End it already
In These Times
by Joel Bleifuss
Here is the question to the parents of American service men and women that the Bush administration never thought to pose, much less answer: Is the war in Iraq worth the life of your son or daughter? 'No,' was the answer Cindy Sheehan gave on August 6 as she walked down the road in Crawford, Texas, to Bush's country estate. ... By taking a public stand, Sheehan is playing the historic role of women in time of war. She has become an emblem of the sacrifice made by the mothers, wives and daughters who lose family members in battle. But unlike the Spartan mother, she did not tell her son: 'Return from Iraq victorious or dead.' Instead, she used her loss to make Americans pause to consider whether the deaths of Casey and his fellow soldiers ... has been worth it. In essence, she broke through the media's monotonous recitation of daily deaths to put a human face on the tragedy...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Cindy Sheehan
Starmail - 23. Aug, 13:56