
Bush Psych. Screening of USA Kids Challenged


Cancer Cluster



Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Radiation levels in Auckland suburb shock expert

The Cancer Epidemic - Symptom of an Unsustainable Society

Radiation levels in Auckland suburb shock expert

New Zealand Herald - Auckland, New Zealand

An independent medical expert has found radiation readings taken near power lines in an Auckland suburb at the centre of a cancer cluster scare are 10 times ...


Radiation levels in Auckland suburb shock expert


by Kirsty Wynn

An independent medical expert has found radiation readings taken near power lines in an Auckland suburb at the centre of a cancer cluster scare are 10 times higher than the levels accepted elsewhere in the world.

Dr Robin Smart has studied the relationship between high voltage lines and health and found evidence of exceedingly high radiation levels in the West Auckland suburb of Massey.

While some overseas countries have dropped the suggested level of electo-magnetic field (EMF) radiation to 0.1 microtesla, New Zealand's limit - set by the Ministry of Health - is 10,000 times higher at 100 microtesla.

Dr Smart, who conducted tests yesterday in the area with an EMF reader, found on the playing field of Lincoln Heights School the reading reached 1.0 microtesla - 10 times the accepted limit in other countries.

Two children from the same family in a nearby street, who are both pupils at the school, have leukaemia. Their mother has recently suffered two miscarriages.

One metre from the edge of the school field - directly under a high voltage powerline - the EMF rating jumped to 1.5 microtesla.

At the former home of Cameron Duncan, the young Kiwi film-maker who died last year from cancer, an EMF reading in the lounge was recorded at 1.4 microtesla. Dr Smart said he was shocked at the readings.

"The kids are playing on the field all the time, so they are getting this level of exposure all the time."

He said there was very good evidence to show that at 0.4 of a microtesla you would be looking at increased rates of childhood leukaemia.

Cameron's mother, Sharon Duncan, who has moved from the house, said she wants the matter taken seriously.

"I have always been suspicious of the power lines over the house and I am not surprised at the high reading," Mrs Duncan said.

Last year it was revealed Cameron and two friends - Charles Hetaraka and Jeffrey Thumath - were diagnosed with cancer within two months of each other.

Charles and Cameron both died in 2003, at age 17. Jeffrey is still fighting the disease.

Since then, dozens more people have come forward with their stories of cancer and other health problems.

National Radiation Laboratory scientists in Christchurch said residents living in areas with high voltage pylons had nothing to fear.

NRL scientist Martin Gledhill said there was no research finding a link between cancer and power pylons.


Informant: Sylvie

Cancer Cluster

The cell phone industry: Big Tobacco 2.0?

Thought this was worth publicising! Look at the article at the link provided - first few paragraphs below. Then look at http://www.cnet.com home page - an article like this in a magazine like this is a major step forward!

Dr Grahame Blackwell


From Libby Kelley (USA)

The content of the following article will not be news to many people, but the source -- CNET -- is. It's not every day that these issues are raised in a forum such as this.



The Cell Phone Industry: Big Tobacco 2.0?
by Molly Wood, senior editor,
May, 2005

So, there's this incredibly popular product that has widespread consumer use and a massive marketing presence. Nearly everyone uses it, and it has very high social acceptance, even though some people find it annoying when it's used in public. It's highly habit-forming; people who use the product on a regular basis find it almost impossible to live without.

Unfortunately, studies start to appear showing that the product might be harmful to its users--even cancer-causing. The product's manufacturers deny the presence of any danger and even spend millions of dollars trying to discredit the research that points to problems. Then, an insider emerges, seemingly with proof that the product could be dangerous. The industry agrees to publish warning data about the product, but continues to maintain that the product itself is safe for use.

Lawsuits against the product's manufacturers are filed, but all are dismissed. Industry analysts know that any case that does succeed could start a domino effect of future lawsuits, which keeps the industry determined to maintain that the product is harmless, despite increasing evidence to the contrary.

Sound familiar? Well, put down your lighter, I'm talking about cell phones. I've already maintained that I don't like the cell phone industry's iron-clad control over phone releases and pricing, its ever-lengthening contracts, and the annoying habit it has of crippling Bluetooth phones so that I can't use them the way I want to. But it takes only a few minutes of looking into the cell phone radiation quagmire before I start to think, man, these guys have Big Tobacco 2.0 written all over them. Actually, I'm not the first to think of it, but a recent article in the University of Washington alumni magazine indicates that the behaviors aren't going away, even as the potentially damning research continues to mount.

OK, I know the obvious differences: I'm sure cell phone manufacturers are not deliberately making their products more addictive, for example--although they are, of course, always offering new and improved services and ever-increasing buckets of minutes, which can't help but encourage us to use our phones more and more frequently. But, just as Big Tobacco did, the cell phone industry seems bound and determined to thwart and deny any suggestion that its product might be dangerous.

A history of bad news For example, in 1994, University of Washington bioengineering professors Henry Lai and Narendra Singh found that the DNA in rats' brains was damaged after two hours of exposure to levels of microwave radiation considered safe by the government. When Lai and Singh published the research, a leaked memo from Motorola's head of global strategy, Norm Sandler, talked about ways to minimize damage by undermining their research, with Sandler writing, "I think that we have sufficiently war-gamed the Lai/Singh issue." Ouch. Worse, research biologist Jerry Phillips, who was paid by Motorola to conduct similar testing, says he was able to duplicate Lai and Singh's findings, but was then asked not to publish the research and was subsequently shunned by the company. Motorola says it told Phillips that his findings needed clarification, and the industry still maintains that Lai and Singh's results have never been duplicated and can't be considered legitimate.

The biggest Russell Crowe-style insider in this case, though, is Dr. George Carlo, who was hired by the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association to head up a $28 million research program into possible health effects from cellular phones. Unfortunately, he now says his findings show an increased rate of brain cancer deaths, development of tumors, and genetic damage among heavy cell phone users. He wrote this letter of concern to the president of AT&T Corporation and later went public with his findings after what he considered to be neglect by the industry. He's since broken with the industry, become a vocal critic, and coauthored a book called Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age--so you can tell he's on the "cell phones could cause cancer" side of things.

Meanwhile, more studies keep coming, and they seem to be getting worse. A study funded by the European Union reported last December that radio waves from mobile phones do, definitively, damage DNA and other cells in the body--and that the damage extended to the next generation of cells. Even though mutated cells are considered a possible cause of cancer, the UK National Radiological Protection Board said that since the study didn't show that the damage definitely led to disease, consumers shouldn't worry too much about the findings.

Uh, right. In the meantime, the report recommended that children use mobile phones only in emergency situations. You know, just in case. How reassuring.

The cell phone industry hasn't commissioned another large-scale study--at least not publicly--since its fateful encounter with Dr. Carlo--and why would they? They're in a catch-22. It's a multibillion dollar industry, and they simply can't afford to find out, definitively, that cell phones are dangerous.

Worse, just like the tobacco companies, if they start issuing warnings and precautionary tales now, it'll look like they knew all along that the radio waves were dangerous, opening them up to major liability claims. They've already dodged one big, big bullet--an $800 million lawsuit against Motorola and cell phone carriers was thrown out in 2002, with the judge ruling that there wasn't sufficient evidence for trial. Since then, neurologist Dr. Christopher Newman, who filed the lawsuit, has died of brain cancer.

Listen, I use a cell phone, and I'm not trying to scare the bejesus out of everyone. But I do use a headset when I'm talking for any long period of time, and I carry that sucker in my purse, not my pocket. (I know you guys don't have that luxury, but reconsider the briefcase, OK?) And if you're shopping for a new phone, you might want to check our cell phone radiation chart to see which ones carry a low dose.

In a few more years, we'll either know for sure that cell phones can cause cancer, or we'll know they can't. I just hope we don't find out the hard way--through subpoenaed documents from cell phone makers and carriers who've been trying to minimize their damages and maximize their profits for more than a decade.

Cnet.com, 8th March 2005

Cancer Kills 7 in Tower of Terror
by Chris Tate

Residents' fear over radio masts on roof

A block of flats bristling with mobile phone and radio masts has been branded the Tower of Terror after a grim series of cancer deaths.

Seven residents have died from the disease in the last 18 months alone, with four receiving treatment for related illnesses. Four others have suffered strokes.

Now panic stricken neighbors are desperate to have the masts removed amid fears the emissions are death rays.

Residents' Association chairman, Bill Marrow, 65, who was recently fitted with a pacemaker, said: "Every time I get a headache these days I'm worried I could be the next person to be struck down. The whole block is extremely concerned. We're all asking who is going to be next?"

Vodaphone and Orange have base stations on top of Liscard House -the block housing 86 flats in Wallasey, Merseyside - and there is also a radio mast for the emergency services.

Health chiefs have launched an investigation and offered residents urgent medical checks. Reg Blackmore, 77, is currently nursing his wife Monica back to health after she too fell victim to the cancer curse. He said, "We love it here. It's been a fantastic place to retire to but we are so worried that our health is suffering with each passing day."

Campaigner Bill accepts there is no scientific proof linking radio masts to cancer; but said: "I fear that one day someone will come along and tell us we were right about this. Until then, it is better to be safe than sorry. We're determined to get these masts removed. We know there is no concrete proof these masts are causing the cancers but it is not fair to have the worry over our heads."

Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust confirmed health checks were on offer and they would meet residents' requests for data on cancer rates which they can cross reference with those in their building.

Orange said that it had agreed to co-operate during the probe. A spokesman added: "Radiation coming from our masts is well below the guidelines. But we will do everything possible to allay the residents concern."

No one from Vodafone was available for comment. The People, 15th May 2005

PHILLIP DAY'S COMMENT: Here is another burgeoning industry racing ahead without fear of the consequences. I have a much better idea for mobile phones. We should switch the things OFF altogether and get a life. Aside from the radiation, consider that mobiles ringing a dozen times a day increase stress levels by making a spontaneous demand on your time. Friends will be able to contact you if you don't have one; we sometimes forget there was life before Nokia and 'Moto' and that ghastly 'frog' I wish someone would drop into a blender.

Am I seriously suggesting ditching the mobile? Yes! Do I use one? Not for a while now. As for the baleful 3G concept of sending pictures of stuck-out tongues to teenage buddies, resulting in a whole new generation of masts bristling along the ridge, 'nuff said. Keep one in the glove box if you must (a phone not a tongue), to ring in traffic accidents like a good citizen, and then switch the darned thing off and stuff it back in the dark. Email's a serious enough demand, isn't it? If anyone should be using a mobile phone all over the world, it's me! And I don't! And there's peace!

Mobile Phone Risks 'Rise in Rural Areas'
by Jenny Hope

Mobile phones are at the centre of a new health scare after scientists found that users in rural areas may be at higher risk of brain cancer.

Research shows that the chance of developing a malignant brain tumour could be eight times higher in the countryside compared with towns.

And the risk of developing any brain tumour rises fourfold for country-dwellers using mobile phones for five years or more, says a study published today. It is thought the extra risk may be triggered by the higher power output levels from phones used in rural areas.

Base stations tend to be farther apart outside towns which means the phone needs to generate higher radiowave intensity to compensate for the poor signal.

This could result in higher exposure to radiation emissions. Experts say there are no proven health risks to using mobile phones, but they are such a new phenomenon that problems could still emerge. There are 60 million mobile users in Britain - up from 9 million in 1998 - with around one quarter aged under 18.

In the latest study from Sweden, researchers looked at more than 1,400 adults aged 20 to 80 who had been diagnosed with a malignant or benign brain tumour between 1997 and 2000.

The brain cancer patients were compared with a similar number of healthy adults living in the same area. Each group was asked to record their daily use of mobile and cordless phones, according to a report in the journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

The researchers at University Hospital in Orebro found there was a higher risk of all types of tumours for people living in rural areas - defined as less than 90,000 inhabitants - compared with towns.

People living in a rural area who had been using a digital mobile phone for more than three years were over three times more likely to be diagnosed with a brain tumour than those living in urban areas.

There was a fourfold higher risk for those using a digital mobile phone for five or more years in the countryside compared with the towns.

An eightfold increase in malignant brain tumours was found in country dwellers compared to those in towns.

Researchers said the length of time spent on the phone had little impact on the chances of being diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Professor Lennart Hardell, who led the research, said the findings should be treated with caution because the actual number of brain tumours in areas classified as rural was very small. "Clearly our results support the notion that exposure may differ between geographical areas," he added.

"But there is no information on the exact difference between geographical areas."

There are 45,000 base stations fitted with antennae or 'masts' situated 200m to 500m apart in towns and up to 5 km apart in rural areas of the UK.

Alasdair Philips, director of the mobile phone emission pressure group Powerwatch, said: "It would be sensible for those in areas with a poor signal to limit their calls."

Mike Dolan, executive director of the Mobile Phone Operators Association, said: "All mobile handsets in the UK comply with international health and safety guidelines which apply whether the phones are used in rural or urban areas. Individual studies must be seen in the light of the total research effort into mobile phone safety." Daily Mail, 17th May 2005



Source: http://www.healthy-communications.com/cell_phone_industry.html


Cellular Phone Industry Just as Health-Harming as Big Tobacco?

Tobacco giant paid scientist to spread “disinformation”

The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science

The unbridled alliance of science and industry

Iraq: Vietnam's lost lessons

Veterans still feel Vietnam scars

Vietnam is a 30-year nightmare, from which Jim Doyle is still trying to wake. Every week he sees a psychiatrist, but no-one can free him from the demons of war. The smallest things - like the smell of diesel - bring the memories flooding back. But it is the big things that worry him most. "Nobody who has ever been to war wants to see anybody else go there," he said. "So Iraq has been a very difficult time. "War is hell," he adds. "It has an impact on the people who take part that never heals."


Vietnam's lost lessons

Perhaps fittingly for a war as controversial as that in Vietnam, the last iconic images from the bitter conflict show the chaos, fear and confusion as helicopters evacuate Americans and South Vietnamese from the rooftop of the U.S. Embassy and other locations in Saigon. Four hours after the last evacuees were lifted to safety offshore, the South Vietnamese government announced its unconditional surrender to the Viet Cong. The long, costly war had ended.


30-Year Anniversary Fall of Saigon: Vietnam and Iraq

SPRING HAS COME again 30 times since the last April agonies of the Republic of South Vietnam. None of us who were there in that final collapse are likely to forget it: The seemingly endless columns of refugees snaking ever southward, the infectious fear that ran through the streets of Saigon, the sudden suicides, some of them in public places, the rumors and pathetic false hopes that some kind of deal would be made, that the Communists would not come after all.


Lawmakers shift tone on accountability for prison abuse scandal

A year ago, when the Abu Ghraib prison scandal broke, several U.S. senators warned that top military officers and civilian policy-makers must share the blame for lower-ranking soldiers who abused prisoners. That hasn't happened. Instead, while the scandal has widened to include allegations of mistreatment at facilities in Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the senators' tough talk has mellowed considerably.


EMF Protective Devices

On EMF Protective Devices

DU Nano Particles pose major health hazard


Die Waffen der Zukunft erobern den Alltag


Forestalled Climate Change Solutions

Hello everyone

I met Mr Burger at one of my Money Matters Workshops last week in Calgary. A very fascinating man, with a very significant understanding of Global Warming. He's very well respected in the his field, and thought you'd enjoy the read.


From: "Martin Burger" ceo@bluenergy.com
Subject: Forestalled Climate Change Solutions
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 19:29:57 -0600

After fourteen years of in our efforts to advance stranded solutions to a major problem facing humanity it just boggles the mind to see media so readily granting the hydrocarbon confusionists a place of legitimacy on the world's public opinion stage.

With some 10 degrees warning (Freudian slip) the Arctic is the proverbial coal mine for Climate Change, and I'm here to report figuratively dead canaries littering the landscape up there by the thousands.

I urge everyone to read two very readable papers on climate change. The first tells about how the scientists themselves struggled when faced with the inescapable conclusions from the ice core data, went from a place of total disbelief to a reluctant acceptance that indeed small changes in model inputs conclusively resulted in dramatic changes (ice ages are triggered by North Atlantic Thermoline shifts).

The second paper is a good climate change summary.

Available at:


There is no further debate. The climate change data set is unquestionably conclusive as the tiny air bubbles locked in the ice cores served as time locked trace gas atmospheric samples for our spectroscopy analysis. This data permitted us to reconstruct a complete climate history showing in great detail what we had for an atmosphere on this planet. Further, oxygen isotope analysis from the ice cores completed an incredibly detailed picture to provide even minute seasonal temperatures changes going back some 420,000 years.

What is there left to debate? This nonsense is the same charade as our good doctor in a white lab coat claiming that tobacco is good for you. That went on for years before the public caught on that was only the special interests making unseemly profits at the expense of an unsuspecting public.

With similar motives today the special interests in the energy sector have effectively muted the climate change urgency now to where the transition is going to be inescapably difficult.

Global warming has been hidden in ocean warming and the public will
eventually come to appreciate that while all this was all going on early inventors like Viktor Schauberger, Nicola Tesla, Barry Davis and others had invented scalable energy solutions that could have prevented or mitigated our ecology degradation. The sad truth is this mess did not have to occur and that the Florida Gulf Current is likely to shut down in the not too distant future and along with it the loss of the food carrying capacity for Europe's 450 million people.

The domino effects do not stop there, yes it gets much worse and none of us will be able to escape the climate change consequences.

The planet has long enjoyed the beneficial cooling mirror effect from the vast expanse of the polar ice cap with its high refractive index. The Russians and the US Trident Submarine program played cold war cat and mouse war games under the ice cap and continuously pinged the ice cap thickness to assess surface launch conditions. This date set is a complete data set as well and in forty short years we have seen a 50 % thinning of the polar ice cap which serves as the planet's fragile cooling mirror.

Rudimentary thermal dynamic tells us that the first mass loss is the slowest mass loss and that the next remaining 50% thickness will be gone in less than 15 years. Scary enough for you yet. It gets worse, much worse.

Underneath the polar ice cap lie trillions of tons of frozen tundra (METHANE is 20 times the greenhouse gas effect that carbon is!!!). Inert while frozen but when this stuff starts to melt and gasify, it will further exacerbate our Thermagedon.

Hollywood is to be commended for doing a great public service and dramatizing the urgent climate change issue. This movie alone will do what the urgent warnings from 50,000 of the world's senior scientists was not able to do when they said that we have unwittingly set our selves on a perilous course.

"No more than one or a few decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity immeasurably diminished." See http://www.ucsusa.org/ucs/about/page.cfm?pageID=1009

Yes the Day After Tomorrow movie is indeed a Hollywood fictional account of a runaway climate change scenario, nonetheless it still serves as a badly needed wake call for us all. See: http://www.thedayaftertomorrowmovie.com/index.php

We enjoy a very special experience together here on planet Earth and wisdom necessitates that we error on the side of sanity for with our present course, we surely play recklessly with the very life support system of our planet.

The good news is that thanks to Hollywood an informed public will now insist on implementing some of these stranded technology breakthrough solutions and that means we can readily move into our low cost clean energy future beyond the vested interest gridlock.

Thank you Hollywood.

Martin J. Burger CEO
Ph: (403) 270 3040

Informant: V


Current SOHO shot of the Sun spot with magnetic development. Haven't read anymore than this....so not sure what's up. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/eit_284/512/

From Anna Webb

Begin forwarded message:

EMERGENCY NOTICE !!!! APRIL 30, 2005 MAJOR SOLAR MAGNETIC DEFORMITY IS FORMING AROUND THE LARGE SUNSPOT 756 ... stay tuned for updates ...get out your xray protection gear !!! ... jim mccanney



Exposed: Blair is a serial liar


Informant: Charles Bremer

War, Aid and Public Relations


Informant: Charles Bremer

Leading scientific journals 'are censoring debate on global warming'


Informant: NHNE


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