
Michael Shamos: "I believe I and the republic will survive if a president is elected who was not entitled to the office"

Below is a forwarded terrific announcement that Donna wrote for a Woodstock, NY election event. I am available for an event in NYC on Thursday afternoon or early evening, but thus far, no one has asked. NYC Mayor Bloomberg is publicly pushing for DRE electronic voting machines for NYC using Michael Shamos' arguments that "If computers can fly planes, then they can count votes." (Michael Shamos is the PhD computer scientist who said, "I believe I and the republic will survive if a president is elected who was not entitled to the office...") The Open Voting Consortium has thoroughly rebutted Shamos' pro-DRE arguments. Anyone who knows someone in NYC, please send them this URL:


and ask them to send a copy of it to Mayor Bloomberg. Mayor Bloomberg needs urgently to know on what shakey ground he is standing on to use Michael Shamos as his authority in support of electronic ballot voting machines.

We have a mainstream NYC reporter potentially lined up to cover any event in NYC, yet no one has volunteered to organize something there, although I'm waiting to hear if Assemblyman Wright in Harlem can meet with me Thursday. If nothing works out for NYC, the activists of Woodstock or Garrison NY can pass along the materials and video we create from my presentations there to the folks in NYC. I will meet w/a few great activists in Philadelphia on Friday, give presentations in Garrison NY June 2 and in Pittsburg PA on June 6, and am still available to stop by OH or other places along I 80 after that.

Treking for democracy (& hauling my furniture whose storage facility is being torn down)....

Great Press Release follows.

Best, Kathy

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: June 1 - FRAUD & ELECTRONIC VOTING - Woodstock Community Center - Kathy Dopp
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 22:38:12 -0400
From: dcinelli


FEATURING KATHY DOPP, Founder and President of US Count Votes, an organization formed to investigate the accuracy of our elections. http://www.uscountvotes.org.

President Bush won November's election by 2.5% yet exit polls showed Kerry leading by 3%. Which was correct? Hear the details of the report published by Kathy's organization.

Wednesday, June 1st, 7:00 PM

Woodstock Community Center
Rock City Rd., Woodstock, NY 12498

Kathy Dopp, an independent mathematician, has done ground-breaking work on the 2004 election "discrepancies" and the problems and irregularities associated with electronic voting machines. While crunching 2004 election numbers, she discovered alarming abnormalities and statistical impossibilities in the election results. Working with a team of respected mathematicians she published several papers, including an Analysis of the 2004 Presidential Election Exit Poll Discrepancies.

She also founded the National Election Data Archive Project. The project's database will contain precinct-level election results for the entire United States and will be used to develop and test techniques to reliably detect precinct-level vote counting errors worthy of investigation. USCountVotes.org is a group of volunteer statisticians and mathematicians devoted to ensuring that the correct candidates, duly elected by the American people, are sworn into office.

The New York Times reported that "it was Ms. Dopp's analysis of the vote in Florida that set off a flurry of post-election theorizing" (Tom Zeller Jr, Vote Fraud Theories..., 11/12/2004).

New York is now debating methods of implementing the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), passed by Congress after the 2000 election. Decisions are now being made in Albany and in our counties about HAVA and we need to ensure that accurate and secure methods of voting are implemented in New York.

As concerned citizens and activists, we owe it to ourselves, our country, and our state to be as informed as possible so that we may effectively influence our political future.

Please join us and take advantage of this opportunity to have Kathy share her knowledge and expertise with us.

For further information, contact Donna Cinelli, d.cinelli1@verizon.net or call 845-334-8782
Your RSVP is requested and appreciated

Presented by: The Woodstock Democratic Committee and Hudson Valley Citizen Action


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