
The fact that government/industry is not informing the public will continue to cause problems for everyone

I am forwarding copy of an email I received from a concerned mom which is self-explanatory. I have contacted Nancy and offered my "non-expert opinion" that she not have anyone sleep in the bedroom she describes. Fortunately she and her husband do have a second bedroom in the apartment and now plan to use the room with electric meters as their computer room. She is looking into mitigation possibilities also. I referred her to several websites including http://www.electricalpollution.com and http://www.stetzerelectric.com .

I just want to thank you and to let you know that all of your hard work is "very much appreciated!!!" It is so very nice to communicate with a person before their children get sick from sleeping close to electric meters/clock radios, etc.!!!

Nancy told me the utility person she spoke to informed her that EMF's are not a concern; however, they were sending someone out to take milligauss readings today, May 19. The fact that government/industry is not informing the public will continue to cause problems for everyone "not savvy enough" to research such concerns themselves as Nancy is doing.

The issue of where even adults sleep is very important but infants don't have a chance and may even die before Leukemia develops all because of the corruption and greed that keeps such specific information from the people.

One out of each set of two guinea pigs died within 30 days of their cage being placed on our back bedroom wall opposite the electric meter!!!

Professor Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden is also working with me to bring more attention to the critical situation of nightime EMR exposures with "a focus" on dangers of electrical appliances/meters/devices in close proximity to particularly the head of a bed. Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Email received from Nancy (5-17-05):

Hi Joanne,

I just read your article in Omega news about the guinea pigs. It's a sad story but eye opening. I hope you don't mind me writing but I'm very concerned about where I'm living. My husband and baby and I are moving into an apartment where one of the rooms has a wall of electrical meters on the outside of the house but this wall of eletrical meters almost covers the whole area of one room. We were considering using this as a bedroom. The outside of the house is a very thin stucco. Would you advice against sleeping in this room?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.



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Mai 2005

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