
Sheehan to Be Evicted Tomorrow

I've just received word that the Mclennan County Commisioners Court has an action item on tomorrow's agenda: "Consider the prohibition of public demonstrations along Prairie Chapel Rd." This is real and real serious. They could pass this measure and send the Sherriff out and have Camp Casey cleared out by noon. We will be seeking injunctive relief but its a crapshoot at this point.

We are trying to field a team of lawyers down there but its a tight time frame. Any well-dressed bodies willing to show up and articulate a defense of the 1st Amendment to the Commissioners is welcome (by us - probably not by them) and invited. Please - this will get media so if you show and go - decorum is appreciated.


9:00 a.m.McLennan County Courthouse, 501 Washington Ave. Waco, Texas, 76701, Courthouse is located on the west edge of downtown between 5th and 6th streets - all I have...Please spread the word - if Cindy gets moved out for even a short while we'll never get her back in that spot.

Todd Hill
Mid-Cities Democrats
Tarrant Young Democrats


"When the power of love becomes stronger than the love of power, we will have peace." Jimi Hendrix

Informant: DitziSis


Friends of peace, do believe that if this happens it would strongly galvanize even more folks to rise locally and nationally/globally, to cindy sheehan's support.

this is international drama and whatever happens, cindy has been the catalyst necessary for breaking the stalemate the peace movement has been in before now. bless her and all that made their way to texas. the rest is definitely up to us! hundreds of thousands will rise!

Scott Munson

Todd Hill <yohi52@yahoo.com> wrote:

I've just received word that the Mclennan County Commisioners Court has an action item on tomorrow's agenda: "Consider the prohibition of public demonstrations along Prairie Chapel Rd." This is real and real serious. They could pass this measure and send the Sherriff out and have Camp Casey cleared out by noon. We will be seeking injunctive relief but its a crapshoot at this point.

We are trying to field a team of lawyers down there but its a tight time frame. Any well-dressed bodies willing to show up and articulate a defense of the 1st Amendment to the Commissioners is welcome (by us - probably not by them) and invited. Please - this will get media so if you show and go - decorum is appreciated.

9:00 a.m.McLennan County Courthouse
501 Washington Ave. Waco, Texas 76701Courthouse is located on the west edge of downtown between 5th and 6th streets - all I have...Please spread the word - if Cindy gets moved out for even a short while we'll never get her back in that spot.

Todd Hill Mid-Cities Democrats Tarrant Young Democrats http://www.midcitiesdemocrats.com
817-715-3154 yohi52@yahoo.com <mailto:yohi52@yahoo.com>

Lisa, quoting:


About an hour ago, the Crawford Peace House got a phone call from our friends up at Camp Casey to report that the line of gravemarkers along the road (Arlington West) had been damaged. People who were there said that as they were talking to a few members of the press, a pick-up truck came down the road and stopped at the fork by the edge of the tents. The driver then jumped out and attached a pipe to the undercarriage with a chain and began to "swerve into the line of crosses," said Tammara Rosenleaf of Montana. "Then we heard the pipe being dragged over the gravemarkers and the pick-up's wheels crushing them."

Out of the 800 crosses, 500 were knocked down and 100 are irreperable. We are happy to report, however, that the driver was arrested by the local authorities. This is a prime example of how the Crawford sheriff's department has helped to protect us and our freedom of speech over the past week and a half.

Regardless of who did this, the fact is that respect for this country's dead is not a partisan issue. Putting up memorials of our country's fallen is not a "liberal" act. It is an American act. Even a group of counter-protestors from Dallas last week draped flags and flowers over many of the gravemarkers, and many were moved to tears at the sight of the long line of dead soldiers. It's too bad that someone else who disagrees with Cindy felt they needed to wipe out the memory of our fallen in such an obscene manner.

Now, more than ever, is the time for us to come together. We need your voice and your help to bring America closer to an ideal that all of us hold in our hearts. Cindy Sheehan is bringing us closer to that ideal and demonstrating its power to change this country.

-Japhet Els and Emily Sharpe

"We need a common enemy to unite us." - Condoleeza Rice, March 2000

"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." - Dresden James

"Who says I am not under the special protection of God?" - Adolf Hitler

Cindy Sheehan


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