
Protesters force rethink

Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 21.07.05

PRESSURE from electors has forced members of Pewsey Parish Council to reconsider its position over plans for a mobile phone mast on the village soccer field.

More than 50 villagers attended the parish council meeting on Tuesday and their delight was obvious when the council agreed to think again.

The council owns the soccer ground between the High Street and Ball Road and in the past agreed to allow the Pewsey Vale Football Club to sub-let the site following an approach by service provider O2, who wanted to put up a phone mast.

The deal would be worth £80,000 to the club over 20 years.

However, the parish council objected to initial plans for the 17 metre mast and it was turned down by Kennet District Council.

This week an appeal by O2 was dismissed by the planning inspectorate on the grounds that other possible sites around the village needed more evaluation.

But even before the appeal decision was announced, O2 had submitted plans for a taller mast on the site.

Objectors, fearing possible health risks to children playing near the mast, felt the parish council had let them down by agreeing that the site could be sub-let.

On Tuesday there were allegations from some villagers that the councillors had failed to represent the views of the electorate.

Councillors agreed to re-debate whether the soccer club can sub-let to O2. Its planning committee will discuss the mast application on Wednesday at 7.30pm in the parish offices.


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