
Durch Folter erpresste Geständnisse können vor Gericht verwendet werden

Das US-Justizministerium bekräftigt das System der Willkürjustiz für die "feindlichen Kämpfer"...


Durch Folter erpresste Geständnisse können vor Gericht verwendet werden

Das US-Justizministerium bekräftigt das System der Willkürjustiz für die "feindlichen Kämpfer"...


Der gläserne Patient im Alpenland

Österreichs Regierung bereitet ein Gesetz vor, das den Bürger de facto entmündigt...


Keep Healthy with Pollution Computer and Cellphone

by Dr. Zamir P. Shalita Ph.D.


2,4 MB pdf

Bush proposal 80% critical habitat cut will help developers, military

Definitely should be included in all comments regarding weapons systems development. -sheila


Bush proposal cuts critical habitat



The Bush administration wants to reduce by about 80 percent areas previously considered habitat critical to the recovery of threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead trout, including land on Vandenberg Air Force Base.

In a move that would largely undo safeguards adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service in 2000, the administration proposed Tuesday to limit critical habitat protections to rivers and streams where those fish now thrive, not other areas where they once were prevalent.

Excluded from the new designation locally -- in addition to several miles of waterways on the military base -- are some tributaries of the Santa Ynez River, portions of the Santa Maria River on the base and certain streams in the Cuyama area, a federal official said Wednesday. The main channels of both North County rivers would be designated as critical, he added, except where they cross Vandenberg lands.

Environmentalists blasted the proposals as a huge setback to a 15-year effort to restore salmon and steelhead trout to thousands of miles of streams in California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

In response to a builders association lawsuit and related court rulings, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration agreed to reconsider critical habitat designations adopted in 2000 for 13 groups of salmon in the Northwest and seven in California that were listed as threatened or endangered.

Four years ago, the Marine Fisheries Service based its designations on the standard that critical habitat should provide for recovery, not just survival of a species -- and included rivers and streams accessible to salmon, even if no fish occupied them.

The new proposals, which more narrowly interpret the federal Endangered Species Act, will be the subject of public comments during the next six months before being made final next summer, officials said.

They were praised by the National Association of Home Builders, which sued the government and has been chafing under the costs of getting federal permits for development in wetlands. Courts have also said in a series of decisions in recent years that the federal
government must consider the economic cost of designating critical habitat.

Michael Mittelholzer, the builders association's director of environmental policy, praised the administration's approach for "trying to minimize the impact on industry in areas where there are low values to species and high economic costs."

The Marine Fisheries Service's critical habitat designations were withdrawn in 2002 after the association's lawsuit challenged an analysis finding no significant economic effects from those protections.

A local environmental spokesman asserted, however, that the new proposals emphasize costs while ignoring the benefits that critical habitat designations provide.

"Those analyses, in our view, are kind of cooked," said John Buse, senior staff attorney for the Environmental Defense Center of Santa Barbara. "They consider the costs but not the benefits."

He contended such designations are needed in more areas to protect the fish species in question. "I think the proposed deletion of that much important habitat is a setback to the steelhead recovery effort."

A new economic analysis found salmon protections cost the Northwest economy about $223 million a year, with no significant economic benefits. The figure for California was not immediately available.

Glen Spain of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations said the economic analysis failed to take into account the economic benefits of a commercial fishing industry once worth $1 billion a year.

NOAA officials said the areas of critical habitat shrank through the use of maps with finer detail and by limiting the designation to good habitat actually occupied by salmon.

"It's a different-looking designation than the one we had in 2000, which was very general and vague," Craig Wingert, supervising fisheries biologist for NOAA's regional office in Long Beach, said Wednesday.

National security concerns, he added, weighed in the decision to exclude some military bases -- principally Vandenberg and Camp Pendleton in San Diego County -- from the designations.

Vandenberg officials could not be reached for comment.

This story includes reports from The Associated Press.
E-mail: cschultz@newspress.com

Informant: shebikes4

How many trees does it take to produce 350 million Victoria's Secret catalogs each year?

"Yesterday, activists in 12 cities, including New York and San Francisco, unfurled banners and distributed leaflets at Victoria's Secret stores, a company official said."

Victoria's Secret focus of environmental group's ire over paper use
Dec 3, 2004 3:13AM

The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio

Dec. 3--How many trees does it take to produce 350 million Victoria's Secret catalogs each year?

Too many, says a California environmental group that organized protests yesterday in Columbus and other cities.

San Francisco-based ForestEthics says forests in the foothills of the
Canadian Rockies in Alberta are being destroyed to supply paper for
Victoria's Secret and other large catalog companies.

In October 2003, the group identified Victoria's Secret, a division of
Columbus-based Limited Brands, as the No. 3 catalog producer and in recent months stepped up a campaign against such paper use, which includes protests.

Yesterday, activists in 12 cities, including New York and San Francisco, unfurled banners and distributed leaflets at Victoria's Secret stores, a company official said. Kristi Chester Vance of ForestEthics said protests were planned in 100 cities.

In Columbus, private security guards halted a protest at Easton Town Center within a minute. A dozen protesters, mostly college students, regrouped at Morse Road, unfurling a banner that read, "Victoria's Dirty Secret: They Destroy Endangered Forests.' ForestEthics wants the company to boost the recycled paper content of its catalogs to 50 percent in five years.

Little recycled paper goes into the publications: 25 million clearance catalogs contain 10 percent recycled paper while the rest contain none.

Limited Brands spokesman Anthony Hebron said the company is working with its paper supplier, International Paper, and other potential suppliers to develop suitable paper with higher recycled content.

"We are doing some testing right now on how we're going to increase the percent of recycled content' in the catalogs, Hebron said.

He said clearance catalogs will contain 50 percent recycled paper by February and that the company wants to get paper containing 10 percent recycled content into its regular catalogs as soon as possible.

Hebron called the company a leader in waste reduction and paper recycling. Last year, it recycled 720 tons of office paper, 10,300 tons of cardboard and 410,000 pounds of alcohol-containing products.

"They need to look at our true record, and it's a pretty good one right now,' he said.

Hebron said recycling efforts predate a meeting in May between company officials and ForestEthics representatives.

Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

You want explicit?

You aren't supposed to see. You aren't supposed to know. You are to remain ignorant and shielded, and, if you're like most Americans, you have been very carefully conditioned to think Bush's nasty Iraq war is merely this ugly little firecracker-like thing happening way, way over there...


From Information Clearing House

Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die?

Fallujah Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die?


From Information Clearing House

Life and Death in the Kill Zone

by Dahr Jamail

Journalists and residents who have fled Fallujah share accounts of US troops killing unarmed and wounded people; Many refugees tell stories of having witnessed US troops killing already injured people, including former fighters and noncombatants alike.

Silent Genocide - The effects of DU on our enemy and OURSELVES

"After the Americans destroyed our village and killed many of us, we also lost our houses and have nothing to eat. However, we would have endured these miseries and even accepted them, if the Americans had not sentenced us all to death." Before the damage we inflict grows greater, before history's judgment gets worse, before we contaminate the whole world - even before we vote in the next election - we must stop what we're doing. We must stop now.

It's time to listen for a moment not to defense analysts briefing officers, pols or pundits, but to people like Jooma Khan, a grandfather who lives in a village in Laghman Province, in northeastern Afghanistan, who is quoted above. Surely he deserves 30 seconds of our undivided attention. "When I saw my deformed grandson," he told an interviewer in March of 2003, "I realized that my hopes of the future have vanished for good. (This is) different from the hopelessness of the Russian barbarism, even though at that time I lost my older son Shafiqullah. This time, however, I know we are part of the invisible genocide brought on us by America, a silent death from which I know we will not escape."

We're waging war-plus in Afghanistan and Iraq - in effect, nuclear war, with our widespread use of depleted-uranium-tipped shells and missiles. This is no secret. DU, with its extraordinary penetrating power and explode-on-impact capability, helps assure our military dominance everywhere we go. But people like Jooma Khan and his grandson reap its toxic legacy.

So, of course, do our own troops.

Kahn's words are only a sliver of the damning testimony contained in the documents of the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan, a Japanese citizens' initiative that recently concluded its two-year inquiry into the first phase of the Bush Administration's war on terror. But they say everything that we cannot hear. If we could hear Jooma Khan, and others who are sounding the alarm about DU, such as former Livermore Labs geologist Leuren Moret, who testified at the tribunal, there would not be mere thousands of people in the streets of American cities demanding that we stop the war, but hundreds of thousands, or millions - the sort of numbers that turn out inother parts of the world.

The use of DU weaponry is not the extent of our criminalirresponsibility in Afghanistan and Iraq, which led to the tribunal's guilty verdict against George Bush on charges of war crimes, but it's the most chilling. (You can check out the full report at, among other places,

As Moret testified, depleted uranium turns into a infinitesimally fine dust after it explodes; individual particles are smaller than a virus or bacteria. And, "It is estimated that one millionth of a gram accumulating in a person's body would be fatal. There are no known methods of treatment."

And DU dust is everywhere. A minimum of 500 or 600 tons now litter Afghanistan, and several times that amount are spread across Iraq. In terms of global atmospheric pollution, we've already released the equivalent of 400,000 Nagasaki bombs, Moret said.The numbers are overwhelming, but the potential horrors only get worse. DU dust does more than wreak havoc on the immune systems of those who breathe or touch it; the substance also alters one's genetic code.

Thus, birth defects are way up in Afghanistan since the invasion: children "born with no eyes, no limbs, tumors protruding from their mouths ...deformed genitalia," according to the tribunal report. This ghastly toll on the unborn - on the future - has led investigators to coin the term "silent genocide" to describe the effects of this horrific weapon.

The Pentagon's response to such charges is denial, denial, denial. And the American media is its moral co-conspirator.

But blame is beside the point. Surely even those who still await "conclusive proof" that DU is the cause, or a factor, in the mystery illnesses and birth defects emanating from the war zones, can see the logic in halting its use now.

By Robert C. Koehler
Tribune Media Services

"Masters of the Universe"
(Streaming Video)
A historical overview of the founding of the Federal Reserve System by the international banking elite and focuses on the growing power of the Bilderberg group. Produced by independent film-maker Daniel Hopsicker.

Description: A tactical manual for the revolutionary. First published by the Central Intelligence Agency and distributed to the Contras in Central America.

Omega see also:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.” - George W. Bush, joking at a Gridiron Club dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001

Informant: Andy Thames

Nov2Truth.org news update December 03, 2004


Amazon Deforestation Much Worse than Announced by Government


The Election in Ohio and in Ukraine


Ships Hitting and Killing Endangered Right Whales in North Atlantic


People Must Have More to Live for Than to Die For


RAN Action News December 2004


Conyers to Hold Hearings on Ohio Vote Fraud


Letter to the One Hundred Eighth Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary:

Informant: Laurel

Have sanctions against Iraq murdered millions?


Informant: foxhall69

Is This American?


Defend the Recounts! Demand Election Reform!

TAKE ACTION DEC. 10 – 13, 2004:

Defend the Recounts! Demand Election Reform!


On Monday, December 13, the members of the Electoral College will meet in every state capitol to cast their votes to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States. We call on local groups to protest and make visible the many voting rights violations and election irregularities which call into question the integrity of the 2004 election – and to demand real reforms to protect, extend, and deepen democracy.


1 - Organize protests in the days leading up to the Dec. 13 meeting of the Electoral College, and on December 13 itself:

* Demand that every vote be verified and counted in all states before the Electors cast their votes!

* Call for the implementation of the Voter Bill of Rights, which details eleven vital election reforms, including the abolition of the electoral college, a guarantee of a voter-verified paper trail for all voting machines, replacement of partisan oversight of elections with nonpartisan election commissions and prevention of lawless vote suppression and voter intimidation. Deliver the Voter Bill of Rights to your members of Congress and demand their support for these reforms.

2 - Contact your state’s Electors to see if you can convince one or more of them to join you at the protest to express their concerns about the state of our democracy. A list of your state’s Electors should be available on your state’s secretary of state website, or with your state’s election board.

3 - Alert local media, using the Electoral College vote as a news hook. We need to break through the media whitewash of the disenfranchisement, vote suppression and fraud that occurred in this election.

4 - List your protests events under “Directory of Local Actions” at http://www.Nov3.US.

This call to action is an initiative of the No Stolen Elections! Campaign and is endorsed by CODEPINK, United for Peace and Justice, 51 Capital March, and others. We are seeking national co-sponsors. If your national organization is willing to co-sponsor this call, please contact us at ben@nov3.us


Voter Bill of Rights: http://www.Nov3.US/billofrights

51 Capital March: http://www.51capitalmarch.com

Jesse Jackson's Something's Fishy in Ohio:

Election Day Problems:



"This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." ~ Frederick Douglass, 1857

Informant: Martin Greenhut

US Marine's mystery "suicide" deepens


Informant: Shanti Renfrew


Live nationwide on Pacifica radio and at KPFT.org
Jesse Jackson and Greg Palast

On Saturday, from 6pm-9pm EST, Rev. Jackson joins investigative reporter Greg Palast to ask what happened to nearly a quarter million votes, overwhelmingly from African-American precincts, not counted in Ohio.

For BBC Television, Palast uncovered the fake felon list that swiped the election in 2000; this year, his report on BBC television broke the story of the secret Republican "caging" lists that bent the November race.

The smell of Black ballots burning is hard to ignore. We need your help to continue this investigation into the votes not counted in Ohio, New Mexico and Florida. Behind the by-line "Greg Palast" in Harper's, The Nation and the Guardian is an investigative team that is now running perilously low on funding. While Greg Palast has donated 100% of his royalties from his bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, to the effort, we're still in the red.

We're asking you to keep this investigation going by making a $50 tax-deductible donation to the Palast Investigative Fund ... in return we'll send you as a thank you, the blistering documentary, "Bush Family Fortunes" on DVD, signed by reporter Palast. The film is taken from Palast's award-winning investigate broadcasts for BBC Television - the story of the Bush-Bin Laden connection, the shoplift of the vote in Florida, the secret plans for "Operation Iraqi Liberation" and other reports that you can't see on your Fox-ified TV. Donate at http://www.gregpalast.com/store.htm Donate before December 10 and receive your signed DVD before Christmas via first class mail.

Catch the new flash animation from Bush Family Fortunes at http://www.gregpalast.com/bff-dvd.htm

This is the film Jesse Jackson says, "You must see." That Senator John Edwards calls "Important and disturbing." Katherine Harris says Palast's reporting is, "Twisted and maniacal." Maybe that's why Noam Chomsky says Palast, "Upsets all the right people."

Running Out of Bubbles to Blow - Are We Facing A Desperate Return to 1930’s Beggar Thy Neighbor Policies?


Informant: userde6253

You asked for my evidence, Mr Ambassador. Here it is


Informant: Lew Rockwell

US Downplays Report on Guantanamo Prisoner Abuse


Congressional & Presidential Irresponsibility


Voting Irregularities Nationwide and in Ohio in particular

December 3, 2004

From: The Santa Fe Research Roundtable

To: The Honorable United States Senator Jeff Bingaman
Suite 101
119 East Marcy
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Senator Bingaman -

It has come to our attention that there were a great deal of irregularities in the Ohio election this year. So much so that it appears that fraud may have taken place. It is clear to many of us that John Kerry may in fact be the elected President of the United States. Twelve members of the House Judiciary Committee have recently sent a letter to Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell stating that "...we are concerned that these complaints constitute a troubled portrait of a one-two punch that may well have altered and suppressed votes, particularly minority and Democratic votes.

First, it appears there were substantial irregularities in vote tallies. It is unclear whether these apparent errors were the result of machine malfunctions or fraud."

The full text of the complaint letter to Kenneth Blackwell is available by following this link:


Anyone who sees Farhrenheit 911 will notice the striking unwillingness of any member of the Senate to support the multiple Congressperson's calls for investigation of the 2000 vote. Greg Palast's subsequent documentary "Bush Family Fortunes" provides credible evidence that voter roll purges engineered by Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were flawed by malicious bureaucratic targeting of Democratic voters - disproportionately minority - whose names happened to be related to the names of felons from *other states*. Some of the voters who lost their right to vote in 2000 were still not on the rolls for this election. I will be happy to make a copy of either video available to you on DVD or VHS if you have not yet seen them.

We sincerely hope that we can count on you this year to support the multiple Senate Judiciary Committee members call for an investigation into the 2004 Ohio election. I am hereby requesting in writing a meeting with you in person at your Santa Fe office to discuss this issue with my colleagues from the Research Roundtable. We are a group of political activists who meet once a week to discuss issues of importance to today's progressives. It would give us great pleasure you speak with you directly about this matter to gauge your sense of the problem, your idea of solution, and to support you in your work to protect the American people.

R. Leland Lehrman
Santa Fe Research Roundtable
604 1/2 Galisteo Street
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Informant: S.T.Ill Freeman

Kerry has been dishonest about wanting to count every vote

I think Kerry has been dishonest when he said “every vote is going to be counted” (see 1). By now, he should have fully supported the Green and Libertarian Party presidential candidates in their lawsuits to count the votes in Ohio, Florida and several other states. There have been too many voting irregularities, and failures specially involving the e-voting machines, that a full recount or possibly re-vote is necessary in several states.

One would wonder where he is getting his orders from? Are they coming from organizations such as Council for National Policy or Council on Foreign Relations? These organizations determine who should be supported to become the US president, and they set US national and foreign policy (see 3).

Also, on Nov. 8, 2004, several members of congress wrote a follow up letter to the Comptroller at the US General Accountability Office (GAO), David Walker, asking for an investigation of the election, and to take IMMEDIATE ACTION in order to PRESERVE THE EVIDENCE!!! (see 2) WHY HAS HE NOT YET ACTED, to preserve the evidence and begin investigation?

I think eventually, if there is any doubt about who the real winner of the last election is, due to lack of recount, improper recount, or loss of evidence then the US comptroller at the GAO should be sued for aiding and abetting vote fraud.


1. “Kerry, Edwards: Fla. votes to be counted” at

2. Letter from congress members to GAO at

3. Article “Council for National Policy” at

Message from fairbeing2003

Informant: S.T.Ill Freeman

Will the Democrats Now Stand and Fight?


Informant: S.T.Ill Freeman

Activists Keep Heat on Ohio over Ballot Errors


Informant: S.T.Ill Freeman

EU-Parlament in der Defensive, von Rat und Kommission gemobbt, erpresst

EU-Fingerprints: der unwürdige Rahmen

Das EU-Parlament in der Defensive, von Rat und Kommission gemobbt, erpresst. Ein Plenarvotum mit Auflagen, an die sich der Ministerrat nicht halten wird. Unter diesen Umständen werden biometrische Erkennungsmerkmale für alle Bürger Europas verpflichtend eingeführt.

Mit Verabschiedung des Coelho-Berichts gab das EU-Parlament Widerstand gegen Fingerprints auf | Otmar Karas [ÖVP] über die Änderungen | Rat muss keine Auflagen des Parlaments berücksichtigen | England mit Ausnahme

Die große Zustimmung seitens der europäischen Konservativen und Sozialdemokraten zum Coelho-Report und damit indirekt zur verpflichtenden Speicherung von Fingerabdrücken im Pass wurde nicht zuletzt durch eine Reihe von Abänderungen erreicht.

Das "Ja" wurde unter der Auflage abgegeben, sagte Otmar Karas [ÖVP] am Donnerstag Nachmittag am Telefon, dass diese Daten nicht in einer zentralen Datenbank gespeichert werden dürften.

In Kraft wiederum könne eine entsprechende Verordnung erst dann treten, wenn die nationalen Datenschutzbeauftragten Rückmeldung gegeben hätten, dass sie über die nötigen Kontrollmöglichkeiten verfügten.

Man habe die sicherheitspolitischen Aspekte akzeptiert, so Karas im Resümee, ohne dabei den Datenschutz außer Acht zu lassen.

Die Zustimmung selbst geschah durch die Annahme des so genannten Coelho-Berichts. Die Formulierung "Mitgliedstaaten haben die Möglichkeit, auch Fingerabdrücke einzubeziehen" bedeutet nichts anderes, als dass man den einstimmig gefassten Beschluss der EU-Innenminister zur verpflichtenden Einführung von Fingerabdrücken zur Kenntnis nimmt.

Die Auflagen des Parlaments kann der Ministerrat nämlich berücksichtigen oder auch nicht. Das Parlament hat in dieser Angelegenheit nur das Pouvoir, beratend zu wirken.

Der Rat bereits im Vorfeld angekündigt, sich über alle Einwände gegen Fingerabdrücke hinwegzusetzen und diese auf jeden Fall einzuführen.

Mehr dazu:

relayed by Harkank

Quelle: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 21, Issue 3

The way our country treats returning soldiers is a national shame

Tim Pluta, a veteran, writes an excellent essay published in a newspaper from the region of North Carolina that gave the world the superb novel, "Cold Mountain," written by Charles Frazier.


Illinois' wounded vets at bottom for benefits

The article below features this frank assessment from a government employee about how poorly our government treats our Nation's wounded warriors. "'The folks who do the adjudication in Chicago are pretty tough [deciding veterans' disability claims]," said Ed Anderson, a senior analyst at [the Department of Veterans Affairs] headquarters in Washington. "Folks there really look at everything with jaundiced eyes, and they are rather stringent in their application [of the laws]." In response to the newspaper report, U.S. Representative Lane Evans (D-Illinois) says he'll launch an investigation.


Pictures Show Navy Seals Abusing Enemy Prisoners of War

New Torture Scandal: Pictures Show Navy Seals Abusing Enemy Prisoners of War

According to the Associated Press, "The U.S. military has launched a criminal investigation into photographs that appear to show Navy SEALs in Iraq sitting on hooded and handcuffed detainees, and photos of what appear to be bloodied prisoners, one with a gun to his head." Readers should note this announcement was made late Friday afternoon, a time when news unfavorable to the administration is usually released to the press.


Navy probes new Iraq prisoner photos: AP

China Daily (China)

Updated: 2004-12-04 09:16


Informant: SIUHIN

U.S. Government Plans to Use Evidence From Obtained from Torture

The article below represents a scandalous bombshell. A top Justice Department attorney disclosed in open court that our government will use use evidence obtained from prisoners by beating, starving, and torturing them. This means our government admits to discarding more than 200 years of the rule of law and progress towards human rights in favor of the rule of threats, force, and violence, thus marking a very significant decline in the direction of our country's moral values. As professional interrogators know, information obtained from torture is highly unreliable, and the torture can backfire on our captured soldiers.


Cancer on the Beat - Test on Police Station Tetra Mast


NEWS September 14th 2004

Cancer on the Beat

TETRA, a new police communication system, is being linked to a cancer epidemic among both cops and civilians living near transmission masts. The government, meanwhile, is rolling out the system as if nothing is wrong.

By Jay Griffiths

“If people want to know how it feels to have your brother die in your arms, fighting for 48 hours for every breath, then I’ll tell them. It was a death you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.” Those are the words of Dr. Ian Dring, whose brother Neil, a police officer from the Leicester constabulary, died in agony of oesophageal cancer this summer. Neil, he said, was convinced that it was TETRA technology which caused his death. TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) is a new digital communication system for a national police radio network.

Dr. Ian Dring, himself a scientist, monitored his brother’s condition. “As soon as he started using TETRA, he got severe headaches. And the site of the tumour was where he mounted the handset.” Neil had none of the preconditions for oesophageal cancer; he was only 38, was a non-smoking, light-drinking triathlete with no stomach problems and whose diet was good. “To us,” said Dr. Dring, “that’s suspicious. And then another officer of similar age and equally healthy has been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in the Leicester force and in the same place.” Dring quotes the U.S. Cancer Society as saying that for a man under forty without preconditions, the incidence rate would be one in 100,000 and, they added, the chances of two people getting that kind of cancer simultaneously would be millions to one.

This is one tragic chapter in the staggering story of TETRA. A story which involves science being “perverted for political ends”; technology which is not properly tested; a company which openly confesses to taking no responsibility for the safety of what they produce; a whistleblower; a political scandal and a health scandal above all. And it involves you directly, if you live near a TETRA mast. And considering that at least 3,200 such masts will be erected in the UK, there will be one near you.

At Drumcarrow Hill in Fife, Scotland, a TETRA transmitter has been “live” since the late ‘90s. Only about two hundred people live around the mast but there are at least seven recent cases of cancer and five cases of Motor Neurone Disease diagnosed over the past five years (the normal yearly rate for diagnosis with MND is one person in 50,000 to 100,000). Scientist Dr Neil Cherry researched the potential health hazards of low frequency radiation: he died of MND in 2003, convinced he contracted it as a consequence of his long exposure. Research suggests MND as being potentially linked to TETRA technology. Other illnesses thought to be caused by long-term low level electromagnetic radiation include: depression; difficulty in concentration; neurological illnesses; headaches; fatigue; miscarriage; infertility; and a reduction in melatonin.

Brain-level Frequencies

The feature of TETRA that is considered potentially risky is that the modulated part of the signal comes in bursts with a frequency of 17.6Hz, close to the 16Hz at which the brain “loses” calcium (calcium efflux) and also within the frequencies used by the brain’s beta waves. The first warning over this came in the influential independent “Stewart Report” on mobile phones in 2000, which stated that frequencies around 16Hz “should be avoided, if possible.” Because of that caution, the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) was commissioned to write a report on TETRA’s possible health effects in 2001. This report includes worrying statements such as this: studies “do not exclude the possibility of a risk of cancer that appears only after many years of exposure, nor of a hazard from RF radiation modulated specifically at around 16 Hz.”

The Police Federation commissioned independent research scientist Barrie Trower to write a report on the possible risks of TETRA, completed in September 2001. Trower was a courageous whistleblower. “I believe,” he says, “that the government, government scientists and this industry will be responsible for more civilian deaths in peacetime than all the terrorist organisations put together.” Dr. Gerard Hyland, expert in low level radiation and biophysicist from the International Institute of Biophysics, and a prominent TETRA critic, states: “With the TETRA roll-out, we could be seeing a pandemic of brain tumours in ten years.” Low frequency radiation, says Hyland, affects brain function and the blood/brain barrier and degrades the immune system.

When a TETRA mast was switched on in Dursley in Gloucestershire, people reported being “shocked awake” up to fifteen times a night; migraines; sleeplessness; nose bleeds, none of which they had routinely suffered before. At a school in Littlehampton, Sussex, eleven children had to be sent home from school on the day that a nearby TETRA mast was switched on, because they were ill with severe headaches, nosebleeds and dizziness. (Interestingly, residents did not know the mast had been switched on, so the children’s reaction could not have been psychosomatic.)

Low frequency electromagnetic and microwave radiation were identified in the 1960s as a potential anti-personnel weapon and the Pentagon has confirmed that it has developed microwave crowd control weapons. Can a system which is developed as weaponry be considered safe for the police and public?

Let’s ask those canniest of all arbiters of public safety. The insurance companies. Lloyds of London and Swiss Re have recommended to other insurance companies that exclusion clauses should be written against paying compensation for illnesses caused by exposure to continuous long-term low level radiation.

Some call it the Precautionary Principle. Some call it common sense. If something may have risks, and has not been proved safe, it must be assumed that it may be dangerous. Green MEP Jean Lambert has said: “Reports of TETRA being responsible for tumours, leukaemia, motor neurone disease and other cancers must be taken seriously... With risks like these the precautionary principle must apply.”

Clever in Hindsight

Astonishingly, the Home Office is rolling out TETRA nationwide without proper studies being done first: an act which is in Hyland’s words “totally irresponsible.” The NRPB admits: “No epidemiological study as yet has explored the risks associated with telecommunications systems such as TETRA which use RF radiation modulated at frequencies around 16Hz” and says that “Human volunteer studies should be carried out”. The Home Office last year commissioned a five million pound study from Imperial College, London, to study the effects on police officers – not volunteers – over a ten year period. The study will look at the effect of handsets (though not masts) and is being done while the system is already in use nationwide.

The TETRA handsets for the police are considered potentially dangerous because the handset is a brief but intense source of radiation close to your head. When the technology was first used in Lancashire, 177 police officers (out of 246 respondees to a questionnaire) reported symptoms including migraine, nausea, sleeplessness and lack of concentration. Norfolk Police have confirmed that six people including a chief inspector at North Walsham police station have become ill, with dizziness and headaches, since a mast on top of the station went live in late February/early March this year. Twenty five people living near the mast have reported similar illness.

In spite of people’s direct experience, the NRPB insists that TETRA is safe. The NRPB exists to regulate radiation and is half government-funded. Like many regulatory bodies, it has unhealthily close ties to the industry which it claims to regulate, and there are clear conflicts of interest.

Dr. Keith Baverstock, who was the World Health Organisation’s senior radiation adviser in Europe, addressed a conference on low-level radiation in July 2004, accusing the NRPB of “misusing” science (in studies of nuclear test veterans). He said science has been “perverted for political ends” by government agencies which should be protecting public health. Baverstock alleged a “serious flaw” in the NRPB’s methodology in these studies.

Skewed Standards

There is a yawning discrepancy between the NRPB and others over safe levels of this kind of radiation. If you compare the NRPB’s recommendations with others, in terms of miles per hour, it is as if in the UK an acceptable speed limit would be 2847mph while the EU recommends a limit of 9mph.

Why the difference? Crucially, the NRPB sets their standards only taking into account thermal effects. Dr. Hyland says: “That’s not the problem” – the non-thermal effect of radiation from TETRA handsets and masts “is far more serious.” (“Thermal effects” means that there is enough energy to heat tissue. “Non-thermal effects” means other effects on biological structure and the body’s communication systems.

The contract for TETRA was given by the Home Office to a consortium headed by BT. BT has since hived off the contract, called the "Airwave" contract, to 02 and their subsidiary mm02. One important component of the system is made by the US-based Motorola. 02’s response to public disquiet has been cavalier, saying: “The safety of what we supply is nothing to do with us.” The Home Office, meanwhile, is gung-ho for TETRA, although there is a similar system (TETRAPOL) which is both cheaper and “safer” than TETRA. But it is thought that the US government put pressure on the UK government to take the TETRA system, since TETRAPOL does not use Motorola components.

The industry dearly wants to sell the TETRA system to many countries around the world, and to do so seeks the endorsement of the British police force, seen as conservative, safety-conscious and well-equipped. For the industry, it is a kind of celebrity endorsement: a very cynical use of the police.

As I research this subject, I’m shown extracts of e-mails about TETRA from a Crime Scene Examiner in Lancashire which grow increasingly desperate over the weeks, describing how all but one member of their team “are suffering from symptoms ranging from headaches/toothache/neuralgia to high blood pressure and even a cancerous tumour in the throat...It is the tumour which has finally been the last straw...” This officer, says his colleague, had been “very pro TETRA radios – needless to say he’s changed his mind since finding out he has cancer.”

Then an e-mail arrives. The officer is now dead. As his colleague remarks: “We are a group of people who love our job and we are not 'trouble makers' – but we are genuine in our belief that these radios are killing us.”

This article is part of a longer report for The Ecologist magazine, to be published in October.


Nachweis der Unschädlichkeit von Mobilfunk bei Einhaltung der Grenzwerte


Ich bitte um Veröffentlichung des folgenden Aufrufes:

"Zum Nachweis der Unschädlichkeit von Mobilfunk bei Einhaltung der Grenzwerte suchen wir noch weitere Testpersonen für einen längeren Aufenthalt im ausgebauten Dachgeschoss unseres Hauses im Hauptstrahl einer 40 m entfernten Mobilfunkbasisstation.

Gerade die Zeit zwischen Weihnachten und dem neuen Jahr bietet sich dafür an.

Wer möchte sich gern bei 1-2 V/m in unserer Dachgeschosswohnung (ehemalige Kinderzimmer) bei bestem Handyempfang (GSM und UMTS) und herrlichem Blick auf Dresden für einen längeren Zeitraum aufhalten und sich dabei verschiedenen gesundheitlichen Tests unterziehen ?

Hier besteht die Möglichkeit praxisnah nachzuweisen, wie unschädlich der längere Aufenthalt im elektromagnetischem Feld bei Einhaltung der Grenzwerte für Mobilfunk ist.

Vielleicht gibt es diese mobilfunkresistente Spezies tatsächlich und Sie gehören dazu, das wäre doch eine geniale Entdeckung !

Es gibt schon Personen die an diesem Test teilnehmen werden, aber vielleicht werden es noch mehr.

Ich lade Sie also herzlich ein. Der Besuch in Dresden lohnt sich bestimmt.

Besonders technikbegeisterte Menschen, die von der Harmlosigkeit des Mobilfunks überzeugt sind, sind herzlich eingeladen. Auch die Integration unseres Angebotes in das Mobilfunkforschungsprogramm würden wir sehr begrüßen.

Wenden Sie sich bitte an folgende Kontaktperson:

Christine Kind
Telefon: 0351/4121793
E-Mail: christine_kind@arcor.de

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse !"

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christine Kind


Familie Kind aus Dresden: Bericht über unsere Situation



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Dezember 2004

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