
Saving Social Security and more...


Homeless Services Adjust to Closings

Street closings for the pomp and partying that will accompany tomorrow's inauguration have prompted nonprofit groups to engage in a different kind of inaugural planning: how to care for the homeless in the downtown area where traffic will be blocked off.


From Information Clearing House

Friends, Americans, countrymen, send me your cheers

George Bush's inauguration as US president tomorrow is a thoroughly imperial event, scripted down to the last detail.


From Information Clearing House

The Bush boom will end soon

The Bush boom will end soon - and how it ends will define his second term in office:

The President's speech tomorrow will be full of big themes - but one will be missing: the world of economics...


From Information Clearing House

Bush re-election may end the human race

Nobel Peace Prize nominee: Bush re-election may end the human race:

"The Bush administration have been able to con the American people with their extremely brilliant propaganda and brainwashing, with the help of the media ... they consistently lie."

Lawsuit Filed Against Bush and Cheney

The complaint alleges that both defendants and others working within the White House and Defense Department have covertly implemented a white paper called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” as presented by the Project for the New American Century or PNAC in September, 2000 two months before the murky elections of that year.

Reservist ready to refuse call-up

The first British soldier has come forward to urge mass refusal among the ranks to serve in Iraq, saying he would rather go to prison than accept a call-up to war.


From Information Clearing House

Disaster Looms for Megacities, UN Official Says



Informant: Di

4. EMV-Tagung des VDB – Energieversorgung & Mobilfunk

HLV Tipp:

Die hochkarätige Besetzung der Referenten verspricht eine interessante Tagung, für Messtechniker, Baubiologen, Juristen, Ärzte, Journalisten, Behördenvertreter, Politiker und natürlich auch für Mobilfunkkritiker.

Bitte rechtzeitig anmelden!!!

Alfred Tittmann

4. EMV-Tagung des VDB

ElektroMagnetische Verträglichkeit

I. Mobilfunk – Mensch und Technik


Digitaler Rundfunk: DAB, DVB, DxB, DVB-H, DRM

Gesundheitliche Wirkungen von EMF

II. Störfelder der Stromversorgung

Reduzierung von Magnetfeldern

Funktechnik für die Gebäudeinstallation

Baubiologische Elektroinstallation

14.–15. April 2005 in Attendorn

Energieversorgung & Mobilfunk


Die Anmeldung kann erfolgen per E-Mail:

Im Internet auf der Webseite des VDB: http://www.baubiologie.net unter „Fortbildungen und Termine“ oder durch Einsendung des umseitigen Anmeldeformulars an die VDB-Bundesgeschäftsstelle per Post oder per Fax: 04181 – 20 39 451.

Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung an, ob Sie mit der Wiedergabe Ihrer Daten in der Teilnehmerliste einverstanden sind.


EUR 280,-
mit 30 % Rabatt bei Anmeldung bis zum 01.03.2005,

Behördenvertreter sind vom Beitrag befreit.


Stadthalle Attendorn,
Breslauer Straße 40, 57439 Attendorn

Tagungsleitung und Moderation:
Dr.-Ing. Martin H. Virnich (VDB)
E-Mail: virnich.martin@t-online.de

Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen VDB e.V.
in Kooperation mit der Stadt Attendorn
sowie dem Fachverband Elektro- und Informationstechnische Handwerke NRW

Der VDB ist ein unabhängiges Netzwerk von baubiologischen Sachverständigen:

Ingenieuren, Technikern, Chemikern, Biologen ...

Wesentliches Merkmal seiner Tätigkeit ist die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit im Verbund mit Umweltmedizinern, Juristen und Bausachverständigen.

Die Stadt Attendorn sowie der Fachverband Elektro- und Informationstechnische Handwerke NRW beteiligen sich als Kooperationspartner an der 4. EMVTagung und fördern den interdisziplinären fachlichen Austausch zu aktuellen Fragestellungen.

4. EMV-Tagung des VDB – Energieversorgung & Mobilfunk

Donnerstag 14. April 10:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

I. Mobilfunk - Mensch und Technik
Alfons Stumpf, Bürgermeister der Stadt Attendorn und Uwe Münzenberg, VDB

Begrüßung und Einführung in die Tagung

Dr.-Ing. Mathias Pauli,
IRT – Institut für Rundfunktechnik, München

Digitale terrestrische Rundfunk- und Fernsehdienste:
Technische Eigenschaften der Systeme
Auswirkungen auf die Hochfrequenz-Immissionen
Konvergenz von Rundfunk und Mobilfunk (DxB, DVB-H)


Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Winking, Deutsche Welle
DRM – „Digital Radio Mondial“ auf Lang-,
Mittel- und Kurzwelle
Digitaler Rundfunk weltweit in den AM-Bereichen
Vergleich der Sendeleistungen analog (AM/Amplitudenmoduliert) und digital

Dr. Karsten Menzel, E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG
UHS – Ultra-High-Sites für UMTS

Ein neues Konzept für UMTS-Basisstationen an sehr hohen Standorten mit reduzierter Standort-Anzahl

Dipl.-Verwaltungswirt (FH) Wolfgang Hilleke, Amt für Bürgerservice /Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Attendorn

Die Umsetzung des Attendorner Mobilfunkversorgungskonzeptes für UMTS
UMTS-Standortplanung in der Praxis
Kommunikationsprozess mit den Netzbetreibern

Prof. em. der Humboldt-Universität (Charité) Berlin,
Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht
Gesundheitliche Wirkungen von EMF aus der Sicht der ehemaligen GUS-Staaten

Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld, Land Salzburg – Umweltmedizin Das Mikrowellen-Syndrom: Epidemiologische Untersuchungen zu Mobilfunk-Basisstationen
Neue Analyse der Spanischen Studie (La Ñora)
Empfehlungen zur Vorgehensweise bei Feldstudien

Freitag 15. April 9:00 bis 16:30 Uhr

II. Störfelder der Stromversorgung

Rolf Meurer, Fachverband Elektro- und Informationstechnische Handwerke NRW und Uwe Münzenberg, VDB

Begrüßung und Einführung in den Tag

Martin Schauer (VDB)

EMV-Probleme von elektrischen Anlagen in Gebäuden
Die Elektroinstallation als Verursacher von magnetischen Wechselfeldern
Erdungs- und Magnetfeldproblematik von großflächigen Abschirmungen

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Rolf Mennekes, ESTEC Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung
niederfrequenter magnetischer Wechselfelder
Hochpermeable Werkstoffe zur Abschirmung
Nutzung von Wirbelströmen zur Reduzierung
Aktive und passive Kompensationsmaßnahmen

Erwin Schmitt, TEHALIT GmbH
Abschirmwirkung von Kabelkanälen
Abschirmung elektrischer Wechselfelder (50 Hz)
Abschirmung magnetischer Wechselfelder (50 Hz)
Abschirmung von Datenleitungen

Dipl.-Ing. Werner Petritz, PEHA GmbH & Co. KG
Batterielose Funktechnik für die Gebäudeinstallation
Schalten und Steuern per Funk
Emissionsbetrachtungen der verwendeten Funksignale

Dr.-Ing. Martin H. Virnich (VDB)

Abnahmemessung für baubiologische Elektroinstallationen
Welches Messverfahren ist das richtige?

Urs Hafner, Elektro Hafner AG

Praktische Beispiele realisierter Projekte mit baubiologischen Elektroinstallationen
Einschätzung des Marktpotentials und Akquisition
Pojektierung, Realisierung und Dokumentation

Tagungsbegleitende Ausstellung: Messgeräte und Produkte zur Feldreduzierung


Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen VDB e.V.
Reindorfer Schulweg 42

21266 Jesteburg








Hiermit melde ich mich verbindlich zur 4. EMV-Tagung des VDB am 14.–15. April 2005 in Attendorn an. Die Teilnahmebedingungen habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und akzeptiert.

Mit der Nennung meiner Daten in der Teilnehmerliste bin ich einverstanden.

Datum, Unterschrift

Studie der TU Graz: Handymast stört Schlaf

elektrosmognews vom 18-01-05

Pilotstudie der Grazer TU beweist: Handymasten können Schlafstörungen verursachen - nun wird österreichweit geforscht.

Wer Nachts durchs klingeln seines Handys im Schlaf gestört wird ist selbst schuld. Handymasten dagegen kann man nicht ausschalten- und auch sie können für Schlafstörungen sorgen. Das ist zumindest das Ergebnis einer weltweit einzigartigen Pilotstudie der Grazer Technischen Universität. Mehr unter http://www.grazerwoche.at

Diese Meldung ereichte uns per Fax aus Österreich.

Besonders interessant ist die Meldung gerade deshalb, weil das Interview mit keinem geringeren als Prof. Dr. Norbert Leitgeb gemacht wurde. Dieser gehört nun nicht gerade zu den kritischen Wissenschaftlern, er ist eher den Verharmlosern zuzuordnen. Es ist also schon eine kleine Sensation wenn Herr Prof. Dr. Leitgeb dieses Eingeständnis macht, war er doch in der Vergangenheit immer einer derjenigen, die die Ansicht vertraten, unter den jetzigen Grenzwerten könne nichts passieren und nun dieses. Wahrlich erstaunlich!

Omega sehr interessant ist auch, dass Prof. Dr. Norbert Leitgeb weiterhin Mitglied der kürzlich neu berufenen Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK) bleibt: http://www.bmu.de/de/800/js/presse/2005/pm010/ Hoffen wir, dass er die Ergebnisse seiner eigenen Studien mit in die Kommission einbringt und dass die SSK jetzt endlich ihrer Aufgabe nachkommt nämlich die Bevölkerung wirksam vor den Strahlen des gepulsten Mobilfunks schützt. Bisher ist sie dieser Aufgabe im Hinblick auf den gepulsten Mobilfunk in keinster Weise nachgekommen.

Aber bitte lesen Sie die Meldung der Grazer Woche selbst und bilden Sie sich Ihre eigene Meinung: http://www.grazerwoche.at

Weitergeleitete Nachricht


Alfred Tittmann

dazu auch:

Studie: Handymast stört Schlaf

Pilotstudie der Grazer TU beweist: Handymasten können Schlafstörungen verursachen – nun wird österreichweit geforscht.
Wer nachts durchs Klingeln seines Handys im Schlaf gestört wird, ist selbst schuld. Handymasten dagegen kann man nicht ausschalten – und auch sie können für Schlafstörungen sorgen. Das ist zumindest das Ergebnis einer weltweit einzigartigen Pilotstudie der Grazer Technischen Universität, welche nun mit der Unterstützung des Lebens- und des Wirtschaftsministeriums österreichweit weitergeführt wird.

Durchgeführt wird die Studie über die Auswirkungen des sogenannten Elektrosmog bzw. dessen Einwirken auf unsere Gesundheit vom „Institut für Krankenhaustechnik“ der TU, dessen Leiter Norbert Leitgeb ist. Der Schlaf der Testpersonen – bei der Pilotstudie waren es neun Probanden, nun werden 20 Personen gesucht, wird dabei zwölf Nächte lang genauestens untersucht. Sechs Tage davon schlafen die Probanden hinter einem Schirm, der jegliche Elektrostrahlen abschirmt. Das Einzigartige daran – und das erregte mittlerweile auch die Aufmerksamkeit der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO: Die Testpersonen schlafen zu Hause und nicht wie bei ähnlichen bisherigen Untersuchungen im Schlaflabor.

Hilfe für geplagte Menschen

Sollte die österreichweite Studie dasselbe Ergebnis wie die Pilotstudie in Graz ergeben, könnte das weit reichende Folgen haben. Leitgeb: „Wir haben feststellen können, dass jene Personen, die abends besonders elektrosensitiv waren, in der Nacht auch schlecht geschlafen haben. Das könnte also der Nachweis sein, dass Handymasten etc. sich tatsächlich negativ auf das Wohlbefinden vieler Menschen auswirkt.“ Gelingt es, das nun zu bestätigen, so könnte weltweite Beachtung der Grazer Studie die Folge sein. Die WHO hat nämlich erst kürzlich festgestellt, dass bislang noch kein kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen dem Einwirken von Elektrosmog und Krankheiten nachgewiesen werden konnte.

Omega siehe hierzu „Letter to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework” unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/473990/

Und die TU könnte möglicherweise noch gute Geschäfte als Begleiterscheinung der Studie machen. Es gibt zwar schon strahlenabweisende Schirme zu kaufen – doch keiner schirmt elektrische Strahlen so gut ab wie jener der TU.

Dieter Demmelmair

Marianne Hafeneder am 19.1 2005 um 17:51:50

Mein Kommentar:

Endlich wird Elektrosensibilität von einem "Industrieforscher" anerkannt. Die Menschen haben das Grundrecht, von der Wissenschaft ehrlich, fair und aufrichtig behandelt zu werden.

Marion Dupuis am 19.1 2005 um 13:57:53

Mein Kommentar:

Bei uns in Frankreich beklagen sich unendlich viel Anrainer von Mobilfunkmasten an Schlafstörungen (und dann auch noch von vielem anderen mehr), ziemlich einige unter ihnen werden dann mit der Zeit depressiv. Bravo, dass wenigstens bei Euch genauere Untersuchungen über diese Frage vorgenommen werden, - wir warten mit großem Interesse auf die Ergebnisse. Marion Dupuis, Annecy, Frankreich
Stier am 19.1 2005 um 9:59:37

Mein Kommentar:

Dies soll Leitgeb wirklich zugegeben haben???? Ich kann’s nicht glauben. Hat ihm die Industrie kein Geld mehr gegeben??? Der wird doch nicht vom Saulus zum Paulus???

© 2004 Grazer WOCHE created by promberger.net


George Bush Has Made the World More Dangerous


Odd Happenings in Fallujah


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Protest Signs ALLOWED On Inaugural Parade Route

Please forward: There is misinformation about the inaug. parade route--you CAN take protest signs anywhere along inaugural route (see quotes from official statements from D.C. officials on this. below) but the group "Turn Your Back on Bush"and others have assumed that you can't because of the policy of shunting protesters to far away protest areas when Bush shows up around the country.

However, the inaugural parade route is different because it was decided in a court case years ago that people must be allowed to carry any signs they want--as long as they conform to safety rules--no bigger than 3' by 20' paper, cardboard, cloth, and no backing or sticks http://www.ustreas.gov/usss/press/GPA01-05.pdf.

See http://www.stolenelection2004.com/demos.html for full listing of local and national counter inaugural and post inaugural protests and events.

Not taking protest signs on the parade route --as "Turn Your Back" suggests-- would weaken the protest presence because until Bush rides by--hours after they get there-- there will not be anything distinguishing these people as protesters--they will look like supporters until they turn their backs. And I hope when they finally do their action that they are noticed (since not everyone will be in front). They should know they can turn their backs and have protest signs.

These quotes are from

Kevin Sheridan, a spokesman for the Presidential Inaugural Committee, said the parade will be open to Americans of all political stripes. "The inauguration will celebrate all of the freedoms that make our democracy great, the First Amendment included," he said.
Jim Mackin, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said the agency respects the right of the public to demonstrate and "does not prohibit the presence of signs or props based on their content, only those items made of materials or of a size that could be used potentially in a threatening or harmful manner."

Park Service officials have said allegations that they are restricting access to the parade route are false. The public and demonstrators will be allowed onto open areas of the Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalk, officials said.

Take care,
Cheryl Guttman

In The Clearing Stands A Boxer...

by CrooksandLiars.com

Sen. Barbara Boxer holds Condoleezza Rice's feet to the fire over the disastrous decision to invade Iraq. Watch the heated exchange.


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/index.php#passiton

Deceived By Our Own Dollars

by Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research

Bush is using Social Security's own employees to push the "crisis" myth.


The Fog Of Phony War

by David Corn, TomPaine.com Exclusive

Last week's WMD news showed how the right-wing spin machine prevents the public from hearing the truth about Iraq.


New Iraqi leader shoots prisoners in cold blood


‘War on Terror’ an excuse for racism and hate


Bush Assault 20 Action Items


Beyond Vietnam - A Time to Break Silence


"Beyond Vietnam"

By Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Audio file:

Informant: Bob Reuschlein

Blockaders act to save valley


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

State to delay logging project


State to delay logging project
Thursday, January 13, 2005

GRANBY - State Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Katherine Abbott announced yesterday her department will delay a controversial logging project planned for 63 acres of the Mount Holyoke Range State Park in Granby until it completes additional consultation and planning in concert with the public.

"The forest management goals of the project are fundamentally sound and in time it should proceed," Abbott stated in a press release. "But an open public process on the means to reach these goals before proceeding is essential. Delaying the majority of the harvesting implementation is warranted to address issues and concerns that have arisen."

The 63-acre timber sale within the 4,000-acre state park in Amherst, will be delayed for one to two years by extending the present timber harvesting contract.

One of the opponents to the cutting plan, James Seltzer of the preservation group Save the Mountain, said he was "thrilled" to get the news.

"The public was really outraged the state was going in logging in an area that has so much hiking and biking. The state listened to our concerns," Seltzer said. "What more can we want from government then to listen to its citizens and include us in its planning process? This is how democracy should work."

State Chief Forester James DiMaio held several meetings in the area with people concerned about the project at which Seltzer and other opponents of the cutting were in attendance.

However, the state Department of Conservation and Recreation will proceed with road erosion control, parking area improvements, and establishment of a small timber harvesting demonstration area, according to the release. Forestry officials have said the cutting is needed for the health of the woods to provide more room for healthy trees and prevent disease and insect infestation.

"Our original plan was to leave numerous very large, high quality, white pine trees and begin regeneration of a future forest by removing the smaller, lower quality trees which were competing for nutrients, sunlight and moisture," Abbott said. "A number of trees have already died and the live crowns on many trees show signs of stress from competing trees."

The department plans to do the following at the site off Batchelor Street:

About two to four acres will be harvested according to the original plan as a demonstration area.

Harvested material on the site will be removed.

The road and road erosion control measures will be completed. Weather permitting, water bars will be installed along the road and skid trails, and both will be temporarily closed.

The parking area will be graded, improved, and lined with large rocks to prohibit unauthorized uses in the area.

The department will work with user groups and neighbors to leave additional trees along the trails and road system and will reassess the tree marking procedures adjacent to wetlands and riparian areas, which may reduce cutting in those areas.

Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Iraq Elections: Farce of the Century


The US Media is Disciplined by Corporate America into Promoting the Republican Cause


Spitzel bei Mobilfunk-Bürgerinitiative Bamberg-Ost

Beim zweiten Treffen fand sich neben den rund 20 Interessierten auch ein Spitzel nebst angeblicher Gattin ein. Vermutlich hatte er vor, sich als Doppelagent anbieten zu wollen, denn er outete sich, dass er von der Deutschen Funkturm GmbH sei. Die spontane Frage, ob er denn Herr Schwarz sei, kam so überraschend, dass er dies zugab. Die Dreistigkeit der Mobilfunkbetreiber ist kaum zu überbieten – sie stellt sogar die Atomkraftbetreiber in den Schatten.

Herr Dipl. Ing. Uni Gerhard Schwarz, übrigens der Leiter für den Vertrieb, für die Region um Nürnberg zuständig, versuchte mit einer Märchenstunde die Mitglieder einzuwickeln. Da wurden doch tatsächlich Mobilfunk Antennen mit Fernsehern verglichen und gesundheitlich Betroffene als Simulanten hingestellt. Das Einwickeln gelang ihm nur soweit, dass das Treffen platzte und auf einen anderen Termin vertagt werden musste. Sein Pech: mit dem Aushorchen wurde leider nichts......

Aus diesem Grunde finden in Zukunft die Treffen nichtöffentlich statt. Wer Interesse an aktiver Mitarbeit in der Gruppe hat, melde sich direkt an Karin Zieg, Tel: 0951-9230388. Achtung: Wir passen auf!

Die Deutsche Funkturm GmbH hat wegen 7 Mobilfunkantennen, also einer Basisstation, auf dem Gebäude der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg in der Feldkirchenstrasse 21, angefragt.

Omega wir machen nochmals auf das 1. Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium am Samstag, 29. Januar 2005 in der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Markushaus, Markusplatz 3, 96047 Bamberg, aufmerksam und bitten um rege Teilnahme. Siehe: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/457381/

Bush Not Backed on Iraq War


Fearful US TV Networks Censor More Shows


Rev. Moon “funnels” $250,000 for Bush inaugural bash


Informant: NHNE

U.S. Ponders Attack on Iran


The 34 Scandals of George W. Bush


The Gonzales Indictment


None so blind

by staff

The Nation


A triumphant George W. Bush ... will inaugurate his second term on January 20. Festooned with gospel imagery, his address will rededicate this nation to waging the 'war on terror' and championing democracy abroad, and call for building a new 'ownership society' at home. ...

Bush starts this second term blind to the consequences of the havoc he has wrought and misleading the very voters who returned him to office.

... Meanwhile, Bush's failures have increased Americans' kitchen-table concerns: good jobs leaving, replaced by jobs with lower wages and fewer benefits; a broken healthcare system, with millions unable to afford adequate care ... a retreat on clean air and water.

Now Bush promises to make things worse." [editor's note: Though permeated with the usual doctrinaire leftism that characterizes "The Nation," this actually touches on SOME of the real problems with the imperialists in power. - SAT]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America the beautiful ... America the ugly

by Kaye Grogan

Frontiers of Freedom


Thursday President Bush will be sworn into office for his second term. But why does the formal, pompous occasion have to cost around $40 million? The astronomical projected cost is ridiculous.

Why can't the president just take the oath of office in the house chambers and be done with it? Just think how much less the bill would be, chauffeuring him there in his bullet-proof limo, and escorting him into the chamber. Well, there's this little thing called tradition. You know -- parades, balls, concerts, and tons of secret service personnel, and police officers on duty looking for would-be assassins or car bombers...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US on trial

by Reed Brody

International Herald Tribune


The conviction of Specialist Charles Graner for atrocities committed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq is a first step toward accountability for the detainee abuse scandal, but it must not be the end of the process.

Each passing day brings new evidence that the mistreatment of Muslim prisoners -- far from being an isolated incident at Abu Ghraib -- was widespread in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ... This pattern of abuse across three countries did not result from the acts of individual soldiers such as Graner who broke the rules. It resulted from decisions made by the Bush administration to bend, ignore or cast rules aside...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's bluff

by Emil Guillermo

San Francisco Chronicle


If international politics were like one big game of Texas hold'em, then this can be said about U.S. Iraq policy: President Bush didn't have a hand. But he sure bet on it like he held the best cards in the hole -- two aces, A-A, pocket rockets. Bush sent a few rockets and U.S. troops to fight his war. But now his hand has been exposed. And he had nothing. Just a costly flop of a war. What did we lose? Not chips. At last count, nearly 1,400 U.S. military personnel have been killed; another 10,000 have come home wounded. Bush's justification for war -- that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction -- was just a stone-cold bluff. ... Last week, with a whimper ... officials announced that the search for the elusive WMD is officially over. You'll recall Bush said Saddam Hussein had them, gosh durn it, and he acted as if Saddam did...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Patriot II: Assault on privacy and freedom

by Jarret Wollstein

International Society for Individual Liberty


December 7th, anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, now has a another reason to be called 'a day that will live in infamy.' On December 7, 2004, Congress passed a new 3003-page 'national security' act, dubbed Patriot II. Like the first Patriot Act, passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Patriot II gives the government tremendous new powers to spy upon, control and imprison ordinary Americans like you.

Patriot II has another ominous similarity to Patriot I: Almost no one in Congress had seen a copy of the final bill before it was enacted...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Exporting democracy - or terrorism?

by Justin Raimondo



So now we have the ultimate irony: the U.S. government wants to create terrorist groups in the name of the 'war on terrorism.' Just as the 'War on Poverty' created more poverty, and the 'War on Drugs' created more drug users and enriched drug dealers, so our commanding officers in the War on Terrorism (in U.S. government parlance they call it the Global War on Terrorism, or GWOT) are now yearning to be in the business of creating more terrorism. Rummy wants to ride with the 'bad boys,' but he doesn't want the American people -- the taxpayers -- to know about it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The future of Republicans


...Here we have the whole of the Republican reality in one massive space: big government working with big business to enlarge the state and its spending at the expense of everyone else...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rice's new Axis: "outposts of tyranny"

Sydney Morning Herald [Australia]


In an echo of President George W Bush's 'axis of evil,' Condoleezza Rice today named Cuba, Burma, Belarus and Zimbabwe as 'outposts of tyranny' requiring close US attention. Early in Bush's first term, he listed Iraq, Iran and North Korea as part of an 'axis of evil' in the post-September 11 era -- the United States later invaded Iraq, ousting longtime dictator Saddam Hussein. 'To be sure, in our world there remain outposts of tyranny and America stands with oppressed people on every continent ... in Cuba, and Burma, and North Korea, and Iran, and Belarus, and Zimbabwe,' Rice told a Senate committee considering her nomination to succeed Colin Powell as secretary of state...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Thirty Percent of Iraq War Veterans May Need Psychiatric Care

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Military officials and mental health providers predict that up to 30 percent of returning soldiers will require psychiatric services -- a number not seen since the end of the Vietnam War." Stephen Robinson, a 20-year Army veteran who is now executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Center, an advocacy group, said: "I know for a fact that the military health care system is ill prepared to deal with the psychological impact of war."


Original rationale for invasion was groundless

Revisionist history: Original rationale for invasion was groundless

Here's the bottom line, according to the Register-Guard Editorial Board: "At some point, Bush may run out of justifications for what increasingly appears to be an unjustifiable war."


America's Gulag - Gulag Americans

Is the U.S. government establishing a set of concentration camps to house enemy prisoners of war for the rest of their lives? According to Cathryn J. Prince, "This proposed policy is unpardonable not only because it robs potentially innocent people of the chance to stand before justice; it potentially robs America of its right to call itself a just nation."


Terror detainees and America's gulag
Christian Science Monitor
by Cathryn J. Prince


The Defense Department's proposal could very well be a lost chapter out of George Orwell's timeless novel '1984': potential lifetime sentences for the hundreds of people now in military and CIA custody at a prison yet to be built outside the US, and thus beyond the reach of its constitutional protections on due process. In keeping with the Orwellian overtones for the suggested prison, the Bush administration has even drummed up a name: Camp 6. The name echoes the novel's notorious Room 101, where prisoners suffered punishment in the form of their worst fears. But, alas, this is not fiction. This is the new reality as envisioned in this second term of President Bush...


Gulag Americans

by Marina Malenic

The American Spectator


For more than a decade, researchers have investigated sightings of Americans in Soviet camps. The 90-page report is the fifth in a series of updates. A separate internal Pentagon document concludes that 'there is a high probability' that American citizens and U.S. prisoners of war died in the camps. Russian inaction has made the effort to confirm such information 'a distinctly unilateral U.S. pursuit,' according to a written introduction to the report. And it speaks to a more general attitude of willful ignorance of a system which, between 1929 and the death of Soviet Communism, saw millions upon millions pass through its nightmarish bureaucracy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Bush Rule of Journalism

consortium news
By Robert Parry

“Don’t take on the Bushes” is becoming an unwritten rule in American journalism. Reporters can make mistakes in covering other politicians and suffer little or no consequence, but a false step when doing a critical piece on the Bushes is a career killer.

read article:

Clermont County Board of Elections Refused to Answer Recount Questions About Irregularities

Ray Beckerman

Report by Bob Drake of the Clermont County recount team. He read the following letter to the Board of Elections on Thursday, December 16, 2004. "Clermont County used optical scan sheets, many of which were altered with stickers to cover a third party candidate vote (and at least one vote for Kerry), and modified to cast a vote for Bush. There were many other irregularities as well, and most are detailed in the letter below (e.g., Ralph Nader's name being present on the ballot). We still have not received answers to any of our questions."

read article:

Alliance for Democracy Seeks to Intervene Before Democratic Party Dismisses Its Own Case in Knox & Franklin Counties

Ray Beckerman

On Election Day, the Ohio Democratic Party had brought a case in federal court due to the long lines in Franklin and Knox Counties. http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/docs/ohio/041102LongLineTROmotion.pdf and http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/docs/ohio/041102LongLinecomplaint.pdf

read article:

One Last Election Lesson

NY Times Op-ED

The November election may feel like ancient history, but it is still going on in North Carolina. The state has been unable to swear in an agriculture commissioner because a single malfunctioning electronic voting machine lost more ballots than the number of votes that separate the two candidates. The State Board of Elections, the candidates and the public are sharply divided on how to proceed. The mess North Carolina finds itself in is a cautionary tale about the perils of relying on electronic voting that does not produce a paper record.

read article:

Key Election Evidence Destroyed

Help America Recount Fund

A civil lawsuit, filed on behalf of eight New Mexico residents Friday claims that the certified results of the 2004 New Mexico general election demonstrate that voting machines used in the election malfunctioned seriously enough to affect the outcome of election races, including the race for President.

read article:

Kerry Alleges Voters Were 'Suppressed'

Kerry Alleges Voters Were 'Suppressed'- Links Poll Issues to King's Struggle
Boston Globe
by Scott S. Greenberger

In his first high-profile address since conceding the presidential election, Senator John F. Kerry used Boston's annual Martin Luther King Jr. memorial breakfast yesterday to decry what he called the suppression of thousands of would-be voters last November.

read article:

Earthquake off Japan's east coast; tsunami warning



I know this sounds pathetic, but I am always terribly nervous about putting things out. Still I have to bite the bullet. This is my contribution, for discussion, alteration or dismissal!



Sir William Stewart, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor and head of the NRPB, recommends that children under 8 should be banned from using mobiles, and that 9 to 14 year olds should only use them in emergencies. He is concerned that since his original Report in 2000, scientific research from around the world shows evidence of potential risk from radiation from mobile phones and masts well below current ICNIRP guidelines. This must not be ignored. He recommends new planning laws to protect the health and safety of the public, and adds that masts should not be placed near schools.

Judging by the article in theTelegraph (Jan 16th) in response to Sir William Stewart’s devastating report on health risks from mobile phones and masts, the Telecom companies seem to have lost the plot!

Unable to argue the real science, the best they can do is call on the services of shrinks and the likes of sociologist Adam Burgess, to subtly imply that Sir William Stewart is psychologically ill equipped for his job. It is hard to ignore the contempt in Burgess' voice. Though he doesn't say so outright, the feeling one gets is that the British public are mentally unhinged if they take seriously, the precautionary approach that Sir William advises. “It’s all inconsequential,” the ubiquitous Dr Burgess states. But perhaps, as he does his many interviews, he is really killing two birds with one stone, spinning some outrageous propaganda for the telecom companies, whilst at the same time grabbing his 15 minutes of fame in order to hype his rather silly book. And why not – we all have to earn a living – though some of us would balk at his ‘throw caution to the wind’ attitude with regard to the health and safety of children.

In a phone-in with Dr Burgess, I said that advocating such an approach was appallingly irresponsible. All he could do was laugh. When it comes down to the real argument, people like this simply aren’t up to the job. However, why should we be pointing out their failings? The national organisation Mast Sanity is now gaining an unstoppable momentum, so it is very much to our advantage to have people like Dr Burgess batting for the other side.

Robert Matthews’ article in the Telegraph was a transparent and appalling piece of telecom propaganda, with not a shred of scientific evidence to prop up its arguments. To quote Roger Coghill (a ‘real’ scientist and expert in this field).

“I cannot believe that any responsible journalist would expose themselves to the ridicule of the scientific community with the kind of patent ignorance displayed in the Telegraph article. There has been persistent evidence of health hazard from studies way back to three or so decades ago. The Chinese nation (some 1.3 billion) takes those studies seriously by regulating far lower limits than ICNIRP. I presume this article was simply some industry plant, since it is far beneath any serious scientific attention. Roger Coghill MA (Cantab) C Biol MI Biol MA (Environ Mgt).”

Roger Coghill’s assumption that Matthews’ article was ‘simply some industry plant’, was no idle comment. It is surely too much of a coincidence that the Executive Director of the Daily Telegraph is non other than John Allwood, the former CEO of Orange. In the light of that knowledge, readers must judge for themselves the credibility and motives of the article.

The Industry’s desperate attempt to silence or discredit everyone who dares to suggest there are risks, reveals the enormity of the problem. If the technology isn’t safe, billions will have to be spent making it safe. No self respecting global giant would be prepared to sacrifice profits just to protect public safety. So, when a bomb shell like the Stewart Report hits the media headlines, damage limitation (the art of spin and lies) goes into overdrive.

However, it is truly shocking that anyone should advocate such dangerous nonsense as ignoring the precautionary principle with regard to children. In my opinion, it borders on the criminal to send out a message which could have such serious consequences. Of course we all hope that the worst case scenario doesn’t happen. But we can’t guarantee that it won’t, anymore than we can guarantee that it will. Right now the evidence of harm to health is mounting alarmingly. The least we can do for the sake of the next generation, is guard against the possibility – and those who say this is the action of fools and fanatics, have obviously not learned the lessons of history. Or perhaps it has nothing to do with ignorance – and everything to do with greed, self interest and an utter lack of morality.

Jennifer Godschall Johnson – Mast Sanity

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"





Primakov: Former Soviet KGB general as US national security adviser




Anti-war graphic material

ANTI-WAR.US is dedicated to the free distribution of anti-war graphic material.

As creative individuals trained in methods of mass communication, we can make a real difference by providing clear anti-war messages.

All materials on this site are created voluntarily and distributed free to activists around the world.


Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Campaign Launched Against Dietary Supplements

The Campaign Against Dietary Supplements

Bill Sardi on the regulatory-pharmaceutical complex:

A catalogue of British abuse


New Photos Reveal 'Britain's Abu Ghraib'

Shocking New Photos Provide Evidence of British Torture of Iraqi Prisoners of War

The photographs in the article below are graphic, yet they provide strong evidence of severe torture of Iraqi Prisoners of War at the hands of British soldiers. As the "coalition" leader for the occupation of Iraq, the U.S. sent the world and the U.K. a terrible example of what not to do with the horrors of Abu Ghraib.


Boxer Asks Californians to List Priorities

Please ask Boxer to ammend it so it includes "protection of civil liberties".

Here is a link to send comments to Sen. Barbara Boxer:


Here's why:

Sadly, her list of options includes fascism.

• Fully funding the No Child Left Behind education law (ROTC access to children)
• Increasing resources for homeland security
• Expanding the COPS Program -- to put more police officers on the

Her current list of options is here:

There is a 'write-in' box for 3rd option, but her java script software is broken.

Here is a list of your choices:

• Preserving Social Security and Medicare
• Protecting a woman's right to choose
• Making health care more affordable for families
• Ensuring that polluters -- not taxpayers -- pay for toxic waste cleanups
• Enacting a Patient's Bill of Rights for those enrolled in HMOs
• Fully funding the No Child Left Behind education law
• Ensuring veterans have adequate health care
• Increasing resources for homeland security
• Increasing the minimum wage
• Passing a comprehensive transportation bill -- to create jobs and
improve transportation
• Ensuring that America’s judges represent mainstream American view
• Providing a tax cut for the cost of college
• Preserving more of America’s wild and natural places
• Passing a Violence Against Children Act
• Expanding the COPS Program -- to put more police officers on the
• Reducing our national debt
• Passing an effective National Energy Policy

Informant: Scott Munson

Conscription – The Terrible Price of War

Rep. Ron Paul : Conscription – The Terrible Price of War:

The ultimate cost of war is almost always the loss of liberty. True defensive wars and revolutionary wars against tyrants may preserve or establish a free society, as did our war against the British. But these wars are rare. Most wars are unnecessary, dangerous, and cause senseless suffering with little being gained. - The current war in which we find ourselves clearly qualifies as one of those unnecessary and dangerous wars.

Iraq war vets fight an enemy at home

Experts say up to 30% may need psychiatric care...


From Information Clearing House

Sham elections in deep trouble

"According to the Geneva Conventions and The Hague, the occupying force has no authority to change the laws of the occupied country.''


From Information Clearing House

A televisual fairyland

The US media is disciplined by corporate America into promoting the Republican cause...

Holding WMD Liars Accountable

Now that the Bush administration has finally stopped wasting millions of tax dollars each month on the futile search for the weapons of mass destruction it promised would be found in Iraq, it is time for an accounting.

Senator Boxer Proves Conde Rice a Liar

Clearly, Ms. Rice was shown to be a liar and an immoral person — not caring about those who have been killed in this war, this war that was clearly built on lies.

Iran: A Bridge too Far?

We must stop the next Middle East war before it starts:

Pre-Emption Yet Again?

From a strategic point of view, it is hard to imagine how President Bush could even be contemplating another half-baked military adventure.


From Information Clearing House

As America Sleeps, the Strausscon Plan for Iran is on Schedule

It is a constant drumbeat and will become more so over the next few months: Iran has nukes, or is feverishly working to develop nukes (no easy task), and will ultimately nuke Israel and Europe.

From Information Clearing House

Now US ponders attack on Iran

Hardliners in Pentagon ready to neutralise 'nuclear threat' posed by Tehran...


From Information Clearing House

Homeless vets, from Vietnam to Iraq

When I Came Home is a documentary which follows the lives and struggles of several homeless veterans, including those who have recently returned home from the war in Iraq. The film examines the factors which led over 150,000 Vietnam veterans from the battlefield to the street and asks the question: Will what happened to Vietnam veterans happen to a new generation of soldiers? Watch it online now.


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