
All US military leave has been cancelled is something big in the work?

Published: Monday, August 22, 2005 Bylined to: Bob Chapman

All US military leave has been cancelled ... something big is in the works!


THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: The US military is building a new base and conducting secretive operations in Paraguay ... our Embassy there refuses to acknowledge a base exists and describes the military activity as routine.

The base is in Mariscal Estigarribia, 200 km (127 miles) from the Bolivian border and will handle large aircraft and accommodate 16,000 troops.

There are now 500 of our troops there with planes, weapons, equipment and ammunition. Either before, during, or after the coming presidential election we expect the US to intervene or better put, invade Bolivia to control its natural gas reserves.

Paraguay has approved of the troops being there and given them total immunity, free from Paraguayan law and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. George and the neocons have threatened to withdraw $24.5 million in aid to Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Paraguay if they didn’t grant immunity to the US military.

You cannot believe a word Washington says about the base being a humanitarian undertaking, when they are struggling to fill the ranks in Iraq.

Why would they be on a humanitarian mission in Paraguay?

They said the same thing in Manta, Ecuador, which houses an $80 million US military base. The US is preparing for war in South America -- make no mistake about it.

a.. In Bolivia if Evo Morales, or someone like him is elected, then you can expect a US invasion. Paraguay, bordered by Brazil and Argentina is one of the wildest places on earth. This is a very aggressive move by the US and all South American governments should be very concerned. George Bush and the neocons are using international terrorism as an excuse to appropriate natural resources and subject people to their brand of democracy, which is corporatist fascism.

All military leaves for September and October have been cancelled ... something big is in the works ... there is a buildup of material and equipment ... personnel at draft board offices are waiting for the word to activate.

Informant: Milo


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August 2005

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