
Govt urged to ban mobile phone towers near schools

Sunday July 31st 2005, 6:38 pm

From Tower Sanity in Sydney Australia:

Concerned parents and citizens

Please find attached today’s online ABC News “Govt urged to ban mobile phone towers near schools” and motion/action item (that was slightly amended at the conference yesterday) that was presented and wonderfully debated for a good 30 minutes and supported almost unanimously.

Well done and thanks to St George Girls’ High school parent, Kim!



ABC News:

Govt urged to ban mobile phone towers near schools

The Parents and Citizens Federation of New South Wales (PCF) says mobile phone towers pose a possible threat to the health of school children and should be located at least 300 metres away from schools.

The PCF is holding its annual general meeting this weekend and wants the Federal Government to intervene on the issue.

PCF spokesman David Giblin says no new towers should be built near schools and existing ones should also be removed.

“What we’re trying to do with mobile phone towers is to avoid any potential harm to school students by the siting of those towers close to schools,” he said.



Motion to NSW Federation of P&C Associations 2005 annual conference

That Federation requests the NSW Department of Education and Training to:

1\ adopt a policy regarding the siting of mobile phone towers/mobile base stations/telecommunications facilities within school grounds and close to schools, and that policy is to:
a\ oppose the siting of such facilities within the school grounds;
b\ oppose the siting of such facilities within 300m of the school to ensure that the peak intensity of electromagnetic radiation does not fall anywhere on the school grounds;
c\ be advised to all schools;
d\ be publicised on the DET website.

2\ advise principals:
a\ to pass on information to the school community (teaching staff, administration staff, parents and carers of pupils, and school education director) when the principal is notified by a carrier of a proposal for a mobile phone tower/mobile base station/telecommunications facility within or close to the school.
b\ to expect that such letters of notification to principals will appear to be junk mail. Eg
i\ The letter will be in a plain envelope
ii\ The envelope may have the words “To the resident” and/or “Important Information: Proposed telecommunications facility in your local area”
iii\ The letter may be addressed “To the Householders”
c\ to not rely on carriers to adequately notify the school community (because they are under no obligation to do so)
d\ to be aware of and support the school community’s opinion when participating in the consultation process.

3\ create and publish an electronic database of schools close to (within 300m of) mobile phone towers/mobile base stations/telecommunications facilities.

Motion submitted by St George Girls High School P&C Association



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