
Vodafone schreibt weiter rote Zahlen : Gesundheitlich unbedenklichen Mobilfunk auf den Markt bringen!

Die gute Nachricht des Tages: "Vodafone schreibt weiter rote Zahlen" Nachdem Siemens schon verzweifelt versucht hat seine Handysparte zu verkaufen um aus den tiefroten Zahlen zu kommen ist das der nächste Konzern der an den sinkenden Gewinnen leidet. Mein Glückwunsch gilt all denen, die unermüdlich durch Aufklärung und Information dafür sorgen, dass die Menschen ihre Handys abmelden und damit ein Zeichen setzen.

Siemens und Vodafone sollten von Shell lernen und Ihre Unternehmenspolitik verändern. Sie hätten ein prima Alleinstellungsmerkmal, wenn beide als erstes einen gesundheitlich unbedenklichen Mobilfunk auf den Markt bringen. Entwicklungen dafür gibt es genügend.

Ulrich Weiner

Shell: "Brent Spar war ein Weckruf"

10 Jahre nach der Brent-Spar-Affaere, als Shell eine Ölbohr-Insel einfach in die Nordsee versenken wollte, was auf Anregung von Greenpeace die deutschen Autofahrer verhinderten, übt sich der drittgrößte Ölkonzern der Welt noch immer in Buße und Reue. "Die Ereignisse von 1995 waren für uns ein Weckruf", sagt der Leiter der Deutschen Shell Holding, Kurt Doehmel, in einem "Zeit"-Interview.


Über Geschichte, Ziele und Kritik der Pentagon-Filmarbeit

Bildermaschine für den Krieg

Die amerikanischen Vorbereitungen für einen Machtwechsel im Iran

Die Sekte von Camp Aschraf...
...und die amerikanischen Vorbereitungen für einen Machtwechsel im Iran.


Die Politik der Bush-Regierung hat für eine Verbreitung von nuklearen Massenvernichtungsmitteln gesorgt

Venezuela will auch Atomenergie

Anstatt die Verbreitung von nuklearen Massenvernichtungsmitteln einzudämmen, hat die Politik der Bush-Regierung eher für deren Verbreitung gesorgt.


Newsweek Was Right


Informant: NHNE

"Rollback droht": Einige Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen wollen keinen Regierungswechsel


Wenige Tage nach der Ankündigung von Neuwahlen zum Deutschen Bundestag mischen sich verschiedene Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen intensiv in die Diskussion um die künftige Regierung ein. Sie geben ihren Mitgliedern und der Öffentlichkeit relativ eindeutige Wahlempfehlungen. So rechnen einige Umweltverbände mit "Rückschritten" in der Umweltpolitik, wenn CDU, CSU und FDP ihre bisherigen Vorstellungen in diesem Bereich umsetzen. Eine Reihe von "positiven Entwicklungen" im Umwelt- und Naturschutz sowie in der Energie- und Agrarpolitik drohten entsprechend den Äußerungen von Spitzenpolitikern dieser Parteien im Falle eines Wahlsieges zurückgenommen zu werden, meint der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND).

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Artenschützer werfen Walfängern systematische Zahlen-Manipulation vor

Über 100.000 Wale: Artenschützer werfen Walfängern systematische Zahlen-Manipulation vor (24.05.05)

Einer aktuellen Studie zufolge haben die Walfangländer seit Einrichtung der Internationalen Walfangkomission (IWC) "jegliche Bestimmungen zum Schutz der Wale systematisch unterwandert". Diese Auffassung vertraten die Walschutzorganisation WDCS sowie die Artenschutzorganisationen Pro Wildlife und Humane Society International am Dienstag anlässlich der im Juni stattfindenden Tagung der Kommission. Dort werde in diesem Jahr beraten, ob das kommerzielle Walfangverbot durch einen "kontrollierten Walfang" ersetzt werden soll. In der Studie wird davor gewarnt, den nationalen Kontrollorganen der Walfangländer zu vertrauen, da diese korrupt seien. Sandra Altherr von Pro Wildlife sagte, die offiziellen Walfangstatistiken seien "über Jahrzehnte hinweg" gefälscht worden. Sie sprach von mindestens 100.000 getöteten Walen, die verschwiegen worden seien. "Dasselbe schmutzige Spiel könnte bald wieder Wirklichkeit werden!"

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Interests created around as lucrative Businesses

Published 22 of May of the 2005 06:36

Hours art of war Cancer, leukemia, lies, ENDESA and antennas of mobile telephony Santi Benítez Is impossible to imagine these times that run without electrical energy or mobile telephony. But also it is necessary to consider that from principles of the 90 comes discussing the electrical risks that suppose for the health the layings, transforming, towers and the antennas of mobile telephony. As much it is so the World-wide Organization of Health (the WHO) has had to take part making studies, often slanted and made difficult by the interests created around as lucrative businesses as the electrical provision or the mobile telephony. One of the things that have surprised me more when doing this article is the little information that the citizen has on which they can suppose to close have electrical layings or antennas of mobile telephony. In principle, the radio frequency (RF) and the influence of electromagnetic fields (CEM) produce a heating of the human body, get to even raise the corporal temperature in a degree Celsius. As much as others they get to penetrate through the skin until a centimeter. When putting me in contact with ENDESA and the people in charge of the positioning of antennas of mobile telephony they have sent me studies that do not agree with the emitted ones by the WHO, which say very textually: ' the evidences to the date are concerning Leukemia in children. In a 2001 work group conformed by expert scientists of the Agency the International of Investigation of the Cancer of the WHO-iarc reviewed studies related to the carcinogenicidad of the electric fields and magnetic of LF. Using the standard classification of the IARC that weighs the human evidences, in animals and the evidences of laboratory, the Magnetic fields of LF were classified like possible carcinogen in humans based on studies epidemiologists of Leukemia in children ', or this: ' studies published in the year 2000 informed into which if all the studies were combined in which the magnetic field could be measured or be considered, a statistically significant association between infantile leukemia could be found and the average of electromagnetic fields.' If this is certain, and will not be I who I take the opposite to the WHO, how they allow the authorities that are outdoors placed electrical antennas or layings without no type of brake? I do not know it. What yes I know is that, to put an example, Telephone Moving bodies use the question ' You want to collaborate with Telephone Moving bodies in the introduction of the Society of the Information' like reclamation in addition to the necessity of mobile telephony for the communal property. One calculates that a person who puts an antenna of mobile telephony in her roof can gain about 7,200 euros annual. Little price seems me for the health of our children and ours. Safer forms of positioning of antennas of mobile telephony and electrical layings exist, but they suppose an investment on the part of the companies. Quite high investment if we consider that has existed a significant increase of the consumption but that the infrastructures are obsolete and there are no appearances of which they improve. Nevertheless, there is no way to understand that obsolete and dangerous technology for the health of the citizens is being used when we see that, to put an example, ENDESA it has gained 1,253 million net euros in Spain, to which there would be to add the benefits of Latin America, 270 million euros, a 221'4% more than year 2003. And Movistar Spain obtained income by operations of 3,586.9 million euros. The society of the information is necessary, but the benefits of the companies do not have to put in danger the health of the citizens. The political authorities are not either that they are of much aid. In the municipality of Santa Brígida, in the island of Great Canary, a polideportivo exists that counts on a total of 6 antennas of mobile telephony where most of the users are young. It is in a zone in which in a section of 300 meters a total of 25 patients of cancer exists. And the worse thing of everything is than these antennas are to less than 30 meters of the institute of the municipality. The rent of the space for these antennas receives the City council. Incredible. The protests of the neighbors does not seem that they are serving as much. From here my spirit for Maria Arms of the Platform Positive Energy in its fight. If you are in agreement with the positioning of an antenna of mobile telephony near your address are not demands to see the corresponding license, no almost has it. And it does not doubt in demanding the city council of the municipality that the electrical layings outdoors fulfill the norm as far as health and security.


Informant: Sylvie


Congress presuming to restrict the liberty of American citizens

This week the House will go to markup a proposed Constitutional Amendment to prohibit "desecration" of the flag of the United States. While, as veterans, we are offended by the desecration of the U.S. flag, we are even more offended by Congress presuming to restrict the liberty of American citizens.

VCS will deliver a letter to Congress opposing this Constitutional Amendment. In response to our action alert yesterday afternoon, 1,000 members signed the letter. We have about 3 more hours before we have to deliver it. Can we get 500 more?

Please add your name to this letter, and send it on to your friends. To sign the letter, click the below link:


As always, thank you for your support of Veterans for Common Sense.

With warmest regards,

Charles Sheehan-Miles
Executive Director

Protesters signal alarm at Tetra


Informant: Sylvie

ACLU sues FBI over surveillance cases


Real-ID Act already in use to wage war on constitutional rights

with comments by Mark J.

Act Now and Tell Your U.S. Representative to Protect the Endangered Species Act

The endangered species debate continues to heat up in Washington, D.C. this week. Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA), Chair of the powerful House Resources Committee, is preparing efforts to undercut important protections for our wolves, bald eagles, sea otters, and other endangered animals. If you haven't taken action already, please go to http://www.saveesa.org and send a message to Congress today.

As promised, I'm sending you this email to update you on our campaign to protect the Endangered Species Act. Last week, we were on the front lines on Capitol Hill warning the Senate subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water that this landmark law should not be weakened. Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders' Executive Vice President and the former head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, never backed down as she went toe to toe with Bush administration officials and industry lobbyists.

Jamie underscored that the Endangered Species Act is a very effective alarm system that has already prevented the extinction of hundreds of species. I'm glad to report that her comments were picked up by hundreds of media outlets. You can read her entire testimony at: http://www.saveesa.org/2005/testimony.pdf

Endangered species are also getting key support from a group of well-known scientists led by Harvard professor E.O. Wilson. These scientists cautioned U.S. Senators that the nation's web of life – from micro-organisms to large mammals – could be in serious jeopardy if Congress undermines the Endangered Species Act. To read the scientists' letter, go to: http://www.saveesa.org/letter.pdf

Lastly, Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA), Chair of the powerful House Resources Committee, released an unfounded report criticizing the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act. It is the most troubling sign yet that Pombo intends to push harmful legislation through his Committee.


Rodger Schlickeisen

No Whaling!


Keep Cape Wind Alive


Illegally-erected mast taken down

BBC news website 24 may 05

Mobile phone giant Vodafone is dismantling a mast it put up illegally in a Worcestershire village.

The company erected a cabin and a mast in Salwarpe last October without planning permission.

Villagers objected to the installation in a conservation area. Wychavon District Council gave Vodafone until Tuesday to take it all down.

A company spokesperson said the mast's generator was turned off last week so it was no longer operating.

They added that the mast and equipment would be dismantled by the end of the month.

Convoy of Death

In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot in the desert under the watch of American troops.


Purple Hearts: Several thousand soldiers have been wounded in action in Iraq

Thousands of others have been injured in war related events. They have lost arms, legs, eyes, ears, pieces of their brains. Some will spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs. These soldiers -- all volunteer warriors - have returned home to heal their wounds and consider life, forever scarred and changed.


From Information Clearing House

Tillman's kin rap Army's 'outright lies'

The parents of slain NFL star-turned-Army Ranger Pat Tillman are blasting military brass for the "outright lies" they told about their son's death.


From Information Clearing House

Deliberate Deception—Bush & Iraq

How Much More Evidence is Needed?

Blair faces US probe over secret Iraq invasion plan

SENIOR American congressmen are considering sending a delegation to London to investigate Britain’s role in preparations for the war in Iraq.


Humiliating Saddam or the Entire Arab-Muslim Nation?

No sovereign nation with an ounce of dignity even facing a vicious dictatorship would concede for a foreign force, especially one with an alien culture and values, to enter its territory to capture and humiliate its leadership.


From Information Clearing House

A War That Cannot Be Won

Here, for the person truly concerned with the welfare of humankind, American and non-American alike, may be the first lesson of bogus wars: never enlist in a war against something or someone that can't surrender.


From Information Clearing House

Down and out with Iraqi forces

"Restoring Iraq to military self-sufficiency will require at least a decade," he says. "For that reason alone, Iraq will remain an American protectorate well into the next decade."


Desertion huge problem for US in Iraq war

"If I have to go to prison because I don't want to kill anybody, so be it," said Sergeant Benderman.


From Information Clearing House

Sending Mental Health Patients into Battle

The United States is having trouble recruiting new soldiers for the war effort in Iraq. So the army is recycling its old fighters. The blog "War is Real" is written by just such a soldier. He describes his fears of returning to the desert -- and his battle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


From Information Clearing House

Sgt. Kevin Benderman, An American Hero

But given the climate we face right now, asserting such a right takes real courage. And it is the exercise of that courage which makes Sgt. Benderman a hero in my book.


House of Representatives to Move Forward on Constitutional Amendment

VCS: Urgent Action: House of Representatives to Move Forward on Constitutional Amendment

The United States is faced with a number of pressing concerns related to national security and the quality of life of veterans, including the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Out of the 360,000 discharged veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, nearly one in four have already visited the Veterans Administration for physical injuries or mental health counseling. Our government has a duty and a responsibility to address both the traditional and non-traditional effects of war, including battlefield injuries, post-traumatic stress, and diseases resulting from vaccines and toxic exposures.

These concerns should be on the top of the congressional agenda this session. But instead of devoting its time and resources to resolving these urgent challenges, Congress apparently chooses to consider amending the Constitution to prohibit a form of nonviolent _expression. We are dismayed by this choice.

This week the House will go to markup a proposed Constitutional Amendment to prohibit "desecration" of the flag of the United States. While, as veterans, we are offended by the desecration of the U.S. flag, we are even more offended by Congress presuming to restrict the liberty of American citizens.

VCS will deliver a letter to Congress opposing this Constitutional Amendment. Please add your name to this letter -- we are seeking to get 1,000 signatures of veterans and supporters in the next 24 hours.


As always, thank you for your support of Veterans for Common Sense.

With warmest regards,

Charles Sheehan-Miles
Executive Director

Informant: DitziSis

A Reprieve for EU Vitamins and Minerals


Informant: Andrew Michrowski

DDT May Outlast Eagles


FCC Commissioner Adelstein Issues Fake News Challenge


Informant: Friends

Byrd Rescues Filibuster


Inventing a Pretext for War

An Interview with James Bamford

by Kevin B. Zeese

For more than two decades James Bamford has been a noted investigative journalist focusing on intelligence gathering in the United States. He exposed the ultra secret National Security Agency two decades ago in The Puzzle Palace and Body of Secrets, both award-winning best sellers. He has testified as an expert witness on intelligence issues before committees of both the Senate and House of Representatives, as well as the European Parliament in Brussels and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. His most recent book, A Pretext For War: 9/11, Iraq and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies, examines intelligence gathering related to the Iraq War and 9/11. In addition to writing, he spent most of the 1990s as the Washington Investigative Producer for the ABC News program World News Tonight with Peter Jennings....


John Bolton: The Wrong Man

by Sheila Samples

So John Bolton's out there swinging in the wind -- sent to the Senate without endorsement from the Foreign Relations Committee for his nomination as US ambassador to the United Nations. This has committee chairman Richard Luger's drawers in a wad because he failed his assignment to steamroll Bolton through the committee to the UN without embarrassing George Bush. I don't know where Indiana's favorite son has been for the past four years, but with a little help from his proctologist, Lugar should be able to see that what turns Bush on is getting away with brazen lies, and the blood, torture, and destruction of those who are too helpless to resist. Don't fret, Dick. It's impossible to embarrass this president....


Galloway hounded by AIPAC cell within US Congress, Bolton tied to same cell


The forgotten conflict

THERE are daily reports of continuing ferocious clashes between Coalition forces and native insurgents. The brave men and women who have accepted the task of helping to restore order to their own land are repeatedly picked off, brutally and mercilessly, by the rebels among their countrymen. The American forces that "liberated" the nation are now bitterly accused of brutalising its inhabitants.


Streik bei den Hamburger Kitas: »Legitimer Protest soll kriminalisiert werden«

Erzieherinnen vor Gericht. Sie hatten Wattebäuschchen in den Saal der Hamburger Bürgerschaft geworfen. Ein Interview von Andreas Grünwald mit Sabine Lafrentz, Betriebsrätin bei der Vereinigung städtischer Kindertagesstätten in Hamburg, in der jungen Welt vom 23.05.05.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 13

Die mediale Berichterstattung über die EU-Verfassung ist ähnlich homogen wie das Abstimmungsverhalten der deutschen Parlamentarier

Der Geist der Gesetze. Ein kurzer Blick in die EU-Verfassung

„Die mediale Berichterstattung über die EU-Verfassung ist ähnlich homogen wie das Abstimmungsverhalten der deutschen Parlamentarier (Abstimmung ohne Überraschungen). Dabei wird stets nach dem selben Muster verfahren: Man erklärt die Bedenken weiter Teile der Bevölkerung gegen die Verfassung mit deren Unkenntnis des Verfassungstextes und deutet diese Bedenken für gänzlich unbegründet - bemerkenswerter Weise allerdings ohne zu erläutern, was tatsächlich in der Verfassung steht…“ Artikel von Reinhard Jellen in telepolis vom 19.05.2005 http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/20/20100/1.html

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 13

Gestreikt wird nicht: EU-Verfassungsvertrag versagt grenzüberschreitendes Recht auf Arbeitsniederlegung

Müntefering meint, man könne damit »demokratische und soziale Union« schaffen. Artikel von Martin Hantke in junge Welt vom 23.05.2005 http://www.jungewelt.de/2005/05-23/018.php

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 13

Alltägliche Schikanen: „Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II“ - betreutes Privatleben?

Data-Mining soll Vermittlung von Arbeitslosen erleichtern

„Für Aufregung sorgt ein Bericht der Bild am Sonntag, nach dem Arbeitslose von ihren Fallmanagern zu einem "Intim-Verhör" gebeten werden können, in dem "alle Daten des sozialen Geflechts" abgefragt werden. Hintergrund dieser Aufregung ist das Fachkonzept "Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II", das im Rahmen des Programms "Fördern und Fordern" Ende April an alle kommunalen Agenturen, Arbeitsgemeinschaften und Regionaldirektionen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit verschickt wurde….“ Artikel von Detlef Borchers auf dem heise-news-ticker vom 22.05.2005 http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/59764

Fachkonzept “Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II“. Abschlussfassung des Arbeitskreises, vorgelegt von einem Autorenteam aus Kommunen, der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, der Fachhochschule Frankfurt, der Fachhochschule des Bundes - FB Arbeitsverwaltung vom 19.5.05 (pdf) bei der „Regiestelle Kompetenzagenturen“

Darin ab Seite 21: „Zum aktivierenden Verständnis des Assessment gehören unter Berücksichtigung der obigen Ausführungen folgende Gesprächsbereiche, die stichwortartig protokolliert werden. Umfang und Tiefe stehen im Kontext der für die erfolgreiche Sozial- und/oder Arbeitsmarktintegration notwendigen Informationen….“

Und die Anlagen zum Fachkonzept (pdf)

Von Seiten der Betroffenen gibt es (mindestens) zwei Arten hierauf zu reagieren:

Petition zur Ermittlung des sozialen Umfeld von Langzeitarbeitslosen an den Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags von Armin Kammrad vom 22.5.05

Wenn Arbeitslose intimste Fragen beantworten müssen, warum sollen sie dann nicht auch prüfen können, ob die Fallmanager überhaupt geeignet sind, Arbeitslose zu vermitteln? „Um zu gewährleisten, dass Sie tatsächlich in der Lage sind, Arbeitslose zu vermitteln, beantworten Sie folgende Fragen, denn erst nach der Auswertung kann ich feststellen, ob Sie der geeigneten Fallmanager für meine Vermittlung sind…“ Fragebogen für Mitarbeiter der Arbeitsgemeinschaft SGB II

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 13

Workfare is not fair - Gegen Lohndumping und Zwangsdienste - Ein-Euro-Jobs stoppen

Am Freitag, den 20. Mai 2005 gab es in mehreren Städten Aktionen gegen die Vermittlungsstellen und Beschäftigungsträger von Ein-Euro-Jobs. Unsere Forderung lautet "Finger weg vom Geschäft mit den entrechteten Zwangsdiensten!" Siehe erste Berichte aus den Städten (alphabetisch)


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 13

Am Freitag, den 20. Mai 2005 gab es in mehreren Städten Aktionen gegen die Vermittlungsstellen und Beschäftigungsträger von Ein-Euro-Jobs. Neuer Bericht aus Darmstadt


Erinnerung: Auf unserem nächsten Treffen wollen wir über zukünftige Aktions-Schwerpunkte von Agenturschluss beraten: Samstag, 4. Juni, um 11 Uhr im autonomen zentrum Wuppertal, Markomannenstr. 3

Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs

Konzept aus Berlin mit fortlaufenden Berichten - nun mit dem Bericht vom Spaziergang No. 9, Mai 2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 17

BBC Still Ignoring Evidence Of War Crimes

MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media

May 24, 2005


BBC News Director Helen Boaden Responds

"Professional journalism relies heavily on official sources. Reporters have to talk to the PM's official spokesperson, the White House press secretary, the business association, the army general. What those people say is news. Their perspectives are automatically legitimate... This is precisely the opposite of what a functioning democracy needs, which is a ruthless accounting of the powers that be." (Robert McChesney, professor of communications, University of Illinois)

Scores of readers responded to our Media Alert, 'BBC Silence on Fallujah' (May 17, 2005), in which we highlighted the evasions of BBC news director Helen Boaden in her Newswatch article at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/newswatch/ukfs/hi/newsid_4390000/newsid_4396600/4396641.stm

An earlier media alert, 'Doubt Cast on BBC Claims Regarding Fallujah' (April 18, 2005; http://www.medialens.org/alerts/05/050418_doubt_cast_on_bbc.php) noted that Boaden's Newswatch article failed to address the many specific and detailed allegations of atrocities committed by US forces in their assault on Fallujah last November. Moreover, statements made to us by Human Rights Watch had cast doubt on Boaden’s firm assertion that HRW could "compellingly" rule out the use of banned weapons by US forces in Fallujah. Both of these points, we argued, surely merited a reply from the BBC.

We received the following response from Helen Boaden on May 19:

Dear Mr Cromwell and Mr Edwards,

In your original complaint, you criticised the BBC for failing to support your [sic] contention that US forces in Falluja used banned weapons and committed other atrocities. Our correspondent in Falluja at the time, Paul Wood, did not report any of these things because he did not see any of these things.

Later, in the normal course of discussions on a range of issues with Human Rights Watch, he asked if they had heard of the allegations and what they thought of them. A senior researcher at Human Rights Watch said he was aware of the claims, had made some inquiries, but did not have any evidence to substantiate the allegations.

We did not state, because it is not the case, that Human Rights Watch had carried out a full investigation of these stories, travelling to Falluja to interview eye-witnesses and gathering other testimony. We were making the point that if these allegations were credible, you would expect to see them taken up by the many, reputable international human rights organisations which monitor Iraq.

The fact that they have not is one more reason for us to be cautious about this story. Equally, we at the BBC do not know for certain that banned weapons were not used in Falluja. We keep an open mind, continue to research the issue and - as with any story - we would broadcast it if and when we stand it up.

Far from covering up American use of banned weapons in Iraq, you can be certain that if we had proof of this, it would be leading every bulletin. We stand by our reporting of Falluja.

You are welcome to post this response on your website.

Yours sincerely
Helen Boaden,
Director, BBC News

We are grateful to Helen Boaden for taking the time and trouble to respond - no doubt under pressure from a large number of emails. We responded on May 24:

Dear Helen Boaden,

Thank you for your reply of 19th May. We are grateful that you have responded, but we are concerned that you continue to evade the points that have been put to you.

Could you possibly please first of all retract your renewed assertion that claims of banned weapons use by US forces have been made +by+ Media Lens? That is incorrect. We are asking the BBC to report such claims; an entirely different matter.

Your argument is that: "Our correspondent in Falluja at the time, Paul Wood, did not report any of these things because he did not see any of these things." Is this really the best that the BBC can do? What about the testimony from other sources that Paul Wood, and other BBC reporters, could have obtained by interviewing refugees, Iraqi doctors or human rights groups in Iraq? Or even by inspection of media reports elsewhere, some of them mainstream outlets? The argument that Paul Wood reported no atrocities or abuses because he personally saw none, is unlikely to impress the growing proportion of the BBC audience turning to the internet for news. Nor will it impress BBC viewers and listeners who read newspapers.

You, and Paul Wood, appear to be unaware of the fact that US marines have, in fact, already +admitted+ that they have used an upgraded version of napalm. A weapon which uses kerosene rather than petrol was deployed when dozens of bombs were dropped near bridges over the Saddam Canal and the Tigris river, south of Baghdad. Andrew Buncombe reported in the Independent on Sunday:

"'We napalmed both those bridge approaches,' said Colonel James Alles, commander of Marine Air Group 11.

"'Unfortunately there were people there... you could see them in the cockpit video. They were Iraqi soldiers. It's no great way to die. The generals love napalm. It has a big psychological effect.'" (Buncombe, 'US admits it used napalm bombs in Iraq,' Independent on Sunday, August 10, 2003)

Allegations about the use of weapons that have "melted" people have appeared in the US press. For example, the Washington Post reported that: "Some artillery guns fired white phosphorous rounds that create a screen of fire that cannot be extinguished with water. Insurgents reported being attacked with a substance that melted their skin." (Jackie Spinner, Karl Vick and Omar Fekeiki, 'U.S. Forces Battle Into Heart of Fallujah,' Washington Post, November 10, 2004)

Why has the alleged use of such weapons, reported in major press outlets, not been covered by the BBC?

Or consider the testimony of human rights workers such as Michele Naar-Obed based in Duluth, Minnesota. Naar-Obed was a participant on a recent peace delegation to Iraq, her third visit. Her aim is to offer a perspective that is all too often lacking in mainstream news media: "It's the perspective from the ordinary Iraqi who doesn't live inside the 'green zone,' from the ones who have watched their country laid waste by dictatorship, violence, bombs, depleted uranium and occupation and the ones whose hopes and dreams held common by most human beings have turned into nightmares." (Naar-Obed, 'Nonviolence gaining tiny foothold in Iraq,' Duluth News Tribune, March 13, 2005)

She noted: "our delegation heard reports from refugees, human rights workers, sheiks and imams about the November 2004 invasion of Fallujah. We learned of execution-style killing of men handcuffed and blindfolded, of women and children killed while holding white flags and of bodies burned and grossly disfigured. Doctors are convinced chemical weapons or, at the very least, napalm was used. Men between 16 and 50 years were not allowed to leave the city even if they weren't part of the 'insurgency.' U.N. representatives confirmed these reports and told us they have spent weeks negotiating access into Fallujah to begin investigation and have been denied.”

Why have such reports of alleged atrocities, as related by Iraqi refugees, doctors and human rights workers, and confirmed by UN representatives, not been covered by the BBC?

There have also been reports of cluster bombs being dropped in Iraq, including Fallujah. BBC Worldwide Monitoring picked up this report by one London-based Arabic news agency:

"US military aircraft bombarded a number of neighbourhoods that had fallen into the hands of gunmen such as the Al-Askari neighbourhood, which was the target of a fierce aerial attack. B-52 bombers capable of dropping bombs weighing up to a tonne were used for the first time in recent battles and dropped a number of shells and cluster bombs on the city." (Quds Press news agency, 'Iraqi gunmen claim to regain control of Al-Fallujah districts,' December 12, 2004)

On February 22, 2005, BBC Worldwide Monitoring picked up an article in the Iranian press by a Dr Kabak Khabiri entitled: "America's attack on Fallujah and the Geneva Convention". The BBC Monitoring Report noted that Dr Khabiri "outlined America's 'war crimes' in Iraq in general and in Fallujah in particular, and said almost all the methods used by the US forces in their military operations clearly contravened the Geneva Convention. The examples given by Dr Khabiri include: attacks on civilians and residential areas; the use of depleted uranium bombs; and torturing prisoners of war and individuals suspected of involvement in terrorism. The article says the US administration has never expressed any regret about the actions of its military forces in Iraq, and instead it has defended these methods. It states that the international organisations and conventions had regrettably no power to face the blatant violations." (BBC Worldwide Monitoring, February 22, 2005)

BBC Worldwide Monitoring is relaying reports about depleted uranium, cluster bombs, fire bombs, poisonous gas and other atrocities committed against Iraqi civilians. So why does the BBC never refer to them in its news bulletins?

Demolishing Human Rights

You refer once again to an unnamed "senior researcher" at HRW who had "made some inquiries, but did not have any evidence to substantiate the allegations." As we have already mentioned to you, Joe Stork of HRW in New York told us: "we [HRW] have not been able to investigate Falluja-related allegations regarding possible use of prohibited weapons, and therefore we are not in a position to comment on allegations that they have been used. In that regard, I am mystified by the PW [Paul Wood] story citing HRW as saying that we 'had made some investigations and found no evidence' [i.e. your Newswatch article]. Perhaps Paul can shed some light here."

So far, neither you nor Paul Wood have shed light on this discrepancy in HRW testimony. Therefore, the BBC's firm assertion that HRW found no evidence of use of banned weapons in Fallujah after conducting "some inquiries" is simply inaccurate. It is surely incumbent upon the BBC to investigate the discrepancy in HRW statements, and to correct the false impression generated by your Newswatch article and Paul Wood's reporting.

Even more damaging to your expressed commitment to “responsible journalism” is the BBC’s failure to convey the sheer scale of the horror inflicted upon Iraqi civilians. Dahr Jamail, an unembedded journalist in Iraq, reported of the US assault on Fallujah in November 2004:

"The military estimates that 2,000 people in Fallujah were killed, but claims that most of them were fighters. Relief personnel and locals, however, believe the vast majority of the dead were civilians." (Jamail, 'An Eyewitness Account of Fallujah,' December 16, 2004, http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com/hard_news/archives/2004_12_19.php)

In an article in the Guardian, Jamail noted that refugees from Fallujah told him that "civilians carrying white flags were gunned down by American soldiers. Corpses were tied to US tanks and paraded around like trophies." (Jonathan Steele and Dahr Jamail, 'This is our Guernica,' The Guardian, April 27, 2005)

Why do BBC news editors consider Dahr Jamail's reporting unworthy of interest?

American documentary film-maker Mark Manning recently returned from Fallujah after delivering medical supplies to refugees. Manning was able to secretly conduct 25 hours of videotaped interviews with dozens of Iraqi eyewitnesses - men, women and children who had experienced the assault on Fallujah first-hand. In an interview with a local newspaper in the United States, Manning recounted how he:

"... was told grisly accounts of Iraqi mothers killed in front of their sons, brothers in front of sisters, all at the hands of American soldiers. He also heard allegations of wholesale rape of civilians, by both American and Iraqi troops. Manning said he heard numerous reports of the second siege of Falluja [November 2004] that described American forces deploying - in violation of international treaties - napalm, chemical weapons, phosphorous bombs, and 'bunker-busting' shells laced with depleted uranium. Use of any of these against civilians is a violation of international law."(Nick Welsh, 'Diving into Fallujah,' Santa Barbara Independent, March 17, 2005, http://www.independent.com/cover/Cover956.htm)

Why do BBC news editors consider Mark Manning's documentary evidence of US atrocities unworthy of interest?

A report on Fallujah presented recently to the 61st session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights by the Baghdad-based Studies Center of Human Rights and Democracy appealed to the international community:

"What more tragedies are the international bodies waiting for in order to raise their voices demanding to stop the massacres and mass killings of the civilians?"

The report warns that "there are mass graves in the city" and "the medical authorities and the citizens could not find the burial ground of 450 bodies of the citizens of Fallujah that the American occupation forces have photographed and buried in a place that is still unknown." (SCHRD, 'Report on the current situation in Fallujah,' March 26, 2005, http://www.brusselstribunal.org/pdf/lastReportFallujah%20crimes.pdf)

Why do BBC news editors consider the testimony of Baghdad-based human rights groups, such as SCHRD, unworthy of interest?

There are other reports of atrocities carried out by US forces. Take, for example, a newspaper interview with two men from Falluja - physician Mahammad J. Haded and Mohammad Awad, director of a refugee centre - in the German daily Junge Welt, on February 26, 2005. Mr Awad said:

"I saw in Falluja with own eyes a family that had been shot by U.S. soldiers: The father was in his mid-fifties, his three children between ten and twelve years old. In the refugee camp a teacher told me she had been preparing a meal, when soldiers stormed their dwelling in Falluja. Without preliminary warning they shot her father, her husband and her brother. Then they went right out. From fear the woman remained in the house with the dead bodies. In the evening other soldiers came, who took her and her children and brought them out of the city. Those are only two of many tragedies in Falluja." (International Action Center, 'Fallujah was wiped out,' www.iacenter.org/jc_falluja.htm)

To conclude:

Would you please issue a clarification of your account of the BBC’s dealings with Human Rights Watch on your Newswatch site?

Would you please address the issue of brutal force and atrocities against civilians by US forces on your Newswatch site, and in the main BBC news bulletins?

The BBC's silence on these matters is a serious dereliction of your public service requirements. It is all the more stark when weighed against your channelling of US-UK propaganda (the infamous 45-minute warning, the 'dodgy' dossiers, the supposed presence of WMD in Iraq, the US-UK quest for a “diplomatic settlement” etc.) in the run up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 and the subsequent occupation. The BBC was leading news bulletins with these erroneous items, month after month, despite the glaring lack of proof of their authenticity. Contrast this with your assertion that: “you can be certain that if we had proof of [US war crimes], it would be leading every bulletin.” Why have you, in fact, overlooked the ample evidence of such atrocities?

We look forward to a reply that substantively addresses the above points.

Best wishes,
David Cromwell & David Edwards


The goal of Media Lens is to promote rationality, compassion and respect for others. When writing emails to journalists, we strongly urge readers to maintain a polite, non-aggressive and non-abusive tone.

Write to Helen Boaden, director of BBC news
Email: helenboaden.complaints@bbc.co.uk

Ask why the BBC is failing to cover the many reports of alleged US war crimes in Fallujah and elsewhere in Iraq.

Copy your emails to the following:

Pete Clifton, BBC news online editor
Email: pete.clifton@bbc.co.uk

Mark Thompson, BBC director general
Email: mark.thompson@bbc.co.uk

Michael Grade, BBC chairman
Email: michael.grade@bbc.co.uk

Please send copies of all emails to us at:
Email: editor@medialens.org

You may also wish to consider lodging an official complaint about the Newswatch article at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints. All complaints are guaranteed a BBC response and, if the complaint is upheld, will appear in publicly available BBC complaints reports.


Residents Claim Neighbors Bombarding Them With Radiation


It's All Newsweek's Fault


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Guilty Fed and Feds


The Cryonic Founding Fathers




Es ist so bequem, unmündig zu sein - Die "demografische Falle" und ihre Hintergründe


Both sides, not


If the Republicans win on the nuclear option, a fateful line will have been crossed that takes us one step further away from the democracy we grew up thinking we could rely on. This is not about Senate rules, it's not about Bill Frist's presidential ambitions, and in the long-term, it's not even about the judiciary. [It] is about the consolidation of governmental power within the modern ultra-conservative movement. ... This is counter to everything the American system of government was supposed to be about." [editor's note: This writer claims, in the subheading, that "The nuclear option is about the consolidation of governmental power -- and no, both sides don't do that." That is the only blatant lie in the whole text; the Dems have been abusing their power position to advantage for decades! - SAT]


from The American Prospect, by Michael Tomasky

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A nifty pocket guide to world domination


So, in several nutshells, here is now you conquer the world: You take the natural desire for community and turn it into fascism. You get people to worship a leader. You teach them war is life-affirming...


from Strike the Root, by Bob Wallace

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

In defense of employment-at-will


Over the past few decades the traditional prerogative of an employer to fire an employee 'at-will' (that is, for any reason whatsoever) has come under legal assault in the United States. Judges in nearly all fifty states have ruled in favor of employees claiming 'unjust' dismissal, forcing companies to rehire the employee or pay damages. Yet despite the emotional appeal of preventing employer 'abuses,' there are compelling reasons to fully restore the so-called 'employment-at-will' doctrine...


from Ludwig von Mises Institute, by Arthur Foulkes

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The freedom pledge


It is up to each and every one of us, as free citizens of the last, best hope for all mankind to live in freedom, to live each and every day the words of the Freedom Pledge. It is up to each of us to make our voices heard. It is up to each of us to make the fools, scoundrels, criminals and traitors in Washington realize that there will be consequences of their foolish and treasonous policies...


from The Libertarian Enterprise, by Ron Beatty

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Free Jose Padilla


May 8 marked the third anniversary of the imprisonment of Jose Padilla. Padilla was apprehended at Chicago's O'Hare Airport in 2002 by Federal officers under the shaky 'material witness' provision and trundled off to prison. In a conspicuous effort to poison public opinion, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced on national TV that Padilla was conspiring to set off a 'dirty bomb' (radioactive device) within the United Sates. To date, the government has never produced any evidence to corroborate their spurious claims. In all probability, Padilla may be entirely blameless. ... Padilla is almost certainly innocent; a random victim of government-demagoguery and public hysteria. Even if the allegations were true, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. The terms of his imprisonment have never been justifiable and he should be released without delay...


from CounterPunch, by Mike Whitney

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Attack on election board whistleblower


The potential firing of Ohio whistleblower Sherole Eaton, Deputy Director of the Hocking County Board of Elections, has re-fired bitter controversy over the stolen 2004 presidential election. And newly released documents confirming a pre-election threat by Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell against election board officials has added to the mix, as has the dismissal of Blackwell's highly publicized sanction attempt against attorneys who challenged the election outcome...


from Columbus Free Press, by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Close Guantánamo Prison


Last month, in a little-noticed vote, the Senate rejected Democratic Senator Robert Byrd's proposal to delete funding for the US prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The amendment to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005 would have stripped HR 1268 of $36 million earmarked for construction of a permanent, 220-person military prison at Guantánamo. Opponents of the amendment said a new prison would keep detainees from being transferred to the United States, where terrorists might seek to free them. These folks may well see the US federal courts, which now hear the Guantánamo inmates' habeas corpus petitions, as 'terrorist.' Before the Supreme Court instructed the Bush administration it must give prisoners access to our courts to challenge their detentions ... the International Committee of the Red Cross called the Guantánamo prison a 'legal black hole...


from TruthOut, by Marjorie Cohn

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

People's right not to rely on government


As of late, doubt about the government's protection of us has seen an interesting resurgence. First there was the Minutemen, and then came the passing of two new laws in Florida: one that is tougher on sex offenders and one that allows citizens to use deadly force no longer just in their homes, but also in public. Now there's the new Real ID Act. ... individuals, once completely dependent on government to protect them, are not only calling for stricter government security measures, but are also taking responsibility for their protection into their own hands by volunteering to protect the borders and themselves...


from University of South Florida Oracle, by Adam Fowler

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Constitutionalism in exile


Originalism isn't about returning to a particular period of time in our history or jurisprudence, or achieving a certain set of results (even if most constitutional conservatives find some of the results of liberal rulings, such as the post-Roe abortion regime, particularly atrocious). It is more concerned with process, recognizing the Constitution as written law that sets down rules that political actors -- be they presidents, legislators or judges -- cannot change on their own. It's hard to see any other approach consistently yielding fidelity to constitutional law. But the people engaged in Constitution-in-exile fretting do have a point. Liberal anti-originalist jurisprudence has effectively exiled many provisions of the Constitution...


from Intellectual Conservative, by W. James Antle III

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is Bush a Sith Lord?


Republicans have become adept at self-deception. They will believe any argument that justifies Bush and no news report that casts doubt on Bush's war. The leaked British government memo is dismissed as just more anti-Bush propaganda from the liberal media, like Dan Rather and Newsweek. Newsweek's retraction of its story that US soldiers flushed a Koran down a toilet proves to Republicans that the only problem is an anti-American liberal media. The fact that Newsweek was absolutely correct in reporting desecration of the Koran by US troops -- and only got wrong the particular way in which the holy book was desecrated -- has been totally ignored by Republicans. Republicans believe everything Bush says. When he tells them he needs a police state to save them from terrorists, they believe him. Who will save us from Bush's police state?


from LewRockwell.Com, by Paul Craig Roberts

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Harvest of Messianic Foreign Policy: Anti-US Radical Islam


An interventionist U.S. foreign policy, fueled by the Bush administration's messianic zeal to make the world more democratic, has contributed to a dramatic rise in radical political Islam around the world. In fact, the current administration's campaign is even more ambitious than Woodrow Wilson's naïve policy of 'making the world safe for democracy.' Provided that the Bush administration is actually sincere about its rhetoric (which is questionable given its mild criticism of despotic allies, such as the governments of Egypt and Uzbekistan, which have recently cracked down on dissidents or simply shot them en masse), both the Wilson and Bush policies derive from a virulent strain of American 'exceptionalism,' the idea that the United States is special among the nations of the world...


from Independent Institute, by Ivan Eland

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The return of the body count


When George Galloway, the antiwar British parliamentarian, recently arrived in Washington to defend himself before Congress, and called the new Iraqi regime in Baghdad a 'puppet government,' it undoubtedly seemed an outrageous and distasteful label to many Americans and all of official Washington; but when our officials and military men speak of putting an 'Iraqi face' on things, it strikes us as good and sensible policy and we wonder why the Iraqis continually let us down on this. The stunning thing is that tin-eared officials using the phrase can't hear what this must sound like to Iraqis. Do we really believe them to be that stupid? Insensate? Unable to imagine whose actual face (and rather imposing body) is to remain behind that Iraqi face being plastered on?


from AntiWar.Com, by Tom Engelhardt

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush approval mark nears low


President Bush's job approval rating dropped to near its lowest point and Congress received poor marks as well in a national poll released Monday. Forty-six percent of 1,006 adults polled over the weekend said they approved of the overall job Bush is doing, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. Over the past year, Bush's rating has hovered near 50 percent, with a low of 45 percent in March and a high of 57 percent just after his second inauguration and the State of the Union in February...


from CNN

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is American Dentistry Killing Us?


From Millions of Health Freedom Fighters

Abschaffung aller unnötigen Dauersender

Zwölf Prozent des deutschen Stromverbrauchs ließen sich einsparen, wenn man die Subventionen für Steinkohle statt in die Kohle in Energiesparmaßnahmen stecken würde. Ein solches Sparprogramm würde auch den Klimaschutz voranbringen: Deutschland würde 35 Millionen Tonnen weniger Kohlendioxid erzeugen und damit dem Ziel des Kyoto-Protokolls einen entscheidenden Schritt näher kommen. Das sind Ergebnisse einer neuen von Greenpeace in Auftrag gegebenen Studie des Öko-Instituts Freiburg.


Mein Vorschlag dazu: Abschaffung aller unnötigen Dauersender (Dauerstromverbraucher) wie DECT-Schnurlostelefone, W-LAN Router/Hotspots, sowie die 80.000 Mobilfunksender. Damit lässt sich viel unnötig verbrauchter Strom sparen. Die Versorgung für diejenigen, die unbedingt mobil telefonieren müssen kann auch über die bestehenden Satelittennetze erfolgen. Bekannter Weise werden Satelitten über Solarzellen mit Strom versorgt. Sinn macht es auch diese Aktion auf alle Fernsehsender auszuweiten. Die meisten Menschen nutzen eh schon die unzähligen Programme über Satellit wozu also noch die teuren, gesundheitsschädlichen und Stromfressenden ca. 800 Fernsehsendeanlagen in unserem Land?

Ulrich Weiner

Auf der Flucht vor Funkwellen


Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner


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