
It must be awful to live under such conditions

Hi All,

it is with regret that I will have to leave the mailing list. My health is so poor now and I find I struggle to cope with the enormous amount of mails on the list when my pc has been off for a few days. My own address will remain the same if there is important data that you may think will be of interest to me. The area where I live is totally surrounded by masts so I live with a permanent migraine and despite taking Asphalia (which does help) my sleep pattern doesnt exist, I am suffering from total exhaustion and the inability to concentrate is a nightmare. So - to all of you who are working so hard for Mast Sanity - my good wishes to you all, you are doing a terrific job. Sincere regards to everyone - sue fergusson


Dear Sue,

Really sorry to hear this, it must be awful to live under such conditions. Concentrate on taking care of yourself. Best wishes

sue g


Hello Sue.

So very sorry to hear of your ill health. It is absolutely criminal that people are being forced to live in such conditions - and I desperately hope for all our sakes, that we can get something done about it quickly. Take care of yourself, and concentrate on getting better. Thank you for everything you've done and for being such a great supporter of the Mast Movement. All Best Wishes



Dear Sue,

I am so sorry that you are feeling dreadfully ill. It is so frustrating that the government will not listen to us. I am still writing down the evidence and sending it - two letter in progress, to Patricia Hewitt and to Orange pointing out the flaws in theirs replying to our letter from the Parish Council.

I'll be thinking of you, so sorry I can't do anything.

Much love and best wishes from



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August 2005

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