
The Cost Of Freedom

Since George W. Bush has been in power in the United States many people have opposed him, fought for truth and for democracy.

These folks are scattered around the world, from Berkeley to Bismarck to Buffalo — to Berlin. They have held signs in freezing temps on a freeway in Bangor; they have sat alone at a kitchen table to write intrepid letters to the editor in Blacksburg, South Carolina, and they have prayed aloud for peace in Bagdad, Arizona.

All around us are stories of people who have displayed extraordinary courage in these dark times. They personify the image of lighting a candle in the darkness — in the rain — on Main Street — sometimes all alone.

It's not easy, it's often terrifying, and it's absolutely necessary.

I would like to try to gather some of these stories and distribute them to peace groups around the world through the Internet.

The purpose is to tell the Peace Links group in Primghar, Iowa that they are not alone. They have brothers and sisters in huge numbers, just about everywhere; to tell the Peace and Justice Committee of St. Mark's Church in Minneapolis that they have commonality with some very special people in Miami, Florida.

I am asking you to tell me about groups or individuals in your area that have a story of courage that might be of interest to others.

You can either write the story yourself and send to me or give me a lead, an email address where I might contact this person or group.

I would then write the story and send it to groups around the world via email, under the heading: "The Cost of Freedom".

I hope to be able to gather quite a few of these stories and send one every once in awhile.

My motivation for doing this project:

- I think there are a lot of very interesting, untold stories that deserve some recognition.

- I would also like to chuck my spit wads at the elephant. I write books. And the more folks who know about my books the more I can fling. I would include a link to my website with each mailing.

Thank you for any help you would like to give. WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO PASS THIS NOTE AROUND TO YOUR GROUP[S]?

That's about it. If there is something I have not thought about — that you think I should consider in working at this project, please tell me.

Mike Palecek
Sheldon, Iowa
[northwest Iowa, about an hour east of Sioux City and about eight miles north of Hospers.]

My books: http://www.iowapeace.com


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Mai 2005

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