
Mobilfunknetz mehr als ausreichend: Bund Naturschutz gegen weiteren Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes



Liebes Redaktionsteam,

es sollte Euch interessieren dass der Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. in Sachen Mobilfunk nun eine eindeutige Position bezieht. Er hat Anfang Mai eine umfangreiche Pressemitteilung herausgegeben nachdem er Ende April in der Landesdelegiertenversammlung verkündigt hatte, dass er sich ab jetzt verstärkt diesem Thema widmen wird.

Freundliche Grüße

Bürgerinitiativen Mobilfunk
in Aschaffenburg
i.V. Elke Fertig

Pressemitteilung des Bundes Naturschutz in Bayern e.V.


Bund Naturschutz gegen weiteren Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes

Mobilfunknetz mehr als ausreichend

Ganz Bayern ist mit Mobilfunksendern erschlossen. Sogar in U-Bahn-Tunnels, im ICE, in Tiefgaragen und anderen abgeschirmten Gebäudeteilen kann man mobil telefonieren.

Obwohl die Bevölkerung schon jetzt teilweise unerträgliche Strahlenbelastungen hinnehmen muss, soll mit dem Ausbau des sog. UMTS-Netzes die Belastung weiter deutlich angehoben werden.

Gesundheitsfolgen unübersehbar

Schon jetzt treten als Folge der Mobilfunkstrahlung vielfältige Gesundheitsprobleme auf: Berichtet werden Befindlichkeitsstörungen wie Schlaflosigkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Tinnitus oder Konzentrationsschwäche. Die Liste reicht bis zu schwerwiegenden Krankheiten wie erhöhtes Krebsrisiko, genetische Veränderungen sowie nachteilige Beeinflussung des Immunsystems und des zentralen Nervensystems. Besonders schwerwiegend sind offenbar die Beeinträchtigungen in der Schlafphase.

Schadensersatzforderung noch schwierig, aber Besserung in Sicht

Viele Untersuchungen sind so grobmaschig gehalten, dass sie statistisch verwertbare Rückschlüsse nicht zulassen. Aber die Zahl der eindeutigen Nachweise steigt ständig.

In einigen Jahren werden die Gerichte dies nicht mehr ignorieren können. Dann werden die Betroffenen erfolgreich Schadensersatz einklagen können, auf die Mobilfunkfirmen wird eine große Prozesslawine zurollen. Da sich die großen Versicherungsunternehmen weigern, das Mobilfunkrisiko abzusichern, riskieren die Mobilfunkfirmen die Insolvenz. Sind die Betreiber der Mobilfunksender nicht mehr greifbar, werden sich die Betroffenen an den Hausbesitzern schadlos halten, die eine Genehmigung für den Betrieb eines solchen Senders auf ihrem Haus erteilt haben.

Strahlenbelastung unnötig stark

Die Strahlenbelastung durch die Mobilfunktechnik ist unnötig hoch. Schon mit Sendeleistungen, die weit unter einem Promille der derzeit erlaubten Werte liegen, könnte das Mobiltelefonieren zuverlässig gewährleistet werden.

Prof. Dr. Heyo Eckel, Präsident der Bundesärztekammer forderte daher schon im August 2000 eine drastische Senkung der Bestrahlungsleistung und erklärte: „Es gibt gewichtige Hinweise auf Schäden durch Mobilfunkstrahlung. Ich halte es für sorglos, wenn man an den bestehenden Grenzwerten festhält. Die zuständigen Behörden werden von uns dringend aufgefordert, sich mit den wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen, und es handelt sich um zahlreiche seriöse Forschungen, das sei deutlich betont, auseinanderzusetzen.“

Bund Naturschutz fordert Reduzierung der Strahlenbelastung

Wer die Auseinandersetzung um die Mobilfunkstrahlung auf die schlichte Aussage „Jeder will ein Handy, keiner will eine Antenne“ zuspitzt, zielt nach Ansicht des Bundes Naturschutz an der tatsächlichen Problemstellung vorbei. Es geht nicht um Alles oder Nichts sondern darum, die Strahlenbelastung so niedrig wie möglich zu halten, ohne den Handyempfang zu beeinträchtigen. Handys funktionieren schon ab 0,005 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter einwandfrei. Bis zum Grenzwert von 9 Mio. Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter (das ist das milliardenfache!) eröffnet sich daher ein gigantischer Spielraum. Die Leistung der Mobilfunkmasten kann also so stark reduziert werden, dass gesundheitliche Auswirkungen nicht mehr zu befürchten sind.

Nach Ansicht des Bundes Naturschutz müssen Sendemasten nicht so stark strahlen, dass sie auch noch die entlegenste Tiefgarage und den bestabgeschirmten Bunker erreichen.

Bewusste und unbewusste Strahlenbelastung

Mobilfunksender auf Hausdächern und Türmen bestrahlen alle Menschen im Umkreis, Tag und Nacht, ob sie nun telefonieren oder nicht. Dieses Gesundheitsrisiko wird unfreiwillig eingegangen.

Hohe Strahlenbelastung geht aber auch vom Handy am Ohr aus (insbesondere beim Einwählen ins Mobilfunknetz). Dies ist ein freiwillig (wenn auch vielfach unwissentlich) eingegangenes Gesundheitsrisiko.

Es gibt aber noch eine lange Reihe anderer gefährlicher Strahlungsquellen, vom schnurlosen Telefon bis zu W-LAN, Bluetooth, schnurloser Computer-Maus, Babyphon, RFID u. a.

Die stärksten Sendeleistungen gehen von einer Basisstation des schnurlosen Telefons nach DECT-Standard und von den Senderkarten eines am sog. W-LAN-Netz hängenden Notebooks aus. Die meist in der Wohnung stehenden Sender funken rund um die Uhr, auch wenn gar nicht telefoniert wird.

Kaum jemand macht sich beim Kauf eines Telefons oder eines Notebooks darüber Gedanken. Auch die meisten Händler oder Hersteller informieren darüber nicht.

Bund Naturschutz unterstützt Volksbegehren

Auf der Landesdelegiertenversammlung am 23.4. in Lindau beschloss daher der Bund Naturschutz, das Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" zu unterstützen. Die Delegierten versprechen sich davon, dass endlich auch in Bayern Mobilfunkplanungen der Öffentlichkeit bekannt gegeben werden und die Kommunen frühzeitig bei der Standortwahl mitsprechen können.

Durch den im Volksbegehren vorgeschlagenen Gesetzestext werden Gesundheitsvorsorge und Landschaftsschutz bei der Standortauswahl wichtig.
Informierte Ärzte werden aktiv.

Juni 2000: Die Salzburger Resolution: Eine internationale Konferenz von Ärzten fordert eine massive Senkung der Grenzwerte.

Oktober 2002: Die Ärzte der IGUMED (Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Umweltmedizin), verfassen den „Freiburger Appell“ und fordern u.a. eine massive Senkung der Grenzwerte, Ausbaustopp des Mobilfunknetzes, Handyverbot für Kinder, Änderung des DECT-Standards etc. (unterschrieben inzwischen von über 3000 Ärzten)

Juni 2004: Bamberger Appell: Über 130 Bamberger Ärzte bekräftigen die Forderungen des Freiburger Appells

Juli 2004: Naila Studie: Fünf Hausärzte aus Naila stellen eine Zunahme von Krebs und früheren Eintritt der Erkrankung in der Nähe einer Mobilfunkantenne fest.

Januar 2005: Helsinki Appell an das Europäische Parlament. Finnische Ärzte und Wissenschaftler fordern – auf Grund der REFLEX-Studie – die Sicherheitsstandards der ICNIRP zu überarbeiten.

Das starke, internationale Engagement der Ärzte und zunehmend genauere Untersuchungen der Mobilfunkfolgen nähren die Hoffnung, dass die weitere Steigerung der Mobilfunk-Strahlenbelastung doch noch abgewehrt werden kann.


Der Bund Naturschutz fordert die Bayerische Staatsregierung auf, die im Baurecht und an anderer Stelle verankerten Sonderrechte für Mobilfunkbetreiber sofort zurückzunehmen.

Der Bund Naturschutz fordert die Bundesregierung auf, die noch immer geltenden Grenzwerte der Bundes-Immissionsschutz-Verordnung drastisch zu reduzieren und den medizinischen Notwendigkeiten anzupassen.

Der Bund Naturschutz fordert die Bevölkerung auf, das Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" intensiv zu unterstützen.

Für Rückfragen: BN Energiereferat Bamberg, Tel. 0951/51 906 09, Fax 0951/51 906 10

gez. Richard Mergner, Landesbeauftragter

gez. Dr. Ludwig Trautmann-Popp, Energiereferent

Email: energie@bund-naturschutz.de


The University of California Berkeley grants Dr. Igancio Chapela his well deserved tenure

In December of 2004, the OCA rallied its supporters in a massive letter writing campaign to the University of California Berkeley. At the time, Dr. Igancio Chapela had been denied his tenure for speaking out on the issue of GE crop contamination. Thanks to everyone who took action, the University has announced it will reverse its prior decision and grant Dr. Chapela his well deserved tenure.


The European Union has, once again, rejected Monsanto's genetically engineered sweet corn

The European Union has, once again, rejected Monsanto's genetically engineered sweet corn. Under pressure from the U.S., the EU lifted its ban on GE foods last year, but has since only approved two GE products for import. The U.S. claims the EU's precautionary stance on GE foods is a violation of free trade agreements.



Responding to the growing number of localities whose citizens are voting to regulate or even ban genetically engineered crops, the biotech industry, led by Monsanto and Syngenta, has brought new legislation to ten states in the U.S. that would remove the rights of communities to have any control of agricultural regulations in their area. On one side of the issue, citizens and farmers in counties that have banned GE crops, like Mendocino, Calif., say they have a right to protect their predominantly organic county from contamination by GE pollen from neighboring crops. On the other side of the issue, the biotech industry is investing tens of millions of dollars to remove these local rights, saying anti-GE citizens and farmers "lack the education to make these kinds of decisions."



The American Diabetic Association (ADA) is suddenly countering decades of scientific studies that have consistently linked diets high in sugar to diabetes. In a May 16 interview, Richard Kahn, the chief scientific and medical officer with the ADA said "What is the evidence that sugar itself has anything to do with diabetes? There is no evidence." Coincidentally, last month, the ADA announced a "three-year, multi-million dollar alliance" with Cadbury Schweppes, which is the third largest producer of soft drinks in the world.





Just this morning we learned that House Rules Committee has permitted Rep. Lynne Woolsey to offer an amendment on Iraq to the Defense Authorization Bill (H.R. 1815 - the National Defense Authorization Act for FY06). Woolsey's Amendment is calling for the President to develop a plan for the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq and submit a plan to the Congressional Defense Committees. According to Woolsey's office, the amendment will be voted on the House floor this evening during debate of the Defense Authorization Bill. If the Woolsey amendment is adopted, it will open the debate about Iraq and how to move towards total Iraqi sovereignty and U.S. withdrawal. It is urgent that you help move this debate forward by calling your representative TODAY and urging him or her to vote "YES" on the Woolsey amendment.

United for Peace and Justice seeks the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the restoration of full Iraqi sovereignty. Our full position on ending the U.S. occupation of Iraq can be found at http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=2406

Thank you for taking action to bring the troops home,



1) To find and CALL your representative TODAY click here:
http://visi.com/juan/congress/ .

2) Please visit UFPJ's new legislative action center to send an email to your representative today. And let your friends know too!

Woolsey's Amendment:


It is the sense of Congress that the President should -

(1) develop a plan as soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act to provide for the withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq; and

(2) transmit to the congressional defense committees a report that contains the plan described in 11 paragraph (1).

http://www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545

Nuclear Power Not Needed to Reduce Global Warming Emissions


Promoting Freedom Or Fueling Conflict?


Selective U.S. Prosecutions in Torture Scandal Underscore International Obligation to Investigate U.S. Officials


Amnesty International Takes Aim at United States in Annual Human Rights Report


Ask CPB Chairman Tomlinson to Stop Playing Politics with Public Broadcasting


Sign the Petition and forward it to everyone you know:

The End of the Line for Bolton

"In these dangerous times, we cannot afford to put at risk our nation's ability to successfully wage and win the war on terror with a controversial and ineffective ambassador to the United Nations." -- Sen. George Voinovich

Please Act Now!

Bolton's nomination is currently being debated, and the vote is scheduled for tomorrow night.

Send a message to your Senators

Tell a friend

With the end of the crisis over judicial nominations, the Senate is finally ready to take up the nomination of John Bolton for Ambassador to the United Nations. If we are ever going to speak up, the time is now.

Please take a moment to send a message to your Senators.

By now, I don't need to remind you why we must oppose this nomination. Bolton's contempt for international agreements of any kind is well known. His specific disdain for the United Nations has been ably documented. His aggressive and undiplomatic interpersonal skills have been exposed. And his role in changing intelligence reports to suit his political views, compounded by his habit of punishing those who disagree with him, has been brought to light as well.

The Senate knows all the reasons they should vote against Bolton. But right now, some of them fear the power of the administration that nominated Bolton more than they think the voters care about this issue. That's why they need to hear from you now.

Sometimes, we become active to try to change the debate. That's why we sponsored a debate at The Ohio State University. Sometimes, we become active to spread the word. That's why we're grateful that so many of you have forwarded these messages to your friends and neighbors.

At times like this, we simply need to stand up and be counted.
http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?key=16728341&url_num=4&url=http://www.2020vision.org/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=532 The Senate needs to know that this is not a "throw away" vote. Senators need to understand that we do care about the United States' role in the world, and that we care about leading the way to a safer world. They need to know that we are paying attention.

The issue is clear. The time is now. Please, join the effort.

Thank you,

Ron Zucker

Jeder zehnte Deutsche von "Hartz IV" betroffen

Internationaler Wettbewerb: Jeder zehnte Deutsche von "Hartz IV" betroffen (25.05.05)

Jeder zehnte Deutsche ist selbst oder durch Angehörige von der Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV" betroffen. Das ergab eine am Mittwoch vorgestellte repräsentative Umfrage der Technischen Universität Ilmenau. 45 Prozent der Betroffenen gaben an, dass sich ihr Leben durch die Reformen stark verändert hat, wie die Hochschule mitteilte.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Nebeneinkünfte": Abgeordnete verweigern offenbar Strafzahlung in VW-Gehaltsaffäre


In der VW-Gehaltsaffäre verweigern die beiden niedersächsischen SPD-Landtagsabgeordneten Hans-Hermann Wendhausen und Ingolf Viereck offenbar die Rückzahlung ihrer Nebeneinkünfte. Ihr Rechtsanwalt Peter Rabe sieht laut einem Bericht der in Oldenburg erscheinenden "Nordwest-Zeitung" viele rechtliche Unklarheiten und rechnet mit guten Chancen für seine Mandanten bei einem Prozess. Landtagspräsident Jürgen Gansäuer (CDU) werde das Geld einklagen müssen. Er soll bereits am Mittwoch eine Erklärung der zahlungsunwilligen Abgeordneten erhalten haben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Beratervertrag": Hat das Duales System Deutschland Wirtschaftsminister Schommer bestochen?


Das Duale System Deutschland (DSD) steht unter dem Verdacht, den sächsischen Ex-Wirtschaftsminister Kajo Schommer (CDU) bezahlt zu haben. Er soll 2002 insgesamt 600.000 Euro als Berater vom Dualen System Deutschland (DSD) erhalten haben, ohne eine Gegenleistung zu erbringen. Nach Angaben von Claus Bogner, Chef der sächsischen Anti-Korruptionseinheit INES, wird gegen den 65-Jährigen wegen Beihilfe zur Untreue ermittelt. Bogner unterstrich am Mittwoch in Dresden, der Vertrag mit dem "Grünen Punkt" sei erst kurze Zeit nach dem Ausscheiden Schommers aus der Regierung im April 2002 zustande gekommen. Die Ermittlungen beziehen sich somit nicht auf seine Zeit als Minister. Schommer wies die Vorwürfe als "absurd" zurück.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Ausgestrahlt": Atomkraftgegner starten Offensive für einen schnellen Atomausstieg


Die bundesweite Anti-Atom-Organisation "X-tausendmal quer" startete am Mittwoch eine "politische Offensive", um im Umfeld der vorgezogenen Bundestagswahlen den Druck in Richtung auf einen schnelleren Atomausstieg zu erhöhen. Die Organisation übt heftige Kritik an beiden parteipolitischen Lagern. Unter dem Motto ".ausgestrahlt - Gemeinsam gegen ein Comeback der Atomenergie" soll eine Neuorganisierung der Atomkraftgegner mit dem Ziel beginnen, in der aufflammenden atompolitischen Debatte einen "Ausstieg" durchzusetzen, "der diesen Namen wirklich verdient". Dabei vertrauen die Initiatoren keinem der parteipolitischen Lager.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Verantwortungslos": Amnesty International kritisiert deutsche Asylpolitik


Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International (ai) kritisiert die deutsche Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik. Bund und Länder träfen immer wieder "gefährliche und verantwortungslose Entscheidungen", sagte die Generalsekretärin der deutschen ai-Sektion, Barbara Lochbihler, am Mittwoch in Berlin. Bei der Vorstellung des ai-Jahresberichts rügte Lochbihler das Vorhaben des Bundesinnenministeriums, Angehörige gefährdeter Minderheiten der Roma, Ashkali und Ägypter in den Kosovo abzuschieben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Wird Militarisierung zum Staatsziel Deutschlands?

Bundesrat: Wird Militarisierung zum Staatsziel Deutschlands? (25.05.05)

Die Verabschiedung der EU-Verfassung im Bundesrat am kommenden Freitag ist nur noch eine Formsache. "Längst haben sich die etablierten Parteien darauf verständigt, die EU-Verfassung ohne Befragung der Bevölkerung im Eiltempo durch Bundestag und Bundesrat durchzuwinken - nicht zuletzt um damit auf das Referendum in Frankreich am kommenden Sonntag Einfluss zu nehmen", kritisiert der "Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag" aus Kassel. Verschwiegen werde auch im Bundesrat, "dass mit der Verabschiedung der EU-Verfassung die Europäische Union ihre politische Unschuld verliert, indem sie das alte Zivilmachtprojekt einer allgemeinen Militarisierung und Aufrüstung der EU opfert". Artikel 41 lege nicht nur der EU als Ganzes, sondern allen Mitgliedstaaten die Pflicht auf, ihre "militärischen Fähigkeiten schrittweise zu verbessern". Aufrüstung werde also über die EU zum Staatsziel aller 25 EU-Mitgliedstaaten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Husbands or boyfriends murder an average of three women each day in the United States. And more than 700 women are raped or sexually assaulted every day. We can stop these tragedies. This September, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) will be up for reauthorization. Please, ask your legislator to make sure it is reauthorized and fully funded.


Nepal is on the brink of catastrophe: Take action to prevent this crisis from becoming a disaster

Nepal is on the brink of catastrophe. But you can take action to prevent this crisis from becoming a disaster. Amnesty International's new Nepal action guide is full of ideas and resources for taking effective action. Download it today!



Authorities in China have arrested business associates of Rebiya Kadeer in China. Amnesty International is concerned that these individuals could be at risk of torture or ill-treatment. Rebiya Kadeer, a prominent businesswoman, is a former prisoner of conscience and human rights activist who was recently released in March and flown to the United States. Since her release she has been vocal about her experiences in prison.


Amnesty International is calling for the immediate release of Syrian human rights defender 'Ali al-'Abdullah

Amnesty International is calling for the immediate release of Syrian human rights defender 'Ali al-'Abdullah, who is being held in incommunicado detention following a talk that he gave in an unauthorized discussion forum.

Read more:

Amnesty International is concerned about reports of excessive and unnecessary use of force against protesters by police in Bhopal

Amnesty International is concerned about reports of excessive and unnecessary use of force against protesters by police in Bhopal, India on May 17, 2005.

Read more:

The Amnesty International 2005 Annual Report

The new Amnesty International 2005 Annual Report, a 308-page publication, provides an overview of the state of the world's human rights conditions. The report, which covers 149 countries, documents human rights abuses committed during 2004 and reflects on the organization's activities during the last year to promote human rights and to campaign against specific human rights abuses. Available in hard copy and CD-ROM.



At the launch of its 2005 Annual Report today, Amnesty International called on governments around the world to investigate U.S. officials implicated in the approval or use of interrogation techniques that constitute torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. While the U.S. government has failed to conduct a genuinely independent and comprehensive investigation, individuals implicated in these crimes are nonetheless subject to investigation and possible arrest by other countries while traveling abroad.

Individuals who have either dodged investigation or escaped sanction include those at the highest levels of government, such as President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, as well as Attorney General Gonzales and former CIA Director George Tenet. They also include government lawyers who advocated or approved setting aside critical protections against torture or recommended interrogation methods that constitute torture or ill treatment, as well as military officers who implemented those decisions.

"Tolerance for torture, signaled by a failure to investigate and prosecute those responsible, is the most effective encouragement for it to expand and grow. Like a virus, the techniques approved by the United States will multiply and spread unless those who plotted their use are held accountable," said Dr. William F. Schulz, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA.

Although approximately 125 members of the U.S. armed forces have either been court-martialed or received non-judicial punishment or other administrative action, to date no one in the extended chain of command, including those who formulated policies on the treatment and interrogation of prisoners, has been held accountable.

Read more:

Amnesty Says US Leads Global Assault on Human Rights


Over 600 Dead Since Bush Trumpeted New Iraq Govt.


Ohio's Election Theft Scandal Re-Fired


Evangelicals Protest Bush Visit


Ausgestrahlt: Gemeinsam gegen ein Comeback der Atomenergie


Die Ankündigung von Neuwahlen zum Bundestag noch in diesem Jahr hat erste ökonomische Auswirkungen: Die Aktienkurse der beiden Atomkonzerne e.on und RWE haben einen massiven Sprung nach oben gemacht. An der Börse hofft man, dass es bei einem Regierungswechsel Laufzeitverlängerungen bei AKWs geben könnte.

Auch der grüne Umweltminister Jürgen Trittin hat bereits am Sonntagabend bei Christiansen in der ARD mit dem atompolitischen Wahlkampf angefangen und erklärt, man müsse rot-grün wählen, um den Ausstieg zu erreichen.

Nun erzählen uns die Grünen das vor jeder Wahl und hinterher stellen wir fest, dass die Reaktoren weiterlaufen und die Energiekonzerne Jahr für Jahr neue Produktionsrekorde für Atomstrom melden. In sieben Jahren rot-grün sind gerade einmal die beiden kleinsten AKWs vom Netz gegangen. Die 17 großen Meiler mit über 95 Prozent der Leistung laufen weiter.

Bleibt also für den Herbst in der Atompolitik nur die Wahl zwischen einem großen und einem riesengroßen Übel? Gibt es nur die Alternativen rot-grüner Status Quo oder schwarz-gelbe Renaissance der Atomkraft? Wir von der Anti-Atom-Kampagne X-tausendmal quer meinen: NEIN!

Weiterhin halten wir einen Atomausstieg, der diesen Namen wirklich verdient für den einzig verantwortbaren Weg. Aber damit diese politische Option überhaupt wieder als solche wahrgenommen wird, braucht es entsprechenden Druck und entsprechenden Einfluss der Anti-Atom-Bewegung auf die öffentliche Debatte.

Viele atomkritische Menschen haben sich in den letzten sieben Jahren entweder resigniert zurückgezogen oder hoffnungsfroh zurückgelehnt. Jetzt stehen letztere vor einem Scherbenhaufen und erstere haben gemerkt, dass Resignation auf Dauer auch nicht zufrieden macht. Aus beiden Gruppen überlegen viele, ob es nicht doch wieder an der Zeit ist, selbst aktiv zu werden und die Atompolitik nicht den Parteien und den Lobbyisten der Stromkonzerne zu überlassen

Aus diesen Gründen starten wir von X-tausendmal quer in den nächsten Tagen eine neue Anti-Atom-Kampagne mit dem Namen

Gemeinsam gegen ein Comeback der Atomenergie

Bisher hat sich X-tausendmal quer auf Blockadeaktionen bei Castor-Transporten konzentriert. Das werden wir sicherlich auch in Zukunft nicht bleiben lassen. In den nächsten Tagen werden beispielsweise viele Menschen zwischen Dresden und Ahaus auf der Straße sein. Aber wir denken, es ist an der Zeit, politisch und organisatorisch mehr zu machen, als nur Castor-Blockaden. Wir hoffen, damit auch diejenigen zu neuem Handeln zu motivieren, die sich nicht gerne auf Straßen oder Schienen setzen.

Erstes Ziel der Kampagne .ausgestrahlt ist es, möglichst viele Menschen zum Mitmachen zu bewegen. Nötig ist dazu erstmal nicht mehr als eine Unterschrift unter folgende Erklärung:

"Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass der Betrieb von Atomanlagen ein schwerwiegendes Unrecht ist. Deshalb fordere ich ihre Stilllegung. Ich sehe mich in der Mitverantwortung dafür, den Ausstieg aus der Atomindustrie politisch durchzusetzen, und werde das mir Mögliche dazu beitragen."

Alle UnterzeichnerInnen dieser Erklärung werden dann regelmäßig über aktuelle atompolitische Entwicklungen informiert und es gibt einen Austausch an Handlungsmöglichkeiten, so dass für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei ist. Nach und nach wollen wir auf diesem Wege gemeinsam mit vielen anderen Initiativen und Organisationen eine neue Anti-Atom-Bewegung aufbauen. Es wird Zeit.

Unser Ziel ist es, nach der Bundestagswahl so stark zu sein, dass wir uns mit dem jeweiligen Wahlsieger anlegen können.

Kommt es zu einer schwarz-gelben Regierung müssen wir vielleicht in einem ersten Schritt gemeinsam mit den Grünen den ungeliebten Status Quo verteidigen, um dann aber aus diesem Abwehrkampf in eine neue Offensive für einen wirklichen Ausstieg zu kommen.

Bleibt es doch bei rot-grün, dann gilt es, genügend Druck zu entwickeln, um zu schnelleren AKW-Stilllegungen zu kommen als bisher vorgesehen.

Ein wichtiger Termin kann die Auftaktdemonstration gegen den nächsten Castor-Transport nach Gorleben im November sein. Sie wird direkt nach der Bundestagswahl stattfinden und kann zum Gradmesser für das Comeback der Anti-AKW-Bewegung werden. Deshalb denken wir, es ist klug, ab sofort zu dieser Demonstration bundesweit zu mobilisieren, um dort ein deutliches Zeichen gegen den Weiterbetrieb der Atomanlagen zu setzen. Haltet Euch die beiden ersten November-Samstage frei, bis der genaue Termin feststeht.

Bis dahin wollen wir gemeinsam mit Euch dafür sorgen, dass die Kampagne .ausgestrahlt wirklich Ausstrahlung gewinnt, um zum schnellen Aus für die strahlenden Kraftwerken zu kommen.

Mehr und Konkretes über .ausgestrahlt in Kürze.

Herzliche Grüße aus dem schönen Wendland

Jochen Stay
(für die Koordinationsgruppe von X-tausendmal quer)

PS 1: Einen guten Überblick über die aktuelle atompolitische Situation gab es letzte Woche im TV-Magazin Monitor. Der Beitrag ist als real-Video und PDF unter der Adresse
http://www.wdr.de/tv/monitor/beitragsuebersicht.phtml# zu finden.

Council rejects Telstra phone tower plan




Informant: NHNE



Informant: NHNE

Widerstand gegen die Bedrohung von Leben durch Rassismus, Militarismus, Umweltzerstörung und Unmenschlichkeit

Unter dem Namen Lebenslaute finden sich seit 1986 engagierte Musikerinnen und Musiker aus ganz Deutschland zusammen, die klassische - und auch andere - Musik gerade an den Orten zum Klingen bringen, wo dies am wenigsten erwartet wird: vor den Toren von Atomfabriken, Raketen- und Giftgasdepots, vor Rüstungsexportfirmen oder Abschiebeflughäfen. Als Menschen verschiedenen Alters, mit unterschiedlichen Weltanschauungen und Berufen leisten wir gemeinsam Widerstand gegen die Bedrohung von Leben durch Rassismus, Militarismus, Umweltzerstörung und Unmenschlichkeit. Wir finden uns zu jeder Aktion neu zusammen, arbeiten basisdemokratisch und gewaltfrei. Ziviler Ungehorsam gehört zu den meisten unserer Aktionen, wobei immer jede Teilnehmerin und jeder Teilnehmer selbst entscheidet, ob und wieweit sie oder er an einem begrenzten Gesetzesübertritt teilnimmt. Wir sind musikalische Laien und Profis, UnterstützerInnen (für Organisation, Presse, Essen...) und ZuhörerInnen mehr Informationen über http://www.lebenslaute.de/




A LEADING mobile 'phone company has moved to quell the storm of protest over its mast in Formonthills Road.

Last week's Gazette revealed how angry residents tried to block workmen from erecting the 15-metre-high monopole after it had been taken away for repairs.

But the firm behind the equipment, O2, has expressed its disappointment at the way events have unfolded. Ken Leitch, O2's regional communications manager, said the company appreciated that locals had concerns. However, he maintained there is no evidence of a link between masts and ill health. "We've been in discussions with the community council and they've put a number of options to us," Mr Leitch said. "Unfortunately, it's just not possible for us to move the mast. "These things are not cheap and it costs quite a lot of money - we're talking tens of thousands of pounds. "It's just not commercially viable for us to do that. "But we are extremely concerned by some of the tactics that have been used and it is extremely disappointing that these things happen."

The mast had to be removed after it was badly vandalised, although O2 has now fitted CCTV cameras to its replacement as a deterrent. Mr Leitch revealed that much of the research now being done was focusing on mobile handsets, as opposed to masts themselves. And he maintained that masts were much less powerful than TV or radio transmitters. "All I can do is point people to the research and I would just have to re-iterate the message that the balance of evidence says there is no risk," he continued.

Omega this is just and plain not true. There is much risk. See under http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/

"I don't have a crystal ball, but all we can do is look at what is there at the moment. "The more masts there are, the less work your phone has to do. "I would tell people that are using mobile 'phones to use handsfree kits wherever possible. "But we welcome people's comments and all we can do is give people a bit more education on mobile technology, which we do on a number of occasions."

Despite the reassurances, Councillor Bill Kay said the whole affair had "alienated" the community in north Glenrothes. He said: "It was very cursory the way the company went about things - they followed the strict legal requirements for consultation and I feel they didn't go any further than that."

But Mr Leitch responded: "The council has been quite happy that we carried out a sufficient level of consultation and I'm satisfied that our officials have done their job to the best of their abilities."

25 May 2005

Fighting back

May 25 2005

By Jamie Oliver, Crewe Chronicle

BATTLING residents are being backed by the borough council in their war against mobile phone masts.

Planning officers are recommending the refusal of applications for masts in three areas from phone companies Vodafone and Hutchison 3G.

The Chronicle revealed last month how hundreds of families had joined forces to prevent a mast being erected in Chapel Lane, Coppenhall.

Within hours of the plan being made public, residents formed protest group Coppenhall Residents Against Masts (CRAM).

CRAM spokesman Patrick Sutton is delighted they are being backed by the planners.

He said: 'I am very pleased and I hope that the planning committee goes ahead next Tuesday and backs the recommendation to refuse the mast.

'The proposed site is 100 metres from the Willow Nursery in Warmingham Road and nearby Monks Coppenhall Primary School.

'The mast would be 50ft high and a complete eyesore.

'It would have six antennae, belting out electromagnetic radiation, which so far no-one has been able to say is not harmful.'

Petitions have been put together against mast proposals for Stewart Street in Crewe and Newcastle Road in Shavington.

The application by Vodafone for Stewart Street has prompted hundreds of objections.

Shavington Parish Council has objected to a proposed mast in Newcastle Road, with borough councillor David Brickhill spearheading a campaign to stop one being built at the rear of a residential property.

He said: 'There is fierce opposition to this.'

A council spokesman said: 'In -frastructure has to be located closer to mobile phone users in order to enable the system to work efficiently. However, the proposals conflict with policies in the replacement Local Plan.'


North Scotland


09:00 - 25 May 2005

Councillors were given clear legal advice yesterday that any appeal against a decision to grant planning consent for a mobile phone mast in a north-east town would be futile.

Banff and Buchan members learned that a Scottish Executive reporter had reversed a decision by councillors who voted last year to reject the proposal at Banff.

Mobile phone giant Vodafone had lodged an appeal against the council decision and it was allowed following an inquiry.

The Scottish Executive reporter approved permission for a 40ft mast at West End Garage, Jail Lane.

Vodafone argued it was needed to improve mobile reception in Banff and said the scheme conformed with radiological safety guidelines.

Aberdeenshire legal manager Jim Buchan told the Banff and Buchan area committee yesterday: "We could have considered an appeal against the reporter's decision. But looking at the decision, we are strongly of the view it would be doomed to failure from the start."

Mr Buchan was responding to comments by Banff councillor John Cox who said many residents in Banff were unhappy at the reporter's decision.

Mr Cox asked if there was any further action councillors could take and said the area west of the site was a valuable piece of ground which could be developed in the future.

He went on: "I know the health authorities were interested in looking for a site for a dementia unit."

Mr Buchan said there were no proposals for the site and no planning designation for a dementia unit.

He said he had based Aberdeenshire's defence of the decision to reject the mast application on the volume of public objections.

The area committee threw out the Vodafone application last year after raising doubts about the technical justification for the mast. Councillors also said the site was on the edge of a conservation area and close to ground which could be developed for hospital needs.

The mast application attracted 24 objections from people living in the immediate area who raised health and safety concerns.

Banff West councillor Jeanette McKee said yesterday the Scottish Executive encouraged community involvement in planning and on the other hand dismissed the public views on this proposal.

She questioned the need for a mast and said during a site visit, everyone with mobile phones got a signal at the site.

Mr Buchan said the Scottish Executive reporter had not questioned the technical justification for a mast.

The committee noted the appeal decision after committee vice-chairman Councillor Brian Topping said that there appeared to be no prospect of winning a legal battle against it.


Bath Chronicle

11:00 - 25 May 2005

Mobile phone mast protesters are celebrating after persuading a mobile phone company to drop controversial plans to site a mast at a residential location in Trowbridge. Mobile phone giant O2 has bowed to pressure from College Estate Residents' Association to find an alternative site for the mast, which was set for the corner of College Road and Willow Grove.

Although planning permission had been granted for the project, residents kept up the pressure on O2 and a compromise has now been reached.The telecommunications company has agreed not to place the equipment on the street corner, which is next to a block of flats for the elderly.

Instead, it is submitting a planning application to have the mast installed on the roof of the Edington Building at nearby Wiltshire College. The change of heart has come after members of the residents' association and Cllr Sarah Content met company officials to express their concerns.

Residents complained the original proposed site was close to many homes and primary schools.

Association chairman Derek Adams said he was delighted at the outcome.

"I think everyone will be very pleased about this change of heart," he said.

"A lot of people found it very worrying to have a mast so close to home. I have to thank everyone who supported us, signed the petition and turned up at a public meeting to discuss this."

The association is poised to formally back O2's alternative proposals at its next meeting.

Cllr Jeff Osborn, who represents the Trowbridge College ward on West Wiltshire District Council, said: "It is really good to see that a suitable compromise seems to be close now. Everyone has behaved responsibly and they have listened to each other. I am delighted."

Cllr Content, who also represents Trowbridge College, said: "Telecommunication masts are becoming increasingly contentious due to confusion and uncertainty about possible health risks from the Government and independent research groups."

US propaganda agency predicts 5 more years of war in Iraq


US politician behind 'freedom fries' campaign admits Iraq war 'not justified'


US wants to stop Iran oil pipeline to India and Pakistan


Dr. Tewolde has a Canadian visa! Long Live grassroots globalisation!

The Institute of Science in Society Science Society Sustainability http://www.i-sis.org.uk

Dr. Tewolde's latest letter to all his friends and supporters.

Dear Friends,

This is 24 May, late in the afternoon. I have just received my visa to enter Canada. Therefore, I will join most of you in Montreal. If all travel arrangements work out, I will arrive in Montreal on the evening of 26 May. I should then join you for the last day of Liability and Redress. I hope to arrive when the shape of our future international regime on liability and redress is becoming visible to you all. I will then join in and help my best to make it more visible.

Hopefully in one or two meetings after this, we will have it firmly established among us to save us from irresponsibility in genetic engineering.

Thank you all for your tremendous support. Multilateralism was getting another knock from the State level, but the grass roots multilateralism in which you have all been a joint force has won.

May be we should keep grass roots multilateralism to keep State arrogance in check. Give it more thought. I will also give it more thought. I may come back to you on the issue.

Long live grass roots globalization!

Your very grateful friend,

Tewolde Berhan Gebre Gziabher


Smallpox: NGOs Call on WHO to Address Concerns

Wed, 25 May 2005 08:19:27 -0500
News Release - 25 May 2005
Third World Network / The Sunshine Project

No World Health Assembly Approval for Expanding Smallpox Virus Research

NGOs Call for WHO to Address Concerns, Reconsider Recommendations, and Radically Restructure its Advisory Committee

(Geneva, 25 May) -- At the 58th World Health Assembly (WHA), which ended today, the leadership of the World Health Organization (WHO) was requested by member states to reconsider proposals to expand risky smallpox research and to reassess the process by which such research recommendations are produced.

WHA discussed, but did not approve, experiments to genetically engineer smallpox and other proposals that would dramatically expand risky experiments with live smallpox virus. Rather, it "noted" a report containing the proposals, after the WHO Secretariat "especially welcomed" and took "special note" of the serious cautions and criticisms made by member governments. WHO must now move to resolve the issues that governments have raised and which it has committed to address.

Most of the countries speaking about smallpox research expressed serious concerns. These included calls for ongoing research to be terminated, for greater transparency, for a new destruction date for remaining virus stocks, and for strengthened WHO oversight mechanisms that are more independent and scientifically and regionally balanced.

According to the Sunshine Project and Third World Network, WHO's leadership has been given a mandate to radically restructure its oversight of smallpox in the interim before destruction of the remaining stocks. This includes the terms of reference, membership, and procedures of it's Advisory Committee on Variola Virus Research (or "VAC", for Variola Advisory Committee). Once restructured, the VAC then needs to reconsider past recommendations and seek approval from the WHA before any research that goes beyond the existing limits (established in 1994) is allowed.

Governments requested that WHO smallpox oversight be transformed into a stronger and more independent process that separates research proponents from those who perform reviews, that is regionally-balanced, and which incorporates heretofore neglected perspectives of public health, biosafety, and preparedness for deliberate outbreaks of disease. NGOs say that major world regions are underrepresented or entirely unrepresented on WHO's current committee. WHO should heed the calls from governments and NGOs for this problem to be addressed.

Third World Network and the Sunshine Project are requesting that WHO take the following steps in response to the concerns and objections raised about smallpox virus research at the WHA:

1. Launch a transparent and balanced process to overhaul the VAC, including its terms of reference, membership, and procedures, aimed to:

a. Prevent research proponents from reviewing their own proposals,

b. Incorporate neglected areas of expertise, such as public health and biosafety,

c. Achieve regional balance among members and advisors,

d. Institute a separate, and transparent, laboratory safety review procedure

e. Reform committee modalities to create greater transparency, including that of subcommittees, and to create more frequent, high quality reporting to WHA.

2. Once the VAC has been so restructured, it should reassess its prior recommendations, forwarding revised ones to the WHA for its consideration and (dis)approval.

3. In keeping with prior WHA resolutions and as requested by member states, WHO should prepare a resolution to fix a new destruction date for all remaining stocks of smallpox virus.

4. Prepare a WHO Secretariat study for the next WHA on options for how possession of live smallpox virus may be deemed a crime against humanity following destruction of remaining stocks.

-- Guess who wants to genetically engineer smallpox? Learn more and send a letter to WHO at: http://www.smallpoxbiosafety.org Designer smallpox is a Pandora's Box Let's not open the lid!

Informant: billder

Sellout Or Theocracy Abated?

The liberal blogosphere reacts to the compromise on judicial nominees.


Registering Dissent

by Steve Carbo, TomPaine.com

An opportunity to fix America's broken voter registries may be lost if citizens don't speak up today.


McNamara: US Nuke Policies 'Immoral and Dangerous'


Der Kampf um das Öl am Kaspischen Meer


"Filetstücke" auf dem "eurasischen Schachbrett"

Graduation Day with Howard Zinn

There is poverty in this country, and homelessness, and people without health care, and crowded classrooms, but our government, which has trillions of dollars to spend, is spending its wealth on war.


From Information Clearing House

Unseen Pictures, Untold Stories

How The U.S. Press Has Sanitized The War in Iraq: Readers of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Washington Post never saw a single picture of a dead serviceman or servicewoman in their morning papers.


From Information Clearing House

The Supreme Court And "Enemy Combatants"

Both the corporate media and the pundits of the left claim to see a “major victory” for the “rule of law” in the June 28, 2004 Supreme Court rulings on Guantánamo and “enemy combatants.” But the fundamental aspect of these decisions is that they have enshrined the concept of enemy combatants into our legal system.


From Information Clearing House

Galloway and the US Press

Cowardice is the only way to describe the recent coverage of George Galloway's hearing before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Not only did the nation's two major dailies get many of the facts wrong, they went out of their way to paint Galloway as guilty.


From Information Clearing House


Condoleezza Rice's Credibility Gap

A point-by-point analysis of how one of America's top national security officials has a severe problem with the truth.


From Information Clearing House

An essay in imperial villain-making

"Through their pens - blissfully unencumbered by any knowledge of the Muslim world - the old colonial idea of the Islamic ruler as the decadent, destructive, degenerate Oriental despot lives on and, as before, it is effortlessly projected on a credulous public by western warmongers in order to justify their own imperial projects.”


From Information Clearing House

British lawmaker: Iraq war was for oil

Labour politician and former UK environment minister Michael Meacher has slammed Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush for starting a war, he says, to secure oil interests.


From Information Clearing House

Death rate for reservists in Iraq rises

At least 21 part-time soldiers and Marines have died in May.

From Information Clearing House

A base for the corruption of democracy

The purple finger revolution of January 2005 has proved only one thing: that the US media is capable of building something out of nothing.

By Scott Ritter

As the honeymoon period of the much-hyped 30 January elections in Iraq comes to an end amid the explosions of car bombs and continuous US military action, the harsh reality that these elections have failed to produce a government capable of governing, let alone govern in a fashion that resembles any notion of what a democracy should look like, comes crashing home.


U.S. Citizens Tortured, Held Illegally

by Human Rights Watch

U.S. FBI agents operating in Pakistan repeatedly interrogated and threatened two U.S. citizens of Pakistani origin who were unlawfully detained and subjected to torture by the Pakistani security services.


U.S. announces shift in Mideast diplomacy

The U.S. government intends to transform the way it deals with the Middle East, introducing an interventionist foreign policy that focuses on political and economic reform, Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, said Friday.


A restraint of liberty

Faced with a choice between market freedom and human life, governments have chosen to preserve the former The British government recognises two kinds of freedom. There is the freedom of the citizen, which it appears to perceive as a threat to good order. It has permitted (through the Serious Organised Crime Act) the police or courts to ban any public protest. It is introducing identity cards, restricting immigration, seeking to curb the right of habeas corpus and extending antisocial behaviour orders.


Prewar Findings Worried Analysts

On Jan. 24, 2003, four days before President Bush delivered his State of the Union address presenting the case for war against Iraq, the National Security Council staff put out a call for new intelligence to bolster claims that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear, chemical and biological weapons or programs.


Patterns of Abuse

President Bush said the other day that the world should see his administration's handling of the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison as a model of transparency and accountability. He said those responsible were being systematically punished, regardless of rank. It made for a nice Oval Office photo-op on a Friday morning. Unfortunately, none of it is true.


More mobile phone towers planned for Sydney


Some Will Pay a Heavy Price for What We Have Done


Pax Dollarum


Mainstream Media vs. Upstream Media


Neoconomics in one lesson


Every generation seems to fall for the same old lies packaged in red, white and blue; the same old tired propaganda and phony, saccharine nationalist sentiments used to cover up the highway robbery taking place right in front of their eyes, indeed, with their very consent...


from Strike the Root, by Robert Kaercher

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A "Terminal" diagnosis of the state


I am often amazed at exactly how much anti-government sentiment exists in our popular culture. Despite a constant barrage by the mainstream media, politicians, pundits, college professors, and just ordinary, every day people telling us how critical government is to our survival; that unless government does something, no one will; that government altruistically serves 'the people,' while the private sector is motivated by selfishness and greed; and a whole laundry list of other myths, it is a breath of fresh air to see a movie in which government is portrayed as a bungling, petty, self-serving entity. The Terminal is just such a movie...


from Epinions, by Jason Hallmark

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Making light of neocolonial savagery in freedom's name


Relatively speaking, the Bill of Rights has done more to ensure the dignity of human life and safeguard individual liberties in the United States than any 'divinely' inspired book ever has. The administration has been flushing the Bill of Rights down the toilet pretty much every day for the last four years without provoking more than a few isolated protests, usually in those chicken-wired 'free-speech zones' that have made echo chambers of the First Amendment. That's the surprise, or at least the shame...


from Daytona Beach News-Journal, by Pierre Tristam

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Take the long way home


I'm very tired. I am tired of hearing about democracy in Iraq when no such thing exists. I am tired of people like Bush using terms like freedom as an advertising pitch for actions that promote anything but freedom. The word itself sounds like a dead fish in his mouth. I am tired of dead soldiers, dead civilians, I am tired of our highest ideals being used to peddle profiteering by war, and I am so damned tired of trying to shake people into doing something about it before we all go over the cliff. Except ... Except maybe it is happening already. Pew Research came out with some poll numbers the other day that auger towards a swelling of anger and discontent across the country...


from TruthOut, by William Rivers Pitt

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What really happened at Guantanamo Bay?


Interview: "[Martin] Mubanga, a 32-year-old Londoner who was arrested in Zambia in 2002 and taken to Guantanamo, was released without charge in January 2005, after 33 months in captivity. He says that offensive treatment of the Qu'ran was ongoing, even routine, over the three years he was a prisoner. Mubanga says complaints by inmates about the desecration of the Qu'ran fell upon deaf ears, and often resulted in severe punishment, including pepper-spraying of prisoners...


from AlterNet, by Laura Flanders

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McCain vs. Frist


When Sen. John McCain stood before the microphone Monday night and announced the moderates' deal that averted the nuclear option, Majority Leader Bill Frist was nowhere to be found. He wasn't at the press conference. He wasn't a party to the deal. Despite orchestrating the showdown over the filibuster, Frist was left out of the compromise, looking like a fringe player in McCain's show. If the confrontation over judicial nominees was an early battle among Republicans with an eye on the next presidential election, McCain, a leading centrist candidate, faced off against Frist, who is positioning himself as the conservative's conservative. And by any measure, McCain clearly won. But the filibuster drama may have exposed a larger truth about GOP efforts to succeed George W. Bush in 2008 -- neither McCain nor Frist is well-positioned to win the Republican nomination." [subscription or ad view required]


from Salon, by David Paul Kuhn

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bringing the Arab street to power

With no weapons of mass destruction found and nothing to tie Saddam to Sept. 11, the White House has justified the war as America's way to democratize Iraq and, through it, the Arab world. Exhibit A in the White House case is the January elections. Kurds and Shiites courageously voted for an assembly to write a new constitution. Dispossessed Sunnis, under death threats, stayed away. Result: the first Shia-dominated regime elected in an Arab country in history, though another is right next door in Iran. ... Query: How much blood and treasure should Uncle Sam invest in a war to bring about free elections, if the result is to replace autocrats with Islamists who favor looser ties to America and closer ties to fellow Islamists?


from WorldNetDaily, by Pat Buchanan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reform that would make a difference


It has been noted for the past 40 years that reform by government seldom corrects anything, but instead adds to the control of the people by the government or protects public/civil servants from being affected or held accountable. One might even state that reform further increases injustice, and has effectively removed methods of redress from the people, while allowing judges, cops, legislators, secretaries (no matter what else they are called), and other public/civil servants to make law in contradiction to the Constitution for the united States of America and in opposition to the principles this land of freedom was founded on...


from Liberty For All, by Ed Lewis

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Did we really win?


The higher the bar, the longer it takes the mob to climb over it. That's why I love the filibuster. End it? Heavens no. I'd like to improve it. A unanimous vote requirement for cloture, or at the bare minimum 7/8, sounds about right. And while we're at it, let's require 90% for passage of legislation and unanimous consent to override a presidential veto. You might think I'd be happy, then, to hear of the 'compromise' hammered out by 'moderate' Republicans and Democrats to avoid the 'nuclear option' and save the filibuster per se at the sacrifice of a few particular instances of it. But I'm not so sure the deal is cause for celebration...


from Knappster, by Thomas L. Knapp

FBI seeks power to seize records without judicial OK


The FBI today asked Congress for sweeping new powers to seize business or private records, ranging from medical information to book purchases, to investigate terrorism without first securing approval from a judge. Valerie Caproni, FBI general counsel, told the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee her agency needed the power to issue what are known as administrative subpoenas to get information quickly about terrorist plots and the activities of foreign agents...


from Houston Chronicle

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



Informant: NHNE



Informant: NHNE

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