
From Dictatorship to Democracy - Civilian-Based Defense

The Albert Einstein Institution offers:

We are thrilled to inform you that we have added over 50 new translations in 24 different languages to the Albert Einstein Institution web site in the last month!!!

For years, many of these translations were available only in book form. Now, we have scanned them and placed them on our web site for free download. Although we have not evaluated all of these translations—and therefore cannot vouch for some of their quality—we wanted to make them available to people interested in our work.Please look at the bottom of this email to see the list of new translations. To find out more, visit:


Or, visit our home page: http://www.aeinstein.org , click on publications, and then click on translations.

Thank you for your interest in the work of the Albert Einstein Institution.

List of new translations:

Arabic -- Nonviolent Struggle: An Efficient Technique of Political Action

Arabic -- The Intifada and Nonviolent Struggle

Arabic -- The Role of Power in Nonviolent Struggle

Burmese (Burma) -- The Role of Power in Nonviolent Struggle

Burmese -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Burmese -- Which Way to Freedom

Chin (Burma) -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Chinese -- Civilian-Based Defense

Dutch -- Civilian-Based Defense: Deterrence and Defense by Citizens

Dutch -- Civilian-based defense: An Option for Western Europe

Dutch -- Making the Abolition of War a Realistic Goal

Dutch -- Power and Struggle: Theory and Practice of Nonviolent Action

Dutch -- The Political Equivalent of War-Civilian Defense

Dutch -- The Problem of Political Technique in Radical Politics

Dutch -- What is Required to Uproot Oppression

Estonian -- Civilian-Based Defense

Estonian -- Self-Reliant Defense Without Bankruptcy or War

French -- Civilian-Based Defense

French -- Making the Abolition of War a Realistic Goal

German -- The Political Equivalent of War--Civilian Defense

Hebrew -- Civilian-Based Defense

Hebrew -- Considering Policy Options and Consequences for Israel Facing the Intifada

Hebrew -- Israel vs. Intifada: Policy Options and Their Consequences

Hebrew -- Nonviolent Resistance

Indonesian -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Italian -- Making Europe Unconquerable

Italian -- Nonviolent Struggle: A Means Towards Justice, Freedom, and Peace

Italian -- The Politics of Nonviolent Action (3 vols.)

Japanese -- Mass Resistance Without Weapons: Its Military-Strategic Approach

Japanese -- Toward the Objective of Making the Abolition of War a Realistic Possibility

Jing Paw (Burma) -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Karen (Burma) -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Korean -- Civilian-Based Defense

Latvian -- Civilian-Based Defense

Latvian -- Self-Reliant Defense Without Bankruptcy or War

Lithuanian -- Civilian-Based Defense

Lithuanian -- Self-Reliant Defense Without Bankruptcy or War

Macedonian -- Self-Reliant Defense Without Bankruptcy or War

Mon (Burma) -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Norwegian -- Tyranny Could Not Quell Them

Portuguese -- Power, Struggle, and Defense

Russian -- Civilian-Based Defense

Russian -- Nonviolent Struggle: A Better Means of Resolving Acute Political and Ethical Conflicts?

Russian -- The 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

Russian -- The Historical Significance of the Growth of Nonviolent Struggle in the Late 20th Century

Serbian -- From Dictatorship to Democracy

Spanish -- Nonviolent Political Struggle

Spanish -- The Relevance of Gandhi in the Modern World

Spanish -- The Role of Power in Nonviolent Struggle

Thai -- Against the Coup: Fundamentals of Effective Defense

Thai -- Power and Nonviolent Strategy

Albert Einstein was deeply concerned about war, oppression, dictatorship, genocide, and nuclear weapons. He was willing to explore new approaches to confronting these problems of political violence, although he was not always happy with the choices available to him. At various times he was a war resister, a supporter of the war against the Nazi system, and an advocate of world government. In his later life, he became enormously impressed with the potential of nonviolent struggle. In 1950, he remarked on a United Nations radio broadcast that, "On the whole, I believe that Gandhi held the most enlightened views of all the political men in our time...."

Today, the Albert Einstein Institution continues work on that aspect of Einstein's thought, examining the potential of nonviolent struggle to resolve the continuing problems of political violence.


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Januar 2005

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