
Malnutrition doubled since US invasion

The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, warned today that the number of young Iraqi children suffering from acute malnutrition has nearly doubled since the March 2003 invasion, as health and living conditions have deteriorated. Almost eight per cent of Iraqi children younger than five suffer from chronic diarrhoea and protein deficiency, the agency's latest reports said. "This means that hundreds of thousands of children are today suffering the severe effects of diarrhoea and nutrient deficiencies," UNICEF executive director Carol Bellamy said. Diarrhoea, caused mainly by unsafe water and in some areas lack of clean supplies, is responsible for 70 per cent of child deaths in Iraq, the agency said. Water treatment plants, already in poor condition, have suffered more damage since the invasion. In Baghdad, 40 per cent of the water system has been damaged, with water lines either broken or contaminated. Sewage treatment plants no longer work because of problems with the electrical supply, poor maintenance, and damage caused since the invasion.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 8th, 2004

DC Circuit decision - EMR v. FCC

For Immediate Release
December 8, 2004
Contact: Janet Newton
The EMR Policy Institute
Tel: 802-426-3035
E-mail: JNewton@emrpolicy.org

US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Hands Down Decision in Citizen Challenge to FCC's Radiofrequency Radiation Safety Policy

Washington D.C., December 7, 2004 -- In an opinion filed by Senior Circuit Judge Stephen F. Williams, No. 03-1336 EMR Network v. Federal Communications Commission and United States of America, the Court upheld the FCC's decision not to initiate an inquiry on the need to revise its regulations to address non-thermal effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation from the facilities and products subject to FCC regulation as EMR Network had requested in its September 2001 Petition for Inquiry.

At the request of the EMR Network, The EMR Policy Institute provided legal and research support for this appeal.

"We are considering a Petition for Certiorari to the Supreme Court as the next step in this challenge to current US RF radiation safety policy," stated Janet Newton, President of The EMR Policy Institute.

All background documents and the DC Circuit decision will be posted shortly at: http://www.emrpolicy.org/litigation/case_law/index.htm

Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute, P.O. Box 117, Marshfield VT 05658
Tel: (802) 426-3035 FAX: (802) 426-3030
Web Site: http://www.emrpolicy.org

Abdel Rahman Shaghouri sentenced to prison terms for accessing Internet sites containing political information about Syria


Abdel Rahman Shaghouri is one of several individuals sentenced recently to prison terms for accessing Internet sites containing political information about Syria. Internet access is carefully monitored in Syria, and authorities block access to certain websites they find objectionable, including sites that contain political or human rights information.


IGOR SUTIAGIN faced politically motivated prosecution for his cooperation with foreigners


Sutiagin, a researcher at the Institute of USA and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of Science, is one of a number of independent scientists, journalists, and environmentalists who have faced politically motivated prosecutions in the past decade for their cooperation with foreigners on issues considered to be sensitive by the Russian government.


IGNATIUS MAHENDRA KUSUMA WARDHANA and YOYOK EKO WIDODO were arrested following a demonstration against increases in fuel and electricity prices


These two men were arrested following a demonstration against increases in fuel and electricity prices, charged with "insulting the President or Vice President" and sentenced to three years' imprisonment.


Members of the Organización Femenina Popular have been repeatedly threatened with death by army-backed paramilitaries


The members of the Organización Femenina Popular have been repeatedly threatened with death by army-backed paramilitaries, after calling on all sides of Colombia's civil conflict to respect the human rights of civilians.


Authorities responded to YURY BANDAZHEVSKY's criticism by arresting him


Bandazhevsky devoted much of his working life to investigating the effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion upon the people of southern Belarus. Authorities responded to Bandazhevsky's criticism by arresting him.


Application filed to prosecute UK Electricity Industry for failing to label domestic electrical Appliances with hazard Warning

You may be interested to know that we have just filed an application to prosecute the UK electricity industry for failing to label domestic electrical appliances with a hazard warning, under sections of the Consumer Protection Act, 1987. This criminal prosecution may be pertinent to those concerned with mast emissions, in view of the extremely low frequency emissions from TETRA and related masts and handsets. I expect that if the Magistrate accepts the case it will attract global media publicity.

Roger Coghill
MA (Cantab) C Biol MI Biol MA (Environ Mgt)

Coghill Research Laboratories

Visit our website: http://www.cogreslab.co.uk

FromMobile Phone Mast Campaigners Network

Ten Things Progressives Should Know About the United Nations Oil-for-Food Scandal


From Information Clearing House

Tortured principles

YEARS FROM now, the mistreatment of Afghan war detainees at Guantanamo and Iraqi war detainees at Abu Ghraib will likely rank with the internment of Japanese-American civilians in World War II as a violation of the nation's principles. Congress must act to steer the nation back toward compliance with the Geneva Conventions and US law.


From Information Clearing House

EMF-Omega-News 8. December 2004

Letter to all members of the House of Lords

I have sent the letter copied below to all members of the House of Lords because I do not feel that Lord Bassam of Brighton's comments should go uncontested in the place where decisions could be made for our future. Let them all hear the other side of the coin with my opinion.


Dear Member of the House of Lords,

I am emailing to correct Lord Bassam of Brighton’s comments in the House of Lords debate on mobile phone masts, as follows:

Lord Bassam of Brighton: My Lords, there will of course be some revision of the guidance, because the planning policy guidance process is turning into a different form of planning guidance. There have been recent reviews of PPG8 and I understand that it is widely understood. The problem is that local residents sometimes do not like what they hear; one has to be realistic about that. The noble Baroness makes a point about the number of appeals. It is certainly true that there was a large increase in appeals and in the quantity of written representations on planning applications. Thankfully, that appears to have peaked and may well now be tailing off, but it is of course open to local political activists to stir up such issues. It is in their interests to do so; one can well understand that.

I am a great-grandmother and I have never been a political activist in my life.

Since March 2004 I have been an active campaigner agaist the Airwave Tetra for police forces and the siting of masts near schools and residential areas.

The only reason for this is that I have witnessed the suffering and illness caused by this mm02 Airwave TETRA amongst my family members, friends, and other normal, well-balanced people.

That I also suffer near TETRA, either in passing mast sites, or along the directional paths of the radiation to and from each mast, also hardens my resolve to call for this system to be halted and replaced by another form of tetra, perhaps Tetrapol?

I make no excuses for mentioning directional paths! There is no scientific proof but I feel pain in my head and neck etc on these directional paths and so despite what scientists say, there is microwave radiation interferring with my body!

Omega: there is scientific proof. See: "The inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines govering human exposure to the microwave emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations": http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/dr_hyland_dec03.pdf
and "Report on TETRA" http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/report_on_tetra.doc


How many must die before you do? And who will accept responsibility?

Or will you just call them all accidental deaths instead of corporate manslaughter?

I have met and spoken to many normal, decent people who campaign against TETRA.

I have never met or spoken to any activists or trouble makers, they are all genuinely concerned about the health of their families, or friends or fellow human beings. A lot are also concerned for wild life and domestic pets, who also suffer near these masts.

MM02 Airwave, government bodies and associated scientists all declare this TETRA to be safe.

How is it then that thousands/ hundreds of thousands? of people have become ill around these mast areas, and further from the masts than guidelines suggest?

Do you truly know the extent of this illness? Do you even consider it?

Even Mast Sanity, a voluntary organisation helping the general public with problems around masts, can only guess, yet this organisation collates information from groups and individuals across the UK.

I recently joined Mast Sanity because I realised that this is not a problem associated just with my backyard. It is a national problem and needs to be addressed at national level, preferably by those who were elected by us to take care of us and our nation.

I speak to new people every week answering mast Sanity’s Advice Line one day a week My heart goes out to them if they are around TETRA or 3G masts, but I now also know that phone masts, long term, can also be harmimg them, especially if they have children or elderly parents.

They, and we, are just normal decent people looking for help.

We do not plant bombs, break into houses, instigate riots or break the law.

We have asked for help and understanding and have met brick walls, deceit, lies, and underhand practices that we would never consider – all for material gain!

Yes, we are angry that our trust has been abused and that we are treated so badly by this government and businesses with no morals or scruples. No, we do not respect, or believe, government bodies because they have proved to be false for self-interested reasons –


We are not local political activist and we resent attempts to discredit us as much as we resent the way independent scientists are discredited for speaking out and saying what we know is true.

Microwave transmission does harm human and animal life and TETRA can KILL!

These are my own personal opinions and I do not in this letter represent, or attempt to represent, Mast Sanity. My views are not necessarily those of Mast Sanity which speaks for itself.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

Message from Mast Network



Spain fights Antennas

Fake tree dubbed Frankenpine

The primary school that has 27 secret mobile phone masts on its door

Tetra Moves to Ireland

Secret Mobile Phone Masts

Planning permission for 96ft GSM-R communication masts in residential areas

Your Health with Computer and Cellphone



Long-term sickness and mobile phone use

Non-Ionizing Radiation Measurements

A sick police force will be of no use to anyone

Local Schools of Harrogate Community are under Phone Mast Threat

Report from Gauss Network Dec’04, Japan

Phone-mast campaigners hoping for sites action

Adverse Bioeffects on Animals near a New Zealand Radio Transmitter

The wireless revolution

Keep Healthy with Pollution Computer and Cellphone

Magnetic field effect on singlet oxygen production in a biochemical system


Green Candidate: Ohio Recount Could Make Kerry Prez


Informant: S.T.Ill Freeman

Ohio election fraud uproar blasting to new level



Check the MSNBC video link below!

They are selling the chip as a clubbing convenience so VIP members are not burdened with a purse or ID, and they are part of the "in-crowd."

Go figure, it's Verichip and it's being pushed in Florida. Also note the complicity of the reporter in forwarding this as something desirable for the uber-hip.

Insidious to a fault.Say NO to the chip.


Informant: Andrea Ball

I Want My Country Back Newsletter Dec.7, 2004


Letter to all members of the House of Lords

I have sent the letter copied below to all members of the House of Lords because I do not feel that Lord Bassam of Brighton's comments should go uncontested in the place where decisions could be made for our future. Let them all hear the other side of the coin with my opinion.


Dear Member of the House of Lords,

I am emailing to correct Lord Bassam of Brighton’s comments in the House of Lords debate on mobile phone masts, as follows:

Lord Bassam of Brighton: My Lords, there will of course be some revision of the guidance, because the planning policy guidance process is turning into a different form of planning guidance. There have been recent reviews of PPG8 and I understand that it is widely understood. The problem is that local residents sometimes do not like what they hear; one has to be realistic about that. The noble Baroness makes a point about the number of appeals. It is certainly true that there was a large increase in appeals and in the quantity of written representations on planning applications. Thankfully, that appears to have peaked and may well now be tailing off, but it is of course open to local political activists to stir up such issues. It is in their interests to do so; one can well understand that.

I am a great-grandmother and I have never been a political activist in my life.

Since March 2004 I have been an active campaigner agaist the Airwave Tetra for police forces and the siting of masts near schools and residential areas.

The only reason for this is that I have witnessed the suffering and illness caused by this mm02 Airwave TETRA amongst my family members, friends, and other normal, well-balanced people.

That I also suffer near TETRA, either in passing mast sites, or along the directional paths of the radiation to and from each mast, also hardens my resolve to call for this system to be halted and replaced by another form of tetra, perhaps Tetrapol?

I make no excuses for mentioning directional paths! There is no scientific proof but I feel pain in my head and neck etc on these directional paths and so despite what scientists say, there is microwave radiation interferring with my body!

Omega: there is scientific proof. See: "The inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines govering human exposure to the microwave emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations": http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/dr_hyland_dec03.pdf
and "Report on TETRA" http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/report_on_tetra.doc


How many must die before you do? And who will accept responsibility?

Or will you just call them all accidental deaths instead of corporate manslaughter?

I have met and spoken to many normal, decent people who campaign against TETRA.

I have never met or spoken to any activists or trouble makers, they are all genuinely concerned about the health of their families, or friends or fellow human beings. A lot are also concerned for wild life and domestic pets, who also suffer near these masts.

MM02 Airwave, government bodies and associated scientists all declare this TETRA to be safe.

How is it then that thousands/ hundreds of thousands? of people have become ill around these mast areas, and further from the masts than guidelines suggest?

Do you truly know the extent of this illness? Do you even consider it?

Even Mast Sanity, a voluntary organisation helping the general public with problems around masts, can only guess, yet this organisation collates information from groups and individuals across the UK.

I recently joined Mast Sanity because I realised that this is not a problem associated just with my backyard. It is a national problem and needs to be addressed at national level, preferably by those who were elected by us to take care of us and our nation.

I speak to new people every week answering mast Sanity’s Advice Line one day a week My heart goes out to them if they are around TETRA or 3G masts, but I now also know that phone masts, long term, can also be harmimg them, especially if they have children or elderly parents.

They, and we, are just normal decent people looking for help.

We do not plant bombs, break into houses, instigate riots or break the law.

We have asked for help and understanding and have met brick walls, deceit, lies, and underhand practices that we would never consider – all for material gain!

Yes, we are angry that our trust has been abused and that we are treated so badly by this government and businesses with no morals or scruples. No, we do not respect, or believe, government bodies because they have proved to be false for self-interested reasons –


We are not local political activist and we resent attempts to discredit us as much as we resent the way independent scientists are discredited for speaking out and saying what we know is true.

Microwave transmission does harm human and animal life and TETRA can KILL!

These are my own personal opinions and I do not in this letter represent, or attempt to represent, Mast Sanity. My views are not necessarily those of Mast Sanity which speaks for itself.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

Message from Mast Network

Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

The saga of Lord Bassam of Brighton

Why the Feeney vote-rigging story sounds like disinformation

Excellent congressional review today on CSpan regarding the Ohio election. Congress WILL go to Ohio for an official hearing and investigation. Hope you're viewing it. Go to CSpan to get the program info. and replay if you missed it! Go to truthout.com to get William Rivers Pitt's coverage on it, also.




Why the Feeney vote-rigging story sounds like disinformation

ABOUT DISINFORMATION: Like a good lie, it has elements of truth. Trouble is, the truth doesn't relate to the nuts and bolts of the story. For example in the Tom Feeney vote-manipulation story, people are documenting relationships between Tom Feeney and Yang, and between the writer of the story and other scandals, but so far the evidence presented does not back up the vote manipulation story itself.

DISINFORMATION IS DANGEROUS TO THE CLEAN VOTING MOVEMENT: Black Box Voting is finding real evidence consistent with fraud. We are even finding, in one of our investigations, evidence consistent with a systemic, or widespread breakdown in security, possibly exploited. Getting the facts is tedious, unexciting work, consisting of auditing and personal interviews, and it takes time. Many Americans want a magic bullet, a single shot that will blow the lid off everything at once.

That's risky. If the mainstream media continues to be bombarded with stories that sound credible, but aren't, when the real thing comes down the pike it will be ignored.

While MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and I had a run-in last week, I agree absolutely with Olbermann's earlier critique of the Madsen homeland security story, and this new Madsen story is just as weak. Most of both Madsen stories are bait and switch.

While real journalists "write tight" and include only the information directly relevant to the topic, Madsen wanders all over the place, recapping unrelated information from real news agencies, piggybacking onto their credibility, with only the most tenuous ties to what he is actually trying to prove. Analyze the meat of the story, taking out all the loose references to other stories, and Madsen's work gets very weak indeed.

Here are questions raised by the Feeney vote-manipulation story:

1. One of the most significant problems is that, while Clint Curtis describes a technique of writing a program, he never mentions HOW he supposedly got this program into the voting machines.

2. A second significant problem is that several of the Florida counties used different software in 2000 than they do now, and that various Florida counties use different manufacturers and different systems. Writing one program that would tamper with ES&S punch cards and Diebold optical scans at the same time is somewhat unrealistic. The questions this raises are these:

a. Which specific counties was this software supposedly used in for 2000, 2002 and 2004? Actually, from reading both the affidavit and the Madsen article, there is no evidence it was used anywhere.
- Madsen does a bait and switch when he discusses Volusia County. He starts by saying it is Feeney's district, and then actually goes on to report a story broken by Black Box Voting in October, 2003, about minus 16,022 votes for Bush in Volusia -- which appears to have nothing to do with the Feeney story. What systems was his vote rigging program for? Which manufacturers?

3. The techniques used to program a vote-rigging system in the Madsen article don't actually match the techniques in the affidavit by Clint Curtis, and neither one makes much sense. It's a simple matter to re-map a touch-screen to flip votes, and you don't need a special program for it. Simply switch the candidate ID numbers and it's done.

4. Most political shenanigans are not conducted by the candidate himself, but by operatives. It is certainly possible for a politician to hold several meetings in which he commits a felony in front of several witnesses, but that's not usually how it is done. A more common technique is an envelope full of cash left in a drawer of an operative, with at least one, sometimes more, buffer layers between the operative and the politician.

Clint Curtis says Feeney himself had meeting after meeting to directly discuss election rigging software. Could happen, certainly, but this seems unusual.

5. There are some statements that don't hang together from a programming standpoint. The author says that it will be difficult to write a program that will escape notice if the source code is examined. That's not quite true.

Writing a trigger into a program can involve a very small amount of code and there are several ways to do it. The idea is you write a very simple, hard to detect trigger with as little code as possible -- or you comment the code such that it looks like it is there for another purpose. The trigger can do several kinds of things -- allow a user to open up remote access without authentication, for example, or change permissions so that the user can do things that are supposed to be forbidden. In other words, the more complex program certainly would not reside on the voting system, but would appear only when triggered, or inserted by someone with access, or by remote access through telephone lines.

5. Why write a whole software program anyway? You can do what needs to be done with a VBA script, which never goes through certification, never gets compiled, and enters the system like a virus. The program described by the author is not a VBA script, but a compiled software program. You can do anything you want if you obtain remote access such that penetration of the computer itself is enabled. Why lock yourself in, by writing a specific program into the source code?

6. The originator of the story, Clint, says he has filed a "QUITAM" whistleblower suit, that is "pending." This is one of the least credible parts of the story. First, he doesn't spell it correctly. The correct spelling is two words, "Qui Tam." Next, Qui Tam cases MUST be filed under seal. If a Qui Tam is filed in Florida, both the evidence and the existence of the case must be sealed, and only the Florida Attorney General can unseal it.

Black Box Voting Executive Director Bev Harris, and Black Box Voting board member Jim March, filed a Qui Tam suit in California. Using a California law, they refused to seal the evidence, but still had to keep the existence of the case under seal. It did not come out from under seal until the California Attorney General got the court to unseal it, and the Associated Press covered the unsealing of the case. You cannot keep the unsealing of a Qui Tam case away from the press. The press has mentioned no such Qui Tam in Florida.

This leaves two possibilities: (1) He filed the Qui Tam and is violating the court order to keep the case under seal, or (2) There is no Qui Tam case on this.

To develop a more credible story, we'd like to see answers for the following:

1. How the program got into the machine. Not "theoretically" how it got in, but how Clint Curtis says he got it in there.

2. What systems were used (which manufacturers, and were they punch card, optical scan or touch screen) in each of the counties, during each of the years this manipulation supposedly occurred.

3. What's the deal on the Qui Tam, and how is he getting around the sealing of the case?

Peace through compassion, information, vigilence, and activism

Americans Moving To Canada


Informant: NHNE

Die Normalität des Unerträglichen



Jahresbericht: Amnesty fordert absolutes Folterverbot - auch in "Rechtsstaaten" (08.12.04)

"Die Schere zwischen einem menschenrechtsorientierten Anspruch und einer Realpolitik, die Menschenrechte ignoriert, hat sich in Rechtsstaaten weiter geöffnet", meint die Generalsekretärin von amnesty international Deutschland, Barbara Lochbihler, anlässlich des diesjährigen internationalen Tages der Menschenrechte. "Lippenbekenntnisse, denen keine Taten folgen, bewahren niemanden vor Folter, verhindern nicht, dass Menschenrechtsverteidiger schikaniert, bedroht und getötet werden und schützen Frauen in bewaffneten Konflikten nicht vor Massenvergewaltigungen." Folter sei in diesem Jahr gerade in Rechtsstaaten ein beunruhigend aktuelles Thema: "Wenn Rechtsstaaten Folter zulassen, verabschieden wir uns von einer der wichtigsten menschenrechtlichen Errungenschaften: dem absoluten Folterverbot." Die Folterfälle im irakischen US-Gefängnis Abu Ghraib hätten zu Recht Entsetzen ausgelöst. In Deutschland hätten im "Fall Daschner" besorgniserregend viele Vertreter aus Politik und Justiz das Vorgehen des ehemaligen Frankfurter Polizeivizepräsidenten als rechtmäßig bezeichnet. "Dem gilt es energisch entgegenzutreten."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Grausamkeiten auf Kuba: Rotes Kreuz beklagt Folter in Guantánamo (08.12.04)

Häftlinge auf dem US-Militärstützpunkt Guantánamo sind nach einem vertraulichen Bericht des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) Opfer von Mißhandlungen geworden, die "Folter gleichkommen". Das berichtete die "New York Times" unter Berufung auf einen Regierungsvermerk, der in Washington zu dem Bericht des IKRK angefertigt worden sei. Der Bericht des Roten Kreuzes gebe die Eindrücke eines Inspektionsteams wieder, welches das - auf Kuba gelegene - US-Militärgefängnis in Guantánamo, in dem etwa 550 angebliche Terroristen festgehalten werden, im Juni dieses Jahres besucht habe, schreibt die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". Die Inspektoren kritisieren demnach, dass das US-amerikanische Militär mit Unterstützung von Ärzten und medizinischem Personal in Guantánamo ein Verhörsystem geschaffen habe, das nicht anders bezeichnet werden könne als ein "planvolles Gefüge grausamer, ungewöhnlicher und demütigender Behandlung und als eine Form der Folter". Das Pentagon habe die Vorwürfe entschieden zurückgewiesen. Das Militärgefängnis werde "sicher, human und professionell betrieben".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Beziehungskiller Handy?

Mobil telefonieren zu können und immer und überall erreichbar zu sein empfinden die meisten Menschen als eine große Hilfe bei der Bewältigung von Alltag und Beziehungen. Was aber ist mit der Partnerschaft? Ist das Handy gut oder schädlich?

Die französische Psychoanalytikerin Delphine Miermont hat sich genauer mit den Auswirkungen des Handys auf Beziehungen befasst. Laut Miermonts Beobachtungen ist das Handy eine Art Mutter-Ersatz. Es gebe, so Miermont, dem Benutzer das Gefühl, ständig an einer Nabelschnur zu hängen.

Die Urangst des Menschen, allein gelassen zu werden, werde durch die ständige Erreichbarkeit des Partners oder anderer Bezugspersonen aufgehoben. Es sei aber wichtig, während des Erwachsenwerdens zu lernen, mit dieser Angst umzugehen. Durch die "Handy-Nabelschnur" bleibe die Selbstständigkeit des Menschen unterentwickelt.

Keine Vorfreude auf den Partner

Durch das Handy fühlt sich der Mensch nie allein gelassen oder auf sich gestellt. Es entsteht eine Abhängigkeit vom Partner, Freunden oder Familie.

Auch die Freunde des Wiedersehens in einer Partnerschaft kann durch das Handy nachlassen oder wegfallen. Wenn die Partner ständig informiert sind, wo der Andere gerade ist, was er gerade tut oder wie weit er noch vom gemeinsamen Treffpunkt entfernt ist, wird das Gespräch über den individuellen Tagesablauf überflüssig.

Eifersüchtige überwachen den Partner per Handy

Das Handy ist für viele nicht wegzudenken aus dem Beziehungsleben. Für besonders Eifersüchtige gibt es sogar Methoden, den anderen regelrecht "überwachen" zu können: Beispielsweise bietet ein Anbieter den so genannten "Handy-Finder-Service" an, der eigentlich für Vergessliche gedacht ist, die ihr Handy irgendwo liegen gelassen haben. Wer Zugang zu dem PIN-Code eines Handys hat, kann damit herausfinden, im Empfangsbereich welcher Mobilfunk-Zelle sich das Gerät - und bestenfalls die Person, der das Handy gehört - gerade befindet.

Wenn der Partner ständig angerufen wird

Nicht nur die gegenseitige Erreichbarkeit, sondern auch die permanente Abrufbereitschaft für Dritte stellt eine Beziehung auf die Probe. Dies ist das Ergebnis einer Studie der Universität Manchester in Großbritannien.

Auf Grund der heutigen Firmenkultur müssen viele Führungskräfte auch während der Freizeit immer erreichbar sein. Die Ehen von Managern sind der Studie zufolge durch das ständige Geklingel des Handys gefährdet. Damit die Beziehung intakt bleibt, sollte man sich vielleicht öfter mal an folgenden Rat halten: Abschalten!

Scheidung per SMS?

Wenn auch das nichts hilft, bleibt noch die Möglichkeit, die Beziehung per Handy zu beenden. In einigen Ländern, zum Beispiel Singapur und Malaysia, kann sogar eine Scheidung per SMS rechtskräftig sein.

Im Islam kann sich ein Mann scheiden lassen, indem er die Absicht in Gegenwart seiner Frau und Zeugen ausspricht. Eine entsprechende Scheidungserklärung auf dem Handy-Display ist nach dem dortigen Gesetzen ebenfalls zulässig.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

CASPIAN NEWSLETTER, 12/06/04: The Market is Responding


The wireless revolution

People across the country are battling to keep cell towers out of their neighborhoods

by Grace Hood

If you walk about 700 yards from Wendy Little's neighborhood at 9th and Baker Streets in Longmont, you come across what appears to be a light pole surrounded by a high fence. The pole sits behind a commercial building, invisible to street traffic. While it seems harmless to most, Wendy Little knows that there's more than meets the eye. Inside this "light pole" is a cell phone antenna. Last summer Little and others fought to keep this antenna from entering their neighborhood—and lost.

"The first question I had was how does this affect my child?" says Little. "They have thinner skulls. It can effect their brain because their brain is developing. It can cause slow motor skills, affect REM sleep. You start hearing things like that, and I just can't believe this is something that would be around people."

Little joined her neighbor Ann Maziar in an effort to raise local awareness about the tower before it was built. The two went door to door with a petition. They organized a demonstration in front of the proposed site. They even continued going to city council meetings after the appeal to talk about their concerns, some of which pertained to health. None of it worked.

"When I go to city council and they tell me that health isn't really a big concern, being a mother, I'm appalled by this," Little says. 'I can't believe that they're not talking about health."

In fact, city officials were just doing their job. According to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which established tower building regulations for the cell phone industry, local governments are prohibited from denying building permits based on health concerns.

"There was a lot of concern with respect to health risks that cell phone towers are perceived to create," says Troy Bliss, a Longmont city planner involved with the tower permit approval. "Unfortunately that's not something we have in our regulation to review or comment on."

While Little lost her struggle to keep cell towers out of her community, her concerns are more common than you might think. Eldorado Springs and residents near Lookout Mountain have recently fought to keep antennas out of their communities. In addition to smaller towns, anti-cell phone activists in cities like San Francisco have organized to curb the efforts of the cell phone industry to erect towers. All of these people say the recent national glut of cell phone tower construction has left public health concerns in the dust, and that it's time for communities to protect themselves from what seems to be a growing nexus of potential hazards.

The wireless build-out

In the United States, an estimated 171 million people use cell phones, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), an association that represents wireless carriers.

In order to keep up with growing demand, the cell phone industry has drastically enhanced its infrastructure since the 1996 FCC Act, and that means more cell towers. Today it is estimated that there are roughly 174,000 cell towers, up from around 25,000 in 1996.

"It's a very widespread problem," says Doug Loranger, co-founder of San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna Free Union (SNAFU). "We've gotten contacted from different people around the county."

Loranger has been actively fighting against cell towers in San Francisco since 2000. He originally founded SNAFU in 2000 when a cell phone company wanted to install antennas in a church steeple across from his apartment.

When Loranger found out about the antennas, he immediately started researching how the antenna would impact his community. An engineer by trade, Loranger found an article in the Institute for Electronic Engineers that summarized the research to date on microwave radiation.

"The opening paragraph said conclusively that this stuff has biological effects. So that was all I needed to know. If this stuff can alter your biology, then it can't be good," he says.

Because it is against the law to refuse an antenna permit based solely on health concerns, SNAFU structures its arguments around issues like decreased property values, aesthetic concerns involving the antennas and overall necessity for new antennas.

"If a company can't demonstrate that it has a significant gap in service, the local government has the authority to say no to that antenna," says Loranger.

In several cases San Francisco officials have agreed with Loranger that alleged "service gaps" didn't warrant proposed local cell towers. But if there weren't real problems with cell phone service, Loranger wonders what other motives could be behind all the construction.

"The more of things you put up, the higher price you can charge someone when they want to buy you out in the future," he says. "You're just doing this to hedge your bets, when in fact you're providing perfectly good service to customers."

Those in the cell phone industry feel differently. According to Dave Mellin, regional communications director for Sprint, cell towers are time consuming and expensive to build, often costing upward of $100,000.

"Any time that we construct a tower, it is done because it is necessary," he says. "There's an awful amount of thought and planning that goes into it before any action is taken."

Regardless of why all these cell towers are appearing, many communities find that keeping towers out of their neighborhood involves a whole lot more than just showing up at a city council meeting. Because of SNAFU's familiarity with fighting these types of battles, Loranger says that many California communities like San El Selmo and Santa Cruz have approached him looking for guidance.

"Once these companies realize that people are trying to put in stringent deadlines, they'll descend like hawks and try to prevent that from happening," he says. "I'm still waiting for the right community where the elected people stand up and do the right thing as far as the public is concerned."

A mixed medical bag

It's invisible. You can't see it, and you can't smell it. Radio Frequency (RF) emissions come from many different sources, like FM radios and televisions. They also come from cell phone towers and cell phones at a much higher rate than other antennas. When the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established guidelines for these emissions in the mid-'90s, it based the rules on thermal effects. Any RF emissions that fall within the thermal range have the ability to heat human flesh and are therefore hazardous. Those that fall within the nonthermal range were deemed to be safe.

But several laboratory studies within the scientific community have found cell and DNA damage caused by emissions in the nonthermal range. When there is damage on this basic level, the body will attempt to repair itself. If it cannot signal certain cells to die, then the cell will be replicated—along with its defects. This is what leads to runaway cell growth like cancer.

The truth of the matter is that no one knows for sure what the effects are from human exposure to RF radiation. It is known that using a cell phone exposes humans to a significant amount more radiation than what is emitted by a cell tower. But studies haven't concluded that brief, more intense exposure from cell phone use is more hazardous than the low, continuous exposure that comes from cell towers.

People like Doug Loranger and Wendy Little believe that both periodic and excessive exposure to cellular technology can cause health effects, even though there are no epidemiology studies to prove it.

The missing proof is an epidemiological study that connects the laboratory effects of RF radiation directly to actual human health effects. All previous studies have fallen short of this conclusion.

The lack of evidence leads many cell-industry advocates to back the current technology and radiation emissions guidelines. They also assert that most cell towers emit radiation that is thousands of times less than the limits set by the FCC.

Until an epidemiological study emerges that connects radiation exposure directly to human health effects, many speculate that FCC radiation standards will remain the same.

But the prospect of living with the current levels of radiation concern technology experts like Libby Kelly, director of the Council for Wireless Impacts.

"From the volume of calls that I've gotten over the years, there is a growing understanding that we're placing our health at risk," says Kelly. "The outcome is that we may find out we made an enormous mistake."

Safer technology

When Wendy Little and Ann Mazair weren't organizing demonstrations or talking to their community members in Longmont, they were busy looking into their last resort, which was legal action. With the legal costs ranging from $10,000 to $15,000, they realized they had run out of options.

The fact of the matter was the two were not just facing the cell phone companies—they were facing a society that has embraced cell phone use wholeheartedly.

A major sticking point in debate over cell phone towers is that cell phones are viewed by many as a public good, making our lives more convenient. The events of 9/11 further affirmed for many the value of cell phones for maintaining contact with the outside world under any circumstance.

But while many enjoy cell phones for their convenience, the notion of involuntary exposure to radiation is a growing concern. So while many people support the industry, they don't want to live next to the towers upon which the industry relies.

It's a challenging paradox Little is willing to face. In addition trying to find a way to monitor the level of radiation that is now in her neighborhood, she looks toward the future.

"We're going to have to change how we use technology," says Little. "One of our neighbors didn't want to get involved because he said he didn't want to stop progress. What I'm proposing—and I think a lot of people in the nation can be working on this—is that there has to be safer technology."

Respond: letters@boulderweekly.com


Informant: Teresa Binstock

DoC unable to stop rimu logging


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Adverse Bioeffects on Animals near a New Zealand Radio Transmitter


Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife - Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Sparrows?

Bizarre Weather Slams Japan


Informant: Anna Webb

The Gathering Storm : Senators join the fight


Total Information Oppression

A Vast Array of Online Problems - Total Information Oppression

Informant: Eric Stewart

The Ohio Recount Will Go Forward


Timid Kerry Stopped Counting Too Soon


Afraid To Look in the Moral Abyss


Phone-mast campaigners hoping for sites action


Informant: Andy, Mast Network

Defend the Recounts : Demand Election Reform

December 7, 2004

On Monday, December 13, the members of the Electoral College will meet in every state capitol to cast their votes to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States. We need to protest and make visible the many voting rights violations and election irregularities which call into question the integrity of the 2004 election and to demand real reforms to protect, extend, and deepen democracy.

If you haven't already, go on line and sign our Voter Bill of Rights and forward it to friends:

Below are also ways you can participate and stay informed.

Protect our Democracy,

Andrea, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Tiffany

1) Organize protests in the days leading up to the Dec. 13 meeting of the Electoral College, and on December 13 itself:

* Demand that every vote be verified and counted in all states before the Electors cast their votes!

* Call for the implementation of the Voter Bill of Rights, which details eleven vital election reforms, including the abolition of the electoral college, a guarantee of a voter-verified paper trail for all voting machines, replacement of partisan oversight of elections with nonpartisan election commissions and prevention of lawless vote suppression and voter intimidation. Deliver the Voter Bill of Rights to your members of Congress and demand their support for these reforms.

2) Contact your state's Electors to see if you can convince one or more of them to join you at the protest to express their concerns about the state of our democracy. A list of your state's Electors should be available on your state's secretary of state website, or with your state's election board.

3) Alert local media , using the Electoral College vote as a news hook. We need to break through the media whitewash of the disenfranchisement, vote suppression and fraud that occurred in this election.

4) List your protests events under "Directory of Local Actions" at http://www.Nov3.US.

This call to action is an initiative of the No Stolen Elections! Campaign and is endorsed by CODEPINK, United for Peace and Justice, 51 Capital March, and others. We are seeking national co-sponsors. If your national organization is willing to co-sponsor this call, please contact us at ben@nov3.us


51 Capital March:

Jesse Jackson's Something's Fishy in Ohio:

Rally Demands Speedy Ohio Recount

New Ohio Vote Tallies Question Legitimacy of Election

Election Day Problems:


Whatreallyhappened.com- Links


Media Email List

We got C-span but could use more media and rep.'s, besides link to send emails to 5 media and representatives http://www.pdamerica.org

Here is a list emails for media that you can send unlimited times

Also Tues morning early, you can call the U.S. capitol switchboard three times (1-800-839-5276). Ask for your Representative, then both your Senators, and request that they attend this hearing at 10AM

And see update below, Thanks, Cheryl

C-Span to broadcast tomorrow's Congressional hearings live.

Volunteers urgently needed.

State of Ohio denies permit for demonstration! We will picket, anyway.

Report on Delaware County protests.

Pacifica coverage of December 4th forum.

866-OURVOTE says Millions of Americans Were Denied Their Fundamental Voting Rights in 2004

Sworn affidavit surfaces detailing electronic vote rigging at request of Cong. Tom Feeney

Updated calendar of events.

Ray Beckerman
My blog, "Fairness" : http://www.fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com
Site feed url: http://fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Remember: "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they fight you. Then you win." -- Mahatma K Gandhi

Take care,
Cheryl Guttman

Our dying sea


5,500 Iraq War Deserters

Breaking News from CBS: "It's an offense punishable by death during wartime. It's been committed by 5,500 soldiers since the war with Iraq began. The men, who have violated military orders and oaths, tell 60 Minutes Wednesday that it isn't cowardice, but rather the nature of the war in Iraq, that turned them into American deserters." This article confirms the very serious morale problem growing within the military.


Total of 13,000 Reserve and National Guard Soldiers Spent Time in Medical Holdover

The military medical care system is broken when 13,000 Reserve and National Guard soldiers have had to go through "medical holdover" endless waiting due to wounds, injuries, or illnesses. Those on medical holdover include those deployed to the wars in Iraq and Kuwait as well as those ordered to Active Duty yet found unfit to go to the front lines. One Congressman, Tom Davis (R-Virginia), admits there is a problem, yet Congress continues underfunding programs to assist these casualties.


Policy Failure : Iraq War Veterans Showing up at Homeless Shelters

The article below should prompt the President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to take immediate action on behalf of Iraq War and Afghanistan War veterans. Having recent war veterans homeless in our streets is a crime of enormous magnitude that must be corrected immediately. The failure to proberly identify and closely monitor the growing population of at-risk veterans will have an enormous impact for years on the veterans, their families, and our Nation.


The Conyers hearing blog

Conyers Hearings on Ohio Vote Fraud Coverage

Informant: Brad Spangler


Berlin: rund 100 Teilnehmer kamen zur Nikolausaktion vors Hallesche Tor in Berlin. Bei der Auftaktaktion überraschte Gerald Wolf mit neuen Kabarettbeiträgen, Angelika Wernick von anders Arbeiten wies auf die Mängel beim Datenschutz bezüglich der ALG II Anträge hin. Die Demo ging dann, anders als ürsprünglich geplant, zum Sozialamt Berlin Kreuzberg, das Arbeitsamt in Kreuzberg hatte kurzfristig wegen internem Umzug geschlossen. Bei guter Stimmung wurde dann dem Sozialamtsleiter in einem Sack mit Ruten symbolisch ALG II Anträge überreicht. Die Kaberettgruppe Kartoon nahm Hartz IV auf die Schippe.

Siehe dazu auch einen Bericht bei indymedia
http://de.indymedia.org/2004/12/100973.shtml und Bilder bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2004/12/100984.shtml

Wuppertal: St. Nikolaus in der Arbeitsagentur

"Heute morgen sind in Vorbereitung auf den Agenturschluss am 03.Januar Knecht Ruprecht, seine Schwester Ruperta und der Heilige Nikolaus zur Wuppertaler Arbeitsagentur gekommen, um dort gemeinsam mit den Beschäftigten den kommenden Agenturschluss zu planen. Es gab Plätzchen, Schnittchen, Heißgetränke - und Bescherung vor und in den Büros der Agentur…."

Bericht von von Frau Arndt-Duwe vom 06.12.2004 bei indymedia

Köln: "Über Zwanzig Arbeitslose sickerten ins Amt, zähneknirschend geduldet vom amtseigenen Werkschutz, der als Verstärkung Polizei und Zivile im Hintergrund hatte. Vielleicht hatte eine Aktions-Ankündigung der taz-köln ein wenig zu drastisch geklungen, vielleicht machte die Herren ein schlechtes Gewissen nervös, das nach Strafe durch Knecht Ruprecht rief. Jedenfalls gaben wir unsere Anträge gemeinsam ab, liefen anschließend in kleinen Gruppen durch die Flure des Hochhauses und reichten den Beschäftigen Aufrufe zum Streik in ihre Büros."

Frankfurt/M: "Dem Aufruf zur gemeinsamen Abgabe der ALG II Anträge waren nicht nur Betroffene und ihre FreundInnen gefolgt, auch sieben Mannschaftswagen der Bereitschaftspolizei standen in einer Seitenstraße beim Arbeitsamt. Zwei dutzend Menschen waren zu der Aktion vor dem Amt erschienen, verteilten Flugblätter, DA-Sondernummern oder diskutierten mit vielen "Kunden" der Arbeitsagentur…." Bericht bei der FAU

Tübingen: "heute (06.12.04) haben rund ein dutzend personen vor dem tübinger arbeitsamt zeitungen & flugblätter zu sozialabbau und hartz4 verteilt. die aktivistInnen waren von den tübinger montagsdemos und der ortsgruppe tübingen der fau-iaa. ein transparent mit der aufschrift "gegen zwangsarbeit und niedriglohn! nicht jammern organisieren. fau-iaa" , welches bei ähnlichenaktionen dieses jahr schon öfters zum einsatz kam, wurde angebracht. die reaktionen der betroffenen menschen, waren fast durchweg positiv. das ganze dauerte von 09.30 - 12.00uhr." Bericht bei der FAU http://www.fau.org/artikel/art_041206-160147


Wittenberg: "wir, das ist das Soziale Bündnis Wittenberg, haben uns dem Aufruf zum zivilen Ungehorsam angeschlossen und werden ebenfalls den Ablauf der Arbeitspolizei Agentur beeinträchtigen. Im Vorfeld haben wir den Personalratsvorsitzenden zu uns zum Sozialen Bündnis Wittenberg zu einem Gespräch eingeladen. Schließlich sind ein große Teil der Beschäftigten ver.di-Mitglied wie wir und da sollten zuerst Gemeinsamkeiten ausgelotet werden, bevor man Trennendes feststellt und sich als Gegner betrachtet. Wir werden in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Arbeitsamt eine Kundgebung beantragen, natürlich auch an allen Nebengeschäftsstellen, Gräfenhainichen und Jessen. Somit haben wir eine offizielle Veranstaltung und können von dort aus agieren. Einen Vorschlag, den ich dem Netz entnommen habe, finde ich gut. "Frühstück" in der Agentur. Bei dem wenigen Geld, welches ALG II-Beziehern zusteht können sie ja auf diese Art und Weise eigene Heiz- und Stromkosten sparen. Mit Stullen und Thermoskanne zur Agentur, dort in großer Runde Gemeinsamkeiten austauschen, andere Betroffene sensibilisieren, diskutieren, natürlich alles unter der Rubrik, "Wir beteiligen uns an Möglichkeiten, mehr Menschen in Brot und Arbeit zu bekommen""

Lübeck: Kundgebung, 3.1.2005, 10 Uhr, vor der Agentur für Arbeit, Hans-Böckler-Straße

Erfurt: "Einladung zum Sektfrühstück vor der Arbeitsagentur in Erfurt. Am Anfang eines neuen Jahres nehmen Menschen sich so mancherlei Gutes vor. Wir auch! Wir wollen im nächsten Jahr aufhören, uns über Arbeitszwang, 1-Euro-Jobs, Meldepflichten beim der Arbeitsagentur und Kontrollen zu beklagen und endlich positiv werden.

Deswegen laden wir aus Protest gegen die bundesweite Agenturschluss-Kampagne am 3. Januar zum Sektfrühstück vor dem Eingang der Erfurter Arbeitsagentur. Dazu bieten wir - beispielsweise mit Sand, der wahlweise verstreut oder wieder aufgekehrt werden kann - kreative Möglichkeiten für sinnvolle Arbeitsgelegenheiten. Sozialer Protest war gestern, heute ist positives Denken! Sei dabei, wenn es am im Januar heißt: Sektfrühstück statt Armenküche!!!
Montag, 3.1.2005, 9.00-12.00 Uhr vor der Arbeitsagentur Erfurt, Max-Reger-Str. 1"

Quelle: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 7

1-Euro-Jobs - vom Verarmungsprogramm Hartz IV profitieren

Für die Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland war 2004 ein schwarzes Jahr

Magere Einkommenserhöhungen, längere Arbeitszeiten ohne Lohnausgleich, Kürzungen bei Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld - für die Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland war 2004 ein schwarzes Jahr. An fehlenden Gewinnen der Unternehmen kann es nicht liegen. Insgesamt verdienten die 30 Dax-Konzerne in diesem Geschäftsjahr rund 62 Milliarden Euro - Rekord. Artikel in Spiegel online vom 6.12.04


Quelle: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 7

Report from Gauss Network Dec’04, Japan

Pat Ormsby wrote:

Report from Gauss Network Dec’04

Base Station Siting

In Japan recently there have been a few small victories in terms of recognizing citizens’ to an improved EMF environment, but there have also been setbacks. Plans by Docomo were dropped for a base station in Kasugai, near Nagoya, due to opposition from the local citizens. It is a rural area, and the plans involved a 30 meter tower to improve reception. This is a hopeful sign. Usually Docomo can and does just run over the rights of local citizens. Meanwhile, citizens in Kanagawa Prefecture are taking Vodafone to court in an effort to have a base station removed from the grounds of an elementary school there.

In an ongoing court case in Fukuoka City , Kyushu, a Prof. Nojima, acting as witness for Docomo, simply denied the relevance of famous studies carried out worldwide regarding biological effects of EMF. An extension has been granted to hear further arguments against Prof. Nojima’s position, which have already extended to more than three hours of testimony.

Phoning while Driving

On November 1, 2004, a law was enacted in Japan against driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone. Penalties are stipulated on the level of minor traffic violations. It is still a common sight, and police caught 300 people in violation in the first two weeks in Hokkaido alone, but demand is up for hands-free sets, which can be used as long as they do not impair hearing. Hokkaido recorded 90 accidents caused by drivers talking on cell phones in 2003. Many people suspect the figure is much higher, as it is natural for people to become embarrassed and deny their carelessness.

According to the Shinano Mainichi Shimbun daily of Nagano Prefecture, however, the number of accidents caused by people using hands-free sets exceeded the number being caused by hand-held users in Nagano Prefecture even before enactment of the new law. From January to August 2004, there were twenty accidents reported as caused by a driver using a hand-held phone, with 33 injuries but no fatalities; but during the same period there were 26 accidents reportedly caused by drivers using hands-free sets, injuring 34 people. In September, there was a report of a truck driver using a hands-free set, losing his concentration and colliding with a passenger car stopped ahead of him, injuring the driver of the latter vehicle. The article notes that although a clear cause-and-effect relationship has not been established, these statistics indicate a danger from using hands-free sets as well as hand-held. The police commented that if hands-free sets are not allowable, conversations with passengers in the car would also have to be prohibited.

The December 8, 2004 issue of Gauss Tsushin reported on the ongoing controversy. An engineering professor at Daido Kogyo University in Nagoya studied reaction times of drivers to a flashing lamp in front or to the side. Prof. Keisuke Suzuki divided subjects into non-phone using, hand-held using and hands-free using drivers. He found no significant differences when the lamp was flashed in front of them, but when the lamp was to the side, he found reaction times increased by 2.2 times and 1.7 times for hand-held and hands-free users, respectively, compared to drivers not using a cell phone. He postulates that when people concentrate on the conversation, their field of view is constricted, and says that hands-free is not necessarily safer.

I wonder why he doesn’t run the same test with drivers having non-phone conversations. Is he afraid of what he might find, or is he simply negligent?

Annoyance on Public Transportation Facilities

One of the main topics of discussion at the Gauss Network was the ongoing problem of cell phone use aboard trains and other transportation in Japan. If you have seen pictures of white-gloved station attendants pushing people onto overcrowded trains in Japan, you are aware of what a problem the addition of cell phones can be. It is so packed that it is difficult to breathe, and people have been known to break ribs. When the shirt pocket of the guy pressed against you starts making tinny music, you can’t move away. He’ll manage to wiggle up a hand and answer the darned thing! Let’s say you have a pacemaker. What are you going to do? Step on his toes?

I tolerated the crowds for years, but the cell phones and my awareness of my own negative reaction to them put an end to it. I’m a peaceful person, but I truly fear I could not avoid committing a certain level of violence in this situation.

There are a lot of people like me to one degree or another. Persons with pacemakers feel anxiety when people around them are holding cell phones. In Japan, 36% of people still do not own a cell phone, and 49% find their use on trains a nuisance. Based on this, it would be desirable to obtain prohibition of their use on alternate cars on the trains in recognition of people’s right not to be forcibly irradiated. To accomplish this, we need to make the dangers of EMF more widely known, but of course, we face severe opposition from corporations. Then, of course, there are people who want to be a nuisance. For example, most of society now recognizes the right to a smoke-free environment, but some young people light up just to be a nuisance and there is nothing you can do about them. They are utterly unapproachable. They are aware cell phones are also a nuisance, and they use them just to be defiant.

Anyway, attempts by Gauss Network members to get a dialogue going with the train companies are getting nowhere. The companies just don’t respond. Ideas were discussed, including holding a forum, inviting key decision makers to discuss the problem with us. They may be unaware of the reasons for people’s concerns over cell phone radiation. However, these people are so hard to reach.

Another idea was to continue trying to reach them through the mass media, but they are afraid to touch on problems that do not have broad recognition already, for example, casting cigarette butts out car windows or the chattering and sudden ringing of phones, but not the risk to health in either case. (Also, in the recent set of earthquakes that hit Niigata, cellular service was lost to about 60 base stations, but that was downplayed. All of the publicity touting the necessity of cell phones in emergencies went silent at that time. They didn’t want this to become a topic of public discussion.)

Another idea was use the need of authorities to appease the public to a certain degree. If we are persistent enough, they cannot just ignore us. Or the problem could be associated with the “barrier free” concept, asking people with pacemakers or EHS to speak as witnesses. It was noted, though, that we would need to get a large number of EHS to come, or we risk having them considered as nothing but cranks.

Regarding buses, one company asks people to turn off their phones because the buses are very crowded. It was not known if people actually obey this (probably many don’t). Also, there are about 100 bus companies in Tokyo alone, many associated with railway companies, so policies may vary a lot.

New Books

The new books being published on EMF related topics in Japan are mostly discouraging at this time. “Netto-Oji to Keitai-Hime” (“Prince Internet and Princess Cellphone”) (2004, Chuokoron-shinsha, Inc.) written by psychologist Rika Kayama and journalist Ken Mori, focuses on societal problems caused by IT, and suggests ways of using them ‘wisely’ but ignores the EMF problem.

Another book, “IT ni Korosareru Kodomotachi” (“Children Killed by IT”)(2004, Kodansha), focuses on measurements of alpha and beta waves in children playing computer games, discusses neuronal activity, and mentions sleepless children, but says nothing about the EMF problem.

Really saddening, though, is “Uwasa no Kagaku” (Rumor Science)(Kawaide-shobo, 1998), written by Misa Matsuda, currently a professor of literature at Chuo University, and reported on by Tetsuo Kakehi of Gauss Network in the December issue of Gauss Tsushin. It is not new, but the author continues appearing at EMF-related seminars, espousing her point of view. She claims that dangers from EMF have not been demonstrated scientifically and are therefore nothing by rumors. She classifies such concerns with stories of UFOs, the Loch Ness monster, the abominable snowman and other gee-golly party conversation topics. This drew outrage from Prof. Yo Yamazaki who was in charge of EMF research at IARC (currently at Kansai University Graduate school) for considering seriously conducted research the same as the search for ‘Nessie.’

Mr. Kakehi criticizes her style as that of celebrity gossip columnists. On November 29, he talked with her directly. She said, “Even if something is just a rumor, it sometimes happens to be true, it is not necessarily a lie. I am just saying that fanning fears of danger is not the right way to inform people of reality.”

On a far more positive note, there is “Denjiha Kagakubusshitsu Kabinsho Taisaku” (“Treating Electro- and Chemical Sensitivities”) (2004, Ryokufu Shuppan), by Yasuko Katoh, who is herself EHS. I hope to have a copy of it soon.

Local Schools of Harrogate Community are under Phone Mast Threat

From Karen Barratt -this week's local press release which I've also sent to national press

Press release from Winchester phone mast protesters. 7 December 2004

While discussions about further legal action in the Byron Avenue phone mast battle take place, campaigners have not been idle. They have been busy giving their support to the Harrogate community whose local schools are under a similar phone mast threat.

The complexities of the planning system were brought to nationwide public attention with the Winchester and Harrogate appeals four weeks ago. Both appeals were lost but both cases have the potential for a further hearing by the House of Lords. For Winchester mothers Caroline St. Leger Davey and Diane Harrison the issue is whether the planning inspector was WRONG to disregard Orange’s failure to use all its powers to acquire an alternative site. In the Harrogate case it is for John Prescott to prove that a different planning inspector was RIGHT to dismiss a telecom application by reason of community health concerns.

“ The message coming out from these two dreadful appeal decisions,” says campaigner Karen Barratt, “ Is that planning inspectors are only right when they hand the victory to the telecom operators. Both these cases should be challenged.”

Unlike the Byron Avenue case, the Harrogate appeal decision was issued immediately which means the deadline for application to the House of Lords is the end of this week. As a result campaigners from all over the country are bombarding John Prescott with letters urging him to continue the fight on behalf of a planning inspector who got it right. They say that if the Harrogate appeal judgement is allowed to stand, health concerns will be disregarded in future telecom applications with disastrous consequences for the public especially children.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is responsible for the planning policy which campaigners say puts pressure on local authorities and planning inspectors to dismiss health concerns in favour of telecom operators. “John Prescott must fight the Harrogate decision,” says Karen Barratt. “Otherwise it will look as though he doesn’t really want to win.”


Karen Barratt tel: 01962 864388
Caroline St.Leger Davey tel: 01962 865716

For further info see http://www.mastsanity.org

The Christmas Resistance Movement

Join the Christmas Resistance Movement!

The growing CHRISTMAS RESISTANCE MOVEMENT is joined in solidarity against the Shopping Season. For every 100 automatons who call you "Scrooge," there's a sparkly-eyed CHRISTMAS RESISTOR who supports YOU in NOT BUYING INTO THE HOLIDAY HYSTERIA.


Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Depleted Uranium - Four nuclear wars

Inspired by Per Hegelund's recent mailings on Depleted Uranium, LLRC has put together some new pages and links.

Go to http://www.llrc.org and click on "Depleted Uranium - Four nuclear wars ...." http://www.llrc.org/du/dupage.htm

We were especially interested in Leuren's article and the intense childhood leukaemia risks in Fallon, Nevada. We reproduce in full a recent article in which BNFL's Richard Wakeford argues that the Fallon cluster is strong support for the population mixing hypothesis, because 55,000 people a year pass through a nearby military base. He suggests that all the money and attention given to studying the Seascale (Sellafield) cluster has therefore been "backing the wrong horse".

Leuren, however, points out that there are four bombing and gunnery ranges around Fallon, where for decades the Navy has tested thousands of tons of DU weapons, which she says "is no doubt the cause" of the leukaemia. Quite so. A more plausible explanation than population mixing, in view of the cancers leukaemias and birth defects associated with other places where DU has been used -- not to mention the weapons tests which took place in Nevada when the current leukaemia children's parents were growing up. What genetic legacy have they been forced to pass on?

The animation "A short horror film" takes a while to download, but is worth the wait if you have a strong constitution. It will inspire you to oppose the war crime of DU.

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll, Montpellier Park
Llandrindod Wells,
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44(0)1597 824771
07887 942043

Isn't the Ohio Recount More Newsworthy Than Ukraine's?


Informant: Diana Davies

A sick police force will be of no use to anyone

From Karen Barratt, 27 Byron Ave, Winchester SO22 5AT tel: 01962 864388

Dear Sir,

I can understand why Hampshire Chief Constable, Paul Kernaghan finds criticism of TETRA inconvenient but he is on dangerous ground when he accuses dissenters of telling lies. (Letters 3 December) Having been involved in researching mobile phone technology, including TETRA, for the last four years, I’m sorry to say that most of the misinformation emanates from the Government and the telecom industry, both of which have a vested interest in seeing the technology succeed. The Home Office won’t admit its mistake in choosing TETRA because, as Mr. Kernaghan confirms, the current radio frequencies have been sold. Airwave, a subsidiary of mmO2 has a lucrative contract to install the system.

Statements concerning the safety of the technology have been demolished by people, who have nothing to gain from seeing TETRA fail. Most are far better qualified to pronounce on the issue, than the average minister, Airwave spokesman or chief constable. Policemen, I have spoken to, are extremely worried that they are being put at risk. I can’t give their names for obvious reasons so Mr. Kernaghan will presumably add it to his list of “lies.” I can assure him, however, that we all want well-equipped emergency services but, apart from the health issue, there are “concerns as to whether it will fully capitalise on technological advances.” (Mr. Kernaghan’s own words.) In brief, the over-hyped merits of the Airwave TETRA system have been sold to a gullible Home Office which has, without prior consultation, “directed forces ” (Mr. Kernaghan) to accept it.

Finally I would like to remind Mr. Kernaghan that however politically embarrassing it might be for him to disagree with Home Office policy, his first duty is to ensure the health and safety of his officers. How can anyone have confidence in a system, which is still the subject of ongoing health research. A sick police force will be of no use to anyone.

From Mast Network


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