
Amnesty International: Denounce Torture

Help Us Turn Up the Heat on Congress!

Tell Congress to immediately establish a fully independent commission to publicly investigate all allegations of torture and ill-treatment in U.S. detention centers around the world. Apply to be a delegation leader for a Congressional district lobby office visit or join an existing delegation in your area.

Thanks to the work of Denounce Torture activists and others, Members of Congress have received a wakeup call - people living in the United States are strongly opposed to torture and ill-treatment and believe that those who commit these crimes, regardless of their rank in the military and civilian chain of command, must be held accountable.

We need your help to turn up the heat on Congress! During the week of September 26th - 30th, the Denounce Torture Initiative is joining forces with other organizations to sponsor a special week of Congressional district office lobbying. Our message in the district offices of Members of Congress will be simple and clear: Congress should immediately establish a fully independent commission to publicly investigate all allegations of torture and ill-treatment in U.S. detention centers around the world.

Two ways you can get involved Apply to be a delegation leader for a Congressional district lobby office visit! You do not need to be an experienced lobbyist to be a delegation leader - we will provide plenty of resources and online training in preparation. You just need to have a passion for ending torture and ill-treatment once and for all. If you don't want to lead a delegation, you can also join an existing delegation in your area. » Become a delegation leader » Join a delegation

Your help is crucial Amnesty International has learned from its decades of advocating on human rights issues in the halls of Congress that there is no stronger sign of support for an issue than having constituents lobby their Members of Congress about it. That is why your involvement is more important than ever. » Learn more


Eric Sears Project Manager, Denounce Torture Initiative Amnesty International USA

From InfoNature.Org


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August 2005

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