vaccines = Tax Dollars

by Evelyn J. Pringle

We are on the verge of a welfare disaster in this country. Eighty percent of autistic children are under the age of 17. In a few short years, the states are going to be forced to provide support for an overwhelming number of disabled autistic adults. “The costs will be in the trillions,” according to Ann Dachel. Ann should know. She is a special education teacher, a member of the National Autism Association, and the mother of a boy with autism and a daughter who developed epilepsy after receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that for many years was added to childhood vaccines to boost drug company profits. In the 1990s the CDC added more and more Thimerosal-containing vaccines to the mandatory vaccine schedule without adding up the cumulative amounts of mercury that children were receiving from the vaccines. Finally, in 1999, after watching the dramatic autism and other neurological disorders, officials at the CDC and FDA realized that a fully vaccinated infant was receiving up to 125 times what the EPA considered safe for mercury exposure. Because half the officials involved were on payrolls of the drug companies they were charged to regulate, they have never ordered the pharmaceutical industry to stop using Thimerosal. In fact, the product is still used in some vaccines. Last year's flu vaccine had a mercury content eight times the EPA safe limit and it was recommended for six-month-old babies and pregnant women...


Unionbusted: What's happened to more than 10,000 men and women this year alone?

Watch this movie to find out:

by American Rights At Work

Source: http://www.tompaine.com/pass/

Nearsighted Ethics

by Rick Cohen, TomPaine.com

Conservatives protesting government oversight might want to distance themselves from the likes of DeLay and Abramoff.


Spanking The Chairman

by Paul Waldman, TomPaine.com

Why is it that when a Democrat begins to get tough, other Democrats head for the cameras to assure everyone that he doesn't speak for them?


Fear As Foreign Policy

by John Brown, TomPaine.com

Confused by the mixed messages on Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo? That's exactly what the Bush administration wants.


Iraq war decision was secret and undemocratic



US and UK plotted to invade Iraq regardless of the excuse



US regime refuses to solve Guantanamo Bay problem


America secretly holding innocent children at Guantanamo Bay


Saddam trial pictures show illegal interrogation


America has made Iraq a terrible place




Informant: Tom Kennedy


Bush for Life: GOP introduces new bill to Congress

Republicans have officially started the the campaign to amend the Constitution by repealing the 22nd Amendment - the one that confines the President to two terms. If the Republicans hold their current strength, or increase it, in the 2006 Congressional elections, expect this measure to pass allowing Bush() to remain President...

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution. (Introduced in House) thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.J.RES.24.IH: (Notice this is on the Library of Congress server, where the current Congressional record is maintained)

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution. (Introduced in House)

HJ 24 IH
1st Session

H. J. RES. 24
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.


February 17, 2005

Mr. HOYER (for himself, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. SABO, and Mr. PALLONE) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:

`Article --

`The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed.'.

©2005 SoftCom Technology Consulting Inc.

Informant: billder



Tales from an American Gulag

Part 1


You meet the strangest kind of people in jail. For instance, people who occasionally give in to a useless or self-destructive habit, or people who, wittingly or unwittingly, associate with questionable characters. It's not that these people are unusual. Probably every one of your neighbors would fit into one of these categories. What makes these people strange is that they sit in jail. I recently had an opportunity to sit in jail myself, for five and a half months, and learn their stories. ... 'From these men's stories, a common purpose of the government became clear. Every time a victim attempted to assert a right, the government would multiply the penalty'...


from Strike the Root, by Athony Hargis

Part 2


We may wonder why the government would use a half, or a full million dollars to put someone like Michael, or Danny, or Nguyen in jail. It is the usual religious racket armed with secular power. When a government or tyrant becomes oppressive, it is supposed to be some god's chastisement of the people for not being sufficiently obedient. Their remedy lies in enduring the oppression, paying additional sacrifices (taxes), and devoting themselves to a more rigorous slavery. All this must be done with visible, sincere gratitude and respect for god's instrument of chastisement: the oppressive government or tyrant -- one that reasonable men would openly detest, and describe not as a god, but as a demon in human form. If the submission or payment is done with any sign of resentment, it all counts for nothing. It must then be done again, and with a greater payment of taxes and submission...


from Strike the Root, by Anthony Hargis

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Soldiers died for a lie


What has become known as the Downing Street Memo is a report on a meeting between Rycroft and the White House in July 2002 -- a good seven months before Bush invaded Iraq. The memo says Bush had already decided to attack. It also says Bush knew there were no WMDs in Iraq, but that 'the facts were being fixed around the policy.' This, my fellow Americans, is the hottest news out there in the big, old rest of the world. The story, which has been reported prominently in The Times of London since May 1, has gotten more hits on the Internet than any other in the newspaper's history. All the world -- except America - is buzzing about the fact that George Bush created the WMD threat to justify his war in Iraq. But here in America, where news is increasingly controlled by the White House, this story has barely made the back pages. Still not a word about it on CNN. And it's only in the past couple of weeks that the Washington Post has started writing about it...


from Times Herald-Record, by Beth Quinn

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Wait, Howard Dean wasn't wrong


Why are the Democrats such weenies? Howard Dean makes the unremarkable statement that the GOP is the party of white Christians, and other Democrats run and flee and say, 'Oh no, oh no!' And a Republican yahoo accuses Dean of 'political hate speech.' Neither 'white' nor 'Christian' is an epithet. A glance at the videotape from last year's Republican convention indicates that both characterizations are entirely fair. And yet some Democrats think Dean is being too confrontational. We should be nice to the lying liars or people will think we're, gasp, partisan. 'Partisan' is a good thing; it's what the Founding Fathers had in mind. The problem comes when one party stays very partisan and the other party starts modifying and mollifying and trying to find some mythical friendly center. I loved Mister Rogers, but I never thought he'd make a good chairman of the Democratic Party...


from San Francisco Chronicle, by Jon Carroll

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Can patriots survive the Patriot Act?


Like everyone else I will be celebrating the Fourth of July as the birthday of our great nation, but I will be doing so with a nagging sense of foreboding about how much longer it will still be a nation that protect the rights set forth in the Constitution. It is an aspect of politics, liberal or conservative, that those who believe in America's historic role come together when the Constitution is threatened. ... It is the worst kind of foolishness to think that the federal government is going to nobly enforce the USA Patriot Act without yielding to the temptations of its authoritarian powers. This piece of legislation needs to be significantly reformed to insure judicial oversight remains an essential element of investigate actions and law enforcement...


from Federal Observer, by Alan Caruba

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A makeover to disguise ugly US policy


After defeating al Qaeda, at least in their own minds, top officials of the Bush administration are now contemplating a war against 'violent extremism.' (I call it the WAVE.) Apparently, the already grandiose 'Global War on Terrorism' -- in bureaucratic jargon, the GWOT -- just wasn't extravagant enough for an administration that thinks really big. Although administration officials implicitly acknowledge the spreading conflagration of global Islamic jihad, they are oblivious to their own culpability in causing it. The real problem is that the administration, in permanent campaign mode even after reelection, has always regarded the GWOT as a political marketing gimmick, both at home and abroad...


from Independent Institute, by Ivan Eland

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

You and what army?


Any remaining doubts about whether our current foreign policies are sustainable were demolished by the news that the Army has missed its recruiting goals for the fourth straight month. The Marine Corps has missed its goals for four out of the past five months. The National Guard and Army Reserve have been struggling with retention and recruiting problems for over a year. If the Bush administration and Congress do not fundamentally rethink their attitude toward the use of force abroad, then they will wreck the finest military in the history of mankind...


from The American Spectator, by Christopher Preble

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq: US troops, contractors increasingly at odds


In a late May incident, 16 US military contractors, all former US military personnel, were detained for three days by US Marines in Fallujah, Iraq. The military contractors say they were abused and humiliated by the US troops, a charge which the US military has said is 'categorically untrue.' 'I never in my career have treated anybody so inhumane,' one of the contractors, Rick Blanchard, a former Florida state trooper, wrote in an email quoted in the Los Angeles Times. 'They treated us like insurgents, roughed us up, took photos, hazed [bullied] us, called us names.' The Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday the incident has not only underlined the problems that exist between military and civilian contractors in Iraq, but has also once again called into question the way the US military treats suspects and detainees...


from Christian Science Monitor

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Playing God with Life

Show #446

Listen Now (Click on for MP3 download)

Guests: Jack Kloppenburg, Professor of Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin

Subject: First there was the seed. Then science gave us the ability to take genes from one species and combine them with a second to create an entirely new species. And so we ask, "Who among is smart enough to play God with life?"

Topics include how the management of seeds allowed for the development of economy; how biotechnology's ability to create new species from old ones has changed agriculture; and a discussion of who among us is smart enough to decide which species to create.

Informant: Friends

No Cheney News


From Communism to Terrorism


Enabling Evil


Obedience and Subservience


A Walk On the Dark Side


Ending Tyranny Without Violence


Rechtsanwälte informieren zum Stand der Strafanzeige gegen US-Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld


Kampagne "Gendreck weg": Gentechnik-Gegner planen "Freiwillige Feldbefreiung"

Weitergeleitet durch DNR Redaktionsbüro ++ Bitte ggf. weiterleiten ++Info- Service mit eigener Themenauswahl: http://www.dnr.de/infoservice

----- Original Message -----
From: <aktion@gendreck-weg.de>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: Aktion Gendreck-weg am 31.7.2005

Gentechnik-Gegner planen "Freiwillige Feldbefreiung"
Kampagne "Gendreck weg!" startet Zivilen Ungehorsam gegen Agro-Gentechnik

Die Gegner des Anbaus gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen in der Bundesrepublik machen mobil. Mit einer Kampagne des Zivilen Ungehorsams soll der politische Druck gegen die Agro-Gentechnik verstärkt werden. Derzeit kursiert im Internet unter dem Motto "Gendreck weg" die Beschreibung einer Aktion "Freiwillige Feldbefreiung". Mit der Unterzeichnung einer Absichtserklärung bekennen dort viele Menschen öffentlich, dass sie sich daran beteiligen werden, "Felder von genmanipulierten Pflanzen zu befreien."

"Obwohl die Verbraucher keine gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen in ihren Lebensmitteln und in der Natur haben wollen, lässt die EU den Anbau in Europa zu. In diesem Jahr werden erstmals kommerziell genutzte Genfelder angepflanzt. Damit versucht die Gentechnikindustrie, unumkehrbare Fakten zu schaffen. Die Gefahr der unkontrollierten Ausbreitung durch Pollenflug ist groß", so der Imkermeister Jürgen Binder, Sprecher der Kampagne "Gendreck weg" und einer der Erstunterzeichner der Absichtserklärung. "Deshalb wollen wir nun die Sache selbst in die Hand nehmen. Es geht uns dabei um das Prinzip der Gefahrenabwehr. Bürgerinnen und Bürger übernehmen da Verantwortung, wo sich der Staat nicht mehr traut gegen die Interessen der Agrokonzerne zu handeln."

Vorbild der "Feldbefreier" sind die Aktionen in Frankreich und Indien. Dort haben sich schon tausende am öffentlichen Jäten auf Genfeldern beteiligt.

"Wir wollen mit unserem öffentlich angekündigten und durchgeführten Aktionen zeigen, dass sich die Befürworter einer gesunden Landwirtschaft nicht verstecken müssen", so der Agraringenieur Michael Grolm, ebenfalls Erstunterzeichner der Kampagne."Deshalb haben wir auch beschlossen, die betroffenen Bauern für den durch die symbolische Befreiung vom Gendreck verursachten Ernteausfall zu entschädigen, da es uns nicht um Sachbeschädigung geht, sondern um ein Umdenken in der Ernährung in Richtung Qualität."

Rückfragen und Interviews:

Jürgen Binder, Imkermeister: 0170-185 74 24
Michael Grolm, Dipl. Agraringenieur: 0170-108 71 74

Jürgen Binder
Postfach 41
D-72101 Rottenburg
Tel.: (0049) 7472-442370
Fax.: (0049) 7472-441532
Mobil: (0049) 170-1857424

Infoliste des Archiv Aktiv - Auswertungen und Anregungen für gewaltfreie Bewegungen e.V., Sternschanze 1, 20357 Hamburg

Ray McGovern on the secret UK briefing paper


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Joy for families as mast bid rejected

Norwich Evening News

14 June 2005 12:01

Families have won their battle to have plans for a mobile phone mast near their homes scrapped.

Proposals to put up a 15-metre mast in Colman Road , Norwich , have been thrown out by planning officers.

More than 500 residents signed up to a campaign against the mast, which was planned by mobile phone giant O2.

Roy Blower, who helped orchestrate the campaign, welcomed the planners' decision.

He said: "I'm pleased that the public have galvanised and we have got a result.

"Bearing in mind the amount of opposition there was against this application I'm not surprised at the decision.

"It's good for local families because they did not want the mast here."

Norwich City Council's planning department confirmed the application by O2 had been given delegated refusal, meaning it did not even get to the stage of going before councillors for approval.

The city council was not able to divulge why the plans had been rejected.

Mr Blower said: "Our main objection was over the potential visual impact of the mast.

"It was going to be about 50ft high — which is about double the size of a house.

"The community was angry about this because three years ago we had to fight against a similar mast at a site just 50 yards from the new one and that was rejected.

"It would have been a blot on the landscape and we are trying to improve the environment not make it worse."

The site chosen by O2 was a small-planted area near the Moss Pharmacy in Colman Road .

A spokeswoman for O2 said: "We are very disappointed with the decision because this mast would have formed a key part of our network.

"We still need a cell site in the area and we will be making the decision to look elsewhere."

She said because of increased usage of mobile phones more masts had to be put up to help keep up required coverage.

In December 2002 telecommunications company Hutchinson 3G submitted plans to the city council to put up a 13-metre mast next to the Colman Road Area Housing Office car park.

A petition was raised against the application on the grounds it would have a negative impact of the surroundings, the proposals were thrown out soon after.

The Evening News has long campaigned for no more mobile phone masts to be sited near homes and schools until research proves they are safe.

· Are you trying to stop a mobile phone mast being built near you? Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or e-mail peter.walsh@archant.co.uk

Mast protesters fail in bid to buy site

Southampton Echo 14 06 05

MAKING A POINT: Campaigners outside Hampshire County Council's headquarters (Mr Saunders is on the right). Echo pictures by Stuart Martin.

CAMPAIGNERS hoping to exploit a legal loophole in their fight against a Winchester phone mast have had their plans dashed by Hampshire County Council.

Alan and Anne Saunders, a city councillor, applied to buy the mast site in Byron Avenue and extinguish the highways rights.

That could have scuppered Orange 's five-year struggle to erect the mast.

However, Mr and Mrs Saunders needed county council permission and its Cabinet yesterday blocked their move.

The Saunders, of Chilbolton Avenue , whose garden is next to the site, said after the meeting they would report the council to the ombudsman for mismanagement.

They said their initial application to gain legal rights had gone smoothly and they had paid a £500 deposit.

However, they claimed the county had since dragged its heels over the application and their inquiries had been ignored.

At the specially-convened meeting, Alison Quant, director of environment and head of corporate affairs, urged Cabinet members to make their decision on whether the council should retain the land purely on highways grounds.

Mr Saunders and fellow campaigners Karen Barrett and Michael Etherington, spoke at the meeting.

They argued the land was not used by pedestrians or cyclists as it was part of the verge and there was pavement in front of it. The land had been maintained by residents for nearly 30 years.

Mr Saunders added that should the land come into his possession there would be a legally-binding covenant ensuring that nothing would be built there.

Councillors thought that the foliage was too overgrown and posed a risk to pedestrians and cyclists and the land should remain in council hands so that it could be maintained properly.

Councillors agreed with chief executive Peter Robertson that should the land go to Mr Saunders, the county would have no control over it.

Councillors upheld the recommendation to refuse Mr Saunders' application to extinguish highways rights on the land and to reimburse the fee of £500 already paid.

After the meeting, Mrs Barrett said: "The decision is no surprise, we are used to being dismissed."

Mr Saunders said: "It was ultimately predictable. They had a meeting two weeks ago which pre-empted this decision. It was just a democratic show. We are going to report them all to the ombudsman because of the way they proceeded with this. If there was no media action there would have been no meeting."

Nicht noch mehr Mobilfunkmasten

Bürgerinitiative Gesund leben in Allach informiert

Nicht noch mehr Mobilfunkmasten!

Kundgebung am 23. Juni um 18 Uhr in München-Allach, August-Föppl.-Straße/Ecke Zeiß-Straße


Dr. Martin Runge
Landtagsabgeordneter, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner

Dr. Hans-Christoph Scheiner
Bundesvorsitzender Partei „Aufbruch“

Eine kürzlich ausgewertete ärztliche Erhebungen in Oberfranken bei 356 Personen ergab gesundheitliche Schäden wie Schlafstörungen, Kopfschmerzen, Ohrgeräusche, Sehstörungen u. a. schon ab einer Strahlungsdichte von 10 µW/m², das ist ein Millionstel des erlaubten Werts.

Betroffene berichten

Auch in Allach/Untermenzing gibt es Betroffene, die gesundheitliche Probleme auf Mobilfunkstrahlung zurückführen.

Wir brauchen keine weiteren Mobilfunkmasten:

• Es gibt bereits mehr als 200 Funkanlagen im Stadtteil.

• Man kann überall problemlos mobil telefonieren.

• Die Betreiber haben die viel zitierte „Versorgungspflicht“ aus den Lizenzen längst erfüllt.

Bürgerinitiative „Gesund leben in Allach“
V. i. S. d. P.: Franz Titscher, Gleichweg 7 a, 80999 München, Tel. 089/812 80 90, nähere Informationen unter http://www.franz-titscher.de/mobilfunk
E-Mail: mobilfunk@franz-titscher.de

Campaigners claim wins in war on phone masts

Crewe Guardian 14 06 05

RESIDENTS fighting against the rising number of mobile phone masts in Crewe have received a boost from the borough council.

Planning bosses refused permission for a further two masts in the town, while an application for a third was withdrawn, at a meeting of the development control committee meeting on Tuesday.

Residents have been so concerned about the soaring number of masts being erected they formed an action group last month called Coppenhall Residents Against Masts (CRAM).

Vodafone's plans for an 18-metre mast at Stewart Street sparked a flood of 152 objections on grounds that it would present an eyesore devaluing properties, health risks, and the fact that it was not needed as phone receptions are already good.

Planning chiefs refused the application because of visual impact on the area.

An application by Hutchinson 3G for a 15-metre mast at Newcastle Road in Shavington was objected to on grounds of visual intrusion, health risks and because of its impact on green belt land.

It was refused as it was considered an 'obtrusive feature which would detract from the character, appearance and openness of this green gap location'.

A second application by the same firm, for a 15-metre monopole at Chapel Lane in Coppenahall, met with 85 objections, relating to the invasion of the landscape, health concerns and the fact that there is already a 20-metre mast in the area.

The application was withdrawn, but had been facing refusal.

CRAM spokesman Patrick Sutton said he was delighted with the stance the council had taken on the applications.

He added: "I am very pleased that the council have taken this view and delighted that all the hard work that people have put in has finally paid off.

"I think if they do apply here again they will meet some stiff opposition."

Rekrutierungsparty von P&C gestört

Von: http://www.offensive-gegen-die-pelzindustrie.de
Gesendet: Sa 11.06.2005 14:21
Betreff: Rekrutierungsparty von P&C gestört

Potenzieller Nachwuchs von Peek&Cloppenburg wurde vor den Konzern- Bossen über das skrupellose Unternehmen informiert. Kurzfristig hatten wir erfahren, dass Peek und Cloppenburg am Freitag Abend (10.06.05) in den Kölner Rheinterassen zur einer Yuppie-Party zur Rekrutierung möglicher Nachwuchsangstellter geladen hatte. Da wollten wir natürlich mitfeiern. So machten sich vier AktivistInnen der Offensive gegen die Pelzindustrie auf den Weg. Die Eingänge zu der geschlossenen Veranstaltung wurden von Securities bewacht. P&C rechnete offenbar mit uneingeladenen Gästen. Deshalb entschieden wir uns, auf einem Weg etwa drei Meter unterhalb eines großen Balkons zu demonstrieren, auf dem einige P&C-Bosse gerade mit ihren Gästen ein paar Flaschen Champagner austranken.

Kurzerhand wurden unser Megafon mit neuen Batterien geladen und ein Transparent mit der Aufschrift "Köln - pelzfrei Stadt" ausgepackt. Mit Hilfe des Megafons wiesen wir nun alle Gäste, die bei P&C Karriere machen wollen, darauf hin, dass P&C einer der größten Pelzhändler Deutschlands ist. Wir erklärten, welcheTiere auf bestialische Weise für P&C umgebracht werden. Außerdem machten wir klar, dass jeder der für P&C arbeitet und zu dem Unrecht schweigt, mitschuldig am zigtausendfachen Tiermord ist. Statt einen Jobbei P&C anzunehmen, sollte das Unternehmen boykottiert werden.

Erwartet hatten wir, dass die Partygäste schleunigst den Balkon verlassen und sich im Haus verbarrikadieren würden. Das Gegenteil war der Fall. Innerhalb von Sekunden füllte sich der Balkon und alle wollten hören, was wir zu sagen hatten. Mehre Leute quittierten die Aktion mit Applaus und Bravo-Rufen. Welch eine peinliche Situation für die P&C-Manager. Gerne wüssten wir, mit welchen faulen Ausreden sie anschließend versucht haben, ihre Gäste vom "ethisch verantwortungsvollen" Konzern zu überzeugen.

Nach ca. fünf Minuten wurde die Aktion von hektisch herbeistürmenden und vor Aufregung hechelnden Securities unterbrochen. Unprofessionell waren sie nicht mal in der Lage, die Demonstranten von normalen Passanten am Rheinufer zu unterscheiden. Besonders einer der Türsteher tat sich hervor, in dem er willkürlich Leute herumschubste. Zwei Aktivisten erhielten ein Hausverbot. Was soll's, wir hatten eh gerade vor, die Party zu verlassen. Das taten wir nicht, ohne dem Aggro-Aufpasser noch zu raten, seinen Fleischkonsum einzustellen, um dadurch vielleicht seine Gewaltausbrüche in den Griff zu bekommen.

Etwa zehn Minuten später als die P&C-Veranstalter wohl gerade die ersten verkrampften Witzchen über die Demonstration und den Pelzhandel zum besten gaben, entrollten die beiden verbliebenen Aktivisten erneut das Transparent und erinnerten die Leute auf dem Balkon noch einmal lautstark daran, dass sie das eben Gesagte nicht gleich wieder vergessen sollten. Wutentbrannt und Fäuste schwingend sprangen die Securities erneut über Stock, Stein und Absperrgitter. Doch als diese abscheuchlichen Machos bemerkten, dass es sich bei der Rufenden um eine Frau handelte, die auch noch weder wegrannte noch in Kampfstellung ging,sondern sie mit einem freundlichen "Hallo, ihr schon wieder"begrüßte, blieben sie perplex stehen und erwiderten den Gruß mit einem schüchternen Hallo. Als die Aktivistin dann auch noch bestätigte, dass sie keine Ahnung hätte, wo sich das Transparent befinde, kratzten sich die Securities am Kopf, während die Aktivisten gemütlich nach Hause bzw. zu einer viel netteren Party auf dem Bauwagenplatz an der Krefelder Str. gingen.

Vielleicht keine Mega-Aktion, die einen so langen Bericht rechtfertigt, aber jede Aktion gegen P&C ist wichtig, auch wenn sie noch so klein und kurz ist. Ihr braucht keine 100 Leute, um aktiv zu werden. P&C ist überall.

Infoliste des Archiv Aktiv - Auswertungen und Anregungen für gewaltfreie Bewegungen e.V., Sternschanze 1, 20357 Hamburg info@archiv-aktiv.de

Losing the War of Opinion

The Bush administration risks having more Americans ask, "What are we doing in Iraq and Afghanistan?" than, "How are we doing in Iraq and Afghanistan?" That dangerous transition point could be glimpsed in this month's Post-ABC News survey, when 52 percent of those polled said that the war in Iraq was not contributing to American security and 49 percent said they disapproved of President Bush's handling of the global war on terrorism.


'Good and honest' Iraqis fighting US forces

A senior US military chief has admitted "good, honest" Iraqis are fighting American forces. Major General Joseph Taluto said he could understand why some ordinary people would take up arms against the US military because "they're offended by our presence". In an interview with Gulf News, he said: "If a good, honest person feels having all these Humvees driving on the road, having us moving people out of the way, having us patrol the streets, having car bombs going off, you can understand how they could [want to fight us]."


Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

"They're firing at us!" Capt. K.C. Hughes screams in his sleep. His body thrashing, his arms flailing, he points and barks orders, grinding his teeth, flipping from one side of the bed to the other.


Unterschriften zum Freiburger Appell

Frau Dr. Birgit Stöcker Herzog-Arnulf-Str. 43 in D 85604 Zorneding / München plant die Übergabe der Unterschriften zum Freiburger Appell im Rahmen einer Aktion an die WHO. Sie bittet deshalb Alle, die noch irgendwelche Unterschriften zu Hause haben, und zwar im In- und Ausland, sie ihr an die oben angegebene Adresse umgehend zu senden. Frau Dr. Stöcker ist Vorsitzende des Bündniss PI (politischer Arbeitskreis von patienteninitiativen Umwelterkrankter), sowie Mitglied des Vorstandes des Bundesverbandes Elektrosmog.

Aus: SAFER WORLD newsletter/d - 86 - 14.06.2005


Bzgl. des Appells liegen mir die folgenden Zahlen vor:

36.990 Unterschriften aus dem In- und Ausland, davon mehr als 1.000 Ärzte. Diese Zahl stammt von Fr. Stöcker, die die Unterschriftenlisten der WHO übergeben hat.

Erik Petersen
Fedelhören 88
28203 Bremen
tel 0421/498 42 51
fax 0421/498 42 52

Mobilfunk-Gegner machen mobil


Israeli experts committe on power lines


Downing Street Directive


Informant: Charles Bremer




Informant: Anna Webb

Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs - Berlin: Bericht vom Spaziergang No° 10

Am 31.5.2005

Schröderisierung oder: Die Zukunft der Sozialdemokratie


Der Rücktritt von Oskar Lafontaine
Ende von Bad Godesberg
Von Peter Schwarz, 16. März 1999

Lafontaines Rücktritt
Wer regiert in Deutschland?
Wie die Wirtschaftsverbände die Regierung auf ihren Kurs bringen
Von Ulrich Rippert, 22. März 1999

Die Menschen leisten massiven Widerstand gegen den unverantwortlichen Atommülltourismus

3000 Menschen in Ahaus!/Ahauser Erklärung im Anhang

Bitte weiterverbreiten. Danke.

Bürgerinitiative „Kein Atommüll in Ahaus“

Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen

Widerstand gegen Atomanlagen (WIGA) Münster

Menschen gegen Atomanlagen (MEGA) Waltrop

Anti-Atom-Forum Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Pressemitteilung 07, 6.00 Uhr

Ahaus, 15. Juni 2005

Castor-Transport fährt ohne Licht über schmalen Feldweg !
- Mehrere Hundert Menschen blockieren Atommüll-Lager Ahaus
- 3000 Menschen demonstrierten gestern Abend in Ahaus

Mit Wut und Empörung reagierten mehrere Hundert Atomkraftgegner in Ahaus auf die äußerst leichtsinnige Entscheidung der Polizei, den Castor-Transport im Dunkeln ohne Licht über einen schmalen Feldweg fahren zu lassen. Der Feldweg führt ohne Randstreifen zum behelfsmäßigen Hintereingang des Atommüll-Lagers Ahaus. Dieses völlig unnötige Risiko hätte leicht in einem schweren Unfall enden können, wenn einer der Castor-LKWs in den Feldgraben gerutscht wäre.

Nach Angaben der Polizei waren die Proteste vor dem Zwischenlager so groß, dass man lieber diese ungenehmigte Ausweichroute fuhr.

Die Anti-Atomkraft-Initiativen werten die Proteste der letzten zwei Wochen als vollen Erfolg. Sowohl in Dresden wie auch an vielen Orten in Thüringen und Hessen protestierten Menschen gegen die Castor-Konvois. In Ahaus steigerte sich der Protest von Woche zu Woche deutlich. Waren beim letzten Sonntagsspaziergang vor dem ersten Castor-Konvoi nur 200 Menschen auf der Straße, so demonstrierten gestern Abend rund 3000 Atomkraftgegner in Ahaus. BI-Sprecher Felix Ruwe: „Wir sind sehr überrascht, wie viele Menschen auf der Straße waren. Das politische Zeichen der Proteste lautet: Es darf keinen weiteren Atommülltransport nach Ahaus geben. Und das darf keine Urantransporte durch Ahaus nach Gronau geben. Die Menschen leisten massiven Widerstand gegen diesen unverantwortlichen Atommülltourismus. Gleichzeitig wurde deutlich, dass die Menschen in Ahaus und dem Münsterland den sofortigen Atomausstieg wollen. Das ermutigt uns für den weiteren Widerstand.“

Anti-Atom-Widerstand im Münsterland mit neuer Dynamik

Besonders beeindruckend waren für uns zwei Dinge: Zum einen haben die sächsischen Anti-Atom-Initiativen entschieden gegen die Abfahrt der Castoren aus Dresden protestiert. Es war von Anfang an klar, dass die Anti-Atom-Bewegung gegen jede Art von Atommülltourismus protestiert, denn jeder Atomtransport ist einer zuviel.

Zum anderen war die soziale Zusammensetzung der Atomkraftgegner in Ahaus sehr breit gestreut. Von Schülern über Studierende bis zu Rentern; von Landwirten über die Katholischen Frauen Deutschlands bis zu vielen Menschen, die zum ersten Mal auf einer Demonstration waren – der Widerstand in Ahaus und dem Münsterland ist breit in der Gesellschaft verankert und hat eine spürbare positive Dynamik erhalten.

Tief enttäuscht sind wir von führenden Politikern aller Parteien. Die Landesregierungen und die Bundesregierung sind einem Dialog mit der Bevölkerung von Anfang an aus dem Weg gegangen. Stattdessen wurden Sicherheitsanfragen nicht beantwortet, Gesprächsangebote ausgeschlagen oder zynische Kommentare verfasst. Dieses Fehlverhalten ist für eine demokratische Gesellschaft nicht hinnehmbar.

Anti-Atom-Initiativen rufen zu neuen Protesten auf

Die Anti-Atomkraft-Initiativen werden ihre Proteste im Münsterland entschieden fortsetzen. Gestern veröffentlichten sie eine „Ahauser Erklärung“, in der sie unter anderem einen kompletten Einlagerungsstopp für Ahaus und die sofortige Stilllegung der benachbarten Urananreicherungsanlage Gronau verlangen. Bereits am ersten Tag wurden deutlich mehr als 1000 Unterschriften gesammelt. Die Ahauser Erklärung hängt im Anhang bei.

Am nächsten Sonntag, 19. Juni, 14 Uhr rufen die Initiativen zu einem Sonntagsspaziergang am Zwischenlager in Ahaus auf. Mit der Demonstration wollen wir allen Menschen die Gelegenheit geben, ihrem Protest gegen die Atommülltransporte und gegen die unverantwortlichen Polizeitricks Ausdruck zu verleihen.

Am Ende möchten wir den Tausenden von Menschen in Ahaus, im Münsterland, aus den Niederlanden, an der Transportstrecke und in Dresden danken, die in den letzten Wochen und Monaten auf die Straße gegangen sind. Die Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung geht klar gestärkt aus den Protesten hervor.

Ahaus: Felix Ruwe (0171/7937926); Matthias Eickhoff (0176/21689429)
Kamen: Wolfgang Porrmann (0172/2066019)
Bad Oeynhausen: Anja Gärtner (0173/7122478)

Ahauser Erklärung


Mit enorm hohem Polizeiaufwand wurden gegen den Willen und unter dem Protest mehrerer Tausend Menschen im Münsterland und anderswo 18 Castor-Behälter von Dresden nach Ahaus gebracht. Dort soll der hochradioaktive Atommüll rund 30 Jahre lagern. Doch eine sichere Entsorgung des Atommülls ist weder in Ahaus noch anderswo möglich.

In Zukunft soll noch viel mehr Atommüll nach Ahaus kommen. Jeder weitere Transport führt dazu, dass Ahaus eines Tages doch zu einem Endlager werden könnte. Das lehnen wir kategorisch ab. Wir werden uns jedem neuen Atomtransport entschieden entgegenstellen. Das Münsterland und die angrenzenden Regionen dürfen nicht zu einer zentralen Atomregion werden. Die Urananreicherungsanlagen in Gronau und in Almelo dienen nur der Versorgung neuer Atomkraftwerke und die Urantransporte durchqueren die gesamte Region. Die Urananreicherungsanlagen sollen sogar massiv ausgebaut werden.

Das Atomkraftwerk Lingen II soll bis mindestens 2020 weiterlaufen. Ein neues Tschernobyl ist daher auch in unserer Region jederzeit möglich. In unserer Region ist der notwendige Atomausstieg in weiter Ferne. Deshalb werden wir weiter gegen die menschenverachtende Nutzung der Atomenergie demonstrieren, um politischen Druck auszuüben.

Wir fordern:

- Kompletter und sofortiger Einlagerungsstopp für das Atommüll-Lager Ahaus !

- Sofortige Stilllegung der Urananreicherungsanlagen in Gronau und Almelo !

- Sofortiger Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie !

- Verstärkte Förderung von regenerativen Energien !

Name Anschrift Unterschrift









E-Mail-Verkehr - Kollegen sollen Kollegen überwachen


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Lauschangriff - Das Handy als Spionagewerkzeug


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Taschengeldfalle "Handy"


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Verantwortlich für Gesundheitsfragen sind die Gemeinden


Wie sich unsere Landesväter aus der Verantwortung stehlen


Ein verzweifelter Landwirt schreibt


Rätselhaftes Rindersterben auf dem Stengel-Hof in Donau-Ries

Bilddokumentation eines betroffenen Landwirts


Eigentümliche Bewilligungs-Praxis für Mobilfunkanlagen


Jetzt kommt Oxytocin - Ein Medikament das Vertrauen schafft


Why Not Encourage Your MP to Join the Parliamentary All Party Mobile Group and Support anti-Mast Early Day Motion(s) and Parliamentary Bill(s)

Just thought I would forward this below from my MP Roger Berry who has agreed to sign the EDM etc. I have been hassling him for ages on this issue and always felt he was a bit reluctant so this is good news. He is a good friend of Ian Gibson MP (a big anti mast campaigner etc) so I have been regularly pushing this link.

John Elliott


Yes, to all of these! I've signed the EDM and contacted the group.

Best wishes


Roger Berry
MP for Kingswood

-----Original Message-----
From: Mastsanity.org
Sent: 31 May 2005 11:38
Subject: Why Not Encourage Your MP to Join the Parliamentary All Party Mobile Group and Support anti-Mast Early Day Motion(s) and Parliamentary Bill(s)

Dear All,

We are encouraging our MP (Humphrey Malins, Conservative, Woking) to become more active in the Mast debate at Westminster, by asking him to do the following. Why not send a letter to your MP, to ask that he/she does the same:-

· Can you please join the All Party Parliamentary Group on Mobile Communications, a Parliamentary group set up to encourage debate on a range of mobile issues, bringing together relevant stakeholders including consumers, industry, Parliamentarians and pressure groups. ( http://www.apmobile.org.uk )

· Can you please support the Parliamentary Bills, such as the recent/current one by Andrew Stunel MP, Liberal Democrat, Hazel Grove, "Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill", which will tighten planning controls on the siting of mobile masts. This has similar content to the 2004 Bill put forward by Richard Spring MP, Conservative, West Suffolk. Please also actively encourage support for this bill and similar future bills in Parliament.

· Can you please support the Early Day Motions against masts and help engage ‘masts and their health risks & suppressed research’ as urgent topics for discussions and parliamentary action. Currently there is EDM 67, MOBILE PHONE MASTS, 17.05.2005 by Caroline Spelman, Conservative, MP for Meriden and Shadow Secretary of State for Local Government Affairs and Communities ( http://www.carolinespelman.com ):-

"That this House notes that industry sources have recently indicated that 3G technology will require a substantial increase in the number of mobile phone masts, with as many as four times the present number, suggesting up to 200 more masts in every constituency; believes that the current planning process in England is inadequate, failing to consider local, environmental and safety concerns; observes that the Government is reviewing planning regulations for masts and that tougher protection is already in place in Scotland and Northern Ireland; and calls on the Government to introduce full planning permission for all masts, including Network Rail and TETRA masts, and to allow health concerns to be taken into account near homes, schools and hospitals."

Please also actively encourage support for this Early Day Motion and similar Early Day Motions in Parliament.


Harelands Against the Masts ( http://www.nomasts.org.uk )

Is Wi-Fi dangerous?

From Abdullah:


Is using wireless WiFi for internet connections dangerous? We have the base station transmitter on nearly all the time in our house, so that we can use wireless internet in the house. Any thoughts about this?

Have any studies been conducted about this?

Also, I live quite near to a tall building which has several mobile phone masts on it. Will that be dangerous? I know studies have been done about mobile phone 'base stations', but does a mobile phone mast qualify as a base station, or is it referring to something different?

The actual masts look like this:

There are quite a few of them on the top of the building, and the building is, roughly, 200 metres away, as the crow flies.

Thanks for your help.



I am VERY surprised about your mail and your lack of knowledge about the danger what represents the exposition to microwave radiation (from 800-2,40 MHz). I am telling this to you not for saying "your are a silly" no, no! I am telling this because I can´t stand the desinformation campain of the mobile-corporations, and even goverments, that lead to people to doubt about this danger.


The "only" question is: Who made the law? People? Or politicians with the help of mobile-corporations? DO YOU KNOW ANY POLITICIAN WHO IS BOTH BIOLOGYST AND PHYSICIAN? And who has a PHD in microwaves and health? I am afraid that you don't. We don't know any, of course.

So I highly recommend you READ all you can, join in a association against the antennas and try to minimize the radiation from your nearest antennas (if is possible - which is ALLWAYS possible -).

I send you a link about the use of mobile phones and brain tumors.

Its proved and well known that at ANIMALS (there is no doubt) cancer, and other illness appear.

But animals dont pay and dont buy mobile phones...so they dont worry.

Please: READ. Its the better way to learn.

And dont wait to find the article which says: "mobile phone = cancer" ITS IMPOSSIBLE to prove that (even in tobacco!!). Association between cancer and any cause is ALLWAYS statistical association. Which is: "if you use 2 hours a day a mobile phone during 20 years you have 40% more probability of developing a cancer at your brain"...or so.

Omega there is no uncertainty about the unsafety of such equipment. See under:
http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html and
"Cancer Cluster" http://omega.twoday.net/stories/663825/

Good luck.


P.S.: Maybe fire is a "temporal" solution to your problem.


School sued for installing a wireless computer network

Health statement about Dr Miguel Muntané and his family


28 junio 2003



Mobile masts safe as houses - report


Editor: Christina Verdiani

There is no health risk from radiation from mobile transmitters, according to a recently released review by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The review concludes that the strength of radio waves from the mobile network in Denmark is below the international limits recommended by ICNIRP. The review also concludes that there is no reason to believe that there should be a link between sources of radio waves and the development of cancer.

The findings of the review are based on a number of analyses made in countries such as UK and Sweden, as their mobile networks are the same as to the one in Denmark.

Comment thereto by Dr Miguel Muntané:





1. There is no health risk from radiation from mobile transmitters, according to a recently released review.........

2. The review concludes that the strength of radio waves from the mobile network in Denmark is below the international limits recommended by ICNIRP.

3. Their mobile networks are the same as to.........






Effect of prolonged RF exposure to human body

Mar 13 2004, 3:51 pm

Howard Eisenhauer wrote in message

60 Minutes aside, for anyone interested in what the various research results from investigations into RF fields & their effects on lab rats (& people) actually are have a look here:


Take the hour to read thru it & make up your own minds.


Informant: John Michael Williams

Sender im Stadtkern: Die UMTS-Technologie unterläuft das Vorhaben, die Sendemasten aus der Stadt zu bekommen

11.06.2005 05:01

Ein Sender im Stadtkern

Mobilfunkbeirat verhandelt mit Betreibern über Sender-Standorte

Was der Mobilfunkbeirat bereits im April befürchtete, hat sich nach der jüngsten Sitzung des Gremiums bestätigt: Die neue UMTS-Technologie unterläuft das Vorhaben, die Sendemasten aus der Stadt zu bekommen.



Villingen-Schwenningen (ms) Auch wenn ein UMTS-Standort in der Villinger Innenstadt bleiben soll, wie die Betreiber fordern, wenn dafür die Sendetechnik für Mobilfunk auf die beiden Standorte Hubenloch und Güterbahnhofstraße konzentriert werde, bedeute das unterm Strich eine Verbesserung der Strahlenbelastung in der Villinger Innenstadt. Dies hätten neuerliche Messungen deutlich ergeben, erklärte Rainer Temme vom Stadtplanungsamt. Denn damit würden drei GSM und ein UMTS-Standort in der Innenstadt aufgegeben. Und GSM stelle in ihrer Typik eine wesentlich höhere Belastung dar als UMTS. Der Mobilfunkbeirat diskutierte dieser Tage wieder einmal mit den Betreibern über die Standorte der Funkantennen.

Trotz allem, und das wird immer wieder deutlich in den Gesprächen, geht kein Weg daran vorbei, dass die Entwicklung von UMTS, der neuen dritten Mobilfunkgeneration mit den rasanten Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten, die Planungen, die Villinger Innenstadt von Sendern komplett frei zu halten, überholt hat.

Ansonsten war die "neue Diskussion die alte Diskussion" in der Sitzung des Mobilfunkbeirates, erklärt Temme. Der Beirat arbeite in Rahmenzwängen und habe lediglich die Möglichkeit, Verbesserungsstrategien zu fahren. Dass der Weg der Minimierungstaktik aber nachweislich Erfolge bringe, zeige eine Verbesserung der Belastung, die für die Schwenninger Innenstadt erreicht worden sei. In der Kronenstraße sei durch die Erhöhung eines Sendemastens die Strahlenbelastung deutlich gesenkt worden.

Ein vehementer Kritiker des Mobilfunks, der Villinger Arzt Klaus Dold, sieht in den Ausbauplänen der Betreiber eine deutliche Verdichtung des Netzes und ein gewisses Taktieren.

Die Ansprüche der Mobilfunkbenutzer forderten ihren Tribut, warnt der Mediziner. Doch nach verschiedenen Studien erkennen jetzt immer mehr Ärzte die möglichen Gesundheitsgefahren durch Mobilfunk, weiß Dold. Doch aufgrund der misslichen Gesetzeslage könne der Mobilfunkbeirat nur wählen zwischen einer schlechten und einer noch schlechteren Lage für die Mobilfunktechnik. Als mündiger Konsument sollte man deshalb, wo es gehe, auf schnurlose Kommunikation verzichten, rät der Mediziner rigoros.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Für eine befriedigende Handy-Verbindung im D- oder E-Netz reicht eine Immission von 0,01 µW/m²


Conyers will hold a hearing on the Downing Memo

THINGS ARE COOKING! Conyers will hold a hearing on the Downing Memo THURSDAY! and...

Thanks Debi, for this advisory.


I'm adding to this post the link to the EXPLOSIVE one hour long BBC TV report opn this subject, which has now been seen by people around the world ...except, of course in the land of Liberty & Freedom...the USA....THANKS AMERICAN PRESS!

Link to BBC TV report:

And, to sign Conyers petition:

Plus, in case you don't know what is really at stake here...listen to the following audio clips:


At this time, a president can declare a national emergency for anything he deems it to be so and Congress can't do anything about it for 6 months! - long enough for a president with "evil" intent or covert groups behind the scenes to force the president to, basically, take over the country.

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=38856&f=UGULJV&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=38859&f=QKWDVR&ps=13&p=1 (1 min)



Web site: http://www.the-shadow-government.com/

Book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/092291589X/ctoc/102-6775483-9594524


Illegal GMO Rice Spreads across China


WWF Says Japan Scientific Whaling is a Sham


Native American Compares US Move to Flushing the Koran Down the Toilet



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