
Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife - Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Sparrows?

Hello, after being on this enviormental email list "SEAC" for several years the list has finnally dug into RF. This list is mainly University Students in the USA. Thankyou all those who helped to get them interested.


[SEAC-Announce] Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Sparrows?
From: Adam Weissman <adam@wetlands-preserve.org>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:50:34 -0500
To: ar-news@googlegroups.com

The Activism Center at Wetlands Preserve, PO Box 344, New York, NY 10108 Phone: (201) 928-2831 Email: activism@wetlands-preserve.org

Visit these websites!

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Betreff: RE: Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife Datum: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:14:28 +0200 Von: balmaral <balmaral@jcyl.es> Rückantwort: <balmaral@jcyl.es> Firma: JCYL An: 'stephen' <stephen.kearney@tiscali.co.uk>, 'Jennifer Best' <Jennifer.Best@English-Nature.Org.UK> CC: 'Keith Duff' <Keith.Duff@English-Nature.Org.UK>, 'Alastair Burn' <Alastair.Burn@English-Nature.Org.UK>, <gjhyland@onetel.com>, 'Klaus' <star.mail@online.de>

I have been happy a lot that (finally) arises the debate on the possible effects of the non ionizing radiations on the wildlife (up to now we only listened the Industry to say that there is not enough evidences....).

In the first place I want to thank the interest shown by English Nature (and Stephen Kearney) in my investigations on the effects of the non ionizing radiations on the birds and trees, and I also want to make some comments to the comments from the CEH on my works.

1) The manuscript "Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields from Phone Masts on a Population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)" will be published soon in a refereed scientific journal. For this work measurements of the electromagnetic fields, like CEH suggest, were made (they are not in the draft that circulates in internet).

2) I am very of agreement with the sentence: "Studies of the influence of NIR on bird populations are difficult to conduct and can be compromised by changes or differences in bird habitat either over time, or between control and study areas".

While in the laboratory all the variables are controlled in these field studies the methodology is difficult.

3) For the Sparrows and EMF see:

More mobiles, and sparrows take flight

Ambarish Mukherjee

New Delhi, Nov. 30

THE wireless telecom revolution is catching on at the expense of a tiny winged creature -- the house sparrow. The tiny birds are fast disappearing from cities "contaminated" with electromagnetic waves arising out of increased number of mobile handsets.

According to Dr S. Vijayan, Director of the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), "A number of studies has been conducted to find out the relationship between the increase in electromagnetic waves and the decrease in the number of sparrows. A positive correlation has been found between them."

"There have been studies in Spain which showed that sparrows disappear from cities where electromagnetic contamination is very heavy," Dr Vijayan added.

A study was initiated earlier this year in London by the British Trust for Ornithology to investigate whether the explosion of electromagnetic waves from portable handsets is wiping out sparrows in London. The British study involves 30,000 birdwatchers who will examine the urban sparrow population near cell-phone masts, where electromagnetic fields are most concentrated.

London has witnessed a steep fall in its sparrow population -- a 75 per cent fall since 1994, which coincides with the emergence of the cell-phone. Electromagnetic waves travel through the air to the cell-phone masts located above tall buildings in the cities. These waves then travel to and from between the handset and the tower while one is using the handset, and this results in increased electromagnetic contamination in the air.

The rapidly increasing number of cell-phone subscribers is resulting in higher concentration level of electromagnetic waves in the air which clashes with the earth's electromagnetic field.

Dr Vijayan also pointed out that sparrows are found to be disappearing from areas where mobile towers are installed.

SACON has also initiated a detailed study to find out how exactly these small birds are being affected.

"These are all circumstantial evidences. Now we need to prove how it is exactly affecting the sparrows. My feeling is that it probably affects their central nervous system. We are conducting studies with inputs from various cities on the falling number of sparrows in which the effect of electromagnetic contamination from mobile phones are also being examined," Dr Vijayan said.

He said increased exposure to electromagnetic waves also affects small animals. For example, in rats, it is found that the sperm count has decreased while in the case of chicken embryonic, mortality has become very high. There could be more examples, he added.

4) The article "effects on the trees" has been published in the journal "Ecosistemas" (Balmori, A. 2004. "Pueden afectar las microondas pulsadas emitidas por las antenas de telefonía a los árboles y otros vegetales?" Ecosistemas: 2004/3: 1-10)


In all ways it is only necessary to visit some phone mast with a meter to check in situ that, where more impacts the radiation, some trees (mainly Populus sp.) begin to dry off for up.

Regarding the topic of the acidification, nobody doubts today that it has been the causing of the deterioration of many forests but to what I refer is that, in areas without chemical pollutants (but with electromagnetic pollution), the trees died for effect of electromagnetic fields (Volkrodt hypothesis).

5) I encourage English Nature to carry out similar studies (for example following my recommendations published in the refereed scientific journal "ARDEOLA" (BALMORI, (2004). "Posibles efectos de las ondas electromagnéticas utilizadas en la telefonía inalámbrica sobre los seres vivos". Ardeola, 51: 477-490.) (Please see attached).


I believe that the critique is a very important part of the science. but I worry about not be carried out studies while the few ones that are made that find effects on the wildlife are criticized. For example the one that CEH bases a part of the critical to my studies (Cummins, C.P. and Osborn, D. (2002) "Non-ionising radiation and wildlife". Report to English Nature.) it is not published in any refeered scientific journal (???) (It would be of great interest for me to obtain a copy from this manuscript. Is this possible?).

In all ways the effects of those that I speak from in my works are not the thermal ones (it seems that with the standards of the ICNIRP they are solved).

Lastly I am convinced that in spite of the lacks and methodological difficulties of my studies, before or later they will be replied by other investigators, and that this is a serious environmental problem, without any doubt comparable with the pesticides or the changes in the land uses, that even alters the DNA of the wildlife (and man) although the electromagnetic radiations cannot be seen... (See European Reflex Project:

("I have no doubt in my mind that, at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment... more serious even than global climate change and chemical pollution... is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields." Robert O. Becker.)

Thank you again. With my best regards.

Alfonso Balmori


Dear Dr Alfonso Balmori Martinez,

My sincere thanks to you for taking the time to compose this factual email. I am sure the contents of it affect each and every organisation involved in the health and welfare of animals and the environment and for this reason I have copied this to the organisations beneath with whom I have previously communicated.

Council For Environmental Education FAO Helen Rose
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, FAO Miss Hern
British Hedgehog Preservation Society, FAO Fay Vass
Living Earth, FAO Lucie Fry
The Blue Bross, FAO John Rutter
Pet Care Trust, FAO Steve Nowottny
British Veterinary Association, FAO Mrs Kerr
Animal Health Trust, FAO E Chandler
National Office of Animal Health, FAO Philip Sketchley
DEFRA, FAO Simon Harding
The British Horse Society, FAO Graham Cory
Scottish Natural Heritage, FAO Chris Sydes
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, FAO Martin Spray
Farm Animal Welfare Council, FAO Richard Aram
WWF, FAO Hannah Marshall
RSPB, FAO David Gibbons & Ken Smith
Royal Forestry Society, FAO Dr John Jackson

Many thanks


PS Jennifer Best, Can I suggest that as key stakeholders those persons listed above should be extended an invite to attend the workshop being arranged by you on behalf of English Nature to look at the risk posed to wildlife from exposure to non-ionising radiation.


Where have all the sparrows gone?

Spanish paper on RF effects on birds

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EMF Exposure - Animal Studies

Adverse Bioeffects on Animals near a New Zealand Radio Transmitter

Effects of the electromagnetic fields of phone masts on a population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

Tiere und Mobilfunk


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August 2005

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