
Structural and kinetic effects of mobile phone microwaves on acetylcholinesterase activity

Biophys Chem. 2005 Mar 1;113(3):245-53.

Structural and kinetic effects of mobile phone microwaves on acetylcholinesterase activity.

Barteri M, Pala A, Rotella S.

Dipartimento di Chimica- Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - 00185 Roma, Italy.

The present study provides evidence that "in vitro" simple exposure of an aqueous solution of electric eel acetylcholinesterase (EeAChE; EC to cellular phone emission alters its enzymatic activity. This paper demonstrates, by combining different experimental techniques, that radio frequency (RF) radiations irreversibly affect the structural and biochemical characteristics of an important CNS enzyme. These results were obtained by using a commercial cellular phone to reproduce the reality of the human exposition. This experimental procedure provided surprising effects collected practically without experimental errors because they were obtained comparing native and irradiated sample of the same enzyme solution. Although these results cannot be used to conclude whether exposure to RF during the use of cellular phone can lead to any hazardous health effect, they may be a significant first step towards further verification of these effects on other "ex vivo" or "in vivo" biological systems.

PMID: 15620509 [PubMed - in process]


Informant: Iris Atzmon

Persuade your District Council to inspect masts

After reading about what Birmingham City Council have decided to do, I have decided to try to persuade our District Council to inspect masts in their area for any unnotified changes or addition to existing masts, and all hidden paraphenalia and repeater etc. I shall encourage other locals to write, and I invite everyone from every area to do the same. Even if we don't achieve this, it will cause a few feather to fly and hopefully shake the phone operators a little........... but then, we will succeed, won't we?

Let us know what council you are bashing! Mine is Arun District Council. Here is the report on Birmingham council.


Birmingham masts to be inspected

Birmingham City council have recently met with campaign groups – a first?

See why on:

Inspection threat over mobile masts

Jan 18 2005

By Neil Elkes, Evening Mail

Mobile phone operators have been warned their masts will be inspected to ensure they meet health and safety regulations.

The warning came from councillors considering banning masts from Birmingham land or buildings following a meeting with anti-mast activists and concerned residents at Stockland Green School in Erdington.

City legal teams will also be looking to see if the city can exit or renegotiate leases for the 139 masts on council towers and office blocks.

The meeting, attended by more than 40 people, heard that companies self-certify their masts for safety, while residents claimed that others had been upgraded to new video and picture capable networks without the council's knowledge.

Chairman of the inquiry Coun Michael Wilkes (Lib Dem, Hall Green) said: "I don't know if we check masts, but it is something we will see is done."

Campaigners urged the committee to ban masts and petition the Government for tighter regulation and more research into the feared health effects of the technology.

Amanda Wesley, Erdington resident and Mast Sanity member, said: "The Government sets the planning guidelines. But masts on council land is an area we can do something about.

"This is the opportunity for Birmingham City Council to lead the way as one of Britain's biggest authorities."

And Tim Rhys-Roberts, who fought a battle against a mast in Perry Barr, said: "I would like to see this council take the lead and do some ground-breaking work to try to get some legislation which is common sense."

Labour Party activist Rob Pocock, from Sutton Coldfield, urged the council to look at human rights, environmental and public health laws to protect the people of Birmingham from any risks.

But one note of caution came from Coun Jon Hunt (Lib Dem, Perry Barr) who said an all out ban might be counter productive.

He argued that when battling plans for a mast near a school, the best alternative site would have been in the middle of a park, at a site away from homes and schools.

"There is a contradiction here, but the planning authority would not have allowed it on green land."

From Mast Network

Myth Breakers: Facts About Electronic Elections

Essential Information for Those Entrusted with Making Decisions about Election Systems in the United States...

read article:

A Certain Outcome

By Jeff Schult

It was manifestly obvious that something was wrong, deeply wrong, with these elections. The exit polls, the best check on a secret ballot yet devised by man, were desperately at odds with the announced results. From towns and cities throughout the state, reports of frauds both large and small poured in. Ballots were destroyed or lost. Wild charges of vote suppression and voter intimidation were flung about. Observers from foreign nations were aghast.

read article:

‘Something is wrong in America’

An interview with investigative journalist Greg Palast
San Diego City Beat
by Daniel Strumpf

Interviewing Greg Palast is a bit like rummaging through your mother’s nightstand—you’re bound to learn some things you’ll wish you hadn’t. As an investigative journalist for the BBC’s Newsnight and England’s Sunday newspaper, The Guardian, Palast is most famous for exposing racist scheming behind the 2000 Florida election scandal nearly a year before the mainstream American media got around to it.

read article:

Machine that lost votes in N.C. did same in Pennsylvania

The Associated Press

The same model of voting machine that lost 4,438 votes in Carteret County also erased votes in three Pennsylvania counties, officials in that state said.

read article:

Arkansas in 2004: Did Bush Really Win?

The Free Press
by Max Standridge

Past Election Patterns, Pre-Election, Tracking and Exit Poll Patterns, Bill Clinton, Vote Discrepancies, Undervotes, and A "Convenient" Power Failure in Little Rock, All Combine to Suggest Otherwise.

read article:

Voting Problems and Uncounted Votes in Lucas County, Ohio

January 23, 2005
The Free Press
Justine Smith

This report contains overwhelming evidence of voter suppression in Lucas County, Ohio. A list of voters who voted provisionally was obtained from the Lucas County Board of Elections. The report listed name, address, precinct voted in and reason for the vote being invalidated. Voter turnout data by precinct was obtained from the Lucas County Board of Elections website. Other information was obtained over the telephone from the Lucas County Board of Elections and the Wayne County City Clerk’s office.

read article:

Central banks shift reserves away from US

Central banks are shifting reserves away from the US and towards the eurozone in a move that looks set to deepen the Bush administration's difficulties in financing its ballooning current account deficit.


Central banks 'shunning dollar' :

The US is running a budget deficit of close to $500bn a year, funded largely by China and Japan buying large amounts of US government bonds.


Dollar at mercy of central banks:

During the past few years the US has become dependent, not so much on millions of investors around the globe but on a few individuals in a few of the world's central banks.



Forbes: Doom For The Dollar:

The dollar's fall is more a symptom than a cause. The real problem is that the U.S. is producing too little--and spending too much--and the result is likely to be far worse than the happy-talkers on Wall Street will ever let on.


From Information Clearing House

Soldier seeks federal insurance law for fellow combat amputees

After losing a limb, mobility or eyesight to bullets or bombs in Iraq, some of the most gravely wounded U.S. soldiers face financial devastation.


From Information Clearing House

Torture is a Problem, Not a Solution

Mary Shaw: Torture is a Problem, Not a Solution:

How can we possibly justify the risk of torturing innocent suspects, as we've seen happen at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere?

Imperial Misadventures

It is only a matter of time before the peoples of the world will watch the last US helicopter hastily evacuating the last US officials from Baghdad, and end the last act of US imperial misadventure.

Freedom's Jihad

So it’s clear from the speech: The next four years will be four more years of Christian jihad.


From Information Clearing House

Bush Pulls 'Neocons' Out of the Shadows

In the unending struggle over American foreign policy that consumes much of official Washington, one side claimed a victory this week: the neoconservatives, that determined band of hawkish idealists who promoted the U.S. invasion of Iraq and now seek to bring democracy to the rest of the Middle East.

Democracy doctrine faces doubt abroad

With his eye on history, Bush wants to change the world. The rest of the world is not necessarily so eager to be changed.


From Information Clearing House

Secret Unit Expands Rumsfeld's Domain

The Pentagon, expanding into the CIA's historic bailiwick, has created a new espionage arm and is reinterpreting U.S. law to give Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld broad authority over clandestine operations abroad...


Source confirms clandestine intelligence unit :

The official said Congress had been notified about the formation of "this kind of activity," but might have been told of the program several months ago when it had a different name.


CIA in decline, Pentagon on the rise:

The recent revelation that the Department of Defense has been operating its own espionage arm for the last two years confirms Rumsfeld’s success in sidelining the CIA.


From Information Clearing House

Purple Hearts

A story that President Bush would probably prefer not to see propagated.

Video Documentary

A photo series that the New York-based Nina Berman made of wounded Iraq veterans led to the making of this documentary. In detail, they recount what happened on the day they got injured; how they arrived back home, blind or legless; how they have to try to forget the war now, in small towns around Alabama and Pittsburgh, or in Washington and L.A. Officially recognised as “heroes,” a Purple Heart on the uniform in the closet, most of these soldiers long to go back to an army that has no use for them anymore.

Watch It Online Now! - Real Video

Divided We Fall

Support the People of Haida Gwaii

Action Alert:

Weyerhaeuser, the number one destroyer of old growth forests in North America, continues to ignore local communities when it comes to logging old growth forests on aboriginal lands. In November, the Canadian Supreme Court stated in a landmark ruling http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=75397 that the Government of British Columbia has a duty to consult with the Haida Nation and accommodate their rights when renewing all tree farm licenses on their land. Rather than respect the rights of the Haida Gwaii, Weyerhaeuser has appealed the ruling and continues to withhold mapping information about old growth cedar requested by the Haida for analysis and planning to ensure that the ecological and cultural benefits of their forests are sustained for present and future generations. British Columbia's outer islands known as Haida Gwaii are a temperate rainforest archipelago that have been called a northern "Galapagos" due to rich biological diversity. The old growth cedar forests have been a central part of Haida culture for generations. If left up to Weyerhaeuser, all that will remain will be stumps.

Take Action Today! Tell Weyerhaeuser that communities matter.

Click here to visit our online Action center and send a message to Weyerhaeuser CEO Steve Rogel: http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=75398

Außenpolitische Einflüsterer

Von wem Condoleeza Rice und George W. Bush ihre neue Freiheitsrhetorik haben...


"Volmer-Erlass" für Reisefreiheit war offenbar ein "Fischer-Erlass"

"Kein Wort geschrieben": "Volmer-Erlass" für Reisefreiheit war offenbar ein "Fischer-Erlass" (24.01.05)

In der Affäre um die massenhafte Vergabe von Visa weist der frühere Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt, Ludger Volmer (Grüne), eine Alleinverantwortung zurück. Volmer war zuvor im "Spiegel" mit den Worten zitiert worden, er habe "kein Wort" von dem nach ihm benannten Erlass zur Visa-Erteilung geschrieben. Das Papier vom März 2000 sei "vom Referatsleiter bis zum Minister" abgezeichnet worden. Seine eigene Unterschrift trage dieser Volmer-Erlass nicht. "Mir wurde der Erlass auf Ministerweisung zur nachträglichen Billigung vorgelegt", hatte Volmer dem Magazin gesagt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Politik aus einer anderen Küche?

Politik aus einer anderen Küche?: "Partei für Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit - die Wahlalternative" (24.01.05)

Die "Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit" (ASG) hat sich als neue Linkspartei gegründet. Einen entsprechenden Beschluss fasste am Samstag der Länderrat des bisherigen Vereins einstimmig in Göttingen. Der neue Name soll lauten. Zudem stimmte die Gründungsversammlung mit großer Mehrheit dafür, dass die neue Linkspartei bei der Landtagswahl Ende Mai in Nordrhein-Westfalen antritt. Bislang habe es in Deutschland an einer wahlfähigen Alternative gefehlt, sagte das Mitglied des geschäftsführenden Parteivorstandes, Thomas Händel, am Sonntag in Göttingen, wo die Parteigründung erfolgte. Die Politik von Rot, Grün, Schwarz und Gelb lasse sich nur noch nach Geschmacksnuancen unterscheiden, komme aber "aus ein und derselben Küche".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Bundestag beschäftigt sich mit E.ON-Zahlungen an Ex-Minister Werner Müller

Energiepolitische Entscheidungen: Bundestag beschäftigt sich mit E.ON-Zahlungen an Ex-Minister Werner Müller (24.01.05)

Die Rentenzahlungen des Düsseldorfer Energiekonzerns E.ON an Ex-Bundeswirtschaftsminister Werner Müller (parteilos) beschäftigen nun auch den Deutschen Bundestag. Mit einer kleinen Anfrage will die FDP-Fraktion von der Bundesregierung erfahren, ob und welcher Behörde Müller den Rentenbeginn seinerzeit offiziell angezeigt habe, schreibt die "Berliner Zeitung". Der heutige Vorstandschef des Essener Konzerns Ruhrgas AG (RAG) hatte in der vergangenen Woche den Beginn der Rentenzahlungen auf Anfang 2002 datiert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt bemühte sich der E.ON-Konzern um den Erwerb der RAG. Da sich das Bundeskartellamt gegen die Übernahme sperrte, musste E.ON bei dem von Müller geführten Wirtschaftsministerium eine so genannte Ministererlaubnis beantragen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Anfrage: Ex-Wirtschaftsminister Müller schweigt zu E.ON-Rente (14.02.05)

Der Chef des Essener RAG-Konzerns und bis Oktober 2002 amtierende Wirtschaftsminister Werner Müller hat die Bundesregierung seinerzeit nach Presseinformationen nicht über seine ab Januar 2002 wirksamen Rentenansprüche gegenüber dem E.ON-Konzern informiert. Das geht nach Angaben der "Berliner Zeitung" aus der Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage des FDP-Abgeordneten Rainer Brüderle hervor. Danach hat die Regierung von den Rentenansprüchen Müllers erst durch die Presseberichte der letzten Wochen Kenntnis erhalten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Wirtschaftsminister Müller soll Energiepolitik für E.ON gemacht haben

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Y o u ' r e i n v i t e d ?


Informant: Friends

Don't You Dare Privatize

by Roger Hickey, The American Prospect

On the formidable array of groups aligning to fight Bush's Social Security plan.


Bush's Widening Credibility Gap

by Rami G. Khouri, TomPaine.com Exclusive

The editor of The Beirut Daily Star says Bush's inauguration speech raised the level of American double standards in the world to a new level.


Walk-throught reader for chip implants


MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health


Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves


Microwave oven info

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking



Microwaved blood kills woman...read article:

Informant: devorah91


The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking

If you use a microwave oven, it is important that you read this article (link below).

Besides the frightening effects to food, that you will read about, you should also consider this information. I have conducted tests in several homes, using a good quality radio-frequency meter, while microwave ovens have been operating. I expected to find some small leakage around some doors but I was astounded by the results. I found that all of the ovens caused a vast amount of electro magnetic radiation, not just near the oven, but in a very large area of each home. All the ovens I have tested were clean, well maintained and quite new. Because of the radiation they emitted, they were all highly dangerous to anyone in the homes where they are used.

This is quite different than the government and industry information that caused me to start to use a microwave oven in the first place. Is it time to place health warnings on microwave ovens or should they be banned from public use?


----- Original Message -----
From: Heather McKinney
To: Sarah Dacre
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 8:57 AM
Subject: Dangers of microwaved food

Something good to read and pass onto others:

Heather E. McKinney, Ph.D.


Codebreaker Unlocks the 3,000 Secrets of U.S. Military Vocabulary


Informant: kevcross5

A fantasy of freedom


Informant: Walter Lippmann

Mobilfunk- Strahlung: Feuer unterm Dach

Auszug aus einem Leserbrief:
An: 'aktuell@chip.de'
Betreff: Mobilfunk- Strahlung: Feuer unterm Dach; CHIP01/2005

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich halte es für eine sehr gute Sache, wenn sich eine Fachzeitschrift wie die CHIP mit diesem Thema beschäftigt. Ich kann die darin beschriebenen Effekte bestätigen und unterstreichen, dass die Sender von Mobilfunksendeanlagen zu recht großen Belastungen an Stellen führen, die Mobilfunkprovider ungern propagieren. Sicher ist es so, dass alle Werte in der Regel unterhalb der thermischen Grenzwerte liegen, aber viele Studien, werden sie auch noch so von den Befürwortern angezweifelt, deuten darauf hin, dass es zu gesundheitlichen Mehrbelastungen in der Bevölkerung kommt.

Ich wünsche mir von unserer derzeitigen und künftigen Bundesregierung Wahrheitsliebe, Vorraussicht und kluge Handlungsweise mit dem Ziel das Leben auf unserem Planeten zu erhalten.Vielleicht werden die drei Affen: Nichtssehen - Nichtshören - Nichtssprechen bald von der Regierung abgewählt.

Wolfgang Welzel

The corporate war against regulation is almost won


Bush: The Secret History of a Reelection


Commandos Get Duty on U.S. Soil as Anti-Terror Efforts Expand


Bush Doctrine Is Expected to Get Chilly Reception


The Salvador Option


Dying for Democracy


Thought Reform 101

The Orwellian implications of today's college orientation

Informant: Foxhallgtown

'Our land is changing - soon yours will too'


Informant: Anna Webb

Antarctic wildlife on the edge of disaster


Informant: Anna Webb

Look Who's Backing Bush's Next War

The Democrats and Iran

Informant: Friends

Democrats in the House and Senate Didn't Want to Find Out

Did Bush Steal the White House, Again?

Informant: Friends

Military Pilots May Already Be Implanted With RFID's

Not many people took notice to this little detail which was shown day after day on FOX News. With all of the talk about national I.D. cards, uniform drivers licenses in every state, RFID's (implantable chip), and GPS tracking, it's curious that so few noticed the details of this footage. Here's the story. Recently during the beginning of this month (Jan. 05)there were several incidents of Lasers beamed into the cockpits of several passenger airliners. Well, as it would happen, FOX News ran some "file footage" with that story that really had nothing to do with the incidents. However, the file footage showed a male, who was in a flight suit including a helmet with goggles. The clip was obviously done in a (training module) of some kind. But, the most interesting part was when the "pilot" reached up to turn some switches on a computer, and then placed the underside of his clenched fist on the computer screen for a few seconds, then proceeded to turn more switches/buttons on the computer. For what reason would a pilot need to place his wrist on a computer screen? Only to gain access to the system he/she would be working on! In other words, the computer was able to read information on an implanted RFID in the pilots wrist, therefore allowing the pilot access to the system!

Was this pilot chipped? And, was this clip just a subtle way of letting the public know that the U.S. Government is already using RFID's as a means of tracking pilots when they are downed in enemy territory?

I believe that the pilot was chipped, and I believe that the U.S. Government is in the planning stages for chipping the entire population of the U.S. Why not; they are already planning to have each child under the age of 18 given a psychological evaluation and profiling.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

Iran Says It Has Military Might to Deter Attack

Iran has the military might to deter attacks against it, Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said, after President Bush said he would not rule out military force against Iran over its nuclear program. "We are able to say that we have strength such that no country can attack us because they do not have precise information about our military capabilities due to our ability to implement flexible strategies," the semi-official Mehr news agency quoted Shamkhani as saying Tuesday. "We can claim that we have rapidly produced equipment that has resulted in the greatest deterrent," he said, without elaborating.

In October, Iran announced successful trials of its Shahab-3 ballistic missile with a range of 1,250 miles, putting parts of Europe, as well as Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf, within reach.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

Bush ready to use force for freedom

DECLARING the US to be the great liberator, George W. Bush has vowed to confront the world's dictators by force if necessary to ensure the "untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world". In his second inaugural address, the US President warned rulers of outlaw regimes that Washington was dedicated to "the great objective of ending tyranny" because spreading freedom was the best way of ensuring its own security. Mr Bush sought to use this argument to justify the increasingly unpopular war in Iraq, where more than 1300 US troops have died, no weapons of mass destruction have been found and the bill is running at $US1billion ($1.32billion) a day.

Standing on the west front of the flag-bedecked US Capitol, he avoided mentioning terrorism, September 11 or Iraq, but in a clear reference to the war, urged patience, saying: "Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill, and would be dishonourable to abandon."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

Freedom the message at Bush's inauguration

U.S. President George W. Bush will speak about freedom during his inauguration Thursday while inside an unprecedented security bubble. At $40 million US, it's the most expensive -- and heavily-guarded -- inauguration in history. From the skies, satellites that can read a car's licence plate will watch over Washington.There will be combat air patrols over the city and anti-aircraft batteries hidden behind trees. Manholes have been welded shut, traffic has been barred from a 100-block area and various barriers restrict pedestrians from some areas. None of this is in response to a specific threat. But ..."I think before 9/11 we had difficulty imagining the unimaginable," said Maj.-Gen. Galen Jackman, referring to the 2001 terror attacks on the United States. "After 9/11, we're thinking about the unimaginable. I think about it every day." At a Wednesday appearance, Bush said he would speak about freedom.

"This is the cause that unites our country and gives hope to the world and will lead us to a future of peace. We have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom and America will always be faithful to that cause," he told the crowd at an outdoor musical extravaganza called A Celebration of Freedom.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

A vision of liberty in an armed city

President begins second term today Speech to call for spread of freedom

Today, George W. Bush's America comes to him. When the U.S. president takes his oath of office during the country's 55th inauguration ceremony, he will speak of his hopes of spreading freedom and liberty to the world during his second term, but he will do so in a city that has been reduced to an armed camp. He will be surrounded by those who brought him to office for a second time and speaking to a heartland that has congregated in the heart of the capital. "We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion — the survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands," Bush will say in his address, according to an excerpt released last night by the White House. "The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world."

America, Bush will say, has "need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home — the unfinished work of American freedom.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

Total Surveillance Behind the Wheel

Vehicles using it could hit the road within two years

So are you in the mood for a drive?

At the Melbourne Motor Show last week, Toyota unveiled a controversial concept car that would very closely monitor, and in some cases restrict, the actions of its driver -- including refusing to turn on. " MACHINES which respond to their owners’ emotions may seem like science fiction fantasy. But, while the ‘living’ androids portrayed in the blockbuster film I, Robot may never be built, one Lothians firm has developed an "emotion sensor" which could help cars of the future make better drivers out of us. The computer software - which could soon be used in Toyota cars - can take steps to tackle potential road rage and drowsiness. The system works by monitoring the driver’s speech for signs of certain types of behaviour and taking appropriate action. If it detects drowsiness, for instance, through signs such as quiet, flat speech, it can trigger an alarm or bring up another suitable prompt to rouse the driver. Alternatively, if the voice shows signs of stress, it can take steps to calm the driver down, by over-riding the car’s air-conditioning or playing soothing music.

The company behind the technology, Affective Media, has created a system it believes is as good as humans at detecting emotion. Staff at the Broxburn-based firm are now working with Edinburgh University, Heriot-Watt University and Toyota to create an emotionally-sensitive car.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

Gonzales excludes CIA from rules on prisoners

Officers of the Central Intelligence Agency and other nonmilitary personnel fall outside the bounds of a 2002 directive issued by President George W. Bush that pledged the humane treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody, Alberto Gonzales, the White House counsel, said in a document. In written responses to questions posed by senators as part of their consideration of his nomination to be attorney general, Gonzales also said a separate congressional ban on cruel, unusual and inhumane treatment had "a limited reach" and did not apply in all cases to "aliens overseas."

That position has clear implications for prisoners held in U.S. custody at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and in Iraq, legal analysts said.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005


In my humble opinion, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, should not be allowed to offer lessons in civics at Mt. Ararat Middle School or any other school (Dec. 8, Sen. Collins offers lesson in civics"). Her recent and very important role, along with Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., in passage of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 proves that she knows little about either the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Included in this legislation is an internal passport system that should send chills up the backs of Americans accustomed to the freedom to travel by air, plane, rail, car or foot. On Dec. 7, Rep. Ron Paul, R.-Texas, said the following regarding the internal passport provision found in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004:

"Those who are willing to allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system because they think it will make us safer are terribly mistaken. Subjecting every citizen to surveillance and screening points actually will make us less safe, not in the least because it will divert resources away from tracking and apprehending terrorists and deploy them against innocent Americans! Every conservative who believes in constitutional restraints on government should reject the authoritarian national ID and the nonsensical intelligence bill itself."

Sen. Robert Bird, D.-W.Va., said of this legislation: Congress acted like "... pygmies on the battlefield of history" rushing to judgment and passing a bad piece of legislation "... like whipped dogs in the face of political pressure."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

Big Brother Goes Global

Assembling electronic dossiers on millions of people

Big Brother through a private company has extended its tentacles into Latin America.

ChoicePoint, Inc., a data-processing firm, is selling government data bases on residents of 10 Latin American nations to the U.S. government, allowing them to track immigrants entering or living in this country ChoicePoint is notorious for purging Black and Latino voters in Florida to help George W. Bush steal the 2000 elections. The Justice Department (DOJ) has signed a $67 million contract with ChoicePoint to provide the FBI, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies with access to ChoicePoint’s 13 billion files. The FBI paid ChoicePoint $8 million for dossiers on almost every adult living in the United States. The Atlanta-based firm, with a market value of $2.5 billion and 2002 revenues of $594 million brags that it has bought the records of residents of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina. Chris Hoofnagle, deputy counsel at the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), told the World, “This is a question of national sovereignty. Do these nations want another country to have such extensive personal data about their citizens?” In Mexico, ChoicePoint bought the country’s entire voter registry and sells the names, one at a time, to the U.S. government. ChoicePoint has purchased Colombia’s entire citizen ID database which the Bush administration can buy for $90 per name. “I don’t believe 31 million Colombians authorized that,” Nelson Remolina, a Colombian lawyer and privacy advocate, said. Hoofnagle pointed out that the 1974 Privacy Act forbids U.S. government agencies from collecting many categories of personal information. “It created an incentive to privatize dossier building, turning it over to private companies,” he said.

“Thirty years ago the FBI would have to follow you around to find this information. Now they download it from the ChoicePoint web site.”


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 24th, 2005

On Bush's Christianity




Can't happen in America, right?


An American Who Can't Say No


Army Prepares 'Robo-Warrior' for Iraq

Mike Rogers on the latest installment in remote-control killing:

Four Years Growth

The Meaning of Republican Rule
Exalting and expanding the state. Article by Laurence M. Vance:

The Greatest Presidential Reflection Since Lincoln?

Thomas DiLorenzo on neocon hysteria and Bush:

Gonzales Employs Tortured Logic

In the aftermath of several reports in the media and based on his evasive testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, it now appears that Alberto Gonzales had more than a passing familiarity with the Justice Department's memo addressing the definition of "torture."


Go Home Yanks, Says Leading Iraqi Prime Minister Candidate

The Shi’ite Muslim cleric tipped to become prime minister after next Sunday’s election in Iraq has said it will be the duty of the new government to demand the withdrawal of American forces “as soon as possible. “No people in the world accepts occupation and nor do we accept the continuation of American troops in Iraq,” said Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.


Gonzales Concealed Bush Drunk Driving Conviction from Court in 1996

Alberto Gonzales remains loyal to President George Bush, not the facts or the law. According to Newsweek magazine, when Bush was ordered to jury duty in 1996, "Gonzales asked to have an off-the-record conference in the judge's chambers. Gonzales then asked [Travis County Judge David] Crain to 'consider' striking Bush from the jury," and thus prevent full disclosure of Bush's drunk driving record. Instead of releasing the facts, Gonzales concealed Bush's conviction from the court and the public.


Scientists serious about 'electricity sickness' claims

Reports by Nic Fleming, Health Correspondent
(Filed: 24/01/2005)

Scientists and health advisers are taking the claims of people who say electricity makes them ill seriously for the first time.

The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) is carrying out a review of existing scientific studies into "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" (EHS).

Brian Stein suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity

Click here for his story:


Two studies into the condition, funded with £750,000 from the Department of Health and the telecommunications industry, are already under way.

Sir William Stewart, the government's adviser on radiation, has called for more research into the issue.

Some researchers believe a proportion of the population suffers ill health, with symptoms including fatigue, severe headaches and skin problems, because of exposure to electromagnetic fields.


Other scientists say there is no evidence.

The Swedish government, which recognised EHS as a physical impairment in 2000, calculates that 3.1 per cent of its population – 200,000 people – suffer from the condition. A recent warning by Sir William, head of the NRPB and the Health Protection Agency, that parents should limit their children's use of mobile phones received widespread publicity.

However, his suggestion that another section of the population, as well as the young, could have extra sensitivity to exposure to either radio frequency fields from mobiles or electromagnetic fields in general did not.

The NRPB has commissioned Dr Neil Irvine, of the Health Protection Agency, to carry out a review of existing scientific literature on EHS.

His report, focusing on symptoms, prognosis and treatment, will be published in the summer.

The Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research programme, funded by the Government and the telecommunications industry, is spending £8.6 million on 29 studies, two of which will investigate EHS.

A team at King's College, London, is looking at whether mobile phones cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea and fatigue in those who claim to be hypersensitive and those who do not.

Researchers at the University of Essex are exposing two groups of volunteers to signals from a mobile mast to test if cognitive functions such as attention span and memory are affected.


Half will be people who say they suffer EHS.

Dr David Dowson, a former GP who is now a complementary medicine specialist based in Bath, said he had seen around 10 patients he believed to be suffering from EHS. "I think the condition is increasing in prevalence, because we are living in a more electrically polluted environment."

Olle Johansson, associate professor of neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, has been studying EHS for 20 years.

He has shown in experiments that there is an increase in the number of mast cells near the surface of skin when exposed to electromagnetic fields, a similar reaction to that when it is exposed to radioactive material.

He said: "If you put a radio near a source of EMFs you will get interference. The human brain has an electric field so if you put sources of EMFs nearby, it is not surprising that you get interference, interaction with systems and damage to cells and molecules.''

Others say the condition is in the mind.

13 December 2004: Volunteers tested on phone mast 'dangers'


7 April 2004 [Connected]: Radiation rules made stricter 'as precaution'


© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2005



Informant: Sarah Benson


New investigation into gadget allergy

Essex University Experiments

'I have to switch the mains off to get to sleep'

(Filed: 24/01/2005)

Brian Stein cannot use a phone for longer than a few minutes. Modern cars and electrified trains are out of bounds and long distance flights are impossible. He cannot use a computer and colleagues have to switch theirs off in his presence.

Mr Stein, 55, chief executive of a £500 million Leicestershire-based chilled food manufacturer that employs 5,000 people, suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

He began to get severe pains in his ear while using his mobile phone about four years ago. Then he got headaches and pains when he was near computers and in his car. But neither his GP nor a specialist could find anything wrong with him.

Mr Stein, who lives in Nottinghamshire and has three grown-up children, said: "Medical people treat me as if I've just told them I'm visiting Earth from the moon."

He can no longer watch television, go to the cinema or listen to music that comes from devices plugged into the mains and has to switch the mains off at night. At work his office contains no electrical devices except a hands-free speaker phone and lighting.

Only flip charts and overhead projectors are used in his company's board meetings.

Mr Stein said of his condition: "I suspect that in 20 years we will have a problem that will make the issue of asbestos pale into insignificance."

Electricity sickness not a myth

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2005

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;sessionid=E0CMT53CZW1TXQFIQMFSM5OAVCBQ0JVC?xml=/news/2005/01/24/nelec124.xml

Informant: Sarah Benson

Countdown to global catastrophe


Condi Rice: Steady on, toward disaster

by staff

Minneapolis Star Tribune


What alternate reality do these senators inhabit? Rice is a principal architect of the Bush foreign policy. She was an ardent supporter of going to war in Iraq. Her statements in the run-up to war about 'mushroom clouds' and aluminum tubes were preposterous. And yet in a hearing on whether she has the stuff to be secretary of state, she had the temerity to lecture Boxer, asking her to 'refrain from impugning my integrity.' Well if not now, when? ... Even in front of the committee, Rice couldn't refrain from telling what would generously be called fibs. Biden caught her out in one when she said 120,000 Iraqi military personnel had been trained to date. A more reliable figure from a more reliable source, he said, is 4,000."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The dangers of exporting democracy

by Eric Hobsbawm

Guardian [UK]


The address does not so much as mention the words Iraq, Afghanistan and the war on terror, he and his supporters continue to engage in a planned reordering of the world. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are but one part of a supposedly universal effort to create world order by 'spreading democracy.' This idea is not merely quixotic -- it is dangerous. The rhetoric implies that democracy is applicable in a standardised (western) form, that it can succeed everywhere, that it can remedy today's transnational dilemmas, and that it can bring peace, rather than sow disorder. It cannot...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

RFID: The Big Brother bar code

by Katherine Albrecht

Free Market News Network


Today, billions of dollars are spent annually to collect and share consumer 'intelligence.' In-store tracking technologies like floor sensors, heat sensors, hidden cameras, hidden microphones, GPS-enabled grocery carts, and phony shoppers are all used to gather information. RFID will greatly simplify the task of collecting such consumer data -- particularly if consumers can be automatically identified while walking in the door...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Storm clouds gather for Iraq's ill-omened election

Sydney Morning Herald [Australia]


In the face of the wave of bombings insurgents [sic] have sworn to carry out in the run-up to Sunday's elections, Iraqi and US authorities are imposing a security clampdown that will snap-freeze the country ... borders will be sealed and curfews ordered; Baghdad International Airport will close and all private transport will be halted for three days. Those brave enough to vote for the candidates, most of whom remain anonymous, will have to walk to one of more than 5000 polling stations, the locations of which are still a guarded secret. As grey surveillance helicopters hung above them in grey skies, Iraqis, already bristling at the closed environment in which they now live, have been forced to account for themselves at checkpoints and to stepped-up street patrols.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Report from Mosul

NEWS: Report from Mosul (KR, Jan. 23)

[As the situation in the north continues to deteriorate, it's hard to believe that only sixteen months ago Mosul was being touted as one of the great success stories of the war.
http://www.alphapatriot.com/home/archives/2003/09/04/iraq_success_story.php -- KR reporter Tom Lasseter reported Sunday that "hundreds" of corpses have been found in Mosul during the past several months, "part of a vicious guerrilla campaign of murder and intimidation in the northern Iraq town that's killed not only hundreds of police, national guardsmen and contractors, but also interpreters working for the U.S. military." -- Apprehension in the military about insurgent attacks is so great that "at road checkpoints inside [Forward Operating Base] Marez, even soldiers in uniform driving U.S. Army Humvees are asked to show identification. Saluting is done rarely, if at all -- it would differentiate soldiers of higher rank and make them targets for attack. One of the first things visitors to the local airfield see is a sign forbidding soldiers from wearing caps that would reveal rank." -- Capt. Mickey Traugutt, of Lakewood, WA, is quoted as saying: "This is a different kind of war. At West Point they taught us about history, like Napoleon or World War II. But it's not even like Vietnam. There, when you were in North Vietnam, you knew you were in enemy territory. Here, it's decentralized." -- Another officer said that "some vendors will no longer deliver supplies to troops," writes Lasseter. --Mark]




by Tom Lasseter

Knight Ridder

January 23, 2005


MOSUL -- The bodies turn up at night. Pulled from the trunks of cars, throats slit and dropped off in a cemetery. Or shot in the back of the head and dumped in the middle of the road.

There's no official tally, but interviews with U.S. Army officers and soldiers in Mosul indicate that hundreds of the corpses -- calling cards of the insurgency -- have turned up during the past several months.

It's part of a vicious guerrilla campaign of murder and intimidation in the northern Iraq town that's killed not only hundreds of police, national guardsmen and contractors, but also interpreters working for the U.S. military. U.S. troops have proved unable to stop it.

The threat has moved inside military bases in Mosul, places usually considered sanctuaries against the guerrillas. A suicide bomber killed 14 U.S. soldiers last month in a blast at the mess hall at Forward Operating Base Marez.

Lt. Col. Todd McCaffrey sees the mess hall every day, looming behind concrete walls down the road from his office. He remembers stepping past the door, the bright flash and then the screams and the blood.

Now, McCaffrey often wonders how history will judge the U.S. mission in Iraq.

"There's a sense of 'I'm not going to quit now because we've invested American blood,'" said McCaffrey, whose 25th Infantry Division battalion patrols an area on the edge of Mosul.

But, he added, "You look at our history: We don't have much glowing success with combating insurgencies."

At road checkpoints inside Marez, even soldiers in uniform driving U.S. Army Humvees are asked to show identification. Saluting is done rarely, if at all -- it would differentiate soldiers of higher rank and make them targets for attack. One of the first things visitors to the local airfield see is a sign forbidding soldiers from wearing caps that would reveal rank.

"This is a different kind of war. At West Point they taught us about history, like Napoleon or World War II. But it's not even like Vietnam. There, when you were in North Vietnam, you knew you were in enemy territory," said Capt. Mickey Traugutt, 25, of Lakewood, Wash. "Here, it's decentralized."

The enemy, he said, is everywhere.

Maj. Tim Vidra, a public affairs officer with the 25th Infantry Division, said it's gotten to the point where some vendors will no longer deliver supplies to troops.

For example, he said, he had a shipment of communications equipment scheduled to come in from the town of Irbil, but then one of the contractors' men was followed in Mosul and told by insurgents that they'd kill him if he brought shipments to the Americans or anyone associated with them.

"He e-mailed me and said, 'I'm sorry. I've been working with (aid groups) and the coalition since the war began, but the security situation is so bad now that I can't leave Irbil,'" said Vidra, 34, of Denver. It wasn't an isolated incident, he said.

"We've had interpreters who've been killed, interpreters whose families have been tortured," he said. "One interpreter found two brothers and a cousin stuffed in a well."

Standing in a graveyard on the northwest corner of Mosul recently, McCaffrey looked around at the tombstones. Soldiers have found hundreds of dead bodies dumped at the site during the past several months, he said.

One of McCaffrey's company commanders, Capt. Steve Szilvassy, keeps a map of the bodies his men has found. It's pockmarked with small red dots and notations such as "Bx1" and "Bx2" for the number of corpses at a particular spot.

Pointing to one of the spots recently, Szilvassy, a 33-year-old from West Paterson, N.J., said, "We stumbled here 10 minutes after the two guys were pulled out of a car and shot in the back of the head, shot throughout the body. They cut one of the guy's throats."

He continued: "Kids watched the whole thing and told us about it."

In the graveyard, McCaffrey walked over with his translator to speak with an Iraqi woman whose family lives as squatters in a nearby ramshackle house.

The woman, who wouldn't give her name, told McCaffrey that her children are more scared of his soldiers than of insurgents.

"We hope things will get better," he said.

"Allah Karim," she responded: God is generous.

A few moments later, there was a low roar. Down the road, a thick column of smoke with a ring on top shot up in the sky. A car bomb targeting a U.S. convoy had blown up prematurely.

McCaffrey shook his head.

"It's tough to measure," he said. "It's tough to know if you're having success out here."

From ufpj-news


The Company That Runs the Empire


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Video Game Celebrates Fallujah Slaughter


Informant: X98

JCS Conplan 0300-97: "Special-mission Units in Extra-legal Missions to Combat Terrorism in the United States"


Informant: Yoshie

Alleinerziehend im Hartz-Haus: Allein gelassen mit zwei Kindern



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