
Tell Your Senator That America Can Find a Better Attorney General

From: "TrueMajority" <alerts@truemajority.org>

Alberto Gonzales Supported Torture and Won't Answer Senators' Questions

Tell Your Senator That America Can Find a Better Attorney General

Alberto Gonzales duly renounced torture during his Senate confirmation hearings. But, excuse me, this does not erase his frightening record of supporting torture! As the top White House attorney, he opined that our country should not be bound by laws or agreements such as the Geneva Conventions that prohibit torture. This opened the door to the Abu Ghraib disaster.

As if this weren't enough, Gonzales refused under intense questioning to explain his role in the development of the Bush administration's policies on interrogation and torture. That is why yesterday, even under immense pressure from the president and Senate leadership, eight members of the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against recommending Gonzales to the full Senate—just two votes shy of an outright rejection.

Our country can surely find an attorney general whose record is not fundamentally at odds with our values of decency and compassion—and who's willing to answer basic questions about his record.

If you'd like to send a message (text below) to your senators urging them to oppose the Gonzales nomination, and you're a TrueMajority member, just click "reply" and "send" in your e-mail program. If this was forwarded to you or you'd like to customize the message to your senators, click here:


Click here for more information on the Gonzales nomination: http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/

Yours for an attorney general we can trust,

Darcy Scott Martin
TrueMajority Washington Liaison

Here's the message that we will send to your senators:

Dear Senator:

I'm sure you and I agree on the qualities we'd like to see in our nation's attorney general: honesty, compassion, decency, and respect for the rule of law.

Unfortunately, President Bush's nominee for attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, seems to lack these basic qualities. First, you have to question the compassion and decency—not to mention the respect for the rule of law—of anyone who would ever argue that our nation should allow torture. As you know, this is what Gonzales did as the White House's top attorney.

Then, later, during his Senate confirmation hearings, Gonzales brought his honesty into question by refusing to explain his role in the development of the Bush administration's disastrous policies on interrogation and torture.

Our great country deserves a great attorney general, and Alberto Gonzales does not fit the bill. Please vote against him.

(We'll put your name and address here.)

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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Januar 2005

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