
Act now to protect the UK's whales and dolphins from harm

Strong laws now


Whales and dolphins are being killed and harmed needlessly every year in UK waters. The UK's laws are not able to properly protect our whales and dolphins. Everyday they face being entangled, poisoned, harassed, starved, or evicted from where they feed, breed and take shelter.

This is your chance to show you care about our whales and dolphins. Click on the following link to join our online petition. http://www.wdcs-uk.org/petitions/e_campaigns/campaigns.php

JOIN US! Join WDCS and tens of thousands of people who are supporting our work to provide better protection for whales and dolphins. Join WDCS online using our secure server.

Your supporter pack contains;

A full colour WDCS magazine twice a year packed with information on our campaigns and field projects Quarterly newsletters with all the latest whale and dolphin developments from around the world WDCS supporters card and a cool WDCS whale tail sticker A family membership includes an under 14 adoption of an orca, dolphin or humpback whale Other WDCS Campaigns: Sea Red Anti-Whaling Campaign | Dying To Entertain You Anti-Captivity Campaign | Clean & Healthy Seas | UK Cetaceans

get ACTIVE in the UK

**NEWS FLASH** - FUNdraising and Events - Volunteering with WDCS - Report Your Sighting or Stranding - Get Your Business ACTIVE - Other ways to support WDCS - The summer is finally here! Why not take advantage of the great weather, enjoy the sunshine and get ACTIVE for whales and dolphins. Click through to see how you can get involved!

WDCS is the global voice for the protection of whales, dolphins and their environment


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August 2005

Aktuelle Beiträge

Wenn das Telefon krank...
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/6f73cb93cafc5207   htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=elektromagnetische+Str ahlen http://omega.twoday. net/search?q=Strahlenschut z https://omega.twoday.net/ search?q=elektrosensibel h ttp://omega.twoday.net/sea rch?q=Funkloch https://omeg a.twoday.net/search?q=Alzh eimer http://freepage.twod ay.net/search?q=Alzheimer https://omega.twoday.net/se arch?q=Joachim+Mutter
Starmail - 8. Apr, 08:39
Familie Lange aus Bonn...
http://twitter.com/WILABon n/status/97313783480574361 6
Starmail - 15. Mär, 14:10
Dänische Studie findet...
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/3035537/ -------- HLV...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:48
Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


Online seit 7700 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
