
Buy local produce and save the world


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Update from the Field 3/3/05


Amnesty International calls for the withdrawal of the Prevention of Terrorism Bill (PTB) in the United Kingdom

Amnesty International calls for the withdrawal of the Prevention of Terrorism Bill (PTB) in the United Kingdom, as it will effectively end the rule of law and the separation of powers by placing key powers in the hands of the executive.

Read more:



Earlier this month, US soldiers and members of the Iraqi National Guard forced their way into the house of Huda Hafez Ahmad al-'Azawi, a businesswoman in Baghdad. They handcuffed and blindfolded her, and beat, handcuffed and blindfolded her two daughters, Nura, 15 and Sarah, 20. Her whereabouts are unknown.


Torture Endangers the Soul of Our Nation


Retain Your Right to Improve National Forests

#119 WILD NORTHWEST, March 3, 2005
A Message from Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
=====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Retain Your Right to Improve National Forests

Comments needed to ensure full and fair public input and environmental review

Just before Christmas, the Bush administration proposed to limit or "categorically exclude" public input and environmental review when long-term Forest Plans are being revised or changed. These Forest Plans are critically important documents that embody the overarching goals and objectives for our national forests and establish guidelines for how to achieve them. It is imperative that Forest Plans are crafted with input from scientific experts and the interested public so that wilderness, old growth, drinking water, and wildlife habitat are adequately protected.

Comments are due by Monday, March 7. Let the Forest Service know that you support full and fair public participation and environmental review in the planning and management of national forests. Right now, the Colville and Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forests are preparing new plans that will determine how water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreation opportunities are protected from logging, grazing, and mining activities over the next decade. In the future, new plans also will be developed for the Olympic, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie, and Gifford Pinchot National Forests. Under the proposed rule, your ideas for these forests could be ignored. The Forest Service would no longer be required to study, disclose, and supply comparative information on a full range of management options to the public as a part of forest planning.

Take a moment to send a personalized email from our action center, http://www.ecosystem.org/action/index.html?MessageTemplateID=2
Send written comments directly to
Content Analysis Team, Attn: Planning CE
USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 22777
Salt Lake City, UT 84122
email: planningce@fs.fed.us
Fax: 801.517.1015

You'll find additional talking points on the action center page shown above. For a copy of the proposed rule, visit

Thank you once again for taking time to speak out to keep our national forests wild.

Erin Moore
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201
Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24

U.S. Seeking Looser Environmental Laws


40th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery march

** In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery march for voting rights, and the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, please call your Senators today and ask them to support the “Count Every Vote” Act: (202) 224-3121. Details below. **

This weekend thousands of people will commemorate a critical event in voting rights and civil rights history: the 40th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery march. We hope you will join CODEPINK in honoring this event and the thousands of people who fought for and won the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which finally gave African Americans in the South the right to vote.

The anniversary of the Selma march is the perfect opportunity to push for new legislation to ensure our voting rights today, which are still in jeopardy.

On March 7, 1965 in Selma, Alabama, hundreds of African Americans embarked on a 54-mile march to demand the right to vote. What began as a peaceful demonstration became the event known as “Bloody Sunday”, when state troopers attacked, tear-gassed, clubbed and trampled the marchers with horses.

People throughout the United States were shocked by the violence inflicted against the peaceful marchers, and they quickly organized demonstrations in dozens of cities in support of the marchers. Many religious leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., went to Selma to peacefully confront the state troopers by marching the same route out of Selma. Shortly afterward, President Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

This weekend the Selma march will be re-enacted, to honor the participants in the voting rights struggle and remind people that the struggle and for our voting rights is very much alive today.

As Rev. Jackson wrote in an article this week, “Now in this divided nation, the undermining of voting rights - and the unwillingness of the majority party to defend them - is spreading. We saw it in Florida in 2000, where a partisan secretary of state, head of the Bush campaign in Florida, intentionally purged qualified black voters from the voting lists. … We saw it once more in 2004, in Ohio. Once more the secretary of state in charge of the election was a rabid partisan and co-chair of the Bush election campaign. Once more, African-American voters were disqualified improperly. Machines without paper records, manufactured by companies headed by pro-Bush partisans, were adopted for use. When black registration went up, the number of machines in black districts went down, creating lines that lasted for hours.” (Click here to read the full article.) http://www.suntimes.com/output/jesse/cst-edt-jesse011.html


On February 18, Senators Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton introduced the “Count Every Vote” act. In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Selma march for voting rights, we urge you to call your Senators today and ask them to co-sponsor and actively push for the passage of this act.


The “Count Every Vote” act will:
* Provide voter-verified paper ballots for every vote cast on electronic machines
* Set uniform standards for provisional ballots
* Ensure equal access to voting machines and election personnel in every community
* Designate Election Day as a federal holiday
* Make deceptive voter suppression activities a federal crime
* Restrict the political activities of state elections officials and voting machine manufacturers

We also encourage you to sign and circulate CODEPINK’s Voter Bill of Rights. http://www.codepinkalert.org/National_Actions_Voter_Bill_of_Rights.shtml

For those of you in driving distance for Selma, we hope you will make sure that CODEPINK is present for this weekend’s events. For details about the events, click here. http://www.crmvet.org/anc/0503selm.htm

In peace,
Andrea, Carol, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Tiffany
March 3, 2005 http://www.codepinkalert.org

Problems with Gannongate?



Informant: ranger116

Letter to ARUP and the University of Reading

I have just written to the ODPM personally to request a regulator for mobile phone companies in view of the fact that my letter has only gone to another time and money consuming exercise.

Below is a copy of the letter to be sent to this study.


Here is the letter that makes the matching pair, which has been posted


I want you to know what is going on with these mobile phone companies, the worst of which seem to be 02 and Airwave, but my complaint is about all of these companies.

I have asked an intermediary to pass on my request for a regulatory body for mobile phone companies, since self-regulation is very clearly not working.

I now realize that you have just put in place a time and money consuming study (ARUP and the University of Reading ) where a copy of my letter is to be sent.

I am therefore asking you myself to put in place a regulatory body immediately where phone companies, who are angering and frustrating decent citizens of the UK all over the country, can be policed.

Please show us, the electorate, something we have not seen from your government…….. care and concern for us and our human rights.

As a committee member, Advice Line co-ordinator and TETRA email co-ordinator for Mast Sanity, I am well aware of the mood of the people I speak to or email throughout every week.

I have chosen to ask this of you as an individual rather than under the Mast Sanity umbrella because I also enclose a letter I have written for the people of the UK to send to Government to let it know their thoughts and feeling.

I enclose a copy for your information.

This is the only way this government leaves open to us, and I believe strongly that the people have the right to address a government that was elected into power for the people and by the people.

I will not rest until the tide of misery brought by this mast invasion is turned.

I blame the Government as much as the phone companies for ignoring the rights and wishes of the people in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

28th February 2005

I am a committee member of Mast Sanity as well as Advice Line co-ordinator.

I take calls from members of the public twice a week, most weeks, and stand in for others on occasions when they are unable to take phone calls.

I am also helping in a local campaign against what residents here call "the bullying tactics" of 02. This, because we are now on the fourth campaign since December 2003!

In December 2003, 02 applied for a mast to be erected at West Park, Aldwick, and residents objected because there is already a Hutchison 3G mast there which makes some people unwell. (They recover when they go on holiday, or out of the area for a week or two, thus indicating that this existing mast is a major cause)

Our district council refused this application and 02 appealed, so it went to the Bristol Inspectorate, where it was refused permission again.

In December 2004, 02 again put in a planning application for a 17m mast and this was again rejected by the district council on February 16th 2005.

The following day, council notices were put up to announce that 02 had entered into a joint planning application, received on February 8th 2005, with Hutchison (which has the existing mast on this site) for a 20.5m mast with 6 antennae, 3 for Hutchison and 3 for 02.

This is blatant bullying, in the eyes of the local residents, because 02 has been refused three times already on visual aspects i.e. the height, and the height increases with each application. There is no indication that they have investigated another possible site and locals are afraid that 02 will add TETRA, either lawfully or otherwise, as they did on the Feltham, Bognor BT mast last year.

We are aware that 02 still have the right to appeal on the planning application which was refused on the 16th February 2005 , if this latest application is again refused. So we could run into a 5th campaign!

Because residents have become exhausted with this continual onslaught, we complained to OFCOM and the DTI, who both denied responsibility. A phone call to the ODPM confirmed that there is nowhere for people to complain to about this aggressive, insensitive bullying by phone companies, who do not even bother to consult local residents.

I hear the same story from all over the UK on the Advice Line for Mast Sanity about all the phone companies. Also they are putting out literature to say mobiles and phone masts are safe! That is not strictly true, even by government standards, as reference to biological effects is mentioned in the Stewart report under 'Main Conclusions on the Possible Effects of Mobile Phone Technology on Human Health' at 1.18 and 1.19.

The suggestion in 1.18 that "there may be biological effects occurring at below these guidelines" is tantamount to saying there is an element of doubt.

While 1.19 goes on to say "We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential health effects".

Since phone companies and the Government quote Stewart at every twist and turn, why do they misquote it for their convenience in misinforming the public?

For these reasons would you please be kind enough to raise these issues in the meeting of 16th March 2005 and ask that phone companies should be make accountable for these tactics and this misinformation by way of a body which can regulate them properly, for it seems that they are not to be trusted to self-regulate!

The local campaign here has written to the district council requesting that the council asks the government to fine these phone companies for wasting councils' time and money on repeated application and appeals (which may further burden council tax payers!)

This point could also be raised if you would.

Ordinary, law abiding, people across the UK are becoming incensed by the behaviour of phone companies and angry with this government for allowing it to happen, and for manipulation the planning laws to aid and abet these companies.

It would not take much to gather a great pile of examples, but I have chosen to let the Government know our feelings in the enclosed letter to be sent to government departments by the people across the UK. I enclose it for your information.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

Enc: The Voice of the People of the UK

Journalist Hersh slams Bush and the Iraq war

The clear facts: "Driven by an unyielding neoconservative ideology, President Bush and his administration have repeatedly misled the public about their plans for war in Iraq and beyond, award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh said Tuesday evening."


Kamera obscura

UK: Kamera obscura

Zuerst 500.000 Stück installieren bzw ermöglichen und sich dann Schwarz auf Weiß bestätigen lassen, was Kriminologen, Sozialwissenschafter und Bürgerrechtler seit längerem behaupten: Überwachungskameras sind keine effektive Methode zur Kriminalitätsbekämpfung. Die Illusion an Sicherheit wirkt nicht einmal mehr bei der Bevölkerung - nur bei Politikern grassiert noch die obskure Idee, mit solchen Installationen ihre Handlungsentschlossenheit beweisen zu können.

Der nächste Welle an großflächigen unreflektierten Einsatz vermeintlicher Sicherheitstechnik überrollt uns gerade - obwohl auch hier ernste Zweifel an der Wirksamkeit bestehen: Biometrie im Alltag, in Pässen, in Schulkantinen, bei Zeiterfassung von Leiharbeitern, usw.

"Assessing the impact of CCTV" by Martin Gill, Angela Spriggs
Die Studie [176 Seiten] im Auftrag des UK Home Office.


Die Metropole am Monitor

Keine andere Maßnahme zur Kriminalitätsprävention wird so stark gefördert wie CCTV. Ob die extrem kostspielige Videoüberwachung tatsächlich hält, was sie verspricht, ist Gegenstand zahlreicher Studien.

Im Auftrag des Home Office, des britischen Innenministeriums wurde vor kurzem eine groß angelegte Evaluation durchgeführt, die die Effektivität von CCTV überprüfen sollte. Martin Gill, Professor für Kriminologie an der University of Leicester und Direktor von "Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International" leitet dieses Forschungsprojekt: "Kriminelle Delikte, die aus einem Impuls heraus verübt werden, wie etwa Gewaltverbrechen, auf die hat CCTV weniger Wirkung. Die Annahme, dass es reicht überall eine Kamera aufzustellen und alles ist gut, ist also mit Vorsicht zu genießen."


(...)Überwachungskameras haben den Vorteil, den Raum permanent zu beobachten und Bilder speichern zu können, um Täter identifizieren zu können. Sie sind billiger als die Präsenz von Polizisten, vor allem aber muss mit dem technischen Heilmittel nichts verändert werden, um einen Ort sicherer zu machen. Dass diese Annahme, mit der Überwachungskameras überall angebracht werden, weitgehend eine Illusion ist, ist schon seit Jahren bekannt und wurde jetzt wieder von einer neuen Studie bestätigt.(...)

relayed by Mac Gyver

Aus: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 24, Issue 2

SWPAT: harte Kritik des RFW an der EU-Kommission

Der RFW bezeichnet das Verhalten des EU-Kommissionspräsidenten als ungeheuerliche Ignoranz und stellt fest: Die EU-Kommission hat sich von den Spielregeln einer Demokratie verabschiedet.

"Wenn sich Barosso durchsetzt, dann sind nicht nur tausende KMU´s gefährdet, nein dann wackelt der Wirtschaftsstandort Europa, da Innovationen verhindert und Firmen mit unnötigen Lizenzverfahren von der Softwareindustrie vernichtet werden".

Der RFW-Obmann fordert seinen Parteikollegen und Minister Gorbach dazu auf einzuschreiten. "Es könne nämlich nicht sein, dass die Kommission in einer Art von Machtrausch über die Regeln der Demokratie darüber fahre. Hier müssen die EU-Staaten die Notbremse ziehen und Barosso in seine Schranken weisen".


relayed by Bernhard Mayer

Aus: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 24, Issue 2

Stoppen Sie das Morden, Herr Präsident

Nach der Ermordung der Nonne Dorothy Stang, die die Kleinbauern Amazoniens über 30 Jahre lang unterstützt hat, fordern Umwelt- und Sozialgruppen von Präsident Lula ein Ende der Gewalt. Der Regierungschef versprach Maßnahmen gegen Berufskiller, Landraub und Regenwaldzerstörung. Fordern Sie von Präsident Lula, den Worten unverzüglich Taten folgen zu lassen. Auf unserer Homepage unter http://www.regenwald.org/mailaktion/aktion.php?show=38 finden sie weitere Informationen und einen Musterbrief.

Bitte leiten Sie diese Email an möglichst viele Freunde und Bekannte weiter.

Reinhard Behrend
Vorsitzender Rettet den Regenwald e. V.

Phone mast protest pays off

CONTROVERSIAL plans to site a mobile phone mast in Bridgnorth’s conservation area were thrown out at the final stage by councillors. The district council’s development control committee on Monday rejected plans by the by communications giant “3” to install the ‘flagpole’ mast on the BT phone exchange in New Road. The plan attracted more than 40 objections from nearby residents. People living in West Castle Street had been bombarding councillors with letters of objection against the proposal on the grounds that the mast would be visually intrusive to residents and visitors and detrimental to the conservation area.


Bridgnorth Town Council also called for the application to be refused. Bridgnorth’s mayor, Councillor Ed Shirley, said: “I have received numerous calls and letters from residents in the Castle ward who are opposed to this application, and among them all there was only one lone voice supporting it. “Most of the people are concerned about the effect it would have on the conservation area and of course the health issue has caused concern.”

Councillor Bryan Jones said he despaired at the telecommunication companies, who continuously bombard the planners with applications for masts in unsuitable locations. “I despair at all these people who keep coming to us with plans for masts inside the conservation areas and an urban areas – I just can’t understand them,” he said.

From Mast Network

Phone masts: Council bid for stronger powers

LEEDS city councillors, including those representing Morley, have united in their calls for an independent review into national planning rules governing mobile telephone masts. They have passed a resolution asking the Government to give local authorities stronger powers to tackle planning applications for phone masts and base stations. They said mobile phone companies should be subject to the same planning rules and obligations as other people and businesses applying for planning permission.

In a bid to take into consideration the health concerns surrounding such masts, the resolution has also asked that the Government grant emergency planning guidance to local authorities when determining a mast or base station application.


More and more masts are being put up across the country as companies expand their networks. These have triggered protests in many areas where residents have complained about masts being eyesores or have had worried about the as yet unproven effects on the health of people as a result of long term exposure to constant low levels of radiation.

Residents in East Ardsley were up in arms in October when a 15m high 3G Vodaphone mast was built at Top Fold Farm overlooking the reservoir. The company submitted a retrospective application to allow the mast to stay for six months. The application was rejected in December, enforcement notices were issued and the firm was told to remove the mast by the start of March.

Coun Karen Renshaw (Lab, Ardsley & Robin Hood) who had joined residents in their objections said: "I am delighted that this resolution was given the green light at council last week, as it is important that the Government looks into the issue of planning application legislation once again as soon as possible. "It is vital that we, as a local authority, have the power to combat any potential problems that may arise in the future."

04 March 2005

From Mast Network

Recalls nearly 45 years as White House correspondent

Helen Thomas had a front row seat to history unfolding before her eyes, but she said the current administration is making her wish she was blind.


From Information Clearing House

Former Sen. Boschwitz nominated to be Ambassador to the United Nations' Commission on Human Rights

He said he would try to steer the Commission on Human Rights in a direction more favorable to the United States.


From Information Clearing House

Blair still took us to war on a lie

To insist that the ends now justify the means is morally disgraceful.

From Information Clearing House

A Few Words From A "Liberated" Iraqi

We do not hate America for its “freedom or democracy”. We don’t hate America. We hate the crimes, the destructions, and the devastation committed by America against the innocent people in our country.

Ongoing Abuse of Detainees by U.S. Forces

Newly Released Army Documents Detail Ongoing Abuse of Detainees by U.S. Forces:

"Ramadi Madness" DVD of Abuses Was Destroyed by Soldiers Under Investigation...


From Information Clearing House

U.S. soldier are kicking a wounded, cuffed prisoner

Video shows U.S. soldier kicking a wounded, cuffed prisoner

U.S. army investigators found no cause to charge anyone with abuse, army documents released Friday showed.

None Of Us Is Free - If One Of Us Is Chained

Flash Presentation:

Das Märchen von den Lohnnebenkosten

Mythos "Lohnnebenkosten"

Wirtschaftspolitische Informationen 1/2005, herausgegeben vom ver.di Bundesvorstand Berlin - Bereich Wirtschaftspolitik - Februar 2005.(pdf - 614kb)

Eine neue, umfassende Broschüre mit aktuellen Daten zum Thema. Allerdings auch ein Beispiel dafür, wie ver.di immer wieder die Kurve zur Rettung "unserer" Wirtschaft kriegt...

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 4


Das Märchen von den Lohnnebenkosten

Kinderarmut in reichen Ländern steigt

Internationale UNICEF-Vergleichsstudie: Zunahme in Deutschland höher als in den meisten OECD-Staaten.

In den meisten reichen Nationen wächst der Anteil der Kinder, die in Armut leben. Eine neue UNICEF-Studie zeigt, dass sich die Situation von Kindern in 17 von 24 OECD-Staaten verschlechtert hat. Mit 2,7 Prozentpunkten ist Kinderarmut in Deutschland seit 1990 stärker gestiegen als in den meisten anderen Industrienationen. Jedes zehnte Kind lebt hierzulande in relativer Armut, das sind mehr als 1,5 Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren. In den OECD-Staaten insgesamt wachsen über 45 Millionen Kinder in einer Familie auf, die mit weniger als 50 Prozent des Durchschnittseinkommens auskommen muss. Presserklärung von UNICEF vom 01. März 2005. Im Anhang zu dieser Presserklärung finden sich u.a. Links zu einer Teilstudie zur Kinderarmut in Deutschland (in Englisch: A Portrait of Child Poverty in Germany) und einer Studie zur Kinderarmut in den reichen Industriestaaten (in Englisch: Child Poverty in Rich Countries 2005). Siehe dazu ebenfalls

Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht

Lebenslagen in Deutschland. Bitte Dateigröße beachten 370 Seiten (pdf-Datei: 1751.46 KB)

sowie die Anhänge dazu mit insgesamt 170 Seiten (pdf-Datei) und umfangreichen Tabellen und Grafiken.

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 4

Geschäfte mit der Armut

Anstatt den Widerstand gegen "Hartz IV" zu unterstützen, machen die Sozialverbände mit der Einrichtung von "Ein-Euro"-Jobs Kasse. Arbeitsmarkteffekte nicht zu erwarten. Artikel von Christian Linde in junge Welt vom 02.03.2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 4

Wandzeitung: "HARTZ IV"

Die Freundinnen und Freunde der klassenlosen Gesellschaft aus Berlin haben eine Wandzeitung zu Hartz IV gedruckt, die sich vor allem - aber nicht nur - an die von den Maßnahmen besonders gebeutelten Leute unter 25 richtet und noch einer angemessenen Verbreitung harrt. Sie macht sich gut an Schulen, Beschäftigungsträgern usw., kann aber prinzipiell überall hingeklebt werden, wo sich ausreichend Platz für ein Plakat im Format Din A 1 bietet. Sie ist mehrfarbig und frei von reformistischen Illusionen, für aktuelle Hinweise auf Veranstaltungen oder Aktionen wurde eine Ecke freigelassen. Ansehen kann man sich das Ganze unter http://www.klassenlos.tk , gegen Portokosten bestellen über die Adresse freu.de.kla@gmx.de

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 4

Blaschke: BA-Chef Weise hat Recht

Anstatt gegen Windmühlenflügel zu kämpfen, sollte die Politik die Realitäten anerkennen und sich den tatsächlichen Herausforderungen stellen." Pressemitteilung des Netzwerk Grundeinkommen vom 1. März 2005 (pdf)

Aus dem Text: "..Blaschke kritisierte, dass man sowohl in Gesellschaft als auch in Politik und Wirtschaft immer noch dem Traum der Vollbeschäftigung nachhängt. Und das, obwohl dieses Ziel unter den Verhältnissen der internationalen Arbeitsteilung und höchster Produktivität nie mehr erreichbar sein wird. Nachdrücklich forderte Blaschke eine realitätsbezogene Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, die mit den Bedingungen der Arbeitswelt im 3. Jahrtausend vereinbar wären. Ein existenzsicherndes bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für alle wäre ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Es bietet Vorteile für die Arbeitnehmer, die Unternehmen und die gesamte Zivilgesellschaft…"

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 4

Bush IS Cheating American Workers


Informant: Bigraccoon

In Need of Thompson's Savage Take

What's Missing from the News

Challenging the 'state secrets privilege,' pillar of the US national security state


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Climate official resigns, blasting White House influence


Globalize Liberation

Part 1

Part 2

Tracking a Specific Machine Anywhere On The Net


Informant: Susan

Keine weiteren Mobilfunkantennen nach Peiting



Intensity-dependent effects of microwave electromagnetic fields on acetylcholinesterase activity and protein conformation in frog skeletal muscles

Med Sci Monit. 2005 Jan 24;11(2):BR50-56 [Epub ahead of print]

Intensity-dependent effects of microwave electromagnetic fields on acetylcholinesterase activity and protein conformation in frog skeletal muscles.

Vukova T, Atanassov A, Ivanov R, Radicheva N.

Department of Excitable Structures, Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Background: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of continuous microwaves (2.45 GHz) of different field intensity on acetylcholinesterase activity and protein conformation in muscle fractions from frog skeletal muscles.

Material/Methods: Acetylcholinesterase activity in samples from muscle homogenate fractions exposed for 30 min to microwaves of low (10 mW/cm2) or high (20 mW/cm2) intensity at almost constant temperature (1.8 degrees -2.0 degrees C) was measured by spectrophotometry for three consecutive days after irradiation and compared with the activity in a sham-exposed fraction. Infrared spectroscopy (between 1400 cm-1-1800 cm-1) was performed on the lyophilised fractions using Bruker IFS 113 v.

Results: A significant decrease in enzyme activity on the day of exposure (by 8.4% and 13.6% at high and low field intensity, respectively) was observed. Forty-eight hours later the decrease in enzyme activity in samples exposed to both high- and low-intensity microwaves was less than that in sham-exposed samples. Infrared spectroscopy data showed the Amide I band to be negligibly affected and the absorption maximum in the Amide II band to be significantly shifted from 1540 cm-1 (sham-exposed) to 1559 cm-1 (exposed) after irradiation.

Conclusions: Exposure to microwaves results in non-thermal, intensity-dependent, prolonged modification of acetylcholinesterase activity in frog skeletal muscles traced up to 48 hrs after exposure. Infrared spectroscopy data argue for induced conformational changes in the secondary structure of muscle proteins: increased content of ss-structures, random coils, and amorphous structures, which were more expressed at low field intensity.

PMID: 15668626 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Denn sie wissen, was wir tun



Denn sie wissen, was wir tun

Geheimdienste und Polizei erfahren mehr über die Bevölkerung, als die Verfassung erlaubt. Und kaum einer merkt, wie seine Freiheit schwindet

Von Jochen Bittner

Das Infrarot-Erfassungsgerät sieht aus wie ein hochkant gestellter Toaster auf einem Kamerastativ. Ein kurzer Blick – und schon blinkt dem Betrachter sein eigenes, dreidimensional wirkendes Porträt vom Computerbildschirm nebenan entgegen. In einem Sekundenbruchteil hat der Rechner aus 64000 Abtastpunkten ein hologrammartiges Bild gezaubert. Wie zum Gruße schwingt es um die eigene Achse. Schaurig, wie die digitale Totenmaske aus leeren Augen blickt. Unheimlich, dass das eigene Spiegelbild macht, was es will.© Smetek für DIE ZEIT BILD

Nächste Station: der Fingerabdruck. Ein junger Mitarbeiter am Institut für biometrische Identifikationssysteme an der Fachhochschule Friedberg versichert, die gescannten Daten blieben natürlich unter uns. Also gut, Daumen auf das Glasplättchen. Der Computer dankt und bittet um die nächsten drei Finger – ganz höflich, so ähnlich, wie ein Arzt fragen würde: Machen Sie sich bitte mal frei?

Die beiden Techniken, das Konterfei aus dem Computer und der digitalisierte Fingerabdruck, sollen künftig dem Vergleich an Grenzkontrollen dienen: Die aufgenommenen Daten werden mit dem Speicherinhalt eines Chips im Pass verglichen. So hat es das Parlament gleich nach den Terroranschlägen in den USA am 11. September 2001 beschlossen. Im Herbst soll es nun so weit sein, dann will die Bundesregierung die ersten Reisepässe mit Biometrie-Chip ausgeben. Von 2007 an soll der biometrische Personalausweis folgen.

Und, was ist schon dabei? Das bisherige Passfoto ist schließlich auch ein »biometrisches Merkmal«. Warum also den Vergleich zwischen eingetragenem Merkmal und Mensch den bisweilen müden Augen eines Grenzbeamten überlassen, wenn dies ein Computer viel zuverlässiger kann? Schließlich gilt: Terrorist erkannt, Gefahr gebannt.

»Volkszählungsurteil«, das klingt heute wie aus einer anderen Zeit

Doch die prozessorgestützte Identifizierung könnte noch viel mehr leisten. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen macht sie, kurz gesagt, den Menschen maschinenlesbar: Sollten die Gesichts- und Fingerdaten irgendwo zentral gespeichert werden, wird der Körper des Bürgers zum Strichcode, mithin so leicht zu verfolgen wie ein UPS-Päckchen. Mit recht geringem Aufwand ließen sich nicht nur Bewegungen identifizieren, sondern aufgrund dieser Informationen auch Gewohnheiten, Bekanntschaften, berufliche und private Absichten. Manch ein Sicherheitspolitiker bekommt angesichts solcher Möglichkeiten leuchtende Augen.

»Wir sollten ohne Scheuklappen darüber nachdenken, wo uns die moderne Technik helfen kann«, sagt Clemens Binninger, Sicherheitsexperte der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion. Warum sollte man nicht die 300 so genannten islamistischen Top-Gefährder, die der Verfassungsschutz in seiner »Mudschahedin«-Datei führt, biometrisch registrieren, fragt der ehemalige Polizist. Ein paar unauffällige Polizei-Kameras, die in Fußgängerzonen oder Bahnhöfen sämtliche Passantengesichter mit einer biometrischen Verbrecherdatenbank abgleichen – fertig wäre der al-Qaida-Detektor. »Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel die Anschläge auf die Züge in Madrid. Vielleicht hätte man die verhindern können«, sagt Binninger, »hätte man gemerkt, dass diese Täter sich häufig an Bahnhöfen herumtrieben.«

Und es stimmt ja auch: Gegen neue Bedrohungen braucht es neue Instrumente. Freiheit, das bedeutete vor einigen Jahrzehnten für die meisten Deutschen noch die Abwesenheit von staatlicher Kontrolle. Doch je mehr die Erinnerung an Diktatur und Willkürherrschaft verblassten, desto mehr freundeten sich die Deutschen mit dem neuen Vater Staat an. Spätestens seit dem 11.September gedeiht geradezu eine Romanze zwischen Bürger und Big Brother. Sicher, für diesen Flirt gibt es eine Reihe guter Gründe: den 11.März 2004 in Madrid (fast 200 Tote), den 11. April 2002 (14 Deutsche starben bei einem Anschlag auf die Synagoge von Dscherba) und immer mal wieder ein paar ausgehobene Schläfer-Zellen rund um München oder Frankfurt. Die schlimmsten Gefahren für den Bürger gehen also nicht vom Staat aus, sondern von dessen fundamentalistischen Feinden. Auch nach dem nächsten Anschlag wird die Öffentlichkeit als Erstes fragen, ob Geheimdienste und Polizei den Terroristen nicht vorher hätten auf die Schliche kommen können. Und doch: Ist diesem Staat und dieser Gesellschaft eigentlich bewusst, wie weit sich die bundesrepublikanische Demokratie im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus schon von ihrem ursprünglichen freiheitlichen Selbstverständnis entfernt hat?

Frage an Clemens Binninger: Könnten nicht eine ganze Menge Personen in die biometrische Fahndungsdatenbank geraten? »Nur solche«, sagt Binninger, »die aufgrund ihrer Persönlichkeit als latente Gefahr für die öffentliche Sicherheit gelten können.« Gefährliche Persönlichkeiten? Wo fangen die an? Beim Bombenbasteln, ja, da ganz sicher. Aber wo fängt der Bombenbastler an? Beim Moscheebesuch? Beim Lesen arabischer Web-Seiten? Mit – zufällig – falschen Bekannten? Auf der Suche nach islamistischen Schläfern haben Bundes- und Landesregierung längst den Scanner ans Land gelegt, und gescannt werden zwangsläufig auch Unschuldige.

Genau das, was das Bundesverfassungsgericht 1983 im »Volkszählungsurteil« verboten hat, nämlich die systematische, maschinell gestützte Durchleuchtung der Bevölkerung, zählt seit dem 11. September zu den höchsten Prioritäten der Sicherheitspolitik – ohne dass dies bisher grundlegend debattiert worden wäre. Ein Blick in das Volkszählungsurteil zeigt, wie fremd uns das eigene Verfassungsrecht mittlerweile geworden ist. »Eine umfassende Registrierung und Katalogisierung der Persönlichkeit durch die Zusammenführung einzelner Lebensdaten und Personaldaten zur Erstellung von Persönlichkeitsprofilen der Bürger« sei unzulässig, schrieben die Karlsruher Richter vor gut zwanzig Jahren. Zum »Grundrecht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung« gehöre deshalb, dass grundsätzlich jedermann selbst entscheiden könne, was er wem gegenüber von sich preisgeben wolle.

Doch genau dies, das unbemerkte Profiling, die vorbeugende Einsicht ins Menscheninnere, ist Ziel von immer mehr »Schutzgesetzen«. Schon seit Inkrafttreten der beiden Antiterrorpakete aus den Jahren 2001 und 2002 (im Volksmund »Otto-Katalog«) dürfen Verfassungsschutz und Bundesnachrichtendienst von Banken Informationen über Geldbewegungen einholen, die Post überwachen, von Fluglinien Reiseinformationen abrufen sowie Telefonate und E-Mails überwachen. Dem Bundeskriminalamt wiederum ist es erlaubt, von Behörden und Firmen Auskünfte über Bürger und Angestellte einzuholen. Gemäß dem »Gesetz zur Förderung der Steuerehrlichkeit« sollen sich vom 1. April an Sachbearbeiter der Finanz- und Sozialämter, in der Arbeitsagentur und der Bafög-Stelle quasi auf Knopfdruck und ohne richterliche Anordnung Übersicht über sämtliche Konten und Gelddepots des Bürgers verschaffen können. Ebenfalls ohne richterliche Genehmigung, so will es Rot-Grün, soll künftig die Speicherung von anonymem DNA-Material möglich sein. Um das Anzapfen des E-Mail-Verkehrs zu erleichtern, sind private Provider seit Anfang dieses Jahres verpflichtet, ihre Rechnerzentralen mit Hard- und Software nachzurüsten, die es erlauben, die Kunden im Auftrag der Polizei oder des Verfassungsschutzes zu überwachen.

Die Bürger von Thüringen, Niedersachsen, Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz müssen sich sogar darauf einstellen, dass ihre E-Mail-Konten künftig auch dann von der Polizei überwacht werden können, wenn keinerlei Verdacht gegen sie vorliegt. »Präventiv-polizeiliche Telekommunikationsüberwachung« heißt der einigermaßen revolutionäre Paragraf im Juristen-Sprech, den diese Länder ohne viel Aufhebens ins Landespolizeirecht aufgenommen haben. Er ermächtigt die Polizei nach richterlicher Anordnung, den Telefon- und E-Mail-Verkehr von völlig unschuldigen Bürgern anzuzapfen. Es reicht schon, wenn man unwissentlich in den Umkreis eines Terrorverdächtigen gerät; sei es als Nachbar, Mitbewohner, Arbeitskollege oder Sportsfreund. »Kontakt- und Begleitpersonen« nennt das Gesetz diesen Personenkreis. Für dessen Überwachung bedarf es nicht einmal einer konkreten Gefahr (wie sonst im Polizeirecht). Stattdessen sind die Paragrafen darauf zugeschnitten, langfristige Observationen zu ermöglichen. Bis zu fünf Monate E-Mail- und Telefon-Verkehr dürfen die Beamten auf Anordnung eines Richters auswerten.

Telekommunikationsanbieter müssen zu diesem Zweck zwei Monate lang alle Verbindungsdaten auf Vorrat sammeln – es entsteht ein umfassendes Gedächtnis aller Telefonate, E-Mails und SMS, aus dem Ermittler sich bedienen können. Eine solch weitgehende Ausforschung durften früher nur Nachrichtendienste betreiben. Aus gutem Grund: Den Geheimen fehlen die Möglichkeiten für weitere Grundrechtsrechtseingriffe, sie dürfen weder verhaften noch vernehmen, noch durchsuchen. Die Polizei hingegen kann das alles.

Fragen ließe sich: Was soll die Panik? Otto Normalsurfer hat doch nichts zu verbergen. Tatsächlich? Für viele Einzelinformationen mag das stimmen, aber: Fängt man an, bestimmte Informationen zu kombinieren, ergeben sich ganz schnell neue Erkenntnisse. Aus der Tatsache zum Beispiel, welche Tageszeitung jemand abonniert, ob er Öko-Milch kauft und welche Bücher er bestellt, lässt sich darauf schließen, welche Partei er höchstwahrscheinlich wählt. So lassen sich aus scheinbar belanglosen Daten alsbald Gedanken lesen. Und das könnte – irgendwann einmal – für eine Regierung schon interessant werden. Genauso funktioniert bereits die Rasterfahndung nach Terroristen. Die Datensätze zehntausender Menschen werden auf verdächtige Merkmale hin durchsiebt. Die wenigsten derer, die im Raster hängen bleiben, hegen freilich Terrorpläne. Gleichwohl, ihre Computerspuren und Telefongespräche könnte das nächstgelegene Landeskriminalamt durchaus spannend finden – man wird ja wohl mal nachsehen dürfen?

»Behörden spitzeln das Lebensumfeld von Bürgern aus«

Klick für Klick verschiebt sich so die Informationsverteilung zwischen Staat und Bürger. Und damit verschieben sich die politischen Gewichte. Auf diese Weise fängt die freiheitliche Ordnung an, sich selbst zu demontieren. Wenn die Bürger besorgt sein müssen, in jeder Lebenslage überwacht zu werden, untergräbt das auf lange Sicht den Mut zur freien Meinungsäußerung.

»Polizei und viele andere Behörden erstellen schon jetzt anlassfrei Persönlichkeitsprofile und spitzeln das Lebensumfeld von Bürgern aus«, sagt Thilo Weichert, Datenschutzbeauftragter von Schleswig-Holstein. »Das ist ganz klar ein Verstoß gegen das Volkszählungsurteil und damit verfassungswidrig.« Weichert kann nur warnen und kritisieren – aufhalten kann er nichts. Zumal die Sicherheitstechnik auch noch auf einer weiteren Welle daherrollt, die ganz besonders machtvoll ist: Gemeint ist die Globalisierung. Nichts als Abnicken bleibt den deutschen Abgeordneten bei solchen Entscheidungen, welche Europa im politischen Schwitzkasten der USA trifft. Washington verlangt vom kommenden Herbst an biometrische Pässe für die Einreise, Punkt, aus. »Die Grünen-Fraktion kann nicht etwas verhindern, auf das die Welt sich geeinigt hat«, klagt deren innenpolitische Sprecherin Silke Stokar.

Auch Teilen der SPD scheint jetzt erst aufzufallen, was sie unter dem Eindruck des 11. September 2001 mitentschieden haben. Nun erst, da die Aufnahme von biometrischen Merkmalen in Ausweispapiere beschlossene Sache ist, fordert die Parlamentarische Linke der Bundestagsfraktion das Innenministerium auf, bitte schön einmal darzulegen, ob und wie diese Innovation tatsächlich einen Beitrag zur Sicherheit der Bürger leiste. Schließlich sei über Missbrauchsmöglichkeiten noch gar nicht geredet worden. Die Abgeordneten wollen wissen: Sind die Speicher-Chips in den Ausweisen wirklich gegen unbefugtes Auslesen geschützt?

»Bürgerkarte«, was ist das? Schweigen im Innenministerium

Ist es wirklich ausgeschlossen, dass die Biometrie-Daten zentral gespeichert werden – etwa von einer EU-Behörde? Überrollt fühlen sich die Parlamentarier nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil sich Otto Schily zuerst auf europäischer Ebene für die Biometrie stark machte und der entsprechende Beschluss anschließend in Form einer EU-Richtlinie in den Bundestag flatterte. Kritische Diskussion über die Sache im nationalen Parlament? Fehlanzeige. Schriftliche Anfragen zur Biometrie, sagt die SPD-Abgeordnete Ulla Burchardt, seien vom Innenministerium »in einer dermaßen herablassenden und nicht informativen Art und Weise beantwortet worden, dass man wirklich den Eindruck bekommt, dass Transparenz an dieser Stelle nicht erwünscht ist«.

In der Tat gibt sich Schilys Haus zugeknöpft. Aber aus einer Kleinen Anfrage der FDP-Fraktion an die Bundesregierung vom 4. Januar geht hervor, dass die neuen Personalausweise von 2007 an auch eine »Bürgerkartenfunktion« enthalten sollen. Mit ihrer Hilfe soll es möglich sein, sich künftig biometrisch im Internet auszuweisen. Frage ans Innenministerium: Wie wird das genau funktionieren? Antwort: »Die technischen Konzepte dazu werden zurzeit erarbeitet.«

»Wir wüssten auch gerne mehr«, sagt Thomas Petermann, der stellvertretende Leiter des Büros für Technikfolgenabschätzung des Bundestags. Ihn ärgere, sagt er, »mit welcher Selbstverständlichkeit solche Dinge über die Bühne gehen«. Die Regierung begründe nicht mehr, was sie tue, im Eiltempo würden Entscheidungen getroffen, ohne vorherige Debatte. »Wir wissen auch nicht, wer die Bürgerkarte auslesen kann, welche Daten wo gespeichert werden, welche Rechte der Bürger hat und wie die Datenschützer das alles kontrollieren sollen.«

Am Biometrie-Institut Friedberg, drei Fingerabdrücke später. Professor Michael Behrens, der Leiter des Labors, lächelt und hält seinen linken Zeigefinger in die Höhe. »Wissen Sie, wie ich den nenne?«, fragt er. »Meinen Wissenschaftsfinger.« Mehr, will er damit sagen, bekommt kein Gerät von ihm. Behrens kommt auf seine Studienzeit zu sprechen. Auf die späten Siebziger. Die RAF-Zeiten. Auf die Notstandsgesetze. Er wolle auf keinen Fall als Biometrie-Gegner gelten, sagt er. »Aber eine der Lehren von damals«, meint der Biometrie-Forscher, »ist doch, dass Freiheitsrechte, die einmal eingebüßt sind, sehr schwer wieder zurückzuerobern sind.«


Fears over phone mast being built near schools

[by] Ed Carty

Government plans to erect a mobile phone mast near two schools could harm children's health, it was claimed yesterday.

Campaigners fear radiation from the base station on a public bulding in Rathmines, Dublin, will pose unknown risks to pupils of St. Louis High School and St. Mary's College.

John Gormley, Green Party chairman, said he was totally opposed to the mast and called on Junior Minister Tom Parlon, at the Office of Public Works, to step in and block any building. . . . "

Best, Imelda, Cork.

Action on John Ryan case would benefit Vodafone

How uplifting to turn to Irish Senator Martin Mansergh's Saturday column in today's THE IRISH TIMES and find him making this statement "The problem [with masts] arises when, for reasons not clearly understood, whether peculiarities of location and/or the particular susceptibility of individuals, a persistent allergic reaction sets in or is exacerbated, which can be attributed to radiation from a mast and its electromagnetic field." He concludes this article by writing in support of John Ryan's right to have the health-wrecking mast removed from his farm and suggests in his last sentence that "Given the State's unwillingness to intervene, farm organisations should exercise their influence on his behalf."

I will transcribe the entire article below. While the predominant tone of his article is strongly supportive of the socio-economic gains arising from the cellphone industry he does admit to that vital point that a small percentage of people are allergic to/susceptible to EMR. For information on Senator Martin Mansergh's political and intellectual standing in Ireland just enter his name in google search engine:

Best, Imelda, Cork.

THE IRISH TIMES, Saturday, March 5, 2005, page 14
(Opinion and Analysis)

"Action on Ryan case would benefit Vodafone

[by] Martin Mansergh

The film Erin Brockovich of a few years ago, starring Julia Roberts and Albert Finney, was a true-life portrayal of an extreme and, one would hope, untypical example of ruthless and unscrupulous corporate behaviour.

Toxic raw materials and reckless waste-management policy under a supine state regulatory system resulted in wholesale abnormalities, cancers and other damage to human and animal health in a settlement neighbouring an industrial plant.

Misinformation and denial of any causal link between widespread health problems and industrial practices crumbled only in the face of determined courage by a woman that pitted a small law-firm against massive corporate resources.

Experience in Ireland shows that even wholly ethical and responsible corporations have difficulty in handling isolted cases, where unusual and abnormal individual health symptoms, for which there is no adequate explanation, occur in the vicinity of their installations. Unproven causal links are on principle denied.

Omega: There are more than unproven causal links for hurtful influence of pulsed microwave radiation and this is long known also from so-called "wholly ethical and responsible corporations". See e.g. under:
http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html and
"How Industry Manipulates Science" under:

What inhibits remedial action, even on an agreed 'without prejudice' basis, is fear of setting precedents, and encouraging the proliferation of 'professional' or crank protesters. Until recently, regulatory authorities were slow to discommode valuable scarce industry providing badly needed employment, and were rather too ready simply to underwrite with minimal variation the corporate PR line of defence.

Mobile phones are a technology which has made private life and work more flexible and efficient. Contact is easy, though it can sometimes contribute to the sense of hassle. Mobile phones are invaluable for old people, when the car breaks down, for giving notice of delays, keeping track of offspring, avoiding steep hotel charges, and for finding people urgently.

They have eased the problem of teenagers hogging the telpehone at home. The fixed line, like the cruise vis-a-vis the fast ferry, remains the older and more reliable technology, for radio interviews by telephone, for instance.

Mobile phone companies make good profits in a country where people like to talk. The auction of a second mobile phone licence in 1995 for a song made rapid fortunes for a number of players.

The astonishing aspect of it was, not so much the existence, real or alleged, of an inside track in contract-awarding still being investigated by the Moriarty tribunal, but that a State asset for sale could be so grossly undervalued, to the tune of 2,000 per cent or more.

The chief beneficiary, whose company was, by his own assessment, previously living on the edge, went into tax exile.

Like other spectacular commercial successes and failures, it shows that the State needs to professionalise how it does business, preferably by hiring appropriately salaried in-house specialist expertise, rather than overuse of expensive per diem consultancy contracts.

Vodafone, which supplies this columnist's modest needs, recently announced profits of [euros] 341 million. There are continuing arguments about prices, profits and monopolistic competition, on which ComReg's criticisms were given support this week by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Communications chaired by Noel O'Flynn TD.

Most people's attitude to the mobile phone is positive, towards what has become an indispensable aid to modern living.

The problems of coverage, while not entirely gone away, have been much reduced. There are some objections to mobile phone masts on aethetic grounds, though they are much less obtrusive than electricity pylons or wind turbines.

There has been an inconclusive debate about hazards from mobiles from overuse or to young people.

There is a strong preference for not erecting masts on schools or in residential areas, as much from a precautionary principle as anything else. There is little undisputed evidence of general hazards or serious health and safety warnings applicable to the whole population.

Omega there is much evidence of general hazards and serious health safety warnings see "Mobile Phone and Human Health" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/554581/

Masts are placed on Garda [Irish Police] stations that already have communications equipment, even on church towers, and out in the countryside, mostly with few objections.

The problem arises when, for reasons not clearly understood, whether peculiarities of location and/or the particular susceptibility of individuals, a persistent allergic reaction sets in or is exacerbated, which can be attributed to radiation from a mast and its electomagnetic field.

Such is the well-publicised case of John Ryan, a dairy farmer near Golden, Co. Tipperary, who accepted erection of a mobile phone mast on a hill above his house. It was a remunerative but lopsided contract worth [euros] 10,000 a year, to which he is bound until August 2007, with Vodafone as the lessee able to get out in the first year. According to a medical report, John Ryan developed burning sensations on his skin, and is often unable to sleep at home or stay near the farm.

There is some evidence of a previous history of less severe symptoms, connected by Mr Ryan to the use of a mobile phone. There is no obvious gain, indeed an earnings loss, if the installation were removed early.

It would seem sensible that in instances where an individual is unhappy with the installation from which he and his family profit, on prima facie defensible grounds, the installation should be removed without having to wait for proof.

Mobile phone companies are sufficiently profitable to be able to insure themselves against such rare occurrences. It is an issue of how large corporations treat vulnerable individuals and their families. They should not ride roughshod over them, or require them to seek forms of recourse that are beyond the capacity of most individuals without wealth.

The IRISH TIMES editorial (July 9th, 2004) concluded that 'in certain public controversies, the best solution is to walk away', and that 'operators must display greater flexibility and sensitivity to indiviudal needs'. We have more than enough environmental standoffs.

Belated action on this case would be a credit to the company, and would not detract from the benefits that mobile phone infrastructure can bring to the entire community, including farmers, few of whom could be as unlucky as John Ryan. Given the State's unwillingness to intervene, farm organisations should exercise their influence on his behalf."

Dr Martin Mansergh
Senator for Seanad Éireann
Friarsfield House, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary
Tel: 062-51226 or 01-618 3156
Fax: 062-31028 or 01-618 4793
Email: click here:

And below is news of yet another mast protest in Dublin, based on health fears to school students.


"Fears over phone mast being built near schools
[by] Ed Carty

Government plans to erect a mobile phone mast near two schools could harm children's health, it was claimed yesterday.

Campaigners fear radiation from the base station on a public bulding in Rathmines, Dublin, will pose unknown risks to pupils of St. Louis High School and St. Mary's College.

John Gormley, Green Party chairman, said he was totally opposed to the mast and called on Junior Minister Tom Parlon, at the Office of Public Works, to step in and block any building. . . . "

Irish mast cum cellphone health issue hots up further



Simmering masts row

John Ryan: Phone mast wrecks my life

Mobile Phone and Human Health


Mobilfunk Archiv (Englisch)


News from Mast Sanity


Lawmakers Hear About Red Tape Facing Wounded Soldiers

Lawmakers on Thursday heard about the jumble of red tape some military service members face at home, as a grim milestone was reached in Iraq. The number of U.S. fatalities passed 1,500. More than 11,000 injuries have been reported in action.


Key Iraq War Wound: Brain Trauma

"A growing number of U.S. troops whose body armor helped them survive bomb and rocket attacks are suffering brain damage as a result of the blasts. It's a type of injury some military doctors say has become the signature wound of the Iraq war." The article below reports 534 soldiers diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI).


VA's red tape squelches veterans' long-overdue disability claims

In an article which was purged from dozens of newspapers, Knight Ridder's Chris Adams writes of the tragedy of the VA sitting on claims until after the veterans died.


Senate Republicans Defeat Military Exemption to Bankruptcy

Anti-Soldier Vote: Senate Republicans Defeat Military Exemption to Bankruptcy

"U.S. Senate Republicans blocked an effort by Democrats to shield military personnel from changes to bankruptcy law that would force more debtors to repay their creditors. The Senate voted 58-38 today to defeat the amendment ... backed by credit-card companies...." As other news reports show, some reservists face home foreclosure because their income falls sharply when they are ordered to active duty. The facts in the article below clearly show U.S. Senate Republicans stand shamefully with credit card companies over the best interests of our soldiers during war.


Another Guantanamo Scandal?

Another Guantanamo Scandal? -- Three Officers Suspended

While this may not be another torture scandal, the fact three officers at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were suspended by the general in charge of the prisoner of war camp ought to raise more than a few eyebrows. This news raises even more questions because the Department of Defense released it on Friday evening, the best method to kill an unfavorable news item in Washington.


Former Canadian Foreign Minister Blasts Bush's Failed 'Star Wars' Project

Every once in a while, a world leader writes a fantastic essay, filled with facts the press won't otherwise print. Lloyd Axworthy displays true leadership by detailing the flaws of U.S. foreign policy, especially the very expensive failure called National Missile Defense, or "Star Wars."



As Andy recently quoted Japanese research which denies links between MMR and autism, I thought people might be interested in the following leaflet written by Naturopath Pat Rattigan. He's done a lot of research into medical fraud and written about 60 different leaflets on everything from cancer research to HIV/AIDS fraud, aspartame to microwaves, arthritis treatment to breast cancer, water fluoridation to vitamin B17. I can send his publications list out if people wish.

As might be expected Pat is being closely watched by Briticsh security...



The Medical Assault on Society

As the plague of adolescent and juvenile violence, social disruption, vandalism, arson, robbery, learning problems, and so on spirals further out of control, the work of the American PhD researcher Harris L Coulter becomes ever more relevant.

Dr. Coulter is, arguably, America's leading source of useful information on the effects of vaccination on the brain and, subsequently, on education and society.

In his seminal work on the subject Coulter states that "A large body of research has been done on the neurological status of persons involved in violent crime. They seem to have a very high incidence of typical post-encephalitic sequelae."

Coulter, like the other main researcher on the subject Dr Vera Scheibner PhD, is in no doubt concerning the chief cause of the encephalitis: vaccination.

The vaccines, concocted of animal-derived proteins and viruses, formaldehyde, mercury, antibiotics, gelatin, aluminium, carbolic acid .. are injected directly into the bloodstream and can create any and all physical, emotional and mental illnesses and combinations of the same.

Whilst the plague of vaccine induced asthma, diabetes, bowel disease, MS, ME, arthritis, meningitis .. and all the other physical illnesses are of great concern, the mental conditions have a profound effect on the social fabric.

The record prison population, the ever-growing numbers of "special needs" children, the exclusions from school, the morbid fascination with fire - leading to more and more arson, the rising numbers of severely depressed youngsters depending on alcohol and illicit drugs ... were all recorded by those monitoring the US experience. 25% of US youngsters are now on suppressive drugs.

As we reach the American vaccination levels the same scenario is happening here. What we have is not just a more pronounced variation of what we had a generation ago : our youngsters are, effectively, mutating.

Vaccine-induced disease is aggravated by vitamin and mineral deficiences and synthetic additives in food and drink: its effects are compounded by useless or absent parents, bad housing etc. Vaccination is a unique health threat due to the vaccine poisons being injected beneath the skin. Food chemicals, junkburgers, even cigarettes are subject to the total immune system response which begins at the mouth, nose and skin: vaccination by-passes this defence and goes directly to the blood, cells and organs; brain included.

All vaccinated children are vaccine-damaged.

The encephalitis from vaccination has been recognised for over 75 years but has been suppressed effectively by the vaccine makers, politicians and - derelict of duty, as always - the mass media.

"It is impossible to deny a connection between vaccination and the encephalitis which follows it." Journal of the American Medical Association July 3 1926.

"Cases of cerebral symptoms, suggesting encephalitis, following vaccination have been reported from Holland, Czechoslovakia and Germany." New York State Journal of Medicine May 15 1926.

The term autism was coined by the American child psychologist Leo Kanner, in the 1940s, to describe a new syndrome which appeared in the wake of the US whooping cough vaccine programme. After the war the US occupied Japan and forcibly vaccinated the children: the first case of autism was recorded, there, in 1945. In the UK the shot was subject to a large-scale promotion in the late 1950s: the first UK society for autistic children was founded in 1962.

The manic efforts, on the part of the government, the BBC etc, to resist all attempts to lay the blame for autism with vaccination are not merely to protect, at all costs, the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.

The admission that autism, a brain abberation, is vaccine-induced, could lead to a call for investigation into the whole spectrum of vaccine-induced mental illness. Denying the vaccine-autism link is a buffer protecting against this call.

Coulter is of the opinion that, "We have produced a generation of neurological defectives. The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmostphere of society...the collapse of the educational system, drug abuse and the epidemic of violent crime are routed...in the...post-encephalitic syndrome...this is true for many European countries.."

The juvenile and adolescent miscreants, in the street or classroom, not only appear but actually are mentally deranged. Aside from the ones who have gone over the edge into criminal behaviour, there is a huge mass of children who are alienated, paranoid, have severe ego weakness or low self-esteem, are anxious, depressed, frustrated, precociously sexual...

The vaccine makers, medical beaurocrats, politicians, paid-per-jab GPs, on-the-payroll media "medical correspondants" .. all maintain the standard line : Edward Jenner's serum saved us from smallpox: vaccines are safe and effective ; they got rid of the infectious diseases: measles, mumps etc are dangerous conditions ... all easily refuted.

As the medical/beaurocratic/political/media set-up has abdicated responibility, other than blaming video games and TV, it is up to those at the sharp end, teachers, the police etc to demand that the debate no-go areas are opened up.

Pat Rattigan N.D.
Tel 01246 230474

From Mast Network

Leukemia in children will continue growing

El Mercantil Valenciano. Thursday 24 of February of 2005.

CLAUDIO J. GÓMEZ-PERRETTA - Doctor-investigator of the Hospital La Fe. Until it makes few years the critical exposition on the true nature of the denominated development or progress was little less than patrimony of the Marxist movements, pawned according to its opposites on fighting the capitalist methodology blindly. The set of scientists, headed by Pierre Curie critical and legitimized of the use of the nuclear energy with warmongering aims found so single echo in the groups near the European lefts. With the new sciences, methodologies able are developed to consider a priori the relative risk of human and environmental impact of a certain technology, balancing the benefit with the possibility of undesirable damages. Thus, of this form the risk no longer appeared tie to the ideology but to the turn out to apply a mathematical function. This philosophy follows effective still, when the Commission of Ecotoxicologie of the European Union advised against to take measures the electromagnetic exhibition as opposed to, when considering that the children who could live next to high tension cables and therefore exposed to chronically undergo levels of radiation over 0,3 microTeslas (100 are the legal limit) and risk of undergoing leukemia, represented single a 1% of the population. Thus, the socioeconomic balance between cancer risk and transfer or reframing of demarcation of high tension cables invited to leave the things as they are. Not even a pursuit of the group of risk children was advised, since officially this situation was not recognized. More lucky people have been the electrical workers since for years studies have been made in the labor atmosphere where by system the levels of contamination and environmental risk are maximum and where in addition the scientific evidence causa/effect is easier to complete.

An article appeared east year in the American magazine of epidemiology concluded that the cancer of prostate in electricians was associated with the exhibition to habitual the electromagnetic field of work in front other substances of recognized harmful action. Of this form, in the countries with investigating tradition the meticulous controls to the risk populations are already frequent at least. The rest of population of the nonlabor and more dispersed risk or would not at the moment count on the doctor-social shelter and nor at least the annual statistical count by areas of maximal electromagnetic radiation, that contributed to deepen in the origins of leucemias. Paradoxicalally, scientists assigned to the department of health in the USA recently recognized an increase maintained of leucemias/year from the beginning of the generalization of the electrification in our world and recent tips of incidence in the countries developing. And clearer still it appears the association between electromagnetism of industrial origin with the dependent cancers hormonal, of prostate and sucks when scientists of the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, described to an increase in men and women of cancer of breast, up to 7 times greater if in addition these last ones had less than 50 years and its tumor were employee of the rate of estrogens. This month of August, this newspaper published very alarming data on the tropospheric ozone concentration, referred to Maestrazgo in the mountains of Castellón.

In this case, it would be no longer possible to speak of a cold calculation and examiner of accounts. The referred levels, as soon as inferior units at the tolerable maximum level are already precatastrophic. Their origin, the originating industrial contamination mainly of thermal power stations and automobiles that paradoxicalally undergo in greater degree those than less contaminate. The wind regime, the valleys and their peripheral mountains make the rest. This bad ozone is known that differentiate it from the good one that it gives rise to the Ozonosphere, is a very powerful toxic for the plants, altering its development and that conduct their purifying battle of the carbonic anhydride. Thus, degrading the surroundings and the economic development of those places in addition the frightful effect is caused with more intensity conservatory. Thus, it is not worth to act like firemen, or whom the alarm does not spread not to injure interests of third. Nor to hide information or either to contaminate it with the appearance in scene of pseudo-scientists on salary, who even deny with a smile in face form any form of evident risk. From this form, the crudest information arrives with dropper at the population that lives trusted without taking measures that humanized more serious the acute effects at least. For example, to avoid the hour tips on the 12 of the ozone noon in the areas of risk for the most vulnerable population remaining within house, or in the case of the electromagnetic radiations of avoiding the interminable hours front to the computer moving away of the screen and of any other electrical device beyond the 50 centimeters of distance.

Luckyly, the most contemporary history has shown almost always, that the own technological advance ends up correcting or moderating the damages of long ago, but the greater term to us or smaller of attainment it did not have to be a period of submission and ignorance leaving events pass them, hoping that single the chance avoids that the most pessimistic prognoses are fulfilled. No longer is it a secret for almost anybody, that those zones with more environmental toxicity have a greater rate of morbidity and minor life expectancy. The population, scared by political distrust and before the exclamations of the retriever voices does not request with more frequency studies epidemiologists when it perceives generally that cases of cancer are accumulated in his surroundings. Unfortunately, most of studies they conclude, in spite of the statistical evidence with clear contradictions between the findings and the ruling pro-government philosophy in our world. One not only demands the statistical affirmation but the causal congruence, and this last one is frequently unsalvable. It is as if to accept the relation of the bacillus of Koch with the tuberculosis, that had had to demonstrate to the mechanism of action of the germ in the ganglia and lungs. Thus, a time essential gains not to tomorrow injure to powerful economic interests while the some solution, distracting attention with circumstantial expired chivos thinks about best of the cases in, now the ionizing tobacco and radiations, and perhaps peculiarly the so far officially but only officially safe ones, the electromagnetic ones.


Informant: Sylvie

Translation Spanish/English: omega



Laser soll maximalen Schmerz auslösen


Informant: Michael Meyer

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Tetra and Terrorism

TETRA: An Optimum Wireless Solution for Iraq’s Public Services

Sepura: $5m to $50m

That's the ordinary stuff; natural commercial interest (not to be confused with Tetra Tech in Iraq, out to make a real $$$ killing).

Conspiracist? Worried about those frequencies?
Not so far removed (dated 2001):
which is closely related to claims of 4g Gaiacomm:
scary military/commercial stuff, which factual or not reflects the possible future of global military control and remote "non-lethal" weaponry.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 6:31 PM
Subject: [Mast Network] Tetra and Terrorism

from Vivienne B.

Even though we have very good reason to believe that the Airwave Tetra system is unsafe, we all know that this disreputable company needs to keep the farce going that the system works.

What could happen next is that during the next big event - the election, or Charles and Camilla's wedding, etc., is that there will be a big terrorist alert, BUT the day will be saved or salvaged by the use of the Tetra Airwave system - which just happens to be in operation at the time and the police and emergency services just happen to be using it and are able to liase with the military!! The poor punters will be impressed by the Government's grip on the situation and by the efficacy of Tetra and we protestors will be glossed over as though we never existed. By the way, the "terrorists" will either evade capture or be shot - so the truth won't come out for a long time - BUT it will come out eventually!

Think something on these lines can't and won't happen. Think again. This kind of thing has been going on for years. Where money is concerned, anything can happen. Don't want to worry anyone, but maybe thinking ahead may be of some help to us mastkateers and we can be ahead of the game - so to speak.

Know that this is repetition, sorry - but - some policemen (from Hampshire force I think) are earmarked to work for security in Iraq. Does that mean that the poor unsuspecting Iraqis, who have suffered so terribly, will now unwittingly and unknowingly suffer the effects of this dangerous system? Can't say for sure that Airwave Tetra will be/or has been introduced in Iraq - but come on folks - isn't it more than a probability? Anyone with anymore info - please let me know.

From Mast Network

Crucial Clean Energy Legislation for America

On February 17, important clean energy legislation was introduced in Congress. The Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) requires utilities to gradually increase their use of clean energy–-such as wind and solar power–-to 20 percent of total power generation. A strong national RES would not only decrease pollution and global warming emissions, but would also increase our energy independence and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Please urge your members of Congress to support a clean energy future for America and insist that any national energy legislation must contain a strong RES. Note: If you are from CA, CO, CT, IA, IL, MA, ME, NJ, PA, RI, VT or WA one of your legislators is a bill sponsor. Click here after you've taken action to thank them:

Informant: JHW369

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Ordinary Canadians kept Canada out of Iraq and missile defense

People 2, Elite 0


Informant: Bea Bernhausen

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Informant: Frank Gonzalez

The Gannon Cannon


Informant: Marsha

What's Really Going On


Total Control: Aerosol Operations



Informant: Jim

Eight million children are either stillborn or die each year

This figure never makes news.

The issue of child survival is a moral as well as a health barometer of our times. The aim of the present Lancet series (Neonatal Survival) is to erase the excuse of ignorance for public and political inaction once and for all.

This series is the product of a partnership between scientists, health workers, and journal editors. Together we can make a difference to the lives of those who have no voice.

We believe that this is the most important public health campaign we have taken part in for a generation. It is for this reason that we are making this special issue available at no cost to all 1.1 million registered users of thelancet.com.

Simply click through this link:
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Please also feel free to forward this information to your colleagues.

Richard Horton

More signs of an impending Iran crisis



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