
O2 mobile phones

August 30, 2005

O2 mobile phones


I've been thinking more about the way O2 are treating my constituents. Frankly, they're refusing to mend their bridges. One of their operatives phoned me on Tuesday suggesting we meet. I said that there was little point. They know exactly what the situation is and the only way they are going to put things right is by removing the mast that is casting a shadow over the home of my poor constituent.

Why on earth are they doing this? That's a question, I've been asking myself over the last week. I think they know they've made a huge mess of this one and they're desperately looking for another site. They have to do this within six months anyway. My only conclusion is that they're playing for time.

This is still not good enough. The mast they put up is wrongly sited. At this point I can hear you asking yourself why I am so angry about this particular mast. All I can say is that you would be too. I'm going to get more photos of the site to show you later this week.

My thinking is this. The only way we're going to get this company (and Mr Kevin Hull) to get a move on is to give them more press exposure.

So I'm asking for your help with the "Shame on you O2" campaign. I have a plan that will mean that O2 mobile phones have more publicity than they have ever had before over a mast.

I could do with:

1. A logo - preferably with the words "shame on you O2" but I'll leave it up to you. I have to be able to put it on letterheads and stickers.

2. Images that I can reproduce and put on placards.

3. A blog skin.

We'll make this a competition. If you can do one of the above I'll empty the parliamentary goody box and award some prizes to the best ones.

Posted by tom at August 30, 2005 08:15 AM


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